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Multiple Choie:
!" All of the following are tasks performed by the operating system EXCEPT:
A. managing hardware on the computer.
B. controlling the way application programs work with the CP.
C. performing housekeeping tasks like file compression and disk defragmentation.
!. pro"iding an interface for users to interact with the computer.
A#$%e&: C Re'e&e#e: #ystem #oftware Basics Di''iult(: $oderate
)" All of the following are operating system categories EXCEPT:
A. real%time.
B. single%user& single%task.
C. single%user& multitask.
!. "irtual.
A#$%e&: ! Re'e&e#e: 'perating #ystem Categories Di''iult(: Easy
*" The (((((((((((( is like a traffic cop that coordinates the flow of data and information through the
computer system and pro"ides a way for the user to interact with the computer.
B. operating system
C. utility program
!. )A$
A#$%e&: B Re'e&e#e: *hat the 'perating #ystem !oes Di''iult(: Easy
Copyright + ,--. Prentice%/all. All rights reser"ed. 0
Chapter 1: sing #ystem #oftware: The 'perating #ystem& tility Programs& and 2ile $anagement
+" !igital storage oscilloscopes& $ars E3ploration )o"ers and the $ars )econnaissance 'rbiter re4uire a
(((((((((((( operating system.
A. real%time
B. single%user& single%task
C. single%user& multitask
!. multiuser
A#$%e&: A Re'e&e#e: )eal%Time 'perating #ystems Di''iult(: $oderate
5" A real%time operating system& as defined in the te3t& is most likely to be used for:
A. desktop and laptop PCs.
B. cell phones and P!As.
C. supercomputers.
!. fuel%in5ection systems in car engines.
A#$%e&: ! Re'e&e#e: )eal%Time 'perating #ystems Di''iult(: $oderate
," *hich one of the following statements is T)E6
A. #ingle%user operating systems are commonly used in robotics.
B. *indows and $acintosh operating systems are the most commonly used single%user multitask
operating systems.
C. #upercomputers use single%user multitask operating systems.
!. #ingle%user multitask operating systems are also known as network operating systems.
A#$%e&: B Re'e&e#e: 'perating #ystem Categories Di''iult(: Challenging
-" The $#%!'# operating system is a:
A. graphical user interface& single%task operating system.
B. 7user%friendly8 multitask operating system.
C. command%dri"en interface& single%task operating system.
!. graphical user interface that e3ecutes in real%time.
A#$%e&: C Re'e&e#e: #ingle%ser 'perating #ystems Di''iult(: $oderate
Copyright + ,--. Prentice%/all. All rights reser"ed. ,
Chapter 1: sing #ystem #oftware: The 'perating #ystem& tility Programs& and 2ile $anagement
." All of the following are e3amples of multiuser operating systems EXCEPT:
A. 9o"ell 9etware.
B. #ymbian.
C. *indows #er"er ,--:.
!. 9;X.
A#$%e&: B Re'e&e#e: $ultiuser 'perating #ystems Di''iult(: $oderate
/" <inu3 is a=n> (((((((((((( operating system.
A. *indows
B. $icrosoft
C. open%source
!. $ac
A#$%e&: C Re'e&e#e: <inu3 Di''iult(: $oderate
!0" The (((((((((((( operating system does 9'T ha"e a graphical user interface.
A. *indows XP
B. $#%!'#
C. *indows CE
!. $ac '#
A#$%e&: B Re'e&e#e: #ingle%ser 'perating #ystems Di''iult(: $oderate
!!" The operating system does all of the following EXCEPT:
A. pro"ide a way for the user to interact with the computer.
B. manage the central processing unit =CP>.
C. manage memory and storage.
!. enable users to perform a specific task such as document editing.
A#$%e&: ! Re'e&e#e: *hat the 'perating #ystem !oes Di''iult(: $oderate
!)" !uring the boot process& the (((((((((((( looks for the system files.
A. C!
Copyright + ,--. Prentice%/all. All rights reser"ed. :
Chapter 1: sing #ystem #oftware: The 'perating #ystem& tility Programs& and 2ile $anagement
B. B;'#
!. !?!
