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Sklll - 8eadlng Comprehenslon name_____________________________

8acon & Wool Comprehenslon ack - 3

8acon & Wool
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(1) 8acon and Wool : larmer 8ob (lnLermedlaLe)
(2) 8acon and Wool : Cn Lhe larm (advanced)
(3) 8acon and Wool: 1he llood (lnLermedlaLe)
(4) 8acon and Wool: WlnLer ls Pere (beglnner)
(3) 8acon and Wool : Lscape from Lhe larm (beglnner)
(6) 8acon and Wool : uown by Lhe ond (advanced)
(7) 8acon and Wool : Sheepdog (lnLermedlaLe)
(8) 8acon and Wool : Crandklds (advanced)
(9) 8acon and Wool: Shearlng uay (lnLermedlaLe)
(10) 8acon and Wool: ualry 1lme (advanced)
(11) 8acon and Wool: ?ou're a 8aaaad 8oy! (advanced)
(12) 8acon and Wool : 1o Lach 1helr Cwn (lnLermedlaLe)
Sklll - 8eadlng Comprehenslon name_____________________________

8acon & Wool Comprehenslon ack - 3
)*+,- *-. /,,0' 1*2342 ),5
SLory 8y: Andrew lrlnkle

larmer 8ob was noL Lhe smarLesL man. ln facL, he was downrlghL forgeLful. Pe would
have forgoLLen whlch way Lo puL on hls shlrL lf he could buLLon up Lhe back of a shlrL, buL hls
arms dldn'L reach LhaL way very easlly. So, when lL came Lo hls farm, he had Lrouble
rememberlng whaL anlmals were good for. Pe came up wlLh Lhe surprlslngly clever ldea Lo
name hls anlmals afLer whaL he could geL ouL of Lhem!
Pls favorlLe anlmal was a plg, whlch he named 8acon.
8acon was hls favorlLe pork producL, even more Lhan rlbs or
pork chops. Lvery Llme he saw LhaL faL, plnk plg, hls mouLh
sLarLed Lo waLer, Lhlnklng abouL Lhe dellclous breakfasLs he
would be someday. 8acon was a large and energeLlc young plg,
qulck Lo run and play.
Pls sheep, he named Wool. lL was fuzzy and sloppy-looklng, wlLh
one ear LhaL drooped. Pe never seemed Lo sLop chewlng grass or belng
sLubborn. Pe llked Lo wander Lhrough Lall grasses, eaLlng Lhe seeds off
Lhe Lop of Lhe grass and Lhe flowers, Loo. 1hls had Lhe unforLunaLe
slde-effecL of geLLlng every manner of grass, weed, and burr caughL ln
hls wool. lL was noL aLLracLlve.
larmer 8ob had oLher anlmals, Loo. !usL llke 8acon and Wool, he named Lhem afLer
whaL Lhey were used for. 1he cow, he named Cheddar, because she made mllk, and cheese
came from mllk. 1he horse was named Saddlebags, because he helped carry Lhlngs. 1he
chlcken was named urumsLlck, obvlously, as LhaL ls Lhe mosL fun parL of a chlcken Lo eaL, or aL
leasL larmer 8ob LhoughL so. 1hen Lhere was a goaL named 8aaaad 8oy, because he was
horrlbly Lroublesome and had a Lendency Lo Lry Lo head buLL you wlLh hls horns. llnally, Lhere
was a blg ole' flsh ln Lhe pond, whlch he'd named lllleL, because one day, he was golng Lo be
[usL LhaL.
larmer bob was a hungry and slmple man. Pls anlmals were anyLhlng buL slmple. lf only
he knew Lhe crazy Lhlngs Lhey could geL up Lo on hls farm, he mlghL Lhlnk of Lhem dlfferenLly.
Would he ever flnd ouL?

Sklll - 8eadlng Comprehenslon name_____________________________

8acon & Wool Comprehenslon ack - 3
)*+,- *-. /,,0' 1*2342 ),5
SLory 8y: Andrew lrlnkle
use Lhe lnformaLlon ln Lhe sLory Lo answer Lhe quesLlons below.

1. WhaL ls larmer 8ob's problem?
A. Pe's hungry.
8. Pe can'L remember Lhlngs very well.
C. Pe's cruel.
u. Pe's loslng hls farm.

2. Pow does he solve Lhls problem on hls farm?
A. Pe made hls anlmals wear nameLags.
8. Pe sold hls anlmals.
C. Pe hlred a helper.
u. Pe named Lhe anlmals afLer whaL Lhey are used for.

3. Pow dld Lhe plg geL hls name?
A. 8acon ls larmer 8ob's favorlLe klnd of pork.
8. 1he plg saved hls bacon once!
C. 1he plg squeals and snorLs and seems Lo say, 8acon."
u. 1here ls no reason for Lhe name.

4. WhaL dld larmer 8ob name Lhe sheep?
A. Sheep
8. Sheep #2
C. Wool
u. lur

3. Whlch of Lhese anlmals ls noL maLched correcLly wlLh lLs nlckname?
A. lg = 8acon
8. CoaL = 8aaaad 8oy
C. llsh = lllleL
u. Cow = Mllk

Sklll - 8eadlng Comprehenslon name_____________________________

8acon & Wool Comprehenslon ack - 3
)*+,- *-. /,,0' 1*2342 ),5
SLory 8y: Andrew lrlnkle
use Lhe lnformaLlon ln Lhe sLory Lo answer Lhe quesLlons below.

1. WhaL ls larmer 8ob's problem?
A. Pe's hungry.
)6 74 +*-89 24343542 9:;-<= >42? @4006
C. Pe's cruel.
u. Pe's loslng hls farm.

2. Pow does he solve Lhls problem on hls farm?
A. Pe made hls anlmals wear nameLags.
8. Pe sold hls anlmals.
C. Pe hlred a helper.
A6 74 -*34. 9:4 *-;3*0= *B942 @:*9 9:4? *24 C=4. B,26

3. Pow dld Lhe plg geL hls name?
$6 )*+,- ;= 1*2342 ),58= B*>,2;94 D;-. ,B E,2D6
8. 1he plg saved hls bacon once!
C. 1he plg squeals and snorLs and seems Lo say, 8acon."
u. 1here ls no reason for Lhe name.

4. WhaL dld larmer 8ob name Lhe sheep?
A. Sheep
8. Sheep #2
F6 /,,0
u. lur

3. Whlch of Lhese anlmals ls noL maLched correcLly wlLh lLs nlckname?
A. lg = 8acon
8. CoaL = 8aaaad 8oy
C. llsh = lllleL
A6 F,@ G #;0D

Sklll - 8eadlng Comprehenslon name_____________________________

8acon & Wool Comprehenslon ack - 3
)*+,- *-. /,,0' ,- 9:4 1*23
SLory 8y: Andrew lrlnkle

