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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY............................................................................................................ 2
1. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................. 3
1.1 Aims and Objective..............................................................................................3
1.2 Methodology........................................................................................................ 4
1.3 Company Description..........................................................................................4
1.4 Legal nvironment...............................................................................................!
2. REVIEW OF HEALTH AND SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM...................................8
2.1 Description.......................................................................................................... "
2.2 #ap Analysis o$ Company %ealth & 'a$ety Management 'ystem.....................1(
3. HAZARD IDENTIFICATION............................................................................................... 15
3.1 )hysical %a*ards............................................................................................... 1+
3.2 %ealth %a*ards.................................................................................................. 1"
3.4 'election o$ 'igni$icant %a*ard..........................................................................21
4. RISK ASSESSMENT.................................................................................................... 21
4.1 ,he process and methodology o$ ris- assessment............................................21
4.2 Legal .e$erences.............................................................................................. 23
4.3 .is- Assessment / 0or- at height 1 'ca$$olding................................................24
4.4 .is- Assessment / 2oise d3e to Constr3ction Machineries & 43ipments.......25
5. CONCLUSIONS............................................................................................................ 2
!. RECOMMENDATIONS................................................................................................. 2
". ACTION #LAN.............................................................................................................. 33
5.1 Management 'ystem......................................................................................... 33
5.2 %a*ards and .is-.............................................................................................. 3!
8. REFERENCES$ BIBILIOGRA#HY...............................................................................44
Occ3pational sa$ety and health is bene$icial $or b3siness as 6ell as being a legal and social
obligation. Companies appreciate that preventing people $rom being harmed or made ill thro3gh
6or-7 is also an essential part o$ a s3ccess$3l b3siness. very company can enjoy signi$icant
bene$its by investing in health and 'a$ety. 'imple improvements can increase competitiveness7
pro$itability and the motivation o$ employees. ,he implementation o$ a health and management
system provides an e$$ective $rame6or- to prevent or minimi*e accidents and ill health.
,his st3dy 6as intended to assist in the decision1ma-ing7 planning and implementation o$ the
constr3ction projects7 by minimi*ing the ris-s to employees and everyone associated 6ith the
activities. ,hereby7 improving the cost e$$ectiveness7 red3cing the indirect costs d3e to b3siness
interr3ptions and improve employee relationship and p3blic $aith8 tr3st. ,he st3dy 6as carried
o3t in accordance 6ith the %ealth & 'a$ety at 0or- .eg3lations 1954 and the derived stat3tes
and ACo)s.
,he health & sa$ety Management system o$ the company is modeled on %'# !+ 6ith $e6
elements not considered 6hich co3ld have direct implications on the health and sa$ety
programmes. Detailed gap analyses are cond3cted to identi$y the dra6bac-s and are prioriti*ed
according to the criticality o$ the gap. :mportant gaps are s3mmari*ed as;1
1. Lac- o$ visible leadership $rom the top management 6hich co3ld lead to collapse o$ the
6hole management system and lac- o$ -ey person responsible to develop7 implement and
monitor the management system.
2. Lac- o$ competent persons to handle %ealth& 'a$ety a$$airs and :nade43ate training and
reso3rces to manage ris-s at site.
All relevant ha*ards arising $rom the company activities have been identi$ied. ,6o most
signi$icant ha*ards has been selected and a detailed ris- assessment 6as carried o3t to
identi$y resid3al ris-s and recommend mitigation meas3res to con$orm to the principles o$ As
Lo6 As .easonably )racticable <ALA.)=. .ecommendations are made by re$erence to best
ind3stry practice7 economic7 technical and health & 'a$ety considerations. %' ass3rance is
provided by identi$ying and managing ris-s7 according to the principles o$ ris- tolerance7 ris-
red3ction and contin3o3s per$ormance improvement. ,he ALA.) control principle is achieved
6hen additional meas3res 6hich co3ld be ta-en to red3ce the resid3al ris- are no longer
deemed to be practical or cost1e$$ective / i.e. ens3ring that ris-s that cannot be eliminated are
red3ced to ALA.). ,his st3dy is applying the ALA.) principle to ens3re that ris-s to li$e7 asset7
rep3tation and the environment are red3ced and controlled to optim3m levels.
Critical ALA.) controls $or identi$ied ha*ards can be s3mmari*ed as;1
1. )roper design and planning o$ load bearing sca$$olds and selection and provision o$ training
$or competent trained sca$$olders 6ho sho3ld engage in erection7 dismantling7 modi$ication
and inspection o$ sca$$olds.
2. :ntrod3cing lo6 noise p3rchasing policy7 re1designing the layo3t o$ site7 monitoring o$ noise
levels $re43ently and red3ce e>pos3re o$ persons by proper job rotation and sched3ling.
3. ,raining7 instr3ction and s3pervision to all a$$ected personnel.
All recommendations are $ollo6ed 6ith an action plan 6ith assigned responsible persons and
target dates to complete. Appro>imate costing has been projected in the action plan. ,his
action plan 6ill be 3pdated to re$lect that all actions are closed and the ris-s have been red3ced
to and As Lo6 as .easonably )racticable <ALA.)= principle.
Most people 6o3ld agree that poor 6or-ing conditions o$ any type have the potential to a$$ect
6or-er?s health and sa$ety. :t 6o3ld also be agreed that o3r aim sho3ld be to eliminate or at
least minimi*e the ris- o$ accident or inj3ry@ and to protect 6or-ers $rom the ill1health ca3sed by
their 6or-ing conditions.
,here is no do3bt that constr3ction is one o$ the most dangero3s ind3stries in 3rope
. very
year do*ens o$ people die on site@ several tho3sands get inj3red or develop 6or-1related health
problems. Constr3ction projects are comple> and al6ays 3ni43e7 6here ris-s can arise $rom a
n3mber o$ di$$erent so3rces / some controllable7 some not. Assessing so3rces o$ ris- at the
earliest opport3nity enables controllable ris- $actors to be allocated to the areas o$ responsibility
so that those responsible can ta-e appropriate meas3res to eliminate or minimi*e them. ,he
ris- $actors and so3rces can be broadly d3e to $ail3re in managing the ris-s and a system not
directed and committed to control by inade43ate design7 planning7 coordination7 comm3nication
and meas3rement7 3nrealistic e>pectations7 poorly de$ined method o$ 6or-7 delay in decision
ma-ing7 not having a common goal7 re43iring the project to be constr3cted too 43ic-ly and
de$ect $ree7 yet at minimal cost7 incompetence o$ sta$$ and the e>ternal $actors that in$l3ence the
site activities and those 6hich 6ere not identi$ied and not in control o$. ,here$ore7 improving
health and sa$ety on constr3ction sites plays a -ey role in company?s daily 6or- and is an
ongoing process. ,he employers need to comply 6ith the e>isting health and sa$ety
reg3lations7 and the 6or-ers need to -no6 their rights. very 6or-er also needs to have a good
grasp o$ major 6or-place dangers so they can contrib3te to a better protection.
,his case st3dy provides an assessment o$ the company?s health & sa$ety management
system incl3ding ris- management and e>isting control. ,his st3dy is a demonstration o$ ho6
company can achieve health & sa$ety objectives and ho6 the stat3tes and standards can be
met in a methodical and a3ditable manner. ,he completed case st3dy provides a primary
re$erence doc3ment $or improvement on all in$ormation relevant to the sa$ety and health o$
personnel7 and reso3rces $or the company.
1.1 A%&' ()* O+,-./%0-
:t is important to develop sa$er 6or-ing methods that also allo6 6or- to be done 43ic-er and
6ith $e6er people7 red3ced rates o$ accidents7 incidents and ill health A 6ith e>amples o$
sic-ness absence being halved7 and ma>imising levels o$ recr3itment7 motivation and retention
o$ s-illed sta$$ and also achieving signi$icant $inancial savings $or good per$ormers and penalties
$or poor per$ormers.
,here$ore7 the primary objective o$ this %ealth & 'a$ety case st3dy is to demonstrate to
company top management that essential signi$icant meas3ring o$ their management system is
3nderta-en and gaps are identi$ied along 6ith the associated ris-s and ens3re that additional
controls are identi$ied7 in place7 or planned to be p3t in place s3ch that the ris-s arising $rom the
constr3ction activities are both tolerable and As Lo6 As .easonably )racticable <ALA.)=.
<1= The State of Occupational Safety and Health in the European Union A )ilot st3dy7 2(((. 3ropean
Agency $or 'a$ety and %ealth at 0or-7 :'B2 921"2"1925215.
1.3 C1&2()3 D-'.4%2/%1)
,he company is a medi3m si*ed limited liability contracting company registered in 2((! in
mirates o$ Ab3 Dhabi7 Cnited Arab mirates <CA= as a joint vent3re bet6een CA based
contracting company and a company o$ Cnited Dingdom that 6as established in 2((+.
Company employs locally 2(( manpo6er e>pertise in all aspects o$ contracting incl3ding civil
engineering7 6ater pipeline constr3ction7 mechanical and electrical installations7 and services to
the electromechanical ind3stry incl3ding testing7 maintenance and operational 6or- 6hich $3lly
s3pported by comp3ter aided design $acilities comp3teri*ed project monitoring7 acco3nting7 and
cost control systems. ,he clients $or the c3rrent jobs are leading .eal state Development
Company o$ CA. ,he main projects c3rrently 3nderta-en are as $ollo6s.
1. Constr3ction o$ 1( residential and commercial b3ildings o$ 3p to three levels each in one
2. 0ater pipeline net6or-s 6ithin the area and associated activities.
3. Operation & maintenance o$ 6ater net6or-s and p3mping stations

