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APEC Architect Operations Manual


APEC Architect participating economies acknowledge the public beneft
of the mobility of architects in the provision of architectural services, the
positive value of cultural diversity and the mutual benefts of cooperation in
developing a framework to facilitate these goal.
APEC Architect framework aims to establish a mechanism facilitating
the mobility of architects for the provision of architectural services
throughout the APEC region by reducing barriers to the export of professional
services. Its central function is to maintain a Register of APEC Architects who
have fulflled the education and training reuirements for professional
recognition in participating economies and are currently registered!licensed
as architects" and who have a proven record of professional experience as
registered practitioners.
#verall responsibility for operation of the APEC Architect $egister rests with a
Central Council composed of nominees of independent %onitoring
Committees established for this purpose in each participating economy" and
authorised by the Central Council to carry out its functions. Policies governing
the operation and strategies adopted for its implementation are determined
&ointly by the representatives ofparticipating economies appointed to the
Central Council.
'he APEC Architect $egister is divided into sections" each administered by the
%onitoring committee of a participating economy" for the enrolment of
architects registered!licensed in that economy who meet APEC Architect
criteria. %onitoring Committees are responsible for the management of their
respective sections of the $egister on behalf of the Central Council.
APEC Architects
an APEC Architect is a person who is registered" licensed or
professionaly recogni(ed as an architect" and whose name is enrolled on a
section of APEC Architect $egister mainted by that economy. 'heir bound by
host economy code of conduct to protect public health"safety and welfare.
APEC Architect critera are consist: an accreditation or recognition
procedure for education programs in architecture) a minimum period of post*
graduate practical experience" with specifed reuisites) fulflment of
registration" licensing or other reuirements for full professional recognition)
and a minimum period of professional practice as a registered or licensed
architect" with specifed reuisites.
Architects deemed by the Central Council to fulfl these reuirements
are eligible for registration as an APEC Architect.
Monitorin" Co##ittees
Each participating economy is reuired to establish a %onitoring
Committee to take responsibility for administration of the APEC Architect
framework in that economy" after receiving authorisation by the Central
Council to do so. 'hey act with delegated authority to implement its policies
and carry out it duties.
%onitoring Committees+ primary duty is to operate a section of the
APEC Architect register for the enrollment of APEC Architect registered in that
economy" confrming the candidates have complied with the criteria adopted
by the central council and assess ing the professional experience they
obtained as registered architects. they are also responsible for ensuring the
continued maintenance of the reuired standards.
Authori$ation o% Monitorin" Co##ittees
Applications for authori(ation must be accompanied by information on
the professional recognition!accreditation systems in place in the economy
and details of its proposals for assessment of APEC Architect criteria" and any
other information the Council deems necessary.
Central Council
'he Central Council has ultimate responsibility for all matters relating
to the APEC Architect framework. 'he Central Council,s primary duty is to
decide the standards and criteria reuired for registration as an APEC
Architect and to establish operational procedures for management of the
APEC Architect $egister. 'he Council is responsible for the authori(ation of
%onitoring Committees to maintain a section of the $egister and for
subseuent review of their continued conformance with APEC Architect
registration criteria.
&esire' Outco#es ( Facilitatin" the Mo)ilit* o% Architects
'he introduction of the APEC Architect $egister has created an
e-ective mechanism for achieving the strategic priority of the APEC .uman
$esources /evelopment 0orking 1roup 2to facilitate the mobility of ualifed
persons by developing a means for the mutual recognition of their skills and
ualifcations,. 3y providing evidence that agreed standards of competence
reuired have been satisfed" APEC Architects may be exempt from
restrictions on access to independent practice.
