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1. Which is one role of play in the pre-school and early childhood years?

A. Develops competitive spirit.

B. Separates reality from fantasy.
C. Increases imagination due to expanding knowledge and emotional range.
D. Develops the upper and lower limbs.
2. Student does not study at all but when the !icensure "#amination for $eachers %!"$& comes' before
he ta(es the !"$' he spends one hour or more prayin) for a miracle' i.e. to pass the e#am. Which attitude
towards reli)ion or *od is displayed?
A. +eli)ion as fa(e
B. Religion as magic
,. +eli)ion as authentic
D. +eli)ion as real
-. As a teacher' you are a rationalist. Which amon) these will be your )uidin) principle?
A. . must teach the child that we can never have real (nowled)e of anythin).
B. I must teAch the child to develop his mental powers to the full.
,. . must teach the child so he is assured of heaven.
D. . must teach the child every (nowled)e' s(ill' and value that he needs for a better future.
/. All men are pretty much ali(e. .t is only by custom that they are set apart' said one 0riental
philosopher. Where can this thou)ht be most inspirin)?
A. .n a multi-cultural )roup of learners
B. In multi-cultural and heterogeneous groups of learners and indigenous peoples' group
,. .n a class composed of indi)enous peoples
D. .n hetero)eneous class of learners
1. $eacher A discovered that his pupils are very )ood in dramati2in). Which tool must have helped him
discover his pupils3 stren)th?
A. 4ortfolio assessment
B. Performance test
,. 5ournal entry
D. 4aper-and-pencil test
6. 7SA$ and 7"A$ results are interpreted a)ainst set mastery level. $his means that 7SA$ and 7"A$ fall
under 8888888888.
A. intelli)ence test
B. aptitude test
C. criterion-referenced test
D. norm-referenced test
9. .n a social studies class' $eacher . presents a morally ambi)uous situation and as(s his students what
they would do. 0n whose theory is $eacher .3s techni:ue based?
A. ;ohlber)
B. Bandura
,. 4ia)et
D. Bruner
<. Which is a sound classroom mana)ement practice?
A. Avoid establishin) routines
B. sta!lish routines for all dail" needs and tasks.
,. Apply rules and policies on a case to case basis.
D. Apply reactive approach to discipline.
=. A si#th )rade twelve-year old boy comes from a dysfunctional family and has been abused and
ne)lected. >e has been to two orphana)es and three different elementary schools. $he student can decode
on the second )rade level' but he can comprehend orally material at the fourth or fifth )rade level. $he
most probable cause?s of this student3s readin) problem is?are 8888888888.
A. emotional factors
B. poor teachin)
C. neurological factors
D. immaturity
1@. $eacher A teaches to his pupils that pleasure is not the hi)hest )ood. $eacher3s teachin) is a)ainst
what philosophy?
A. +ealism
B. #edonism
,. "picureanism
D. "mpiricism
11. With which )oals of educational institutions as provided for by the ,onstitution is the development of
wor( s(ills ali)ned?
A. $o develop moral character
B. $o teach the duties of citi2enship
,. $o inculcate love of country
$. %o develop vocational efficienc"
12. Direct instruction is for facts' rules' and actions as indirect instruction is for 8888888888'
8888888888' 8888888888.
A. hypotheses' verified data and conclusions
B. concepts' patterns and abstractions
C. concepts& processes and generali'ations
D. )uesses' data and conclusions
1-. $o elicit more student3s response' $eacher * made use of covert responses. Which one did she 70$
A. She had the students write their response privately.
B. (he showed the correct answers on the overhead after the students have written their responses.
,. She had the students write their responses privately then called each of them.
D. She refrained from Bud)in) on the student3s responses.
1/. What should you do if a parent who is concerned about a )rade his child received compared to another
student3s )rade' demands to see both students3 )rades?
A. +efuse to show either record.
B. (how !oth records to him.
,. +efuse to show any record without e#pressin) permission from principal.