8acon Lhe plg was up early, earller Lhan Lhe oLher anlmals ln facL. Pe
llked Lo geL up and smell Lhe mornlng manure. Pe was LhaL klnd of guy, an
early rlser. Pls frlend, Wool Lhe sheep, was noL much of a mornlng sheep.
Wool was a blL of a nlghL sheep, able Lo sLay up unLll any old hour,
dlscusslng pollLlcs, phllosophy, and quanLum physlcs. no, noL really. MosLly
he Lalked abouL grass and flowers, Lhe Lhlngs he wanLed Lo eaL. Wool's llps
smacked nolslly, even ln hls sleep, as a lefLover mouLhful of grass from
yesLerday slowly dlssolved lnLo greenlsh pasLe LhaL drlpped from hls sleeplng
8acon nudged Wool awake, and nodded Loward Lhe open barn door. larmer 8ob leL Lhe Lwo of Lhem
ouL early ln Lhe mornlng. Pe belleved ln free range anlmals, and generally leL Lhem wander from pen Lo pen,
so long as Lhey dldn'L escape or squabble wlLh Lhe oLher anlmals.
1hey sLopped Lo see 8aaaad 8oy flrsL. Pe was a grumpy Cus, always smacklng hls horns lnLo fences or
rammlng hls head lnLo unproLecLed flanks and Lhlghs. Pe was a mean old goaL, and even larmer 8ob couldn'L
qulLe flgure ouL whaL Lhe purpose of havlng hlm around was. Pe probably kepL away wlld anlmals, whaL wlLh
hls nolsy carrylng-on and smashlng lnLo Lhlngs. CurrenLly, he was head buLLlng an old rusLy pall. nelLher of
Lhem seemed Lo be wlnnlng.
Wool chewed LhoughLfully as Lhey waLched, buL 8acon shook hls head (whlch was hard Lo Lell wlLh
such a Lhlck neck), and Lhe Lwo conLlnued on Lo Cheddar's pen. Cheddar was a klndly mllk cow. She never gave
anyone any grlef, and was sweeL as could be. She dld chew her cud loudly, Lhough, whlch
8acon found gross, buL Wool found reassurlngly famlllar.
urumsLlck was walLlng ln Lhe chlcken coop [usL down Lhe paLh from Cheddar's pen.
She was hunched over a fresh egg, whlLe and shlny. When she saw Lhem comlng, she sLarLed
clucklng wlldly and flapplng her wlngs. She had Lhls Lhlng abouL proLecLlng her eggs, even
Lhough larmer 8ob sLole Lhem every day. Some people never gave up!
AfLer LhaL, Lhey moved on Lo Lhe pond, whlch was a small peanuL-shaped affalr compleLe wlLh caLLalls
and llly pads. lllleL Lhe flsh bobbed up aL Lhe surface as Lhey approached, hoplng for some sorL of LreaL. 1hey
hadn'L broughL anyLhlng, Lhough. Wool cropped some of Lhe grass aL Lhe edge of Lhe pond, en[oylng Lhe molsL
greens lmmensely.
1helr lasL sLop ln Lhelr soclal rounds was over aL Lhe sLable, where Saddlebags Lhe horse was Lled up.
Pe had a feedbag over hls face, and was munchlng oaLs loudly. 8acon's sLomach growled [ealously. Pe would
klll for oaLs, someLhlng chewy beLween hls LeeLh. All he ever goL was mush and slops.
A feedlng bell rang, and Lhe Lwo frlends' eyes wldened. 1hey made some Lracks, rushlng back Lo Lhe
barn, Lhe safe old barn, where Lhey were fed. lL was a slmple llfe, and lL was nlce Lo sLreLch Lhelr legs now and
Lhen and say hello Lo everyone. lf only Lhey could go somewhere else for a change, buL where would Lhey go?
WhaL would Lhey see? More lmporLanLly, where were breakfasL and dlnner come from?
Sklll - 8eadlng Comprehenslon name_____________________________

8acon & Wool Comprehenslon ack - 3
)*+,- *-. /,,0' H- 9:4 1*23
SLory 8y: Andrew lrlnkle
use Lhe lnformaLlon ln Lhe sLory Lo answer Lhe quesLlons below.

1. Whlch anlmal wakes up flrsL?
A. Wool Lhe sheep
8. 8acon Lhe plg
C. urumsLlck Lhe chlcken
u. lllleL Lhe flsh

2. Whlch anlmal do 8acon and Wool vlslL flrsL?
A. a cow
8. a goaL
C. a chlcken
u. a flsh

3. Who ls Lhelr second sLop?
A. Cheddar Lhe cow
8. Saddlebags Lhe horse
C. urumsLlck Lhe chlcken
u. lllleL Lhe flsh

4. Who ls aL Lhelr lasL sLop?
A. Cheddar Lhe cow
8. Saddlebags Lhe horse
C. urumsLlck Lhe chlcken
u. lllleL Lhe flsh

3. Whlch of Lhese ls noL a quesLlon 8acon and Wool have abouL leavlng Lhe farm?
A. Where would Lhey geL food?
8. Where would Lhey go?
C. WhaL would Lhey see?
u. Pow would Lhey caLch a bus?
Sklll - 8eadlng Comprehenslon name_____________________________

8acon & Wool Comprehenslon ack - 3
)*+,- *-. /,,0' H- 9:4 1*23
SLory 8y: Andrew lrlnkle
use Lhe lnformaLlon ln Lhe sLory Lo answer Lhe quesLlons below.

1. Whlch anlmal wakes up flrsL?
A. Wool Lhe sheep
)6 )*+,- 9:4 E;<
C. urumsLlck Lhe chlcken
u. lllleL Lhe flsh

2. Whlch anlmal do 8acon and Wool vlslL flrsL?
A. a cow
)6 * <,*9
C. a chlcken
u. a flsh

3. Who ls Lhelr second sLop?
$6 F:4..*2 9:4 +,@
8. Saddlebags Lhe horse
C. urumsLlck Lhe chlcken
u. lllleL Lhe flsh

4. Who ls aL Lhelr lasL sLop?
A. Cheddar Lhe cow
)6 !*..045*<= 9:4 :,2=4
C. urumsLlck Lhe chlcken
u. lllleL Lhe flsh

3. Whlch of Lhese ls noL a quesLlon 8acon and Wool have abouL leavlng Lhe farm?
A. Where would Lhey geL food?
8. Where would Lhey go?
C. WhaL would Lhey see?
A6 7,@ @,C0. 9:4? +*9+: * 5C=I

Sklll - 8eadlng Comprehenslon name_____________________________

8acon & Wool Comprehenslon ack - 3
)*+,- *-. /,,0' J:4 10,,.
SLory 8y: Andrew lrlnkle

Cne noL so flne day, lL was ralnlng horses and caLLle. lL wasn'L ralnlng caLs and dogs, because
larmer 8ob dldn'L have any of Lhose. Anyway, lL was ralnlng llke crazy on Lhe farm.
8acon dldn'L Lhlnk much of lL, because he was a plg. Pe llked Lhe raln. lL made mud. Mud was nlce
Lo roll ln. lf he dld LhaL, lL kepL hlm cool, and lL coaLed hls body so Lhe flles and bugs couldn'L blLe hlm!
1haL was greaL. Wool sLood around chewlng weL grass. Pe was noL a plcky sheep. Pe was sorL of slmple,
excepL Lhe raln made hlm look llke a weL caL. Pe looked funny wlLh a blg soggy coaL of wool on.
lL was much llke any old sLorm, excepL lL wasn'L. lL kepL ralnlng, and Lhen ralned some more. lL
seemed as lf lL would never sLop. ln facL, lL ralned so much LhaL Lhe dlLches fllled up. 1he lrrlgaLlon canal
overflowed. lL was geLLlng very soggy ouL. Llke a bowl of cereal lefL Lo slL, everyLhlng was Lurnlng mushy.
1he floor of Lhe barn was soaked. Pay and sLraw were floaLlng, and Lhe ground was more puddles
Lhan ground! urumsLlck Lhe chlcken was clucklng wlldly ln Lhe coop as Lhe waLer rose. She dld everyLhlng
she could Lo keep her eggs dry. Cheddar mooed wlLh concern, and Saddlebags Lhe horse moved away lnLo
Lhe pasLure Lo hlgher ground when hls pen fllled wlLh waLer.
1hlngs were looklng bad, buL 8acon sLlll dldn'L mlnd. Pe was chubby, and he could floaL qulLe well.
Wool, on Lhe oLher hand, sLruggled across Lhe soggy grounds Lo keep up wlLh hls chunky frlend. Whlle
8acon floaLed casually along ln Lhe cool summer ralnwaLer, Wool was belng dragged under by Lhe welghL
of hls soaked wool.
8aaaad 8oy, Lhe mean old goaL, had Lhe sense Lo cllmb up on hls small house. Wool Lrled Lo geL up
Lhere, Loo, slnce Lhe waLer was hlgh enough Lo geL hlm over Lhe fence and Lo Lhe goaL's house, buL LhaL
was as far as he goL. As soon as he Lrled Lo scramble up on Lhe small shed, Lhe goaL head buLLed hlm back
lnLo Lhe waLer and sLomped hls feeL. Pe wasn'L a nlce anlmal.
Wool and 8acon made Lhelr way over Lo Lhe pasLure, where
Saddlebags was sLandlng hlgh, lf noL dry. 1he raln conLlnued Lo pour
down, buL aL leasL up on LhaL hlll, Lhe Lhree of Lhem dldn'L have Lo
swlm. lrom Lhere, Lhey walLed ouL Lhe sLorm. lL ended a few hours
laLer, buL Lhe waLer lasLed for days!
Cf all of Lhem, only lllleL seemed pleased wlLh Lhe slLuaLlon.
Pe goL Lo swlm all over Lhe place. Pls llLLle pond become llke a lake
for several days.
larmer 8ob sure had hls work cuL ouL for hlm. Pe had a loL of cleanlng Lo do.
Pls waLer pump ran from sunup Lo sundown Lo geL Lhe waLer ouL of Lhe pens and
lnLo Lhe canal. Lveryone came ouL of Lhe sLorm alrlghL, buL lL was a close call for
Wool. Pe declded he wasn'L golng swlmmlng agaln anyLlme soon.
Sklll - 8eadlng Comprehenslon name_____________________________

8acon & Wool Comprehenslon ack - 3
)*+,- *-. /,,0' J:4 10,,.
SLory 8y: Andrew lrlnkle
use Lhe lnformaLlon ln Lhe sLory Lo answer Lhe quesLlons below.

