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3D/4D/5D explained

Humanity is ascending. You've heard it before, and you probably dismiss it as BS.
I can't blame you! Most of what has been said on the topic is very confused and contradictory. It is
uite hard for anyone with a rational mind to ta!e any of it seriously.
But that will now chan"e, because I am about to tell you what this is all really about, in a clear and
lo"ical manner. It is of course possible you will still re#ect it after hearin" my presentation, but that is
up to you.
$irst, I have to clear up a stubborn myth that !eeps people from "raspin" the truth% &o 'ascend' from
() to *) is not about "oin" anywhere! You will still e+perience the world of physical form around you,
#ust as you do today. You will still e+ist in the e+act same place!
&he only thin" that will chan"e when you ascend, is you!
I thin! the almost universal confusion on this point stems from the fact that when you change, your
world changes with you. Many messen"ers have been very ea"er to describe how wonderfully different
your world will be once you chan"e yourself and your relationship to it. It is easy to thin! this means
the world itself is about to chan"e, or that you are supposed to "o somewhere else. But it is not so!
,ith that out of the way, you are ready to understand that ()-.)-*) is simply labels to describe
different mind states. &o 'be in ()' is to thin! in a particular way, and to 'ascend to *)' is to thin! in a
very different way.
/ow, someone may have wondered why we are ascendin" to *), what happened to .)0 1re we #ust
s!ippin" that0 &he answer is no, we move throu"h a sta"e of .) thin!in" before we arrive at *)
thin!in", but this can be a swift transition. &here is nothin" that !eeps anyone stuc! at .) thin!in", so
it is easy to move on to *) thin!in".
&his is not the case with () thin!in" however. () thin!in" is a trap in its very nature! .) thin!in"
leads naturally to *) thin!in", but () thin!in" only leads to more () thin!in". &hat's why we have
been stuc! in it for so lon"!
&he trap of () thin!in", is mental, it is a particular way to view ourselves and our relationship to the
world around us, a way that !eeps us trapped and disempowered.
&here is no free choice in (), as you may well have noticed by now. 2ur entire e+istence in () seems
to be layer upon layer of slavery. 3ven if we were to remove &4&B that enslaves us, we are still slaves
to our bodies, to physical limitations, to sic!ness, a"in", and death.
1t the very root of it, we are slaves to time.
&his is what defines (). You are 'in ()', if you are a slave to time. &his manifests in your mind as a
deeply in"rained feedbac! loop, where you project your past into your future, thereby creating more of
the same, whether you actually want it or not.
&he 'trap' aspect of (), is that any level of mastery of it only ever leads to more of the same. You may
reach level (.555, with any number of 5's added at the end, and you're still no closer to .) than you
were at the be"innin". It reuires a quantum leap to reach .).
&his uantum leap, is to step out of the feedback loop that defines 3D thinking.
() thin!in" is a deep belief-conviction that e+ternal forces rule the day, and that things will always stay
the same they were. It is this belief that feeds the feedbac! loop of pro#ectin" the past into the future.
&he nasty secret, is that your past only !eeps repeatin" itself into your future because you cause it to do
so by feeding this feedback loop in your mind. 6eality itself is actually not ri"id at all, it is fluid and
ever7chan"in", instantly respondin" to all the desires of spirit. 6eality only appears ri"id to you,
because you ma!e it so, by believin" it to be so!
You have tremendous power! &he parado+ is that you believe yourself to be without power, because the
world around you seems ri"id and unresponsive to you. But it is really fluid and responsive, and it can
only be !ept static and unresponsive by sheer e+ertion of willpower and force by an e+tremely hi"h7
powered spirit!
You are that e+tremely hi"h7powered spirit. You are so powerful you have mana"ed to create a trap so
stron" you can't brea! out of it no matter how hard you push 7 this is ()!
You can't force yourself out of () thin!in", but you can 'snap out of it', and it's easy7peasy!
&he way to do this, is to stop pushin" a"ainst the ri"idity. Stop e+ertin" yourself. Stop stru""lin". &his
is because 'stru""lin"', is a word that describes the feelin" of fi"htin" a"ainst a trap. You can't escape
the trap until you stop fi"htin" it.
1nd then simply start to thin! .) thou"hts! 8enter yourself in a .) state of bein". &he moment you
do, you are not in 9ansas :(); any more, and the strict rules of () physicality suddenly aren't so strict
any more. &hey can be bent, to accommodate your desires. 2r rather, the underlyin" true
responsiveness of the <niverse to your needs and desires starts to materiali=e itself in a perfectly
natural way, #ust because you don't force it to wor! a"ainst you any more.
.) thin!in" is to e+perience perfect freedom, whereas () thin!in" is to e+perience perfect
enslavement. I will elaborate on the difference a bit, because it is important.
$irst ac!nowled"e that you have /2 true freedom in your current () state of mind. /one whatsoever!
