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FA 14-15

revised 2014
also available online at
Academic Excellence in a Christian Environment
2110 Loop Road
Winnsboro, LA 71295
Fax 435-9508
FA 14-15
Franklin Academy 2014-2015
email l!"onson#$a%o&'ars!or'
()il *a%+son (rin%ipal and A,)le,i% -ire%,or
Lei') *onson Adminis,ra,ion, .n'lis) /0, 1panis)
2oll3 1&llivan 4o&nselor5Librar3
4arman W)i,,in',on 1e%re,ar3-Re%ep,ionis,
-ianna 6arin' 7&siness 2ana'er
2is,3 Rober,s (83 $a%ili,a,or
-eidra Rober,s (84 $a%ili,a,or
W3ne,,e 0ines (8 aide
4)erise (oland 8 ,ea%)er5(R. 8 s&pervisor
-enise 6erron 1
6aven 7la%+mon 2

-olores 7la%+ 3
4arol3n Fenn 4
-ebra 9ravelle 5
4r3s,al :liver .lemen,ar3 .nri%)men,5Aide
2iss3 7eavers *6 LA511
*oanna 6arin' *6 2a,)59rammar
1ara Lo;e *6 Li,51%ien%e
.laine <e,)erland 6i') 1%)ool .n'lis)
1&san 7oo,)e 6i') 1%)ool 2a,)
*o)n 1ar,in 6i') 1%)ool 1%ien%e
/nd3a (r&i,, 6i') 1%)ool 1o%! 1,&d!
8erri 9ra3son 4omp&,er
-onald 7la%+ (. $a%ili,a,or
4)ris,ie 6ill 4a$e,eria 2ana'er
9a3le =ibbs 1&ppor, and "ani,orial
-avid 7o;lin *ani,orial and main,enan%e
2i+e 8ramer 1o$,ball
4)ris 1&llivan Foo,ball
(a&l Wor+ 7as+e,ball
Anna =)omas *09irls 7as+e,ball
1%o,, 1ar,in *0 7o3s 7as+e,ball
4)ris 1&llivan 7aseball
.x,ended 6o&rs
7oard o$ -ire%,ors 1)annon Lo%+ard >11-15? (residen, *imbo 1,ep)ens >10-14?
=im Ford >12-14? 2elissa =ra)ern >12-1@?
2and3 Fa&l, >12-1@? -r! 4)ris 1&llivan >13-17?
1%o,, 1ar,in >11-15? 0i%e (residen,
FA 14-15
=able o$ 4on,en,s
(a'e <&mber /n$orma,ion
4! Wel%ome, .d&%a,ional ()ilosop)3,
Alma 2a,er, Fore;ord
5 4ode o$ .,)i%s, Admission (oli%3, 4o&rse :$$erin's, =:(15 9rad&a,ion in$o
@ 1%)olars)ip in$orma,ion
7! 4)apel, A,,endan%e, Absen%es
8! LA La; on A,,endan%e, 4)e%+-o&, (ro%ed&res, =ardiness, 9radin'
9!11 1%)ool sponsored A%,ivi,ies59ro&ps and ReA&iremen,s
12! A,)le,i%sB .li'ibili,3
13! =ranspor,a,ion and 0e)i%les
14! -is%ipline
15! 4)ea,in', 9rievan%es, (-A
1@-18 Cni$orms and -ress 4ode
19! =elep)one, 9&m, 4and3
20-21! 4a$e,eria
22 0isi,ors, =&i,ion, Repor, 4ards
23! (re'nan%3 (oli%3
24-25 4omp&,er and /n,erne, Cses
2@ -r&' =es,in'
27 FA 4)allen'e and <on-dis%rimina,or3 poli%3B (ar,i%ipa,ion
28 1ervi%e Cni, /n$orma,ion
29 FreA&en,l3 As+ed D&es,ions
30 Tentative 4alendar -a,es
31 1,&den,5(aren,5FA 4on,ra%, -.A-L/<. --- /2(:R=A<=
33 driver $orm $or all drivers
34 release $orm
FA 14-15
1%)ool 4olors Ro3al and 9old
2as%o, 4o&'ar
Welcome to ran!lin Academ"! We are pleased ,o )ave 3o& as par, o$ o&r $amil3 and in o&r %ir%le o$
$riends! We )ope 3o&r ,en&re )ere ;i,) &s ;ill be pro$i,able as ;ell as pleas&rable!
(aren,s, 3o&r ob"e%,ives and ,)e ob"e%,ives o$ ,)e s%)ool in respe%, ,o 3o&r s,&den, are ,)e same ,o 'ive
,)e s,&den, ,)e bes, possible '&idan%e ,o;ard ,)e realiEa,ions o$ )is )i')es, po,en,ial and dreams! =o
a%%omplis) ,)a, 'oal, full coo#eration and #ro#er communication between home and the school is
FA .d&%a,ional (oli%3 1,a,emen,
=)e ed&%a,ional p)ilosop)3 o$ Fran+lin A%adem3 in%l&des, b&, is no, ne%essaril3 limi,ed ,o ,)e $ollo;in'
1! A s,ron' %ommi,men, ,o spiri,&al val&es and ,)e role o$ 4)ris,iani,3 in ,)e ,o,al ed&%a,ion o$ a s,&den,!
2! A s,ron' %ommi,men, ,o pa,rio,ism as pres%ribed b3 FA!
3! A s,ron' %ommi,men, ,o ,radi,ional ed&%a,ion ;)i%) in%l&des
a! A %&rri%&l&m 'eared ex%l&sivel3 ,o learnin' responses in%l&din' ,)e &se o$ s,andardiEed norms
$or meas&rin' ap,i,&de and a%)ievemen,B
b! =)e &se o$ ,ex,s and s&pplemen,al ,ea%)in' ma,erials 'eared ,o ,)e learnin' responses and
%&l,&ral iden,i,3 o$ all %)ildrenB
%! A dis%iplined environmen, &nder ad&l, s&pervisionB
d! .mp)asis on ,rained in,elle%,, i!e!, ,)e abili,3 ,o in,erpre, and %ompre)endB
e! 1,&den, mas,er3 o$ s&b"e%, ma,,er or'aniEed in a $ixed %&rri%&l&m!
AL2A 2A=.R
>=&ne F:), 4)ris,mas =reeG?
A pil'rim band, ;e ,a+e o&r s,and, in -ixieland, in -ixielandH
We p&, o&r ,r&s, in 9od above, and b&ild o&r s%)ool ;i,) $ai,) and love!
:&r sons and da&'),ers, Fran+linIs pride, mar%) on ,o vi%,or3 side b3 side!
:), Alma 2a,er, bold and $ree, ;e pled'e ,o ,)ee o&r lo3al,3!
Wri,,en b3 2rs! *!8! =illo,son
=)e $ear o$ ,)e Lord is ,)e be'innin' o$ +no;led'eB b&, $ools despise ;isdom and ins,r&%,ion! W)en ;isdom
en,ere,) in,o ,)ine )ear,, and +no;led'e is pleasan, &n,o ,)e3 so&lB dis%re,ion s)all preserve ,)ee, &nders,andin'
s)all +eep ,)ee! (roverbs 17B 210-12 8*0
A44R.-/=A=/:< Lo&isiana 1,a,e -epar,men, o$ .d&%a,ion >-:.?
2ississippi Asso%ia,ion o$ /ndependen, 1%)ools >2A/1?
FA 14-15
4:-. :F .=6/41
Fran+lin A%adem3 s,&den,s are pro&d ,o be a par, o$ ,)is s%)ool and s)o; ,)is b3 ,)eir a%,ions on and o$$ ,)e %amp&s! =)e3 are ladies
and 'en,lemen in ever3 aspe%,! =)eir a%,ions are s&%) ,)a, ,)e3 brin' )onor &pon ,)emselves, ,)eir paren,s, >or le'al '&ardians? and
,)eir s%)ool! =)ese s,&den,s are s,ron'l3 %ommi,,ed ,o spiri,&al val&es, pa,rio,ism, individ&alism, sel$-relian%e, a personal sense o$
)onor and d&,3, moral responsibili,3, and a%%o&n,abili,3! W)en a s,&den, is admi,,ed ,o FA, )e or s)e is s&b"e%, ,o A$$ a%ademi% and
be)avioral obli'a,ions ;)i%) in%l&de, b&, are no, limi,ed ,o, ,)ose prin,ed in ,)e s%)ool s,andards! (aren,s )ave ,)e obli'a,ion ,o
be%ome $amiliar ;i,) ,)e s,andards o$ %ond&%,!
9.<.RAL A-2/11/:<1 (:L/4J
1,&den,s desirin' admission m&s, )ave been in 'ood s,andin' ;i,) ,)e s%)ool or s%)ools ,)e3 )ave a,,ended $or ,)e las, nine mon,)s!
1,&den,s ;)o )ave been s&spended or expelled d&rin' ,)a, nine-mon,) period ;ill no, be a%%ep,ed! An3 s,&den, ;i,) a %riminal
re%ord ;ill no, be allo;ed admi,,an%e! =)e adminis,ra,ion and ,)e 7oard o$ -ire%,ors ;ill en$or%e ,)is r&le! All5an3 spe%ial %ases
m&s, be dire%,ed $irs, ,o ,)e adminis,ra,ion, ;)o ,)en ma3 re%ommend a 7oard )earin'!
Fran+lin A%adem3 is an eA&al oppor,&ni,3 ins,i,&,ion and does no, dis%rimina,e on ,)e basis o$ ra%e, %olor, %reed, na,ional or e,)ni%
ori'in, 'ender, reli'ion, disabili,3, or a'e!
4:CR1. :FF.R/<91
.n'lis) /, //, ///, /0 Al'ebra / and // 9eome,r3, Advan%ed 2a,) /5// 7&siness 2a,)
World 6is,or3 ()3si%al 1%ien%e 7iolo'3 / and // 4)emis,r3
1panis) / and // 4ivi%s, Ameri%an 6is,or3, World 9eo'rap)3
6eal,) and (!.! 8e3boardin', 4omp&,er Appli%a,ions, (&bli%a,ions
%ther courses as #ersonnel and scheduling allows.
=)e 1,a,e -epar,men, o$ .d&%a,ion reA&ires 4 .n'lis)es, 4 2a,)s, 4 1o%ial 1,&dies, 4 1%ien%es, 2 6 K (.s, and 2 same Forei'n
Lan'&a'es, 3 ele%,ives >one ,o in%l&de an Ar, or s&bs,i,&,ion %lass? $or a ,o,al o$ 24 &ni,s reA&ired $or 'rad&a,ion! =)e s,&den, s)all be
re&uired ,o pass ,)e 9rad&a,e .xi, .xam >9..? as appropria,e or ,)e .:4 $or spe%i$i% %lasses!
.:4 ,es,s appl3 ,o ALL s,&den,s enrolled in Al'ebra /, 7iolo'3 /, 9eome,r3, and .n'lis) //, /// and Am 6is,!
Re,a+e oppor,&ni,ies ;ill be provided $or s,&den,s ;)o do no, pass ,)e ,es,! =)ese da,es are de,ermined b3 ,)e Lo&isiana
<: 1=C-.<= ma3 par,i%ipa,e in an3 'rad&a,ion exer%ises ;i,)o&, mee,in' and %omple,in' ALL reA&iremen,s o$ FA, ,)e
2A/1 and ,)e Lo&isiana -epar,men, o$ .d&%a,ion! FA reserves ,)e ri'), adminis,ra,ivel3 and ed&%a,ionall3 ,o iss&e an
al,erna,e diploma5%er,i$i%a,e o$ a,,endan%e and a%)ievemen, ,o an3 non-%olle'e bo&nd s,&den, ;)o ma3 no, brin' ,o $r&i,ion
,)e ,o,ali,3 o$ La-o. and 2A/15FA 'rad&a,ion s,andards! (aren,al no,i$i%a,ion and %onsen, ;o&ld be ne%essar3 in order $or
,is al,erna,e ro&,e ,o appl3!
=)e Lo&isiana =:(1 4ore 4&rri%&l&m in%l&des >For 'rad&a,es o$ 2015?
4 &ni,s .n'lis) /, //, ///, /0B
4 &ni,s Al'ebra / and //B 9eome,r3 or =ri' or 4al%&l&s or Advan%ed 2a,)B
4 &ni,s 7iolo'3, 4)emis,r3, and 1 o$ ()3si%al, .ar,), .nvironmen,al, 7iolo'3 /, 4)emis,r3 //, ()3si%sB
4 &ni,s Ameri%an 6is,or3, 4ivi%s, and 1 o$ World 6is,or3, World 9eo'rap)3, or Wes,ern 4iviliEa,ionB
2 &ni,s same $orei'n lan'&a'eB
1 $ine ar,s s&rve3 >or 2 &ni,s o$ m&si%, dan%e, ,)ea,erB or 2 &ni,s o$ vis&al ar,B or 2 &ni,s o$ s,&dio ar,?
=:=AL =:(1 C</=1 reA&ired 19 reA&ired 9(A on =:(1 &ni,s 2!5 o$ 4!0
A4= s%ore reA&iremen,s see 9&idan%e 4o&nselor $or %&rren, in$orma,ion
2ore =:(1 in$orma,ion is available ,)ro&') ,)e '&idan%e o$$i%e! (lease be advised ,)a, =:(1 reA&iremen,s ma3 %)an'e $rom 3ear ,o
3ear a%%ordin' ,o s,a,e manda,es! 9&idan%e %o&nselor ;ill +eep s,&den,s and paren,s in$ormed o$ %)an'es and ne; reA&iremen,s!
<:=. =)e FAF1A $orm is ,)e responsibili,3 o$ ,)e )o&se)old, no, o$ ,)e s%)ool!
'ince ran!lin Academ" is duall" accredited b" the state of $ouisiana and the (A)'* student re&uirements ma" be u#dated at
the mandates of the organi+ations. ran!lin Academ" will !ee# current on certification and accreditation re&uirements.
The T%,' scholarshi# is not guaranteed for a student who meets onl" these academic re&uirements. A is not res#onsible for
successful com#letion of all T%,' re&uirements. 'tudents and #arents are res#onsible for sta"ing informed as to changes and
re&uirements. ,lease see the guidance office for more information.
FA 14-15
FRA<8L/< A4A-.2J 2/<:R/=J 146:LAR16/( /<F:R2A=/:<
As se, $or,) in several re%en, %o&r, de%isions, a priva,e s%)ool s&b"e%, ,o an in$eren%e o$ dis%rimina,ion m&s,
provide %lear and %onvin%in' eviden%e ,)a, i, no; opera,es in a 'ood $ai,), ra%iall3 nondis%rimina,or3 manner in
order ,o ,a+e advan,a'e o$ ,)e available ,ax bene$i,s! /n li'), o$ ,)e 'ro;in' demands o$ ,)e /n,ernal Reven&e
1ervi%e >/R1?, ,)e 2A/1 and ,)e s,a,e o$ Lo&isiana and i,s 7r&m$ield--odd reA&iremen,s, all 2A/1 priva,e
s%)ools are $indin' i, pr&den, and expedien, ,o ini,ia,e and implemen, s%)olars)ip and re%r&i,in' pro'rams ,)a,
are 'eared ,o;ard a,,ra%,in' a more diverse represen,a,ion o$ ,)e demo'rap)i%s o$ o&r pop&la,ions! =)e 2A/1
is s&ppor,in' ,)e availabili,3 o$ s%)olars)ips ,o minori,3 s,&den,s ,o en)an%e ,)e availabili,3 o$ $ederal and s,a,e
$&ndin' ,o s%)ool!