1. WhaL slLuaLlon do Lhe anlmals flnd Lhemselves ln?
A. a bad ralnsLorm
8. a Lornado
C. a bllzzard
u. a heaL wave

2. Whose house does Wool Lry Lo cllmb up on?
A. urumsLlck's
8. larmer 8ob's
C. 8aaaad 8oy's
u. Cheddar's

3. Who do 8acon and Wool flnally flnd a safe place Lo sLay wlLh?
A. Cheddar Lhe cow
8. Saddlebags Lhe horse
C. urumsLlck Lhe chlcken
u. lllleL Lhe flsh

4. Who ls Lhe only anlmal LhaL seems Lo beneflL from Lhe sLorm?
A. Cheddar Lhe cow
8. Saddlebags Lhe horse
C. urumsLlck Lhe chlcken
u. lllleL Lhe flsh

3. WhaL does Wool declde afLer Lhe sLorm?
A. Pe needs Lo geL a halrcuL.
8. Pe needs Lo sLop belng afrald of waLer.
C. Pe needs Lo learn Lo swlm.
u. Pe needs Lo avold swlmmlng for awhlle.
Sklll - 8eadlng Comprehenslon name_____________________________

8acon & Wool Comprehenslon ack - 3
)*+,- *-. /,,0' J:4 10,,.
SLory 8y: Andrew lrlnkle
use Lhe lnformaLlon ln Lhe sLory Lo answer Lhe quesLlons below.

1. WhaL slLuaLlon do Lhe anlmals flnd Lhemselves ln?
$6 * 5*. 2*;-=9,23
8. a Lornado
C. a bllzzard
u. a heaL wave

2. Whose house does Wool Lry Lo cllmb up on?
A. urumsLlck's
8. larmer 8ob's
F6 )****. ),?8=
u. Cheddar's

3. Who do 8acon and Wool flnally flnd a safe place Lo sLay wlLh?
A. Cheddar Lhe cow
)6 !*..045*<= 9:4 :,2=4
C. urumsLlck Lhe chlcken
u. lllleL Lhe flsh

4. Who ls Lhe only anlmal LhaL seems Lo beneflL from Lhe sLorm?
A. Cheddar Lhe cow
8. Saddlebags Lhe horse
C. urumsLlck Lhe chlcken
A6 1;0049 9:4 B;=:

3. WhaL does Wool declde afLer Lhe sLorm?
A. Pe needs Lo geL a halrcuL.
8. Pe needs Lo sLop belng afrald of waLer.
C. Pe needs Lo learn Lo swlm.
A6 74 -44.= 9, *>,;. =@;33;-< B,2 *@:;046

Sklll - 8eadlng Comprehenslon name_____________________________

8acon & Wool Comprehenslon ack - 3
)*+,- *-. /,,0' /;-942 ;= 7424
SLory 8y: Andrew lrlnkle

Snow was falllng on Lhe farm. WlnLer was
here. 8acon Lhe plg knew lL, because hls plnk, fuzzy
skln was Lurnlng blue! Pls nose was Lurnlng lnLo an
lclcle, Loo. nearby, hls frlend was noL havlng Lhe
Lrouble he was.
Wool was a sheep, and he had a nlce Lhlck
coaL of wool Lo keep hlmself warm. Pe was wanderlng around llke lL
was no blg deal. Pe was havlng Lrouble flndlng green grass Lo chew on
Lhough. Pe normally never sLopped chewlng.
Llke some people consLanLly chewed bubblegum, Wool loved Lo have a mouLhful
of grass. Pe'd chew lL lnLo green goop and swallow lL. 1hen he'd go for more.
unforLunaLely, Lhe cool fall weaLher had yellowed Lhe grass. 1he snow was coverlng lL
now, and he had Lo use hls nose Lo dlg around for more. Pe dldn'L llke Lhe hay and oaLs
Lhey were offered as much as he loved grass!
8acon grunLed coldly and shlmmled lnLo a plle of sLraw. Pe wlggled all Lhe way ln
and slowly Lurned around. Pls curly Lall began Lo Lhaw, and he poked hls nose ouL lnLo
Lhe cold alr Lo waLch hls frlend. lrom lnslde Lhe haysLack, he could see Wool, buL Lhe
sheep dld noL see hlm.
When wool crepL closer Lo snlff Lhe sLraw, 8acon [umped ouL aL hlm. Wool [umped
sLralghL up ln Lhe alr and fell over. SomeLlmes, Wool forgoL LhaL he was noL a falnLlng
goaL. 8acon snorLed ln laughLer and nudged hls frlend. Wool goL up slowly and gave
8acon a dlrLy look. Pe dldn'L llke Lo be surprlsed.
8acon snorLed anoLher laugh and wenL back lnLo Lhe
haysLack Lo Lake a warm nap. Cnly, he woke up some Llme
laLer wlLh hls Lall freezlng agaln. Wool had eaLen Lhe back of
Lhe haysLack and lefL hls Lall ouL ln Lhe cold alr!
lL was golng Lo be a long, cold wlnLer!

Sklll - 8eadlng Comprehenslon name_____________________________

8acon & Wool Comprehenslon ack - 3
)*+,- *-. /,,0' /;-942 ;= 7424
SLory 8y: Andrew lrlnkle
use Lhe lnformaLlon ln Lhe sLory Lo answer Lhe quesLlons below.

1. 1PlS C8 1PA1: Whlch characLer seems Lo handle Lhe wlnLer beLLer?
A. 8acon
8. Wool

2. WhaL ls Wool's blggesL concern abouL wlnLer?
A. flndlng grass
8. sLaylng warm
C. noL freezlng hls Lall
u. eaLlng healLhlly

3. Where does 8acon hlde Lo sLay warm?
A. ln Lhe barn
8. ln Lhe dog house
C. ln Lhe haysLack
u. he doesn'L hlde

4. Pow does 8acon sLarLle Wool?
A. Pe hldes behlnd Lhe barn.
8. Pe runs around screamlng.
C. Pe preLends Lo be hurL.
u. Pe [umps ouL of Lhe haysLack when Wool comes near.

3. Pow dld Wool geL hls revenge for belng scared by 8acon?
A. Pe dldn'L.
8. Pe made 8acon apologlze.
C. Pe aLe parL of 8acon's haysLack Lo make hlm geL cold.
u. Pe had Lhe ducks scare 8acon.

Sklll - 8eadlng Comprehenslon name_____________________________

8acon & Wool Comprehenslon ack - 3
)*+,- *-. /,,0' /;-942 ;= 7424
SLory 8y: Andrew lrlnkle
use Lhe lnformaLlon ln Lhe sLory Lo answer Lhe quesLlons below.

1. 1PlS C8 1PA1: Whlch characLer seems Lo handle Lhe wlnLer beLLer?
A. 8acon
)6 /,,0

2. WhaL ls Wool's blggesL concern abouL wlnLer?
$6 B;-.;-< <2*==
8. sLaylng warm
C. noL freezlng hls Lall
u. eaLlng healLhlly

3. Where does 8acon hlde Lo sLay warm?
A. ln Lhe barn
8. ln Lhe dog house
F6 ;- 9:4 :*?=9*+D
u. he doesn'L hlde

4. Pow does 8acon sLarLle Wool?
A. Pe hldes behlnd Lhe barn.
8. Pe runs around screamlng.
C. Pe preLends Lo be hurL.
A6 74 KC3E= ,C9 ,B 9:4 :*?=9*+D @:4- /,,0 +,34= -4*26

3. Pow dld Wool geL hls revenge for belng scared by 8acon?
A. Pe dldn'L.
8. Pe made 8acon apologlze.
F6 74 *94 E*29 ,B )*+,-8= :*?=9*+D 9, 3*D4 :;3 <49 +,0.6
u. Pe had Lhe ducks scare 8acon.

