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Competent jerks- people

choose work partners- 2 crteira

->competence, likeability.
Incompetent jerk better than
likeable fool, ppl think
otherwise. Jerk->diificult to
work with, u r afraid reveal ur
limitations. Fool->no intention
of gaining advantage. U like
ppl similar to u thoughts flow
smoothly, comfortable who like
me. Bad limited range of
perspctvs. Liking- manufctd-
prmt familiarity, redf similarity,
bonding. Work on Jerk-
reassess contrib., reward gud
behavior, socialize and coach.
Order of preference: Lovable
Star: High competence, high
likeability Lovable Fool: Low
competence, high likeability
Competent Jerk: High
competency, low likeability
Incompetent Jerk: Low
competence, low likeability
Power dynamics- power=pot. to influence,
powerlessness- ineffective dictatorial managers
Effective managers- ethical. Chalngs to power gaining-
1) interdependency, 2) diversity, 3) power gap. Soln.- law
of reciprocity(tit fot tat) to networks. Political conflict
~interdependence, diversity, resource scarcity. BUT
GOOD/destruct or construct depends on players. Power in
hands of controller of scarce resources. Pwer sorces-
positional, personal char. Positional->1. formal authority,
2. relevance, 3. centrality(info=power), 4. autonomy 5.
visibility. Personal-> 1. expertise, 2 track record 3
attractiveness. 4 effort.

Nitish @Soln. Unltd- problems with meena, gud rapport
with top mgmt- khurana, kapoor. Initial prblm with salary,
took out his calci, shockd meena and venkat. Prblm with
Alagu- (Dir. Ops). Prblm with sev pay and TA.
Compromise. Finally, left for Nagpur frm Hyd. Learnings-
how to ensure a adversarial relnship to neutral atleast.
What Nitish cud hav to meena directly, she was
scolded becoz of him, rather than talk to khurana directly
FIRO B-Two levels of interaction - overt (observable) and
covert(unobservable but ubiquitous struggle for attention
and status, control & influence, liking & warmth). Three
basic interpersonal needs : inclusion, control and affection.
Expressed (need to others) or wanted (to receive from
others). Need pattern affected by self-concept. Need for
inclusion : to establish and maintain a satisfactory relation
with people with respect to interaction and association.
Contol : need to maintain a satisfactory relation between
oneself and other people with regard to power & influence.
Compatabiliy - similarity and reciprocal needs. 0-0 Loner.
Med-0 exclusive club, Control 0-6 loyal lieutenant 0-4
checker 4-4 matcher affection 0-9 defensive. Every group
goes thru inclusion, control and affection.
Ind. Frame of reference- external frame- infer from behave.
Perceptual frame infer from how things seem 2 that person.
Self concept- internalized set of stable perceptions about oneself.->
develops frm past xperince, meanings from it., tries to enhance this
perception. Self Concept- inferable. Assumptions- 1. beliefs-
traced back to credibility of 1s sensory xperience. 2.values-
evaluative, ought, shud 3. attitudes- gen. in nature
Perceptions- what things are, prblms when assump. versus percep.
Feelings- emotive reaction 2 a given situation, strong(anger,
sadness) when disconfirm a assump., +ve feelings with confirm.

