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Maria Yuningsih, NIM 2010320010, Evaluation of Vegetation Characteristics Selection

In Area Housing Landscape Palace Dieng Malang. Under Guidance Sutoyo SP. MP and
Dra. Astutik, MP.


The presence of urban green open space (RTHK) very supportive in improving the
quality of the city's atmosphere, air refresher, supporting the city use and preservation of
land imposed by local government refers to Act No. 24 of 1992 contains a provision for
Spatial Planning. In general, green open space dominated by plants and herbs, in which
the element is a lot of influence on the air quality of the city. Plants can create a
microclimate that is a decrease in ambient temperature, humidity increased O2. The
benefits of urban green open space provision is growing freshness, convenience, beauty
of the environment and realize environmental compatibility (Judge and Utomo, 2003).
The research aims to identify and evaluate the characteristics of the vegetation according
to the site conditions in the area of the palace Housing Dieng Malang.

The experiment was conducted in the area of Dieng Malang Housing palace. Execution
time from February to March 2014 The method used to retrieve the data in the form of an
inventory of all vegetation appropriate to the site conditions at the location to be
evaluated and analyzed in accordance with the characteristics of the placement and
indirectly field surveys or field observations. Tread Analysis of the observed components
include: a) Geographical location: the site boundary, accessibility, circulation. b)
Biophysical include: topography, hydrology, drainage, soil type, climatology, vegetation
and wildlife. c) The placement of the elements of the park. d) Safety and comfort of the
park. e) socio-economic conditions: the socio-economic penegaruh to residents of the
Palace Housing Zone Dieng Malang.
Based on the results of the field survey, the type of trees that dominate the vegetation
zone 1 and zone 2 is the Palm Tree King (Ryostonea regia), as the dominant crop. Plant
characteristics influence the success of a plan. Housing Istana Dieng Malang region as
part of the City of Green Open Space. Housing Istana Dieng Malang region, the Zone I /
Raya I, Zone 1 and Zone 2 on main roads with a total of 78 trees already have a
compatible and can be applied as a roadside tree and median of the road, because the
steering plant when seen from the shape of the ramifications that not have branching /
only has midrib, dark green leaf color with the leaves were sparse and coarse texture and
has a straight trunk perfectly round grayed with rooting system fibers, planting layout
with a certain distance, and when viewed in terms of ecological plant, then the plant has a
King Palm conformance to high temperature, humidity dry, open light, and high wind
speeds that match the research area.

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