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Conscious Mind - Subconscious Mind and their POWERS

The conscious mind is the LEFT BRAIN.

The subconscious mind is the RIGHT BRAIN.

Our conscious mind, the left brain processes information logically
in straight line like 1,2,3,4,5,6 in a very organized manner.
The left brain also controls our nervous system. The conscious
mind is the place where we develop will power. And this is the
function of the conscious decision making capability.

The subconscious mind or the right brain, on the other hand
stores memory, organizes, recollects incidents and processes
experience. The subconscious mind is creative and emotional.

Through physical movements, or behavior in response to an idea or
thought in the mind, we can speed up or slow down our heart, and
even alter the chemical balance in our body to fight off disease.
If we attempt to create any change, it has to be done on the level
of the subconscious mind where memory, programming and habits

The two sides of the brain communicate with each other constantly,
mixing logical, rational thoughts with the abstract and emotional,
with emphasis in one hemisphere.

Mathematicians are generally left brain people. Artists are
generally right hand brain. People of true genius know how to use
both, greater resilience on the right brain.

What are the Functions of the Conscious Mind?

The conscious mind makes all our decisions. It analyzes information
that we receive judges, accepts and rejects ideas and or

What are the Functions of the Subconscious Mind?

Runs automatically all bodily functions - heartbeat, blood
pressure, digestion and endocrine systems, etc. Stores all memory
(Automatic behavior, i.e., habits, are also memory). Acts out,
automatically - without question or hesitation - any ideas, images
or thoughts that are allowed in (akin to a computer executing a

The following chart outlines the current understanding of functions
attributed to our two-part mind model:

Conscious Mind Subconscious Mind
1) Analyzes and evaluates sensory input 1) Takes actions without
Criticizes, judges, accepts, or rejects. questioning,
analyzing or
2) Processes information serially, one 2) Capable of multitasking;
runs issue at a time. all bodily functions.
3) Short-term memory. 3) Long-term memory.
4) The seat of willpower. 4) The seat of habits.
5) Understands humor, sarcasm, 5) Literal. Does not
innuendo and negation. humor, sarcasm,
innuendo and
6) Slow and imprecise. 6) Quick and accurate.
7) Eager to try and learn new things. 7) Slow to change.
8) Ego, self-importance. 8) Self-preservation
9) Past - Present - Future. 9) Singular time
frame: Now
10) Logic, reasoning and rational 10) Seat of emotions.
11) Awareness 11) Unawareness

Are you LEFT or RIGHT Brain? An easy test.

There is a simple test you can take to determine if you are a
left-brain or right brain person.

Try this to find out...

Interlock your fingers and thumbs, as if you are going to pray.
After you this, read the next paragraph. However don't read ahead
until you interlock your fingers.

Now that your fingers and thumbs interlocked, look at the position
of your thumbs.

If your left thumb is on top, you are a right-brain person

And if your right thumb is on top, you are a left-brain person.

Why? Your right brain controls the left side of the body, and vice
versa. The dominant hemisphere of your brain will always take

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