A#$%e&: B Re'e&e#e: The Boot Process: #tarting @our Computer Di''iult(: Easy
!*" (((((((((((( are lists of commands that appear on the screen.
A. A;s
B. ;cons
C. $enus
!. *indows
A#$%e&: C Re'e&e#e: The ser ;nterface Di''iult(: Easy
!+" (((((((((((( is the ability of an operating system to control the acti"ities of multiple programs at the
same time.
A. $ultitasking
B. #treamlining
C. $ultiuser
!. #imulcasting
A#$%e&: A Re'e&e#e: Processor $anagement Di''iult(: Easy
!5" The uni4ue signal& generated by a de"ice& that tells the operating system that it is in need of immediate
attention is called an:
A. action.
B. e"ent.
C. interrupt.
!. acti"ity.
A#$%e&: C Re'e&e#e: Processor $anagement Di''iult(: Challenging
!," The operating system controls access to the processor by assigning a=n> (((((((((((( to each task
re4uiring the processorBs attention.
Copyright + ,--. Prentice%/all. All rights reser"ed. C
Chapter 1: sing #ystem #oftware: The 'perating #ystem& tility Programs& and 2ile $anagement
B. slice of time
C. stack
!. e"ent
A#$%e&: B Re'e&e#e: Processor $anagement Di''iult(: Challenging
!-" The blocks of code& included in the operating system& that software applications interact with are known as:
A. application programming interfaces =AP;s>.
B. complimentary metal%o3ide conductors =C$'#>.
C. de"ice dri"ers.
!. bootstrap loaders.
A#$%e&: A Re'e&e#e: #oftware Application Coordination Di''iult(: $oderate
!." $#%!'# is a (((((((((((( operating system.
A. point%and%click
B. user%friendly
C. command%dri"en
!. $ac
A#$%e&: C Re'e&e#e: #ingle%ser 'perating #ystem Di''iult(: $oderate
!/" An interrupt handler is a=n>:
A. location in memory that keeps track of recently generated interrupts.
B. peripheral de"ice.
C. utility program.
!. special numeric code that indicates the priority of a re4uest.
A#$%e&: ! Re'e&e#e: Processor $anagement Di''iult(: Challenging
)0" A spooler is a=n>:
A. location in memory that maintains the contents of a document until it prints out.
B. print 5ob.
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Chapter 1: sing #ystem #oftware: The 'perating #ystem& tility Programs& and 2ile $anagement
C. program that coordinates the print 5obs that are waiting to print.
!. message sent from the printer to the operating system when a print 5ob is completed.
A#$%e&: C Re'e&e#e: Processor $anagement Di''iult(: Challenging
)!" ?irtual memory is typically located:
A. on a floppy disk.
B. in the CP.
C. in a flash card.
!. on the hard dri"e.
A#$%e&: ! Re'e&e#e: $emory and #torage $anagement Di''iult(: Easy
))" The purpose of a swap =or page> file is to:
A. maintain pages of documents that are being spooled to the printer.
B. hold a programBs data or instructions in "irtual memory when it canBt fit in )A$.
C. pre"ent thrashing in a multitasking en"ironment.
!. allow multiple print 5obs to print their pages out simultaneously.
A#$%e&: B Re'e&e#e: $emory and #torage $anagement Di''iult(: $oderate
)*" The definition of thrashing is:
A. swapping data between "irtual memory and )A$ too fre4uently.
B. insufficient hard disk space.
C. too many processors being managed by the operating system.
!. inaccurate information stored in the registry.
A#$%e&: A Re'e&e#e: $emory and #torage $anagement Di''iult(: $oderate
)+" All of the following are T)E of #afe $ode EXCEPT:
A. #afe $ode is a special diagnostic mode.
B. #afe $ode loads all nonessential icons.
C. #afe $ode allows users to troubleshoot errors.
Copyright + ,--. Prentice%/all. All rights reser"ed. D
Chapter 1: sing #ystem #oftware: The 'perating #ystem& tility Programs& and 2ile $anagement
!. #afe $ode loads only the most essential de"ices.