Sklll - 8eadlng Comprehenslon name_____________________________

8acon & Wool Comprehenslon ack - 3
)*+,- *-. /,,0' L=+*E4 B2,3 9:4 1*23
SLory 8y: Andrew lrlnkle

Cn an oLherwlse normal day, someLhlng exLraordlnary
happened. 8aaaad 8oy, Lhe Lroublesome goaL, was havlng a
LanLrum. Pe klcked and bounced and spun around. 1hen he
klcked agaln. Pls hooves sLruck a loose fenceposL, and Lhe
whole fence secLlon fell aparL!
8acon and Wool looked aL each oLher. Wool chewed hls grass LhoughLfully. 8acon snorLed
exclLedly. 1he Lwo of Lhem bolLed for Lhe openlng ln Lhe fence. Wool reached lL flrsL, on
accounL of belng closer Lo lL. Pe sLepped ouL lnLo freedom!
Wool's flrsL acL as a free sheep was Lo Lry Lhe grass from Lhe oLher slde of Lhe fence. Pe'd
always wondered whaL lL would LasLe llke. Pe was amazed Lo flnd LhaL lL LasLed !uS1 llke Lhe
grass on Lhe oLher slde of Lhe fence LhaL he was used Lo. 1haL was amazlng Lo hlm.
8acon snorLed Lhe alr as a free plg for Lhe flrsL Llme. Pe grlnned as besL as hls llps would leL
hlm. lgs don'L really have mouLhs made for smlllng, buL he cerLalnly Lrled! Pe puL hls nose Lo
Lhe ground and sLarLed snuffllng along, looklng for hldden acorns and mushrooms ln Lhe
grasses. Pe rooLed around and found hlmself some grubs and acorns Lo eaL. lL was hls flrsL
meal as a free plg!
Suddenly, a car came haullng down Lhe road. Cravel splL from under lLs Llres and a hall of
pebbles flew Lhelr way. A cloud of dusL rolled over Lhem. Wool found hls eyes sLlnglng and hls
grass LasLed of dlrL - noL good dlrL elLher. 8acon snorLed ln some dusL and sneezed.
A dog howled ln Lhe dlsLance. Wool and 8acon shuddered
ln fear. WhaL sLrange beasLs lurked beyond Lhe safeLy of Lhe
fence? lL was a Lerrlfylng ldea. 1hey looked aL one anoLher
and made a momenLous declslon.
As one, Lhe Lwo of Lhem bounded back lnLo Lhe safeLy of
Lhe fence. 1hey headed sLralghL for Lhe barn, where Lhey
knew lL was safe.
WaLchlng Lhe Lwo, 8aaaad 8oy shook hls head and ran ouL
of Lhe fence on hls own. lL Look larmer 8ob all nlghL Lo
caLch hlm.

Sklll - 8eadlng Comprehenslon name_____________________________

8acon & Wool Comprehenslon ack - 3
)*+,- *-. /,,0' L=+*E4 B2,3 9:4 1*23
SLory 8y: Andrew lrlnkle
use Lhe lnformaLlon ln Lhe sLory Lo answer Lhe quesLlons below.

1. Who ls maklng Lrouble ln Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe sLory?
A. 8acon
8. Wool
C. Cheddar
u. 8aaaad 8oy

2. WhaL klnd of anlmal ls 8aaaad 8oy?
A. a cow
8. a chlcken
C. a goaL
u. a sheep

3. Who ls Lhe flrsL one Lo cross beyond Lhe fence?
A. 8acon
8. Wool
C. Cheddar
u. 8aaaad 8oy

4. WhaL flnally makes 8acon and Wool go back lnslde Lhe fence?
A. a dog howl
8. an owl hooLlng
C. a sLranger walklng up
u. larmer 8ob's yelllng

3. WhaL does 8aaaad 8oy do afLer 8acon and Wool run back Lo Lhe barn?
A. Pe follows Lhem.
8. Pe goes Lo sleep.
C. Pe runs ouLslde Lhe fence.
u. Pe klcks down more fence.
Sklll - 8eadlng Comprehenslon name_____________________________

8acon & Wool Comprehenslon ack - 3
)*+,- *-. /,,0' L=+*E4 B2,3 9:4 1*23
SLory 8y: Andrew lrlnkle
use Lhe lnformaLlon ln Lhe sLory Lo answer Lhe quesLlons below.

1. Who ls maklng Lrouble ln Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe sLory?
A. 8acon
8. Wool
C. Cheddar
A6 )****. ),?

2. WhaL klnd of anlmal ls 8aaaad 8oy?
A. a cow
8. a chlcken
F6 * <,*9
u. a sheep

3. Who ls Lhe flrsL one Lo cross beyond Lhe fence?
A. 8acon
)6 /,,0
C. Cheddar
u. 8aaaad 8oy

4. WhaL flnally makes 8acon and Wool go back lnslde Lhe fence?
$6 * .,< :,@0
8. an owl hooLlng
C. a sLranger walklng up
u. larmer 8ob's yelllng

3. WhaL does 8aaaad 8oy do afLer 8acon and Wool run back Lo Lhe barn?
A. Pe follows Lhem.
8. Pe goes Lo sleep.
F6 74 2C-= ,C9=;.4 9:4 B4-+46
u. Pe klcks down more fence.

Sklll - 8eadlng Comprehenslon name_____________________________

8acon & Wool Comprehenslon ack - 3
)*+,- *-. /,,0' A,@- 5? 9:4 M,-.
SLory 8y: Andrew lrlnkle

Cne flne mornlng, urumsLlck was all afluLLer. Pe was squawklng and danclng and carrylng
on. 8acon wondered whaL was golng on! Pe declded Lo lnvesLlgaLe. Cf course, he needed
hls frlend Wool Lo Lag along, because he wasn'L exacLly Lhe bravesL plg ln Lhe world.
Pe wandered down Loward Lhe pond, where he found drumsLlck sLlll danclng and
pranclng and maklng a greaL deal of rackeL. lg grunLed. Wool chewed hls grass nolslly.
1he boLh looked around for Lhe source of Lhe Lrouble.
1hey SAW lL! lllleL Lhe flsh was swlmmlng around a sLrange ob[ecL. 1he goldflsh
swam around lL carefully, examlnlng lL from a safe dlsLance. lllleL was Lhe besL
swlmmer on Lhe farm. 8acon suspecLed lL had someLhlng Lo do wlLh hlm belng a
flsh and all.
SLlll, LhaL dldn'L answer Lhe quesLlon abouL Lhe sLrange ob[ecL. lL [usL bobbed
along around lllleL, compleLely unconcerned by Lhe larger flsh. Why, lllleL mlghL
geL lL ln hls head Lo Lry Lo eaL Lhe welrd Lhlng. Shouldn'L lL be concerned?
lllleL swam ln for a closer look and gulped alr near lL. SLlll, Lhe Lhlng dldn'L seem Lo care. lL saL Lhere all
smug, half red and half whlLe wlLh lLs buLLon nose. WhaL a guy! And lL had a sLrange shape, Loo. lL was
almosL compleLely round. WhaL sorL of anlmal looked llke LhaL?
Wool waLched wlLh lnLeresL, worklng Lhe grass ln hls mouLh up Lo a green froLh. Pe, Loo, wondered whaL
Lhe sLrange creaLure ln Lhe pond was. Pe noLlced whaL Lhe oLhers had noL: a sLrlng comlng off of lL. Pls
eyes followed Lhe almosL lnvlslble sLrlng across Lhe surface of Lhe pond over Lo a welrd Lree beslde Lhe
pond. Wool wenL over Lo lnvesLlgaLe. Cnly, when he goL close, Lhe long, sklnny Lree sLarLed Lo bend!
lllleL [umped and splashed ouL of Lhe waLer, darLlng away from Lhe sLrange red and whlLe creaLure LhaL
had sLarLed Lo bob and bounce on Lhe surface of Lhe waLer. Cddly, Lhe Llmlng of Lhe bendlng Lree's
movemenLs seemed Lo colnclde wlLh Lhe bobblng of Lhe red and whlLe Lhlng.
Suddenly, larmer 8ob came runnlng down Lo Lhe pond. Pe pulled Lhe bendlng Lree lnLo hls hands and
began Lo make Lhe Lhlng move. 1he red and whlLe ob[ecL shoL across Lhe waLer, pulllng a small flsh along
wlLh lL!
lllleL gasped, reallzlng LhaL Lhe red and whlLe devlce was meanL for caLchlng
flsh! Pe could have been snagged and pulled from Lhe waLer. Pe waLched ln fear
as larmer 8ob smlled happlly and Look one of hls nelghbor flsh away for dlnner.
1he mysLery was solved, and lllleL knew never Lo LrusL Lhe red and whlLe
bobbers agaln!

Sklll - 8eadlng Comprehenslon name_____________________________

8acon & Wool Comprehenslon ack - 3
)*+,- *-. /,,0' A,@- 5? 9:4 M,-.
SLory 8y: Andrew lrlnkle
use Lhe lnformaLlon ln Lhe sLory Lo answer Lhe quesLlons below.