=)ere$ore, Fran+lin A%adem3 >FA? %ommi,s ,o a;ardin' s%)olars)ip monies ,o a minori,3 s,&den, ea%) 3ear an
amount not to exceed -./ o$ 3earl3 ,&i,ion! >1%)olars)ip ;ill onl3 %o&n, as one >1? ,&i,ion paid in ,)e even, o$
m&l,iple %)ildren in ,)e $amil3!? =)is amo&n, does <:= in%l&de and ;ill no, $&nd o,)er appli%able $ees $or
boo+s, members)ip, spor,s, %lasses, e,%! =)e s,&den, m&s, be enrolled $&ll-,ime! /n ,)e even, ,)e s,&den,
;i,)dra;s $rom FA, does no, main,ain sa,is$a%,or3 a%ademi% per$orman%e, or $ails ,o mee, FA moral and e,)i%s
s,andards, ,)e s%)olars)ip %an be revo+ed ;i,) a ma"ori,3 de%ision o$ ,)e FA 7oard o$ -ire%,ors!
FA %ommi,s ,o adver,isin' s%)olars)ip availabili,3 in lo%al ne;spapers and ,)ro&') %omm&ni,3 %ivi% and %)&r%)
leaders! -o%&men,a,ion $or s&%) adver,isin' ;ill be re%orded and $iled $or $&,&re revie;!
9&idelines $or a;ards ma3 in%l&de, b&, are no, limi,ed ,o
1! demons,ra,ed $inan%ial need o$ ,)e $amil3 and s,&den,
2! pre$eren%e 'iven ,o lo%al re%o'niEed minori,3 s,&den,s
3! approved admission reA&iremen,s $or admission o$ an3 s,&den, as s,a,ed in ,)e FA )andboo+
4! a%ademi% s&%%ess >2!0 9(A minim&m?
5! re%ord and do%&men,a,ion o$ s%)ool-adminis,ered s,andardiEed ,es,s
@! s,&den, in,ervie; ;i,) s%)olars)ip %ommi,,ee
7! $amil3 in,ervie; ;i,) s%)olars)ip %ommi,,ee
8! le,,er o$ re%ommenda,ion $rom non-$amil3 member :R ,)ree >3? lis,ed re$eren%es ;i,) %&rren, p)one
9! rene;able 3ear-,o-3ear i$ in 'ood s,andin' ;i,) FA and %omm&ni,3 as de$ined in ,)e FA )andboo+
All a##lications must be reviewed and a##roved b" the A scholarshi# committee.
'cholarshi# committee will consist of the A administrative team* guidance counselor* a teacher 0grade
level e&uivalent of a##licant1* and one or more board members.
A##lications deemed a##ro#riate will then be sent to full 2oard of 3irectors for their review and
Appli%a,ions are available ,)ro&') ,)e s%)ool o$$i%e! (lease %all or visi, FA $or more in$orma,ion!
FA 14-15
Adop,ed April 2005B amended April 2008
C4A,E$ 4)apel is %ond&%,ed b3 ,)e Fello;s)ip o$ 4)ris,ian 1,&den,s or'aniEa,ion and is s%)ed&led ,)ro&')
,)e sponsor and ,)e adminis,ra,ion $or 'rades @ L 12 or 'ro&ps ,)ereo$! <: 1(.4/F/4 46CR46 -:4=R/<.
or denomina,ional belie$s ;ill be ,a&'), a, an3 ,ime d&rin' %)apel-rela,ed even,s and a%,ivi,ies! -a,es
anno&n%ed a, leas, one ;ee+ prior ,o a%,ivi,3 period!
ATTE53A5CE6 Re'&lar and p&n%,&al a,,endan%e is ,)e 'rea,es, sin'le $a%,or in s%)ool s&%%essB ,)ere$ore, s,&den,s are expe%,ed ,o
and m&s, a,,end re'&larl3 and s)o&ld al;a3s ma+e ,)eir plans in order ,o arrive on ,ime!
1%)ool a&,)ori,ies do re%o'niEe ,)a, ,)ere ma3 be o%%asions o$ &n&s&al na,&re ;)en paren,s ma3 reA&ire ,)eir %)ildren ,o
miss a da3 or so $rom s%)ool, and s&%) an absen%e is allo;ed /F paren,s %on,a%, ,)e prin%ipal and ,ea%)er involved ,o ma+e
arran'emen,s )5 A37A5CE $or ,)is absen%e!
1,&den,s ;ill be ex%&sed $rom s%)ool a,,endan%e >b&, no, %lassroom ;or+? $or ,)e $ollo;in' reasons
1! personal illness, veri$ied b3 paren,al no,e and5or do%,orIs ex%&se
2! serio&s illness in ,)e immedia,e $amil3
3! dea,) in ,)e immedia,e $amil3 or o$ a %lose personal $riend
4! reli'io&s )olida3s observed b3 persons be%a&se o$ ,)eir $ai,)
5! s,&den,s a;a3 $rom s%)ool on s%)ool-rela,ed even,s >,)is ;ill <:= %o&n, as an absen%e?
@! spe%ial permission $rom ,ea%)ers and prin%ipal $or o,)er %ir%&ms,an%es as ,8E9arranged in ;ri,in' b3 $amil3 ;i,) ,)e
adminis,ra,ion and ,)ro&') ,)e o$$i%e! >advan%ed no,i%e is reA&ired!?
1,&den,s ;i,) ex%&sed absen%es ;ill be reA&ired ,o ma+e ,)eir o;n arran'emen,s $or %lass ;or+ remedia,ion ,)ro&')
%oordina,ion ;i,) ea%) ,ea%)er! /$ s,&den,s +no; ,)e3 ;ill be absen,, ,)ese arran'emen,s s)o&ld be made be$ore ,)e absen%e o%%&rs!
Arran'emen,s $or ma+e-&p ;or+ m&s, be made ;i,)in 3 s%)ool da3s $rom ,)e da,e o$ re,&rn ,o s%)ool! =)ese arran'emen,s 2C1= be
made on ,)e ini,ia,ive o$ ,)e s,&den,---no, ,)e ,ea%)er!
Wor+ missed d&e ,o &nex%&sed absen%es ;ill <:= be a%%ep,ed! Cnex%&sed absen%es are ,)ose <:= %overed spe%i$i%all3 b3
,)e above de$ini,ions! 1&spension $rom s%)ool or dismissal $rom %lass $or dis%iplinar3 reasons ;ill be %o&n,ed as an &nex%&sed
A 'rade o$ 0 is 'iven $or assi'nmen,s and5or ,es,s missed in ea%) %lass5s&b"e%, d&rin' an &nex%&sed absen%e!
6:2.W:R8 R.DC.1=1 $or absen,ees s)o&ld be %alled in ,o ,)e o$$i%e be$ore 900 a!m! and ma3 be pi%+ed &p a$,er s%)ool in ,)e
9RA-.1 8 L 5 W)en a s,&den, re,&rns ,o s%)ool $ollo;in' an absen%e, )e s)o&ld brin' ,o )is ,ea%)er a no,e si'ned b3 a
paren,5'&ardian explainin' ,)e reason $or )is absen%e! /n %ase o$ ex,ended absen%e, medi%al do%&men,a,ion is needed! =)e s%)ool
reserves ,)e ri'), ,o see+ veri$i%a,ion o$ s&%) ins,an%es!
9RA-.1 @ L 12 'tudent must bring an excuse from home giving name* the reason* date* and nature of his absence* signed b"
the #arent! >.x%&se 2C1= be bro&'), in ;ri,in' ;i,)in 3 da3s o$ ,)e absen%e!? -o%,orIs ex%&ses m&s, be $iled in ,)e o$$i%e! =)e
s,&den, ;ill ,)en be 'iven an admi, slip ,o be s)o;n ,o ea%) ,ea%)er, ;)o ;ill si'n5ini,ial i,! /$ ,)e s,&den, does no, )ave an ex%&se
$rom ,)e o$$i%e, ,)e ,ea%)er ;ill mar+ ,)e absen%e F&nex%&sedG &n,il s&%) ,ime as o,)er do%&men,a,ion )as been provided! Las, )o&r
,ea%)ers s)o&ld ,&rn in admi, slips ,o ,)e o$$i%e a, ,)e end o$ ea%) da3!
Absen%es rela,in' ,o s%)ool and o,)er ex%&sed absen%es -: <:= ex%&se a s,&den, $rom ;or+! >.x%&sed absen%es allo; ,)e
s,&den, ,)e oppor,&ni,3 ,o ma+e &p ,)e ;or+B ex%&sed absen%es do <:= void an3 assi'nmen, d&e!?
.x%&sed absen%es do <:= allo; a s,&den, ,o be la,e on ;or+ ,)a, ;as previo&sl3 assi'ned! >.xample =es,5assi'nmen, is
anno&n%ed on 2onda3 $or Frida3! 1,&den, is absen, on =)&rsda3, re,&rns Frida3! 6e is responsible $or ,)e assi'nmen,B )e /1
reA&ired ,o ,a+e ,)e ,es, sin%e i, ;as anno&n%ed ;ell a)ead o$ ,ime and in )is presen%e!?
4LA11W:R8 /1 =6. R.1(:<1/7/L/=J :F =6. 1=C-.<=!
=ea%)ers are responsible ,o reA&es, permission $rom ,)e adminis,ra,ion and ,o provide a lis, o$ s,&den,s ;)o are ,o be a;a3 $rom FA
%amp&s $or s%)ool-rela,ed a%,ivi,ies! =)is lis, s)o&ld be provided ,o o,)er $a%&l,3 members as $ar a)ead o$ ,ime as possible in order ,o
provide ,ea%)ers ample plannin' oppor,&ni,ies $or ,)ese absen%es!
FA 14-15
1,&den,s arrivin' ,o s%)ool d&rin' ,)e da3 or re,&rnin' a$,er missin' a por,ion ,)ereo$, are reA&ired ,o lo%a,e ,)e ,ea%)er>s? missed in
order ,o re,rieve assi'nmen,s and5or ,o ,a+e an3 ,es,s5'rades missed! T4)' )' A$WA:' T4E 8E',%5')2)$)T: % T4E
L:C/1/A<A LAW :< 146::L A==.<-A<4. 0this is state law and must be followed b" A1
/$ a s,&den, in 'rades 9-12 is absen, $rom a %o&rse more ,)an ,en >10? ,imes in a semes,er $or an3 reason
>ex%&sed or &nex%&sedMex%ep, $or ex,ended illness veri$ied and do%&men,ed b3 a p)3si%ian?, )e ;ill <:=
re%eive %redi, $or ,)e %o&rse!
/$ a s,&den, in 'rades 1-8 is absen, $rom s%)ool $or more ,)an ,;en,3 >20? da3s d&rin' ,)e s%)ool 3ear $or
an3 reason >ex%ep, $or ex,ended illness veri$ied and do%&men,ed b3 a p)3si%ian?, )e %anno, be promo,ed ,o ,)e
nex, 'rade!
1=C-.<= 46.48 :C= (R:4.-CR.
A s,&den, ;)o needs ,o leave s%)ool be$ore ,)e o$$i%ial dismissal ,ime m&s, brin' a no,e ,o ,)e o$$i%e
7.F:R. 8 a!m! $rom a paren, s,a,in' ,)e ,ime and reason ,)e s,&den, needs ,o %)e%+ o&,!
/$ a s,&den, be%omes ill d&rin' ,)e da3, a %)e%+-o&, slip ;ill be $illed o&, in ,)e %lassroom or ,)e
'&idan%e o$$i%e! =)e o$$i%e ;ill ma+e ,)e ne%essar3 %on,a%, ;i,) ,)e paren, ,o ma+e arran'emen,s! A student
is not allowed to chec! out without #arental #ermission and<or administrative a##roval.
/$ a s,&den, leaves s%)ool d&rin' ,)e re'&lar s%)ool )o&rs $or an3 reason, )e5s)e m&s, si'n o&, in ,)e
o$$i%e be$ore leavin' and m&s, si'n in &pon re,&rnin'!
=)e s%)ool, i,s s,a$$, and i,s adminis,ra,ion reserve ,)e ri'), ,o veri$3 reasons $or %)e%+in' o&, ;i,)
paren,s, p)3si%ians, or o,)er o$$i%ials!
=rades >9?@ 1,&den,s ;)o are la,e ,o s%)ool or la,e $or a %lass >no, inside ,)e %lassroom &pon rin'in'
o$ ,ard3 bell :R $ive min&,es a$,er re'&lar bell in %ase no ,ard3 bell rin's? ;ill )ave ,)e ,ard3 re%orded b3 ,)e
%lassroom ,ea%)er and5or a,,endan%e o$$i%er! A$,er 810 a!m!, an3 s,&den, arrivin' m&s, o$$i%iall3 %)e%+ in
,)ro&') ,)e o$$i%e!
,ard3 re%orded5o$$i%ial ;arnin'B no penal,3
,ard3 pin+ slipB de,en,ion $or 1 da3
,ard3 pin+ slip! de,en,ion $or 3 da3s
,ard3 pin+ slipB de,en,ion $or 5 da3sB paren,al %on$eren%e ;i,) adminis,ra,ion
=ardiness is re%orded on a semes,er basis! =)e %on,in&a,ion o$ &nex%&sed ,ardies ;ill res&l, in s&spension or
o,)er serio&s dis%iplinar3 a%,ion! =)is ;ill be )andled a, ,)e dis%re,ion o$ ,)e adminis,ra,ion!
9RA-/<9 (:L/4J
=)e nine-;ee+ 'rades s)all be de,ermined b3 avera'in' n&mber >per%en,a'es and poin, val&e s3s,ems?
'rades! =)e 'radin' s%ale is
100 L 93 A 4 A&ali,3 poin,s
92 - 85 7 3 A&ali,3 poin,s
84 - 77 4 2 A&ali,3 poin,s
7@ - @9 - 1 A&ali,3 poin,
@8 L 0 F 0 A&ali,3 poin,s
>An )onors 'radin' s%ale )as been approved and ;ill be applied ,o an3 %o&rse so desi'na,ed!?
/n order $or s,&den,s ,o re%eive %redi, $or a %o&rse, a, leas, 4 A&ali,3 poin,s >via le,,er 'rades? m&s, be earned $or
,)e 3ear, ;i,) @ of those being earned during the last semester! =)e #ercentage 'rades $rom ,)e $irs, ,;o
nine-;ee+s s)all be ,)e 'rades &sed ,o de,ermine ,)e semes,er avera'e 'rade! =)e #ercentage 'rades $rom all
$o&r nine ;ee+s s)all be &sed ,o de,ermine ,)e $inal >3ear? 'rade avera'e! /n de,erminin' an3 avera'e,
an3,)in' N >!5? or )i')er 'oes ,o ,)e )i')er n&mber!
.x%ep,ion A minim&m o$ @9 is reA&ired ,o re%eive a -!
FA 14-15
OOOOFor s,&den,s %omin' in,o FA $rom an )onors s3s,em, ,)e LA =:(1 %onversion $orm&la s)all be &sed ,o %onver, all 'rades ,o a $la,
4!0 s,andard, as per LA =:(1 b&lle,in! FA ;ill onl3 re%ord and repor, 'rades on ,)e 4!0 s,andard in o$$i%ial %orresponden%e!
146::L 1(:<1:R.- A4=/0/=/.1
FA sponsors ,)e $ollo;in' a%,ivi,ies ,o promo,e be,,er s%)ool spiri, and ,o en%o&ra'e s,&den,s ,o par,i%ipa,e in ,)e a%,ivi,ies o$
,)e s%)ool! :&r 3o&n' people o$ ,oda3 ;ill be ,)e leaders o$ ,omorro;B ,)ese or'aniEa,ions provide leaders)ip ,rainin' ne%essar3 $or
$&,&re leaders!
All %l&b sponsors5leaders m&s, pos, a minim&m o$ one ;ee+Is no,i%e $or mee,in's and a%,ivi,ies! =)is allo;s ,ea%)ers and
s,&den,s ,o plan a%%ordin'l3!
'T;3E5T C%;5C)$ >9ra3son, sponsor? =)e p&rpose o$ ,)e 1,&den, 4o&n%il s)all be ,o represen, all
members o$ ,)e s,&den, bod3 and ,)e s%)ool in all essen,ial a%,ivi,ies, ,o provide a pla%e $or s,&den, dis%&ssion
and expression, ,o promo,e %omm&ni%a,ion be,;een ,)e s,&den, bod3 and ,)e adminis,ra,ions, and ,o be'in
possible pro"e%,s $or ,)e 'ood o$ ,)e s%)ool and ,)e %omm&ni,3!
