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Cheese: A Happy Accident

For as long as humans have tended sheep, goats,
and cows, we've been making cheese. Rumor has
it the first cheese was formed accidentally --
nomads in the Middle East or entral !sia carried
milk in containers made from animal stomachs. !s
they walked, it mi"ed with en#ymes $called rennet%
and separated into curds and whey. &he result'
cheese. Egyptians loved their cheese, too' &omb
murals dating back to ())) * show people
making cheese.
Make a Gouda Impression
+f you're cooking with cheese, you can use it
straight from the fridge. +f it's part of an appeti#er
plate, serve it at room temperature, and try to limit
it to five varieties of different flavors, shapes, and
te"tures. ,et it sit out () minutes to - hour before
serving to help bring out its true personality.
Get Fresh
ream cheese $.eufchatel%, ricotta, feta, goat
$chevre%, /ueso fresco, and cottage cheese are
considered soft or fresh cheeses. &hese have
been aged for a short time or not at all. &hey're
creamy and soft and have a mild taste. ream
cheese is great for making dips and cooking. !dd
feta to your salad to get a salty kick without a lot of
sodium, or sprinkle it over baked eggplant and
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Slideshow: Say Cheese
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The Softer Side
Brie, that oozing, runny cheese with the dusty rind,
is soft-ripened, as is Camembert. These are
typically creamy, almost runny at room
temperature. And yes, you can eat the rind. For a
quic appetizer, wrap brie topped with a slathering
of !am in puff pastry and bae until golden, then
ser"e with cracers, or try #pinach and Brie
Topped Artichoe $earts.
All Shapes and Sizes
%ouda, $a"arti, &uenster' All are semi-soft. #o
are Colby and &onterey (ac. #ome )talian
cheeses lie mozzarella belong to a group called
pasta filata. These are cooed and neaded, then
twisted or formed into shapes. *Filata means
+spun+ in )talian., $a"arti goes great with ham in a
pressed sandwich, or try %ouda in this
Caramelized -nion and .hite Bean Flatbread.
Cheese Is Grate
$arder types lie cheddar -- the second most
popular ind in the /.#., behind mozzarella --
#wiss, %ruyere, and 0armesan can be grated into
your fa"orite macaroni and cheese or casserole,
or paired with apples or pears as a snac. Cold
cheese is easier to grate, so shred it right out of
the fridge. Try it in this 1oasted Apple and
Cheddar #alad.
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Going Blue
&old isn2t something you want to eat -- unless it2s
in your cheese. )t2s called "eining, and it2s created
by adding a type of mold called penicillium
roqueforti during the process. The most well-
nown blues are %orgonzola, 1oquefort, &aytag
Blue, and #tilton. Try topping your stea with a
dollop of blue cheese, or for an appetizer, mae
Beet Carpaccio.
Simple Ingredients
.hether it2s Camembert or cheddar, %ouda or
%orgonzola, all cheeses are made with the same
four ingredients' mil, a starter culture, salt, and
rennet. But it2s the quality and type of those
ingredients, how they2re combined, how long
they2re aged, and what else is added, lie fruits or
spices, that mae those hundreds of tasty cheeses
we lo"e to eat.
Don't Overdo It
Cheese can be a healthy part of your diet, as long
as you eat it in moderation. Adults need 3-4
ser"ings of dairy each day. -ne ser"ing -- 5 563
ounces of cheese or the size of four dice --
pro"ides the same amount of calcium as 5 cup of
mil or yogurt. )f you ha"e dietary, religious, or
animal rights concerns, chec the label for
ingredients or tal to a local cheese maer to learn
more before buying.
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Nutrition News
Cheese often gets a bad rap -- after all, it's the
leading source of saturated fat in the U.S. diet. But
it also provides calcium, phosphorus, and zinc in
addition to protein for folks who don't eat meat.
nd new research has linked it with lower blood
pressure and a lower risk of heart disease and
t!pe " diabetes. #f !ou need to cut back on salt,
look for low-sodium cheeses or softer t!pes like
Udder Delights
$ost cheese is made from cow's milk, but some
come from other animals, like goats and sheep --
even buffalo, moose, or reindeer% &he! ma! sound
weird, but the!'re worth a tr!. &here's much more
to goat cheese, also known as chevre, than 'ust
those mini logs at the grocer! store. &here are
blue, (ouda, and even cheddar varieties. #t's great
on crackers or on a salad, or tr! it for breakfast
with )one! and (oat Cheese $uffins.
Making It Last
*eep cheese in its original wrapper in !our
refrigerator's vegetable drawer. #t's warmer there
than in the meat drawer. +nce opened, secure
tightl! with plastic wrap, parchment, or wa, paper
to protect it from air and moisture, which can make
it go bad faster. #f !ou find a mold! spot, don't
throw the whole thing awa!. Cut -." inch awa!
from the mold! area and toss. &he rest of the
cheese is still safe to eat. &hrow awa! mold! soft
/eviewed b! *athleen $. 0elman, $1), /2, 32 on $arch "4, "4-5
#$(7S 1/+8#272 B96
-: &on! C ;rench . 2igital 8ision
": *emter . iStock . <=4
<: #ndigoBetta . iStock . <=4
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4) FotografiaBasica / iStock / 360
5) N+T* / Flickr Open
6) Mark Mereit! / Flickr Open
") #kristoffersen / iStock / 360
$) Sas!a #aosa%l&e%ic / iStock / 360
') (esten6)
)0) Ma*+ ,-ages / StockFoo .reati%e
))) olgakr / iStock / 360
)/) 0inkBager / iStock / 360
)3) Mic!ael Ta1lor / 2onel1 0lanet ,-ages
National 6istoric .!eese-aking .enter7
National 8air1 .o9ncil7
:-erican .!eese Societ17
Foo Ser%ice #esearc! ,nstit9te7
#eal Si-ple7
T!is tool oes not pro%ie -eical a%ice7 See additional information:
; /0)4 (e<M8= 22.7 :ll rig!ts reser%e7
M1 Notes5

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