A#$%e&: B Re'e&e#e: /andling Errors in the Boot Process Di''iult(: $oderate
)5" ?erification of a login name and password is known as:
A. configuration.
B. accessibility.
C. authentication.
!. logging in.
A#$%e&: C Re'e&e#e: Configurations and CustomiEations Di''iult(: $oderate
)," The combination of the operating system and the processor is referred to as the computerBs:
A. CP.
B. platform.
C. B;'#.
!. C$'#.
A#$%e&: B Re'e&e#e: !esktop 'perating #ystems Di''iult(: Easy
)-" The following message generally means:
A. a nonsystem floppy has been left in the floppy disk dri"e.
B. the C! dri"e is not functioning.
C. the B;'# is corrupted.
!. there is a problem loading a de"ice.
A#$%e&: A Re'e&e#e: /andling Errors in the Boot Process Di''iult(: $oderate
)." *hich of the following is the correct se4uence of actions that takes place during the boot%up process6
A. <oad operating system Acti"ate B;'# Perform P'#T Check configuration settings
B. Acti"ate B;'# Perform P'#T <oad operating system Check configuration settings
C. Perform P'#T <oad operating system Acti"ate B;'# Check configuration settings
!. Acti"ate B;'# Check configuration settings Perform P'#T <oad operating system
Copyright + ,--. Prentice%/all. All rights reser"ed. F
!" Non-system disk or disk error
Replace and strike any key when ready "
Chapter 1: sing #ystem #oftware: The 'perating #ystem& tility Programs& and 2ile $anagement
A#$%e&: B Re'e&e#e: The Boot Process: #tarting @our Computers Di''iult(: Challenging
)/" All of the following are steps in"ol"ed in the boot process EXCEPT:
A. load the operating system into )A$.
B. the power%on self%test.
C. acti"ate the basic inputGoutput system =B;'#>.
!. load application programs.
A#$%e&: ! Re'e&e#e: The Boot Process: #tarting @our Computers Di''iult(: Easy
*0" The ((((((((((((& stored on a )'$ chip& is responsible for loading the operating system from its
permanent location on the hard dri"e into )A$.
A. B;'#
B. AP;
C. de"ice dri"er
!. super"isor program
A#$%e&: A Re'e&e#e: #tep 0: Acti"ating B;'# Di''iult(: $oderate
*!" The basic inputGoutput system =B;'#> is stored in:
A. )A$.
B. )'$.
C. the CP.
!. the hard dri"e.
A#$%e&: B Re'e&e#e: #tep 0: Acti"ating B;'# Di''iult(: Easy
*)" Ensuring that the essential peripheral de"ices are attached and operational is the (((((((((((( process.
A. configuration
B. C$'#
C. P'#T
!. )'$
Copyright + ,--. Prentice%/all. All rights reser"ed. .
Chapter 1: sing #ystem #oftware: The 'perating #ystem& tility Programs& and 2ile $anagement
A#$%e&: C Re'e&e#e: #tep ,: Performing the Power%'n #elf%Test Di''iult(: Easy
**" The memory resident portion of the operating system is called the:
A. registry.
B. AP;.
C. C$'#.
!. kernel.
A#$%e&: ! Re'e&e#e: #tep :: <oading the 'perating #ystem Di''iult(: Easy
*+" *hich of the following does 9'T occur during the power%on self%test =P'#T>6
A. The #can!isk utility begins to run.
B. The "ideo card and "ideo memory are tested.
C. The B;'# identification process occurs.
!. $emory chips are checked to ensure they are working properly.
A#$%e&: A Re'e&e#e: #tep ,: Performing the Power%'n #elf%Test Di''iult(: $oderate
*5" All of the following are T)E regarding "irtual memory EXCEPT:
A. any amount of )A$ can be allocated to "irtual memory.
B. the setting for the amount of hard dri"e space to allocate to "irtual memory can be manually
C. this temporary storage is called the swap file =or page file>.
!. "irtual memory is physical space on the hard dri"e.