,he company has been certi$ied $or con$orming to :'O; 9((1; 2((( standards and has a %'
Management system developed based on O'%A' 1"((( g3idelines and %'# !+. ,he
company is headed by a board o$ directors and the branch is being managed by #eneral
Manager1 Middle ast Operations. ,he #M7 Middle ast is $3nctionally responsible $or all
aspects related to the company?s operations in CA and reports to the Managing Director
based in Dart$ord <CD= o$$ice. ,he branch company is organi*ed into a )rojects department7
,endering department7 E3antity s3rveying7 )roc3rement department and %3man reso3rces8
Administration department.
ach project is managed by the )roject Manager 6ho has a team o$ )roject ngineers7
designers7 site engineers7 $oremen and leader men. One %' ngineer has been appointed to
manage and monitor the implementation o$ the %ealth & 'a$ety management system d3ring the
company operations. ,he majorities o$ labor $orces are $rom :ndia7 )a-istan and Bangladesh
and mostly are 3ns-illed. Company holds major e43ipment and earth moving plants li-e
e>cavators7 b3ll do*ers7 land scrapers7 bac- hoes7 piling rigs etc7 li$ting e43ipments li-e mobile
cranes o$ vario3s capacities and machineries li-e generators7 compressors etc. A typical project
is e>ec3ted in the $ollo6ing phases;1
1. 'ite mobili*ation and establishment
2. '3rveying7 testing and soil investigations
3. '3bstr3ct3re8 >cavations & re1in$orcements
4. )iling and $o3ndations
+. 'tr3ct3ral steel erection
!. Concrete $rame constr3ction
5. )re1cast $loors and panels
". >ternal claddings and roo$ing
9. Finishes / )lastering8 screeding & $loor $inishing
1(. Carpentry and joinery
11. 'ervices / pl3mping and mechanical
,he projects are administered $rom the site o$$ices 6hich are located at the site o$ constr3ction
and have administrative sta$$s incl3ding cleaners7 o$$ice boys etc. 'ite o$$ice also has o$$ice
space $or the client and cons3ltant representatives. All sta$$s and 6or-ers are o$ age above 21
years and company does not employ $emale sta$$ on project sites. ,he normal 6or-ing ho3rs
$or the company is $rom (5(( ho3rs to 19(( ho3rs and 6or-ers are rotated not to e>ceed more
than " ho3rs a day7 ! days a 6ee-. 2ight 6or- i$ re43ired does not e>ceed beyond 22(( ho3rs.
,he site o$$ices are mar-ed and $enced 6ith proper access controls8 sec3rity gates. lectricity
and 6ater s3pply are provided by the 3tility distrib3tion company. Besides7 that the company
has a n3mber o$ generators installed as standby. A 6or-shop is established 6ithin the site
premises to carry o3t carpentry7 6elding7 steel $i>ing8 c3tting jobs. A vehicle maintenance area
is earmar-ed a6ay $rom the constr3ction area 6ithin the site premises $or cleaning7 general
servicing etc. ,here is a canteen managed by a s3b contractor 6hich caters $or the 6or-ers8
sta$$ $ood. Ade43ate n3mber o$ toilets and drin-ing 6ater $acility is established by the company.
First aiders and $irst aid bo> is available to cater $or minor inj3ries. ,he nearest hospital and civil
de$ense $acilities are 2 -ms a6ay $rom the site location.
1.4 L-5(6 E)0%41)&-)/
Cnited Arab mirates has primarily t6o -ey reg3lation iss3ed as a $ederal decree7 The
Ministerial Order 32 <19"2= and UAE Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs <Federal La6 2o.
"819"(=7 6hich broadly covers the main responsibilities o$ employers and employees on health
& sa$ety a$$airs. ,here are no interpretations or associated ACo)s and g3idelines available. Ab3
Dhabi m3nicipality is the p3blic a3thority 6ho reg3lates the health & sa$ety on all development
activities in the emirates. Ab3 Dhabi M3nicipality %ealth & 'a$ety g3idelines are based on the
CD standards and it covers all activities on a constr3ction site. UAE Ministry of Health
Regulations reg3late all health related a$$airs in the co3ntry.
By the virt3e o$ the company operating as a branch o$ Cnited Dingdom <CD=7 the CD reg3lations
are also applicable on all its operations. ,he Legal system in CA is similar to CD la6 and is
divided into t6o branches7 the criminal and the civil. A single sa$ety violation co3ld lead both to
civil and a criminal la6 action. :n general7 the company is also vicario3sly liable $or the
damages ca3sed by employees 6hile they are acting in the co3rse o$ their employment and as
a reasonable employee 6o3ld act. All iss3es concerned 6ith rights and d3ties o$ individ3als 6ill
be dealt 3nder civil la6s. Criminal la6 characteri*es certain -ind o$ 6rongdoing as o$$ences
against the state7 not necessarily violating the rights o$ individ3als7 and p3nishable by the state.
Cnli-e CD there are no separate co3rt systems $or Civil and Criminal cases in CA. ,he
en$orcement a3thority in health and sa$ety matters is the %ealth and 'a$ety section o$ CA
Labor department or the local a3thority i.e.7 Ab3 Dhabi M3nicipality acting on its behal$.
,here$ore7 the most important piece o$ legislation covering occ3pational health and sa$ety in the
6or-place is the Health and Safety at or! Act "#$% <%'0 1954=. :t speci$ies the general
d3ties placed on employers and employees.
Constr3ction <Design and Management= .eg3lations 2((5 <CDM 2((5= is the -ey reg3lations
$or the constr3ction sector. ,he reg3lations are made 3nder the Health and Safety at or! Act
"#$%. ,he Approved Code o$ )ractice <ACo)= Managing health and sa$ety in constr3ction.
&onstruction '(esign and Manage)ent* Regulations 2++$ helps to ens3re they $ollo6 the CDM
2((5. Follo6ing the g3idance given in the ACo) ens3res that the d3ty holder comply 6ith the
minim3m accepted standards. ,he ACo) also incl3des a copy o$ the original CDM 2((5
,he other main so3rce o$ legal r3les relating to health and sa$ety in the constr3ction ind3stry
are the $ollo6ing reg3lations and are c3rrently in $orce;1
1. The &onstruction 'Head protection* regulations "#,# - is designed to provide protection7
so $ar as is reasonably practicable7 against $oreseeable ris-s o$ inj3ry to the head to
6hich the 6or-ers are e>posed in a constr3ction atmosphere.
2. The &onstruction 'Health. Safety and elfare* Regulations "##/- ,hese .eg3lations
impose re43irements 6ith respect to the health7 sa$ety and 6el$are o$ persons at 6or-
carrying o3t Gconstr3ction 6or-G. ,he arrangements in the reg3lation cover all activities
on a constr3ction site.
3. The Lifting Operations and Lifting E0uip)ent Regulations "##, <in association 6ith The
1ro2ision and Use of or! E0uip)ent Regulations "##,* and associated ACo)s and
g3idelines; 'imple g3ide to )C0. 9" :2D# 291@ 'a$e Cse o$ Ladders & 'tep
Ladders; An employer?s g3ide. / Applicable to all li$ting e43ipment and operations as
6ell as access e43ipments and other machineries and tools 3sed d3ring a constr3ction
4. The or!ing at Heights Regulations 2++3 and associated ACo) :2D# 4(11 For all
activities 6here a person co3ld be inj3ring $alling7 even i$ it is at or belo6 gro3nd level.
Also incl3des moving aro3nd at a place o$ 6or-7 b3t not travel to or $rom a place o$
+. The &ontrol of Substances Ha4ardous to Health Regulations 2++2- Applicable $or
activities involving handling ha*ardo3s s3bstances li-e paints7 solvents7 cement etc
d3ring the constr3ction 6or-s.
!. The Health and Safety '&onsultation 5ith E)ployees* Regulations "##/6 - Cons3ltation
6ith employees 6ho are not represented by sa$ety representatives 3nder the 1955
.eg3lations. %ence7 the company shall cons3lt those employees in good time on
matters relating to their health and sa$ety at 6or- and.
5. E)ployers7 Liability &o)pulsory 8nsurance Act "#/# 9 and associated g3idelines7 A
:uide for E)ployers HSE %+'re2"* - Company is re43ired by the la6 to ins3re against
liability $or inj3ry or disease to their employees arising o3t o$ their employment.
,6 Social Security Act '&lai)s and 1ay)ents* Regulations "#$#
9. Reporting of 8n;uries. (iseases and (angerous Occurrences Regulations "##3
'R8((OR* - .eporting o$ $atalities7 serio3s inj3ries and dangero3s occ3rrences.
:n addition7 there are a n3mber o$ relevant reg3lations that 6ere passed in order to comply 6ith
C directives on type e>amination certi$icates o$ approval and 3ropean Cnion <C= directives.
,hese incl3de;
1. &onstruction 1lant and E0uip)ent 'Har)onisation of <oise E)ission Standards*
.eg3lations 19"" <as amended=
2. =alling Ob;ect 1rotecti2e Structure for &onstruction 1lant <C .e43irements=
.eg3lations 19""
3. Roll-o2er 1rotecti2e Structures for &onstruction 1lant <C .e43irements= .eg3lations
4. Constr3ction 'ites Directive <928+58C=
+. 0or-ing ,ime Directive <9381(48C=
2.1 D-'.4%2/%1)
,he Company operates a %' Management 'ystem in accordance 6ith the Cnited Dingdom
%ealth and 'a$ety >ec3tive g3idance doc3ment %'#!+ H'3ccess$3l %ealth and 'a$ety
ManagementI and also embraces the principle o$ O%'A' 1"((1HOcc3pational %ealth and
'a$ety Management 'ystemsI.
,he %ealth & 'a$ety Management 'ystem o$ the company remains str3ct3red in 3 parts.
)art 1 the )olicy Doc3ment8 statement o$ intent7 states ho6 the company top management
implement their %'& )olicy and are 6idely displayed on company notice boards. :t gives
others an overvie6 o$ their management system.
)art 2 contains Company )roced3res7 g3idance notes and -ey standard $orms 1 the Jho6 to? o$
the system. '3pporting doc3ments s3ch as chec-lists and generic $orms are re$erenced $rom
here. :t broadly covers the $ollo6ing;1
1. Organi*ing
2. )lanning and :mplementation
3. )er$ormance meas3rement
4. A3dit and revie6
)art 3 comprises s3pporting doc3mentation and g3idance and incl3des some generic
doc3mentation7 toolbo> tal-s7 %a*ard chec-lists and sa$ety 'tandards $or common operations
and tas-s.
T7- HS8E M()(5-&-)/ S3'/-&9 :#(4/ 2;9 .1)/(%)' /7- <1661=%)5 '-./%1)'>
'ection 1; Man3al 'tr3ct3re & :n$ormation / ,his introd3ction also incl3des 3se$3l contacts7
abbreviations7 and in$ormation so3rces.
'ection 2; %ealth& 'a$ety .esponsibilities gives details o$ speci$ic %ealth & 'a$ety responsibili1
ties $or -ey appointments7 vario3s departments & company employees.
'ection 3; CDM7 Contract start7 commissioning & handover gives g3idance on the CDM d3ties
o$ clients7 designers7 planning s3pervisors7 principal contractors and s3b contractors. #3idance
is provided $or prod3cing the health & sa$ety $ile and post contract 6or-s.
'ection 4; .is- Assessment / ,here is g3idance o$ a general ris- assessment and $or 3n3s3al
activities at design phases. :t also covers the prod3ction and the iss3e o$ 6or- permits.
'ection +; )roced3res $or inspection & a3dit gives g3idance on those inspections that m3st be
carried o3t as re43ired by the la6 and by the company. ,his incl3des the sa$ety programmes
and monthly chec-s. #3idance on disciplinary proced3res is also in this section $or 3se d3ring
the projects.
'ection !; :ncident reporting & investigation describes ho6 accidents and incidents are
managed and reported. :t also gives g3idance in accident investigation7 compiling in$ormation
and dealing 6ith ins3rance claims.
'ection 5; )er$ormance indicators / ,his section provides g3idance on active and reactive
per$ormance meas3rements and completing monthly %ealth & sa$ety reports.
'ection "; 0el$are & site establishment details the minim3m standards $or all 6el$are $acilities
6hether in a $i>ed location or site location.
'ection 9; Fire & mergency plans provide g3idance on planning $or $ire and emergency in
permanent establishments7 temporary accommodations or on site.
'ection 1(; Occ3pational health gives g3idance on controlling ris-s to health $rom many
so3rces in the 6or- place incl3ding vibration7 CO'%% materials.
'ection 11; )lant & tools gives g3idance on controlling ris-s thro3gh proc3rement7 operator
competence7 3se and maintenance7 incl3ding stat3tory inspections.
'ection 12; Filing7 revie6 and provide g3idance in general on contin3al improvement7 learning
$rom e>perience.
2.2 Gap Analysis of Company Health & Safety Management System
M()(5-&-)/ S3'/-& S-./%1)
G(2$ C1&&-)/'
0ritten policy8 statement o$ intent 6hich is signed
dated and comm3nicated to all employees
)art Kes 'tatement o$ intent <)olicy doc3ment= is
not dated and is not comm3nicated to all.
%ealth & 'a$ety o$ employees considered as an
important b3siness objective by top management
,op management committed to contin3o3s
A named senior manager is appointed $or overall
responsibility $or implementing health and sa$ety
2o person by name is appointed to ta-e
overall responsibility $or health and sa$ety
)olicy enco3rages involvement o$ employees and
sa$ety representatives in the health & sa$ety e$$ort.
:ncl3des a commitment to ens3ring that all employees
are competent to do their jobs sa$ely 6itho3t ris-s to
.esponsibilities clearly de$ined to all personnel
incl3ding managers7 s3pervisors and team leaders.
)art Kes .esponsibilities o$ top management is not
All personnel incl3ding manager7 s3pervisor and team
leaders accept their responsibilities and have
ade43ate time and reso3rces and competence to
$3l$ill them
2o de$ined b3dget has been allocated $or
health and sa$ety programmes )3
All personnel incl3ding managers7 s3pervisors and
team leaders $3lly a6are o$ 6hat to do and ho6 they
6ill be held acco3ntable $or health & 'a$ety.
:denti$ication o$ people responsible $or partic3lar
health and sa$ety jobs incl3ding those re43iring
special e>pertise <e.g. %& ' Advisors=
Ade43ate %ealth and sa$ety persons are
not identi$ied8 recr3ited.
Assessment o$ e>perience7 -no6ledge and s-ills
needed to carry o3t all tas-s sa$ely
2o mployee training re43irements are not
comm3nicated to the employee and
M()(5-&-)/ S3'/-& S-./%1)
G(2$ C1&&-)/'
appropriate s3pervisors
'ystem $or ens3ring ade43ate instr3ction and training
$or all employees incl3ding managers7 s3pervisors
and temporary sta$$.
2o 2o clear training b3dget8 $acility allocated )2
:denti$ication o$ speci$ic training7 s-ills and e>perience
assessment system $or people doing ha*ardo3s 6or-
2o competency based training is
