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As the technology has improved, environment pollution has become a major problem for
todays generation. The pollution is increasing from day to day and affects the environment.
There are many types of environment pollution around the world. The main pollutions that has
discussed in three articles here are the water, air and soil pollution and the causes and effects
of these pollutions are also been described.
Water is an important source of life for every living creature. There are many causes which
pollutes the water. I agree that organic pollution is the main cause for the pollution of water. The
growing population of the world has lead to the increase in organic waste. When this increasing
organic waste is not properly managed, it will end up in nearby rivers, lakes or seas which lead
to water pollution. Toxic waste is another cause for water pollution. Toxic waste from the
industry plants which was dumped in the river or other water source will directly pollute the
water. For example, The Perai River has polluted a lot because of the toxic waste from the
nearby industries over there.
Moreover, the runoff and agricultural pollution are other causes of water pollution. The
water in the runoff will pick up everything in its path. I agree with this point since water will
always move from one place to another. When there is a pollutant in the ground, the water
which runs from that place during rain or flood, it will mix with the pollutant and brings it to the
nearby river or lake. Same goes for the agricultural pollution. When the fertilizers, pesticides and
herbicides were used for the crops it will mix and accumulate in the ground. The water runoff will
mix with it and then will bring it to the nearby water source and pollutes it.
Another cause for water pollution is the thermal pollution. Many industries use water for
cooling system of the radiators. The heated water was then released to the nearby water
sources and this will change the temperature of the water source. When this happen, the
aquatic creatures in the water cant adapt with the temperature change and eventually it will die.
This will lead to the pollution of the water.
Furthermore, air pollution is another environment pollution which has become as serious
as the water pollution. There are many causes of air pollution. I agree with the point in which the
burning of fossil fuels in the vehicles, factories and power plants has lead to the pollution of air.
The burning of fossil fuels emits dangerous gases such as carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide
which pollutes the air. I also agree that the industries also contribute to the pollution of the air.
For example, the chemical industries emit hazardous gases and fumes while the mining
industries emit dust. These pollutants contribute to the pollution of the air. Another cause of air
pollution is the smoking of cigarettes. I partially agree with this point since the smoking of
cigarettes produce only small amount of smokes. The population of smokers in the world is not
even high to pollute the air in a large scale. Thus, it can be concluded that cigarettes smoke
pollutes air in very small scale.
In addition, another environment pollution is the soil pollution. I agree that the industry
wastes such as harmful chemical waste pollutes the soil. The chemical will mix and accumulate
in the soil and will make it poisonous and improper for the growth of plants. The improper septic
system, management and maintenance will also lead to the soil pollution. The harmful
chemicals in the septic tank will change the condition of the soil. Other than that, I agree with
the point unfavorable and harmful irrigation practices which will lead to the pollution of soils. I
also agree that the leakages from the sanitary sewages contribute to the pollution of soil. The
sewage waste contains chemicals which will corrupt the soil.
In conclusion, these pollutions will affect us and other living creatures that depend on this
environment for living. Thus, these pollutions should be prevented and proper solutions should
be taken so that the environment can be preserved for the future generation.

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