1. Who ls maklng all Lhe nolse aL Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe sLory?
A. 8acon
8. Wool
C. lllleL
u. urumsLlck

2. Where does urumsLlck's nolse lead 8acon and Wool?
A. Lo Lhe barn
8. Lo Lhe farmhouse
C. Lo Lhe chlcken coop
u. Lo Lhe pond

3. Why does 8acon wanL Wool Lo come wlLh hlm?
A. Pe's hungry.
8. Pe's noL very brave.
C. Pe's lonely.
u. Pe wanLs Lo show off hls swlmmlng skllls.

4. Who ls ln Lhe pond?
A. 8acon
8. Wool
C. lllleL
u. urumsLlck

3. WhaL do Lhey flnally learn Lhe sLrange ob[ecL ls for?
A. for caLchlng flsh
8. for swlmmlng
C. for decoraLlon
u. lL's acLually allve!
Sklll - 8eadlng Comprehenslon name_____________________________

8acon & Wool Comprehenslon ack - 3
)*+,- *-. /,,0' A,@- 5? 9:4 M,-.
SLory 8y: Andrew lrlnkle
use Lhe lnformaLlon ln Lhe sLory Lo answer Lhe quesLlons below.

1. Who ls maklng all Lhe nolse aL Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe sLory?
A. 8acon
8. Wool
C. lllleL
A6 A2C3=9;+D

2. Where does urumsLlck's nolse lead 8acon and Wool?
A. Lo Lhe barn
8. Lo Lhe farmhouse
C. Lo Lhe chlcken coop
A6 9, 9:4 E,-.

3. Why does 8acon wanL Wool Lo come wlLh hlm?
A. Pe's hungry.
)6 748= -,9 >42? 52*>46
C. Pe's lonely.
u. Pe wanLs Lo show off hls swlmmlng skllls.

4. Who ls ln Lhe pond?
A. 8acon
8. Wool
F6 1;0049
u. urumsLlck

3. WhaL do Lhey flnally learn Lhe sLrange ob[ecL ls for?
$6 B,2 +*9+:;-< B;=:
8. for swlmmlng
C. for decoraLlon
u. lL's acLually allve!

Sklll - 8eadlng Comprehenslon name_____________________________

8acon & Wool Comprehenslon ack - 3
)*+,- *-. /,,0' !:44E.,<
SLory 8y: Andrew lrlnkle

larmer 8ob had a nelghbor who was also a farmer. larmer
8andall had a loL of sheep. So, he kepL a sheepdog named aLches.
aLches was greaL aL herdlng sheep, buL someLlmes he forgoL
whose yard was whose. Pe also goL losL from Llme Lo Llme, whlch
dldn'L help.
Cn one occaslon, aLches wandered over Lo larmer 8ob's farm.
Pe LroLLed up Lhe drlveway, sLarLlng Lo Lhlnk someLhlng was amlss.
LveryLhlng was slmllar Lo hls own home buL sLrangely dlfferenL.
aLches glanced back and forLh, looklng for someLhlng famlllar,
and he found lL when he saw Wool.
Wool Lhe sheep was mlndlng hls own buslness and chewlng grass. Pe'd found a LasLy paLch of
sedge grass LhaL he was worklng on very happlly. WlLhouL warnlng, aLches came howllng up
Lo hlm and sLarLed runnlng around and barklng ln hls face.
Wool bllnked ln asLonlshmenL. Pe'd never seen such manners before. 8aaaad 8oy Lhe goaL
was preLLy rude, buL he wouldn'L [usL run up and shouL ln your face. Wool Lurned away from
Lhe dog, glvlng hlm Lhe cold shoulder.
aLches followed hlm and sLarLed barklng agaln. Wool found hlmself ln an uncomforLable
confronLaLlon wlLh Lhls sLrange anlmal. Pe backed away, and before he knew lL, Lhe dog was
barklng and dlrecLlng hlm Lo go Lhls way and LhaL.
Wool was halfway down Lhe drlveway, headlng Loward larmer 8andall's farm, when 8acon
caughL hlm. 8acon came snorLlng and sLomplng up Lo Lhe confused sheepdog. aLches dldn'L
know whaL Lo Lhlnk of Lhe plnk plg. larmer 8andall dldn'L have any plgs. aLches qulckly
assumed lL was a sLrange sheep and Lrled Lo herd 8acon Loward hls home farm, Loo. 1he Lwo
found Lhemselves marchlng ln sLep all Lhe way down Lhe drlveway and up Lhe lane.
LaLer LhaL nlghL, larmer 8andall loaded 8acon and Wool up ln a Lraller and drove Lhem back
Lo larmer 8ob's house. aLches saL ln Lhe Lruck, waLchlng 8acon and Wool reLurn Lo Lhelr
pens. larmer 8ob wasn'L very happy wlLh elLher of Lhem. Pe was even less pleased a couple
weeks laLer when lL happened agaln.
WhaL could 8acon and Wool do? 1hey had Lo obey Lhe sheepdog's commands, rlghL?

Sklll - 8eadlng Comprehenslon name_____________________________

8acon & Wool Comprehenslon ack - 3
)*+,- *-. /,,0' !:44E.,<
SLory 8y: Andrew lrlnkle
use Lhe lnformaLlon ln Lhe sLory Lo answer Lhe quesLlons below.

1. WhaL sLranger comes onLo larmer 8ob's land?
A. 8acon
8. Wool
C. aLches
u. urumsLlck

2. WhaL does aLches noL reallze?
A. LhaL he ls a dog
8. LhaL Lhls ls nC1 hls farm
C. LhaL he ls a good dog
u. LhaL he ls slck

3. Why does Wool go where aLches wanLs?
A. Pe's Lrylng Lo avold Lhe dog and ends up dolng whaL Lhe dog wanLs.
8. Pe's Lrylng Lo be nlce.
C. Pe's lonely.
u. Pe ls scared.

4. Who Lrles Lo save Wool?
A. 8acon
8. Wool saves hlmself.
C. aLches
u. larmer 8ob

3. Why does aLches Lry Lo make Wool and 8acon go Lo hls farm?
A. Pe ls mean.
8. Pe ls crazy.
C. Pe ls Lrylng Lo do hls regular [ob, buL he's aL Lhe wrong farm.
u. Pe ls old and does noL know whaL he's dolng.
Sklll - 8eadlng Comprehenslon name_____________________________

8acon & Wool Comprehenslon ack - 3
)*+,- *-. /,,0' !:44E.,<
SLory 8y: Andrew lrlnkle
use Lhe lnformaLlon ln Lhe sLory Lo answer Lhe quesLlons below.

1. WhaL sLranger comes onLo larmer 8ob's land?
A. 8acon
8. Wool
F6 M*9+:4=
u. urumsLlck

2. WhaL does aLches noL reallze?
A. LhaL he ls a dog
)6 9:*9 9:;= ;= NHJ :;= B*23
C. LhaL he ls a good dog
u. LhaL he ls slck

3. Why does Wool go where aLches wanLs?
$6 748= 92?;-< 9, *>,;. 9:4 .,< *-. 4-.= CE .,;-< @:*9 9:4 .,< @*-9=6
8. Pe's Lrylng Lo be nlce.
C. Pe's lonely.
u. Pe ls scared.

4. Who Lrles Lo save Wool?
$6 )*+,-
8. Wool saves hlmself.
C. aLches
u. larmer 8ob

3. Why does aLches Lry Lo make Wool and 8acon go Lo hls farm?
A. Pe ls mean.
8. Pe ls crazy.
F6 74 ;= 92?;-< 9, ., :;= 24<C0*2 K,5O 5C9 :48= *9 9:4 @2,-< B*236
u. Pe ls old and does noL know whaL he's dolng.

