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The chart below represents minimal numbers required for a given grade for classroom creative projects.

Number of Finished Projects >90% of assigned
projects are complete
to standard
80-89% of assigned
projects are complete
to standard
70-79% of assigned
projects are complete
to standard
<70% of assigned
projects are complete
to standard
Types of Class Projects % of Final
Course Grade
Classroom Creative Projects
Classroom-Based Assessments (1 per semester)
Specifc rubrics are provided for each Assessment
Literacy: Reading and Writing Projects
Specifc rubrics are provided for each assignment
Employability Standard
Students self-assess monthly
Final Exam
Extensive review is done before exam so
that everyone is prepared
This course will introduce the role graphic design plays in everyday life & business. The primary focus will be on developing your skills using
Adobe InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, and Acrobat. We will develop design solutions to projects that designers commonly tackle. You will
strengthen your concepting skills, verbal communication (through ongoing crititques), and your ability to develop creative solutions within the
restrictions of a given project.
You are expected to:
1. Be productive during the entire class.
2. Meet all deadlines. Deadlines are a major part of a graphic designers job.
3. Participate in class discussions.
4. Produce high quality, presentable pieces.
5. Keep the classroom clean and orderly.
Ensure all trash, paper, etc. are picked up.
All chairs are to be pushed back under the tables or desks.
6. Students will be assigned to computors for which they will be responsible if any damages
occur or any parts go missing.
Computers MUST be logged out at the end of each class.
Important Tools and Skills that will be Taught:
Learning Adobe InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, Acrobat and Dreamweaver will be
the focus of the class.
Concepting (the ability to brainstorm & evaluate the most appropriate solutions.)
Sketching and Thumbnails (Generate your ideas on paper frst.)
Verbal Communication (you MUST be able to clearly verbalize what your challenge was
and how you solved it.)
Typography (learn how to work with type and understand its terminology)

Attendance Policy
If you arrive after the bell rings, you will not be admitted and must go get a slip.
Classroom Rules:
1. Others work and work areas are of limits.
2. Do not abuse the equipment in any way. This includes expressing
ones frustration by banging, hitting or kicking any equipment.
3. Clean up after yourself. Return materials to their proper location.
You are expected to be self-motivated, imaginative, and cooperative.
Project Evaluation
Solve Problems Creatively
Take Risks
Show Independence
Demonstrate Original Thinking
Show Control of Basic Techniques
Understand and Uses the
Principles and Elements of Design
Demonstrate Efort
Finish within Time Allotment
Show a Positive Attitude
Look for Depth of Solution
Try to do your Personal Best
You can earn 5 Community/Technical College cred-
its at NO CHARGE through Pierce County Careers
Connection. PC3 is a partnership of school districts,
businesses, higher education, public agencies, and
community organizations. Ms. Durkin will help
each student register for the free credit. For more
information, go to:
is is a