Your entire life is 'scripted' and runs on rails. ,hat you call 'freedom' is simply responding to a
choice that is laid in front of you, li!e a railway trac! #unction where you can "o left or ri"ht. Sure, this
"ives an illusion of 'choice', since you can decide which of the paths to ta!e. But you are still on rails
no matter which choice you ma!e!
&rue freedom only e+ists in the .)-*) state of mind. Here you can ma!e any decision you desire at any
time. &here is no rail pushin" you down a predetermined path, and you are not limited to respondin" to
what your environment pushes in your face. Here you live as a free entity, creating your life
e+perience, not merely e+periencin" it.
&o 'respond' means you are not in the driver's seat, you are enslaved to e+ternal forces! &o live in (),
is to live as a mindless stimulus7response automaton. /othin" could be more alien and more frustratin"
to a spirit.
But remember I said it is you yourself who are !eepin" you trapped, by thin!in" () thou"hts. In fact,
the only force in the <niverse stron" enou"h to trap a spirit, is that spirit itself!
>o into your own mind, and feel the inner ima"e of the past and the future. /otice how you are pullin"
the past into the future by believin" thin"s will stay the same. &his is the effect I wish you to observe,
but it can only be done by loo!in" inwards.
/ow that you !now and reco"ni=e the () mindset, it is time to learn to !now and reco"ni=e the .)
mindset, so that you can ma!e a conscious choice about which you wish to be in.
In the .) mindset, you e+ist fully in the now.
You do not e+pend any mental ener"y into the past or the future. &he past holds no "uilt or shame, and
no pride either 7 it is simply a database of information that is accessible to you, should you need it.
?i!ewise, the future is a blan! slate, it holds no fears, and no hopes.
&here is a clearly noticeable lac! of ener"y flowin" from the past to the present when you are in a .)
state of mind. &he 'ener"y' I'm spea!in" of, is emotional ener"y. If you are emotionally tied to the past
or the future, then you are in () land. Your emotions of "uilt, pride, fear, and hope, form the very "rid
of () 7 they literally are the trap you must escape to reach .).
?et's loo! at those emotions a bit closer, so you can understand that this is so%
>uilt and fear.
You are rememberin" somethin" from the past that you do not wish to repeat in the future, and
investin" emotional ener"y into ma!in" it so.
4ride and hope.
You are rememberin" somethin" from the past that you wish to repeat in the future, and investin"
emotional ener"y into ma!in" it so.
In both cases, you are pullin" the past into the future. 1ll that emotional spirit ener"y you are
e+pendin" is not wor!in" towards the "oal you thin! it is, instead it is wor!in" towards solidifyin" the
reality around you and ma!in" it unresponsive to you. You are restrictin" the now from free e+pression
by doin" so, and this is the very mechanism of ().
It may sound stran"e to you, but the fact is the world would instantly respond to our needs,
materiali=in" whatever we desire out of thin air as soon as we call for it, if we didn't use () thin!in" to
!eep it from happenin". It is we who make reality rigid, by being rigid ourselves!
&he 'ascension' process you !eep hearin" about, is a!in to divine intervention aidin" us in our pli"ht.
2ur fro=en spirits are slowly bein" thawed by a wave of )ivine ?ove floatin" in from space. &his
means, all of us will be released from the trap, slowly, and "radually, until we have re"ained our full
freedom as creative spirit bein"s.
You do not have to wait however, you can start to free yourself, and reap the benefits before those who
do not.
I'll say some more on this topic later, but this will do 1s a collective, we sure are.
Some of us are startin" to escape the () bo+ however. Such individuals are slowly relearnin" to
manifest and create what they wish in their own lives. Such power is still held bac! by the need to
operate within the collective mind "rid thou"h. ,e are not alone in this adventure, there are seven
billion souls who are deeply mired in () all around us, and I doubt anyone could materiali=e a castle
out of thin air at this point 7 the collective e+erts a very powerful force a"ainst such 'foolishness'!
But this manifestin" power is available for those who see! it.
It #ust needs to find ways to wor! within the ri"id matri+, but it will still wor!. &his means, if you try to
manifest a castle when your nei"hbors are still thin!in" () thou"hts about mort"a"es and such, then
the <niverse will have to manifest some !ind of believable story for you to "et it first, and this will ta!e
time to play out. &his is necessary, because you are a part of their lives as they are part of yours, and
you can't do your 'ma"ic' in full view of others when that would be unacceptable to them.
Yet another reason to wa!e up people 1S14!
&he best tar"et to practice manifestation on at first, is your own inner life. How you feel and how you
thin! is pretty much all up to you, others won't form much conservative pressure to hold bac! chan"es
that only e+ist inside your own s!ull.
&his private circle of influence over your life can then be e+panded, by movin" outwards. Manifest
health in your body. &hen manifest "ood close relationships. &hen manifest financial security, and so
1t this point, you'll be enterin" into territory that is not yours alone, so the manifestation will need to
start wor!in" within the collective mind matri+. It will ta!e lon"er to happen, and it will have to find
paths to accomplish what you desire without disruptin" the illusion for everyone else.
