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By Richard Nordquist, Guide

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1. Grammar & Rhetoric Glossary
2. > Cacograhy ! Cut "elling
The Facts on File Guide to Research by #e$ %enburg &Chec'mar', 2(()*
A Walk In The Snark%i'e "atire+ ,ou-ll %o.e /his Boo' )0) 1entists %aughed2 31
Instant Grammar CheckerCorrect All Grammar 6rrors And 6nhance ,our 7riting. /ry No42
Professional Writing8aster-s 0 9h1 Guidance 1ata Analysis "9"", "A"
The Story Begins with YoCreati.e 4riting, your 4ay. :ree to ;oin, easy to use. <t-s your story2!
!o"el Writing Com#etitionArts Council >unded 4ith ublishers o> 1an Bro4n & "tehen ?ing.
A source quoted in an essay, reort, or boo' to clari>y, illustrate, or substantiate a oint.
:ailure to cite sources is lagiarism.
"ee alsoA
Choosing a "tyle 8anual and 1ocumentation Guide
9rimary "ource
Research 9aer
"econdary "ource
"ignal 9hrase
:rom the %atin, DsummonsD
&'am#les and ()ser"ations:
DEnless it is a scienti=c or academic reort, arenthetical documentation &instead o>
>ootnotes and bibliograhy* may 4or' best >or citing sources. :ollo4 this style >or
arenthetical documentationA Humorist Dave Barry cited a headline that read 'Search for
Woman in Fertilized Egg Suit Goes ation!ide' in his Sunday column &-Grammar #ust a
Good <n>arcation,- Bergen Record, :eb. 2), 2((1*.D
&Felen Cunningham and Brenda Greene, The Business Style Hand"oo#. 8cGra4!Fill, 2((2*
In*Te't +or Parenthetical, Citations
D<n the body o> your aer, 4hen incororating in>ormation, quotes, or ideas >rom a credible
source into a aragrah or sentence, you must cite the source that you ha.e used. Esually
the citation aears at the end o> the sentence or aragrah 4ith the name o> the source
enclosed in arentheses. . . .
DAn in!teBt citation tyically includes either the last name o> the author, the title or ublication
name &in quotations*, or the name o> the comany, organi5ation, or 7eb site, i> no author or
article title is 'no4n. 6ach source you cite should corresond 4ith those listed in
the Bibliograhy, 7or's Cited, or Re>erences o> your aer. . . .
DGne o> the most common >orms o> in!teBt citation is simly citing the last name o> the author
o> your source 4ithin the sentence or aragrah 4here it aearsA
7hen a 4oman stays home 4ith her children she is able to -gi.e more o> hersel> to her in>ant
at least during the crucial =rst year, 4hen a child-s brain doubles in si5e, and re>erably >or
the =rst =.e years, 4hile the brain trebles in si5e to attain three!>ourths o> its =nal gro4th-
DNotice, in the >ollo4ing eBamle, the abo.e citation corresonds 4ith the =rst 4ord o> the
source as listed in the Bibliograhy . . .A
8cCollister, Betty. -/he "ocial Necessity o> Nurturance.- Humanist. #an0:eb 2((1. Academic
"earch :ile. 2) "e. 2((HA httA004eb).enet.com0citation.asD
&#e$ %enburg, The Facts on File Guide to Research. Chec'mar', 2(()
Instructions for Citations and References