'he APEC Architect Central Council will operate for so long as it is
acceptable and desirable to participating economies.
an APEC Architect must be currently registered ! licensed or
otherwise professionally recognised as an architect in the economy
that maintains the section of the APEC Architect $egister to which
application for admission is made. Architects must demonstrate to the
appropriate %onitoring Committee that they have completed an
accredited!recognised program of architectural education" fulflled pre*
registration experience reuirements" have practised for at least seven
years as registered!licensed architects and satisfed any additional
reuirements" all in accordance with criteria determined by the Central
Applicable only for individual person not to architectural
practices or frm.
'he following set of principles satisfes Central Council criteria for admission
to the APEC Architect $egister and the right to use the description 2APEC
1. Architectural Education
Educational enchmark !tatement
'he education must be of university level" with architecture the principal
component. It must maintain a balance between theoretical and practical
aspects of architectural training and lead to the acuisition of the skills and
knowledge necessary to underpin the reuired competence of an APEC
Common Elements of Architectural Education Programs
'he core sub&ect areas in an accredited!recognised program of architectural
education are4
5 /esign" as the predominant sub&ect category
5 'echnology and Environmental 6cience
5 6ocial" Cultural 7 Environmental 6tudies
5 Professional 6tudies.
#ther sub&ect areas within architectural educational programs may include4
5 $elated 6tudies
5 1eneral Education
Accreditation " Recognition Procedure for Educational Programs in
'he accrediting!recognising body should4
5 have authority and" where appropriate" legal status and be transparent"
independent and publicly accountable.
5 have a structured process for the approval of ualifcations and compliance
with agreed standards.
2. Fulflment of Period of Pre-registration or Pre-licensing Experience
for Recognition as an Architect in a ome Econom!
". Fulflment of Registration # $icensing Re%uirements for
Recognition as an Architect in a ome Econom!
&. Professional Practice as a Registered # $icensed Architect
must have completed a minimum period of professional practice of 8
years) after initial registration!licensure as an architect in any participating
economy. 'his experience must be gained in all of the following categories of
architectural practice4
5 Preliminary studies and preparation of brief 5 /esign
5 Contract /ocumentation 5 Administration
At least # years of that period must have been undertaken as an architect$
5 with sole professional responsibility for the design" documentation and
administration of buildings of moderate complexity)
5 #$ in collaboration with other architects" as an architect in charge of and
responsible for a signifcant aspect of the design" documentation and!or
administration of complex buildings.
Currency of Practice
'o ensure competence" APEC Architect candidates who have not
practised in a position of professional responsibility within for the preceding
two years are sub&ect to a reuirement to undertake a program of
professional development or fulfl other prescribed conditions to be admitted
to the APEC Architect $egister.
1. Admission to the APEC Architect Register
Candidates for registration as an APEC Architect must apply to the
%onitoring Committee of their home economy to determine their eligibility for
enrolment on that economy,s section of the $egister. in addition with
educational" training and professional recofnition in any APEC &urisdiction"
candidaes ate reured to submit a report on their post regestration!licensure
professional experience.
APEC Architects must also agree to be bound by the code of
professional conduct of their home economy and of any &urisdiction in which
they practice. Particulars of APEC Architects to be recorded on the $egister
5 name and business address)
5 home economy or &urisdiction in which the architect is registered!licensed)
5 any other economy in which the architect is registered!licensed.
'he registration numbers assigned to APEC Architects by %onitoring
Committees are
preceded by the following abbreviations of the name of the home economy4
Australia A9 Canada CA
People,s $epublic of China C: .ong ;ong" China .;
<apan <P $epublic of ;orea ;$
%alaysia %= $epublic of %exico %>
:ew ?ealand :? $epublic of the Philippines P.
6ingapore 61 Chinese 'aipei C'
'hailand '. 9nited 6tates of America 96
Applications for admission are dealt with timely manner and normally
willnot exceed @ months for completion.
2. 'aintaining APEC Architect Registration
APEC Architect registration is to be renewed on payment of an
administration fee to a %onitoring Committee at intervals no greater than two
years. $egistration details are to be reviewed and renewed on application to
practise in a host economy.
