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... through Bertha Dudde

Spoilt spiritual knowledge
has to be corrected ....
You huans will not succeed in re!uting the pure truth" #ou can
alwa#s rel# on what #ou recei$ed through %# spirit. For e$en i!
the Word was entall# transitted to #ou it is and will alwa#s
reain My Word which #ou would be unable to hear had #ou
not !irst shaped #oursel$es such that &%# spirit' can pour into
#ou. For then #our thoughts will be guided b# %e as well" #ou will
be unable to ha$e wrong thoughts i! #ou hand #oursel$es o$er
to %e !irst and appeal to %e to recei$e the truth ....
(owe$er" it is a di!!erent situation i! a person does not !ul!il the
prere)uisites which allow the working o! %# spirit within hi ....
*n that case he cannot be certain as to whether his thinking is
isguided" as to whether his thoughts are going astra#.
+hus it is essential !or #ou huans to check !irst as to i! and to
what e,tent one can speak o! spiritual acti$it# .... which can be
easil# established when hitherto unknown knowledge was
conveyed to a person .... knowledge which re$eals the secrets
o! creation and e,plains the eaning and purpose o! his earthl#
e,istence to hi ....
*!" howe$er" this in!oration was gained !ro books .... i! a
person studies e,isting spiritual knowledge .... i! he thus
anal#ses knowledge" he cannot clai to be &!illed b# %# spirit'.
(is thinking can certainl# be correct i! he had ac)uired the
necessar# prere)uisites" but then the spiritual knowledge" which
cae to earth through the working o! %# spirit" will not be
changed either. But i! such changes had taken place and *
correct the %#sel!" then tie and again the )uestion has to be
asked &Who is enlightened b# God's spirit-'
* don't educate bearers o! truth !or %#sel! without iparting the
pure truth to the. .nd once * called soeone to stand up !or
the truth * also ga$e hi the task o! accepting knowledge !ro
%e and o! considering hisel! a recipient o! the pure truth. For *
trul# know where error has crept in and will alwa#s correct a
isguided teaching.
Yet one thing is certain .... %# ad$ersar# has succeeded in
plunging #ou back into darkness" he has succeeded in decei$ing
#ou .... who belie$e to li$e in truth because #ou accepted it !ro
one o! %# de$oted ser$ants .... and to present his own ideas to
#ou which #ou now eagerl# ad$ocate and thereb# ake it di!!icult
!or %e to bring #ou the pure truth again .... /rror will not lead
#ou to the goal ....
and i! #ou do not wholeheartedl# desire the truth #ou will not be
able to detach #oursel$es !ro erroneous thoughts either. Your
$ision is clouded" it did not reain a atter o! the siple
spreading o! %# Word through a spirituall# awakened ser$ant ....
so an# unenlightened co0workers pla#ed a part in it. +he#
wil!ull# added e,planations or changed the original te,t and
thereb# did not help but har the work .... .nd due to their !ree
will * was unable to pre$ent the !ro doing so.
+he siple" clear Word which was intended to ake people
happ# lost its $alue as soon as people started to change the
original te,ts and brought the into line with coon linguistic
usage ....
You huans should take the length o! tie into consideration and
the !act that %# ad$ersar#'s work during the last da#s will alwa#s
relate to the aendent o! %# Word. 1onsider that he a$ails
hisel! o! the worldl# spirit in order to capti$ate people ....
consider that onl# the spirituall# awakened were able to guard
this knowledge and that protection !ro abo$e was onl#
guaranteed to these ser$ants .... who would then ha$e kept to
the truth .... but that no such guarantee e,isted with worldl# co0
workers who there!ore still had worldl# interests and also turned
these new re$elations into a &worldl# issue'.
+his is wh# * alwa#s chose people who had withdrawn !ro the
world to who * could re$eal %#sel!" because rising abo$e the
world is the !undaental re)uireent in order to be able to
con$e# %# re$elations to earth. .nd the# ne$er had to worr#
about their earthl# needs.
*! a person is so de$oted to %e that he supports the spreading o!
these re$elations the# will be his last resort as a source o!
incoe because he knows that * take care o! hi %#sel! .... .nd
as long as a &$essel o! %# spirit' has this attitude it will also
distribute purest truth" !or since it is spirituall# awake itsel! it will
re2ect e$er# isguided teaching ....
Yet how long will spiritual knowledge sta# pure once it passes
through huan hands again which are not as pure and as willing
to ser$e %e- +here!ore * ha$e to pour %# spirit tie and again
into a clean $essel so that errors are e,posed which * ha$e to
correct again.
.nd i! * now tell #ou that e$en the Book o! Books is no longer
pure and unadulterated #ou can also count on the !act that new
re$elations will not sta# so pure that the# would not need an#
correction. .nd i! the error consists o! the !act that %# per!ection
is )uestionable" then %# ad$ersar#'s in!luence can be clearl#
recognised who" in the last da#s" will ake e$er# e!!ort to sti!le
people's lo$e !or %e" which alone unites #ou with %e now and
!ore$er ....
3ublished b# !riends o! new re$elations o! God 4 *n!oration"
download o! all translated re$elations" thee0booklets at5!o6english6inde,.htl


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