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Lnvl8CnMLn1 * LAW ClllCL Cl !CL PLA1P * nLlCP8C8S Cl 1PL CnCnuACA nA1lCn *
nlnL MlLL C8LLk CCnSL8vA1lCn CCunClL * CnCnuACA Auuu8Cn SCClL1? * CnCnuACA
SPC8LLlnL * A81nL8SPl lC8 CnCnuACA C8LLk * SlL88A CLu8, l8CCuClS C8Cu

AugusL 4, 2014
!. 8yan McMahon, Chalrman
Cnondaga CounLy LeglslaLure
401 MonLgomery SLreeL
8oom 407, CourLhouse
Syracuse, new ?ork 13202

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uear Chalrman McMahon:
We, Lhe underslgned organlzaLlons, are wrlLlng Loday ln supporL of an exLenslon of Lhe publlc
commenL perlod on Lhe urafL LnvlronmenLal lmpacL SLaLemenL (uLlS) for Lhe Lakevlew AmphlLheaLer
ro[ecL and provlslon of an addlLlonal evenlng hearlng. We appreclaLe Lhls efforL Lo provlde greaLer
opporLunlLy for Lhe publlc Lo be heard regardlng Lhls pro[ecL, whlch may be crlLlcal ln shaplng fuLure
developmenL around and use of Cnondaga Lake's shorellne.

We noLe, however, LhaL many lssues relaLed Lo Lhls pro[ecL remaln unresolved and key plannlng
and deslgn documenLs, lncludlng a buslness plan, slLe remedlaLlon plan, slLe managemenL plan, long-
Lerm Lrafflc mlLlgaLlon measures, and deLalled consLrucLlon plans for bulldlng on unsLable Solvay
WasLes, remaln ln developmenL or unavallable Lo Lhe publlc. We are concerned LhaL nelLher Lhe publlc
nor Lhe CounLy LeglslaLure can form a compleLe plcLure of Lhe unmlLlgable envlronmenLal lmpacLs of
Lhls pro[ecL or welgh Lhem agalnsL Lhe pro[ecL's soclal and economlc beneflLs, as requlred by Lhe SLaLe
LnvlronmenLal CuallLy and 8evlew AcL (SLC8A), wlLhouL Lhls lnformaLlon. lor LhaL reason, we urge Lhe
CounLy LeglslaLure Lo hold Lhe uLlS commenL perlod open unLll Lhese documenLs and plans are avallable
for revlew.

Agaln, we appreclaLe Lhe LeglslaLure's efforLs Lo provlde meanlngful opporLunlLy for publlc lnpuL
on Lhls pro[ecL. 1he uLlS and relaLed maLerlals, lncludlng Lhe ConcepLual ueslgn 8eporL, are lengLhy and
Lechnlcal documenLs. Whlle Lhe uLlS provldes summarles of some flndlngs, much of Lhe meaL of Lhe
envlronmenLal analysls ls conLalned ln Lhe Lechnlcal appendlces on nolse, Lrafflc, and vlsual lmpacLs. 1he
addlLlonal Llme belng provlded wlll help ensure LhaL lnLeresLed members of Lhe publlc, as well as
advocacy groups, are able Lo develop an undersLandlng of Lhe pro[ecL, lLs poLenLlal consequences, and
proposed mlLlgaLlon measures. 1hank you for conslderlng our addlLlonal concerns.


Conrad SLrozlk, resldenL Maryanne Adams, ConservaLlon Chalr
CenLral new ?ork ChapLer, lzaak WalLon League Cnondaga Audubon SocleLy
of Amerlca
Sarah Lckel, LeglslaLlve & ollcy ulrecLor Lloyd WlLhers
ClLlzens Campalgn for Lhe LnvlronmenL Cnondaga Shorellne

!oe PeaLh Llonel Logan
Law Cfflce of !oe PeaLh arLnershlp for Cnondaga Creek

lred Mlller, resldenL MarLha Loew, Chalr
nlne Mlle Creek ConservaLlon Councll Slerra Club, lroquols Croup

Sue Llholzer & !ack 8amsden
nelghbors of Lhe Cnondaga naLlon

cc: Cnondaga CounLy LeglslaLure
Pon. !oanle Mahoney, Cnondaga CounLy LxecuLlve
Syracuse Mayor SLephanle Mlner
Llverpool Mayor Cary WhlLe
Solvay Mayor 8onald 8enedeLLl
Sallna Supervlsor Mark nlcoLra

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