D. Show only his child3s records.
11. 5ohn Watson saidCDen are built not born.What does this statement point to?
A. $he ineffectiveness of trainin) on a person3s development.
B. %he effect of environmental stimulation on a person's development.
,. $he absence of )enetic influence on a person3s development
D. $he effect of heredity.
16. A )uest spea(er in one )raduation rites told his audienceC E+eminder' you are what you choose to be.E
$he )uest spea(er is more of a?an 8888888888.
A. realistic
B. pra)matist
,. idealist
$. existentialist
19. $he best way for a )uidance counselor to be)in to develop study s(ills and habits in underachievin)
student would be to 8888888888.
A. have these underachievin) students observe the study habits of e#cellin) students
B. encourage students to talk a!out stud" ha!its from their own experiences
,. have them view film strips about various study approaches
D. )ive out a list of effective study approaches
1<. 4rincipal , shares this thou)ht with his teachersCSubBect matter should help students understand and
appreciate themselves as uni:ue individuals who accept complete responsibility for their thou)hts'
feelin)s' and actions.From which philosophy is this thou)ht based?
A. 4erennialism
B. "ssentialism
C. xistentialism
D. 4ro)ressivism
1=. $he search for related literature by accessin) several databases by the use of a telephone line to
connect a computer library with other computers that have database is termed 8888888888.
A. compact disc search
B. manual search
C. on-line search
D. computer search
2@. $eacher W wants to review and chec( on the lesson of the previous day? Which one will be most
A. >avin) students identify difficult homewor( problems.
B. >avin) students correct each other3s wor(.
C. (ampling the understanding of a few students.
D. "#plicitly reviewin) the tas(-relevant information necessary for the day3s lesson.
21. Durin) the Spanish period' what was?were the medium?media of instruction in schools?
A. $he Gernacular
B. "n)lish
,. Spanish
$. (panish and the )ernacular
22. With indirect instruction in mind' which does 70$ belon) to the )roup?
A. Pro!lem solving
B. !ecture-recitation
,. .nductive reasonin)
D. Discovery
2-. . combined several subBect areas in order to focus on a sin)le concept for inter-disciplinary teachin).
Which strate)y?method did . use?
A. 4roblem-entered learnin)
B. $hematic instruction
,. +eadin)-writin) activity
$. *nit method
2/. +ead the followin) then answer the :uestion
$"A,>"+C .7 W>A$ WAHS 0$>"+ $>A7 $>" 4"+.0D., $AB!" D.*>$ W" 4+"D.,$ $>"
A7D.S,0G"+"D "!"D"7$S?
B0BBHC W" ,0A!D *0$0 $>" D007 A7D S"" .F $>"+" A+" S0D" "!"D"7$S $>"+" W"
D073$ >AG".
B"$$HC W" ,0A!D D.* D0W7 .7$0 $>" ,"7$"+ 0F $>" "A+$> A7D S"" .F W" F.7D
A7H 0F $>" D.SS.7* "!"D"7$S.
+.,;HC W" ,0A!D S$ADH D"B+.S F+0D $>" D"$"0+.$"S .F W" ,A7 F.7D A7H.
$"A,>"+C $>0S" A+" A!! *00D A7SW"+S. BA$ W>A$ .F $>0S" "I,A+S.07S $0 $>"
D007' $0 $>" ,"7$"+ 0F $>" "A+$>' 0+ $0 F.7D D"$"0+.$"S W"+" $00 ,0S$!H
A7D $.D" ,07SAD.7*? >0W D.*>$ W" AS" $>" "!"D"7$S W" A!+"ADH >AG" >"+"
07 "A+$> $0 F.7D S0D" 7"W 07"S?
JuestionC $he $eacher3s :uestions in the above e#chan)e are e#amples of 8888888888 :uestions.
A. fact
B. concept
C. direct
D. closed
21. .n his second item analysis' $eacher > found out that more from the lower )roup )ot the test item K 6
correctly. $his means that the test item 8888888888.
