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uaLe: 6/24/14

8lbek neupane
rof. !ennlfer Maclas
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SchoolPouse 8ock ls an anlmaLed muslcal carLoon almed Lo educaLe chlldren abouL
varlous dlsclpllnes llke sclence, maLhemaLlcs, and hlsLory (lnLerneL Movle uaLabase n.d.). no
More klngs" ls an eplsode of SchoolPouse 8ock almed Lo Leach chlldren abouL Lhe hlsLory of
Amerlcan lndependence. 1he eplsode slngs of [ourney of Lngllsh pllgrlms ln Mayflower shlp Lo
Amerlca Lo seLLle down as loyal colony of moLher Lngland. LaLer, Lhelr progeny declded Lo clalm
freedom from Lngland due Lo LaxaLlon wlLhouL represenLaLlon levled by klng Ceorge lll. lL also
Louches on 8osLon 1ea arLy and lndependence War brlefly. 1he eplsode ls very caLchy and
qulLe convlnclng Lo klds. Pence lL ls lmporLanL Lo analyze Lhe eplsode ln order Lo make sure Lhe
lnformaLlon LhaL ls belng rendered Lo chlldren ls accuraLe and noL mlsleadlng. AlLhough Lhe
conLenLs of eplsode lLself are noL wrong, lL lacks accuracy as lL mlsses very lmporLanL
conLemporary parLs of Lhe Amerlcan hlsLory.
1he lnformaLlon ln Lhe eplsode ls very brlef, however lL ls noL wrong. lor example, lL
correcLly Lalks abouL how Lax wlLhouL represenLaLlon lnduced Lhe colonlsLs Lo organlze Lhe
8osLon 1ea arLy. lL ls lmporLanL for klds Lo learn abouL 8osLon 1ea arLy, as lL ls a very lnLegral
parL of Amerlcan hlsLory. 8aslcally, Lhe Lea parLy was a key sLep Lowards Lhe lndependence of
Amerlca. lL slgnlfled LhaL Lhe colonlsLs were noL [usL golng Lo obey whaLever Lhe 8rlLlsh
monarchs commanded, and were ready Lo sLand Lhelr ground ln need. 8esldes Lhe Lea parLy,
Lhe eplsode brlefly explalned Lhe [ourney of pllgrlms, properLy Lax, and agrlculLural llfesLyle of
PlsLory ls lnLeresLlng and worLh lf deplcLed falrly. 1he eplsode focuses malnly on Lhe
poslLlves of Amerlcan PlsLory. lL does noL Lalk abouL Lhe arrlval of CapLaln ChrlsLopher
Columbus and how lndlans were dlsplaced from Lhelr homes, and lnLerfered by Lngllsh
colonlsLs. Llkewlse, lL barely Louches slavery, whlch was prevalenL ln very large amounL. 1he
unlLed SLaLes ls as much accounLed Lo Lhe lndlans and Lhe slavery. lL ls very unfalr noL Lo lnform
klds abouL lndlans and slaves who have huge parL ln Lhe conLemporary era of hlsLory Lhe vldeo
slngs abouL.
Moreover, Lhe vldeo does noL menLlon !amesLown aL all. !amesLown, vlrglnla was Lhe
flrsL place LhaL colonlsLs landed as vlrglnla SLock Company (ln 1607) (uavldson, eL al. 2011). lL
was Lhe lnlLlaLlon of colonlzaLlon of Amerlca by Lhe 8rlLlsh. 1he growLh of agrlculLure, whlch
declded Lhe sLaLe of modern lndependenL Amerlca (especlally 1obacco planLaLlon) sLarLs from
Lhe SouLh. 1he pllgrlms came laLer (1620s) ln Lhe norLhern parL (uavldson, eL al. 2011). Pence,
Lhe eplsode lacks accuracy ln Lhls regard.
1he vldeo provldes Lhe baslc ouLllne of how or why Amerlca become lndependenL, buL lL
lacks LruLhfulness as lL manages Lo mlss so many lmporLanL parL of hlsLory LhaL conLrlbuLes Lo
Lhe Amerlcan lndependence. lL ls a very good ldea Lo Leach chlldren abouL Lhe hlsLory of Lhe
naLlon uslng anlmaLlon and muslc as lL ls caLchy, and klds love carLoons. Powever, lL ls also
lmporLanL Lo Leach falr and enough lnformaLlon Lo Lhe chlldren. vldeos llke Lhls would be more
valuable lf Lhey dld noL mlss Lhe lmporLanL parLs of hlsLory.

uavldson, !ames W., 88lAn uLLA?, PL?8MAn, CP8lS1lnL LLlCP, MA8k P. L?1LL, and MlCPALL
8. S1Cll. Lxperlence PlsLory: lnLerpreLlng Amerlca's asL. vol. l. new ?ork: 1he McCraw-Plll
Companles, 2011.
lnLerneL Movle uaLabase. Schoolhouse 8ock!: no More klngs. n.d.
hLLp:// (accessed !une 24, 2014).

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