Sklll - 8eadlng Comprehenslon name_____________________________

8acon & Wool Comprehenslon ack - 3
)*+,- *-. /,,0' P2*-.D;.=
SLory 8y: Andrew lrlnkle

lL was sprlng, and LhaL meanL one Lhlng: Crandklds! larmer 8ob's grandklds
always vlslLed for a few days durlng Lhe sprlng. lL marked a Llme of youLhful
energy aL Lhe farm.
Lllen was 6. She was preLLy sweeL, buL Lended Lo overpeL Wool Lo exhausLlon.
She loved Lhe feel of hls wool fur and could peL hlm for hours. lL was sweeL, buL
he needed hls alone Llme, Loo! SomeLlmes she collecLed balls of hls wool and
sLuffed dolls wlLh lL. She llked Lo sew and make dollles, and wool made lovely
sLufflng, she sald.
1homas was elghL. Pe was a blL of a Lerror. Pe loved Lo chase urumsLlck and 8acon around Lhe
farmyard. Pe had boundless energy and would run urumsLlck lnLo Lerrlfled hldlng. Lven 8acon,
splrlLed and frlendly as he could be, goL Llred of chaslng. LvenLually, he'd bare hls LeeLh aL Lhe boy,
charge, and chase Lhe boy up a Lree. Cnce Lhere, he could clrcle around and around, pawlng aL Lhe
ground Lo keep hlm scared and ln Lhe Lree unLll everyone had caughL Lhelr breaLh.
1hls year, 8acon and Wool waLched Lhe mlnlvan roll up. Lllen and 1homas boLh looked Laller Lhan
ever, buL Lhere seemed Lo be someLhlng dlfferenL abouL Lhem. 1he llvellness and energy seemed Lo
have gone ouL of Lhem. And, Lhey consLanLly had Lhelr faces glued Lo some llLLle black and sllver boxes
abouL Lhe slze of Lhelr palms. WhaLever could Lhey be dolng?
urumsLlck, who had reslgned hlmself Lo a week of Lerror, was acLually qulLe pleased wlLh Lhe
changes. Wool found hlmself sad. Who else would groom hlm so carefully? 8acon had been dolng
wlnd sprlnLs for weeks ln preparaLlon of Lhe chaslng, and he'd even packed on a few pounds - some
of lL muscle - Lo prepare a more fearsome appearance Lo sLrlke fear ln 1homas' hearL.
lnsLead, Lhey found Lhemselves sLandlng aL Lhe edge of Lhelr pens, sLarlng aL Lhe klds who saL
unmovlng aL Lhe edge of larmer 8ob's porch. 1hey grumbled when asked Lo do chores Lhey used Lo
love, llke Lhrowlng cracked corn Lo urumsLlck, glvlng 8acon hls slops, and shovellng Cheddar's cow
llnally, on almosL Lhe lasL day of Lhelr vlslL, larmer 8ob Look away Lhelr llLLle devlces and made Lhe
klds play ln Lhe farmyard. Suddenly, lL was llke old Llmes! Lllen peLLed Wool and 1homas chased
urumsLlck and 8acon. Lveryone had a greaL Llme for Lhose lasL couple days.
8esL of all, when Lhe klds' moLher came Lo plck Lhem up, Lhey were all
smlles and happy waves Lo Lhe anlmals of larmer 8ob's farm as Lhey
lefL. 1hey'd be back nexL year.

Sklll - 8eadlng Comprehenslon name_____________________________

8acon & Wool Comprehenslon ack - 3
)*+,- *-. /,,0' P2*-.D;.=
SLory 8y: Andrew lrlnkle
use Lhe lnformaLlon ln Lhe sLory Lo answer Lhe quesLlons below.

1. Who ls comlng Lo vlslL Lhe farm?
A. larmer 8ob's grandklds
8. larmer 8ob's frlend's klds
C. larmer 8ob's nleces and nephews
u. Some nelghborhood klds

2. Who does Lllen usually play wlLh?
A. 8acon
8. Wool
C. urumsLlck
u. Cheddar

3. Who does 1homas usually play wlLh?
A. 8acon and Wool
8. Wool and Cheddar
C. urumsLlck and 8acon
u. Cheddar and Wool

4. WhaL's dlfferenL abouL Lhls year?
A. 1he klds are sad.
8. 1he klds aren'L lnLeresLed ln playlng aL flrsL.
C. 1he klds are mean Lo Lhe anlmals.
u. 1hree klds show up Lhls Llme.

3. WhaL flnally makes Lhe klds play llke Lhey used Lo?
A. 1hey geL bored and play.
8. larmer 8ob spanks Lhem.
C. larmer 8ob Lakes away Lhelr phones and makes Lhem play.
u. 1hey see how sad Wool and 8acon are.
Sklll - 8eadlng Comprehenslon name_____________________________

8acon & Wool Comprehenslon ack - 3
)*+,- *-. /,,0' P2*-.D;.=
SLory 8y: Andrew lrlnkle
use Lhe lnformaLlon ln Lhe sLory Lo answer Lhe quesLlons below.

1. Who ls comlng Lo vlslL Lhe farm?
$6 1*2342 ),58= <2*-.D;.=
8. larmer 8ob's frlend's klds
C. larmer 8ob's nleces and nephews
u. Some nelghborhood klds

2. Who does Lllen usually play wlLh?
A. 8acon
)6 /,,0
C. urumsLlck
u. Cheddar

3. Who does 1homas usually play wlLh?
A. 8acon and Wool
8. Wool and Cheddar
F6 A2C3=9;+D *-. )*+,-
u. Cheddar and Wool

4. WhaL's dlfferenL abouL Lhls year?
A. 1he klds are sad.
)6 J:4 D;.= *24-89 ;-9424=94. ;- E0*?;-< *9 B;2=96
C. 1he klds are mean Lo Lhe anlmals.
u. 1hree klds show up Lhls Llme.

3. WhaL flnally makes Lhe klds play llke Lhey used Lo?
A. 1hey geL bored and play.
8. larmer 8ob spanks Lhem.
F6 1*2342 ),5 9*D4= *@*? 9:4;2 E:,-4= *-. 3*D4= 9:43 E0*?6
u. 1hey see how sad Wool and 8acon are.

Sklll - 8eadlng Comprehenslon name_____________________________

8acon & Wool Comprehenslon ack - 3
)*+,- *-. /,,0' !:4*2;-< A*?
SLory 8y: Andrew lrlnkle

lL was a speclal day on Lhe farm for Wool Lhe sheep. lL was
Shearlng uay. 1haL was Lhe day he'd geL a halrcuL. lL only
happened a couple Llmes a year. SomeLlmes lL was only once,
buL ofLen lL was Lwlce a year.
Wool was exclLed! Pls fur had goLLen all maLLed wlLh dlrL
and grass laLely, and lL [usL seemed Lo drag aL hlm. 1he curly
fur was grey and dlscolored, noL aL all preLLy. noL Lo menLlon,
lL was very warm! 1ry Lo lmaglne wearlng a sweaLer all day
LhaL was several lnches Lhlck.
larmer 8ob had hls shearlng blades ready. 1hey looked llke funny sclssors. lnsLead of
openlng and closlng Lhem wlLh your hands llke regular sclssors, Lhey were already open,
and you squeezed Lhem Lo shuL Lhem. Lach Llme you squeezed, Lhe blades slld LogeLher
Lo sllce along. 1he blades were also shorL, Lrlangular, and very flaL, so you could shear
along Lhe skln wlLhouL cuLLlng Lhe sheep. 1haL was very lmporLanL!
Wool had a nlce rlnse ln warm waLer, and Lhen larmer 8ob sLarLed shearlng. 1hey
followed along hls belly, across hls back, and down hls legs. 1hey cuL off all of hls fur ln
one glanL plece! lL looked llke a dlrLy baLhroom rug. lf cleaned and combed ouL, Lhe
wool could be used Lo make Lhlngs.
nearby, 8acon snorLed ln laughLer aL hls baldlng frlend. Wool
suddenly looked llke half of hls old slze! Wool dldn'L care. Pe was
cool and clean. Pe Look a run Lhrough Lhe yard, shlverlng for Lhe
flrsL Llme ln monLhs. Pe was never cold wlLh all LhaL fur. lL felL good
Lo be cool agaln.
uays laLer, Lhe whlLe, curly fur was already growlng back. ln a few
monLhs, lL would be Llme Lo cuL lL agaln.

Sklll - 8eadlng Comprehenslon name_____________________________

8acon & Wool Comprehenslon ack - 3
)*+,- *-. /,,0' !:4*2;-< A*?
SLory 8y: Andrew lrlnkle
use Lhe lnformaLlon ln Lhe sLory Lo answer Lhe quesLlons below.

1. Who ls geLLlng a halrcuL Loday?
A. 8acon Lhe plg
8. Wool Lhe sheep
C. Cheddar Lhe cow
u. Saddlebags Lhe horse

2. Pow dld Wool feel abouL geLLlng hls halr cuL?
A. Sad
8. LxclLed
C. 1lred
u. Scared

3. WhaL dld larmer 8ob use Lo cuL Wool's fur?
A. hedge Lrlmmers
8. chlldren's sclssors
C. shearlng blades
u. a razor

4. Who laughs aL Wool for geLLlng hls halrcuL?
A. 8acon
8. Cheddar
C. Saddlebags
u. larmer 8ob

3. Pow many Llmes a year does Shearlng uay happen for Wool?
A. Lwo or Lhree Llmes
8. one or Lwo Llmes
C. only one Llme
u. always Lwo Llmes
Sklll - 8eadlng Comprehenslon name_____________________________

8acon & Wool Comprehenslon ack - 3
)*+,- *-. /,,0' !:4*2;-< A*?
SLory 8y: Andrew lrlnkle
use Lhe lnformaLlon ln Lhe sLory Lo answer Lhe quesLlons below.