2embers)ip s)all %onsis, o$ ,;o represen,a,ives $rom ea%) 'rade 7 ,o 12! Represen,a,ives m&s,
main,ain an overall 9(A o$ 2!0! >A member ma3 be pla%ed on proba,ion $or one nine-;ee+s 'radin' period i$
'rades $all belo; ,)e reA&ired avera'e! -ismissal ;ill o%%&r i$ ,)e reA&ired 9(A is main,ained d&rin' ,)e
s&bseA&en, 'radin' period, or i$ ano,)er proba,ionar3 period o%%&rs!? Represen,a,ives s)all be ele%,ed b3 ea%)
%lass b3 se%re, ballo,, %ond&%,ed b3 a ,ea%)er and %er,i$ied b3 FA adminis,ra,ion! 7allo,s s)all be ,&rned in and
veri$ied be$ore an3 anno&n%emen, is made! A ma"ori,3 vo,e is reA&ired $or ele%,ion! :$$i%ers are ele%,ed b3 ,)e
%l&b members! 1ponsor approval is needed ,o )old o$$i%e!
=)e 1,&den, 4o&n%il %oordina,es ,)e spe%ial even,s $or 6ome%omin' and o,)er as reA&es,ed b3 ,)e
adminis,ra,ion and 7oard o$ -ire%,ors!
A946 >-enise 6erron, sponsor? *&nior >'rades 4 L @? and 1enior >'rades 7 L 12? :pen ,o all s,&den,s mee,in'
a'e reA&iremen,s and 9(A o$ 1!5 or )i')er and no, more ,)an one . :$$i%ers are ele%,ed b3 ,)e %l&b members!
=)is is a servi%e or'aniEa,ion ,)a, also provides ver3 'ood ,rainin'!
2ETA C$;26 >Lei') *onson, sponsor? A na,ional non-pro$i, leaders)ip and servi%e or'aniEa,ion ;)ose
p&rpose is ,o s,im&la,e e$$or,, re;ard a%)ievemen,s, and ,o en%o&ra'e and assis, i,s members ,o %on,in&e ,)eir
ed&%a,ion a$,er )i') s%)ool! =)e A&ali$i%a,ions $or individ&al members)ip ,o bo,) FA and ,)e <a,ional 7e,a
4l&b are ;or,)3 %)ara%,er, 'ood men,ali,3, %redible a%)ievemen,---9(A o$ 3!0 %&m&la,ive, and %ommendable
a,,i,&de! (rospe%,ive members)ip m&s, be approved b3 ,)e )ead o$ ,)e s%)ool alon' ;i,) ,)e sponsor!
2embers m&s, main,ain a 3!0 )i') s%)ool %&m&la,ive 9(A ,o remain a member o$ ,)e 7e,a 4l&b! Fail&re ,o
main,ain ,)e reA&ired avera'e ;ill res&l, in proba,ion $or one nine ;ee+s >no %l&b par,i%ipa,ion?! =)e se%ond
,ime ;ill res&l, in s&spension $rom ,)e %l&b $or ,)e remainder o$ ,)e s%)ool 3ear or &n,il s&%) ,ime as ,)e
reA&ired 9(A is me,! 73-la;s o$ ,)e FA %)ar,er and o$ ,)e <a,ional 7e,a 4l&b are available ,)ro&') ,)e
4%5%8 'T;3E5T =o be %onsidered $or valedi%,or3 and sal&,a,or3 )onors a, 'rad&a,ion, a s,&den, m&s,
)ave a,,ended FA $or ei'), $&ll, %omple,e %onse%&,ive semes,ers >9-12 'rades in ,)eir en,ire,3?! 7e,a )onors
,rans$er amon' s%)ools via ,)e <a,ional 4l&b! 2A/1 6onor 1o%ie,3 s,a,&s >3!5 or be,,er 9(A? m&s, be earned
b3 ,)e end o$ ,)e "&nior 3ear in order ,o A&ali$3 $or 'rad&a,ion )onors!
4&m&la,ive 9(As are de,ermined b3 %al%&la,in' ,)e ,o,al n&meri%al poin,s >no, per%en,a'es? $or all 5)5E9
wee!s com#leted and dividing that total b" the number of grades used! FA ;ill onl3 name a sal&,a,orian i$ 2
or $e;er valedi%,orians are in pla%e!
FA 14-15
F.LL:W16/( :F 46R/1=/A< 1=C-.<=1 =)is %l&b is responsible $or or'aniEin' and %ond&%,in' %)apel
servi%es and $or promo,in' and $os,erin' 'ood %i,iEens)ip, 'ood spor,smans)ip, and 4)ris,-li+e A&ali,ies in all
a%,ivi,ies o$ o&r s%)ool! 1,&den,s in 'rades 7-12 are eli'ible $or members)ip! A s,&den, m&s, )ave a 2!0 9(A
$or members)ip and m&s, remain in 'ood s,andin' ;i,) ,)e s%)ool and ,)e %omm&ni,3!
<:=. An3 %l&b sponsored b3 a paren, vol&n,eer ;ill be assi'ned a $a%&l,3 member advisor5men,or ,o )elp ;i,) s%)ool pro%ed&res,
r&les and poli%ies, dis%iplinar3 A&es,ions, and da3-,o-da3 ;or+in's! =)is advisor and paren, s)o&ld ;or+ %losel3 ,o'e,)er and %losel3
;i,) ,)e adminis,ra,ion in order ,o ass&re ,)a, all r&les are $ollo;ed and ,)a, a smoo,) ,ransi,ion $or ,)e %l&b %an be a,,ained!
1=C-.<= .L.4=/:<1
OOAll s,&den, ele%,ions and reA&iremen,s $or eli'ibili,3 o$ )onors ma3 be revie;ed and modi$ied b3 ,)e FA 7oard o$ -ire%,ors ,o
ens&re all s,&den,s )ave eA&al and $air oppor,&ni,3 $or re%o'ni,ion and par,i%ipa,ion!
.li'ibili,3 $or 2r! and 2iss FA
1! seniors ;)o )ave a,,ended FA $or 8 %onse%&,ive )i') s%)ool semes,ers
2! 2!5 or be,,er 9(A >%&m&la,ive?
3! 'ood s%)ool and %omm&ni,3 s,andin'OO
4! ele%,ed b3 s,&den, bod3 'rades 9-12 via se%re, ballo,
5! vo,es %o&n,ed b3 adminis,ra,ion
6ALL :F FA2.
?. @.. or better =,A 0com#uted as for athletics1
@. 'ood s%)ool and %omm&ni,3 s,andin' OO
3. Res,ri%,ions ,o some )onors as o&,lined b3 3earboo+ sponsor ;i,) adminis,ra,ive approval ;ill be
anno&n%ed prior ,o ele%,ions!
OO de$ined as a%ademi% s,ren',), re'&lar a,,endan%e, la%+ o$ ex%essive dis%iplinar3 re$errals, ,ea%)er, revie; and
re%ommenda,ion, and s%)ool %i,iEens)ip roles, A<- respe%,able and rep&,able be)avior in ,)e %omm&ni,3!
ALL 6:<:R1
1! ,op 2 %andida,es a$,er primar3 ele%,ion ;ill be pla%ed in a r&n-o$$ i$ no %lear ma"ori,3 >an3,)in' over
50P? o%%&rs on $irs, ballo,
2! adminis,ra,ion ;ill veri$3 and %er,i$3 ALL vo,in' pro%ed&res and o&,%omes
6:2.4:2/<9 >$oo,ball? >sponsored b3 1,&den, 4o&n%il?
1! 2aids $rom 7-12 ;ill be ele%,ed b3 se%re, ballo, o$ ea%) respe%,ive %lassB A&een s)all be ele%,ed $rom
,)e senior %lass b3 s,&den, pop&la,ion 'rades 7-12! >r&n-o$$ in$orma,ion applies?
2! adminis,ra,ion ;ill %ond&%, and %er,i$3 ,)e vo,es
3! 9irls m&s, )ave been a s,&den, $or a $&ll 3ear prior ,o ele%,ion
4! m&s, )ave a 2!5 9(A or )i')er and be in 'ood s%)ool5%omm&ni,3 s,andin'
5! Foo,ball ,eam ma3 %)oose ,o ele%, b3 vo,e o$ i,s pla3ers an3 one eli'ible 'irl >'rades 7-12? no,
alread3 a %o&r, member ,o serve as i,s $oo,ball s;ee,)ear,! 1e%re, ballo, vo,e s)all be %ond&%,ed and
%o&n,ed b3 adminis,ra,ion! R&n o$$ in$orma,ion applies!
@! 7all bearer and %ro;n bearer >bo3 and 'irl? s)all be %)osen $rom ,)e eli'ible 8-3 s,&den, %)ildren o$
$a%&l,3 members b3 a ran+in' s3s,em o$ a'e and seniori,3 a, FA! Adminis,ra,ion and )ome%omin'
%oordina,or s)all be responsible $or $inal de,ermina,ion in %ase o$ m&l,iple eli'ibili,ies!
7! OOOOFoo,ball pla3ers ;)o are as+ed ,o es%or, 'irls d&rin' spe%ial presen,a,ion s)all be %)osen b3 ,)e
%oa%) and ,)e adminis,ra,ion A<- s)all mee, all reA&iremen,s se, $or,) $or ,)e 'irls o$ ,)e %o&r, ---
>$&ll 3ear, 2!5 9(A, 'ood s,andin', e,%!?
FA 14-15
=)ere ;ill be a pep rall3 on desi'na,ed da3s as arran'ed b3 ,)e %)eer sponsor and as deemed appropria,e
b3 ,)e adminis,ra,ion! 4)eer5dan%e sponsors s)o&ld develop a $orma, ,)a, ;ill $ill ,)e ,ime and ma+e proper &se
o$ ,)e a%,ivi,3 ,ime!
All pep rallies, re'ardless o$ spor, or season, s)all be s%)ed&led a, ,)e dis%re,ion o$ ,)e adminis,ra,or b3
reA&es, o$ ,)e %)eer sponsor!
-&rin' season pla3 and pla3o$$s $or all sor,s, a%,ivi,ies ;ill be s%)ed&led a, ,)e dis%re,ion o$ ,)e
adminis,ra,ion5a,)le,i% dire%,or!
46..RL.A-/<9 >"&nior varsi,3 and varsi,3? a servi%e or'aniEa,ion desi'ned ,o b&ild pride and promo,e
spiri, in ,)e s%)ool!
4)eerleaders s)all be de,ermined ea%) 3ear b3 a panel o$ &nbiased "&d'es $rom o&,side ,)e s%)ool! 1%ore s)ee,s
;i,) reA&ired s+ills and s%ores ;ill be $orm&la,ed b3 ,)e "&d'es, ,)e sponsor, and ,)e adminis,ra,ion! =)e siEe
o$ ,)e sA&ad s)all be le$, ,o ,)e dis%re,ion o$ ,)e advisor and ,)e adminis,ra,ion! 9rades 7-9 s)all be eli'ible $or
"&nior varsi,3B 'rades 10 L 12 s)all be ele%,ed $or varsi,3 %)eerin'! All spe%ial %ir%&ms,an%es %on%ernin'
%)eerleadin' ;ill be )andled b3 ,)e Adminis,ra,ion and ,)e 7oard o$ -ire%,ors!
=r3o&,s ;ill be )eld in ,)e sprin', %)eerleadin' $irs, ;i,) dan%e line5drill ,eam ,o $ollo; no sooner ,)an
one ;ee+ a$,er! >-a,es ;ill be %oordina,ed ,)ro&') adminis,ra,ion as s%)ool %alendar allo;s!? 9irls in,eres,ed
in be%omin' %)eerleaders m&s, s&bmi, ,)eir names ,o ,)e sponsor be$ore ,)e da,e se, as a deadline! 4)eerleaders
;ill be reA&ired ,o a,,end s&mmer %amp, ,o par,i%ipa,e in pep rallies and o,)er a%,ivi,ies as de,ermined b3 ,)e
sponsor ,)ro&') ,)e s%)ool adminis,ra,ion, ,o a,,end ball 'ames, and ,o par,i%ipa,e a%,ivel3 in $&nd-raisin'
endeavors! 4)eerleaders ma3 be dismissed $rom ,)e sA&ad $or dis%iplinar3 reasons a$,er %on$eren%in' ;i,) ,)e
'irl, paren,s, sponsor, and adminis,ra,ion!
4)eerleaders and -an%e5drill ,eams s)o&ld )ave ,)eir o;n %on,ra%,s and s,&den, r&les ;)i%) )ave been
provided b3 ,)e sponsor and approved b3 ,)e adminis,ra,ion! ALL dis%iplinar3 and s%)ed&lin' a%,ion $or
%)eerleaders ;ill be re%ommended b3 ,)e sponsor ,o ,)e adminis,ra,ion and ,o ,)e 7oard! :nl3 &pon approval
$rom adminis,ra,ion and 7oard are de%isions $inal! A si'ned %op3 ;ill be +ep, on $ile $or ea%) 'irl and revie;ed
i$ ,)e need $or dis%iplinar3 a%,ion is reA&ired!
A s,&den, m&s, mee, ALL a%ademi% eli'ibili,3 reA&iremen,s $or %)eerleadin', "&s, as $or a spor,! (lease
re$er ,o spe%i$i% reA&iremen,s lis,ed in ,)e $ollo;in' se%,ions! .nd o$ 3ear eli'ibili,3 de,ermines s&mmer and
9-;ee+ s,a,&s in re'ards ,o proba,ionar3 s,a,&s or $&ll eli'ibili,3! A %)eerleader m&s, )ave a p)3si%al on $ile
in ,)e o$$i%e!
:=6.R (AR=/4/(A=/:< :((:R=C</=/.1 (ee Wee $oo,ball, (ee Wee %)eerleaders, 1ass3 1,eppers, Ro3al
7l&es, 1%ien%e 4l&b! :,)er ma3 arise as in,eres, and sponsors)ip is available!
FA 14-15

A=6L.=/41 All a,)le,es are expe%,ed ,o %omple,e a spor, on%e ,)e season )as be'&n! D&i,,in' a spor, $or
arbi,rar3 reasons >a$,er re'&lar season pla3 )as s,ar,ed? is s,ron'l3 dis%o&ra'ed! (aren,s5a,)le,es are ,o presen,
%o'en, and valid reasons $or A&i,,in', ,o be revie;ed b3 7:- $or approval! A s,&den, %an be readmi,,ed
,)ro&') ,)e s%)ool adminis,ra,ion ;i,) an appeals pro%ess and &l,ima,e approval b3 ,)e FA 7oard o$ -ire%,ors!
>amended 2a3 2013? Addi,ionall3, d&al-spor,s pra%,i%es are ,o be applied ;i,) %ommon sense, ;i,) ,)e A-
)avin' a&,)ori,3 ,o s&persede %oa%)es in ma+in' r&les ,)a, %a&se )ards)ip ,o s,&den,s5paren,s!
.li'ibili,3 reA&iremen,s
9 ;ee+s s,&den, m&s, )ave a 9(A o$ 1!75 or )i')er ;i,) a minim&m o$ 5 %o&rses o$ a @ or 7 period da3 > or
4 o$ 5 period da3? passed $or ,)e $inal 'rade o$ ,)e previo&s a%ademi% 3ear! >%o&n,s $or s&mmer
s,a,&s and a%,ivi,ies? :R same reA&iremen,s $or ,)e 4
nine-;ee+ period---;)i%)ever is )i')er!
9 ;ee+s 9(A o$ 1!75 or )i')er ;i,) a minim&m o$ 5 %o&rses o$ a @ or 7 period da3 > or 4 o$ 5 period da3?
passed $or ,)e 1
9 ;ee+s 'radin' period <:=. proba,ion %la&se applies see belo;?