A#$%e&: A Re'e&e#e: $emory and #torage $anagement Di''iult(: $oderate
*," The operating system allows users to organiEe the computerBs contents in a hierarchical structure of
directories that include all of the following EXCEPT:
A. files.
B. folders.
C. dri"es.
!. systems.
A#$%e&: ! Re'e&e#e: 'rganiEing @our Computer: 2ile $anagement Di''iult(: Easy
Copyright + ,--. Prentice%/all. All rights reser"ed. H
Chapter 1: sing #ystem #oftware: The 'perating #ystem& tility Programs& and 2ile $anagement
*-" All of the following statements concerning windows are true EXCEPT:
A. windows are an e3ample of a command%dri"en en"ironment.
B. windows can be resiEed and repositioned on the desktop.
C. more than one window can be open at a time.
!. toolbars and scrollbars are features of windows.
A#$%e&: A Re'e&e#e: The !esktop and *indow 2eatures Di''iult(: Easy
*." All of the following statements concerning files are true EXCEPT:
A. A file is a collection of related pieces of information stored together for easy reference.
B. 2iles can be generated from an application.
C. 2iles are stored in )A$.
!. 2iles should be organiEed in folders.
A#$%e&: C Re'e&e#e: 'rganiEing @our 2iles Di''iult(: $oderate
*/" sing *indows E3plorer& a plus =I> sign in front of a folder indicates:
A. an open folder.
B. the folder contains subfolders.
C. a te3t file.
!. a graphics file.
A#$%e&: B Re'e&e#e: 'rganiEing @our 2iles Di''iult(: $oderate
+0" ;n *indows XP& if you want to see the file siEe and modified dates of all files in a folder& the best "iewing
option is the (((((((((( "iew.
A. <ist
B. Thumbnails
C. !etails
!. ;con
A#$%e&: C Re'e&e#e: ?iewing and #orting 2iles and 2olders Di''iult(: $oderate
Copyright + ,--. Prentice%/all. All rights reser"ed. 0-
Chapter 1: sing #ystem #oftware: The 'perating #ystem& tility Programs& and 2ile $anagement
+!" ;n *indows XP& an especially good way to display folders containing picture files is the (((((((((( "iew.
A. <ist
B. Thumbnails
C. !etails
!. ;con
A#$%e&: B Re'e&e#e: ?iewing and #orting 2iles and 2olders Di''iult(: Easy
+)" *hich of the following statements is 2A<#E concerning file names6
A. 2iles may share the same name or the same e3tension but not both.
B. The file e3tension comes before the dot =.> followed by the file name.
C. E"ery file in the same folder must ha"e a uni4ue name.
!. 2ile e3tension is another name for file type.
A#$%e&: B Re'e&e#e: 9aming 2iles Di''iult(: Easy
+*" *hich of the following characters CA99'T be used in a file name when using the *indows XP operating
A. /yphen =%>
B. nderscore =(>
C. Colon =:>
!. 7At8 symbol =J>
A#$%e&: C Re'e&e#e: 9aming 2iles Di''iult(: $oderate
++" ;f you select a file on your PC hard dri"e and press the !elete key& it will be:
A. permanently remo"ed from the system.
B. remo"ed from the system& but it can be reco"ered using special utility programs.
C. placed on a backup floppy disk or C!.
!. sent to the )ecycle Bin folder.
A#$%e&: ! Re'e&e#e: *orking with 2iles Di''iult(: Easy
+5" *hat happens when a file is emptied from the )ecycle Bin6
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Chapter 1: sing #ystem #oftware: The 'perating #ystem& tility Programs& and 2ile $anagement
A. ;t is mo"ed to )A$.
B. ;ts reference is remo"ed& but the file remains until o"erwritten.
C. ;t is compressed.
!. ;t is copied to a storage de"ice.
A#$%e&: B Re'e&e#e: Bits and Bytes: 9eed to )eco"er a !eletedK Di''iult(: $oderate
+," AddG)emo"e Programs and !isplay are found in:
A. #ystem )estore.
B. Task $anager.
C. Control Panel.
!. Task #cheduler.