'he registration of an APEC Architect will be cancelled if the architect
ceases to be registered!licensed in the designated home economy. 'he
registration of APEC Architects found" sub&ect to due process" to be in breach
of the code of professional conduct of either their home economy" or a host
economy" may be suspended by their home economy %onitoring Committee.
". Ac%uired Rights
6hould the authorisation of a %onitoring Committee be discontinued
for any reason" APEC Architects enrolled in that economy may enrol on a
database maintained by the6ecretariat for this purpose" for a maximum
period of two years.
%he skills and knowledge re&uired for admission to the APEC Architect
An APEC Architect #ust )e co#petent to create architectural
'esi"ns that/
5 satisfy both aesthetic and technical reuirements)
5 are informed by the history and theories of architecture and the related
technologies and human sciences)
5 demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between people and
buildings" and between buildings and their environment" and the need to
relate buildings and the spaces between them to human needs and scale)
5 respond to environmental concerns and address sustainability issues)
5 show skill in land*use planning and the planning process)
5 take account of cultural and social factors and demonstrate an
understanding of the responsibility of an architect to society)
An APEC Architect #ust )e co#petent to translate a 'esi"n concept
into )uilt %or# an' )e a)le to/
5 investigate and interpret design ob&ectives and relevant issues and prepare
the brief for a design pro&ect)
5 advise on pro&ect evaluations" feasibility studies and programs)
5 evaluate and determine structural" constructional and engineering
elements of a building design and integrate the advice and design of
specialist disciplines into a building pro&ect).
5 assess the physical inAuences on buildings and the technologies associated
with providing internal conditions of comfort and protection against the
climate" and coordinate and integrate services systems to control them)
5 meet building users+ reuirements within the constraints imposed by cost
factors and building regulations
5 provide advice on issues of construction" procurement and contract
5 generate the documentation and information needed to translate a design
concept into a building)
5 manage the procurement of buildings" administer contractual arrangements
and monitor their construction.
An APEC Architect #ust )e co#petent in the practice o% architecture
5 observe legal and regulatory obligations related to the planning and
construction of buildings)
5 have adeuate knowledge of the industries" organisations and procedures
involved in the management and realisation of a design pro&ect as a building)
5 observe the standards of conduct expected of a professional by the
5 maintain competence in relevant aspects of the practice of architecture.
".1 APEC Architect Register
'he APEC Architect $egister is the means by which the names of
architects who have achieved common standards of professional competence
are made publicly available.
".2 (he Reciprocal Recognition Frame)or*
'he Central Council has established a $eciprocal $ecognition
Bramework which identifes participating economies that have adopted the
same registration ! certifcation reuirements for APEC Architects from foreign
economies" thereby establishing a reciprocal basis for the professional
recognition of APEC Architects from those economies.
'he policies of the Central Council are put into e-ect by independent
%onitoring Committees established in each participating economy for this
purpose and authorised by the Central Council to act on its behalf. 'heir
primary responsibility is to manage the section of the APEC Architect $egister
in that economy" in accordance with Central Council policy and
rules of procedure.
&.1 Composition
'he composition of %onitoring Committees is a matter for each
economy to decide" the si(e and balance of its membership will be dictated
by the functions it must perform" particularly with regard to evaluation of the
ualifcations and professional experience of candidates applying for
admission to the section of the APEC Architect $egister it maintains.
&.2 Functions
%onitoring Committees" when authorised" carry out the following
functions and manage the section of the APEC Architect $egister" with
delegated authority of the Central Council" for which they are responsible" in
accordance with Central Council policy" guidelines and rules of procedure.
Constituent odies of the Central Council
%onitoring Committees that have been authorised to maintain a
section of the APEC
Architect $egister are the constituent bodies of the Central Council.