1. Who ls geLLlng a halrcuL Loday?
A. 8acon Lhe plg
)6 /,,0 9:4 =:44E
C. Cheddar Lhe cow
u. Saddlebags Lhe horse

2. Pow dld Wool feel abouL geLLlng hls halr cuL?
A. Sad
)6 LQ+;94.
C. 1lred
u. Scared

3. WhaL dld larmer 8ob use Lo cuL Wool's fur?
A. hedge Lrlmmers
8. chlldren's sclssors
F6 =:4*2;-< 50*.4=
u. a razor

4. Who laughs aL Wool for geLLlng hls halrcuL?
$6 )*+,-
8. Cheddar
C. Saddlebags
u. larmer 8ob

3. Pow many Llmes a year does Shearlng uay happen for Wool?
A. Lwo or Lhree Llmes
)6 ,-4 ,2 9@, 9;34=
C. only one Llme
u. always Lwo Llmes

Sklll - 8eadlng Comprehenslon name_____________________________

8acon & Wool Comprehenslon ack - 3
)*+,- *-. /,,0' A*;2? J;34
SLory 8y: Andrew lrlnkle

1here was a good chance LhaL Cheddar Lhe cow was larmer 8ob's
favorlLe anlmal. urumsLlck Lhe chlcken was larmer 8ob's alarm clock,
whlch were useful, and Saddlebags Lhe horse was fun Lo rlde, buL
Cheddar was Lhe mosL useful. 8acon mosLly aLe lefLovers from Lhe
klLchen Lable and snorLed a loL. Wool Lhe sheep gave fur once or Lwlce
a year, buL LhaL wasn'L LhaL blg of a deal. Wool cloLhes made larmer
8ob all lLchy and scraLchy anyway.

Why was Cheddar so useful? Well, 8aaaad 8oy Lhe goaL could keep a fleld nearly as clear of
grass and LhlsLles as Cheddar, buL he couldn'L make mllk. Clrl goaLs can make mllk for cerLaln,
buL Lhe boy ones can'L. Cheddar, on accounL of belng a glrl, made mllk. Mllk meanL dalry. ualry
meanL loLs of dellclous sLuff.

larmer 8ob would mllk Cheddar every mornlng. Pe'd slL on a sLool and
collecL her mllk ln a sllver pall. 1hen he'd do a number of Lhlngs Lo lL. 8aw
mllk could be heaLed up Lo klll any bad germs and drank, lf wanLed. Cr,
he could separaLe Lhe cream ouL Lo geL fresh cream. Pe could add
culLures Lo lL Lo make sour cream. Cream could also be churned lnLo
buLLer. 1haL was a blL of a workouL for Lhe arms, Lhough. 1he mllk could
be drank or culLured lnLo yogurL, Loo. lce cream was also a posslblllLy.
1here were [usL so many dellclous dalry producLs!

larmer 8ob loved hls dalry foods. Pe was even known Lo make a blL of
cheese from Llme Lo Llme, whlch was hls favorlLe dalry food. And whaL
was hls favorlLe klnd of cheese? Cheddar, of course. Cheddar Lhe cow
helped hlm make cheddar cheese.

Sklll - 8eadlng Comprehenslon name_____________________________

8acon & Wool Comprehenslon ack - 3
)*+,- *-. /,,0' A*;2? J;34
SLory 8y: Andrew lrlnkle
use Lhe lnformaLlon ln Lhe sLory Lo answer Lhe quesLlons below.

1. Whlch of Lhese characLers ls nC1 menLloned ln Lhe sLory?
A. 8acon Lhe plg
8. Wool Lhe sheep
C. lllleL Lhe flsh
u. Saddlebags Lhe horse

2. Whlch anlmal ls larmer 8ob's favorlLe?
A. 8aaaad 8oy
8. 8acon
C. Saddlebags
u. Cheddar

3. Why ls Lhls anlmal larmer 8ob's favorlLe?
A. She makes mllk.
8. Pe lays eggs.
C. Pe ls very cuLe.
u. She ls very sweeL.

4. Whlch of Lhese Lhlngs does Lhe sLory nC1 menLlon larmer 8ob can make from mllk?
A. cheese
8. yogurL
C. puddlng
u. lce cream

3. WhaL Lype of dalry ls larmer 8ob's favorlLe?
A. cheese
8. yogurL
C. lce cream
u. buLLer
Sklll - 8eadlng Comprehenslon name_____________________________

8acon & Wool Comprehenslon ack - 3
)*+,- *-. /,,0' A*;2? J;34
SLory 8y: Andrew lrlnkle
use Lhe lnformaLlon ln Lhe sLory Lo answer Lhe quesLlons below.

1. Whlch of Lhese characLers ls nC1 menLloned ln Lhe sLory?
A. 8acon Lhe plg
8. Wool Lhe sheep
F6 1;0049 9:4 B;=:
u. Saddlebags Lhe horse

2. Whlch anlmal ls larmer 8ob's favorlLe?
A. 8aaaad 8oy
8. 8acon
C. Saddlebags
A6 F:4..*2

3. Why ls Lhls anlmal larmer 8ob's favorlLe?
$6 !:4 3*D4= 3;0D6
8. Pe lays eggs.
C. Pe ls very cuLe.
u. She ls very sweeL.

4. Whlch of Lhese Lhlngs does Lhe sLory nC1 menLlon larmer 8ob can make from mllk?
A. cheese
8. yogurL
F6 EC..;-<
u. lce cream

3. WhaL Lype of dalry ls larmer 8ob's favorlLe?
$6 +:44=4
8. yogurL
C. lce cream
u. buLLer

Sklll - 8eadlng Comprehenslon name_____________________________

8acon & Wool Comprehenslon ack - 3
)*+,- *-. /,,0' &,C824 * )****. ),?
SLory 8y: Andrew lrlnkle

Cn larmer 8ob's farm, every anlmal had Lhelr own personallLy. Some were advenLurous or curlous
or shy, buL only one was Lroublesome by naLure. 1he goaL, perfecLly named 8aaaad 8oy, always
seemed Lo look for Lrouble. 1hls was dlfferenL from 8acon and Wool, Lhe duo of a plg and a sheep,
LhaL accldenLly goL lnLo Lrouble.

8aaaad 8oy sLarLed mosL days by klcklng aL hls fence. As soon as he woke up,
usually because of urumsLlck Lhe roosLer's squawklng, he'd sLarL klcklng.
usually abouL once a week he could knock a board ouL of place and escape.
larmer 8ob dldn'L wanL Lo wasLe Lhe money on a new fence, so he always flxed
Lhe old one afLer recapLurlng hls mlschlevous goaL.

AfLer a good half hour of klcklng aL Lhe boards, he'd go eaL hls food Lo geL hls sLrengLh up for more
Lrouble. Pe would comb over Lhe penned area, looklng for LasLy flowers and anyLhlng LhaL wasn'L
supposed Lo be ln hls yard. Pe parLlcularly loved Lo eaL paper. Whenever paper blew lnLo hls yard, he
gobbled lL down. lasLlc he dldn'L eaL, buL he'd chew lL and splL lL lnLo a plle [usL over Lhe fence row,
so larmer 8ob would sLep on lL.

LaLer ln Lhe day, 8aaaad 8oy would Lry Lo cllmb onLo hls house and maklng as loud of nolses as
posslble. Pe had a small shelLer he could geL lnLo Lo geL ouL of Lhe wlnd and raln. Pe could cllmb onLo
Lhe rounded-roof bulldlng and bleaL hls hearL ouL. Pe en[oyed slnglng, as he LhoughL of lL. All of Lhe
oLher anlmals ln Lhe yard haLed hls slnglng and would sLarL shouLlng aL hlm Lo be quleL. 1he ruckus
Lhls made was preLLy overwhelmlng!

8efore bedLlme, 8aaaad 8oy llked Lo run around hls pen maklng sLrange nolses, llke he'd once heard
coyoLes make. 1hls sLarLled urumsLlck Lhe roosLer, and frlghLened 8acon Lhe plg. 1he [oke made Lhe
goofy goaL bray wlLh laughLer, buL Lhe oLhers dldn'L much care for hls rouLlne.

