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August 2014 Newsletter
Summer 2014 Sunday
Worship: (Scheduled at 9:00 a.m.)
Aug. 3
Trinity (Communion)
Aug. 10
Worship at Aurora Diner
Aug. 17
Aug. !"
Aurora (Communion)
Aug. 31
August 10
, 9am- Worship at
the Diner!
With the Steele County Free Fair right
around the corner, the worship committee
thought it would be fun to kick of fair week
with worship at the Aurora Diner, with a
blessing of the diner at the end. he Aurora
Diner is a ministry to our community and it
is one of the many ways that we feeding
people!s body, mind, spirit with the lo"e of
#esus. $any don!t reali%e that much of the
proceeds from the diner are gi"en back to
organi%ations in our community. #oin us on
Sunday, August &'
at (am at the Diner for
worship, so that we can bless this
important ministry)
Aurora Diner 2014 Work Schedule:
8/6-Meatball Making
8/8-Meat Roasting
8/10-Worship Service/Blessing
8/11-17-air Week
8/18-!lean-"p #$:%0ish&
Fall Worship Schedule
Beginning on Sunday, September 7
worship schedule will be:
Aurora: Worship at #$00 a.m.%
&unday &'hool at
10$1( a.m.
Trinity$ &unday &'hool at #$30
Worship at 10$"( a.m.
Trinity and Aurora will )e ma*ing &'hool +its this
,all. They will )e gi-en to .utheran World /elie,.
&in'e the 0a'*to&'hool sales ha-e )egun1 the
2ission &tatement Committee is pro-iding a list
o, items needed. 3ou 'an 'hoose to pur'hase
se-eral items or all the items to 'omplete one
*it. 4a'h *it needs$
5our 70sheet note)oo*s o, wide or 'ollegeruled
6710 18!9 paper.
:ne 30 'entimeter ruler1 or a ruler with
'entimeters on one side and in'hes on the other
:ne pen'il sharpener.
:ne pair o, )lunt s'issors.
5i-e unsharpened ;! pen'ils with erasers.
5i-e )la'* or )lue )allpoint pens.
:ne )o< o, 1= or !" 'rayons.
:ne ! 18!9 eraser.
:ne sturdy drawstring )a'*pa'*style 'loth )ag
1"97179 with shoulder straps.
We also need -olunteers to help ma*e the
drawstring )a'*pa'*s1 and ,a)ri' o, sturdy
'otton1 'an-as1 denim1 or twill. A pattern and
instru'tions 'an )e ,ound at
Aurora Lutheran Church Council Meeting
July 9, 2014
The regular monthly meeting of the Aurora Lutheran Church Council was held on July 9, 2014 The mem!ers "resent were Angie
Jensen, A"ril #restegard, Michelle $illiams, %rett #aa"e, Jared #restegard Jodi &ec', #astor Jon (a)is, and *athele %eadell
The meeting was called to order !y #resident Angie Jensen and #astor Jon lead us in "rayer
+ecretary,s re"ort-
The minutes from the May 21, 2014 . June 1/, 2014 meetings were read and a""ro)ed
Treasure,s re"ort-
The May financials were a""ro)ed as re"orted at the June meeting
The re"orted June financials were re)iewed and a""ro)ed as follows-
June 0ncome- 1 /,199/0 June 23"enses- 144,49051
6ear To (ate 0ncome- 110,54047 6ear To (ate 23"enses 179,99/85
#astors 9e"ort-
The car"et in the !asement of the "arsonage was relayed after e)erything dried out 0t has !een suggested that we may want
to tale a small "ortion of the !asement where the water is coming in to "rotect the car"et
The +ame +e3 Marriage and the Church con)ersation is set for July 22 from 8:/ "m
The !lessing of the "layground is set for July 24
after church at Aurora
August 10
church will !e at the diner There will !e a !lessing of the diner following church ser)ice
0t has !een re;uested that we consider donating 1400 to the %oys . <irls Clu! of %looming #rairie for their reno)ations