A. has a ne)ative discriminatin) power
B. has a lower validit"
,. has a positive discriminatin) power
D. has a hi)h reability
26. For ma#imum interaction' a teacher ou)ht to avoid 8888888888 :uestions.
A. informational
B. rhetorical
C. leading
D. diver)ent
29. $he teacher3s first tas( in the selection of media in teachin) is to determine the 888888.
A. choice of the students
B. availability of the media
C. o!+ectives of the lesson
D. techni:ue to be used
2<. 4rincipal B tells her teachers that trainin) in the humanities is most important. $o which educational
philosophy does he adhere?
A. xistentialism
B. 4erennialism
,. 4ro)ressivism
D. "ssentialism
2=. Who amon) the followin) needs less verbal counselin) but needs more concrete and operational
forms of assistance? $he child who 8888888888.
A. has mental retardation
B. has attention-deficit disorder
,. has learnin) disability
D. has conduct disorder
-@. After )ivin) an input on a )ood para)raph' $eacher W as(s her students to rate a )iven para)raph
alon) the elements of a )ood para)raph. $he students3 tas( is in level of 8888888888
A. application
B. anal"sis
,. evaluation
D. synthesis
-1. .n the 4reamble of the ,ode of "thics of 4rofessional $eachers' which is 70$ said of teachers?
A. ,% passers
B. Duly licensed professionals
,. 4ossess di)nity and reputation
D. With hi)h-moral values as well as technical and professional competence
-2. Study this )roup of tests which was administered with the followin) results' then answer the :uestion.
SubBect Dean SD +onnels3s Score
Dath 16 1@ /-
4hysics /1 = -1
"n)lish <@ 16 1@=
.n which subBect%s& did +onnel perform most poorly in relation to the )roup3s performance?
A. nglish
B. "n)lish and Dath
,. Dath
D. 4hysics
--. $eacher *3s lesson obBective has somethin) to do with the s(ill of synthesi2in)? Which behavioral
term is most appropriate?
A. $est
B. Assess
,. Appraise
$. %heori'e
-/. Standard deviation is to variability as mean is to 8888888888.
A. coefficient of correlation
B. central tendenc"
,. discrimination inde#
D. level of difficulty
-1. .f you a)ree with +i2al on how you can contribute to our nation3s redemption' which should you wor(
A. 0penin) our doors to forei)n influence
B. *pgrading the -ualit" of the .ilipino through education
,. Stabili2in) the political situation
D. *ainin) economic recovery
-6. $eacher $ tau)ht a lesson denotin) ownership by means of possessives. >e first introduced the rule'
then )ave e#amples' followed by class e#ercises' then bac( to the rule before he moved into the second
rule. Which presentin) techni:ue did he use?
A. ,ombinatorial
B. ,omparative
C. Part-whole
D. Se:uence
-9. $heft of school e:uipment li(e tv' computer' etc. by teena)ers in the community itself is becomin) a
common phenomenon. What does this incident si)nify?
A. 4revalence of poverty in the community.
B. .nability of school to hire security )uards.
,. Deprivation of Filipino schools.
$. Communit"'s lack of sense of co-ownership.
-<. As a teacher' what do you do when you en)a)e yourself in maBor tas( analysis?
A. $est if learnin) reached hi)her level thin(in) s(ills.
B. Breakdown a complex task into su!-skills.
,. Determine the level of thin(in) involved.
D. +evise lesson obBectives.
-=. With-it-ness' accordin) to ;ounin' is one of the characterestics of an effective classroom mana)er.
Which phrase )oes with it?
A. >ave hands that write fast.
B. >ave eyes on the bac( of your heads.
,. >ave a mouth ready to spea(.
$. #ave minds packed with knowledge.
/@. +uben is very attached to his mother and +uth to her father. .n what developmental sta)e are they
accordin) to Freudian psycholo)ical theory?