identi$ied <2o training matri> developed=
Arrangements $or gaining access to specialist advice
and help 6hen needed
'ystem $or ens3ring competence needs and are met
6hile recr3iting7 promote or trans$er people or 6hen
people are assigned health & 'a$ety responsibilities
%ealth & 'a$ety competency
assessments are not administered as part
o$ recr3itment8 promotion process
Cons3ltation 6ith employees and employee sa$ety
representative on all iss3es that a$$ect %ealth & 'a$ety
at 6or-.
%ealth & 'a$ety committee has not been
$ormed and meetings are not held as per
Active health and sa$ety committee chaired by
director8 senior manager and employees $rom all
divisions are represented.
2o Meetings are held seldom and senior
managers do not attend
:nvolvement o$ 6or-$orce in preparing health and
sa$ety improvement plans7 revie6ing per$ormance7
3nderta-ing ris- assessments7 preparing sa$ety1
related r3les and proced3res7 investigating incidents
and problem solving.
)art Kes
mployee involvement only in incident
investigations. 2o system o$ addressing
employee s3ggestions available
Arrangements $or cooperating and coordinating 6ith
contractors and employment agencies 6hose
employees 6or- at site on health and sa$ety matters. Kes
'3b1contractors are given a copy o$
company %ealth & 'a$ety plan and
re43ire their plan to be in line 6ith the
company re43irements.
:ncl3ding health and sa$ety on the agenda o$ reg3lar
management meetings and brie$ings.
2o %ealth & 'a$ety is disc3ssed only in
sa$ety meetings
Availability o$ in$ormation on ha*ards7 ris-s and
control meas3res and sa$e system o$ 6or- in place
M()(5-&-)/ S3'/-& S-./%1)
G(2$ C1&&-)/'
6hich can be easily accessed in the relevant 6or-
All levels o$ managements are approachable on
health and sa$ety iss3es and enco3rage sta$$ to
disc3ss health and sa$ety matters.
,op management7 managers and team leaders
comm3nicate their commitment to health and sa$ety
thro3gh sel$ e>ample.
)art Kes
'ystem $or %a*ard :denti$ication7 .is- Assessment
and ho6 to control them and sa$e system o$ 6or-.
)art Kes
Only generic ha*ard assessment has
been carried o3t. ach applicable job has
not been eval3ated 3sing a ris-
assessment system. 2o ha*ard registry
)lanning and sched3ling health and sa$ety
improvement meas3res and prioriti*ing their
implementation based on the nat3re and ris- rating.
Arrangements $or meas3rable7 realistic and time
bo3nd health and sa$ety targets agreed 6ith
managers and s3pervisors.
Objectives and targets are not revie6ed
and 3pdated ann3ally and no action plan
is maintained to achieve the targets
)roc3rement <premises7 plant7 e43ipment and ra6
materials= and s3pply proced3res ta-e acco3nt o$
health and sa$ety at the appropriate stage be$ore
implementation o$ the activity.
,a-e acco3nt o$ health and sa$ety d3ring design
processes7 e43ipment proced3res7 6or- systems and
%ealth and sa$ety r3les and proced3res <)art 2= in
place covering day to day 6or- activities7 $oreseeable
abnormal sit3ations and maintenance 6or-.
mergency response proced3res
)art Kes
)roced3re is in place b3t no
testing8eval3ation o$ the emergency plan
is cond3cted at correct intervals <at least
0el$are arrangements <living7 canteen7 toilets7 Kes
M()(5-&-)/ S3'/-& S-./%1)
G(2$ C1&&-)/'
6ashing8 changing $acilities7 rest etc= incl3ding
medical $acilities and health management8 monitoring
:ntrod3cing D):s <Dey )er$ormance :ndicators= to
meas3re the per$ormance in %ealth & 'a$ety
Arrangement $or doc3menting and comm3nicating the
inspection7 monitoring and incident investigation
Arrangement $or monitoring per$ormance o$ health
and sa$ety plan and to meas3re the targets and
objectives set.
)art Kes ,argets are not revie6ed )3
Availability o$ pro active monitoring involving testing7
inspecting and cons3ltation methods to ens3re that
controls are 6or-ing properly and the r3les and
proced3res are $ollo6ed and all the standards set are
Arrangement $or reactive monitoring li-e investigating
accidents7 incidents7 near misses and ha*ardo3s
:denti$ying reasons $or s3bstandard per$ormances in
health and sa$ety.
Arrangements $or dealing 6ith sit3ations that have
created ris- 6ith priority being given 6here the ris-s
are greatest.
Arrangements $or analy*ing the ca3ses o$ potentially
serio3s events to identi$y the root ca3ses incl3ding
shortcomings in sa$ety management system
'ystem $or reg3lar a3dits o$ sa$ety management
system by competent independent a3ditors <internal8
)art Kes :nade43ate n3mber o$ trained and
competent a3ditors
M()(5-&-)/ S3'/-& S-./%1)
G(2$ C1&&-)/'
Cse a3dit reports and inspection reports in$ormation
to revie6 the operation o$ sa$ety management system
and sa$ety per$ormance.
.evie6 o$ objectives set to chec- i$ they are met in
the agreed timescales.
Objectives not revie6ed
Analy*e a3dit reports and in$ormation 3sed to identi$y
$3t3re improvement targets and to identi$y partic3lar
ca3ses o$ accident7 ill health or poor control o$ ris- to
target $or $3t3re ris- red3ction e$$ort.
2o Objectives are not revie6ed and ne6
targets are not set
Benchmar-ing the per$ormance o$ the sa$ety
management system against other similar b3siness
gro3p or sel$ monitor improvement over time.
? #4%14%/%-' @A'/%<%.(/%1)
)1 1 %igh priority since the non1compliance co3ld lead to an immediate lose or en$orcement actions. ,he action re43ires to be ta-en 6ithin
113 6ee-s
)2 1 2o immediate impact7 b3t i$ not complied health & sa$ety cannot be managed e$$iciently. ,he action needs to be ta-en 6ithin 1 month
)3 1 2o immediate impact. Action needs to be ta-en $or an over all e$$ective management & meas3rement o$ health & sa$ety management
system and avoid non compliances $rom e>ternal a3ditors and en$orcement a3thorities. Action needs to be closed 6ithin 3 months.
S.N1 H(B(4*' A./%0%/3$ R-6-0().- L%C-63 I&26%.(/%1)' ? #4%14%/3 ??
3.1 #73'%.(6 H(B(4*'
Lehicle movement 1
'tr3c-8 cr3shed by
moving vehicles
Mane3vering vehicles7 plant and e43ipments 6or-ing
in close vicinity to people7 visitors8 p3blic. 0or-ing
near tra$$ic areas and poor gro3nd conditions.
Fatalities7 serio3s personnel inj3ries7
property damages7 prod3ctivity loses.
>cavation collapse1
b3ried8 cr3shed8
trapped8 s3$$ocation
0hile carrying o3t s3b str3ct3re and $o3ndation
Fatalities7 asphy>iation and serio3s
inj3ries to personnel
'tri-ing e>isting
D3e to e>cavations that are done to lay $o3ndations7
s3bstr3ct3res and services li-e electrical cables7
6ater connections and drainage connections.
Fire and e>plosions7 electroc3tion7
m3ltiple $atalities and serio3s inj3ries7
disr3ption o$ services7 p3blic
discom$ort7 property damage etc
4 Cnstable str3ct3res
D3e to e>cavations in near vicinity 6ith ins3$$iciently
s3pported sides
Collapse o$ nearby b3ildings and
str3ct3res7 serio3s m3ltiple inj3ries
and $atalities
:ntr3sive occ3rrences
1 s3$$ocating 8
Li-e gro3nd6ater7 $looding7 se6age7 smo-e7 gas
lea-age etc 6hile doing e>cavations
Asphy>iation7 serio3s health e$$ects7
death d3e to s3$$ocation and inhalation
o$ to>ic gases7 collapse o$ trenches.
! 'lips trips and $alls
Cneven7 slippery s3r$aces7 trailing cables $rom
electrical e43ipment8 temporary electrical
connections7 open $loors and e>cavations7 3se o$
stairs or contaminated ladders.
'erio3s inj3ries leading li-e c3ts7 bone
$ract3res and death i$ a$$ected $rom a
height or onto sharp s3r$aces.
0or-ing at height 1
e>posed to
3nprotected edges8
0or-ing on $ragile roo$7 ladder7 6or-ing8 erecting
sca$$old8 6or-ing near 3nprotected e>cavation
edges. )resence o$ $loor openings. Cnprotected
hoists7 loading8 3nloading $rom tr3c-s7 emergency
resc3es at height etc.
)ossible $all o$ personnel and material
leading to $atalities and serio3s
S.N1 H(B(4*' A./%0%/3$ R-6-0().- L%C-63 I&26%.(/%1)' ? #4%14%/3 ??
" Falling objects
Collapse o$ sides o$ deep e>cavations7 brea-ing o$
edges7 inade43ate 6or-ing plat$orms7 li$ting
e43ipment $ail3res7 3nsec3red load on sca$$old
plat$orms and passenger hoists etc.
Fatalities and serio3s inj3ries to
personnel especially on head.
43ipment damages by $alling on8 to
the gro3nd
9 lectroc3tion
'tri-ing e>isting electrical services d3ring
e>cavation. ,emporary electrical connections. Cse o$
electrical e43ipments li-e grinders7 lightings etc.
0or-ing in damp conditions. )ortable electrical
e43ipments li-e heaters7 -ettles and ovens might be
3sed in o$$ice -itchen.
M3ltiple $atalities7 b3rns7 ventric3lar
$ibrillation. 'econdary $alls leading to
1( Fire and e>plosion
Fire8 e>plosion co3ld arise $rom stri-ing e>isting
services7 $a3lty electrics or overloading o$ joints7 b3l-
storage o$ easily b3rnt 6aste materials and
$lammable materials li-e diesel7 solvents8thinners
etc7 smo-ing o$ personnel and arson.
Death m3ltiple $atalities and inj3ries7
serio3s property damage and
environmental damages.
11 :mpact7 cr3shing
Li$ting7 lo6ering and moving o$ loads by cranes or
machineries <concrete p3mps7 vibrators etc= or d3e
to materials $alling $rom height and moving plant
'erio3s inj3ries li-e cont3sions7
$ract3res etc.
)lant and machinery
Operations and
)resence o$ heavy li$ting cranes7 e>cavators7 piling
e43ipment and their movement on the site and
possible r3nning into e>cavations and 6or-ing on
slopes and on a so$t standing gro3nd.
,oppling o$ e43ipments7 $alling o$
loads onto persons ca3sing serio3s
inj3ries leading to death. 43ipment
Moving objects8
)lacing o$ steel 6or-. Clos3re o$ joints7 base plate
pac-ing etc.
Cr3shing and trapping o$ limbs
ca3sing serio3s inj3ries li-e $ract3res.
Contact 6ith
overhead lines
Movement and 6or-ing o$ high boom li$ting
e43ipments li-e crane8 M0)s.
lectroc3tion7 serio3s b3rns and
Contact 6ith rotating
parts and static
Cse o$ circ3lar sa6s and grinders. #ear mechanisms
o$ e43ipment.
ntanglement o$ clothes leading to
inj3ries7 c3ts and br3ises7 $riction
b3rns etc.
1! Collapse o$ str3ct3re
,emporary 6or-s and d3ring sca$$old erections7
overloading o$ plat$orms7 presence o$ e>cavations
close to str3ct3re.
Falling on8o$ people leading to m3ltiple
inj3ries and death. 43ipment8
property damages.
S.N1 H(B(4*' A./%0%/3$ R-6-0().- L%C-63 I&26%.(/%1)' ? #4%14%/3 ??
Man3al handling 1
M'D <M3sc3lo
s-eletal disorders=
Movement o$ components and accessories7
3nloading materials $rom vehicles li-e bloc-s and
bric-s7 compressed gas cylinders7 testing
e43ipments etc. Also 6hile erecting sca$$olds and
man3al e>cavations.
'trains7 bac- pains leading to chronic
m3sc3lo1 s-eletal disorders7 load
dropping over the $eet leading to
$ract3res and personnel inj3ries.
'tepping on nails
and sharp objects
)resence o$ loose 3sed sh3ttering materials $or
casting7 bro-en glass pieces and sharp objects on
site d3e to improper ho3se-eeping. 0or-ers not
6earing sa$ety shoes.
:njection 6o3nds7 p3nct3res7 c3ts and
possible contact 6ith contaminated
blood leading to serio3s health e$$ects
li-e hepatitis and A:D'
%a*ardo3s s3r$aces 1
B3rn7 )3nct3re7
)resence o$ hot s3r$aces7 projecting parts o$
e43ipment7 sharp edges and ends o$ machineries8
materials. Cng3arded protr3ding bars
B3rns7 c3ts7 p3nct3res and 6o3nds )2
)ossibility o$ $ail3re o$ motors and short circ3its in
mechanical e43ipments li-e circ3lar sa6s7 grinders7
c3tters7 generators7 compressors etc.
lectroc3tion7 $ire and inj3ries d3e to
overr3n and brea-ing 3p o$ the
e43ipment8 part o$ the e43ipment7 eye
inj3ries d3e to compressors.
Cse o$ damaged and
improper hand tools
and po6er tools
Brea-ing8 mal$3nctioning o$ hammers7 chisels etc
and po6er tools li-e drillers7 jac- hammers
ye inj3ry7 inj3ry to hand8 limbs and
ntering con$ined
)resence o$ pipe chambers7 service holes7
manholes7 deep e>cavations etc.
Death d3e to asphy>iation8
s3$$ocation7 M'Ds7 $ire and e>plosion7
serio3s m3ltiple inj3ries and property
damage. Di$$ic3lty in resc3e
S.N1 H(B(4* A./%0%/3$ R-6-0().- L%C-63 I&26%.(/%1)'? #4%14%/3 ??
3.2 H-(6/7 H(B(4*'
Chemical ha*ards
:ngestion8 Contact
6ith ha*ardo3s8
harm$3l s3bstances=
'par-s and inhalation o$ $3mes $rom 6elding7 paints7
cement handling7 lime and mortar mi>ing7 chemical
gro3ts and additives. Contact 6ith asbestos is also
possible 6hile demolishing some e>isting b3ildings
or doing modi$ication 6or-s. D3ring maintenance
6or-s and cleaning and dosing 6or-s.
Chemical b3rns7 cement b3rns7 eye
inj3ries7 ac3te dermatitis7 chronic
asthmas7 l3ngs disorders and can
lead to cancer.
2 D3st
D3ring the demolition7 grinding7 blasting7 c3tting
bric-s7 6ood c3tting and d3ring vehicle movement
on dry sand.
L3ngs disorders7 co3ghing8 cho-ing7
eye inj3ries and possible cancer.
3 2oise
)resence o$ heavy e43ipment 6or-ing7 vehicle
movement7 generators7 compressors etc.
%earing loss7 tinnit3s7 complaints $rom
neighbors7 environment poll3tion
4 Libration
Cse o$ heavy e43ipments and hand tools li-e
e>cavators7 loaders7 drilling8piling e43ipment7
compactors & pne3matic tools7 brea-ers7
compressors 7 generators7 tra$$ic movement.
Libration ind3ced illnesses <L0F7
%AL' etc=
rgonomic1 Bad
6or-ing positions
:nade43ate 6or-ing space. :mproper 6or- station
design and D' $or o$$ice 6or-ers and $or 6or-ers
involved in man3al handling and repetitive jobs li-e
loading and 3nloading. 0or-ing in con$ined spaces
M3sc3los-eletal disorders <M'Ds=7
'tress7 loss o$ vision7
! 'tress or $ear
Long ho3rs o$ 6or- especially at night amidst noise7
d3st etc. )ress3res $rom s3pervisors and d3e to
poor health conditions and inade43ate 6el$are
arrangements and domestic iss3es. Lac- o$ job
sec3rity. Lone 6or-ing by e43ipment operators.
Lac- o$ prod3ctivity7 s3icidal
tendencies7 possible ignoring ha*ards
and ca3sing serio3s inj3ries to sel$
and others. Leads to violent behavior.
,emperat3re 1 %eat
Con$ined space 6or-ing especially hot 6or-s.
.e43irements to 6or- in open7 h3mid and hot and
d3sty conditions
%eat cramps7 s3n b3rns7 di**iness7
3nconscio3sness and possible death.
S.N1 H(B(4* A./%0%/3$ R-6-0().- L%C-63 I&26%.(/%1)'? #4%14%/3 ??
%ygiene and health 1
Biological ha*ards
<bacterial7 viral7
:nade43ate n3mber o$ toilets7 drin-ing8 eating