A#$%e&: C Re'e&e#e: tility Programs Di''iult(: Challenging
+-" All of the following are included in the file path EXCEPT:
A. the dri"e.
B. all folders and subfolders.
C. the file name.
!. the file "iew.
A#$%e&: ! Re'e&e#e: 9aming 2iles Di''iult(: Easy
+." The (((((((((((( collects scattered pieces of files on the hard disk and rearranges them se4uentially on
the hard dri"e.
A. #can!isk utility
B. disk defragmenter
C. disk cleanup program
!. file compression utility
A#$%e&: B Re'e&e#e: !ig !eeper: /ard !isk !efragmenter tilities *ork Di''iult(: $oderate
+/" 2AT and 9T2# are:
Copyright + ,--. Prentice%/all. All rights reser"ed. 0,
Chapter 1: sing #ystem #oftware: The 'perating #ystem& tility Programs& and 2ile $anagement
A. file management utility programs.
B. part of the boot process.
C. programs for managing and scheduling tasks on the system.
!. file systems.
A#$%e&: ! Re'e&e#e: !ig !eeper: /ow !isk !efragmenter tilities *ork Di''iult(: Challenging
50" To restore your *indows XP computer to the state it was in on a pre"ious date& you can use the
(((((((((((( utility.
A. #ystem )estore
B. Task $anager
C. !efragment
!. Backup
A#$%e&: A Re'e&e#e: #ystem )estore and Backup tilities Di''iult(: Easy
Fill i# the 1l2#3:
5!" The (((((((((((( is the feature of the program that allows the user to communicate with the computer
A#$%e&: user interface Re'e&e#e: #ystem #oftware Basics Di''iult(: $oderate
5)" (((((((((((( is an open%source operating system based on 9;X and designed for use on personal
A#$%e&: <inu3 Re'e&e#e: <inu3 Di''iult(: $oderate
5*" A9'$E is a graphical user interface& used by the (((((((((((( operating system.
A#$%e&: <inu3 Re'e&e#e: The ser ;nterface Di''iult(: $oderate
5+" *indows ,--:GXP& $ac '# X& and <inu3 are e3amples of the (((((((((((( category of operating
A#$%e&: single%user& multitask Re'e&e#e: 'perating #ystems Categories Di''iult(: $oderate
55" After the system files are loaded into )A$& the ((((((((((((& the essential component of the operating
system is loaded and remains in )A$ the entire time the computer is powered on.
A#$%e&: kernel =or super"isor program> Re'e&e#e: #tep :: <oading the 'perating #ystem
Copyright + ,--. Prentice%/all. All rights reser"ed. 0:
Chapter 1: sing #ystem #oftware: The 'perating #ystem& tility Programs& and 2ile $anagement
5," The (((((((((((( contains all the different configurations =settings> used by the operating system and by
other applications.
A#$%e&: registry Re'e&e#e: #tepC: Checking 2urther Configurations and CustomiEations Di''iult(: $oderate
5-" The "erification of your login name and password at the end of the boot process is called ((((((((((((.
A#$%e&: authentication Re'e&e#e: #tepC: Checking 2urther Configurations and CustomiEations
5." (((((((((((( refers to the actual lines of instructional code that make the program work.
A#$%e&: #ource code Re'e&e#e: Trends in ;T: Emerging TechnologiesK Di''iult(: Challenging
5/" *hen the operating system processes a task assigned a higher priority before processing a task with a lower
priority this is called ((((((((((((.
A#$%e&: preempti"e multitasking Re'e&e#e: Processor $anagement Di''iult(: Challenging
,0" ;f a printer is in use& the operating system puts a print re4uest in a temporary storage area of )A$ called
the ((((((((((((.
A#$%e&: buffer Re'e&e#e: Processor $anagement Di''iult(: $oderate
,!" A=n> (((((((((((( is when a user restarts the system after it is already on.