A. /edipal stage
B. !atent sta)e
,. Anal sta)e
D. 4re-)enital sta)e
/1. $eacher H does norm-referenced interpretation of scores. Which of the followin) does she do?
A. She describes )roup performance in relation to a level of mastery set.
B. She uses a specified content as its frame of reference.
C. (he compares ever" individual students' scores with others' scores.
D. She describes what should be their performance.
/2. As a teacher' you are a reconstructionist. Which amon) these will be your )uidin) principle?
A. I must teach the child ever" knowledge& skill& and value that he needs for a !etter future.
B. . must teach the child to develop his mental powers to the full.
,. . must teach the child so he is assured of heaven.
D. . must teach the child that we can never have real (nowled)e of anythin).
/-. From whom do we owe the theory of deductive interference as illustrated in syllo)isms?
A. Plato
B. Scorates
,. Aristotle
D. 4ytha)oras
//. $eacher B en)a)es her students with information for thorou)h understandin) for meanin) and for
competent application. Which principle )overns $eacher B3s practice?
A. ,ontructivist
B. *estalt
,. Behaviorist
$. Cognitivist
/1. What was the most prominent educational issue of the mid 1=<@s?
A. Bilingual ducation
B. Galues "ducation
,. Accountability
D. Dainstreamin)
/6. A teacher?student is held responsible for his actions because s?he 8888888888.
A. has instincts
B. is mature
C. has a choice
D. has reason
/9. For which may you use the direct instruction method?
A. Become aware of the pollutants around us.
B. Appreciate Dilton3s 4aradise !ost.
C. *se a microscope properl".
D. Distin)uish war from a))ression.
/<. $he concepts of trust vs. maturity' autonomy vs. self-doubt' and initiative vs. )uilt are most closely
related with the wor(s of 8888888888.
A. rikson
B. 4ia)et
,. Freud
D. 5un)
/=. What measure of central tendency does the number 16 represent in the followin) dataC 1/' 11' 19' 16'
1=' 2@' 16' 1/' 16?
A. Dode
B. Dedian
C. 0ode and median
D. Dean
1@. $he principle of individual differences re:uires teachers to 8888888888.
A. )ive )reater attention to )ifted learners
B. provide for a variet" of learning activities
,. treat all learners ali(e while in the classroom
D. prepare modules for slow learners in class
11. Which of the followin) propositions is attributed to 4lato?
A. $ruth is relative to a particular time and place.
B. >uman bein)s create their own truths.
C. ,earning is the discover" of truth as Iatent ideas are !rought to consciousness.
D. Sense perception is the most accurate )uide to (nowled)e.
12. Which is one characteristic of an effective classroom mana)ement?
A. It -uickl" and uno!trusivel" redirects mis!ehavior once it occurs.
B. .t teaches dependence on others for self-control.
,. .t respects cultural norms of a limited )roup students.
D. Strate)ies aresimple enou)h to be used consistently.
1-. 0ut of - distracters in a multiple choice test item' namely B' ,' and D' no pupil chose D as answer.
$his implies that D is 8888888888
A. an ineffective distracter
B. a va)ue distracter
,. an effective distracter
D. a plausible distracter
1/. . drew learners into several content areas and encoura)ed them to solve a comple# :uestion for inter-
disciplinary teachin). Which strate)y did . use?
A. Pro!lem-centered learning
B. Anit method
,. +eadin)-writin) activity
D. $hematic instruction
11. Galue clarification as a strate)y in Galues "ducation classes is anchored on which philosophy?
A. "#istentialism
B. ,hristian philosophy
C. Idealism
D. >edonism
16. $eacher A is a teacher of "n)lish as a Second !an)ua)e. She uses vocabulary cards' fill-in-the-blan(
sentences' dialo)ues' dictation and writin) e#cercises in teachin) a lesson about )rocery shoppin). Based
on this information' which of the followin) is a valid conclusion?