$acilities. ,oilets not reg3larly cleaned and eating and
resting in presence o$ 6aste and decomposing and
microbiological materials.
#astro intestinal disorders7 na3sea7
diarrhea7 legionnaires7 6eils diseases
9 Collecting 6aste
Lot o$ demolition debris <co3ld incl3de asbestos=@
concrete8constr3ction and other 6astes $rom
canteen and $irst aid clinic are prevalent on site.
%ealth disorders li-e asbestosis7
hepatitis8 A:D'7 c3t and p3nct3re
inj3ries d3ring collection and
segregation o$ 6astes.
>pos3re to
.adiation <ioni*ing8
M ray testing o$ 6elding and joints o$ components
are held on site <pipe joints $or e>=. Laser8 in$ra red
and radio $re43encies e43ipment 3sed $or level
reading and s3rveying. CL radiation $rom 6elding.
.adiation sic-nesses and serio3s
damages to body cells and tiss3es
incl3ding serio3s s-in and eye inj3ries.
3.3 O/7-4 H(B(4*'
)oor lighting8
D3ring night 6or-ing 6itho3t ade43ate lightings or
d3e to $ail3re o$ lightings. D3e to poor site layo3t7
high vision obstr3cting machineries7 str3ct3res7
b3ildings7 people and material movers8vehicles.
'lips7 trips and $alls leading to serio3s
inj3ries7 stress7 overloo-ing ris-s7
hitting against e43ipment and vehicles
leading to serio3s inj3ries and
accidents 6hile driving and operating
Adverse 6eather
.opes and e43ipment becoming 3nstable tangled or
t6isted in the 6ind. 'lippery 6al-ing s3r$aces.
)ossibility o$ strong 6inds a$$ecting the li$ting
activities and high 6or-ing plat$orms and 6or-
re43iring high reaches li-e 3se o$ a M0).
'lips and $alls7 loss o$ control o$ li$ting
e43ipment7 $alling o$ materials ca3sing
serio3s personnel inj3ries and
damages to e43ipment and $acilities.
Cn$amiliarity 6ith site
Lisitors and s3ppliers co3ld visit the constr3ction site
6itho3t being properly ind3cted.
'erio3s inj3ries by contacting e>isting
ris-s on site.
,ress passers8
children8 )3blic
)resence o$ inhabited area7 p3blic and road.
)ossibility o$ trespassing incl3ding children
'erio3s inj3ries 3p to $atality by
contacting ris-s leading to legal
litigations. Arson by n3isance ma-ers
ca3sing $ire and serio3s property
S.N1 H(B(4* A./%0%/3$ R-6-0().- L%C-63 I&26%.(/%1)'? #4%14%/3 ??
+ )oor comm3nication
M3lti ling3al 6or-$orce not having a common
lang3age. 'ignals not tied 3p 6ith the riggers7 ban-s
men and the e43ipment operators li-e cranes.
:nstr3ctions not conveyed correctly7
leading to negative impact o$
operations ca3sing serio3s personnel
and property damages.
! First Aid & 0el$are
:mmediate $acility $or treatment7 cleaning o$ 6o3nd7
allergies and dermatitis might be re43ired 6hile
6or-ing 6ith harm$3l s3bstances and conditions.
.e43irement o$ rest areas re43ired especially d3ring
2ot administering ac3te inj3ry
conditions leading to chronic8
aggravating the inj3ry or conditions.
%eat e>ha3stion7 dehydration7 stress
etc d3e to lac- o$ rest.
Liolence and
threatening behavior
)resence o$ other contractors and p3blic 6ith
di$$ering opinions and re43irements and also d3e to
6or-ers 3nder into>ication. )oor management by
immediate s3pervisors.
'erio3s physical inj3ries and legal
litigations and a$$ects morale.
? #4%14%/3 ()* @A'/%<%.(/%1)'
)1 ,he li-elihood and severity o$ this ha*ard to ta-e e$$ect is very high
)2 ,he li-elihood and severity o$ this ha*ard to ta-e e$$ect is medi3m
)3 ,he li-elihood and severity o$ this ha*ard to ta-e e$$ect is lo6
3.4 S-6-./%1) 1< S%5)%<%.()/ H(B(4*
)hysical %a*ard; 0or- at height 1 'ca$$olding
Falls $rom height8 sca$$olding plat$orms are the most common ca3se o$ $atal inj3ry and the
second most common ca3se o$ major inj3ry to employees in a constr3ction ind3stry. ,he
previo3s company incident 8 accident record sho6s that there have been more cases related to
6or-ing at height than any other ha*ards d3ring the constr3ction activity. 0or-ing on a
sca$$olding is 3nderta-en on a daily basis and the li-elihood o$ an incident happening is very
high. ,he control presently company has in place is not ade43ate and it co3ld $3rther lead to
major accidents.
%ealth %a*ard; 2oise d3e to Constr3ction Machineries & 43ipments
2oise and vibration are among the most 6idespread and 3nderestimated o$ health ha*ards.
%earing loss ca3sed by e>pos3re to noise at 6or- contin3es to be a signi$icant occ3pational
disease. ,here are many noisy tas-s in constr3ction. ,his means that 6or-ers may be e>posed
not only to the noise that their 6or- is ma-ing7 b3t also to the ambient7 or bac-gro3nd7 noise o$
other tas-s on site. A constr3ction site is crammed 6ith all -inds o$ heavy e43ipments7
machineries <static and mobile=7 constr3ction vehicles in a limited site bo3ndary 6hich emanate
a colossal amo3nt o$ noise. ,o 6orsen the scenario 6or-ers 6or- in close pro>imities to these
machineries. Besides the machineries7 activities li-e drilling7 demolition7 brea-ing7 piling etc
also release lot o$ noise 6hich a$$ects the persons in and near the constr3ction area badly. ,he
severity and li-elihood o$ hearing damage is very high in s3ch an atmosphere and the company
has not identi$ied noise as a signi$icant ha*ard and there are inade43ate controls and health
monitoring in place.
4.1 T7- 241.-'' ()* &-/71*16153 1< 4%'C (''-''&-)/.
,o do this ris- assessment the g3idelines in %'?s =i2e Steps to Ris! Assess)ent. HSE 8<(:
"/3're2 2* +/>+/ . 8<(: 3/2 <oise at 5or! - :uidance for e)ployers on the &ontrol of <oise at
or! Regulations 2++3 and 8<(: %+" - The or! at Height Regulations 2++3 'as a)ended* A
brief guide7 has been $ollo6ed.
'tep 1; :denti$ying %a*ards; by chec-ing $or any available doc3mented ris- assessments and
by 6al-ing aro3nd the 6or-place7 as-ing employees and their representatives7 man3$act3rer?s
instr3ctions or data sheets7 previo3s health and accident records and visiting %' 6ebsite in
constr3ction ind3stry area. .e$erring to applicable legislations li-e &ontrol of <oise at or!
regulations 2++3 and The or! at Height Regulations '2++3*6
'tep 2; 0ho might be harmed and ho6N ; by identi$ying and noting do6n the gro3ps o$ people
6ho 6o3ld be a$$ected li-e physically handicapped8 special need 6or-ers@ temporary 6or-ers7
contractors7 cleaners7 visitors7 members o$ the p3blic incl3ding children@ yo3ng 6or-ers8
trainees@ neighboring contractors and analy*ing ho6 the ha*ard co3ld harm them.
'tep 3; <a= Assess the potential severity o$ any loss based on the ha*ard reali*ing its $3ll
potential i$ the ha*ardo3s event occ3rs. .atings bet6een 1 and + are chosen;
1. Fatal 8 )ermanent disability
2. 'erio3s inj3ry 8 illness
3. Moderate inj3ry 8 :llness
4. Minor inj3ry 8 :llness
+. 'light inj3ry <2o lost time=. First Aid Case.
<b= Assess the Li-elihood o$ the %a*ard reali*ing its potential i$ no control
meas3res are p3t in place 3sing the $ollo6ing ratings;
1. Certain or imminent to happen
2. Lery Li-ely
3. Li-ely
4. May %appen
+. Cnli-ely
<c= .is- .ating is done based on the probability o$ the ha*ard res3lting in loss is
given as a n3merical $ig3re bet6een 1 and +. ,he rating is calc3lated by
m3ltiplying the severity $actor 6ith the li-elihood $actor7 giving a val3e to each on
a scale o$ 1 to 2+.
,he ris- rating is $3rther divided into Lo67 Medi3m and high in terms o$ its loss
potential and is divided into lo67 medi3m7 and high in terms o$ action time
re43ired avoiding the loss.
1 2 3 4 5
1 1 2 3 4 +
2 2 4 ! " 1(
3 3 ! 9 12 1+
4 4 " 12 1! 2(
5 + 1( 1+ 2( 2+
2( / 2+; Lo6 .is-
)ersonnel 6ith competency and s-ills to per$orm the job have the a3thority to proceed
a$ter verbally disc3ssing the job re43irements 6ith anyone per$orming the 6or- 6ith
them. May be acceptable@ ho6ever7 revie6 tas- to see i$ ris- can be red3ced $3rther.
4 / 1!; Medi3m .is-
Oob shall only proceed 6ith appropriate a3thori*ation a$ter cons3ltation 6ith %'&
personnel and assessment team. 0here possible7 the job shall be rede$ined to ta-e
acco3nt o$ the ha*ards involved or the ris- shall be red3ced $3rther prior starting the job.
:$ applicable7 a )ermit1to10or- shall be obtained
1/ 3; %igh .is-
,he job m3st not proceed 3ntil it has been rede$ined or $3rther control meas3res p3t in
place to red3ce ris-. ,he controls shall be re1assessed $or ade43acy prior to starting the
'tep 4 <a=; Chec-ing e>isting controls and preca3tions; by listing do6n the control proced3res.
,hey may incl3de method statements7 permit systems7 training and instr3ction or 3se o$
personal protective e43ipment etc. to 3nderta-e the tas- sa$ely. Cross re$erring to the
legislations and standards to assess the controls.
'tep 4 <b=; Assessing 6hat $3rther controls8 actions needs to be in place to red3ce ris-s to a
level o$ Jso $ar as reasonably practicable?. ,his resid3al ris- is calc3lated on the red3ced
Li-elihood and 'everity ratings7 6hich are a direct conse43ence o$ the control meas3re being
p3t in place.
'tep +; .evie6 1 D3e to possible addition o$ ne6 machines7 personnel7 s3bstances or
proced3res 6hich co3ld lead to ne6 ha*ards7 the ris- assessments 6o3ld be revie6ed and 6ill
ta-e acco3nt o$ ne6 ha*ards. :n addition to that7 periodically revie6 6ill be done to ens3re that
the preca3tions are still 6or-ing e$$ectively.
4.2 L-5(6 R-<-4-).-'
1. Management o$ %ealth and 'a$ety at 0or- .eg3lations 19997 'ec 3.
2. )rovision and Cse o$ 0or- 43ipment .eg3lations 199"
3. Constr3ction <%ealth7 'a$ety and 0el$are= .eg3lations 199!7 'ched3le 11+.
4. ,he 0or- at %eight .eg3lations <2((+=7 'ec !15
+. 2oise at 0or- .eg3lations 19"9
4.3 R%'C A''-''&-)/ D W14C (/ 7-%57/ E S.(<<16*%)5
EF%'/%)5 C1)/416' A**%/%1)(6 C1)/416' R-0%-=
0or-ing at
height 1
Fall o$ persons8
0or-ers 1at
height %igh
<1= 'ca$$olds are erected
on a $irm base 6ith sole
plates and base plates.
Ade43ate longit3dinal
and diagonal bracings
are provided and ties are
ade43ately $itted 6here
<2= #ang6ays8 e>posed
edges are protected by
top rails. All 6or-ing
plat$orms are provided
6ith top rail7 mid rail and
toe boards. Loose
materials to be tied bac-
near leading edge.
<3= Ladders8 step
ladders8 roo$ ladders7
proper temporary
are 3sed $or 6or-ing
above gro3nd.
<4= #3ardrails and toe1
boards are removed $or
<1= Constr3ct sca$$olds to comply 6ith Constr3ction
<0or-ing )laces= .eg3lations and British
'tandards B' 2 12"11.
<2= Design dra6ings to be prod3ced $or load1
bearing sca$$olds and non1standard str3ct3res.
Consider any additional plant7 e43ipment7
materials or sheeting that co3ld impose additional
loadings over and above the standard sca$$old
design loads.
<3= 0here sca$$olding is to be installed on
$ootpaths or p3blic areas7 consent to be ta-en $rom
Local A3thority <Ab3 Dhabi ,ra$$ic department= or
adjacent property o6ners. ,here$ore permissions
m3st be so3ght prior to 6or- commencing.
<4= Cse M0)s <Mobile elevated 6or-ing
plat$orms= and mobile access plat$orms $or
temporary 6or-s.
<+= liminate protr3ding edges1 i$ not possible
6arning signs and banners m3st be p3t in place to
6arn employees.
<!= All sca$$old plan-s and -ic-1boards to be 6ell
sec3red to sca$$old str3ct3re to prevent
or 6hen
location is
and ne6
is earlier.
0or-ers 6or-ing
3nder the area
Cleaners %igh
)3blic 1 d3e to
material $alling8
EF%'/%)5 C1)/416' A**%/%1)(6 C1)/416' R-0%-=
access and are replaced
a$ter access has been
gained. Cn3sed ladder
gaps have boards $itted
to close them o$$.
<+= '3itable signs
<%a*ard $alling objects 8
0or- at height= and
barriers are positioned
directly belo6 6or-s to
6arn o$ overhead
<!= Area 3nderneath the
6or-ing area is cordoned
and mar-ed 6ith sa$ety
6arning tapes.
<5= 'ca$$oldings are
erected by carpenters
and $itters $ollo6ing
instr3ctions s3pervised
by the line s3pervisor.
<"= 'ca$$olding inspection
is done by the s3pervisor
every month and
inspection record is
maintained in the o$$ice.
<9= Ladders are removed
<5= Cse o3triggers8 g3y ropes to s3pport the
<"= ,ies removed $or any p3rpose to be replaced or
alternative ties $itted7 at once.
<9= 2o access $or persons to 6al- directly 3nder
the sca$$olding. A $lagman to be employed to 6arn
the passers by8 p3blic.
<1(= F3ll edge protection & passive restraint s3ch
as nets and airbags. to be provided.
<11=Ladder to e>tent 1 m or + r3ngs above the
<12= Appoint competent person to inspect all the
height access e43ipment <sca$$olds7 ladders etc
and s3pervise its erection and approval $or 6or-.
Cse only registered sca$$olders 3nder the direction
o$ a ,emporary 0or-s Co1coordinator
<13= ,ra$$ic movements 6ill be restricted aro3nd
sca$$old bases. >cavations adjacent to sca$$old
bases 6ill be monitored to ens3re the stability o$
the str3ct3re is not a$$ected.
<14= All sca$$olding m3st be inspected be$ore it is
$irst 3sed in that position@ 0here conditions may
ca3se deterioration o$ the str3ct3re@ 0ithin a 5 day
period <Minim3m 6ee-ly inspection= or as speci$ied
by the ,emporary 0or- Coordinator or the
EF%'/%)5 C1)/416' A**%/%1)(6 C1)/416' R-0%-=
or covered to prevent
3na3thori*ed access
6hen 6or- is not in
<1(= All sca$$olds more
than 2m height $rom $loor
levels is protected
against $all o$ material by
closing the edges by the
means o$ toe1boards.
<11= :nd3ction training
incl3des the preca3tions
to be ta-en $or 6or-ing at
<12= 0eather is
$orecasted prior to
commencing the activity
at high and avoid i$ any
advance 6arning
available thro3gh
<13= 'a$ety belts are
provided $or 6or-ers 6ith
single lanyard. %ard hats
are 6orn by everyone.
<1+= 'ca$$tags to be $i>ed signed and mar-ed
green on a daily basis by the line s3pervisor 3sing
the e43ipment.
<1!= 0aste materials to be trans$erred thro3gh
material lo6ering devices8 a 6aste ch3te attached
to the main standards.
<15= 0or- 6ill be monitored to ens3re that
additional preca3tions and e43ipment is ta-en into
3se i$ edge protection is removed and no
3na3thori*ed alterations are made on access
<1"= ,raining8toolbo> tal-s and instr3ctions to be
provided to all operatives and s3pervisory sta$$
involved in the 3se o$ s3spension e43ipment s3ch
as lines and harnesses7 and ho6 to inspect and
assess )) o$ this type be$ore 3se.