Advanced Graphic Design
& Web Design Syllabus
Ms. Durkin Room 225
The following concerns can effect performance in Art class.
excessive absence
off-task behavior
no effort on assignments
assignments not completed
excessive tardiness
disruptive behavior
not having pencil & eraser
Employability Standard - 10% of your Grade
Every three weeks students will self-score the Employability Standard
and then teacher will give a score. You will assess your:
Flexibility and Adaptability
Initiative and Self-direction
Social and Cross-cultural Skills
Productivity and accountability
Leadership and Responsibility
Class Evaluation
Fluency in studio art is achieved by those willing to take risks and make mistakes. When coupled with a determination to try again, a wide
tolerance of error is essential. With this in mind, a method of evaluation has been developed that not only makes error a positive learning
strategy but also shifts the ultimate responsibility for learning to the student, where it properly belongs and where it is most efective.
In brief, unless stated by the teacher, daily drawings are designated as either a PASS (meets standard) or REDO (does not meet standard). A
PASS is what the instructor feels adequately refects reasonable knowledge or skill expectations. A REDO is accompanied with an indication
of what the problems are and what needs to be done to bring the work up to standard. Through this system, each project is a learning
experience. If something needs to be fxed, it is pointed out, guidance is given, and it is then the students decision to act.
Because students all start at diferent levels, this system addresses the fact that some need more work than others. The needs, problems,
and responsibilities are individualized. If students are to take responsibility for their own learning, it is important that they always know hat
needs to be done in order to achieve a given result. Through this system, a REDO is not a failure but a learning opportunity, and taking the
opportunity is ultimately the students choice. Even if the student chooses not to take the maximum value from the course, the grading
system does not interfere with the actual process of learning.
All are done in consecutive order as assigned. All projects may be redone and resubmitted as many times as necessary.
Rubric for Graphic Design - Classroom Creative Projects
Efective use of type.
Easy to read.
Headline and body font(s) com-
pelment the layout.
Type is consistently aligned,
kerned and spaced.
Examine the use of fonts in the
ads and posters that you see
everyday and get some diferent
ideas for how to use type.
Use the alignment tool and tab
Kerning needs work
Leading needs work
Too many fonts used
Fonts used are difcult to read
Too many diferent sizes - Wrong
size chosen for task: too large or
too small
Bad use of color - not enough
Do not use the outline tool un-
less it is a vital design feature
The typesetting gets in the way
fo the brochures efectiveness.
Study about type and how to use
it efectively.
Pleasing to the eye and visually
inviting: good use of white space
Easy to navigate the text and
Clean, purposeful use of ele-
The layout needs some help:
difcult to read
too much or too little information
poor use of space
no hierarchy of information
no consistentcy or fow between
Look at some books and get
some layout ideas.
Rethink the positioning of the
Sketch on paper BEFORE you use
the computer
What layout? Elements are hap-
hazardly thrown onto the page.
All placed images are:
Correct resolution
(print: 266dpi+, web: 72dpi)
Correct color space (print: CMYK
web: RGB) Purposefully cropped
No distortion
Minor adjustments need to
be made to bring images into
compliance with printing re-
Images not linked.
Some images are distorted and
need to be replaced
Images taken directly of internet
- illegally.
Use of Paragraph
Styles have been used through-
out document
Styles used for only one
paragraph of text, the rest set
No styles present No styles present
Use of Class
Got right to work. Made some
preliminary thumbnail sketches
before working on the computer
Could have spent more time
researching and sketching
Waited until the last minute,
pulled-it-of but could have done
a better job with more efort
Slopped-it-out at the last minute.
Not presentable
Overall Wow!
Ready to go on the press with
some very tiny revisions
Minor changes in type, content
and layout are needed
Needs to be reworked, but the
basic elements are present
This does not communicate any
message efectively
Efective use of type.
Easy to read.
Headline and body font(s) com-
pelment the layout.
Type is consistently aligned,
kerned and spaced.
Examine the use of fonts in the
ads and posters that you see
everyday and get some diferent
ideas for how to use type.
Use the alignment tool and tab
Kerning needs work
Leading needs work
Too many fonts used
Fonts used are difcult to read
Too many diferent sizes - Wrong
size chosen for task: too large or
too small
Bad use of color - not enough
Do not use the outline tool un-
less it is a vital design feature
The typesetting gets in the way
fo the brochures efectiveness.
Study about type and how to use
it efectively.
Pleasing to the eye and visually
inviting: good use of white space
Easy to navigate the text and
Clean, purposeful use of ele-
The layout needs some help:
difcult to read
too much or too little information
poor use of space
no hierarchy of information
no consistentcy or fow between
Look at some books and get
some layout ideas.
Rethink the positioning of the
Sketch on paper BEFORE you use
the computer
What layout? Elements are hap-
hazardly thrown onto the page.
All placed images are:
Correct resolution
(print: 266dpi+, web: 72dpi)
Correct color space (print: CMYK
web: RGB) Purposefully cropped
No distortion
Minor adjustments need to
be made to bring images into
compliance with printing re-
Images not linked.
Some images are distorted and
need to be replaced
Images taken directly of internet
- illegally.
Use of Paragraph
Styles have been used through-
out document
Styles used for only one
paragraph of text, the rest set
No styles present No styles present
Use of Class
Got right to work. Made some
preliminary thumbnail sketches
before working on the computer
Could have spent more time
researching and sketching
Waited until the last minute,
pulled-it-of but could have done
a better job with more efort
Slopped-it-out at the last minute.
Not presentable
Overall Wow!
Ready to go on the press with
some very tiny revisions
Minor changes in type, content
and layout are needed
Needs to be reworked, but the
basic elements are present
This does not communicate any
message efectively
Name___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Date___________________

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