A. $he teacher is applyin) Bloom3s hierachy of co)nitive learnin).
B. %he teacher is teaching in a variet" of wa"s !ecause not all students learn in the same manner.
,. $he teacher wants to ma(e herteachiri) easier by havin) less tal(.
D. $he teacher is emphasi2in) readin) and writin) s(ills.
19. .f teacher has to as( more hi)her-order :uestions' he has to as( more 8888888888 :uestions.
A. closed
B. fact
,. concept
$. convergent
1<. Are percentile ran(s the same as percenta)e correct?
A. .t cannot be determined unless scores are )iven.
B. .t cannot be determined unless the number of e#aminees is )iven.
C. 1o
D. Hes
1=. Which method has been proven to be effective in courses that stress ac:uisition of (nowled)e?
A. Socratic method
B. ,ooperative learnin)
C. 0aster" learning
D. .ndirect instruction
6@. A teacher3s summary of a lesson serves the followin) functions' "I,"4$
A. it lin(s the parts of the lesson
B. lt !rings together the information that has !een discussed
,. it ma(es provisions for full participation of students.
D. it clinches the basic ideas or concepts of the lesson.
61. Which is a true foundation of the social order?
A. 0bedient citi2enry
B. %he reciprocation of rights and duties
,. Stron) political leadership
D. ":uitable distribution of wealth
62. Which one can enhance the comparability of )rades?
A. *sing common conversion ta!le for translating test scores in to ratings
B. Formulatin) tests that vary from one teacher to another
,. Allowin) individual teachers to determine factors for ratin)
D. .ndividual teachers )ivin) wei)hts to factors considered for ratin)
6-. Who amon) the followin) puts more emphasis on core re:uirements' lon)er school day' lon)er
academic year and more challen)in) te#tboo(s?
A. 4erennialist
B. ssentialist
,. 4ro)ressivist
D. "#istentialist
6/. Which test has broad samplin) of topics as stren)th?
A. 0bBective test
B. Short answer test
C. ssa" test
D. 4roblem type
61. +ead this :uestionC>ow will you present the layers of the earth to your class?$his is a :uestion that
A. directs
B. leads the student to evaluate
,. assesses co)nition
$. pro!es creative thinking
66. .n ;rathwohl3s affective domain of obBectives' which of the followin) is the lowest level of affective
A. Galuin)
B. ,haracteri2ation
C. Responding
D. 0r)ani2ation
69. +odel is very aloof and cold in his relationships with his classmates. Which basic )oal must haye not
been attained by +odel durin) his developmental years' accordin) to "ri(son3s theory on psycholo)ical
A. Autonomy
B. %rust
,. .nitiative
D. *enerativity
6<. $wo students are )iven the W.S" ... 0ne has a full scale .J of =1' while the other has an .J of 1@=.
Which conclusion can be drawn?
A. %he second student has significantl" higher intellectual a!ilit"
B. $he first student is probably below avera)e' while the second has above avera)e potential
,. Both students are functionin) in the avera)e ran)e of intellectual ability
D. Another .J test should be )iven to truly assess their intellectual potential
6=. $o come closer to the truth we need to)o bac( to the thin)s themselves.$his is the advice of the
A. behaviorists
B. phenomenologists
,. idealists
D. pra)matists
9@. Which )uideline in test construction is 70$ observed in this test itemC 5ose +i2al wrote 8888888888.
A. $he central problem should be pac(ed in the stem.
B. %here must !e onl" one correct answer.
,. Alternatives must have )rammatical parallelism.
D. $he alternates must be plausible.
91. .n what way can teachers uphold the hi)hest possible standards of :uality education?
A. B" continuall" improving themselves personall" and professionall"
B. By wearin) e#pensive clothes to chan)e people3s poor perception of teachers
,. By wor(in) out undeserved promotions
D. By puttin) down other professions to lift the status of teachin)
92. "ach teacher is said to be a trustee of the cultural and educational herita)e of the nation and is' under
obli)ation to transmit to learners such herita)e. Which practice ma(es him fulfill such obli)ation?