9 ;ee+s 9(A o$ 1!75 or )i')er ;i,) a minim&m o$ 5 %o&rses o$ a @ or 7 period da3 > or 4 o$ 5 period da3?
passed $or ,)e 1
semes,er avera'e :R se%ond 9-;ee+ period
<:=. proba,ion %la&se applies see belo;?
9 ;ee+s 9(A o$ 1!75 or )i')er ;i,) a minim&m o$ 5 %o&rses o$ a @ or 7 period da3 > or 4 o$ 5 period da3?
passed $or ,)e 3
9 ;ee+s 'radin' period <:=. proba,ion %la&se applies see belo;?
(R:7A=/:<ARJ 4LAC1. /$ ,)e 9(A does no, me, ,)e 1!75 reA&iremen, b&, /1 a minim&m o$ 1!50, an a,)le,e A&ali$ies $or a
period o$ proba,ionar3 par,i%ipa,ion $or ,)e nex, nine-;ee+ period onl3! -&rin' ,)a, proba,ionar3 period, )e ;ill be allo;ed all ri'),s
o$ par,i%ipa,ion! /F a, ,)e end o$ ,)e s&bseA&en, nine-;ee+ period, ,)e 9(A )as no, rea%)ed ,)e 1!75 reA&iremen, as s,a,ed above, ,)e
a,)le,e ;ill ,)en be deemed /<.L/9/7L. $or ,)e nex, 'radin' period! 6e ma3 earn ba%+ )is eli'ibili,3 b3 earnin' ,)e reA&ired 1!75
9(A d&rin' ,)a, 'radin' period!
/$ ,)e las, nine-;ee+ 9(A or ,)e $inal 3ear avera'e 9(A >;)i%)ever is )i')er ;ill be &sed in de,erminin' eli'ibili,3? $all
belo; 1!75 b&, a, or above 150, ,)e s,&den, ;ill en,er ,)e s&bseA&en, 3ear on a proba,ionar3 s,a,&s! An3 s,&den, on proba,ion $or an3
'radin' period 2C1= rea%) ,)e 1!75 mar+ >;i,) reA&ired n&mber o$ %o&rses passed? $or ,)e s&bseA&en, 'radin' period! (roba,ion is
<:= allo;ed $or ba%+-,o-ba%+ 'radin' periods! A s,&den, m&s, earn )is ;a3 o$$ proba,ion ,)e nex, 'radin' period in order ,o %on,in&e
)is par,i%ipa,ion!
1,&den,s ;ill <:= be allo;ed ,o par,i%ipa,e in an3 s%)ool-sponsored ;)en ,)e3 are on s&spension $rom s%)ool!
A s,&den, no, rea%)in' reA&ired a%ademi% levels ;ill <:= be allo;ed ,o pra%,i%e, ,ravel, or par,i%ipa,e ;i,) an3
,eam or 'ro&p!
/n order ,o par,i%ipa,e in an even, or ,o pra%,i%e a spor,, an a,)le,e m&s, be in s%)ool on ,)e same da3 a minim&m
o$ 4 consecutive %lass )o&rs >%lassroom ,ime onl3 %o&n,s!? 1eniors, or o,)ers on an abbrevia,ed s%)ed&le, m&s,
be in a,,endan%e 253 o$ ,)eir o$$i%ial s%)ool da3 >%onse%&,ive )o&rs?! Frida3 absen%es a$$e%, abili,3 ,o par,i%ipa,e
in ;ee+end a%,ivi,ies!
.x%ep,ions properl3 do%&men,ed and veri$ied do%,orIs appoin,men,, $&neral, o,)er %ir%&ms,an%es
approved in advan%e b3 ,)e adminis,ra,ion! An a,)le,e or %l&b member par,i%ipa,in' in an ex,ra %&rri%&lar even,
2AJ <:= %)e%+ o&, d&rin' ,)e da3 ,o 'o )ome ,o res,, $e,%) &ni$orms, 'o s)oppin', 'o visi,in', e,%! 1%)ool
,ime is val&ableH
7ein' a s,&den, a,)le,e is a #rivilege, not a right, a, FA and should be viewed as such! 1,&den,s s)o&ld
%onsider ,)eir be)avior, dress, a,,i,&de, and li$es,3le in vie; o$ ,)eir responsibili,3 and leaders)ip roles on ,)e
$ields o$ pla3! 9ood %i,iEens)ip, 'ood spor,smans)ip, and ;or,)3, sa,is$a%,or3 a%ademi% per$orman%e are
expe%,ed, reA&ired, and demanded o$ all s,&den, a,)le,es! F&r,)er, please remember a, all ,imes ,)a, in ,)e ,i,le
Fs,&den, a,)le,e,G s,&den, is lis,ed $irs,! =)ere$ore, $irs, and primar3 %onsidera,ion s)o&ld be 'iven ,o ,)e
a%ademi% reA&iremen,s o$ ,)e s%)ool da3 ;)ile $&l$illin' ,)e %ommi,men, made ,o ,)e ,eam and ,eamma,es!
=)is %)ain o$ %ommand s)o&ld be $ollo;ed in ,)e a,)le,i% arena $or A&es,ions, 'rievan%es, and o,)er iss&es!
1! 4oa%) 2! A,)le,i% -ire%,or 3! Adminis,ra,ion 4! 7oard o$ -ire%,ors
>2r! *a%+son? >*a%+son and *onson? >ma+e appoin,men,?
FA 14-15

=RA<1(:R=A=/:< (:L/4J All s,&den,s m&s, ride ;i,) ,)e sponsor5%oa%) or assi'ned approved drivers ,o
s%)ool even,s! =)ere ;ill be <: ex%ep,ions made ,o ,)is r&le! A s,&den, ma3 ride ba%+ $rom even,s ;i,) ano,)er
ad&l, >o,)er ,)an assi'ned drivers?, b&, onl3 ;i,) paren,al %onsen, and sponsor5%oa%) no,i$i%a,ion5approval prior
,o ,)e even,! =)is is an impor,an, poli%3 ,)a, ;ill be en$or%ed $or ,)e pro,e%,ion or o&r s,&den,s!
<: 1=C-.<= ;ill be allo;ed ,o drive independen,l3 or ride ;i,) an3 o,)er s,&den, ,o s%)ool-rela,ed
even,s &nless prior arran'emen,s )ave been made, in ;ri,in' $rom ,)e paren, and ,)e adminis,ra,ion as $ar in
advan%e as possible >minim&m one da3?!!
-ismissal ,imes >;)en ne%essar3? $or ,eams and 'ro&ps $rom s%)ool $or s%)ool-rela,ed even,s ;ill be
de,ermined and anno&n%ed b3 ,)e adminis,ra,ion! 4lasses missed d&e ,o s&%) even,s are <:= %o&n,ed as an
absen%e >ei,)er ex%&sed or &nex%&sed? and an35all ;or+ is ,o be made &p b3 s,&den, as arran'ed b3 ,ea%)er!
=)ese Fabsen%esG do <:= ex%&se s,&den,s $rom ;or+ ,)a, is d&e ,)e nex, da3 i$ ,)a, ;or+5,es, is previo&sl3
anno&n%ed b3 ,)e ,ea%)er! All e$$or,s s)o&ld be made on ,)e par, o$ ,)e s,&den, and ,)e ,ea%)er ,o $airl3 and
eA&i,abl3 %on,in&e ,)e s3s,em o$ ed&%a,ion p&, in,o pla%e in ,)e %lassroom!
1=C-.<= 0.6/4L.1 1,&den,s are expe%,ed and reA&ired ,o opera,e ve)i%les on %amp&s in a sa$e and le'al
manner a, all ,imes ;)ile on %amp&s! 1peedin', re%+less &s o$ a ve)i%le, ;ron'$&l &se o$ par+in' on %amp&s,
and o,)er drivin' problems ;ill no, be ,olera,ed! R&les $or opera,ion o$ a mo,or ve)i%le on %amp&s d&rin' ,)e
s%)ool da3, a, a,)le,i% pra%,i%es, %l&b even,s, spe%ial even,s, or A<J ex,ension o$ ,)e s%)ool or i,s b&siness are
as $ollo;s
>=)ese ;ill be en$or%ed s,ri%,l3 $or ,)e sa$e,3 o$ all s,&den,s5drivers!?
1! 1,&den, 2C1= be a li%ensed driver ;i,) proo$ o$ ins&ran%e, li%ense n&mber and li%ense pla,e
n&mber re%orded on reA&ired s,&den, drivin' $orm available ,)ro&') ,)e o$$i%e!
(enal,ies $or C<L/4.<1.- driver drivin' on %amp&s a, an3 ,ime
o$$ense L ,&rn in +e3sB paren, %all ,o re,rieve
o$$ense L ,&rn in +e3sB paren, %all ,o re,rieveB 5 da3s o$ de,en,ion
o$$ense L 3 da3 s&spension
2! <o s,&den, ma3 re,&rn ,o )is ve)i%le a$,er ,)e s%)ool da3 be'ins! 1,&den,s ma3 <:= &se %ar as
lo%+er $or +eepin' boo+s or o,)er s%)ool ma,erials! ma,erials! (ar+in' lo, and %ars are :FF L/2/=1
d&rin' all )o&rs o$ ,)e s%)ool da3!
3! <o drivin' o$$ ,)e road;a3 or par+in' area!
4! 1,&den,s are <:= allo;ed ,o remain in ve)i%les a$,er par+in' in ,)eir desi'na,ed areas! A, <: ,ime
;ill ,)e s,&den, be allo;ed ,o pla3 lo&d m&si%! =)is in%l&des en,erin', leavin', or bein' par+ed on
,)e s%)ool %amp&s!
5! (ar+in' is in desi'na,ed areas de,ermined b3 ,)e adminis,ra,ion and ;ill be explained ,o s,&den,s!
=)is applies ,o 'eneral par+in' and an3 Fsenior privile'eG deemed appropria,e!
@! -is%iplinar3 slips ;ill be iss&ed ,o ,)ose $o&nd in brea%) o$ ,)ese r&les!
7! =)e adminis,ra,ion reserves ,)e ri'), ,o den3 drivin' privile'es ,o A<J s,&den, $or a period o$ no
less ,)an one ;ee+ and &p ,o ,)e remainder o$ ,)e s%)ool 3ear $or viola,ion>s? o$ reasonable drivin'
responsibili,ies as de$ined b3 ,)e adminis,ra,ion!
FA is <:= R.1(:<1/7L. or L/A7L. $or ,)e %ond&%, o$ &nli%ensed drivers! (aren,s ass&me all ris+s and
liabili,ies $or an3 bree%) o$ ,)e a$oremen,ioned poli%ies! C<L/4.<1.- -R/0.R1 are no, permi,,ed!
FA 14-15
-/14/(L/<. =)e &l,ima,e ob"e%,ive o$ s%)ool dis%ipline is ,o )elp prepare and s&ppor, 3o&n' people in
es,ablis)in' an a%%ep,able s,andard o$ sel$-dis%ipline and %i,iEens)ip in ,)e s%)ool and ,)e %omm&ni,3
(in+ slips >dis%ipline re$errals? are ;ri,,en b3 $a%&l,3 members ,o s,&den,s $or bree%) o$ poli%ies and
dis%iplinar3 problems, in%l&din' but not limited to dress %ode viola,ions, ,ardies, disr&p,ions, la%+ o$
%oopera,ion5prepara,ion, and improper be)aviors o$ an3 sor,! (in+ slips are $iled in ,)e o$$i%e ;)ere
dis%iplinar3 a%,ion is de,ermined! =)e3 are ,)en main,ained on $ile! =)e s,&den, is no,i$ied and 'iven a %op3 o$
,)e slip ;i,) )is assi'ned p&nis)men,! (in+ slips are re%orded on a semes,er basis!
Recommended p&nis)men,s in%l&de
slip one de,en,ion 7 a!m!
slip ,)ree de,en,ions 7 a!m!
slip $ive de,en,ions 7 a!m!
A<- manda,or3 paren,al %on$eren%e ;i,) adminis,ra,ion
slip one da3 o$ s&spension
ALL slips will be handled at the discretion of the administration commensurate with the severity of the
infraction(s). 1,&den,s 2C1= ma+e arran'emen,s ,o a,,end ,)e de,en,ions as assi'nedB $ail&re ,o do so ;ill
res&l, in m&l,ipli%a,ion o$ ,)e )o&rs, or in a s&spension! -e,en,ion ma3 in%l&de %leanin', man&al5p)3si%al labor,
and o,)er ,as+s as ins,r&%,ed b3 ,)e adminis,ra,ion!!
-e,en,ion s,&den,s s)o&ld repor, ,8%(,T$: a, 7 am ,o ,)e adminis,ra,ion $or assi'nmen,! >=ardies ,o
de,en,ion ;ill res&l, in addi,ional ,ime assi'ned!? /$ ,)ere is no ;or+ on %amp&s ,o be done, ,)e s,&den, ;ill be
'iven a ;ri,,en assi'nmen, ,o %omple,e d&rin' )is de,en,ion! /$ ,)e ;ri,,en ;or+ :R ,)e assi'ned %)ore is no,
%omple,ed, is done poorl35improperl3, or ,)e s,&den, ab&ses ,)e ,ime in an3 ;a3, ,)e s,&den, ;ill re,&rn $or
addi,ional mornin' de,en,ion )o&rs in order ,o %omple,e )is assi'nmen,!!
OOO4orporal p&nis)men, ma3 be s&bs,i,&,ed a, ,)e prin%ipalIs dis%re,ion and ;ill be %o&n,ed as a
dis%iplinar3 a%,ion eA&al ,o a pin+ slip! All %orporal p&nis)men, ;ill be ;i,nessed b3 an addi,ional member o$
,)e $a%&l,35s,a$$ and ;ill be do%&men,ed!
(AB%8 %E5'E'6
?. Extreme insubordination to a teacher or staff member
@. 3estruction of school #ro#ert" 0also re&uires remuneration1
3. Threats u#on a teacher* staff member* or student
A. ,ossessions of alcohol* drugs* or tobacco in A5: form
.. ,ositive drug test
>. 8e#eated us of #rofane and<or vulgar and im#ro#er language
-. ,ossession of wea#onsCfirearms* !nives* ex#losives* etc.
D. $eaving cam#us without #ermission 0im#ro#er sign9out included1
E. Admission of or #roof of theft
?0. 'exual harassment of an" sort toward students* facult"* or staff
??. An" other offense deemed serious enough b" the administration.
The above offenses warrant an immediate sus#ension* length to be determined b" the administration.
An" student* after being sus#ended for committing an" of the above offenses* ma" be ex#elled u#on
recommendation b" the administration and<or the 2oard of 3irectors.
FA 14-15
1,&den,s missin' s%)ool as a res&l, o$ an3 s&spension s)all be 'iven an C<.Q4C1.- absen%e and s)all <:=
be 'iven an oppor,&ni,3 ,o %omple,e an3 missed %lass ;or+!
A<J s,&den, %onvi%,ed o$ a %rime d&rin' ,)e s%)ool 3ear m&s, be s&b"e%, ,o adminis,ra,ive and 7oard o$
-ire%,ors a%,ion, in%l&din' b&, no, limi,ed ,o s&spension, revo%a,ion o$ )onors, or exp&lsion! A<J s,&den,
arres,ed ;ill be reA&ired ,o mee, ;i,) ,)e 7oard o$ -ire%,ors, Adminis,ra,ion, and )is paren,s in an exe%&,ive
session! =)e 7oard and Adminis,ra,ion reserve ,)e ri'), ,o see+ $&r,)er inves,i'a,ion as deemed appropria,e $or
,)e ;ell-bein', sa$e,3, and rep&,a,ion o$ FA!
46.A=/<9, (LA9/AR/12, and o,)er ,3pes o$ -/16:<.1=J ;ill no, be ,olera,ed a, Fran+lin A%adem3!