This would come from the money set aside for donations from the sa)ings we gained for #astor Jon medical "remium
=nfinished %usiness-
+ound system : There are no u"dates on the sound system
#ar'ing lot > A grant was found that could "ossi!ly hel" us "ay for a "ortion of the "ar'ing lot $e will loo' into the details
of the grant so we can "lay if or when we would want to su!mit an a""lication
9aising the ?lag outside > There has !een no resolution concerning the lights for the flag $e will continue to address this
&ey holders > 0t has !een difficult to trac' down all the 'eys that ha)e !een issued $e ha)e decided the church should !e
re'eys and 'eys will !e reissued with num!ers This will hel" us 'ee" trac' of who has access to the church
#arsonage re"airs > $e are waiting for the foundation to !e re"aired !efore the roofing . "ainting or siding are done
Church "hone > *athele will research the "ossi!ility of installing an emergency "hone line at the church
*ew %usiness-
L# contract > $e will contract for 2,500 gallons again this year @ 1184
"er gallon
9ally +unday : +e"tem!er 4
is 9ally +unday
(ates to remem!er- August 10
Church at the diner, August 11
> 14
?air wee' Adiner hel"B, +e"tem!er 4
9ally +unday
*e3t council meeting August 20
@ 8-70
9es"ectfully +u!mitted
*athele %eadell
Aurora .utheran Chur'h Coun'il 2eeting
>une 161 !01"
The regular monthly meeting o, the Aurora .utheran Chur'h Coun'il was held on >une 161 !01".
The mem)ers present were 2i*e 0ishman1 2i'helle Williams1 0rett ?aape1 >ared ?restegard >odi
+e'*1 ?astor >on Da-is1 and @athele 0eadell
The meeting was 'alled to order )y Ai'e ?resident 2i*e 0ishman and ?astor >on lead us in prayer.
There were not enough mem)ers present ,or a Buorum.
&e'retaryCs report$
The minutes ,rom the 2ay !11 !01" meeting were read. Appro-al will need to wait until
the ne<t meeting.
TreasureCs report$
The reported Dnan'ials were re-iewed as ,ollows$
2ay En'ome$ F 1!13"1.3= 2ay 4<penses$ F (1(66.3"
3ear To Date En'ome$ F3#1(#0.71 3ear To Date 4<penses F!#1""0.7=
?astors /eport$
Tuesday >uly !!
,rom =6p.m. is set ,or the &ame&e< 2arriage Dis'ussion.
With all the rain there is water in the )asement o, the parsonage.
We will )e getting Buotes to shingling the parsonage roo,.
There is some 'on,usion )y mem)ers o, the 'hur'h as to how the pro'eeds ,rom the Diner are
used. The diner is run the W4.CA. All the pro'eeds are handled )y W4.CA. A large portion o, the
pro'eeds are gi-en to -arious ser-i'e organiGations.
HnDnished 0usiness$
There is no updates 'on'erning the pro)lems with the wireless mi'rophone.
?ar*ing lot we o)tained a Buote to do the par*ing lots only and not the road. The Buote
was F!#1!00. We will loo* into possi)le grants to 'o-er the 'ost o, this.
/aising the 5lag outside There needs to )e a light on the Iag )e,ore we 'an raise it. We
need to 'he'* whi'h light swit'h 'ontrols the light ,or the Iag1 or 'he'* how it is
@ew 0usiness$
>odi will s'hedule some time with 2ission En-estments to go o-er the CDCs and how they
are set up.
&hould we 'onsider ha-ing an August meetingJ We will dis'uss at the >uly meeting.
There is 'on'ern that the phone land line has )een remo-ed ,rom the 'hur'h. We will loo*
into 'onne'ting a land line again.
Dates to remem)er$ >uly 13
?i'ni'1 >uly !!