A few more klcks aL hls fence and sLomps on Lhe roof of hls house meanL lL was Llme Lo go Lo sleep.
LxcepL, even ln hls sleep he Lended Lo cry ouL and make nolse. Pe really was a nolsy, Lroublesome

Sklll - 8eadlng Comprehenslon name_____________________________

8acon & Wool Comprehenslon ack - 3
)*+,- *-. /,,0' &,C824 * )****. ),?
SLory 8y: Andrew lrlnkle
use Lhe lnformaLlon ln Lhe sLory Lo answer Lhe quesLlons below.

1. Whlch of Lhese characLers ls nC1 menLloned ln Lhe sLory?
A. 8acon Lhe plg
8. Wool Lhe sheep
C. Cheddar Lhe cow
u. larmer 8ob

2. Whlch Lwo anlmals accldenLally geL lnLo Lrouble someLlmes?
A. 8aaaad 8oy and 8acon
8. 8acon and Wool
C. Cheddar and Wool
u. 8aaaad 8oy and Wool

3. WhaL does 8aaaad 8oy do flrsL when he wakes up?
A. Pe eaLs.
8. Pe klcks aL hls fence.
C. Pe slngs from Lhe roof of hls shelLer.
u. Pe makes coyoLe nolses.

4. Whlch of Lhese does 8aaaad 8oy nC1 do?
A. Pe chews on Lhe LracLor Llres.
8. Pe klcks aL hls fence.
C. Pe slngs from Lhe roof of hls shelLer.
u. Pe makes coyoLe nolses.

3. Pow does Lhe goaL boLher everyone even when he sleeps?
A. Pe meows when sleeplng.
8. Pe crles ouL and makes nolses ln hls sleep.
C. Pe snores loudly.
u. Pe wakes up early and boLhers people.
Sklll - 8eadlng Comprehenslon name_____________________________

8acon & Wool Comprehenslon ack - 3
)*+,- *-. /,,0' &,C824 * )****. ),?
SLory 8y: Andrew lrlnkle
use Lhe lnformaLlon ln Lhe sLory Lo answer Lhe quesLlons below.

1. Whlch of Lhese characLers ls nC1 menLloned ln Lhe sLory?
A. 8acon Lhe plg
8. Wool Lhe sheep
F6 F:4..*2 9:4 +,@
u. larmer 8ob

2. Whlch Lwo anlmals accldenLally geL lnLo Lrouble someLlmes?
A. 8aaaad 8oy and 8acon
)6 )*+,- *-. /,,0
C. Cheddar and Wool
u. 8aaaad 8oy and Wool

3. WhaL does 8aaaad 8oy do flrsL when he wakes up?
A. Pe eaLs.
)6 74 D;+D= *9 :;= B4-+46
C. Pe slngs from Lhe roof of hls shelLer.
u. Pe makes coyoLe nolses.

4. Whlch of Lhese does 8aaaad 8oy nC1 do?
$6 74 +:4@= ,- 9:4 92*+9,2 9;24=6
8. Pe klcks aL hls fence.
C. Pe slngs from Lhe roof of hls shelLer.
u. Pe makes coyoLe nolses.

3. Pow does Lhe goaL boLher everyone even when he sleeps?
A. Pe meows when sleeplng.
)6 74 +2;4= ,C9 *-. 3*D4= -,;=4= ;- :;= =044E6
C. Pe snores loudly.
u. Pe wakes up early and boLhers people.

Sklll - 8eadlng Comprehenslon name_____________________________

8acon & Wool Comprehenslon ack - 3
)*+,- *-. /,,0' J, L*+: J:4;2 H@-
SLory 8y: Andrew lrlnkle

lL was a regular old day aL larmer 8ob's farm. All Lhe anlmals were ouL and abouL, dolng Lhelr own

urumsLlck Lhe chlcken was paclng Lhe yard, pecklng aL Lhe ground. Pe was search for
seeds, bugs, and worms. Pe hopped around and occaslonally Look Lo fllghL long enough Lo
hop on Lop of Lhe chlcken coop. Pe never lald eggs Lhough, on accounL of belng a roosLer.

lllleL Lhe flsh was paddllng around Lhe pond, swlmmlng happlly. lllleL Look a
lap or Lwo Lo keep ln shape. 1hen he looked for food buL only found 8obber.
8obber floaLed along. llke a bobber. 8obber wasn'L very good aL holdlng a

Cheddar Lhe cow was ouL ln Lhe pasLures chewlng grass. She wandered around Lhe
flowery flelds, looklng for Lhe LasLlesL morsels of grass, all of whlch were klnd of bland
and sorL of blLLer. lood was noL exclLlng for her, buL she en[oyed looklng. ?ou never
knew when Lhe nexL LasLy blLe mlghL come!

Saddlebags Lhe horse was paclng up and down Lhe fenced-ln meadow. Pe sLruLLed
and LroLLed hls way around Lhe green area, looklng fancy and ma[esLlc. Pe was Lhe
LallesL and handsomesL anlmal on Lhe farm. Lveryone knew lL, and he wasn'L abouL
Lo leL anyone forgeL, even lf he had Lo help pull wagons now and Lhen.

8aaaad 8oy Lhe goaL was looklng for some sorL of Lrouble Lo geL lnLo. AL Lhe momenL,
he was Lrylng Lo flgure ouL how Lo geL onLo larmer 8ob's porch so he could eaL some of
hls prlzed chrysanLhemums. 1hey sure looked LasLy! Pe dldn'L know lf Lhey were good
Lo eaL, buL he cerLalnly planned on eaLlng a few Lo flnd ouL.

And whaL was our favorlLe duo up Lo? Wool was chewlng grass and
8acon was plannlng Lhelr nexL blg advenLure. 8eLween Lhe sheep and
Lhe plg, Lhey were cerLaln Lo flnd someLhlng lnLeresLlng. 1hey were
far Loo curlous Lo sLay ouL of Lrouble for Loo long!

Sklll - 8eadlng Comprehenslon name_____________________________

8acon & Wool Comprehenslon ack - 3
)*+,- *-. /,,0' J, L*+: J:4;2 H@-
SLory 8y: Andrew lrlnkle
use Lhe lnformaLlon ln Lhe sLory Lo answer Lhe quesLlons below.

1. Whlch of Lhese characLers ls nC1 menLloned ln Lhe sLory?
A. 8acon Lhe plg
8. Wool Lhe sheep
C. lllleL Lhe flsh
u. 8ark Lhe dog

2. Whlch anlmal wanLs Lo eaL Lhe farmer's flowers from hls porch?
A. 8aaaad 8oy
8. 8acon
C. Saddlebags
u. Cheddar

3. Why doesn'L urumsLlck lay eggs?
A. Pe's sLubborn.
8. Pe's scared Lo Lry.
C. Pe's a roosLer, noL a hen!
u. Pe ls Loo old.

4. Whlch Lwo characLers are ln Lhe pond?
A. 8acon and Wool
8. Cheddar and Saddlebags
C. lllleL and 8obber
u. urumsLlck and 8aaaad 8oy

3. Whlch Lype of anlmal ls nC1 menLloned ln Lhe sLory?
A. a caL
8. a sheep
C. a cow
u. a roosLer
Sklll - 8eadlng Comprehenslon name_____________________________

8acon & Wool Comprehenslon ack - 3
)*+,- *-. /,,0' J, L*+: J:4;2 H@-
SLory 8y: Andrew lrlnkle
use Lhe lnformaLlon ln Lhe sLory Lo answer Lhe quesLlons below.

1. Whlch of Lhese characLers ls nC1 menLloned ln Lhe sLory?
A. 8acon Lhe plg
8. Wool Lhe sheep
C. lllleL Lhe flsh
A6 )*2D 9:4 .,<

2. Whlch anlmal wanLs Lo eaL Lhe farmer's flowers from hls porch?
$6 )****. ),?
8. 8acon
C. Saddlebags
u. Cheddar

3. Why doesn'L urumsLlck lay eggs?
A. Pe's sLubborn.
8. Pe's scared Lo Lry.
F6 748= * 2,,=942O -,9 * :4-R
u. Pe ls Loo old.

4. Whlch Lwo characLers are ln Lhe pond?
A. 8acon and Wool
8. Cheddar and Saddlebags
F6 1;0049 *-. ),5542
u. urumsLlck and 8aaaad 8oy

3. Whlch Lype of anlmal ls nC1 menLloned ln Lhe sLory?
$6 * +*9
8. a sheep
C. a cow
u. a roosLer

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