Last Updated: 02/12/2005

The journal uses the American Psychological Association system of
internal notation does not use either footnotes at the bottom of the page
or endnotes. Instead, the author's last name is inserted after the sentence
in which their material has been used. At the end of the sentence place a
bracket and inside it place the author's last name, year the book or article
was published, and the page(s cited! e.g. (Author, year. page.
"A! Basic rule for using APA citations
#$ample sentence with citation!
%ommunity correctional programs ha&e e$panded to include &ictim'
oriented programs such as community ser&ice and restitution ((c%arthy
and (c%arthy, ")*+, p. ,-.
".! /ote! The only &ariation on this form occurs whenever the author's
nae is !eing used in the sentence itself" In that case place the
bracket immediately after the author's name and place inside it only the
year and page number(s.
#$ample sentence when author's name is used in sentence itself!
(c%arthy and (c%arthy (")*+, p. 01 ha&e critici2ed the use of di&ersion
because it has not resulted in the decline of prison populations.
+! If you ha&e ore than one source !# the sae author pu!lished in
the sae #ear, designate them by placing a, b, c, etc. after the year in
the citation (and also after the year in your listing of the article or book on
the reference page.
#$amples! (%ohen, ")*,a, p. 01 (%ohen, ")*,b, p.,-
3! Articles with no author listed can be cited using the name of the
publication (e.g. 4t. Petersburg Times or TI(# or organi2ation (e.g.
/ational Institute of (ental 5ealth that published the material.
#$amples! (TI(#, "))6b, p. 30 (/I(5, ")*-, p -*
,! Legal cases are cited using the name of the case and the year the
case was decided.
#$ample! The 7.4. 4upreme %ourt recently ruled in fa&or of %alifornia's 3
strike law (#wing &. %alifornia, +663, pp. ))-'"66+.
0! 8or interviews, list the person's last name inside the citation brackets
(unless you ha&e used their name in the sentence itself. 8or e$ample, an
inter&iew with 9o&. :awton %hiles would be cited! (%hiles, "))".
1! Articles !# an author$s% that are part of a larger collection $!oo& or
'ournal% edited !# another author$s% should be cited by using the
name(s of the actual writer(s of the article used, not the editor(s.
/ote! (ver# citation within the !od# of the paper ust have a
atching source on the reference page" )n addition* all sources
listed on the reference page ust !e cited at least once within the
te+t or the# can not !e counted as legitiate sources" ,he reference
page is not a reading list of !oo&s and articles used as !ac&ground
reading for the paper
/ote! /e&er list a 7;: within an internal citation. 7se author of the <eb
reference, and if author is not a&ailable the <eb site's
publisher=webmaster. Thus, for the 8rederickson on'line article listed in
the bibliography below, the internal citation is (8rederickson, +666 , not
the 7;:.

-ow to write !i!liographic citations for the reference page:
1" Boo&s:
Author(s. (>ear. Title of book. ?? %ity of Publication! Publisher.
??underlined or in italics??
/ote! @nly the first word of the title (and subtitle or articles, book
chapters, and books should be capitali2ed. Also, proper nouns. e.g.
7nited 4tates.
(c%arthy, .., A .. (c%arthy. (")*+. Community-based corrections in
the United States. :os Angeles! .rooks=%ole Publishing.
2" .hapter fro an edited !oo&:
Author of chapter. (>ear. Title of chapter. In #ditor(s of book (ed. Title of
book (pp. BB'BB. %ity of Publication! Publisher.
Ca&is, D. (. (")*". @rganic therapies. In 5.I. Eaplan, A.(. 8reedman, A
.. 4adock (#ds.. Comprehensive handbook of criminal justice (pp. )6'
""". .altimore! Dohns 5opkins 7ni&ersity Press.
/" 0ournal Articles!
Author(s. (>ear. Title of article. Title of Journal. vol (no., page numbers.
Anderson, E. ("))6. Ciscretion in police work. American Policin. !"(+,
/ote that journal titles keeps first letter of each important word as a
capital. Article title is not italici2ed, while the journal title is.
1" 2ewspaper Articles:
Author(s. (>ear, Cate. Title of article. Title of #e$spaper. p. BB.
(arbin, %. ("))6, @ctober -. Doe ;edner's club closed! @ut of work
dancers become hot dog &enders. St. Petersbur Times. p. A3.
5" Legal .ases:
#wing &. %alifornia. (+663. "+3 4. %t. ""-).
/ote! %itation itself includes Folume, ;eporter name and page number
case starts on.
3" )nterviews:
Inter&iewee. Their Title. (>ear. Inter&iewed by BB. Cate. Place.
%hiles, :. 9o&ernor of 8lorida. ("))". Inter&iewed by %ecil 9reek Duly ,.
4" 5edia 6ources: (TF programs, mo&ies, radio broadcasts, etc.
.asic 8ormat!
/ame (Producer, and /ame (Cirector. (>ear. Title of film, tele&ision
program, etc GType of mediaH. %ity! /ame of %ompany that made the
(" (o&ie!
4chwart2, 5. (Producer, A Adams, D. (Cirector. (+663. %riday the
thirteenth& part !"' %reddy (reuer meets Jason G(otion pictureH.
5ollywood! %olumbia Pictures.
5int! .est place to get this information is the Internet (o&ie Catabase
at http!
(+ TF 4eries
Dones, .. (producer, +66". #)P* +lue. GTele&ision seriesH. />! /.%
(3 #pisode of a TF 4eries
5all, .. (<riter, A .ender, D. (Cirector. (+66+ I'll fly away home
ITele&ision series episodeH. In
Dones, .. (Producer, +66". #)P* +lue. />! /.%
/ote! #ach episode of a TF series cited in a paper must be listed
5Int! good place to get this information are on'line TF episode guides
such as http!
(, TF news broadcast.
Dones, .. (Producer, and 8lash, 4. (Cirector. ("))". ,ye$itness ne$s.
August "6. Tampa! TF "6.
7" (lectronic 6ources $including 888%"
9eneral 8orm for #lectronic ;eferences
/ote! 4ome elements of the 0th edition's style guidelines for electronic
resources differ from pre&iously published guidelines.
#lectronic sources include aggregated databases, online journals, <eb
sites or <eb pages, newsgroups, <eb' or e'mail'based discussion
groups, and <eb' or e'mail'based newsletters.
@nline periodical!
Author, A. A., Author, .. .., A Author, %. %. (+666. Title of article. Title of
Periodical, $$, $$$$$$. ;etrie&ed month day, year, from source. Include
@nline document!
Author, A. A. (+666. Title of work. ;etrie&ed month day, year, from
source. Include 7;:
.ickel, .. (+666. American skin -". shots/' +ruce and
Amadou. ;etrie&ed (ay ++, +663,
from http!",66a.htm
/ote! 8or other Internet resources, see the APA #lectronic ;eferences
/ote! <eb 7;:s can ne&er be used as internal citations in APA format.
To answer any other Juestions concerning citations, bibliography,
spelling, punctuation, abbre&iations, hyphenation, etc., please see!
American Psychological Association. (+66". Publication manual of the
American psycholoical society. (0th ed.. <ashington, C.%! American
Psychological Association.