&ame &e< 2arriage Dis'ussion
/espe't,ully &u)mitted
@athele 0eadell
Same-Sex Marriage and the Church:
An Update
'n ("es)a*+ ,"l* --
+ -8 .e.bers o/ 0"rora an) (rinit* gathere) at 0"rora /or a co"ple o/ ho"rs to
talk abo"t the topic o/ sa.e-se1 .arriage an) ho2 ch"rches can engage in this )i//ic"lt conversation3
We hear) /ro. 4astor 5or. Wahl #Bethel 6"theran in Rochester& an) 4astor 7ern !hristopherson
#8".bro 6"theran in Rochester& an) ho2 their congregations have procee)e) in .aking )ecisions
regar)ing sa.e-se1 .arriage3 9 think it 2as a s"ccess/"l evening that got people talking together
abo"t a topic that so .an* o/ "s have never talke) abo"t3
:ere are brie/ s"..aries o/ the presentations:
Pastor Norm share) abo"t ho2 Bethel 6"theran ha) 19 .eetings regar)ing the topic o/
ho.ose1"alit* an) the ch"rch3 0s a res"lt+ .e.bers o/ the congregation cra/te)
resol"tions that 2ere then bro"ght to their ann"al .eeting3 Bethel passe) a resol"tion
a// that all people are people o/ ;o) an) that all people are 2elco.e at Bethel
6"theran !h"rch3 0t the sa.e ti.e+ the congregation passe) t2o others resol"tions that
sai) Bethel 2o"l) not hire an* ga* pastors+ nor 2o"l) the pastors at Bethel con)"ct an*
sa.e-se1 .arriages+ on or o// ch"rch propert*3 9n spite o/ taking a .ore tra)itional stance
on this topic+ Bethel )i) not lose an* ga* or lesbian+ b"t rather lost abo"t 7$ .ore
tra)itional .e.bers an) aro"n) <100+00 o/ o//ering .onies /ro. those .e.bers3
Pastor Vern share) abo"t ho2 8".bro is taking a ."ch slo2er approach on this topic3
7ern began at 8".bro ="st one 2eek a/ter the >6!0 -009 !h"rch2i)e vote to allo2
congregations to call partnere)+ ga* clerg*3 9n or)er to get so.e breathing /or the
congregation an) their ne2 hea) pastor+ at their ann"al .eeting+ 8".bro vote) to not
taking an* votes regar)ing ho.ose1"alit* /or - *ears3 (his gave the. so.e breathing
roo. to take their ti.e in assessing 2here the congregation 2as on this topic3 8".bro
began 2ith so.e /or".s abo"t 2hat the Bible sa*s regar)ing ho.ose1"alit*3 (he* procee)
b* spen)ing ti.e on ho2 to rea) an) interpret the Bible an) ho2 to have respect/"l
conversations as !hristians3 8".bro 2ante) to spen) ti.e learning .ore /ro. an) abo"t
each other thro"gh this process3 ollo2ing this 8".bro began to ask the ?"estion+ @Who is
2elco.e hereAB+ an) as res"lt the* cra/te) an) passe) a 2elco.e state.ent that
speci/icall* .entione) those o/ ho.ose1"al orientation3 9n voting on this
2elco.e state.ent+ 8".bro "se) @spectr". votingB+ 2here voters ha) voting options: )ark
green #strongl* agree&+ light green #.ostl* agree&+ 2hite #"ns"re&+ light re) #.ostl*
)isagree&+ )ark re) #strongl* )isagree&3 (his helpe) to give a te.perat"re o/ the
congregation+ rather than @2inners an) losersB3 inall*+ 8".bro is c"rrentl* in the .i))le o/
a conversation regar)ing sa.e-se1 .arriage3 (his /all+ the* are o//ering /or".s that s"pport
both si)es o/ this iss"e3 'ne /or". 2ill be on ho2 to .ake a case in /avor o/ tra)itional
.arriageC another /or". 2ill involve intervie2ing a ga* congregational .e.ber on 2hat it
has been like gro2ing "p as a person 2ho is ga*3
ollo2ing these presentations+ 2e ha) s.all gro"p )isc"ssion aro"n) D ?"estions
Wh* )i) *o" co.e tonightA