<19= Maintain good ho3se-eeping Loo- $or and
remove n3ts7 6ashers7 cords7 rope & tools Deep
loose parts and pieces in sec3re containers or non
ha*ardo3s area. Clean 3p and properly dispose o$
le$t over materials.
<21= 0here edge protection is removed $or access7
or is not reasonably practicable7 personal
s3spension e43ipment <sa$ety harness= 6ith t6o
lanyard and provision $or sec3ring8 hoo-ing to be
3sed by operatives 6or-ing at or near the edge.
4.4 R%'C A''-''&-)/ D N1%'- *A- /1 C1)'/4A./%1) M(.7%)-4%-' 8 EGA%2&-)/'
EF%'/%)5 C1)/416' A**%/%1)(6 C1)/416' R-0%-=
N1%'- *A- /1
hearing loss7

0or-ers 3sing
po6er tools7
riggers etc.
%igh <1= 'ignpost by ade43ate
hearing protection
6arning sign <%earing
protection *ones= near
the noisy 6or- area8
<2= Brea-er m3$$lers are
$itted on generators and
other machineries
<3= )roper and reg3lar
maintenance o$
machinery and
e43ipment to be carried
o3t and res3lts are

<4= )rovision o$ ear pl3gs

<1= stablish action and limit val3e o$ "+ dB <A=8
pea- so3nd press3re o$ 14( dB <c= at the ear
meas3red on a daily or 6ee-ly basis.
<2= 'elect and choose less noisy e43ipment by
introd3cing lo61 noise p3rchasing policy $or
machinery and e43ipment.
<3= Deep the compressor8 generators and other
static machineries covered
<4= 'tatic machineries to be mo3nted on anti1
vibration mo3nts & erect enclos3res aro3nd
machines to red3ce the amo3nt o$ noise emitted
into the 6or-place or environment
<+= 'creen the noise so3rce 6ith a barrier7 soil
heap or locate behind partly completed b3ildings.
<!= :denti$y noisy 6or- areas and limit the 6or-ers
in and aro3nd the area by adj3sting 6or-
121(912((" or
6hen location
is changed
and ne6
and persons
6hichever is