APEC Architect Register
'he central duty of an authorised %onitoring Committee is to establish
and maintain a section of the APEC Architect $egister for the enrolment of
APEC Architects registered! licensed in that economy. It is responsible for the
enrolment and periodic renewal of the names of architects on the $egister
who satisfy APEC Architect criteria" and the removal of the names of those
who no longer comply.
Assessment of Candidates for Registration
%onitoring Committees must authenticate the architectural education
and practical experience of each candidate and certify it as satisfying APEC
Architect criteria. Assessments are conducted at least annually and
applications dealt with in a timely manner.
'aintaining !tandards
%onitoring Committees must eually ensure that the reuired
standards continue to be maintained by the architects enrolled on their
sections of the APEC Architect $egister
(nformation and Communication
'o ensure transparency of process in facilitating the mobility of
architects throughout the APEC region" each %onitoring Committee publishes
on its website any reuirements that its economy places on APEC Architects
from other economies.
&.& (ermination of Authori+ation
A 'onitoring Committee may surrender its authorisation to maintain a
section of the APEC Architect Register after giving due notice to the Central
&.,. Application for Authorisation
'o promote consistency and transparency of process" the Central
Council has prepared guidelines on the information to be provided by
%onitoring Committees in support of their applications for authorisation to
show conformance with APEC Architect criteria. It will reuire advice on4
5 education and practical experience!training reuirements for
registration!licensure as an architect in that economy)
5 the accreditation! recognition procedures employed to assess them)
5 procedures adopted to assess compliance with the reuired professional
practice experience as a registered!licensed architect.
&.- Continued Authorisation
Authorised %onitoring Committees" and the procedures they adopt" are
sub&ect to periodic review by the Central Council to ensure that they continue
to comply with agreed standards.
)verall authority for the control and management of the APEC
Architect framework rests with the Central Council. (t is the responsibility of
the Central Council to determine policy and procedures for all matters
relating to the APEC Architect Register and to promote its ob*ectives. %he
Central Council may delegate authority to authorised 'onitoring Committees
in each participating economy to carry out its functions.
,.1 Constitution of the Central Council
'he Central Council acts as the &oint governing body for the APEC
Architect framework and is composed of at least one representative from the
%onitoring Committee of each economy authorised to operate a section of
the $egister. 'here is no limit to the number of members appointed to the
Council by %onitoring Committees but each authorised economy is entitled to
only one vote.
,.2 .uties of the Central Council
%he Central Council has ultimate responsibility for the operation of
each aspect of the APEC Architect framework. (ts duties include the following$
Maintenance o% the APEC Architect Re"ister/
5 determine standards and assessment procedures for admission" renewal
and termination of the registration of an APEC Architect)
5 oversee and coordinate all sections of the $egister operated by
independent %onitoring Committees" maintain the APEC Architect website)
5 establish and apply governance systems and uality assurance strategies
to review and maintain uniformity and compliance with agreed criteria.
Esta)lish#ent o% Monitorin" Co##ittees/
5 determine policy concerning the composition" authorisation and
responsibilities of %onitoring Committees)
5 assess applications for authorisation of %onitoring Committees to operate a
section of the APEC Architect $egister" and to hear appeals)
5 conduct reviews of registration systems and standards in authorised
participating economies to ensure continued compliance)
O3ersi"ht o% the Reciprocal Reco"nition Fra#e4or5
5 $egularly review the commitment of participating economies to the
nominated categories of registration ! certifcation reuirements that they are
prepared to o-er APEC Architects from other economies)
5 ensure that the reciprocal commitments recorded on all websites are
accurate and current. Administration of the APEC Architect Pro&ect
5 make provision for a 6ecretariat to administer the business of Council"
maintain records and coordinate with %onitoring Committees)
5 act as a communications centre to provide information" documentation and
advice on all aspects of the pro&ect.
,." /tandards and Criteria for Registration as an APEC Architect
%he purpose of the APEC Architect Register is to establish authoritative
and reliable evidence of the achievement of common standards of
professional competence by the architects enrolled on it. Registration is
reserved for e+perienced practitioners to provide an additional level of
assurance to consumers.