What resonate) 2ith *o"A What challenge) *o"A
What 2o"l) it be like /or 0"rora an) (rinit* to have )eeper conversations abo"t
ho.ose1"alit* an) sa.e-se1 .arriageA
Wh* is it i.portant /or ch"rch to have conversations like thisA
'verall+ people 2ere ver* respect/"l o/ one another an) appreciate) the presentations3 Man* people
e1presse) their )esire to go )eeper in this conversation+ partic"larl* in st")*ing the Biblical passages
that are o/ten associate) 2ith ho.ose1"alit*3 'thers also /elt that this is a conversation 2e nee) to
have since it .ore an) .ore part o/ o"r ever*)a* li/e3 9t 2as also clear that there 2as a
2i)e variet* o/ opinions in the roo.3 9n the en)+ it 2as a great start to a )i//ic"lt conversation3 Where
2ill 2e go /ro. hereA 9E. not s"re *et3 B"t 2e 2ill be slo2 an) tho"ght/"l abo"t ho2 2e .ove
9n concl"sion+ here is 2hat so.e others are sa*ing abo"t the evening:
-@(r"l* a great gathering on sa.e se1 .arriageF 9 en=o*e) listening to both pastors G also having a
/"n )isc"ssion 2ith a /e2 other ch"rch .e.bers3 9 a. rea)* to go )eeper into this conversationFB H
Ste/anie (h"rna"
-@9 learne) so.e ne2 things3 9t 2as interesting to hear ho2 the t2o ch"rches reacte) )i//erentl* to the
iss"e o/ ga* .arriage an) ho2 the* 2orke) to tr* to reach consens"s in their congregations3 (he
session 2as a goo) 2a* to start the conversation in o"r congregations3B H 0non*.o"s
-@02eso.e opport"nit* to 2itness t2o 4astors e1press their )i//erences on co..on gro"n) 2ith
"t.ost respect3 9 le/t /eeling "pli/te) that the* have pave) the 2a* /or o"r congregation to 2ork
thro"gh so.e to"gh iss"es 2ith the sa.e passion an) co.passion /or each other keeping o"r
co..on goal in .in) - o"r love /or ,es"sFB - 0lic*n 4restegar)
-@We learne) so.e ne2 2a*s to approach the s"b=ect o/ sa.e se1 .arriage3 Beca"se sa.e se1
.arriage is no2 legal in Minnesota 2e nee) to e)"cate o"rselves an) )eci)e 2hat o"r ch"rch 2ants
to )o+ to s2eep the s"b=ect "n)er the r"g an) ignoring the iss"e 2o"l) be )en*ing o"r ch"rch a voice
in that .atter3B
H Ii. Wil)er
- @9 think the .ost i.portant part abo"t sa.e-se1 .arriage is talking abo"t itJ3We )onKt 2ant to leave
so.eone o"t o/ the conversation that can be S' vital to others 2ho this reall* a//ects3B H !hiara
-@9t 2as a great evening being a.ongst 0"rora an) (rinit* .e.bers3 9 tho"ght ever*one 2as ver*
receptive an) ha) so.e ver* insight/"l things to sa*3B H Michelle Willia.s
- @9t 2as great having - pastors co.e to talk to "s abo"t their o2n parish )isc"ssions an) ho2 the*
2orke) thro"gh the con/licts to )evelope) processes an) "lti.atel* a )ecision that best /it their
ch"rches3 We have .ore 2ork ahea) o/ "s3B H Rich 4a"lson
-L(his is an iss"e that has to be a))resse) an) .* table 2as ver* receptive to the i)ea o/ a
)isc"ssion the .e.bers o/ 0"rora an) (rinit*3 9 think 2e all realiMe that there 2ill be so.e
tension+ b"t 2e are "p /or the challengeF 9 think 2e 2ere "nani.o"s in the /act that 2e nee) to
procee) slo2l* an) take o"r ti.e3L --,an 5elson
Man* thanks to all 2ho 2ere able to co.e o"t /or this event3 4lease )onEt hesitate to speak 2ith .e i/
*o" have an* ?"estions or concerns regar)ing this process3
4eace an) love to *o" all+
?astor >on

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