=)ese are serio&s o$$enses and ;ill be ,rea,ed as s&%)!
o$$ense R.R: on ;or+ and paren, no,i$i%a,ion, one da3 de,en,ion
o$$ense R.R:, paren, %on$eren%e, and one da3 s&spension
o$$ense 1&spension5exp&lsion pendin' 7oard o$ -ire%,ors )earin'
=8)E7A5CE )'';E' /n order ,o ins&re ,)a, a proper %)ain o$ %ommand is $ollo;ed, and ,o ins&re ,)a, ,)e
needs o$ ,)e s,&den, pop&la,ion, ,)e members)ip, and ,)e ed&%a,ional pro$essionals are me, and seen ,o in a
,imel3, or'aniEed, lo'i%al, and %onsis,en, $as)ion, ,)e $ollo;in' pro%ed&re is ,o be in e$$e%, $or dealin' ;i,)
problems and 'rievan%e iss&es o$ an3 sor,
1! (aren, s)o&ld ma+e an appoin,men, ;i,) ,)e desired $a%&l,35s,a$$ member! Adminis,ra,ion ma3 be
reA&es,ed $or ,)is mee,in'!
2! /$ no sa,is$a%,ion is rea%)ed, ,)e paren, or %on%erned par,3 s)o&ld ma+e an appoin,men, ;i,) ,)e
adminis,ra,ion! =)e adminis,ra,ion ;ill )ear ,)e 'rievan%e, do appropria,e resear%), and repor, ba%+
,o ,)e par,3 as appropria,e!
3! /$ no resol&,ion is rea%)ed a$,er ,)ese ,;o s,eps, ,)e par,3 or par,ies involved s)o&ld reA&es, a pla%e
on ,)e 7oard mee,in' a'enda, ;)o ;ill )ear ,)e 'rievan%e, ,a+e ne%essar3 a%,ion ,o &nders,and ,)e
si,&a,ion, and ;ill, in %on"&n%,ion ;i,) ,)e adminis,ra,ion, ma+e a $inal de,ermina,ion!
)t is )(,E8AT)7E that this #olic" be rigorousl" followed b" all members of the chain. ,lease see that
"ou hel# our school run more smoothl" and effectivel" b" consistentl" following the above outline for
addressing #roblems<&uestions<issues at our school!

(C7L/4 -/1(LAJ1 o$ AFF.4=:< >(-A? amon' s,&den,s on campus and at school-
related/sponsored events ;ill no, be allo;ed or ,olera,ed! =)e reA&ired poli%3 a, FA ;ill be a s,ri%, F+eep 3o&r
)ands ,o 3o&rsel$G poli%3! =)is r&le s)all appl3 no, onl3 ,o %o&ples, b&, ,o $riends and ,o $amil3 members as
;ell! All s,&den,s are ,o pra%,i%e 'ood manners, %ommon sense, and 'en,lemanl35lad3li+e be)avior ;)en
dealin' ;i,) 3o&r peers and 3o&r elders!
FA 14-15
;5)%8(' and 38E'' C%3E
Appropria,e s%)ool &ni$orms m&s, be ;orn a, ALL ,imes d&rin' ,)e s%)ool da3 ;)en a s,&den, is on %amp&s!
An3 ex%ep,ion ;ill be anno&n%ed ,)ro&') ,)e o$$i%e, and '&idelines ;ill be provided in ;ri,in' $rom ,)e
adminis,ra,ion in ,)e %ase o$ a Fspe%ialG da3, s&%) as pi%,&res, $&ndraisers, spe%ial spiri, da3s, or o,)er a%,ivi,3!
9&idelines $or &ni$orm and $or spe%ial dress da3s m&s, be $ollo;ed or dis%iplinar3 a%,ion ;ill ens&e!
Students (including seniors) returning to school for any reason during school hours after early release must
be in proper uniform in order to participate in the event or to stay on campus unless permission is granted by
the principal.
(lease no,e ,)e $ollo;in' in$orma,ion in li'), o$ o&r dress %ode
5% hats<ca#s allo;ed d&rin' s%)ool )o&rs >bo3s5'irls? $or an3 reason
<o al,era,ion or modi$i%a,ion o$ ,)e &ni$orm is ,o be made
=)e %res, m&s, be visible and &nmarred
Cni$orms are ,o be in 'ood s)ape ;i,) li,,le5no visible ;ear and ,ear!
<o bandanas in )air or else;)ere
<o s&n'lasses visible
<o earrin's $or bo3s
<o visible pier%ed bod3 par,s $or 'irls o,)er ,)an ears
<o visible ,a,,oos
7o3s m&s, be clean-s)aven! 1ideb&rns s)o&ld no, ex,end belo; ,)e bo,,om o$ ,)e ear! 7eards,
mo&s,a%)es, or o,)er $a%ial )air is <:= permi,,ed!
7o3sI )air len',) s)o&ld no, ex%eed ,)e middle o$ ,)e ear and s)o&ld no, be on ,)e &ni$orm s)ir, %ollar!
/n addi,ion, )air m&s, be %&, s)or, eno&') in ,)e $ron, and on ,)e sides ,o s,a3 o&, o$ ,)e e3es and $a%e a,
all ,imes! 7o3s no, mee,in' ,)ese reA&iremen,s ;ill be 'iven a 16:R= ,ime ,o %ompl3!
1=R/4= 4:2(L/A<4. ;i,) ,)ese &ni$orm '&idelines ;ill be expe%,ed $rom all Fran+lin A%adem3 s,&den,s!
R.2.27.R 1por,s &ni$orms are an ex,ension o$ ,)e s%)ool &ni$orm! 4are and respe%, s)o&ld be 'iven ,o
and ;)en ;earin' ,)ese &ni$orms as ;ell! As spor,s &ni$orms are an ex,ension, spor,s penal,ies ma3 in%&r
$&r,)er s%)ool penal,ies! Cnless p&r%)ased b3 ,)e paren,, all spor,s &ni$orms are ,)e proper,3 o$ FA! =)e$, or
des,r&%,ion o$ a &ni$orm b3 a s,&den, ma3 be s&b"e%, ,o dis%iplinar3 a%,ion!

A(E53E3 %ct. @00D =)ese de%isions ;ill be a, ,)e dis%re,ion o$ ,)e adminis,ra,ion!
Fas)ions %)an'eB ,)e reason $or bein' in s%)ool does no,! 1,&den,s are in s%)ool ,o learn! An3 $as)ion >dress,
a%%essor3, )airs,3le, o,)er? ,)a, disr&p,s ,)e ed&%a,ion pro%ess or presen,s a sa$e,3 ris+, >in%l&din' %)ains ,)a,
)an'5dan'le $rom %lo,)in' and5or pan,s ,)a, )an' over s)oes, or bod3 pier%in'? ;ill no, be permi,,ed! (ersonal
expression is permi,,ed ;i,)in ,)e $ollo;in' '&ideline 9ood )3'iene is expe%,ed and ,)e dail3 appearan%e o$
ea%) s,&den, s)all be nea,, %lean, and odor $ree! 6air m&s, be ;ell 'roomed and no, %overin' ,)e s,&den,Is e3es!
.x,reme )airs,3les, %olorin', and $ads ,)a, ;o&ld in,er$ere ;i,) ,)e learnin' pro%ess, %a&ses a disr&p,ion o$ ,)e
ed&%a,ion environmen,, or ,)a, ;o&ld be a )eal,) or sa$e,3 )aEard are pro)ibi,ed!
FA 14-15
FRA<8L/< A4A-.2J C</F:R21
<o ,a's or labels or an3 sor, ma3 be visible!
2%:'6 8)a+i and nav3 &ni$orms pan,s or s)or,s >-i%+ie or Fren%) =oas, ---an3 o,)er brand m&s, be approved
b3 ,)e adminis,ra,ion $or s,3le and %olor!? 1)ir,s s)or, sleeve and lon' sleeve polo >;)i,e, nav3, 3ello;?B
;)i,e and li'), bl&e :x$ord s,3le s)ir,s! Approved s;ea,s)ir,s and )oodies are dail3 ;ear!
=)8$' 8)a+i and nav3 &ni$orm pan,s, 4apris, or s)or,s >-i%+ie or Fren%) =oas,---an3 o,)er brand m&s, be
approved b3 ,)e adminis,ra,ion $or s,3le and %olor!? <av3 s+or,, +)a+i s+or, >o$ proper len',) 3G above ,)e
+nee? L:<9 nav3 or +)a+i s+ir,! !
1)ir,s same as bo3s
ALL 1=C-.<=1
1! 16:.1 no s)o;er s)oesB no slippers! 1)oes s)o&ld be in 'ood ,as,e and appropria,e $or ;ear in ,)e
s%)ool environmen,! Flips $lops are a%%ep,able, &n,il ,)ere is a problem!
2! :<LJ #lain* solid white =-s)ir,s are allo;ed &nder &ni$orm s)ir,s! <: desi'n, ,rim, %olor, or
de%ora,ion ma3 be visible ,)ro&') ,)e s)ir,, i,s ne%+line, or i,s sleeves!
3! *A48.=1, 1W.A=.R1, and :C=.R W.AR m&s, be in 'ood ,as,e and appropria,e $or s%)ool ;ear!
ALL s&%) o&,er;ear is limi,ed ,o FA desi'ns >or ori'inal man&$a%,&rerIs label?, $&ll3-Eipped or S Eip
$ron, %losin' "a%+e,5s;ea,ers, and ;indbrea+ers! <: Fo$$5o&,sideG s;ea,s)ir,s, )oodies, or s;ea,ers ma3
be ;orn as o&,er;ear! :nl3 FA desi'ns, please! >no &niversi,3 s)ir,s, spor,in' ,eam ar,i%les, Fname
brandG p&ll-over s;ea,ers, or des,ina,ion i,ems!? /n addi,ion, an3 i,em &nder said a%%ep,able o&,er;ear
2C1= be &ni$orm %omplian, in %ase o$ removal o$ o&,er;ear! <:=. FA )oodies, s;ea,s)ir,s, and
"a%+e,s are approved $or dail3 ;ear!
4! =rades >9?@ 1)ir,s m&s, be full" tuc!ed in at all times. 0rolling is not acce#table1
5! =rades > F ?@6 7el,s m&s, be ;orn a, all ,imes!
1(.4/AL <:=.1 =: ALL
=)e Fran+lin A%adem3 4res, m&s, be on all s)ir,s!
<o %ar'o pan,sB no oversiEed, ba''3, ;ide-le''ed pan,s ,)a, ;o&ld %a&se a dis,ra%,ion
<o Fex,raG loops o,)er ,)an reA&ired bel, loops
(an,s must fit at waist and must fit #ro#erl"!
5o slits* cuts* tears* modifications at hem bottom of #ants.
A((R:0.- =-s)ir,s ma3 be ;orn :<LJ a, appoin,ed ,imes! :<LJ FA 'enera,ed and sponsored =-s)ir,s ma3
be ;orn on spiri, da3s! Adminis,ra,ion ;ill anno&n%e ;)en spiri, s)ir,s and5or "eans ;ill be appropria,e! -:
<:= A11C2. ,)a, Frida3s are "eans da3s! F&r,)er, "eans da3s ma3 be &sed a, ,ime as $&nd-raisers $or vario&s
and anno&n%ed 'ro&ps5a%,ivi,ies5%a&ses! (ar,i%ipa,ion is vol&n,ar3! *eans s)o&ld <:= be ,a,,ered and )ave
)oles in ,)em!
1(.4/AL <:=. All i,ems ;orn ,o s%)ool on an3 da3 s)o&ld be in 'ood ,as,e and appropria,e $or ,)e
5% ACCE''%8: of an" !ind ma" include reference to or advertisement for 0in an" wa"1 alcohol*
tobacco* or drug #roducts or information.
A pro'ram ;i,) $andGs End )as been approved $or FA! We ;ill re%eive a reba,e o$ all i,ems bo&'), $rom ,)eir s%)ool &ni$orm
%a,alo'&e /F 3o& &se ,)e n&mber ;)en pla%in' an order!
,$EA'E 7)')T T4E 'C4%%$ %)CE $or more in$orma,ion on ,)is pro'ram i$ 3o& are in,eres,ed in &sin' LandIs .nd as a
FA 14-15
Franklin Academy
7e a par, o$ ,)is $&n, $as)ionable, and pro$i,able FA $&ndraiser!
Date: 'chool "ear @0?A9@0?.
;niform bu"9out o#tion H@00 #er
Beans and s#irit shirts all "ear
'tarts u#on "our #a"ment
Want to reflect your style in JEANS and FA shirts all year?
Well, now you can!! CONTININ!
Jeans and FA shirts beo!e the st"le# $$
(%or those NOT partiipatin& in all "ear b'"(o't) there *ill be option o% $2+ ,eans
!onths d'rin& Otober) -ee!ber) Marh) and Ma".)
OO"eans or "ean %apris onl3! 5o Iean shorts! 2&s, be denim---no, %olored "eans
Beans ma" not be tattered or have holes.
:nl3 FA sponsored and 'enera,ed spiri, s)ir,s or &ni$orm s)ir,s allo;ed!
><o 9rad 1)op or o,)er o&,side so&r%e s)ir,s! 'chool9a##roved onl"!?
Cni$orm r&les appl3 bel,s, ,&%+ed s)ir,s, solid ;)i,e &nders)ir,s, e,%!
FA 14-15
=.L.(6:<. 1,&den,s are <:= permi,,ed ,o &se ,)e ,elep)one in ,)e s%)ool o$$i%e! /$ ,)ere is an emer'en%3
si,&a,ion, ,)e o$$i%e ;ill ma+e ,)e %all $or ,)e s,&den,! W)en ne%essar3, a messa'e ma3 be le$, in ,)e o$$i%e ,o be
delivered ,o a s,&den, a, an appropria,e ,ime, s&%) as a, ,)e end o$ %lass periods, be,;een %lasses, or d&rin' a
re%ess5l&n%) brea+! (aren,s are as+ed ,o respe%, ,)e ed&%a,ion and s%)ool pro%ess and <:= %all a s,&den, ex%ep,
in %ase o$ emer'en%3!
Cell #hones* beepers, pa'ers, and o,)er ele%,roni% devi%es are 5%T to be used during school hours. This
includes recess and lunch timesJ this also includes text messaging and other communication<social media
via the cell #hone or other electronic devices. )f such devices are seen* heard* or used during school
hours* the e&ui#ment will be removed from the student* a #in! sli# will be written* and the e&ui#ment
will be held b" the administration. %5$: a #arent ma" retrieve the e&ui#ment from the office. 7ideo or
#hotos ta!en with such devices will be considered an invasion of #rivac" rights and #unishment will so
reflect. An" student found using a #hone during a test or a class will be subIect to cheating #olicies. An"
student found accessing illicit information on an" device will be subIect to #enalties of the harshest
degree. Administration discretion is in order for dealing with such events and instances.
5EW CE$$ ,4%5E ,%$)C:6 ,o be s,ri%,l3 en$or%ed b3 ALL ,ea%)ers and s,a$$
?. An" cell #hone seen* heard* or used will be retrieved b" a school official and turned in to office.
@. ,enalties are as listed6 0this is for the :EA8999not for the semester.1
a. ?
offense6 detention0s1 #arent #ic! u# #hone
b. @
offense6 detention0s1 H@0 fine #arent #ic! u# #hone
c. 3
offense6 detention0s1 HA0 fine #arent #ic! u# #hone
d. A
offense6 detention0s1 HA0 fine (A53AT%8: C%5E8E5CE
3. This #olic" will be vigorousl" and consistentl" enforced for student #rivac" and #rotection.
Lo%+er assi'nmen,s $or s,&den,s in 'rades @-12 are made $rom ,)e s%)ool o$$i%e! 9rades @-8 ;ill be assi'ned
lo%+ers on main )allB )i') s%)ool s,&den,s ;ill &se &ps,airs '3m area! 5%TE6 since grades >9D will 5%T be
using loc!ers u#stairs* that area is now off limits to those students. An" violation will result in
disci#linar" action. =)e s,&den, is responsible $or ,)e %on,en,s and nea,ness o$ )is lo%+er! <o de%als, s,i%+-on
ma,erials, or ;ri,in' is allo;ed on A<J (AR= o$ ,)e lo%+er! 0iola,ion o$ ,)is poli%3 ma3 res&l, in %)ar'es
added ,o s,&den, $inan%ial a%%o&n,! =)e s%)ool main,ains ,)e ri'), ,o inspe%, an3 s,&den,Is lo%+er ;)enever
deemed ne%essar3! 1,&den,s ma3 provide lo%+s $or ,)e lo%+ers (R:0/-.- ,)a, a +e3 %op3 or ,)e %ombina,ion
is made available ,o ,)e o$$i%e5adminis,ra,ion!
