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: Alwi Karnas

Pangkat : Letda Lek 543165

Kelas : Intermediate 1
Communications satellite Systems
A communications satellite or comsat is an artificial satellite sent to space for the purpose of
odern communications satellites use a !ariet" of or#its including
$or fi%ed ser!ices& communications satellites pro!ide a technolog" complementar" to that of' (he" are
also used for mo#ile applications such as communications to ships& !ehicles& planes and hand)held
terminals& and for (* and radio
(he defines a satellite as a celestial #od" or#iting another of larger si+e or a manufactured
o#,ect or !ehicle intended to or#it the earth& the moon& or another celestial #od"'
(oda"-s satellite communications can trace their origins all the wa" #ack to the oon' A pro,ect named
was a telecommunication pro,ect carried out #" the .nited /tates 0a!"' Its o#,ecti!e was to de!elop a
secure and relia#le method of wireless communication #" using the oon as a natural communications
(he first artificial satellite used solel" to further ad!ances in glo#al communications was a
#alloon named 1cho 1 was the world-s first artificial communications satellite capa#le of rela"ing
signals to other points on 1arth' It soared 1&222 miles 31&624 km5 a#o!e the planet after its Aug' 16&
1462 launch& "et relied on humanit"-s oldest flight technolog" 7 #allooning' Launched #" 0A/A&
1cho 1 was a giant metallic #alloon 122 feet 332 meters5 across' (he world-s first inflata#le satellite 7
or 8satelloon8& as the" were informall" known 7 helped la" the foundation of toda"-s satellite
communications' (he idea #ehind a communications satellite is simple: /end data up into space and
#eam it #ack down to another spot on the glo#e' 1cho 1 accomplished this #" essentiall" ser!ing as an
enormous mirror 12 stories tall that could #e used to #ounce communications signals off of'
(he first American satellite to rela" communications was in 1459& which used a tape recorder to
!oice messages' It was used to send a :hristmas greeting to the world from .'/' President launched the
in 1462; the 122)foot 332 m5 aluminised #alloon ser!ed as a passi!e reflector for radio
communications' #uilt also launched in 1462& was the world-s first acti!e repeater satellite'
It is commonl" #elie!ed that the first 8communications8 Put into or#it #" the /o!iet .nion on
<cto#er 4& 145=& it was e>uipped with an on#oard hat worked on two fre>uencies: 62'225 and
42'226 ?+' /putnik 1 was launched as a step in the e%ploration of space and rocket de!elopment'
@hile incredi#l" important it was not placed in or#it for the purpose of sending data from one point on
earth to another' ?ence& it was not the first 8communications8 satellite& #ut it was the first artificial
satellite in the steps leading to toda"-s satellite communications'
It was the first acti!e& direct rela" communications satellite' Aelonging to as part of a multi)
national agreement #etween A(B(&0A/A& the Aritish 3Post <ffice5 to de!elop satellite
communications& it was launched #" 0A/A fromon Cul" 12& 1466& the first pri!atel" sponsored space
launch' was launched on Decem#er 13& 1466& and #ecame the first satellite to #roadcast across on
0o!em#er 66& 1463'
An immediate antecedent of the geostationar" satellites was launched on Cul" 66& 1463' /"ncom 6
re!ol!ed around the earth once per da" at constant speed& #ut #ecause it still had north)south motion&
special e>uipment was needed to track it'

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