A. Ase the latest instructional technolo)y.
B. 0bserve continuin) professional education.
,. Ase interactive teachin) strate)ies.
$. (tud" the life of .ilipino heroes.
9-. Studies in the areas of neurosciences disclosed that the human brain has limitless capacity. What does
this imply?
A. Some pupils are admittedly not capable of learnin).
B. "very pupil has his own native ability and his learnin) is limited to this nativeabilty.
C. ver" child is a potential genius.
D. 4upils can possibly reach a point where they have learned everythin).
9/. .n a treatment for alcoholism' +amil was made to drin( an alcoholic bevera)e and then made to in)est
a dru) that produces nausea. "ventually' he was nauseated at the si)ht and smell of alcohol and stopped
drin(in) alcoho! Which theory e#plains this?
A. 0perant conditionin)
B. Social !earnin) $heory
C. Associative ,earning
D. Attribution $heory
91. $he followin) are used in writin) performance obBectives' "I,"4$
A. delineate
B. dia)ram
,. inte)rate
D. comprehend
96. Which )uideline must be observed in the use of promptin) to shape the correct performance of your students?
A. *se the least intrusive prompt first.
B. Ase all prompts available.
,. Ase the most intrusive prompt first.
D. +efrain from usin) prompts.
99. 0n whose philosophy was A. S. 7eil3s Summerhill' one of the most e#perimental schools' based?
A. Rousseau
B. 4estalo22i
,. Dontessori
D. 5ohn !oc(e
9<. E.n the li)ht of the facts presented' what is most li(ely to happen when ... ?E is a sample thou)ht
:uestion on
A. inferring
B. )enerali2in)
,. synthesi2in)
D. Bustifyin)
9=. Which applies when s(ewness is 2ero?
A. Dean is )reater than the median
B. Dedian is )reater than mean
,. Scores have three modes
$. (cores are normall" distri!uted
<@. Whose influence is the education pro)ram that puts emphasis on self-development. throu)h the
classics' music' and rituals?
A. Buddha
B. Dohammed
,. ,onfucius
D. !ao $su
<1. Which is an appropriate way to mana)e off-tas( behavior?
A. Da(e eye contact.
B. Stop your class activity to correct a child who is no lon)er on tas(.
,. Dove closer to the child.
$. Redirect a child's attention to task and check his progress to make sure he is continuing to work.
<2. .n ;rathwohl3s ta#onomy of obBectives in the affective' which is most authentic?
A. Characteri'ation
B. 0r)ani2ation
,. +espondin)
D. Galuin)
<-. Study this )roup of tests which was administered with the followin) results' then answer the :uestion.
SubBect Dean SD +onnels3s Score
Dath 16 1@ /-
4hysics /1 = -1
"n)lish <@ 16 1@=
.n which subBect%s& were the scores most homo)enous?
A. Dath
B. "n)lish
,. 4hysics
$. Ph"sics and 0ath
</. We encounter people whose prayer )oes li(e thisC E0 *od' if there is a *odL save my soul' if . have a
soulE From whom is this prayer?
A. Stoic
B. "mpiricist
C. Agnostic
D. S(eptic
<1. $he test item E*roup the followin) items accordin) to shapeE is a thou)ht test item on 8888888888.
A. creatin)
B. classif"ing
,. )enerali2in)
D. comparin)
<6. $eacher B is a teacher of "n)lish as a Second !an)ua)e. She uses vocabulary cards' fill-in-the-blan(
sentences' dictation and writin) e#ercises in teachin) a lesson about )rocery shoppin). Based on this
information' which of the followin) is a valid conclusion?
A. %he teacher is reinforcing learning !" giving the same information in& a variet" of methods.
B. $he teacher is applyin) Bloom3s hierachy of co)nitive learnin).
,. $he teacher wants to do less tal(.
