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Valerie Hobbs Designs

An elegant cardigan worked flat in one piece to the underarms. Collar
band is knit with the fronts and only requires seaming at the back of the
neck. Center front edge is rolled for a corded effect.

SIZES 32(36, 40, 44)
YARN BERROCO INCA GOLD (80% wool, 20% silk); 122 yds
#6423 Granate 10(10,12,14) skeins. 1120 (1205, 1450, 1685) yds
NEEDLES Size 7 32 circular or size to obtain gauge
OTHER Stitch holders, cable or double pointed needle

GAUGE 20 sts/32 rows = 4 in Faux Rib

Faux Rib
Row 1 (WS) *K1, P4*
Row 2 (RS) K

Banana Tree Stitch Pattern 16 sts/12 rows
FC sl 1 st to cable needle and hold in front, p1, k1 from cable needle
FKC same as FC, knit both stitches
FPC same as FC, purl both stitches

BC sl 1 st to cable needle and hold in back, k1, p1 from cable needle
BKC same as BC, knit both stitches
BPC same as BC, purl both stitches

Row 1 (WS) K1, P3, K3, P4, BPC, K3
Row 2 P2, BKC, K1, BC, K2, P3, FC, K1, P1
Row 3 K1, P2, K4, P2, K1, P3, BPC, K1
Row 4 P1, K3, BC, P1, K1, FKC, P3, FC, P1
Row 5 K5, FPC, P2, K2, P4, K1
Row 6 P1, K2, BC, P2, K1, (FKC) twice, P4
Row 7 K3, FPC, P4, K3, P3, K1
Row 8 P1, K1, BC, P3, K2, FC, K1, FKC, P2
Row 9 K1, FPC, P3, K1, P2, K4, P2, K1
Row 10 P1, BC, P3, BKC, K1, P1, FC, K3, P1
Row 11 K1, P4, K2, P2, BPC, K5
Row 12 P4, (BKC) twice, K1, P2, FC, K2, P1

Cast on 175 (195, 215, 235) stitches
(WS) K1, P4, K1, K row 1 of Banana Tree Stitch Pattern for left front (16 sts),
K1, *P4, K1* to last 22 stitches, K row 7 of Stitch pattern for right front (16
sts), K1, P4, K1
(RS) K all stitches, continuing Stitch pattern as established (row 2 for left
front, row 8 for right front)

Repeat these two rows, continuing pattern as established, until piece
measures 15, (15, 16, 17) or desired length, ending on wrong side

Divide for armholes
(RS) Work 44(49, 54, 59) stitches and place on holder for right front. Bind
off next 7 stitches. Work next 80 (90, 100, 110) stitches. Place remaining 44
(49, 54, 59) stitches on holder for left front. Continue work on back
(WS) Bind off 7 stitches at beginning of row
Bind off 3 sts at beginning of next 2 rows
Decrease 1 st at each end on RS rows 0 (3, 5, 7) times 67 (71, 77, 83)
stitches remain
Work until armhole measures 8 (8, 9, 9 !)
Place 18(20, 22, 24) stitches on holder, bind off next 31(31, 33, 35) sts for
back of neck, place remaining 18(20, 22, 24) sts on holder

Right Front
(WS) Join yarn and bind off 3 sts at beginning of row
Decrease 1 st at armhole edge on RS 0 (3, 6, 9) times 41(43, 45, 47) sts
Work until armhole measures 8 (8, 9, 9 !) end wrong side
Work 23 stitches of next RS row, cast on 1 st for collar band seam, and
place remaining 18(20, 22, 24) sts on holder
Working collar band pattern as established, and working the additional
seam stitch in garter stitch, continue for 3 (3, 3 ", 3 !). Place 24 sts on

Left Front
(RS) Join yarn and bind of 3 sts at beginning of row
Decrease 1 st at armhole edge on RS 0 (3, 6, 9) times 41(43, 45, 47) sts
Work until armhole measures 8 (8, 9, 9 !) end wrong side
Work 23 sts of next WS row, cast on 1 st for collar band seam, and place
remaining 18(20, 22, 24) sts on holder
Working collar band pattern as established, and working the additional
seam stitch in garter stitch, continue for 3 (3, 3 ", 3 !). Place 24 sts on

Cast on 42(42, 47, 52) sts
(WS) K1, P2, K1, *P4,K1*, P2, K1
(RS) Knit all stitches
Continues these 2 rows until piece measures 1 ! ending on WS
Increase 1 st each end once and then each end every 8
row 3 times
50(50, 55, 60) sts, every 10
row 5 times 60(60, 65, 70) sts, every 6
row 8
times 76(76, 81, 86) sts. Continue until sleeve measures 17 (17, 17 !, 18) or
desired length, maintaining pattern as sts are increased and ending with
WS row

Sleeve Cap
Bind off 4 sts beginning of next 2 rows 68(68, 73, 78) sts
Bind off 3 sts beginning of next 2 rows 62(62, 67, 72) sts
Bind of 2 sts beginning of next 4 rows 54(54, 59, 64) sts
Decrease 1 st each end every other RS row 0(0, 2, 3) times - 54 (54, 55, 58)
sts remain
Decrease 1 st each end RS row 8 times 38 (38, 39, 42) sts remain
Knit 1 WS row
Bind of 2 sts beginning of next 6(6, 6, 8) rows 26(26, 27, 26) sts
Bind off 3 sts beginning of next 2 rows
Bind off remaining 20 (20, 21, 20) sts

Block pieces to measurement, making sure to maintain rolled edge of
center fronts
Using three needle bind off, sew shoulder seams and back of collar band
Sew collar to back neck
Sew sleeve seams. Sew in sleeves


!2010 Valerie Hobbs Designs

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