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lL means, rsL, LhaL she ls very llkely
serlous abouL belng Musllm.
Llkely lL means she knows LhaL
Mohammed's lasL lecLure was on
how hard Lo beaL your wlfe and why
Lo beaL your wlfe (dlsobedlence).
Llkely lL means she belleves LhaL she - and all
Musllm women - should be beaLen for
lL llkely means she belleves her word ls worLh half
a man's - lncludlng ln cases of rape. 1hls ls ln Lhe
lL llkely means she belleves she should always be
under Lhe conLrol of a man - faLher, husband, son.
lL llkely means she belleves mosL of Lhe
lnhablLanLs of hell are women. 1hls ls ln Lhe
lL llkely means she ls okay wlLh genlLal muulauon
- genlLal muulauon ls menuoned, and accepLed, ln
Lhe cenLral lslamlc rellglous LexLs. She ls llkely noL
a good Musllm lf she ls agalnsL genlLal muulauon.
Maybe she ls genlLally muulaLed, and also favors
Lhe muulauon of all Musllm females.
1he Musllm headscarf. lL llkely
means she belleves LhaL she, llke
all Musllms, ls superlor Lo non-
Musllms. 1hls ls ln Lhe Curan. ln
facL, lL llkely means she belleves
LhaL non-Musllms - whom she calls
kars - are lLhy, and are Lo be
decelved, beheaded, crucled, ploued agalnsL,
Lerrorlzed, humlllaLed. kar - her word for non-
Musllms - ls Lhe worsL word ln any language. 1hls
ls all ln Lhe Curan, and as a devouL Musllm, she
very very llkely belleves lL. CLherwlse why ls she
wearlng Lhe Musllm headscarf?
1he Musllm headscarf - hl[ab - shows LhaL she ls a
devouL Musllm and belleves lslamlc Leachlngs.
?es, she ls wearlng Lhe Musllm headscarf.
1hls llkely means she belleves Lhere should be
a worldwlde lslamlc callphaLe, lslamlc world
domlnance followlng Sharla.
under Sharla, non-Musllms are lower Lhan
second-class. Some are Lo be murdered -
people who are non-Chrlsuan and non-!ewlsh.
1hose who are Lo be allowed Lo survlve are Lo
pay a speclal Lax, wear cloLhlng slgnlfylng our
lower sLaLus. We are uuerly Lhe lowesL of Lhe
low. And we are never Lo speak of our rellglon
near Musllms. 1hls ls absoluLely forbldden.
All Lhls ls whaL she llkely belleves, Lhls woman
wearlng Lhe Musllm headscarf. CLherwlse why
ls she wearlng a slgn showlng she belleves
whaL ls ln Lhe Curan.
She llkely belleves Lhe marrlage of glrl chlldren
Lo adulL men ls ne. Aer all, Lhe man she
conslders a propheL, Mohammed, marrled a 6
year old when he was over 30.
She llkely belleves lL ls ne Lo have slaves, [usL
as Mohammed, Lhe man she conslders a
propheL, had slaves. Aer all, he ls Lo be a
model for all men.
She llkely belleves lL ls
ne Lo rape slave women,
[usL as Mohammed had
sex wlLh a woman newly
enslaved, when all Lhe
men of her Lrlbe were
murdered and all Lhe
women enslaved and
1hls ls whaL Lhe woman llkely belleves, Lhls
woman wearlng Lhe headscarf. CLherwlse,
agaln, why would she wear Lhe slgn of
bellevlng whaL ls ln Lhe Curan?
She llkely belleves ln sLonlng gays.
8uL maybe, you Lhlnk, she only wears Lhe
headscarf and ls agalnsL [usL abouL everyLhlng
ln Lhe Curan.
lL doesn'L make sense Lo counL on lL.
AL any raLe ask her: you are wearlng Lhe slgn of
belng Musllm. 1haL means you musL belleve aL
leasL some of Lhe Leachlngs ln Lhe Curan. !usL
whaL do you belleve? All of lL?
1he Curan holds LhaL Lhe whole world ls Lo be
domlnaLed by Musllms and governed accordlng Lo
Sharla. lL holds LhaL you are superlor, and LhaL all
oLhers are lLhy kars who are Lo be decelved,
beheaded, crucled, ploued agalnsL, Lerrorlzed,
humlllaLed. lL holds LhaL leavlng lslam ls Lo be
punlshed by deaLh. lL holds LhaL you - all Musllms
- are Lo be kllled lf you leave lslam. lL holds LhaL
non-Musllms are Lo be decelved by Musllms, lf
Lhls ln Lhe besL lnLeresLs of lslam. lL holds LhaL you
are noL Lo be Lrue frlends wlLh non-Musllms,
Lhough you may preLend Lo be frlends. lL holds
LhaL enslavlng non-Musllms ls ne. lL holds LhaL
raplng non-Musllm slaves ls ne. lL holds LhaL non-
Musllms are Lo pay a speclal Lax Lo Musllms. We
are noL Lo speak of our rellglon near Musllms.
lL holds LhaL you are Lo be beaLen lf you are
dlsobedlenL. lL holds LhaL, lf you are raped, your
word counLs for half a man's word.
Cf course, maybe she ls noL a good Musllm, Lhls
woman wearlng Lhe Musllm headscarf. Maybe she
does noL belleve any of Lhese Lhlngs.
8uL why would anyone wear nazl lnslgnla lf Lhey
dld noL belleve ln nazl ldeology?
Slmllarly why would she wear a Musllm headscarf
lf she ls agalnsL whaL lL Leaches ln Lhe Curan?
So walklng around ln Lhe WesL, she wears cloLhlng
slgnlfylng she wanLs Lhe desLrucuon of our
culLure, our way of llfe. She wears a headscarf
slgnlfylng LhaL she belleves she ls superlor, LhaL
non-Musllm women can be enslaved and raped,
and LhaL all non-Musllms are Lo be murdered or
forced Lo submlL and pay a speclal Lax, Lhe [lzya.
Walklng around, she ls showlng Lhe world LhaL she
belleves ln a rellglon LhaL upholds Lhe creauon of a
worldwlde callphaLe, Lhe domlnance of lslam over
all oLher rellglons and pollucal ldeologles.
WhaL do you Lhlnk of LhaL? Cf someone boldly
walklng around, showlng Lhey belleve you, lf
you are non-Musllm, are uuerly lnferlor, Lo be
Cur'an Sura 8:33, Surely Lhe vllesL of anlmals
ln Allah's slghL are Lhose who dlsbelleve [non-
Musllms] ."
Cur'an Sura 8:12b, . Lerrorlze and behead
Lhose who belleve ln scrlpLures oLher Lhan Lhe
Cur'an Sura 38:20, 1hose who reslsL Allah and
Pls Messenger wlll be among Lhose mosL
So she ls wearlng Lhe
Musllm headscarf, very
llkely havlng Musllm bellefs,
bellevlng ln Lhe Curan.
noL safe for non-Musllms.
!oln: www.1helreedomCommunlLy,com
LlsLen Lo:

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