3ventually our reality will be much more a!in to a collective lucid dream, where everythin" is @AA B
malleable, but this can not happen until the collective is ready for it.
Cust accept that the early adopters are wor!in" a"ainst the flow of the collective for the time bein", and
that poses resistance to free e+pression of our full creative power.for now!
1s a collective, we sure are.
Some of us are startin" to escape the () bo+ however. Such individuals are slowly relearnin" to
manifest and create what they wish in their own lives. Such power is still held bac! by the need to
operate within the collective mind "rid thou"h. ,e are not alone in this adventure, there are seven
billion souls who are deeply mired in () all around us, and I doubt anyone could materiali=e a castle
out of thin air at this point 7 the collective e+erts a very powerful force a"ainst such 'foolishness'!
But this manifestin" power is available for those who see! it.
It #ust needs to find ways to wor! within the ri"id matri+, but it will still wor!. &his means, if you try to
manifest a castle when your nei"hbors are still thin!in" () thou"hts about mort"a"es and such, then
the <niverse will have to manifest some !ind of believable story for you to "et it first, and this will ta!e
time to play out. &his is necessary, because you are a part of their lives as they are part of yours, and
you can't do your 'ma"ic' in full view of others when that would be unacceptable to them.
Yet another reason to wa!e up people 1S14!
&he best tar"et to practice manifestation on at first, is your own inner life. How you feel and how you
thin! is pretty much all up to you, others won't form much conservative pressure to hold bac! chan"es
that only e+ist inside your own s!ull.
&his private circle of influence over your life can then be e+panded, by movin" outwards. Manifest
health in your body. &hen manifest "ood close relationships. &hen manifest financial security, and so
1t this point, you'll be enterin" into territory that is not yours alone, so the manifestation will need to
start wor!in" within the collective mind matri+. It will ta!e lon"er to happen, and it will have to find
paths to accomplish what you desire without disruptin" the illusion for everyone else.
3ventually our reality will be much more a!in to a collective lucid dream, where everythin" is @AA B
malleable, but this can not happen until the collective is ready for it.
Cust accept that the early adopters are wor!in" a"ainst the flow of the collective for the time bein", and
that poses resistance to free e+pression of our full creative power.
I am sure there are plenty of contradictions in there, this is after all #ust little old me e+plainin" this
topic to the e+tent of my current understandin", which is by no means complete or perfect...
But perhaps I can remove at least some of the contradiction by clarifyin" my position on whether the
world chan"es or not!
My point was not really that 'nothin" chan"es', more that the chan"e happens from within, and that
this is the important thin" to focus on. &he chan"e in the e+perience of the outward world when
movin" to a *) perspective will be so "reat it's temptin" to say the world around us has chan"ed, but it
is technically the same world!
,e are already in a world that operates by the natural physical and spiritual laws, and none of that is
"oin" to chan"e anytime soon! ,hat will chan"e, is our ability to understand and utili=e those natural
physical and spiritual laws.
&he ()7mind loc!s itself down and ri"idifies reality around it so that we perceive the ri"id and
'mundane' reality we all !now so well. I spo!e about that in some len"th.
I did perhaps not say enou"h about the .)7mind, and especially the *)7mind, so I'll try to rectify that%
&he .)7mind floats effortlessly in the now that is the only time that e+ists, without tyin" itself
emotionally to the ri"id linear timeline the ()7mind considers to be a natural law. It can thus ma!e
decisions and e+press desires from that free7floatin" platform, which will spur the conscious <niverse
around it into action, so that thin"s do happen the way desired. 2ne or two posters have "iven ecellent
descriptions on how that wor!s for them earlier in this thread. I am by no means an e+pert myself, but
this does wor!, and there are people who do it already! ,e can all learn from them!
&he *)7mind is much more e+panded. It has reached connection with hi"her levels of consciousness
around it. It possesses powers of telepathy and of instant materiali=ation. It has free access to all
!nowled"e, includin" all its past and possible futures. It moves freely throu"h the multiverses. It e+ists
in an e+panded state where all is one, and where there is no limitation.
My description of the *)7mind is fu==y and ine+act, because I am not there yet, so my perception of it
is va"ue at best. I don't li!e to tal! much about it for that reason, but also because its actually
counterproductive 7 the *) mindset and e+perience is so alien to our current life e+perience it only
invites ridicule to tal! about it. 1nd besides, our tas! at hand is to anchor ourselves in .) and "et
comfortable with the minor powers of manifestation that this brin"s. Shootin" for *) directly is not
helpin" us, we'll evolve towards that naturally later, once we "et a handle on the .) thin".
I'll try to write somethin" about how to reach the .) state of mind later.
&han!s for your input!

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