7oo+s, %lo,)in', ba%+pa%+s, p&rses, e,%! are <:= ,o be le$, in ,)e '3m be,;een %lasses or a$,er s%)ool! =)e
s%)ool ass&mes <: responsibili,3 $or s,&den, proper,3 le$, &na,,ended or in an3 improper pla%e! An3,)in' le$,
in ,)e '3m ma3 be pi%+ed &p b3 s%)ool s,a$$! 1,&den,s ma3 be s&b"e%, ,o dis%iplinar3 a%,ion and ;ill be )eld
responsible $or an3 %os, in%&rred d&e ,o dama'e or repla%in' o$ s%)ool ma,erials!
C4EW)5= =;( is 5%T allowed on school grounds ! =)is in%l&des ALL areas %lassrooms, )alls, %a$e,eria,
'3m, and o&,side %o&r,3ards! 1pe%ial permission voidin' ,)is r&le ma3 <:= be 'ran,ed b3 an3 $a%&l,35s,a$$
member a, an3 ,ime $or an3 reason!
FA 14-15
CA53:<38)5K'<'5ACK' and an" food or drin! or an" sort is to be contained in the cafeteria.
4lassroom a%,ivi,ies ,)a, involve $ood5drin+ m&s, be s%)ed&led and approved in advan%e ,)ro&') ,)e
4LA11 (AR=J -A=.1 >elemen,ar3? ;ill be de,ermined b3 ,)e adminis,ra,ion! All a%,ivi,ies $or s&%) even,s
m&s, be approved b3 ,)e adminis,ra,ion in advan%e! 1ee s%)ool %alendar $or %omple,e in$orma,ion! <: :FF
4A2(C1 (AR=/.1 ;ill be allo;ed!
4AF.=.R/A =)ere ;ill be <: %a$e,eria %redi, %)ar'es $or brea+$as,, l&n%), or sna%+s! 4a$e,eria ;ill $&n%,ion
on a %as) or l&n%) %ard basis :<LJ! <o ex%ep,ions are ,o be made b3 ,)e ,ea%)er, s,a$$, or s,&den,!
L&n%) %ards ;ill be sold in ,)e mornin' be$ore s%)ool b3 ,)e %a$e,eria s,a$$ >$or @-12 'rades? or ,)ro&') ,)e
%lassroom ,ea%)ers in ,)e elemen,ar3! L&n%) %ards ma3 onl3 be &sed $or l&n%) i,ems, and <:= $or brea+$as,,
re%ess, or sna%+s!
(84 L 3
'rade %ards sold in in%remen,s o$ T3!00 >T15 minim&m U 5 l&n%)es?
L 12
'rades %ards sold in in%remen,s o$ T4!00 >T24 minim&m U @ l&n%)es?
L&n%) pri%e in%l&des %)oi%e o$ dail3 )o, l&n%) :R 4)e$ salad
%)oi%e o$ ,ea, ;a,er, or mil+!
L&n%) men&s ;ill be p&blis)ed and made available ,o s,&den,s on a ;ee+l3 basis via no,e and online!
1,&den,s ma3 %)oose ,o brin' l&n%) ,o s%)ool!
(8 L 5 ma3 )ave l&n%) provided b3 paren, >no, one ,)a, m&s, be prepared b3 ,ea%)er?!
=rades > F ?@ ma" now have delivered lunches or %;T')3E food brought in! 1.. $ollo;in' pa'e $or
r&les and s,ip&la,ions!
An" delivered lunches must go directl" to the cafeteriaGs s#eciall" designated area.
5o disru#tion of class<student ma" ta!e #lace for the deliver".
L&n%)es are ,o be ea,en onl3 in ,)e %a$e,eria or desi'na,ed pi%ni% area! =)e onl3 ex%ep,ion ;ill be ;)en a
mee,in' is )eld ;i,) ,)e $a%&l,3 advisor presen,! All s,&den,s are as+ed ,o remove ,)eir l&n%) i,ems $rom ,)e
,able ;)en ,)e3 are $inis)ed ;i,) ,)e meal! All $ood and drin+ is ,o remain /< ,)e %a$e,eria or s&rro&ndin'
1o$, drin+s, sna%+s, i%e %ream, and o,)er ,rea,s are available on a %as) basis in ,)e %a$e,eria a, ,)e appropria,e
,imes! 7rea+$as, i,ems and pri%es ;ill be made available ,o ,)e s,&den,s a$,er ,)e men& )as been es,ablis)ed!
1,&den,s are reA&es,ed and reA&ired ,o see ,)a, %ond&%, and %onversa,ional level in ,)e %a$e,eria is appropria,e
and a%%ep,able $or dinin' %ir%&ms,an%es! 9ood manners and %o&r,es3 is reA&ired a, all ,ime! Line %&,,in' and
o,)er disr&p,ive be)aviors ;ill no, be ,olera,ed!
FA 14-15
Franklin Academy
Date: 'chool "ear @0?A9@0?.
Continuing ,rogram
%utside $unch deliver"
All grades999var"ing lunch times
Due to increasing requests and to better serve our student population, FA
will be conducting a trial period of ALLOWABLE LUN! DEL"#E$"E%&
'& Lunc(es )U%* be delivered to speciall+ designated table in cafeteria&
,& ontainer s(ould be clearl+ -ar.ed wit( student recipient/s na-e&
0& No lunc( is to be delivered to office, classroo-, or ot(er area&
1& No student2class is to be disrupted for deliver+ or to -a.e an order&
3Lunc( arrange-ent )U%* be -ade prior to arriving at sc(ool&4
5& No student is to go to lot to retrieve lunc(&
6& Lunc( -ust be delivered during sc(edule lunc( period&
7& No earl+ dis-issals or tardies allowed because of lunc( deliver+&
8& "f t(ese rules are followed, suc( deliveries -a+ continue&
9& "f t(is practice proves a proble-, lunc( deliver+ privileges will be
discontinued at ad-inistrative discretion&
':& *(an.s for +ou (elp as we continue t(is practice;
FA 14-15
0/1/=:R1 For sa$e,3 p&rposes, ,)e $ron, and ba%+ doors ,o ,)e s%)ool ;ill o$,en be lo%+ed $rom ,)e
inside a, 815 a!m! All en,r3 a$,er ,)a, ,ime m&s, be ,)ro&') ,)e side door near ,)e o$$i%e! T4E ')3E
3%%8 to the teachersG classrooms are for teacher use onl"! 1a$e,3 and se%&ri,3 $or o&r s,&den,s and
s,a$$ is a priori,3! =)ere$ore ALL visi,ors are as+ed ,o repor, ,o ,)e o$$i%e &pon en,erin' ,)e b&ildin' ,o
ob,ain a visi,orIs pass and be re%orded as a %amp&s visi,or! ,lease do 5%T sim#l" enter the
classrooms unannounced. We ;el%ome 3o&r inp&, and appre%ia,e 3o&r in,eres,s and %on%ernsB
,)ere$ore, ;e as+ 3o& ,o ,$EA'E call for an A,,%)5T(E5T s)o&ld 3o& desire a %on$eren%e ;i,) a
,ea%)er and5or ,)e adminis,ra,ion! We +indl3 reA&es, ,)a, 3o& -: <:= drop in be$ore or d&rin' s%)ool
$or an impromp,& %on$eren%e! =)is in,err&p,s ,)e s%)ool da3 and %lassroom $lo;! We $&r,)er reA&es,
,)a, 3o& %are$&ll3 %onsider ,)e %)ain o$ %ommand pro,o%ol in all s%)ool dealin's!
,A8E5T' are as!ed to hel# us follow A$$ rules set forth for the safet"* #rotection* and the
education of our students.
=)e =C/=/:< s%)ed&le $or ,)e %&rren, 3ear ma3 be ob,ained ,)o&') ,)e $ron, o$$i%e! (oli%ies and
pro%ed&res re'ardin' ,&i,ion, pa3men, plans, and $ees are revie;ed ann&all3 b3 ,)e 7oard o$ -ire%,ors
;)o ,)en ma+e ,)e $inal de,ermina,ions on %os,s, $ees, %on,ra%, in$orma,ion reA&iremen,s, and pa3men,
plans! (lease %on,a%, ,)e s%)ool b&siness o$$i%e $or more spe%i$i% reA&iremen,s and in$orma,ion!
(lease be a;are ,)a, %er,ain %lasses reA&ire small $ees a, ea%) semes,erIs be'innin' or
,)ro&')o&, ,)e 3ear $or %lass-spe%i$i% reA&ired s&pplies and eA&ipmen,! Jo&r s,&den,, in ,)ese %lasses,
;ill be made a;are o$ ,)e $ee and ;ill be 'iven a reasonable amo&n, o$ ,ime in ;)i%) ,o pa3 s&%) $ee!
(R:9R.11 R.(:R=1 and R.(:R= 4AR-1 >-a,es var3 $rom 3ear ,o 3ear and ;ill be
de,ermined b3 ,)e adminis,ra,ion in order ,o bes, serve ,)e s%)ool and i,s %alendar!?
(R:9R.11 R.(:R=1 >@-12? R.(:R= 4AR-1
/ss&ed a, ,)e end o$ ,)e $i$,) ;ee+ iss&ed
:$ ,)e 9 ;ee+ 'radin' period $ollo;in' ,)e end o$ ,)e 9 ;+ period
OOO1,&den,s re%eivin' 'rades o$ 3 or in %lasses ;ill )ave a repor, mailed )ome $or paren,al
no,i$i%a,ion! 4on$eren%es ma3 ,)en be s%)ed&led &pon appoin,men, reA&es,!
FA 14-15
(R.9<A<4J (:L/4J
/, is ,)e poli%3 o$ FA ,o allo; <: 3o&n' ;oman ,o ma,ri%&la,e and par,i%ipa,e in dail3 or ex,ra
%&rri%&lar s,&den, a%,ivi,ies ;)ile s)e is pre'nan,! /n o&r opinion, ,)e environmen, ,)a, is mos,
%ond&%ive ,o s%)ool a%,ivi,ies and ,)e ed&%a,ion %&rri%&l&m is be,,er main,ained ;i,) s,&den,s ;)o are
o&,side ,)e res,ri%,ions and obli'a,ions o$ bein' pre'nan,!
=)ere$ore, ,)e $ollo;in' pro%ess s)all be observed a, Fran+lin A%adem3
1! Cpon learnin' o$ )er expe%,an, %ondi,ion, i, s)all be ,)e responsibili,3 o$ ,)e 3o&n' ;oman ,o
/22.-/A=.LJ ma+e repor, ,o ,)e adminis,ra,ion!
2! =)e adminis,ra,ion s)all ,)en se, a s%)ed&le $or )ome s%)ool5independen, ;or+ $or ,)e
3! =ea%)ers s)all prepare ;or+ $or ,)e s,&den, on a ;ee+l3 basis! =)e ;or+ s)all be pla%ed in ,)e
o$$i%e in a spe%iall3 desi'na,ed $older ;)i%) s)o&ld be pi%+ed &p b3 a responsible par,3
:=6.R ,)an ,)e s,&den,!
4! Wor+ s)o&ld be done as indi%a,ed $rom ,)e ,ea%)er and s)o&ld be re,&rned as per ,)e ,ime
,able s,a,ed b3 ,)e ,ea%)ers!
5! Arran'emen,s $or ,es,s ;ill be )andled b3 ,)e individ&al ,ea%)er and s,&den,! All s%)ool visi,s
$or ,es,in' and5or ins,r&%,ion are ,o be made be$ore or a$,er s%)ool, on ;ee+ends, or a, a si,e
o,)er ,)an ,)e s%)ool! A, no ,ime ;ill ,)e s,&den, be allo;ed ,o en,er ,)e 'eneral s%)ool
@! Wor+ s)all be 'raded and repor,ed ,o ,)e s,&den,!
7! 1&%) da3s as are missed d&e ,o ma,erni,3-rela,ed iss&ed are ,o be do%&men,ed and %on$irmed
b3 a p)3si%ian! =)ese da3s s)all <:= %o&n, a'ains, ,)e s,&den, as lon' as )er %&rri%&l&m is
bein' s&$$i%ien,l3 me,!
8! A$,er ,)e bir,), ;i,) proper medi%al do%&men,a,ion, ,)e 3o&n' ;oman ma3 re,&rn ,o s%)ool
and %on,in&e )er s,&dies ;i,) )er %lass!
9! =)e bab3 2AJ <:= be bro&'), ,o s%)ool be$ore, d&rin', or a$,er ,)e re'&larl3 s%)ed&led
s%)ool da3!
10! /$ ,)e s,&den, is a senior and ,)e ,imin' permi,s, s)e ;ill be allo;ed ,o mar%) in 'rad&a,ion
%eremonies! 1)e s)all <:= be eli'ible $or A<J )onors a, ,)is ,ime!
/F ,)e $a,)er o$ a bab3 is +no;n, admi,,ed, or proved, and )e is a s,&den, a, FA, ,)e 1A2. r&les as
s,a,ed above s)all appl3 ,o )im as ;ell!
1,&den,s in ,)e above %a,e'or3 ;ill be (R:6/7/=.- $rom re%eivin' A<J a;ard or )onors o$ A<J
8/<- $rom Fran+lin A%adem3! 1&%) a;ards in%l&de, but are not limited to, )onors a, 'rad&a,ion,
)onors vo,ed &pon b3 ,)e s,&den, bod3, a;ards $rom ,)e %omm&ni,3 ,)a, are %)anneled ,)ro&') FA,
and le,,ers o$ re%ommenda,ion $or o&,side )onors5a;ards!
1in%e =:(1 is de,ermined and a;arded b3 ,)e s,a,e o$ Lo&isiana, ,)is poli%3 s)all in no ;a3 in,er$ere
;i,) ,)e s,&den,Is ri'), ,o be %onsidered $or ,)is s%)olars)ip a;ard!
FA 14-15

FRA<8L/< A4A-.2J A44.(=A7L. C1. (:L/4J 4/(A and .-Ra,e reA&ired5approved
1%)ool 4omp&,er 13s,ems and ,)e /n,erne,
FA )as developed ,)e $ollo;in' poli%3 $or a%%ep,able &se o$ ,)e s%)ool %omp&,er s3s,ems, i,s labs, and ,)e /n,erne, b3
s,&den,s! =)e a%ademi% bene$i, o$ )avin' a%%ess ,o ,)e vas, reso&r%es a%%essible ,)ro&') ,)e ;orld;ide ;eb m&s, be
;ei')ed a'ains, ob"e%,ionable ma,erials ,)a, %an be $o&nd! =)ere m&s, be a balan%e o$ val&e ;i,) liabili,3!
1,&den, &se o$ s%)ool %omp&,ers ;ill be reserved $or A4A-.2/4 p&rposes onl3! =)e &se o$ s%)ool %omp&,ers and an3
%omp&,er ne,;or+ lo%a,ed on s%)ool proper,3, or ,)e /n,erne, is a privile'e, no, a ri'),, ;)i%) ma3 be revo+ed a, an3 ,ime
$or ab&sive %ond&%,! All s,&den,s &sin' s%)ool %omp&,ers ;ill be )eld a%%o&n,able $or i,s &se! =)is in%l&des b&, is no,
limi,ed ,o
a! &na&,)oriEed &se res&l,in' in expenses ,o ,)e s%)ool
b! eA&ipmen, dama'e
%! &se o$ &na&,)oriEed so$,;are
d! priva%3 and %op3ri'), problems
e! ,amperin'
$! a%%essin' obs%ene and ob"e%,ionable or %on,roversial ma,erials
'! sendin' or soli%i,in' in$lamma,or3, ab&sive, )arassin', v&l'ar, or obs%ene messa'es or lan'&a'e
)! an3 a%,ion ,)a, is deemed inappropria,e b3 ,)e s&pervisor3 personnel!