A#$%e&: warm boot Re'e&e#e: Bits and Bytes: *hatBs the !ifference Di''iult(: Easy
,)" The process of optimiEing )A$ storage by borrowing hard dri"e space is called ((((((((((((.
A#$%e&: "irtual memory Re'e&e#e: $emory #torage and $anagement Di''iult(: Challenging
,*" !e"ices attached to a computer come with a special program called a=n> ((((((((((((.
A#$%e&: de"ice dri"er Re'e&e#e: /ardware and Peripheral !e"ice $anagement Di''iult(: $oderate
,+" After installing a de"ice dri"er& if the system becomes unstable or crashes& *indows XP has a=n>
(((((((((((( feature that reinstalls the old dri"er.
A#$%e&: )oll Back !ri"er Re'e&e#e: /ardware and Peripheral !e"ice $anagement Di''iult(: Challenging
,5" The (((((((((((( is the part of the file identification that follows the dot =.>.
A#$%e&: e3tension =or file type> Re'e&e#e: 9aming 2iles Di''iult(: Easy
,," C:4M( Dou5e#t$4Sp&i#6 )00,4TehNote$ is a=n> ((((((((((((.
A#$%e&: file path Re'e&e#e: *orking with 2iles Di''iult(: Easy
,-" The (((((((((((( is a special kind of memory that uses almost no power and contains information about
the systemBs memory& types of disks& and other essential inputGoutput hardware components.
Copyright + ,--. Prentice%/all. All rights reser"ed. 0C
Chapter 1: sing #ystem #oftware: The 'perating #ystem& tility Programs& and 2ile $anagement
A#$%e&: C$'# Re'e&e#e: #tep ,: Performing the Power%'n #elf%Test Di''iult(: Challenging
,." (((((((((((( appear at the side or bottom of the screen to control what part of the window is displayed.
A#$%e&: #crollbars Re'e&e#e: The !esktop and *indows 2eatures Di''iult(: Easy
,/" The most recent "ersion of the $ac operating system =$ac '# X 0-.C Tiger> is based on ((((((((((((.
A#$%e&: 9;X Re'e&e#e: $ac '# Di''iult(: Challenging
-0" The (((((((((((( utility can be used to easily remo"e temporary ;nternet files from the hard disk.
A#$%e&: !isk Cleanup Re'e&e#e: #ystem $aintenance tilities Di''iult(: $oderate
-!" Error%checking& once known as #can!isk& finds ((((((((((((& or physical errors on the disk& and helps
pre"ent the operating system from using these areas in the future.
A#$%e&: bad sectors Re'e&e#e: #ystem $aintenance tilities Di''iult(: $oderate
-)" (((((((((((( is a tool included in *indows XP that gathers information about the computer when there is
a program error and automatically creates a te3t log file.
A#$%e&: !r. *atson for *indows Re'e&e#e: #ystem $aintenance tilities Di''iult(: Challenging
-*" (((((((((((( is a file system& supported by *indows XP& that supports larger hard dri"es and larger file
siEes that the 2AT.
A#$%e&: 9T2# Re'e&e#e: !ig !eeper: /ow !isk !efragmenter tilities *ork Di''iult(: Easy
-+" The concentric circles on hard disks are called ((((((((((((.
A#$%e&: tracks Re'e&e#e: !ig !eeper: /ow !isk !efragmenter tilities *ork Di''iult(: Easy
-5" E"ery time you start your computer& or when a new application or dri"er is installed& *indows XP
automatically creates a snapshot of your entire systemBs settings called a=n> ((((((((((((.
A#$%e&: restore point Re'e&e#e: #ystem )estore and Backup tilities Di''iult(: $oderate
T&ue 2#7 F2l$e:
-," The queue is where prints 5obs are placed while waiting to be processed.
A#$%e&: True Re'e&e#e: Processor $anagement Di''iult(: Easy
--" A network re4uires a multiuser operating system.
A#$%e&: True Re'e&e#e: $ultiuser 'perating #ystems Di''iult(: Easy
-." A graphical user interface =A;> uses windows& menus& and commands.