0or-ers in
near vicinity.
'ite o$$ice
sta$$s incl3ding
Lisitors Lo6
EF%'/%)5 C1)/416' A**%/%1)(6 C1)/416' R-0%-=

<5= )rovide so3nd proo$ rest $acilities8 sa$e havens
at the site
<"= Modi$y the paths o$ pedestrians so as to avoid
passing thro3gh the noisy activity areas.
<9= A3diometry test to be cond3cted on all
v3lnerable 6or-ers8 operators and res3lts to be
conveyed and -ept as records. nco3rage
employees to see- medical advice i$ hearing
damage is s3spected.
<1(= ,raining to be cond3cted on the li-ely noise
e>pos3re and ris- to hearing@ 6here and ho6 to
obtain hearing protectors@ ho6 to report de$ects in
hearing protectors and noise control e43ipment
and employeePs d3ties.
<11= )rovide ear de$enders8 m3$$s to all personnel
6ho are entering the hearing protection *one.


,his %ealth & 'a$ety case st3dy provides ass3rance that dra6bac-s and gaps in the %ealth &
'a$ety management system and ha*ards to personnel and assets have been identi$ied and
assessed and controls have been recommended 6here considered necessary. Also
doc3mented is the process o$ identi$ication o$ potential ris- red3ction meas3res and 6hether
their adoption met ALA.) <As Lo6 as .easonably )racticable= criteria.
,he actions and the time $rame to close those actions raised d3ring %' 't3dies have been
incl3ded in the action plan. A $3t3re 3pdate8 close1o3t to this case have to be doc3mented on
the revie6 date.
:t is concl3ded that this case st3dy demonstrates;1
1. ,he company?s management system broadly covers the re43irement o$ %'# !+ and
O'%A' 1"((( g3idelines.
2. ,here 6as evidence o$ less participation $rom the top management or a lac- o$ visible
leadership in implementing the %' )rograms.
3. Objectives and targets $or %ealth & sa$ety are not being revie6ed periodically.
4. .eso3rces are not ade43ately planned $or %ealth & 'a$ety programmes by the
+. mployee cons3ltations in %ealth & 'a$ety a$$airs are not visibly practiced by the
!. ,raining and competency o$ sta$$s are inade43ate.
5. Company does not have s3itable arrangements $or ris- management.
". )er$ormance meas3rement and a3diting are not being cond3cted reg3larly.
9. All the signi$icant ha*ards and e$$ects & controls have been identi$ied7 prioriti*ed7
assessed and additional controls have been recommended to manage the resid3al
1(. ,he ade43acy o$ controls $or most o$ the ha*ards has been revie6ed to identi$y 6hether
the ris-s have been red3ced to a level that is tolerable and ALA.) and it 6as $o3nd
11. ,he ris-s associated 6ith 6or-ing at height and noise has been eval3ated and
meas3res ta-en to red3ce them to a level that is As Lo6 as .easonably )racticable
Management 'ystem
,he signi$icant gaps8 dra6bac-s in the e>isting management system has been demonstrated in
sec 2.2 <gap analysis= and detailed action plan 6ith target date and responsible person is
demonstrated in the action plan.
Main recommendations according to their priorities to improve the e>isting management
systems are;1
1. .evie6 the statement o$ intent8 )olicy 6ith a c3rrent date and name o$ the person
signing it. ,he most tangible 6ay to assess the top management?s attit3de to6ards is
evident only i$ the policy statement is e$$ective and covers in brie$ the intention o$ the top
management and the approach to6ards health & sa$ety iss3es. )olicy statement is the
$irst doc3ment that any person 6o3ld see and th3s bene$it by improving the p3blic
2. :t may not be practically possible at times $or the top management to address critical
iss3es that needs 43ic- decisions. %ence7 appointing a competent %ealth & 'a$ety
management representative is re43ired7 6ho sho3ld be the $ocal point to address any
iss3es on behal$ o$ the top management besides his normal d3ties.
3. 'ome critical activities re43ire specialist 6ho are ade43ately trained and e>perienced in
that $ield. ,here$ore7 appointing ade43ate health & sa$ety advisors or specialist is
re43ired 6ho can per$orm e>cl3sive health & sa$ety jobs.
4. A plat$orm is essential $or coordinating or presenting -ey iss3es that needs consens3s
and conveyed to all departments the 43ic-est and easiest 6ay. ,here$ore7 timely and
sched3led meetings need to be cond3cted to disc3ss sa$ety related iss3es.
+. Companies that as- employees $or their vie6s on health and sa$ety iss3es can c3t do6n
on accidents. By incl3ding 6or-ers? ideas and involving them in en$orcing health and
sa$ety r3les7 companies can create a positive attit3de to6ards maintaining good practice
and ma-e signi$icant improvements collective participation o$ all in s3ggestions can
yield more improvement options.
!. ,he best 6ay to identi$y all ha*ards and ris-s is to brea-ing do6n all critical jobs and
describe the method 3se to cond3ct those activities and critically assess the ris-s
involved. ,his re43ires a system o$ method statements and ris- assessments $or all
critical jobs.
5. %ealth & 'a$ety programmes incl3de provision o$ ade43ate training7 personal protective
e43ipments7 re6ard programmes etc. %ence7 allocating a b3dget $or health & sa$ety on
all projects are essential and same m3st be incorporated 6hile assessing the project
val3es and p3tting $or6ard bid proposals $or ne6 contracts.
". All health & sa$ety programmes needs to be meas3red and only by assigning a 'MA.,
<'imple7 meas3rable7 achievable7 realistic and time bo3nd= objective one can meas3re
the per$ormance. Only meas3ring gets the activity done. %ence7 objectives and targets
need to be clearly identi$ied and periodically revie6ed7 in any case not later than yearly.
9. ,he management system needs to be contin3o3sly revie6ed and meas3red so as to
incorporate any changes in the company?s organi*ation7 e43ipment or processes.
,here$ore7 internal a3dits are re43ired to be cond3cted on an ann3al basis.
,hese actions bene$its the company by improving the organi*ational capability in handling
health & 'a$ety iss3es more e$$ectively7 red3ction o$ inj3ries and cost red3ction7 b3siness
interr3ption protection7 reliability and prod3ctivity improvement7 p3blic image8 tr3st
improvement7 improve the employee relations and help the management ta-e pro1active
actions to red3ce ris-s pertaining to 6or-ers and th3s red3ction in direct8 indirect costs. ,his 6ill
also avoid b3siness interr3ption d3e to inj3ries7 investigations and en$orcement actions and
also timely recti$ication o$ iss3es to avoid inj3ries and asset damages helping cost red3ctions.
'ome o$ other noticeable bene$its are to 6in and retain contracts@ avoid loss o$ -ey sta$$s@
availability and a$$ordability o$ ins3rance.
)hysical %a*ard / 0or-ing on 'ca$$olding
D3ring the co3rse o$ ha*ard revie6s7 all signi$icant ha*ards have been identi$ied and prioriti*ed
based on the criticality o$ the ha*ards and the ris- ratings i.e. )riority )1 has the highest ris-
rating 6hich is obtained by m3ltiplying the severity and li-elihood o$ the ha*ard being a$$ected7
)2 is medi3m ris- rating and )3 is lo6 ris- rating. ,he methodology is detailed in section 4.
0or-ing at height1 on sca$$olding has been identi$ied as the most signi$icant )hysical ha*ard in
the company?s activity d3e to its ris- rating being very high and previo3s incident records
sho6ing high n3mbers o$ inj3ries d3e to inj3ries related to sca$$old 6or-ings. All e>isting
controls 6ere assessed and additional controls are recommended according to the hierarchies
o$ control and level o$ protection that control gives in avoiding ris-;1
1. :t is critical to design all load bearing sca$$olds properly according to the British
constr3ction standards and $ollo6 the se43ence o$ erections.
2. Be$ore erecting sca$$olds on path6ays8 roads or ne>t to property o6ners7 it is essential
to see- permission or no objection certi$icates. ,his 6ill avoid 3nnecessary b3siness
interr3ptions d3e to stoppage o$ 6or- by local a3thorities or p3blic.
3. rection o$ temporary sca$$olds8 ladders costs more time and e>poses the 6or-ers to
ha*ard d3ring erection7 ascending 8descending and inspection o$ the same. ,here$ore7
M0)s or mobile access plat$orms sho3ld be considered $or temporary 6or-s not
e>ceeding $e6 ho3rs. 0or- can be done 43ic-er 6ith $e6er people.
4. Most o$ the inj3ries $rom sca$$olds occ3r d3e to $all o$ persons and materials. A partial
restraint is re43ired to arrest $alling $rom height and red3ce the impact o$ the inj3ries.
+. 0here 6or-ing at height is not avoidable above pedestrian8vehicle ro3te7 it is re43ired
to 6arn and protect by providing ade43ate 6arning signs and appointing $lagmen.
!. Most o$ the $alls $rom ladders occ3r d3e to improper positioning o$ ladder at the landing
level7 6here the top o$ the ladder is shorter than the landing level. ,here$ore7 it is
re43ired to ens3re that ladders are e>tended at least 1 m or + r3ngs above the landing
5. :t is necessary to 6arn 6or-ers8 people the 6orthiness o$ the access e43ipment they
3se. A sca$$tag system 6hich is signed and inspected reg3larly sho3ld be p3t on all
access e43ipments8 sca$$oldings. #reen tag $or serviceable and red $or 3nserviceable.
,his 6o3ld red3ce the incidents o$ str3ct3re collapse7 red3cing inj3ries7 cost red3ction7
avoid b3siness interr3ption etc.
". A dedicated trained and competent team is re43ired to manage the erection7
dismantling7 modi$ying7 testing and inspection o$ all access plat$orms incl3ding
sca$$oldings and ladders7 so that a common best ind3stry standard is $ollo6ed thro3gh
o3t the site. ,here$ore7 appointment o$ a sca$$olding s3pervisor and trained sca$$olders
are re43ired. :nspections to be carried o3t not less than once in 5 days and be$ore its
$irst 3se.
9. ,here is a re43irement o$ contin3o3sly monitoring the sca$$old str3ct3res $or any
3na3thori*ed modi$ications7 removal o$ critical components etc so as to maintain the
integrity o$ the str3ct3re. Ade43ate n3mber o$ inspectors m3st be appointed to carry o3t
this tas-.
1(. .e43irement o$ people and 6or-ers be a6are o$ the ha*ards present at height and the
proper 3se o$ the personal protection e43ipment li-e sa$ety harnesses m3st be incl3ded
in the training and tools bo> tal-s.
11. :t is essential to have a hoo-ing or a sec3ring point 6hile 3sing sa$ety harnesses $or
6hich lanyards 6ith ade43ate strength and provision $or sec3ring them need to be
considered to ens3re that at all point o$ time the person 6or-ing at height is sec3rely
hoo-ed to a static point. Most importantly 6hile moving on a top 6or-ing plat$orm.
%ealth %a*ards / 2oise d3e to constr3ction e43ipments & machineries
2oise has been considered as the most signi$icant health ha*ard in a constr3ction atmosphere
as there are a lot o$ close interactions bet6een heavy machineries7 e43ipments7 plants7
vehicles and persons and it is a contin3o3s process. :t is practically not possible to isolate or
eliminate $3lly s3ch noisy activities. ,a-ing into consideration o$ this $act7 the $ollo6ing
improvement actions are recommended based on the hierarchies o$ controls to red3ce the
impact o$ noise emissions;1
1. stablish the ma>im3m e>pos3re limit o$ "+ dB <A= or pea- press3re o$ 14( dB<C= at the
ear $or all a$$ected areas so that the meas3rements can be ta-en and levels e>ceeding
can be identi$ied and controlled.
2. ,echnology is advancing and there is a re43irement o$ possibly so3rcing s3ppliers $or
p3rchasing less noisy e43ipments and accordingly revise the p3rchasing policy and
strategies and so that 6e can control the noise emission at the so3rce itsel$.
3. :n order to identi$y people v3lnerable to ind3ced hearing loss7 a3diometric tests m3st be
cond3cted on a reg3lar basis and accordingly classi$y them $or noisy and less noisy
jobs. ,he same needs to be done at the time o$ recr3itment7 to assess i$ the loss o$
hearing is d3e to occ3pational reasons. Li-e6ise7 e>pos3re to noise m3st be limited to
persons by proper job rotation7 giving brea-s and providing so3ndproo$ havens.
4. ,here is a re43irement o$ re1ro3ting the pedestrian 6al-6ays to ens3re that they are
avoiding the noisy activities and e43ipments so that their e>pos3re to noise can be -ept
to minim3m. Li-e6ise7 there is a need to re1design the vehicle ro3tes to ens3re that they
avoid the p3blic inter$aces and b3ildings so that the noise d3e to transport and vehicle
ca3se $e6er n3isances to p3blic and red3ce complaints and en$orcement actions.
+. Libration o$ air particles and e43ipments is a prime ca3se o$ noise. %ence7 there is a
need to mo3nt all static machineries on vibration proo$ mo3nts and -ept covered or
!. All operatives and sta$$s needs to be a6are o$ symptoms o$ hearing loss7 the ha*ards o$
noises and the right 3se and maintenance o$ personal protective e43ipments li-e ear
m3$$s. ,raining and tools bo> tal-s m3st incl3de these topics. ar m3$$s are better ear
de$enders than ear pl3gs. veryone sho3ld be provided 6ith ear m3$$s 6hile entering
J%earing protection *ones?.
By ens3ring that the above mentioned controls are p3t in place7 the company can red3ce the
inj3ries and accidents signi$icantly and th3s save on both direct and indirect costs. :mprove
prod3ctivity by avoiding b3siness interr3ptions7 en$orcement actions@ improve the p3blic image
and tr3st. :mprove employee relations and 6ill also help optimi*ation o$ reso3rces.
".1 M()(5-&-)/ S3'/-&
R-.1&&-)*(/%1)' A./%1):';
R-'21)'%+%6%/%-' C1'/ H SA..-'' C4%/-4%(??
1 Cpdate the policy
statement o$
.evise the policy statement 6ith a
valid signat3re o$ #eneral
Manager8 Director 6ith date.
1 0ee- #eneral
1(( Q 'igned and dated
statement o$ intent
2 Appointing
Appoint a person in senior
management by name to ta-e
overall responsibility $or health and
sa$ety a$$airs o$ the company.
2 0ee-s #eneral
1((( Q Appointment letter and
internal memo
anno3ncing the ne6
position &
3 Clearly de$ine
health and sa$ety
responsibilities o$
De$ine the top management
responsibilities in health and
sa$ety a$$airs.
2 0ee-s #eneral
1(( Q .evised %'
management system
6ith responsibilities o$
top management
4 )rovide s3$$icient
reso3rces to
manage sa$ety
De$ine8 ear mar- a b3dget $or
health and sa$ety programmes.
1 Month #eneral
2(( Q :ncl3sion o$ %ealth &
'a$ety 6hile b3dgeting8
costing $or ne6
contracts. Benchmar-
a R to be spent on
health & 'a$ety on all
+ :denti$y people
6ith speci$ic
health and sa$ety
.ecr3it + %&' O$$icers and + %&'
assistants $or the 3nits 3nder
3 months %. Manager 2((( Q Appointment letter and
R-.1&&-)*(/%1)' A./%1):';
R-'21)'%+%6%/%-' C1'/ H SA..-'' C4%/-4%(??

