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UE Writing - Teacher’s Feedback Form

Student Name: ______________________( ) Class: 6S Essay Question:

Areas to be assessed Resul
1. Giving totally relevant content
a. Answering the question with appropriate ideas
b. Showing the writing purpose appropriately
c. Addressing the audience appropriately
d. Having adequate specific ideas
e. Developing ideas skillfully
2. Organizing the content logically
a. Using common sequencers and connectives correctly (e.g. but,
C because, since, therefore…)
O b. Using less common sequencers and connectives correctly (e.g. by
N contrast, despite, in short…)
c. Having a brief and appropriate title
N d. Having a plan of development in the introduction
T e. Having strong cohesive ties between paragraphs
f. Summarizing all main ideas efficiently in the conclusion
3. Constructing paragraphs well
a. Having well-written opening remarks to catch reader’s interest
b. Constructing thesis statement appropriately in the introduction
c. Constructing topic sentences appropriately
d. Developing ideas from topic sentences logically & supporting most
points with relevant details
e. Having well-written general closing remarks in the conclusion
1. Using appropriate vocabulary
a. Spelling words correctly
b. Choosing most words appropriately
c. Using concise words
L d. Using wide vocabulary
A 2. Varying sentence types
a. Grasping simple sentences well
U b. Grasping compound & basic complex sentences well
A c. Grasping advanced complex sentences well (e.g. relative clauses,
G participle phrases, cleft
E sentences…)
3. Having accurate grammar
a. Having errors that do NOT affect overall clarity
b. Having accurate punctuation
c. Having errors that are NOT serious

 enough evidence found  some evidence found S improvement


Content Language Total Date of

Victor Chow – UE Writing Checklist

/9 Areas to be /9
assessed /18 Resul
1. Giving totally relevant content
a. Answering the question with appropriate ideas
b. Having adequate specific ideas

C 2. Organizing the content logically

O a. Having a brief and appropriate title
b. Having a plan of development in the introduction
E c. Summarizing all main ideas efficiently in the conclusion
N 3. Constructing paragraphs well
T a. Having well-written opening remarks to catch reader’s interest
b. Constructing thesis statement appropriately in the introduction
c. Constructing topic sentences appropriately
d. Having well-written general closing remarks in the conclusion
1. Using appropriate vocabulary
L a. Spelling words correctly
A b. Choosing most words appropriately
2. Varying sentence types
U a. Grasping advanced complex sentences well (e.g. relative clauses,
A participle phrases, cleft
G sentences…)
E 3. Having accurate grammar
a. Having errors that do NOT affect overall clarity

UE Writing – Peer Evaluation Form 1 Writer:__________

Evaluator: ________
 enough evidence found  some evidence found S improvement

UE Writing – Peer Evaluation Form 2 Writer:__________

Evaluator: ________

Victor Chow – UE Writing Checklist

 enough evidence found  some evidence found S improvement

Areas to be assessed Resul

1. Giving totally relevant content
a. Answering the question with appropriate ideas
b. Having adequate specific ideas

C 2. Organizing the content logically

O a. Having a brief and appropriate title
b. Having a plan of development in the introduction
E c. Summarizing all main ideas efficiently in the conclusion
N 3. Constructing paragraphs well
T a. Having well-written opening remarks to catch reader’s interest
b. Constructing thesis statement appropriately in the introduction
c. Constructing topic sentences appropriately
d. Having well-written general closing remarks in the conclusion
1. Using appropriate vocabulary
L a. Spelling words correctly
A b. Choosing most words appropriately
2. Varying sentence types
U a. Grasping advanced complex sentences well (e.g. relative clauses,
A participle phrases, cleft
G sentences…)
E 3. Having accurate grammar
Victor Chow – UE Writing
a. Having errors Checklist
that do NOT affect overall clarity

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