An3 inappropria,e &se o$ ,)e /n,erne, and5or ,)e s%)ool %omp&,ers ma3 res&l, in appropria,e dis%iplinar3 a%,ion and loss o$
privile'es ,o &se ei,)er! A si'ned FA51,&den,5(aren, %on,ra%, m&s, be on $ile $or ea%) s,&den,, in%l&din' ,)ose &sin' ,)e
s%)ool %omp&,er $a%ili,ies!
1,&den,s m&s, be &nder ,)e s&pervision o$ a ,ea%)er or a&,)oriEed personnel ;)ile &sin' ,)e s%)ool %omp&,ers! An3 &se b3
,)e s,&den, o$ ,)e %omp&,ers ,)a, in%&rs expenses ,o ,)e s%)ool o,)er ,)an ,)e mon,)l3 &ser $ees and ra,es is pro)ibi,ed!
1,&den,s ;ill be)eld responsible $or an35all %os,sB dis%iplinar3 a%,ion ;ill also ens&e!
Cse o$ ,)e ne,;or+ $or an3 ille'al a%,ivi,ies is pro)ibi,ed! =)ese a%,ivi,ies in%l&de, b&, are no, limi,ed ,o
a! ,amperin' ;i,) %omp&,er )ard;are or so$,;are
b! &na&,)oriEed en,r3 in,o %omp&,ers and $iles
%! +no;led'eable vandalism or des,r&%,ion o$ eA&ipmen,
d! dele,ion o$, edi,in' o$, or vie;in' o$ %omp&,er $iles o&,side ,)e s,&den,Is parame,er!
All s,&den,s m&s, ad)ere ,o ,)e 4op3ri'), La; o$ ,)e Cni,ed 1,a,es >(!L! 94-553? and ,)e 4on'ressional 9&idelines ,)a,
delinea,e i, re'ardin' so$,;are, a&,)ors)ip, and %op3in' in$orma,ion! Cna&,)oriEed %op3in' or ,rans$er o$ %op3ri'),ed
ma,erials ma3 res&l, in ,)e loss o$ ne,;or+ privile'es!
=o avoid ,)e ris+ or spreadin' %omp&,er vir&ses, s,&den,s ;ill no, impor, $iles or pro'rams $rom )ome or $rom &n+no;n or
disrep&,able so&r%es! -elibera,e a,,emp,s ,o de'rade or disr&p, ,)e s3s,em or an3 spreadin' o$ %omp&,er vir&ses is
%onsidered %riminal a%,ivi,3 &nder s,a,e and $ederal la;!
(ro$ani,3 and5or obs%eni,3 ;ill no, be allo;ed on ,)e ne,;or+! All &sers s)o&ld &se lan'&a'e appropria,e $or s%)ool
si,&a,ions as indi%a,ed b3 s%)ool %odes o$ %ond&%,! :$$ensive or in$lamma,or3 spee%) s)o&ld be avoided! =)e ri'),s o$
o,)ers m&s, be respe%,ed a, all ,imes! (ersonal a,,a%+s are an &na%%ep,able &se o$ ,)e ne,;or+! Re,rievin' and5or vie;in'
porno'rap)i% or obs%ene ma,erials ;ill no, be allo;ed!
FA 14-15
=)is poli%3 ma3 be amended b3 ,)e s%)ool or i,s board ,o in%l&de $&r,)er res,ri%,ion in order ,o mee, spe%ial needs provided
,)a, ,)is %&rren, s%)ool poli%3 is no, viola,ed or %ompromised in an3 ;a3!

Cse o$ ,)e /n,erne,
(ar,i%ipa,ion b3 s,&den,s on ,)e /n,erne, s)all in%l&de, b&, no, be limi,ed ,o ,)e $ollo;in'
1! Appropria,e lan'&a'e and manners ;)i%) demons,ra,e )ones,3, e,)i%s, and respe%, $or o,)ers s)all be reA&ired
2! /ndivid&al s,&den,s s)all no, be permi,,ed ,o )ave e-mail a%%o&n,s repor,in' ,o ,)e s%)ool <:R s)all ,)e3 be
allo;ed ,o %)e%+ e-mail $ro o&,side providers! :nl3 %lasses as a ;)ole ma3 be permi,,ed ,o )ave e-mail
a%%o&n,s! :nl3 appropria,e ,ea%)er or %lass messa'es s)all be allo;ed!
3! <o personal addresses, personal p)one n&mbers, or p)o,os ;i,) iden,i$i%a,ion ;ill be allo;ed on ,)e /n,erne,!
4! /lle'al a%,ivi,ies, in%l&din' %op3ri'), or %on,ra%, viola,ions, s)all no, be permi,,ed on ,)e /n,erne,!
5! =)e /n,erne, s)all no, be &sed $or %ommer%ial, poli,i%al, ille'al, $inan%ial, or reli'io&s p&rposes! 0iola,ions
s)all be repor,ed ,o a ,ea%)er or an adminis,ra,or immedia,el3!
@! =)rea,enin', pro$ane, )arassin', or ab&sive lan'&a'e s)all be $orbidden!
7! Cse o$ ,)e ne,;or+ $or an3 ille'al a%,ivi,ies is pro)ibi,ed! /lle'al a%,ivi,ies in%l&de
a! ,amperin' ;i,) %omp&,er )ard;are
b! &na&,)oriEed en,r3 in,o %omp&,ers and $iles
%! +no;led'eable vandalism or des,r&%,ion o$ eA&ipmen,
d! dele,ion o$, edi,in' o$, or vie;in' o$ %omp&,er $iles o&,side ,)e s,&den,Is parame,ers
1&%) a%,ivi,3 is %onsidered a %rime &nder s,a,e and $ederal la;!
8! <o &se is permi,,ed ,o +no;in'l3 or inadver,en,l3 load or %rea,e a %omp&,er vir&s or load an3 so$,;are ,)a,
des,ro3s $iles and pro'rams, %on$&ses &ses, or disr&p,s ,)e per$orman%e o$ ,)e s3s,em! <o ,)ird par,3 so$,;are
;ill be ins,alled ;i,) prior %onsen, o$ ,)e assi'ned adminis,ra,or!
9! A s,&den, ma3 no, a,,emp, ,o a%%ess an3 /n,erne, reso&r%e ;i,)o&, prior %onsen, o$ ,)e ,ea%)er!
10! /nvadin' ,)e priva%3 o$ ano,)er &ser, &sin' ano,)erIs a%%o&n,5s%reen name, pos,in' personal messa'es ;i,)o&,
,)e a&,)orIs %onsen,, and sendin' or pos,in' anon3mo&s messa'es s)all be $orbidden!
11! A%%essin' porno'rap)i% or obs%ene ma,erials, or &sin' or sendin' pro$ani,3 in messa'es s)all be $orbidden
1,&den,s m&s,, a, all ,imes, $ollo; ,)e spe%i$i% %lassroom ins,r&%,ions and pro,o%ol $or %omp&,er and /n,erne, &se!
Cse o$ ,)e /n,erne, is a privile'e, and an3 inappropria,e &se ;ill res&l, in s&spension! F&r,)er dis%iplinar3 a%,ion ma3
in%l&de mone,ar3 reimb&rsemen,! =)is s)all appl3 ,o all s,&den,s!
5o student shall be #ermitted to use the )nternet unless a com#lete A<'tudent<,arent contract is on file
for the current school "ear.
FA 14-15
Fran+lin A%adem3 )as approved random dr&' ,es,in' $or i,s s,&den, pop&la,ion, i,s $a%&l,3 and
s,a$$, and i,s 7oard o$ -ire%,ors! 1pe%i$i% plans )ave been %oordina,ed b3 a pro$essional %ompan3,
%omple,el3 independen, o$ ,)e s%)ool and i,s parame,ers, ,o )andle all ma,,ers rela,ed ,o ,)e dr&'
,es,in' pro%ed&res!
(oli%3 $or all aspe%,s rela,in' ,o ,)e ,es,in', repor,in', and )andlin' o$ s&%) ,es,s are available
&pon reA&es,!
=)e poli%3 and pro%ed&re s)all be made %lear ,o ,)e s,&den, bod3 in a 'eneral assembl3!
C,mos, %are and %on%ern is 'iven in dealin' ;i,) ,)e s,&den,s d&rin' ,)e ,es,in' periods!
4on$iden,iali,3 and respe%, $or individ&als ;ill be observed b3 ,)e %ompan3 and b3 ,)e
adminis,ra,ion o$ Fran+lin A%adem3 a, all ,imes!
/n %ase o$ a $irs, posi,ive ,es,, ,)e s,&den, ;ill be reA&ired ,o en,er a %er,i$ied, san%,ioned, and approved
re)abili,a,ion pro'ram! >1%)ool a,,endan%e reA&iremen,s ;ill be ;or+ed o&, ,)ro&') ,)e adminis,ra,ive
o$$i%es!? =)ese re)abili,a,ion arran'emen,s m&s, be made b3 ,)e paren, ,)ro&') )is p)3si%ian or lo%al
)eal,) %are provider! All pro'rams m&s, be approved b3 ,)e adminis,ra,ion! F&r,)er, all expenses ;ill
be ,)e responsibili,3 o$ ,)e paren,! =)e s%)ool ass&mes <: $inan%ial responsibili,3 in ,)ese pro%esses
=)e s,&den, ;ill be reA&ired ,o provide ,)e s%)ool a, i,s dis%re,ion a sample $or ,es,in'B )e ;ill be
s&b"e%, ,o more $reA&en, ,es,s a, )is o;n expense! 1)o&ld ,)e s,&den, ,es, posi,ive a se%ond ,ime, )e
;ill a&,oma,i%all3 be dismissed5expelled $rom Fran+lin A%adem3 ;i,) no appeal ri'),s 'ran,ed!
Fail&re ,o %onsen, ,o ,)e ,es,in' on ,)e par, o$ ,)e paren, or ,)e s,&den, ,o ,)e dr&' ,es,in' ;ill %a&se
immedia,e exp&lsion! .xp&lsion s)all be in e$$e%, &n,il s&%) ,ime as ,)e paren, and5or s,&den, a'rees ,o
,)e poli%3, and provides an a%%ep,able ,es, res&l,!

A$$ students grades >9?@ shall be re&uired to #a" a H.0 drug testing fee and com#ulsor" student
insurance due before 'e#tember ?. of each school "ear. ailure to #a" this fee will result in
student records being fro+en* with no grades or credit recorded until such fee is #aid in full.
FA 14-15
1,&den,s, ,)is is 3o&r s%)ool! Jo& and 3o&r peers ;ill ei,)er ma+e Fran+lin A%adem3 an o&,s,andin'
s%)ool or 3o& ;ill %a&se i, ,o be o,)er;ise! We, ,)e $a%&l,3, s,a$$, adminis,ra,ion, and paren,s, ma3
desire 'rea, ,)in's $rom o&r s,&den,s, b&, onl3 J:C %an de,ermine ,)e o&,%ome $or 3o&rselves and $or
o&r s%)ool! Jo& m&s, realiEe ,)a, ea%) s,&den, is impor,an, and )as %er,ain ri'), &pon ;)i%) 3o& or ;e
m&s, no, in$rin'e! Remember, people ;)o are al;a3s %ri,i%al o$ o,)ers need a loo+in' 'lass! We
;is) 3o& ,)e bes, s%)ool 3ear o$ 3o&r li$eH
=)e Fran+lin A%adem3, /n%orpora,ed, admi,s s,&den,s o$ an3 sex, ra%e, %olor, na,ional and e,)ni% ori'in
,o all ri'),s, privile'es, pro'rams, and a%,ivi,ies 'enerall3 a%%orded and made available ,o s,&den,s a,
,)e s%)ool! /, does no, dis%rimina,e on ,)e basis o$ ra%e, %olor, %reed, reli'ion, na,ional and e,)ni%
ori'in in adminis,ra,ion o$ i,s ed&%a,ional poli%ies, admission pro%ed&res, s%)olars)ip and loan
pro'rams, and a,)le,i% and o,)er s%)ool-adminis,ered pro'rams as provided ,o be in %omplian%e ;i,)
,)e 4ivil Ri'),s A%, o$ 19@5, as amended!
1ex&al )arassmen, is de$ined as an3 &n;el%ome sex&al advan%e, reA&es, $or sex&al $avors, and an3
verbal or p)3si%al %on,a%, ,)a, %o&ld be vie;ed or %ons,r&ed as bein' o$ a sex&al na,&re! 1&%)
)arassmen, or be)avior b3 emplo3ees, board members, or an3one a$$ilia,ed ;i,) Fran+lin A%adem3 is
pro)ibi,ed in ,)e o$$i%e, in ,)e %lassroom, or on s%)ool 'ro&nds, a, all $&n%,ions, 'a,)erin's, and even,s
sponsored b3 o&r s%)ool, or b3 s&%) a person represen,in' Fran+lin A%adem3 in an3 %apa%i,3! /, is ,)e
poli%3 o$ Fran+lin A%adem3 ,o )old a Eero ,oleran%e o$ sex&al )arassmen, o$ an3 $orm or na,&re!
Participation Requirements
No student will be allowed to participate in clubs, extracurricular activities, graduation, honors activities,
or on any athletic team unless ALL contractual and financial obligations are in good standing according
to the official and current FA policies as adopted by the Board of Directors. All tuition, athletic, class fees,
cafeteria, boo, registration, membership, and any other applicable monies must be current in order for a
student to be in good standing with the school and eligible for participation. N!F checs shall be
considered non"payment until such matters are fully cleared.
N#$%& Any membership breaing a contract without B#D approval of logical and verifiable situation and
subse'uently wishing to reenter will be re'uired to pay one"half of the total tuition amount due for the
year of reentry.
FA 14-15
'E87)CE ;5)T information
As re&uired b" the A enrollment agreement and contract* each membershi# shall be res#onsible for #erforming a
minimum of five school9related service hours #er semester. 'uch hours are to be documented through the A office
with 2%3 and<or administrative a##roval. )f such service hours are not #erformed each semester in their entiret"* a
H@0 #er hour fee will be assessed for the non9rendering of service. ees will be due b"<before the end of each
semester 03ecember and (a"1. (one" is to be #laced in a designated account.
'am#le Activit" service #roIects<involvements and units awarded.
Whole da" sub 3 no #a"
'ub in cafL @ no #a"
Classroom sub for s#ecial l
ad re&uested activit"
$ibrar" wor! ?
=rou# class<field tri# driver ? #er
elem. room mother .
office hel# as re&uested ?
guest lecturer<class<as re&uested ?
ConcessionCwhole game ?
=ateCwhole game ?
,A at ball games ? #er
Chains<cloc! ? #er
2oo!<stats ? #er
hel#er<volunteer coaching 3
grou# s#onsor 0cheer* drill1 . 0no #a"1 0dance* cheer* club* etc1
tournament hos#italit" chair 3
tournament hos#italit" hel# ?9@
4ead a fundraising activit" .
Committee for fundraising 3
'#ecial grou# fundraiser ?
Wor! a clean9u# da" @9.
Chair a ban&uet 3
Wor! a ban&uet @
'#ecial activit" driver* re&uested ?9@ 0distance<time1
Cha#erone dance ?
3ecorate dance* WC* 4C ?9@
$andsca#ing<"ard wor! @
,rofessional services as deemed a##ro#riate
)f "ou have s#ecial interests* talents* or ideas* #lease visit with the administration and<or the 2oard of 3irectors to
determine need and a##ro#riate award for "our service #roIect #rior to #ursuing.