D. $he teacher is emphasi2in) listenin) and spea(in) s(ills.
<9. What is the mean of this score distributionC /' 1' 6' 9' <' =' 1@?
A. 2
B. 6
,. <.1
D. 9.1
<<. $eacher 4 wants to develop the s(ill of synthesi2in) in her pupils. Which one will she do?
A. Ask her students to formulate a generali'ation from the data shown in graphs.
B. As( her students to answer :uestions be)innin) withWhat if ...
,. $ell her pupils to state data presented in )raphs.
D. Directs her students to as( :uestions on the parts of the lesson not understood.
<=. Bruner3s theory on intellectual development moves from enactive to iconic and symbolic sta)es. .n
which sta)e%s& are dia)rams helpful to accompany verbal information?
A. "nactive and iconic
B. ("m!olic
,. Symbolic and enactive
D. .conic
=@. Which holds true to standardi2ed tests?
A. $hey are used for comparative purposes
B. $hey are administered differently
C. %he" are scored according to different standards
D. $hey are used for assi)nin) )rades
=1. An effective classroom mana)er uses low-profile classroom control. Which is a low-profile classroom
A. 7ote to parents
B. After-school detention
,. Withdrawal of privile)es
$. Raising the pitch of the voice
=2. Which type of report refers toon-the-spotdescription of some incident' episode or occurrence that is
bein) observed and recorded as bein) of possible si)nificance?
A. Autobio)raphical report
B. Bio)raphical report
C. )alue and interest report
D. Anecdotal report
=-. By what name is .ndirect instruction the Socratic method also (nown?
A. Dastery learnin)
B. .ndirect Dethod
,. Dorrison method
$. 3uestioning method
=/. $eacher A (nows of the ille)al activities of a nei)hbor but (eeps :uiet in order not to be involved in
any investi)ation. Which foundational principle of morality does $eacher A fail to apply?
A. $he end does not Bustify the means.
B. $he principle of double-effect
C. Alwa"s do what is right.
D. Between two evils' do the lesser evil.
=1. What should a teacher do for students in his class who are not on )rade level?
A. 4ive them materials on their level and let them work at a pace that is reasona!le forthem& tr"ing
to !ring them up to a grade level.
B. *ive them the same wor( as the other students' because they will absorb as much as they are capable
,. *ive them the same wor( as the other students' not much' so that they won3t feel embarrassed.
D. *ive them wor( on the level of the other students and wor( a little above the classmates level to
challen)e them.
=6. A child who )ets punished for stealin) candy may not steal a)ain immediately. But this does not mean
that the child may not steal a)ain. Based on $horndi(e3s theory on punishment and learnin)' this shows
that 8888888888
A. punishment stren)thens a response
B. punishment removes a response
C. punishment does not remove a response
D. punishment wea(ens a response
=9. >elpin) in the development of )raduates who arema(a-Diyosis an influence of
A. naturalistic morality
B. classical Christian moralit"
,. situational morality
D. dialectical morality
=<. $eacher > )ave her first-)rade class a pa)e with a story in which pictures ta(e the place of some
words. Which method did she use?
A. $he whole lan)ua)e approach
B. %he (paulding method
,. $he rebus method
D. $he lan)ua)e e#perience approach
==. Soc e#hibits fear response to freely roamin) do)s but does not show fear when a do) is on a leash or
confined to a pen. Which conditionin) process is illustrated
A. *enerali2ation
B. "#tinction
,. Ac:uisition
$. $iscrimination
1@@. $eachers often complain of numerous non-teachin) assi)nments that adversely' affect their teachin).
Does this mean that teachers must be preoccupied only with teachin)?
A. Hes' if they are )iven other assi)nments' Bustice demands that they be properly compensated.
B. Hes' because other community leaders' not teachers' are tas(ed to leadin community activities.
C. 1/& !ecause ever" teacher is expected to provide leadership and initiative in activities for
!etterment of communities.
D. Hes' because teachin) is enou)h full time Bob.

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