Ashok Rajguru- Not having any self confidence, lack of
motivation, took everything for granted. Realization that not as
high cap. as thot. Thot for creativity Rather than change circum.
adapt urself. Not aware of how to break barriers. Imp of Donald as
a listener.
TRANSACTION ANALYSIS: Ego states: Parent ego state: reflects attitudes, feelings, ideas absorbed during childhood from
parental figures. Critical Parent: sets limits for oneself and others; negatively evaluates and controls (dos and donts); Nurturing
Parent: Protective, solicitous, sympathetic. Adult ego state: collects data, sifts and analyses; rationally arrives at decisions; devoid
of emotion; age not relevant. Child ego state: intuitive, impulsive, carefree, creative, fun-loving. Natural Child: natural, energetic,
curious, uninhibited. Little Professor: thinking, creative, intuitive, problem-solving. Adaptive child: adapts to envt compliant
or rebellious. Exclusion: reliance on a single ego state to the exclusion of others; rigid, highly predictable Contaminating: C/P
ego states overflow boundaries of A, disturbing its decision making abilities. Transactions: unit of social interaction; friendly,
hostile or indifferent. Simple complementary (A to A, A to A), crossed a (P to C, C to P), crossed b (A to A, P to C), crossed c
(P to C, P to C). Complex ulterior a (A to A, A ~to C, C to A), ulterior b (A to A {P to C}, A to A {P to C}). Stroke: unit of
social recognition; conditional vs unconditional, positive vs negative, stroke vs zero stroke. Time structuring: Withdrawal:
shunning external contact to be with oneself, relax and think. May be A or AC choice. Ritual: Formalized and predicable
exchanges; maintain superficial social fabric of the workplace. Pastimes: Communication on topics of mutual interest,
interpersonal closeness. Each gives the opportunity to decide whether to get closer or not. Activities: leisure, domestic, social,
work related. Intimacy: authenticity, openness, trust and a desire to get close. NC is in command. Games: Victim position (kick
me, stupid, harried, wooden leg), Persecution (blemish, NIGYSOB, If it werent for you, Why dont you. Yes/but). Stamps:
Good/bad feelings an individual collects and stores, then expresses(spends) later. Good =gold stamps, bad =brown stamps.
Collection of stamps obstructs natural behaviour. Psychological positions:1) Im ok, youre ok realistic appraisal and
acceptance of oneself and others insipte of weaknesses and faults-get on with 2)Im ok, youre not ok-role of persecutor,
dogmatic stands, anger, depression and severe depression-get rid of 3)Im not ok, youre ok- self beration, admiring others,avoid
contact,getaway from 4) Im not ok, youre not ok-get nowhere, lose hope, suicidal and causing others harm.

NP Patronizing Supportive
CP Prescriptive Normative
A Task obsessive Problemsolving
LP Bohemian Innovative
AC Aggressive Confronting
Pygmalion self fulfilling
prophecy. Mangr xpectation
high productivity high. Good
manager- high xpectation. Self
image- actual performance.
Indiff, noncommittal trtmnt-
low xpectation. Maturity less
affected, young more, by
xpctcn. Motiv counter effective
beyond certain success- not
enuf chllngs, too hard work. 1

mangr most influ., not realized
by industry. +ve prphcy, +
outcome- clssic Pyg, -ve
outcome sprssd Pyg. ve
prphcy, +ve effect-Ill show
u, -ve effect- fail.

GGroup: Two or more freely interacting people with collective norms and goal and a common identity. Formal (formed by
organization) and informal (overriding reason for formation is friendship) groups. Functions: - Organizational (taking
decisions/completing tasks), Individual (need for affiliation, enhance self esteem, emotional support). Group Development: 5 stages
by Tuckman, Forming (ice-breaking stage, uncertainty about role), Storming (time for testing esp. the leader, subtle form of rebellion,
sub-group formation), Norming (mainly group cohesiveness), Performing (focus on solving task problems), Adjourning (return to
independence, sense of loss). Group decay: A new model talks of how group disintegrates after performing stage, the new stages are
de-Norming (erosion of standards of conduct), de-storming (undercurrent of discontent), de-forming (falling apart of group). Temp
groups with deadlines: Punctuated-equillibrium model: Phase 1: direction then inertia. Transition: revised direction and plans. Phase 2:
execution of plans and then final burst of activity. Norms: explicitly, primacy (first behaviour pattern), history and critical
events.Cohesiveness, improves by:small size, encouragement, more time together, competition with others etc. High cohesiveness low
performance norms leads to lowest producitivty.Roles: task roles (initiator, elaborator, collaborator)Maintenance roles(encourager,
harmoiser). Size: 2 to 12. Threats to group effectiveness: Asch effect: pressure of everyone making a wrong choice leading me to
make wrong choice, even though I know the correct answer. Group think: cohesive group striving for unanimity having an unrealistic
approach, thinks it is invulnerable,underestimates opponents,ignores moral implications,stifles debate. Groupshift:Group together is
more risky than the individual. (reasons being together people get bold and daring, taking risk is admired). People tend to more
extreme position in the direction they were already leaning. Social loafing: decrease in individual effort as group size increase (reason:
loss of accountability, equity of effort, sharing of rewards so low motivation). Can be solved suing stepladder technique (people joining
Negotiator: When diff. Interests and perceptions.
Mistakes: 1. Neglecting others problems 2. Price
bulldoze other interests- deal 50-50 emotion/econm
(non-price- relnship, Social contract(gudwill,
shared xpectations for duration), process- better
results- fair, respectful, straightforward, interst of
full set of players. 3. Positions drive interest- firm
stand on issue 4. Searching too hard for common
ground 5. Neglecting BATNAs 6. Failing to
correct skewed vision- self serving role bias,
partisan perception

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