6aple 9eference Page ??
A. .ooks and Articles
.lomberg, T. (")--. Ci&ersion and accelerated social control. Journal of
Criminal 0a$. 1.(,, 3-'06.
%ohen, 4. (")*,a. The future of social control. />! @$ford 7ni&ersity
%ohen, 4. (")*,b. %olk devils and moral panics' A history of the 2mods2
and 2rockers.2 :ondon! Palidin Press.
Ca&is, D. (. (")*". @rganic therapies. In 5.I. Eaplan, A.(. 8reedman,
and .. 4adock (#ds.. Comprehensive handbook of criminal justice. (pp.
)6'""". .altimore! Dohns 5opkins 7ni&ersity Press.
#wing &. %alifornia. (+663. "+3 4. %t. ""-).
8redrickson, .. :. (+666, (arch -. %ulti&ating positi&e emotions to
optimi2e health and well'being. Prevention 3 Treatment& !& Article 666"a.
;etrie&ed /o&ember +6, +666, from
(arbin, %. ("))6, @ctober -. Doe ;edner's club closed! @ut of work
dancers become hot dog &enders. St. Petersbur Times. p. A3.
(c%arthy, .. A .. (c%arthy. (")*+. Community-based corrections. :os
Angeles! .rooks=%ole Publishing.
St. Petersbur Times. ("))6a, (arch -. /ew problems with house arrest.
St. Petersbur Times. ("))6b, April -. Ci&ersion is not working. p. A".

.. Inter&iews
%hiles, :. 9o&ernor of 8lorida. ("))". Inter&iewed by %ecil 9reek. Duly ,.

%. (edia 4ources
.lack, C. (producer. (+66". .44 centre street GTele&ision seriesH. />!
AA# TF /etwork.
Dones, .. (Producer, and 4. 8lash (Cirector. ("))". ,ye$itness ne$s.
August "6. Tampa! TF "6.
4chwart2, 5. (Producer, and Adams, D. (Cirector. (+663. %riday the
thirteenth& part !"' %reddy (reuer meets Jason. 5ollywood! %olumbia
?? /ote! .ibliography must be alphabeti2ed.

4econd line of each citation should be indented 0 spaces. In <ord you
can use the Khanging indentK feature to Juickly set up the entire
references page in this way.