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Chapter 1: sing #ystem #oftware: The 'perating #ystem& tility Programs& and 2ile $anagement
A#$%e&: 2alse =icons> Re'e&e#e: The ser ;nterface Di''iult(: $oderate
-/" $ost application software is platform%dependent.
A#$%e&: True Re'e&e#e: !esktop 'perating #ystems Di''iult(: $oderate
.0" ;n 0H.C& *indows became the first operating system to incorporate a Araphical ser ;nterface =A;>.
A#$%e&: 2alse =$ac '#> Re'e&e#e: $ac '# Di''iult(: Easy
.!" The stack is a special numerical code that prioritiEes re4uests to the CP.
A#$%e&: 2alse =interrupt handler> Re'e&e#e: Processor $anagement Di''iult(: Challenging
.)" The condition of e3cessi"e paging& which e"entually slows down the computer system& is known as
A#$%e&: 2alse =thrashing> Re'e&e#e: Processor $anagement Di''iult(: $oderate
.*" The swap file is also known as the page file.
A#$%e&: True Re'e&e#e: $emory and #torage $anagement Di''iult(: Easy
.+" The de"ices whose dri"ers are included in *indows are called Plug and Play =PnP>.
A#$%e&: True Re'e&e#e: /ardware and Peripheral !e"ice $anagement Di''iult(: Easy
.5" The main files of the operating system are known as the system files.
A#$%e&: True Re'e&e#e: #tep :: <oading the 'perating #ystem Di''iult(: Easy
.," 2iles stored on the same de"ice or folder can share both the same name and the same e3tension.
A#$%e&: 2alse Re'e&e#e: 9aming 2iles Di''iult(: Easy
.-" AP;s are small applications& incorporated into the operating system& that perform special functions& such as
manage system resources or impro"e efficiency.
A#$%e&: 2alse =tility programs> Re'e&e#e: tility Programs Di''iult(: $oderate
.." !isk !efragmenter is a *indows utility that cleans unnecessary files from your hard dri"e.
A#$%e&: 2alse =!isk Cleanup> Re'e&e#e: #ystem $aintenance tilities Di''iult(: $oderate
./" ;n *indows XP& the additional information displayed when you place your cursor o"er a file icon is known
as a dialog bo3.
A#$%e&: 2alse =#creenTip> Re'e&e#e: ?iewing and #orting 2iles and 2olders Di''iult(: $oderate
Copyright + ,--. Prentice%/all. All rights reser"ed. 0D
Chapter 1: sing #ystem #oftware: The 'perating #ystem& tility Programs& and 2ile $anagement
/0" $atch the following operating systems with their characteristic features:
;. <yn3 A. open source
;;. Palm '# B. used in personal digital assistants
;;;. $ac '# C. network operating system
;?. <inu3 !. primarily for Apple computers
?. 9o"ell 9etware E. real%time operating system
A#$%e&: E& B& !& A& C Re'e&e#e: 'perating #ystem Categories Di''iult(: Challenging
/!" $atch the following file e3tensions with their application types:
;. .3ls A. Access database
;;. .doc B. compressed file
;;;. .htm C. *ord document
;?. .Eip !. E3cel file
?. .mdb E. *eb page
A#$%e&: !& C& E& B& A Re'e&e#e: 2igure 1.,- 2ilename E3tensions Di''iult(: Easy
/)" $atch the following acronyms with their descriptions:
;. 9T2# A. command%dri"en PC operating system
;;. AP; B. user interface in"ol"ing windows and icons
;;;. !'# C. system for managing and organiEing files on disk
;?. A;2 !. file format for representing graphical information
?. A; E. blocks of program code for performing common functions
A#$%e&: C& E& A& !& B Re'e&e#e: $ultiple locations in chapter Di''iult(: $oderate
/*" $atch the following terms with their definitions:
;. platform A. picture that represents an ob5ect such as a software application
Copyright + ,--. Prentice%/all. All rights reser"ed. 0F
Chapter 1: sing #ystem #oftware: The 'perating #ystem& tility Programs& and 2ile $anagement
;;. menu B. a list of commands that appear on a screen
;;;. icon C. a special location in )A$
;?. window !. combination of a computerBs operating system and processor
