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Byron Snapp

Book Reviews
When the Wicked Seize A City: A
Grim Look at the Future and a
Warning to the Church by Chuck and
Donna McIlhenny and Frank York.
HuntingtonHouse PIlblishersP.O. Box
53188 Lafayette, La. 70505.1993. pb.
239 pp. with Appendix.
What is it like to live in a city in
which "up to twenty percent of the
voting population is gay" (p. l6)? What
is it like to live under the rule of their
political machine? What is it like to
stand on Scriptural truth only to have
your home firebombed and
vandalized? What is it like to receive
. death threats and have to flee the city
on several occasions? What is it like to
take a firm stand yet have many evan-
gelical churches remain in silence out
of fear of the homosexual community?
These questions and many others
we could ask are cogently and clearly
answeredinthisbook. TheMcIlhennys
have lived in San Francisco since 1973
when he was called to pastor the First
Orthodox Presbyterian Church.
Perhap$wewouldnever have heard
of them had he not fired the church
organist who admitted to being an
unrepentant homosexuaL A lawsuit
resulted which the McIlhennys won
but not without the expenditure of
many thousands of dollars in legal
fees. God used this event to infonn
this faithful pastor of the seriousness
of the homosexual movement and their
hatred of
Firmly believing God has called
them toministerin this hostile environ-
ment, they have sought to present a
faithful compassionate witness to the
homosexual community. They have
COnsistently and BiblicallyspClken out
against those pushing a homosexual
agenda in the political reahn.
This book is a first hand account of
their stand and the resulting
persecution. It is more than that
however. The reader also learns much
about the perverse agenda that the
homosexuals desire to see in place not
just in San Francisco but throughout
America. The response of the
politidans and the policemen to their
pleas for help may surprise you. The
economic and political power the
homosexuals wield m<lY shock you.
The response of so many evangelicals
in San Francisco may shame you.
The autl;wrs point out that the
church at large is silent because they
fear the wrath of the homosexuals in a
city that seems to tolerate homosexuals
far more than anyone who dares to
speak OUl against their lifestyle. Sadly
when the people in the church do
speak out they use psychological
references and other arguments
without ever bringing in the only
teaching. The Mcllhennys are right in
believing that using worldly
argumentation solely throws away the
very weaponry (Sctipture) that can
win the argument and provides the
reason for opposition to this lifestyle.
Reading this book causes one to
ask, "Would I be this faithful in the
midst of continual opposition?" Also
we learn that Christian persecution is
a present reality in modern America.
We also are reminded that our faithful
God, gives the strength needed to
faithfully stand in the midst of bat de.
Through the Mcllhenny's testimony
we learn wise Scriptural responses to
the arguments of the pro-homosexual
movement in their educational,
housing, and gay marriage agenda.
A helpful appendix provides much
information on "Resources on
Homosexuality and Aids".
This book serves as an alann clock.
"We're writing this as awake-up call to
a sleeping Church. Either the Church
22 f' nlE COUNSEL of Chalcedon f March, 199.
wakes up and gets involved in society
at large, or we face incredible perse-
cution at the hands of individuals and
governments (city, state, and national)
who hate the God of the Bible and
Want Hispeople and message destroyed
from the earth once and for all. How
often has the world attempted to do
that and miserably failed? Either dte
Church becomes militant in its oppo-
sition to sin, and aggreSSive for
righteonsnessand healing, orwewillsee
the collapse of our entire culture into
a hedonistic nightmare--with deadly
consequences for millions." (p. 27)
Each of us. need to hear and heed
this alarm clock. Itmakes forinteresting,
challenging, yet alarming reading.
Hopefullywe will remember to pray for
those like the McIlhennys who seek to
ministerin extremely tough situations.
Thisisa good book for church libraries
as well as your bookshelves at home. It
deserves a wide reading.
Get this important book for a
$25 gift to The Counsel or fot a
new or gift subscription. please
mention this offer with your gift.
sirmons onJob by John Calvin, A
Facsimile of 1574 edition Banner of
Truth Trust P.O. Box 621 Carlisle, Pa.
17013 752 pages hardback
In the opening words of his first
sermon on Job, Calvin sets the stage
for the spiritual insight that awaited
hishearersand today awaits the readers
of this volume. Calvin states that the
book ofjob teaches us much of God's
sovereign purpose throughout our life
and the importance of our obedient
submissiontoGod'swill. InJob, God's
sovereignty and Job's submission are
examined in the arena of affliction.
Calvin points out that Job, frail like
ourselves, provides a good example
for us in his not yielding to temptation
to lash out at God.
These sermons are written from a
heart that itself was captured by God
I ..
and refined by much affliction. In his
early millistry Calvin had to flee
Geneva due to opposition to his
ministry. Calvin's nine year marriage
ended in 1549 when his greatly
beloved wife, Idelette, died. Their
three children each died in infancy.
He returned to Geneva in 1541 and
faced cominued opposition to his
faithful ministry for over a decade. It
was during this time (1554-55) that
these one hundred and fifty-nine
sermons on the book of Job were
preached. Thus Calvin could speak
very practically on the subject of
affliction. Readers expecting godly
comfort [TOm these sennons will not
be disappointed. Yet being a faithful
pastor Calvin also calls the reader to
search his own heart [or remaining
sins that might evidence itSelf in such
ways as being overly fond of material
goods or sinfully complaining when
God allows us to be afflicted for His
glory and our good.
The one drawback of this quality
volume is that, being a 1574 faCSimile
edition it is written in Elizabethton
English. However, one should easily
get used to this drawback af'terreading
a few paragraphs. The book opens
with an alphabetized list of subjects,
and references to themthat are covered
in the book. The margins of each page
contain the Scripture references Calvin
makes in his sennons.
No doubt this volume will be
treasured by those who purchase it.
Reading it is a good way to grow in ou r
appreciation for God's sovereignty and
lOvingly leading us through the valleys
of life as He prepares us to spend an
eternity with Him. At the same time
we will no doubt be blessed by good
preaching from a pastor's heart who
like Job was no stranger to affliction,
nor to lOving and serving God in the
midst of personal and family tlials for
which there were no human
Christ College in Greenville. SC
is seeking financial assistance
to help a Black South African
Pastor! Christian Reconstruc-
tlonist who desires an educa-
tion in America at Christ Col-
lege. If you would like to help.
please contact Ken Gentry c!o
Christ CollefJe (803)- 277-5455.
March, 1994 l' THE COUNSEL of Chalccdon t 23

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