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Analyse how Christian religious practices influence the lives of adherents.

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Christian religious practices influence the lives of adherents through creating a living
religious tradition. The significant Christian practice of Baptism influences the way adherents
express their relationship with God and strengthen one of their core Christian beliefs of
salvation. Baptism is significant for the individual as it is a rite of passage into the faith
community and allows them to receive the grace of Christ as a mark of their new discipleship
within the Christian church. For the community, Baptism represents an opportunity to bear
witness to the initiated person as they enter into a new stage in their Christian life and unites
all adherents in faith with a focus on the spreading of the Word of Christ. Although the
practice of Baptism varies amongst the Christian variants, all variants cherish its influence on
adherents to consolidate their faith and show a willingness to join in the Christian faith
community. As a result, Baptism is a vital practice which influences the spiritual way of
living for Christian adherents.

Baptism is a significant practice for adherents and the process that adherents follow is
grounded in the way that they are expected to live in abidance to the example of Christ.
During Baptism, the adherent is presented to the gathered community as an individual ready
to embrace the teachings of Christianity and follow in the footsteps of Christ. The Bible
recalls the story of Christs baptism in the Jordan by John the Baptist that he [Jesus] was
baptisedthe holy spirit descended upon him. (Mark 1) Thus Baptism is a reminder of the
early Christian history which the adherents partakes in. The Catholic variants advocates
infant baptism where water is poured over their head but for Baptist and Pentecostal
Churches, this involves a full immersion in water, usually for adults. The Baptist and
Pentecostal variants view adults as more aware and more ready to accept their entrance in to
the Church as a new disciple. Despite the difference in application of the holy water, it is a
significant feature of Baptism as it connects adherents to the history of Noahs Ark in
Genesis as well as an invitation for the adherent to join in the living water of Christianity and
to receive salvation. Through an observance of Baptism, adherents become influenced to act
as disciples in Christs ministry.

Baptism is a significant practice as a rite of initiation into the Christian community and to
transform willing adherents into new members of the Church Body. Baptism is cherished as a
religious rite of passage into the church life and sacred history as preserved in the sacred text
of the Bible. The Catholic Church advocates the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults
which allows adults to enter the church even though they are not infants. Here, the adherent
makes a public affirmation of their faith in Christ before their immersion, which ensure they
receive the grace of Christ and can now join the community as new members. The recitation
of the Creed and Lords Prayer during the Rite of Baptism also reinforces this idea of the
adherent becoming a new member of the Church in that it expresses the Scriptural idealogy at
the heart of Christianity. Evidently, Baptism influences the lives of adherents in acting as a
new stage in their religious lives.

The significant practice of Baptism guides and dictates the spiritual path to receive Salvation
from sins, which is a core belief of Christianity. The Catholic Church views Baptism as a
sacramental ritual to allow an adherent to receive salvation, but the Presbyterian and Uniting
Churches see only faith as a catalyst for this salvation from sins. It is taught that no none can
enter the kingdom of heaven unless you are born of water and spirit. (John 3:5) This
reference emphasizes Baptism as a requirement for salvation and this is a core belief of
Christianity. With Baptism, the pouring of water on the adherent reiterates the belief that the
Holy Spirit has entered them and allows them to transform into new disciples of Christ
through faith. During the Rite, the use of the Baptismal candle as the Light of the World,
(John 8:12) accentuates the focus on and a turning to Christ as the Saviour to attain this act of
salvation and freedom from original sin. It is evident that Baptism is a significant practice
in offering adherents the chance for salvation and cleansing from sins.

Baptism influences the lives of adherents in being a communal affirmation of their faith,
retaining significance for the Christian community. A major part of the Baptismal Rite
involves the renewal of the communitys baptismal vows reinforcing the Great Commission
entailing go forth and make disciples of all nationsbaptising them in the name of the
Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. (Matthew 28) This allows the community of adherents
to embrace their faith in a public domain thus strengthening their acknowledgement of
Christs instructions. In addition, the parents of the adherent to be baptised, a member of the
church community, acts as a mentor, in guiding the new Christian in the ministry of Christ. It
can be seen that the significant practice of Baptism influences the community of adherents in
consolidating their faith.

The significant practice of Baptism has a central influence on the lives of the Christian
adherents. Adherents embrace Baptism as a rite of initiation, fulfilling their entrance into the
new faith community. As well as this, Baptism presents adherents with the spiritual
guidelines to receive the grace of Christ through Salvation and demonstrates the methodology
to live in the way of Christ. The community is equally influenced by observance of Baptism,
as a public affirmation of their faith and a renewal of their role in the ministry of Christ. It is
in these ways that Baptism is an integral influence on the lives of Christian adherents.

Now it came to pass, as he sat at the table with them, that he took bread, blessed it and broke
it, and gave it to them. Then their eyes were opened and they knew him; and he vanished from
their sight. And they said to one another, "Did not our heart burn within us while he talked
with us on the road, and while he opened the Scriptures to us? (LUKE 24:30-32)

With reference to Lukes post-resurrection account in the quotation, assess Christianity as a
living religious tradition in the life of its adherents.

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