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Steps & Skills 6

(1 mark for each COMPLETELTY correct answer, unless otherwise stated; mistakes of
having extra –s or missing –s are OFTEN ACCEPTABLE; mistakes with using wrong
prepositions are SOMETIMES ACCEPTABLE.)


Test Unit I
1. Sally Lee
2. (4 marks)
Name Position
Form 6 representative
3. (9 marks)
a) 15 September// 15th Sep// 15/9
b) 10:00 am – 5:00pm// 10am – 5pm
c) Gymnasium, Booth 13// Gym, Booth 13
d) David (Lo)
e) Benefit (of) joining the Club// Benefit (of) joining Astronomy Club
(i) (Have a) (chance) (to) use (the) equipment
(ii) Go on (some) observations (every year)
(iii) Take part in/ Go on field trips
(f) We don’t (just) do recruitment (on) one day/ need to recruit people all year round.
4. Tai Tam Country Park
5. A
6. Mandy
7. (Some) parents drive them.
8. Ravi
9. (2 marks)
Focus: History of Halley’s Comet
Written by: Form 4 members
10. Excited
11. (3 marks)
Date: 28-30 December// 28-30 Dec// 28-30/12
Location: Bradbury Hall – Youth Hostel in Sai Kung
Cost: $250 each// $250/ head
12. B, E (2 marks) [for each extra answer, deduct 1 mark]
13. quiz competition
14. Joint School Astronomy Society Walkathon
15. 22 October// 22 Oct// 22/10
16. (3 marks)

Divided (among)
participating schools

Setting up new
astronomy clubs (in
schools) Society(’s) expenses (for
the event)
17. $25
18. Requesting additional funds/ extra money
19. (3 marks)
a) be made in advance (and) in writing.
b) include/ have description (of) activity (or) project (the money is for).
c) Include benefits (to) school and students.
20. (5 marks)
Sally’s motion Reason in support of her motion Objections to her
Have an astronomy a) (i) Arouse students’ interest b) (i) Hard to get other
conference (ii) Build (the) school’s/ Club’s schools to participate
reputation (ii) Boring
21. Sally will write a proposal (and they will take it up at the following meeting).
22. (5 marks)
Andrew’s motion Reason in support Objections to his Alternative
of his motion motion suggestion
Buy a photocopier a) (There is) no b) (i) Too expenses c) Buy a duplicating
photocopier/ (ii) Students machine with other
They cannot (school) clubs
(may) make
get anything
printed illegal
23. Ravi will discuss with other club treasurers and make (a) written request.
24. Unhopeful
25. If/ whether (the) school has broadband access (to the) Internet.
26. (2 marks)
a) (To) get (the) latest news (about) astronomy.
b) (To) access astronomy programs.
27. (3 marks)
b) Discuss (them) (at the) next meeting [but NOT “discuss next meeting”]
c) Compile (a) list (of the) best sites.
d) Print (the) list to give to members.
28. (3 marks)
a) True
b) True
c) False
29. Mandy (will) tell each club officer what to search.

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