Assess the
-no6ledge and
s-ills and provide
ade43ate training
a$ter identi$ying
speci$ic training
s-ills re43ired.

Develop a competency based
training matri>.
1 month Manager 1(( Q ,raining matri>.
,raining attendance
register. mployee
training sched3les and
certi$icates o$
Comm3nicate training
re43irements to the employees
and the s3pervisors.
1 Month Manager 3(( Q 121(41("
Allocate separate training b3dgets
and establish training rooms.
3 Months Manager 3((( Q )hysical observation o$
the training room.
:ncl3de health & 'a$ety
competency assessments d3ring
the recr3itment8 trans$ers8
promotions o$ employees.
3 Months Manager 3(( Q .evised $ormat o$
per$ormance appraisals
6ith incl3sion o$ %&'
per$ormance criterion.

employees and
employee sa$ety
on all iss3es o$
health & 'a$ety
stablish a health and sa$ety
1 month


1(( Q

%' s3ggestion bo>es
on all locations
incl3ding rest areas8
labor camps. :nvitation
letters $or committee
meetings. Min3tes o$
meetings and agenda

Meetings to be held at least hal$
mployee s3ggestion bo> to be
placed aro3nd all the company
3 months Manager 3((( Q 121(!1("
" Control
all persons
entering8 6or-ing
in company
Company health & sa$ety plan to
be given to all contractors.
1 6ee- Manager 3(( Q :ntervie6ing
.evie6ing their %'
letter $rom contractor
on receipt.
R-.1&&-)*(/%1)' A./%1):';
R-'21)'%+%6%/%-' C1'/ H SA..-'' C4%/-4%(??
:nd3ction training to be cond3cted
to all visitors incl3ding temporary
contractors and record to be
maintained along 6ith a 6ritten
ac-no6ledgement to comply 6ith
company re43irements.
1 0ee-8
'3pervisor8 %&'
1(( Q :nspection o$ ind3ction
registers and ind3ction
mar-ings on the
helmets 6ith date.
:ntervie6ing visitors.

9 Comm3nicate
health and sa$ety
iss3es at all
possible $or3ms
%ealth and sa$ety to be disc3ssed
as the $irst agenda on all meetings
1 0ee-8
All +(( Q Min3tes o$ meetings7
agenda items.

:ntrod3ce a
system $or tas-
ris- assessments
and method
statements be$ore
commencing any
critical activities
Method statements and tas- ris-
assessments to be prepared by
the constr3ction team and
revie6ed by the health & sa$ety
specialist and same to be
conveyed to all operatives.
1 month Managers8
+(( Q .andom chec-s on the
method statements and
tas- ris- assessments
records. %a*ard
registry $or all projects
Maintain a ha*ard registry.
11 .evie6 objectives
and targets at
least ann3ally
Cpdate8 revie6 the objectives and
targets and prepare action plans to
achieve them.
1 Month Manager 3(( Q .evision o$ %' )lan
and memo anno3ncing
the health & 'a$ety
target $or the c3rrent
12 val3ation o$
Cond3ct emergency response
drills on all $acilities8 sites and
repeat the drill at least 43arterly.
2 0ee-s Manager8
'3pervisor8 Line
1((( Q mergency drill report.
)hotographs and
3pdate o$ e43ipment
inspection records.
R-.1&&-)*(/%1)' A./%1):';
R-'21)'%+%6%/%-' C1'/ H SA..-'' C4%/-4%(??

.eg3lar internal
a3dits to be

More sta$$s to be sent o$ internal
a3dit trainings and be certi$ied as
internal a3ditors. An a3dit team to
be $ormed.
3 months #eneral
2((( Q ,raining report on
internal a3ditor co3rse.
An ann3al a3dit plan to be
1 Month Manager 3(( Q A3dit plan $or the year
6ith the names o$ a3dit
team and a3dit
".2 H(B(4*' ()* R%'C
".2.1 W14C%)5 1) S.(<<16*%)5
R-.1&&-)*(/%1)' A./%1):'; T%&- S.(6- R-'21)'%+%6%/%-' C1'/ H SA..-'' C4%/-4%(??
1 Design all
sca$$olds in 3se
)rod3ce design dra6ings $or
load bearing sca$$olds and non1
standard str3ct3res. Consider
any additional plant7 e43ipment7
material or sheeting that co3ld
impose additional loadings over
and above the standard sca$$old
design loads.
2 0ee-s Manager8 Design
2((( Q Design8 sca$$old
erection dra6ings
and sched3les.
R-.1&&-)*(/%1)' A./%1):'; T%&- S.(6- R-'21)'%+%6%/%-' C1'/ H SA..-'' C4%/-4%(??
2 Obtain consent
$rom p3blic
Consent to be obtained $rom
local a3thorities be$ore erecting
sca$$olding on $ootpath or p3blic
areas or adjacent to property
1 Month Manager 1((( Q 2o objection letters@
letter to p3blic
3 Avoid 3sing
sca$$olds8 ladders
$or temporary
height access
Cse M0)s <Mobile elevated
6or-ing plat$orms= and mobile
access plat$orms $or temporary
3 Months Manager 3((((Q Local p3rchase
orders. )hysical
inspection on site.
Method statements
o$ temporary 6or-s
re43iring access to
4 0arn p3blic8
passers by and
restrict tra$$ic
movements at
the base o$ the
liminate protr3ding edges.
mploy a $lag man7 6arning
signs and barriers near the
sca$$old plat$orm 6here vehicles
are li-ely to pass and restrict
tra$$ic movements.
1 0ee- '3pervisor +(( Q Appointment letter8
trans$er letters and
time sheets.
+ )rovision o$
passive restraints
$or material $alls8
)rovide sa$ety nets and air bags 1 month Manager 1((((Q :nspection on site.
Chec- list o$ $all
arrest e43ipment
p3rchased. A3dit
sa$ety o$ stores.
:nspect method
! 'ec3ring the
6or-ing plat$orm
All sca$$old plan-s and -ic-1
boards8 toe boards to be 6ell
sec3red and tightened to
sca$$old str3ct3re to prevent
<6ithin 2
'3pervisor8 Line
+(( Q :nspection reports o$
sca$$olding. )hysical
:ncl3sion in the
inspection chec-list
R-.1&&-)*(/%1)' A./%1):'; T%&- S.(6- R-'21)'%+%6%/%-' C1'/ H SA..-'' C4%/-4%(??
5 'ec3re the
sca$$old str3ct3re
to e>isting
O3triggers8 g3y ropes to be tied
to the sca$$old and sec3re it
against e>isting str3ct3re. ,ies
removed $or any p3rpose to be
$i>ed bac- or alternate ties to be
<6ithin 2
'3pervisor8 Line
+(( Q :nspection reports
and photographs
" )roper erection
and 3se o$
All ladders to e>tent 1m or +
r3ngs above the landing
<6ithin 2
'3pervisor8 Line
1((( Q ladder inspection
red3ced n3mber o$
incidents d3e to
collapse o$ ladder8
$all $rom ladder

