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... through Bertha Dudde

Different status of the created beings....
Believe Me that I still have to correct man misconce!tions if ou
are to live in truth and defend it. "ou have a com!letel #rong
conce!t of M creative strength$ #hich is unlimited and endo#ed
the created beings #ith infinite abundance of strength. %hus the$
li&e Me$ #ere also able to constantl and #ithout &no#ledge of
limitation e'ternalise creations into the universe....
(ence there are no different degrees of creative !o#er in the
beings #ho remained faithful to Me$ #ho did not voluntaril move
into a different s!here from Mine$ #here I Mself amid M hosts
have the domain of M creativeness....
)ll beings #ere created !erfect$ and that means that no being is
sub*ect to an restriction$ but that ever being is given a tas& #hich
it conscientiousl fulfils. But one tas& is no more important than
another$ and thus there is no difference of status either.... all
those beings+ love culminates in their love for Me$ and the indeed
al#as as!ire to#ards Me in order to become even more blissfull
ha!! through the res!onse of M love$ #hich ou humans cannot
measure b an standard.
Merel the degree of love can differ in beings #ho overcame the
abyss #ithout having achieved childshi! to God on earth but #ho
nevertheless achieved a degree of love and constantl see& to
increase it. %heir ha!!iness$ that the esca!ed the abss and had
to #al& the !ath of evolution$ &no#s no limits. %he are conscious
of their !resent beatitude$ and their eternal life is a constant
singing of !raises and than&fulness.... %he$ too$ are allo#ed to
create and give life to the universe but al#as in accordance #ith
their abundance of light$ #hich constantl increases.
%hus everthing !erfect &no#s no limit$ conse,uentl there cannot
be an beings #ho ta&e !recedence$ and our idea of dividing these
beings into grou!s of more or less able beings is #rong$ since
!erfection renders this null and void. %hese are al#as human
conce!ts$ because you are more or less inade,uatel sha!ed and
thus also #ant to transfer these attributes to the absolutel
!erfectl sha!ed beings.
Whether the smallest or the largest being is created.... it ta&es the
same creative strength$ because it is the same #or& of #onder in
M creation. )nd the su!reme !erfection of the beings rests in the
fact that one hel!s the other$ that not one #ants to ta&e
!recedence before another and therefore neither the e'!ression
-angel+ nor -archangel+ is *ustified$ but all beings belong to M vast
host of created original s!irits$ onl ou humans imagine the #orld
of s!irits to be status orientated$ *ust as ou create different
!ositions on earth for ourselves.
)s long as ou still have a lo# degree of maturit the degree of
love #ill differ too$ and ou cannot create in strength and might.
"ou have to aim to increase this degree of love until ou attain our
original condition again$ from #hich our fall into the abss too&
In addition$ ou also have to ac,uire the childshi! to God on earth$
and for this !ur!ose a being of light can return to earth for a
mission$ if it had !reviousl failed on earth but achieved a degree of
light in the beond #hich sanctions a re!eated embodiment.
.ust as ever non/fallen s!irit ma ta&e this !ath through the abss
in order to test its free #ill$ although it can never descent further$
rather the original s!irit+s urge for creation becomes ever more
!o#erful. %hen it #ill ma&e constantl greater demands on M
strength of love and as!ire to#ards Me and thus create #ith M
strength$ #hich com!letel !ermeates this s!irit.
0erfection$ ho#ever$ is unlimited.... or$ #hat is !erfect &no#s no
limits. It is as !o#erful as I Mself and can ma&e and sha!e the
largest as #ell as the smallest creations$ for it #ill al#as hel! and
assist the #retched to attain beatitude....
"ou can onl understand this #hen ou &no# #hat -love+ is in its
fundamental essence$ and therefore I assess everthing b the
degree of love.
But this assessment ends as soon as the being is !erfect....
because to be !erfect means to be infinitely blessed$ then ever
being+s love is onl intended for Me as the utmost !erfect Being$
Which #ill al#as gratif its longing for love and et it #ill never
0ublished b friends of ne# revelations of God 1 Information$
do#nload of all translated revelations$ theme/boo&lets at2


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