I!T&-!A. CITATI(! F(-/AT
Belo4 is a section >rom a research aer entitled D:acilitated
CommunicationA <mact on 9ersons 4ith Autism,D by 8att "mith
in 1II). <t models the aroriate >orm >or internal citation
used in research aers, >ollo4ing the 8%A style manual 4hich
has been adoted building!4ide. /he 4or's cited that
corresond are also included.
:ollo4ing the success>ul attemts o> >acilitated
communication in Australia, D:acilitated communication 4as
imorted to North America in 1IJI. "ince its introduction it has
sread li'e 4ild=re. /he henomenon has >ueled a ublic
debate, artly >anned by a hungry media 4illing to ublici5e
unro.en techniques as scienti=c >actsD &"hane 2I*. :acilitated
communication is de=ned by Batt, a seech athologist at 16A%
&1ignity through 6ducation and %anguage at "yracuse
Eni.ersity*, a method o> training eole in eole in the
use o> augmentati.e communication aids 4hich the
communication artner, or >acilitator, ro.iding hysical
assistance to the aid users to hel them to o.ercome hysical
and emotional roblems in using their aidD &Cummins and 9rior
22I*. <t is this de=nition that sar's one o> the ma;or arguments
4ith :C K:acilitated CommunicationL. 8any re>er the term
Dassisted communication,D 4hich imlies the erson being aided
is not actually eBressing his o4n thoughts &Bi'len DGrthodoByD
2M2*. /his alternati.e term >or :C is de=ned by the @ictorian
<ntellectual 1isability Re.ie4 9anel as, Dcommunication by a
erson in 4hich the resonse o> that erson is eBressed
through the use o> equiment and is deendent on the
assistance o> another ersonD &Cummins and 9rior 22(*. Both
de=nitions are accurate descritions o> :CN they reOect the
oinions o> many eBerts 4hose .ie4s .ary on the .alidity o> :C.
:C is centered around a >acilitator holding the arm or
hand o> a erson 4ith autism 4hile the erson tyes out his or
her thoughts on a small comuter. /he >acilitator sits beside the
erson 4ith autism and tries to eliminate random mo.ement by
that erson. Folding his hand the hand o> the erson 4ith
autism, the >acilitator steadies the indeB =nger, i> needed. /he
>acilitator is not to begin the mo.ement o> the handN rather, he
is simly to 'ee the erson >ocused on the resent tas'.
Bi'len, a 'ey roonent o> :C, describes the method o>
communication in DGrthodoBy @ersus :ree "eechD as a Dmeans
by 4hich many eole 4ith ma;or seech diPculties tye or
oint at letters on an alhabet board or tying to con.ey
their thoughts. <t a >acilitator 4ho ro.ides hysical
suort to hel stabili5e the arm, to isolate the indeB =nger i>
necessary, to ull bac' the arm a>ter each selection, to remind
the indi.idual to maintain >ocus, and to o$er emotional suort
and encouragementN the >acilitator rogressi.ely hases out the
hysical suortD &2MH*.
W(-0S CIT&$
Bi'len, 1ouglas. DAutism GrthodoBy @ersus :ree "eechA A
Rely to Cummins and 9rior.D
Far.ard 6ducational Re.ie4 Q2 &1II2*A 2M2!2)R.
!!!. Communication Enbound. Ne4 ,or'A /eachers College
9ress, 1IIH.
Cummins, Robert and 8argot 9rior. D:urther Comment on
Autism and Assisted CommunicationA
A Resonse to Bi'len.D Far.ard 6ducational Re.ie4 Q2
&1II2*A 22J!2M1.
"hane, Fo4ard C. :acilitated CommunicationA /he Clinical and
"ocial 9henomenon. "an
1iegoA "ingular 9ublishing Grou, 1IIM.
F(-/AT &1P&CTATI(!S F(- -&S&A-C2 PAP&-S * /.A
1. Ese 4hite J 102D S 11D aer.
2. Ese a high quality rinter, not dot matriB. Ese 12 t. >ont,
Gene.a or Fel.etica.
H. 1ouble!sace the teBt throughout, including outline,
quotations, notes and D7or's CitedD.
M. 8aintain margins o> 1 inch at the to and the bottom and on
both sides o> each age.
). <ndent ) saces at the beginning o> each aragrah.
Q. %ea.e 2 saces a>ter eriods and other terminal mar's o>
R. %ea.e 1 sace a>ter commas and other internal mar's o>
J. Gn title age, centered about 10H do4n >rom the to, tye the
title 4hich clari=es the urose o> the aer and does not
merely state the general toic. /hen, another 10H do4n the
age, suly your name, your instructor-s name, the course title
&and number i> alicable*, and the date the aer is due, all on
searate lines, double sacing bet4een the lines. ,our
instructor may choose to change this >ormat.
I. A >ormal outline should >ollo4 the title age. Ese >ull
sentences. /ye the title o> your aer at the to o> the =rst
age o> the outlineN then tye your thesis, trile saced belo4
the title. 1o not list your introduction or conclusion in your
1(. /ye your title at the to o> the =rst age o> your aer.
/rile sace to the =rst sentence o> your aer.
11. Number the ages o> your manuscrit consecuti.ely, tying
your last name and the age number in the uer!right hand
12. %abel any illustrations. 9lace the cation 2 line!saces
belo4 the =gure and align the cation 4ith the le>t side o> the
=gure. 8ount the illustration on bond aer.
7hen you ha.e =nished your aer, roo>read e.ery age
care>ully, including the title age, the >ormal outline, cations,
end notes, and D7or's CitedD list. 8a'e a hotocoy o> your
aer. /o hand in the note cards, arrange them according to the
>ormal outline and band them together.

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