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Strong vs. Weak Entity types
Supertype vs. subtype
o Completeness constraint
Total specialization rule vs. Partial specialization rule
o Disjointness constraint
Disjoint rule vs. overlap rule

Required vs. Optional attributes
Simple vs. Composite attributes
Single-values vs. Multi-valued attributes
Stored vs. derived attributes
Identifier attributes
Subtype discriminator

Associative entity
o Unary relationship
o Binary relationships
o Ternary relationships
Cardinality constraints
o Minimum cardinality
Optional or Mandatory
o Maximum cardinality

Entity a person, place, object, event, or concept in the user environment about
which the organization wishes to maintain data
Strong entity can exists independently of other entity types
Weak entity existence depends on some other entity types
Supertype a generic entity type that has a relationship with one or more
Subtype a subgrouping of the entities in an entity type that is meaningful to the
organization and that shares common attributes or relationships distinct from
other subgroupings.
Total specialization rule specifies that each entity instance of the supertype
must be a member of some subtype in the relationship.
Partial specialization rule specifies that an entity instance of the supertype is
allowed not to belong to any subtype.
Disjoint rule specifies that if an entity instance is a member of one subtype, it
cannot simultaneously be a member of any subtype.
Overlap rule specifies that an entity instance can simultaneously be a member of
two or more subtypes.
Attributes a property or characteristic of an entity or relationship type that is of
interest to the organization.
Required attribute must have a value for each entity instance
Optional attribute may not have a value for every entity instance
Composite attribute can be broken down into component parts
Simple (or atomic) attribute cannot be broken down into smaller components
Multivalued attribute may take on more than one value for a given entity
Derived attribute values can be calculated from related attribute values
Identifier an attribute or combination of attributes that uniquely identifies
individual instances of an entity type
Subtype discriminator an attribute of the supertype whose values determine the
target subtype or subtypes.
Relationship a meaningful association between or among entity types
Associative entities an entity type that associates the instances of one or more
entity types and contains attributes that are peculiar to the relationship between
those entity instances.
Degree the number of entity types that participates in a relationship
Unary relationship relationship between the instances of a single entity type
Binary relationship relationship between the instances of two entity types
Ternary relationship a simultaneous relationship among the instances of three
entity types
Cardinality constraints specifies the number of instances of one entity that can
(or must) be associated with each instance of another entity.
Minimum cardinality the minimum number of instances of one entity that may
be associated with each instance of another entity.
Maximum cardinality the maximum number of instances of one entity that may
be associated with each instance of another entity.

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