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CTAT Final Year

cbe, tn, india
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Arithmetic Aptitude - Level 1 / Permutation and Combination / Test 2

. ! college has 0 bas"etball pla#ers. ! 5$member team and a captain will be selected o%t o& these 0 pla#ers. 'ow man#
di&&erent selections can be made(

a. )60
b. )0
c. 0*6+6,
d. 0*5+6

). -adri has 9 pairs o& dar" -l%e soc"s and 9 pairs o& -lac" soc"s. 'e "eeps them all in a same bag. .& he pic"s o%t three soc"s at
random what is the probabilit# he will get a matching pair(

a. /)+9*) + 9*0 1 2*3
b. /9*) + 9*0 1 2*3
d. 4one o& these

3. 'ow man# words o& 4 consonants and 3 5owels can be made &rom ) consonants and 4 5owels, i& all the letters are di&&erent(

a. 6*7 + 7,
b. )*4 + 4*3 + 7,
c. )*3 + 4*4
d. )*4 + 4*3

4. .& the letters o& the word *'!67 are rearranged to &orm 5 letter words s%ch that none o& the word repeat and the res%lts
arranged in ascending order as in a dictionar# what is the ran" o& the word *'!67(

a. )4
b. 3
c. 3)
d. 30

5. 'ow man# &o%r letter distinct initials can be &ormed %sing the alphabets o& English lang%age s%ch that the last o& the &o%r words
is alwa#s a consonant(

a. /)6830+/)0
b. )6+)5+)4+)
c. )5+)4+)3+)
d. 4one o& these.

6. .n how man# wa#s can 5 di&&erent to#s be pac"ed in 3 identical boxes s%ch that no box is empt#, i& an# o& the boxes ma# hold
all o& the to#s(

a. )0
b. 30
c. )5
d. 600

7. 9here are ) brothers among a gro%p o& )0 persons. .n how man# wa#s can the gro%p be arranged aro%nd a circle so that there is
exactl# one person between the two brothers(

a. ) + 7,
b. 2, + 2
c. 9, + 2
d. ) + 2,

2. .n how man# wa#s can 5 people be seated aro%nd two ro%nd tables with seating capacities o& 7 and 2 people(

a. 5,1/2,0
b. 7,+2,
c. /5*20+6,+7,
d. )+/5*70+6,+7,

9. .n how man# wa#s can the letters o& the word !-!*:6 be rearranged s%ch that the 5owels alwa#s appear together(

a. 6,1),
b. 3,+3,
c. 4,1),
d. /4,+3,01),

0. 9here are 6 boxes n%mbered , ),...6. Each box is to be &illed %p either with a red or a green ball in s%ch a wa# that at least
box contains a green ball and the boxes containing green balls are consec%ti5el# n%mbered. 9he total n%mber o& wa#s in which
this can be done is ;;;;

a. 5
b. )
c. 33
d. 60

. 'ow man# integers, greater than 999 b%t not greater than 4000, can be &ormed with the digits 0, , ), 3 and 4, i& repetition o&
digits is allowed(

a. 499
b. 375
c. 376
d. 500

). .n how man# rearrangements o& the word !7!<E=, is the letter >E> positioned in between the ) >!>s /4ot necessaril#

a. 60
b. 90
c. )0
d. )40

3. 'ow man# &o%r letter distinct initials can be &ormed %sing the alphabets o& English lang%age s%ch that the last o& the &o%r
words is alwa#s a consonant(

a. /)6830+/)0
b. )6+)5+)4+)
c. )5+)4+)3+)
d. 4one o& these

4. ?hen &o%r &air dice are rolled sim%ltaneo%sl#, in how man# o%tcomes will at least one o& the dice show 3(

a. )5
b. 6)0
c. 67
d. 6)5

5. ! team o& 2 st%dents goes on an exc%rsion, in two cars, o& which one can seat 5 and the other onl# 4. .n how man# wa#s can
the# tra5el(

a. 9
b. )6
c. )6
d. 39)0

6. 'ow man# wa#s can 4 pri@es be gi5en awa# to 3 bo#s, i& each bo# is eligible &or all the pri@es(

a. )56
b. )
c. 2
d. 4one o& these

7. 9here are ) #es or no A%estions. 'ow man# wa#s can these be answered(

a. 0)4
b. )042
c. 4096
d. 44

2. Bo%r dice are rolled sim%ltaneo%sl#. ?hat is the n%mber o& possible o%tcomes in which at least one o& the die shows 6(

a. 6, 1 4,
b. 6)5
c. 67
d. )96

9. ?hat is the 5al%e o& +, C )+), C 3,+3, C ............ n+n,(
where n, means n &actorial or n/n$0/n$)0...

a. n/n$0/n$0,
b. /nC0,1/n/n$00
c. /nC0, $ n,
d. /n C 0, $ ,

)0. .n how man# di&&erent wa#s can the letters o& the word >DP9.*!E> be arranged so that the 5owels alwa#s come together(

a. )0
b. 7)0
c. 43)0
d. )60

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