?. stack E. rectangular bo3 displayed on a screen that contains programs
A#$%e&: !& B& A& E& C Re'e&e#e: $ultiple locations in chapter Di''iult(: $oderate
/+" $atch the following acronyms with their definitions:
;. '# A. a type of file system
;;. )'$ B. system software
;;;. C$'# C. a type of display
;?. <C! !. complementary metal%o3ide semiconductor
?. 2AT E. a type of memory
A#$%e&: B& E& !& C& A Re'e&e#e: $ultiple locations in chapter Di''iult(: Easy
/5" $atch the following terms with their definitions:
;. tracks A. another term meaning to 7open8 a file
;;. sectors B. smallest segment within a sector
;;;. cluster C. pie%shaped wedges on a hard dri"e
;?. write !. another term meaning to 7sa"e8 a file
?. read E. concentric circles on a hard dri"e
A#$%e&: E& C& B& !& A Re'e&e#e: !ig !eeper: /ow !isk !efragmenter Di''iult(: $oderate
/," $atch the following utility programs with their functions:
;. 2ile compression A. remo"es redundancies in a file to reduce the siEe
;;. Task $anager B. remo"es unnecessary files from the hard dri"e
Copyright + ,--. Prentice%/all. All rights reser"ed. 0.
Chapter 1: sing #ystem #oftware: The 'perating #ystem& tility Programs& and 2ile $anagement
;;;. #ystem )estore C. enables users to check on a program or e3it a nonresponding program
;?. Error%checking !. allows users to restore system settings back to a specific date
?. !isk Cleanup E. once known as #can!isk& it checks for lost files and fragments
A#$%e&: A& C& !& E& B Re'e&e#e: tility Programs Di''iult(: $oderate
/-" $atch the following terms with their definitions:
;. )ecycle Bin A. also known as the 7file e3tension8
;;. .rtf B. a file format that can be read by any word processing program
;;;. 789& 7:8& 748 C. a folder on the desktop where files deleted from the hard dri"e reside
;?. file type !. helps users manage files and folders
?. *indows E3plorer E. path separators
A#$%e&: C& B& E& A& ! Re'e&e#e: !ig !eeper: /ow !isk !efragmenterK Di''iult(: $oderate
/." $atch the following "iews with their definitions:
;. Tiles A. displays files and folders as "ery small icons with file names
;;. !etails B. displays files and folders as small icons with no other information beside the
file name
;;;. ;con C. displays files and folders in list form& which can be sorted by column
;?. Thumbnails !. displays the contents of folders as small images
?. <ist E. displays files and folders as icons in list form and includes filename&
application& and siEe
A#$%e&: E& C& B& !& A Re'e&e#e: ?iewing and #orting 2iles and 2olders Di''iult(: Challenging
//" $atch the following terms with their definitions:
;. root directory A. a collection of related pieces of information stored together as a single unit
Copyright + ,--. Prentice%/all. All rights reser"ed. 0H
Chapter 1: sing #ystem #oftware: The 'perating #ystem& tility Programs& and 2ile $anagement
;;. folder B. a collection of files
;;;. file C. a storage de"ice represented by a letter
;?. file management !. the top of the filing structure of the computer system
?. dri"e E. pro"ides organiEational structure to the computerBs contents
A#$%e&: !& B& A& E& C Re'e&e#e: 'rganiEing @our 2iles Di''iult(: $oderate
!00" $atch the following terms with their definitions:
;. file name A. identifies which application should be used to read the file
;;. dot =.> B. separates the filename from the file e3tension
;;;. file e3tension C. folders within the primary folder
;?. file path !. the name assigned to a file when it is sa"ed
?. subfolders E. identifies the e3act location of a file
A#$%e&: !& B& A& E& C Re'e&e#e: 9aming 2iles Di''iult(: $oderate
Copyright + ,--. Prentice%/all. All rights reser"ed. ,-

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