persons only to
erect7 alter or
inspect access

Appoint a competent person
trained in C:,B proced3res in
erecting7 handling7 inspecting
and maintained all access
1 Month Manager 2((( Q Appointment letter.
,raining register and
sca$$older training
certi$icate. rection &
inspection chec-lists.
)ersons erecting sca$$olds to
3ndergo a third party training
and be certi$ied as a sca$$older
3 months Manager 3((( Q :nspect sca$$old
training certi$icates
and list o$ appointed
1( :nspect the
sca$$old reg3larly
,he appointed competent
person to inspect the sca$$olding
be$ore it is $irst 3sed@ 6here
conditions may ca3se
deterioration o$ the str3ct3re
and 6ithin a 5 day period are as
speci$ied by the temporary
1 Month Manager8
1((( Q :nspection reports
and photographs
R-.1&&-)*(/%1)' A./%1):'; T%&- S.(6- R-'21)'%+%6%/%-' C1'/ H SA..-'' C4%/-4%(??
6or-s coordinator.
11 )rovide evidence
o$ 6orthiness o$
Cse sca$$ tag system signed
and mar-ed green and
inspected by the competent
person not less than 5 days.
2 6ee-s '3pervisor8 Line
1((( Q :nspection on site.
Cn3sed sca$$oldings
mar-ed as red.
#reen tags are
signed o$$ on a daily
basis be$ore 6or-
12 Arrest debris8
materials $rom
Debris g3ards8 debris netting
and $ans to be provided $or high
rise sca$$olds and those close to
p3blic areas
1 Month Manager 1((( Q :nspection o$ site.
Chec- method
statements. Chec-
local p3rchase
orders. D3st
emission records.
13 Monitor mis3se
o$ sca$$olds and
Appoint inspectors to randomly
chec- i$ edge protection is
removed and no 3na3thori*ed
alterations are made.
<6ithin 2
'3pervisor 2((( Q :nspection records
and daily sca$$old
14 All operatives to
be trained
especially the
persons erecting
)rovide training8 tools bo> to all
operatives and s3pervisory sta$$
involved in the 3se o$
s3spension e43ipment s3ch as
lines and harnesses7 and ho6 to
inspect and assess )) be$ore
1 Month Manager 3((( Q ,raining records7
training registers.
)ersonal intervie6s.
Demonstration o$ 3se
o$ ))s.
R-.1&&-)*(/%1)' A./%1):'; T%&- S.(6- R-'21)'%+%6%/%-' C1'/ H SA..-'' C4%/-4%(??
1+ ns3re good
,as- a ho3se-eeping team to
loo- $or removed n3ts7 6ashers
and to clean 3p grease7 oil7
paint etc and to dispose all le$t
over materials on a daily basis.
<6ithin 2
'3pervisor8 Line
+(( Q :nspect
records and
chec-lists. :nspect
records o$ $all d3e to
slips8 trips.
1+ )rovide s3itable
personal $all
arrest systems.
)rovide sa$ety harnesses 6ith 2
lanyards and provisions $or
sec3ring8 hoo-ing.
<6ithin 2
Manager 4((( Q Lis3al observation
6hile doing the
activity. Chec-
p3rchase orders $or
sa$ety harnesses.
.evie6 method
".2.2 N1%'- <41& C1)'/4A./%1) EGA%2&-)/$ M(.7%)-4%-'
1 stablish noise
e>pos3re limits
Meas3re the e>pos3re limit val3e
not e>ceeding "+ dB <A=8 pea-
so3nd press3re o$ 14( dB <C= at
the ear $or all a$$ected persons.
2 6ee-s Manager 1((( Q .ecord o$ noise
monitoring and
establishment o$ $irst
action level and pea-
action level.
2 )3rchase less
noisy e43ipment
.evise the p3rchasing policy and
introd3ce a lo61 noise
p3rchasing strategies $or all
constr3ction related e43ipment
3 Months #eneral
1((( Q .evised proced3re $or
p3rchasing and list o$
s3ppliers and
certi$icates $rom
man3$act3rers on lo6
noise 43alities.

:solate the noisy
Deep the compressor8 generator
and all static machineries
covered 6ith so3nd proo$
1 month


+((( Q

)hysical observation
and maintenance
records. )3rchase
orders o$ so3nd proo$


'creen the noise so3rce 6ith a
barrier7 soil heap or locate behind
partly completed b3ildings.
9 .ed3ce noise
d3e to vibration
o$ machineries
All static machineries to be
mo3nted on anti1vibration
1 month Manager 3((( Q )hysical observation.
Maintenance records
and local p3rchase
3 %ealth
Cond3ct a3diometry test on all
v3lnerable 6or-ers8 operators
and res3lts to be conveyed and
-ept as records.
1 month Manager 3((( Q A3diometry records $or
all sta$$s clearly
categori*ed separately
$or people 6ith de$ects
and healthy. %ealth
records8 medical
4 nco3rage
participation $rom
nco3rage employees to see-
medical advice i$ hearing
damage is s3spected.
1 month '3pervisor8
+(( Q Chec- record o$
re$erels to clinic8
hospitals $or hearing
+ .ed3ce d3ration
o$ e>pos3re to
:denti$y noisy areas and limit the
6or-ers in and aro3nd the area
by adj3sting the 6or- sched3les
<6ithin 2
1((( Q Chec- time sheets8
6or- sched3les $or all
! .edesign the
pedestrian ro3tes
Modi$y8 re1design the pedestrian
ro3tes to avoid passing thro3gh
noisy activity areas8 e43ipments.
2 0ee-s Manager 1((( Q 2e6 signmar-ed
pedestrian ro3tes 6ith
barricades and ha*ard
6arning signs.
1( )rovision o$ sa$e
)rovide so3nd proo$ rest
$acilities8 sa$e havens on site
2 month Manager 2(((( Q )hysical observation
and noise monitoring
" .ed3ce p3blic
Access roads to site to be re1
positioned s3ch that e43ipments
and machinery movements
ca3se minim3m dist3rbances to
residential b3ildings8 p3blics.
2 6ee-s Manager 2((( Q :nspect vehicle ro3tes
and intervie6 drivers
regarding the
-no6ledge o$ ne6
11 ,raining ,raining on the li-ely noise
e>pos3re and ris- to hearing@
6here and ho6 to obtain hearing
protectors@ ho6 to report de$ects
in hearing protectors and noise
control e43ipment and
employees d3ties.
2 6ee-s Manager8
+((( Q Chec-ing training
matri>7 employee
training records7
training registers and
personal intervie6.
12 )rovision o$
)rovide ear de$enders8 m3$$s to
all personnel 6ho are entering
the hearing protection *ones.
1 Month Manager 3((( Q :nspect stores. Chec-
the p3rchase orders
and personal
intervie6s 6ith
? C1'/'> C(6.A6(/-* +('-* 1) /7- (''A&-* &()E71A4' '2-)* +3 /7- 4-'21)'%+6- 2-4'1)' ()* /7- -GA%2&-)/9 &(/-4%(6 ()* /4(%)%)5
.1'/'. M()E71A4' (4- .(6.A6(/-* +('-* 1) /7- <1661=%)5 (''A&2/%1)'>E
,op Management <#M8 MD= ; +(( Q per ho3r
'3pervisor8 Line
1(( Q per ho3r
Managers 2+( Q per ho3r 0or-ers8 Labors +( Q per ho3r
?? SA..-'' .4%/-4%( .() +- 5-)-4(663 (//4%+A/-* /1 4-*A.-* )A&+-4 1< %),A4%-'9 *()5-41A' 1..A44-).-'9 )1) .1)<14&().-' ()*
-)<14.-&-)/ (./%1)'
1= 2BO'% 2((!7 :uide to the <E?OSH <ational (iplo)a in Occupational Health and
Safety7 Leicester.
2= C.O2. 2((!7 The La5 of Health and Safety at or!6 by 2orman 'el6yn7 '3rrey
3= :O'% 2((57 Health and Safety@ ha4ardous agents. By Dr Chris %artley7 Leicester.
4= %ealth and 'a$ety >ec3tive7 199"7 =i2e Steps to Ris! Assess)ent@ &ase Studies6.
%'#1"37 %' Boo-s7 '3db3ry
+= %ealth and 'a$ety >ec3tive7 2((!7 Successful health and safety )anage)ent6 %'#!+7
%' Boo-s7 '3db3ry
!= .M' 2((!7 or!place and or! E0uip)ent. A st3dy boo- $or the 2BO'% 2ational
Diploma7 't3rbridge.
5= %ealth and 'a$ety >ec3tive7 199!7 Slips and Trips@ :uidance for E)ployers on
8dentifying Ha4ards and &ontrolling Ris!s6 %'#1++7 %' Boo-s7 '3db3ry.
"= %ealth and 'a$ety >ec3tive7 199+7 Sound Solutions6 %'#13"7 %' Boo-s7 '3db3ry
9= %ealth and 'a$ety >ec3tive7 19997 Health Sur2eillance at or!6 %' %'#!17 %'
Boo-s7 '3db3ry.
1(= %ealth and 'a$ety >ec3tive7 2((!7 Health and Safety in &onstruction6 %'#1+(7 %'
Boo-s7 '3db3ry.
11= %ealth and 'a$ety >ec3tive7 199!7 The &osts Of Accidents at or!6 %'#9!7 %'
Boo-s7 '3db3ry
12= %ealth and 'a$ety >ec3tive7 199"7 Reducing <oise at or!6 #3idance on the 2oise at
0or- .eg3lations 19"97 L1("7 %' Boo-s7 '3db3ry.
13= British 'tandards :nstit3tion7 2((47 Te)porary 5or!s e0uip)ent 1art "@ Scaffolds
perfor)ance re0uire)ents and general design6 B' 2 12"1111; 19947 B':7 London.
14= British 'tandards :nstit3tion7 1994a7 Hearing 1rotectors@ Reco))endation for the
Selection. Use. &are and Maintenance6 B' 2 4+"; 19947 B':7 London.
1+= =act sheet7 2+"7 JOcc3pational and comm3nity noise?7 0orld %ealth Organisation7
revised 2((1.
1!= %ealth and 'a$ety >ec3tive7 n-7 :2D#25+; Managing Health and Safety. =i2e Steps to
success. %' )3blications7 '3db3ry.
15= Constr3ction <Design and Management= <Amendment= .eg3lations 2((( <': 2((( 2o.
1"= Constr3ction <%ealth7 'a$ety and 0el$are= .eg3lations 19!! <': 19!! 2o. 9+=
19= Management o$ %ealth and 'a$ety at 0or- .eg3lations 1999 <': 1999 2o. 3242=
2(= )rovision and Cse o$ 0or- 43ipment .eg3lations 19"" <': 199" 2o. 23(!=
21= 0or- at %eight .eg3lations 2((+ <': 2((+ 2o. 53+=
22= 2oise at 0or- .eg3lations 19"9 <': 19"98159(=
23= )rovision and Cse o$ 0or- 43ipment .eg3lations 199" <': 199"823(!= <as amended
by ': 19998 "!( and ': 199982((1=
24= '3pply o$ Machinery <'a$ety= .eg3lations 1992 <': 199283(53= <as amended by the
'3pply o$ Machinery <'a$ety= .eg3lations 1994 <': 19948 2(!3=
2+= Ab3 Dhabi M3nicipality <2((2=7 &ode of &onstruction6 Ab3 Dhabi;n-
2!= %' ,he %ealth and 'a$ety >ec3tive7 http;
<Accessed 2 March 2(("=
25= 3ropean Agency $or 'a$ety and %ealth at 0or-7 http;88osha.e3ropa.e3.html <Accessed
3 March 2(("=

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