'he criteria adopted for registration as an APEC Architect are based on
a dynamic set of principles that identify common elements of professional
recognition in APEC economies and reAect current practice norms. 'hese
standards and criteria are incorporated in Council
guidelines periodically reviewed by the Central Council to ensure that they
remain relevant to international best practice within the profession.
,.& 0nformation and Communication
An important role for the Central Council is to promote the APEC
Architect Register
throughout the region and to provide advice and support to governments and
authorities to help streamline recognition procedures for APEC Architects.
current restrictions to the mobility of architects and developing strategies to
address them play a signifcant part in the e-ective operation of the APEC
Architect framework. %he Council maintains regular communication between
participating economies, and advises architects on the signifcant benefts
that registration as an APEC Architect provides in the e+port of professional
,., Council Proceedings
Council Meetin"s/ 'he Central Council meets at least every two years" at a
date and venue
determined by the members" to review its procedures and criteria" consider
applications for
authorisation of %onitoring Committees" receive reports from participating
economies" and
deal with matters arising. Participating economies host the meetings on an
alternating basis.
Me#)ership/ 'he selection of members to be appointed to the Council and
their terms of
oCce is a matter for decision by %onitoring Committees" within the
guidelines established by the Central Council.
Meetin" Chair/ 'he %eeting Chair is normally appointed by the %onitoring
Committee reuired.
Meetin" A"en'a/ 'o provide an opportunity for all %onitoring Committees
to have an input
into the topics to be discussed at Council meetings" draft meeting agendas
prepared by the
6ecretariat are circulated for comment to Central Council members" revised
and recirculated
in the meeting 3rief for fnal adoption by consensus at the start of the Central
Council meeting.
Meetin" 6uoru#/ 'he Central Council meeting uorum is two thirds of the
Central Council %onitoring Committee membership.
Atten'ance/ %onitoring Committees whose representatives fail to attend
three consecutive
meetings will be deemed to have withdrawn from the APEC Architect
framework and may need to reapply for activation of their authorisation
should they wish to continue as participants.
&ecision Ma5in"/ All Central Council decisions in connection with changes
Architect criteria and registration policy" and the authorisation or conditional
suspension of
%onitoring Committees" reuire the two*third support of all Central Council
%onitoring Committees for adoption. Council decisions on other matters are
arrived at by the
consensus of members present. A %onitoring Committee must be
represented in order to vote. All decisions reuiring voting must be notifed in
advance of the meeting for pre*circulation with the agenda.
%o provide an e&uitable system for sharing the provision of
administrative services among economies, Central Council business is
conducted by participating economies, which take on the role of !ecretariat
on a rotational basis. %he minimum period for economies to act in this
capacity is two years and they may reapply to continue for a subse&uent
term of o.ce.
-.1 'echanism1 .ocuments and Procedures to and 23er (he
/ecretariat (o Follo)ing Econom!.
'he Bollowing procedures must be complied whenever there is a change of
Economy to
act as 6ecretariat for the Central Council in order to have continuity on the
administrative duties and responsabilities.
'EC/A0(!' A01 PR)CE1,RE
5 Establishment of a meeting date and venue between outgoing and
incoming 6ecretariats.
5 'he meeting to take place where documents and information is handed out
5 'o have a written document to be signed by both 6ecretariats stating
information handed over and received" with oCcial date for incoming
5 An oCcial communication should be sent to organi(ations APEC Architect
has contact with"
o 3y outgoing 6ecretariat announcing the handover of 6ecretariat with
presentation of Economy to act as new 6ecretariat as well as its oCcials.
o 3y incoming 6ecretariat" with contact information.
5 An oCcial communication should be sent to APEC 6ecretariat and Dead
6hepherd of .$/01 by 3oth 6ecretariats as above.
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