A$$ activit" for credit must be a##roved through the office. 4ours are to be re#orted to the secretar" and logged in
through and with her files.
Teachers* s#onsors* and<or coaches are not sanctioned to a##rove or award service units. This is onl" to be done
through the administration and<or the 2oard of 3irectors.
FA 14-15
FreA&en,l3 As+ed D&es,ions
1! 4ow is #erfect attendance defined at AM (er$e%, a,,endan%e is de$ined as <: re%ord o$
absen%e exis,in' ei,)er in ,)e mas,er roll boo+ and %)e%+ o&, lo' +ep, in ,)e o$$i%e :R in ea%)
,ea%)erIs 'rade boo+ $or individ&al %lasses! A s,&den, ;i,) per$e%, a,,endan%e )as been presen,
in .0.RJ %lass on .0.RJ da3! :$ %o&rse, s%)ool-rela,ed absen%es -: <:= %o&n, a'ains,
,)e s,&den,!
2! What is a A.0 grade #oint averageM For 3ear end a;ards, a 4!0 is earnin' all AIs in ever3
s&b"e%,, ever3 nine ;ee+s! <o 'rade lo;er ,)an A appears on ,)a, 3earIs repor, %ard! For 'rade
repor,in' ,o &niversi,ies and o,)er reA&es,in' a'en%ies, a )i') s%)ool 4!0 is %al%&la,ed b3
examinin' ,)e %&m&la,ive %ard and $indin' no 'rade lo;er ,)an an A
3! 4ow is AGs honor roll calculatedM For o&r )onor roll, a s,&den, m&s, earn a 3!0 'rade poin,
avera'e ea%) and ever3 9 ;ee+ period, ;i,) no 'rade belo; a C appearin' on ,)e repor, %ard!
<o 3 or is allo;ed in %al%&la,in' )onor roll s,a,&s!
4! Who am ) to call to get information to m" childM (lease %all ,)e s%)ool o$$i%e a, 435 9520!
/n$orma,ion ;ill be ,a+en $rom 3o& and delivered ,o 3o&r %)ild a, an appropria,e brea+ ,ime!
>:$ %o&rse, in an emer'en%3, ;e ;ill expedi,e 3o&r reA&es,? (lease remember ,)a, a )air %&, or
a dress $i,,in' appoin,men, is <:= an emer'en%3!
5! Can m" student chec! himself out with m" #ermissionM A s,&den, ma3 onl3 %)e%+ )imsel$
o&, $or an emer'en%3 and onl3 a$,er a s,a$$ member )as spo+en ;i,) a paren,!
@! What about summer schoolM 1&mmer s%)ool, a%%ordin' ,o ,)e 2A/1 and ,)e s,a,e
-epar,men, o$ .d&%a,ion, is ,o be &sed ,o earn :<. A&ali,3 poin, onl3 in a )i') s%)ool %o&rse
$ailed! 1&mmer s%)ool is onl3 $or ,)e removal o$ de$i%ien%ies as needed ,o pass a %o&rse and5or
earn a %redi,! 1&mmer s%)ool is no, &sed ,o raise an exis,in' 'rade in a %o&rse passed! An3
s&mmer s%)ool ;or+ ,o be applied ,o FA m&s, be $rom an a%%redi,ed ins,i,&,ion and m&s, $irs,
be approved $or appli%a,ion a, FA! 1ee ,)e '&idan%e o$$i%e $or more in$orma,ion!
7! What about waiting lists for various classesM As o&r s%)ool %on,in&es ,o 'ro;, ;e
some,imes $ind o&r %lasses $&ll ,o limi,! /n s&%) a %ase a ;ai,in' lis, is %rea,ed! 1,&den,s are
admi,,ed as openin's o%%&r! (riori,3 is 'iven $irs, ,o o,)er s,&den,s o$ exis,in' members and ,o
$a%&l,3 >bo,) %&rren, and in%omin'?! /n order ,o be pla%ed on a ;ai,in' lis,, ,)e re'is,ra,ion $ee
m&s, be paid! /, ;ill be )eld as earnes, mone3! /$ a spo, does no, open, ,)e $ee ;ill be re,&rned!
/$ a spo, opens and ,)e s,&den, %alled re$&ses i,, ,)e $ee s)all be +ep, and pro%essed!
8! What is the (A)' honor societ"M =)is is an 2A/1 %rea,ed so%ie,3 ,)a, re%o'niEes 'rad&a,es
;)o )ave amassed a minim&m 3!5 %&m&la,ive 'rade poin, avera'e ,)ro&') ,)e six semes,ers
leadin' ,o end o$ "&nior 3ear! FA s&bmi,s %andida,es ,o ,)e 2A/1 ;)o revie;s %reden,ials! FA
re%o'niEes ,)ese s,&den,s a, 'rad&a,ion /F ,)e 'rade poin, )as )eld d&rin' ,)e senior 3ear!
FA 14-15
20/0(20/+ 1hool 2alendar Fran3lin
A&' 18-19 ,ea%)er ;or+ da3s
A&' 20 s,&den,s be'inB )al$ da3B dismiss a, 1250p r&n )al$-da3 s%)ed&le---mee, all 7
A&' 21 re'&lar s%)ed&le >r&n mornin' a%,ivi,3 s%)ed&le $or assembl3?
A&' 22 re'&lar da3 $oo,ball a;a3 a, 2,! :live
A&' 29 $oo,ball a;a3 a, 44A >;ill be earl3 ,ravel dismiss?
1ep, 1 Labor -a3 6olida3
1ep, 5 (ep Rall35r&n a$,ernoon a%,ivi,3 s%)ed&le $oo,ball )ere vs! =ensas
1ep, 12 (ep Rall35 r&n a$,ernoon a%,ivi,3 s%)ed&le $oo,ball )ere vs! 1/A
1ep, 15 )ome%omin' %o&r, ele%,ions
1ep, 17 end pro'ress 1 >20 da3s?
1ep, 18 'rades in b3 3p
1ep, 19 pro'ress repor,s o&, open $oo,ball da,e
1ep, 2@ $oo,ball a, 6&mp)re3s
:%, 3 pep rall35r&n a$,ernoon a%,ivi,3 s%)ed&le $oo,ball )ere vs! 4lin,on
:%, 10513 FALL 7R.A85no s%)ool
:%, 10 $oo,ball a, =ensas
:%, 1@ end 1
nine ;ee+s >39 da3s?
:%, 17 )al$ da35)ome%omin' pep rall35spe%ial s%)ed&le 6:2.4:2/<9 vs! 44A
:%, 20 'rades in b3 3p
:%, 21 repor, %ards o&,
:%, 24 pep rall35r&n a$,ernoon a%,ivi,3 s%)ed&le 1R! </96= vs! 7riar$ield
:%, 31 $oo,ball a, 2,! 1al&s
<ov 9 da3li'), savin's ,ime ends---FALL 7A48
<ov 12 end 2
pro'ress >19 da3s?
<ov 13 'rades in b3 3p
<ov 14 pro'ress repor,s o&,
<ov 21 :%,ober Fes, da3 6olida35no s%)ool
<ov 24-28 =)an+s'ivin' )olida3s
-e%! 19 )al$ da3B end 2
9B end 1
sem >40 da3s? 79 da3s in semes,er
-e% 22-*an 2 4)ris,mas )olida3s
*an 5 re,&rn ,o s%)oolB 'rades d&e b3 3p
*an @ repor, %ards o&,
*an 19 2L8 *r! 6olida3
Feb 5 end 3
pro'ress >23 da3s?
Feb @ 'rades in b3 3p
Feb 9 pro'ress repor,s o&,
Feb 1@ (residen,sI -a3 )olida3
2ar 8 da3li'), savin's ,ime be'ins >sprin' $or;ard?
2ar 10 end 3
9 ;ee+s >45 da3s?
2ar 12 'rades in b3 3p
2ar 13 repor, %ards o&,
2ar 1@-20 ,es,in' >s%)ed&le ,o be provided?
2ar 30-Apr @ 1prin',er brea+
Apr 20 end 4
April 21 'rades in b3 3 p
Apr 22 pro'ress repor,s o&,
FA 14-15
2a3 4-@ senior ,es,s
2a3 7 senior 'rades in b3 3p
2a3 8 1enior las, da3---A;ardsI -a3
2a3 14-15 'rad&a,ion pra%,i%e ,o be s%)ed&led
2a3 1@ 'rad&a,ion
2a3 19 8inder'ar,en 'rad&a,ion 9 am
2a3 21 N da3B s,&den, las, da3B end 4
9 >4@ da3s? end semes,er91 end 3ear 170
2a3 22 ,ea%)er las, da3B 'rades in b3 3p
2a3 2@ s&mmer )o&rs be'in %leared repor, %ards ,o be mailed
*&ne 25 1p %lose >*&ne 2@-*&l3 13?
*&l3 14 reopen 9a
A&' 3 res&me re'&lar s%)ool )o&rs $or 2015-201@ s%)ool 3ear
1epara,e spor,s s%)ed&le ;ill be prin,ed and %an be ob,ained ,)ro&') ,)e o$$i%e
An3 %)an'es or las, min&,e in$orma,ion ;ill be pos,ed on Friends o$ FA Fa%eboo+ pa'e and on s%)ool
;eb si,e!
/n$orma,ion ;ill also be 'iven a, s%)ool via in,er%om and possible ,a+eU)ome no,es, as possible!
A ,ex, %)ain ;ill also be es,ablis)ed $or A&i%+, eas3, las, min&,e %omm&ni%a,ion!
FA 14-15
1=C-.<=-(AR.<= 4:<=RA4=
;i,) Fran+lin A%adem3
all 'rades
(lease si'n, de,a%), and re,&rn ,o s%)ool b3 1ep,ember 1@
We )ave re%eived a personal %op3 o$ ,)e FA 6andboo+ 2014-2015! 4omple,e )andboo+ is available online a,
We, s,&den,s and paren,s, )ave read and revie;ed ALL ma,erial and in$orma,ion in ,)e FA 6andboo+ 14-15!
We &nders,and ,)e r&les and re'&la,ions se, $or,)!
We &nders,and ,)ere are %onseA&en%es $or bree%) o$ ,)e r&les and re'&la,ions as se, $or,) in ,)e )andboo+!
We &nders,and ,)e )andboo+ ,o be ,)e so&r%e o$ in$orma,ion $or iss&es dealin' ;i,) o&r s%)ool, i,s reA&iremen,s, and i,s
We allo; s,&den, in$orma,ion ,o be released b3 and &sed b3 FA in %omm&ni%a,ion ;i,) o,)er s%)ools, p&bli%a,ions, %olle'es,
and 'overnmen,al a'en%ies as deemed ne%essar3 and appropria,e $or ,)e be,,ermen, and advan%emen, o$ s,&den, ed&%a,ion
and s%)ool ;or+in's!
73 o&r si'na,&res belo;, ;e a'ree ,o $ollo; poli%ies, pro%ed&res, r&les, and reA&es,s as se, $or,) in ,)e
We a%+no;led'e ,)a, ;e ;ill be s&b"e%, ,o ,)e %onseA&en%es lis,ed $or bree%) or viola,ion o$ an3 r&le or
=)is si'ned do%&men, ;ill be pla%ed in ,)e s,&den,Is $older as do%&men,a,ion o$
a'reemen, and in$orma,ion provided!
9rades @-12 all students H.0 fee >dr&' ,es,in' and ins&ran%e1 NNNNNNNN >paid 3 n ?
7arsit" football #la"ers additional H>. fee 0com#ulsor" football insurance1 NNNNNNNN >paid 3 n ?
9rades (8 L 5 H@. fee 0ins&ran%e and ar,5a%,ivi,3? NNNNNNNN >paid 3 n ?
For s%)ool &se re%eived a, FA on VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV >da,e? %as) VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV
re%eived a, FA b3 VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV>$a%&l,35s,a$$? %)e%+ n&mber VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV
FA 14-15
2014-2015 FA 7ell and 4lass 1%)ed&le
Re'&lar s%)ool da3 s%)ed&le
755-855 >,ard3 a, 800B bell rin's ?
Re%ess 950-1005
L&n%) 1250-110
205-300 >elemen,ar3 dismiss a, 255?
<:=. -&rin' an3 s%)ed&le, $ive >5? min&,es a$,er an3 bell ;ill %ons,i,&,e a do%&men,able ,ard3! 5% tard"
bell will ring exce#t for ?
hour. =ea%)er observa,ion is ,o be &sedB ,)e s%)ool %lo%+ ;ill be %onsidered ,)e
Fo$$i%ialG ,imepie%e! .ver3one is as+ed ,o s3n%)roniEe )is person ;a,%)5,ime-+eepin' devi%e ;i,) ,)a, o$ ,)e
s%)ool %lo%+ ,o avoid %on$&sion! =)an+ 3o&
2ornin' A%,ivi,3
R 950-1005
A4= 1005-1030
L 1250-110

A$,ernoon A%,!
R 950-1005
L 1250-110
A4= 230-300
6al$ da3
R 950-1005
-ismiss 1250

,'': Loop $oad
Winnsboro, Louisiana 7',95
<(il =ac.son, <rincipal
Leig( =onson, #ice <rincipal
1=C-.<= -R/0.R F:R2----an3 s,&den, drivin' on,o %amp&s >m&s, be le'all3 li%ensed?
,o be &sed $or da3,ime %on,a%, as needed
:,)er ve)i%le>s? 3o& ma3 be drivin' ,o s%)ool >%olor, ma+e, and model?
<ames and 'rades o$ passen'ers arrivin'5depar,in' ;i,) 3o&
Jo& ma3 be reA&ired ,o provide 3o&r driverIs li%ense ,o )ave a %op3 made and $iled! Jo& mi'), be
%alled ,o ,)e o$$i%e d&rin' ,)e 3ear! (lease be s&re ,o )ave 3o&r li%ense ;i,) 3o& a, all ,imes ;)en 3o&
are drivin'!
FA reserves ,)e ri'), ,o moni,or drivin', par+in', and ,ra$$i%+in' )abi,s o$ s,&den,s! FA $&r,)er
reserves ,)e ri'), ,o -.<J drivin' privile'es ,o an3 s,&den, ;)o, in ,)e e3es o$ ,)e adminis,ra,ion, is
&nsa$e, disobedien, ,o ve)i%le r&les5re'&la,ions, or ;)o in an3 ;a3 or $or an3 reason poses a ,)rea, ,o
,)e sa$e,3 and ;ell bein' o$ ,)e pop&la,ion a, or aro&nd FA!
3riving to or at A is a #rivilege* not a right* and should be considered b" all in o#eration of a
motor vehicle as such.
8E$EA'E %8(6 2014-2015 3earboo+ or o$$i%e s,a$$
23 s,&den, VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV )as permission ,o leave ,)e FA %amp&s on
1%)ool- rela,ed and s%)ool-san%,ioned b&siness d&rin' NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN0class1
/ &nders,and ,)a, m3 s,&den, is responsible $or arrivin' ba%+ ,o s%)ool $or an3 %lass ,)a, )e5s)e ma3
)ave! / also re%o'niEe ,)a, m3 %)ild m&s, properl3 si'n o&, and ba%+ in in a%%ordan%e ;i,) FA
6andboo+ (oli%ies! / &nders,and ,)a, i$ m3 s,&den, i$ $o&nd ,o be in ab&se o$ ,)is privile'e in A<J
;a3, ,)a, ,)e privile'e ;ill be revo+ed and )is 'rade ma3 be a$$e%,ed a%%ordin'l3 d&e ,o $ail&re ,o be
able ,o a%%omplis) ,)e ;or+ reA&ired in ,)e %lass!
6e5s)e (A: or (A: 5%T &se )is ve)i%le d&rin' ,)is ,ime!
6e5s)e (A: or (A: 5%T ride ;i,) o,)er s,&den, drivers
:,)er res,ri%,ions ,)a, 3o& mi'), pla%e on 3o&r s,&den,
%8( W)$$ 2E )$E3 )5 T4E 'T;3E5T %$3E8 for office use.

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