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4 Common Commissioning Mistakes To Avoid

Posted by Steve Cochran on October 2, 2012 @ 8!" am
Comm#ss#on#ng #s $s$ally that $nde%#ned t#me between constr$ct#on and &lant start $&. '%
comm#ss#on#ng doesn(t go smoothly, yo$ can co$nt on start)$& not go#ng smoothly. ' have comm#ss#oned
do*ens o% &lants over the &ast 2+ years and have seen %#rsthand the d#%%erence between a good &lan and a bad
one. '% yo$ avo#d these %ollow#ng m#sta,es '(ve w#tnessed over and over aga#n, yo$r e%%orts w#ll be more
tro$ble %ree w#th %ewer sel%)#nd$ced headaches.
Mistake 1: Why do I need a plan? Lets just go out thee
and stat !he!king stu"" out as soon as !onstu!tion lands the #ies$
-s cra*y as th#s so$nds, '(ve seen #t many t#mes. .hen yo$ start energ#*#ng e/$#&ment wh#le constr$ct#on #s
st#ll term#nat#ng w#res, #t w#ll really slow th#ngs down. '% yo$ have to start be%ore constr$ct#on #s com&lete,
yo$ w#ll need a care%$lly tho$ght o$t &lan and da#ly meet#ngs #nvolv#ng o&erat#ons, sa%ety, constr$ct#on, and
comm#ss#on#ng. Some e/$#&ment w#ll re/$#re vendors on s#te and the#r sched$les aren(t as %le0#ble as yo$
m#ght need so &lan w#sely.
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Mistake %: Why do #e need all these e&pensive people? We !an avoid all those high #ages' tavel' and
living e&penses i" #e just use some o" the !onstu!tion !e# and some o" ou o#n maintenan!e te!hs$
5h#s m#ght so$nd good #n#t#ally, beca$se the constr$ct#on g$ys ,now where everyth#ng #s located and,
bes#des that, they w#red #t $&. '(m not try#ng to ,noc, constr$ct#on, b$t #% they were ,nowledgeable and
%am#l#ar w#th yo$r collect#on o% #nstr$mentat#on, they wo$ld be techn#c#ans and not constr$ct#on wor,ers. -s
%ar as the &lant ma#ntenance crew, #t(s o,ay to $se them #% they are g$aranteed to be ded#cated to the
comm#ss#on#ng e%%ort and w#tho$t hav#ng to constantly r$n o%% to handle e0#st#ng &lant &roblems. 't(s go#ng
to loo, l#,e #t costs more on &a&er, b$t #n the long r$n yo$(ll reco$& those charges w#th yo$r great
comm#ss#on#ng 8ob.
Mistake (: )ust plug it in$ The skid vendo said it #ould #ok ight out o" the *o&$
4aybe the s,#d vendor &rom#sed &l$g)and)&lay, b$t some o% these th#ngs don(t &er%orm as eas#ly as yo$ may
ho&e. -s a matter o% %act, yo$ w#ll be w#ser to e0&ect &roblems, beca$se when east meets west, voltage
levels, contact con%#g$rat#on, log#c, s#gnal ty&es, and many other small deta#ls w#ll have to be wor,ed o$t.
4any t#mes yo$ won(t be able to r$n the e/$#&ment $nt#l start $&, and yo$ don(t want to have to do that w#th
a crowd o% onloo,ers wh#le yo$ stra#ghten o$t a %ew 9m#nor deta#ls:. '% the e/$#&ment #s com&l#cated, yo$
m#ght even cons#der so$rce #ns&ect#on at the vendor s#te be%ore they sh#&.
Mistake 4: Well deal #ith do!umentation #hen #e get !aught up #ith things$ +veythings on the
Intenet any#ay$
;ather tech man$als, draw#ngs, s&ecs, and other doc$ments be%ore yo$ start comm#ss#on#ng, beca$se yo$
won(t be able to %#nd everyth#ng at the vendors( webs#tes. 't w#ll ta,e longer than yo$ th#n, %or redl#nes and
as)b$#lt draw#ngs to get bac, #n the c$stomer(s hands. 5hey w#ll need a set %or o&erat#ng, and yo$(ll need a
set %or yo$r C-< de&artment. 5hose t#ny changes yo$ made w#ll add $& to a b#g 8ob. =ee& yo$r master set #n
one &lace, ma,e $&dates da#ly, and don(t ma,e any e0ce&t#ons.
5hese common m#sta,es may so$nd 8$st l#,e common sense, and they &robably are, b$t '(m ama*ed to see
them ha&&en aga#n and aga#n.
3 Common Comm#ss#on#ng 4#sta,es 5o -vo#d, 2.0 o$t o% 2 based on 3 rat#ngs
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Dvery day, 4-EDF'C= em&loyees connect w#th o$r c$stomers on d#%%erent &ro8ects across a broad
s&ectr$m o% categor#es. .e wor, w#th e0ec$t#ves o$t #n the %#eld to de%#ne strateg#es to ach#eve the#r
v#s#on. .e hel& &lant and o&erat#ons managers #m&lement change and enco$rage eng#neers to
#ntegrate and s$sta#n sol$t#ons on the &lant %loor. ?ow weGre shar#ng o$r e0&er#ences w#th yo$ thro$gh
th#s blog. 'tGs wr#tten by eng#neers, %or eng#neers, and we ho&e #t w#ll hel& yo$ ta,e yo$r o&erat#on to
the ne0t level.
Ho$r all#es #n man$%act$r#ng,
5he 4-EDF'C= 4anagement 5eam
Iearn abo$t the 4anagement 5eam
Contact 4-EDF'C=
W14 W+ A5+
-ll o% $s at 4-EDF'C= are ded#cated to del#ver#ng val$e %or o$r cl#ents. .e donGt &$sh &rod$cts, we
dr#ve yo$r &otent#al. ;reater sa%ety. J#gher e%%#c#ency. 4ore &ro%#tab#l#ty. .eGll hel& yo$ ach#eve #t
all. Iearn more abo$t 4-EDF'C=.
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K ?#c, <enbow(s 'nd$str#al -$tomat#on 'ns#der
K ;ary 4#nchell(s Meed Morward
K 'nstr$ment S#gnPost
K -@@(s Process -$tomat#on 'ns#ghts
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Call us today
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-wards O Cert#%#cat#ons
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;eneral Dlectr#c
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O#l O ;as
Mood O @everage
P$l&, Pa&er O .ood
Power O Lt#l#t#es
Cons$mer Pac,aged ;oods
J#gh)5ech 4an$%act$r#ng
-s, the D0&ert
Iatest 5h#n,#ng
.h#te Pa&ers
Case St$d#es
4-EDF'C= Ln#vers#ty
'nd$stry I#n,s
Co&yr#ght P 2013 4aver#c, 5echnolog#es. -ll r#ghts reserved. 6 Lser -greement and Pr#vacy Pol#cy
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