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[Thesis Title]
[your official name]
BS or BA, [name of college or university], 20XX
Thesis Submitted in Partial ulfillment
of the !e"uirements for the #egree of
$aster of Science
[name of %rogram]
&alden 'niversity
[last month of "uarter you %lan to graduate] 20XX
(nsert abstract here) it should not e*ceed one %age+ Abstract te*t must be double,s%aced
-ith no %aragra%h brea.s+ Theses can be divided into t-o grou%s/ those that re%ort a
proposal for a research study and those that re%ort a completed study in -hich data -ere
collected and analy0ed+ Thus, the abstract for the %ro%osal thesis should include the
elements for the %ro%osal stage described in the abstract guidelines, available at
htt%/11inside+-aldenu+edu1c1iles1#ocs&riting2enter1Abstract3guidelines+doc, -hereas
the abstract for the com%leted study thesis should include all the elements described for
the final study+ 4ere are some form and style ti%s/ 5a6 7imit the abstract to one ty%ed
%age) 5b6 maintain the scholarly language used throughout the thesis) 5c6 .ee% the abstract
concise, accurate, and readable) 5d6 use correct 8nglish) 5e6 ensure each sentence adds
value to the reader9s understanding of the research) and 5f6 use the full name of any
acronym used again in the abstract, and include the acronym in %arentheses+ #o not
include references or citations in the abstract+ Per APA style, unless at the start of a
sentence, use numerals in the abstract, not -ritten out numbers+ or more guidance on
-riting this %aragra%h, consult the Abstract Primer 5available at
[Thesis Title]
[your official name]
BS, [university], 20XX
Thesis Submitted in Partial ulfillment
of the !e"uirements for the #egree of
$aster of Science
[name of %rogram]
&alden 'niversity
[last month of "uarter you %lan to graduate] 20XX
This is an o%tional %age for a dedication+ (f you include a dedication, use regular
%aragra%h s%acing as sho-n here 5not centered, italici0ed, or other-ise formatted6+ (f you
do not -ish to include this %age, delete the heading, the body te*t, and the %age brea.
belo- the end of the te*t+
This is an o%tional %age for (t is a nice %lace to than. the
faculty, family members, and friends -ho have hel%ed you reach this %oint in your
academic career+
:o %age number a%%ears on any of the %ages u% to this %oint+ (f you do not -ish
to include this %age, delete the heading and the body te*t) if a blan. %age remains, delete
the %age brea. above but leave the section brea. that you see belo- this te*t+
Table of 2ontents
7ist of Tables ii
7ist of iguresiii
2ha%ter ;/ 2ha%ter Title 57evel 0 4eading6 ;
APA 7evel ; 4eading ;
APA 7evel 2 4eading++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2ha%ter 2/ 2ha%ter Title <
irst 4eading <
2ha%ter </ 2ha%ter Title =
irst 4eading =
2ha%ter =/ This 2ha%ter A%%ears in Public 4ealth and Some Psychology Theses
irst 4eading >
2ha%ter >/ This 2ha%ter A%%ears in Public 4ealth and Some Psychology Theses
irst 4eading ?
!eferences @
A%%endi* A/ Title of A%%endi* A
2urriculum Bitae ;0
'se this table of contents 5TC26 as an e*am%le of -hat one loo.s li.e+ &hen it comes
time for creating your o-n TC2, !(D4T 27(2E any-here in the Table of 2ontents,
select 'P#AT8 (87#, then select 'P#AT8 8:T(!8 TAB78 or 'P#AT8 PAD8
:'$B8!S C:7F, and clic. CE+
The table of contents -ill be generated using the style tags from the tem%late) you -ill
also be able to automatically u%date the TC2, both added headings and %age numbers+
7ist of Tables
Table ;+ A Sam%le Table Sho-ing 2orrect ormatting+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++>
&hen you u%date the list of tables, the table number and title -ill come in -ithout
a %eriod bet-een them) you -ill need to manually add that %eriod after all table numbers,
as sho-n for Table ;+ (n addition, the title -ill retain the italics from the narrative -hen
the 7ist of Tables is u%dated+ Cnce your list is finali0ed, select the entire list and change it
all %lain ty%e+
7ist of igures
igure ;+ igure ca%tion goes here+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++**
The 7ist of igures is not set u% to automatically u%date+ (f you have figures in
your document, ty%e them in manually here, follo-ing the e*am%le above+
2ha%ter ;/ 2ha%ter Title 57evel 0 4eading6
APA Level 1 Heading
Begin te*t here+
APA Level 2 Heading
Place your te*t here) -hen %lacing your cursor on this te*t, you -ill see in the
style menu that this %aragra%h is tagged GBody Te*t+H That means it -ill automatically
a%%ear double,s%aced -ith the first line indented, %er &alden style+ :ote that in the I

edition of the APA manual, t-o character s%aces are used bet-een sentences+
Fou can find the style menu in &ord 200? by on the 4ome tab on the
standard toolbar) Styles is one of the choices you -ill see+ 2lic. on the arro- icon on the
right side of the Styles bar, and the dro%,do-n menu of styles -ill a%%ear+ (n &ord 200<,
loo. in the u%%er left corner of your screen, on the formatting toolbar, for the dro%,do-n
style menu+
To a%%ly this tem%late9s formatting to the te*t of your %a%er, sim%ly highlight the
%aragra%h5s6 or heading you -ant to format, and choose the a%%ro%riate tag from the style
menu+ The list of style tags includes all levels of headings, bloc. "uotes, table and figure
ca%tions, references, and body te*t+
APA level 3 heading+ Te*t begins here+
APA level 4 heading+ Te*t begins here+ The follo-ing is an e*am%le of a bloc.
This is an e*am%le of a bloc. "uote+ :o- is the time to do the -or. that
needs to be done+ This is an e*am%le of a bloc. "uote+ :o- is the time to
do the -or. that needs to be done+ This is an e*am%le of a bloc. "uote+
:o- is the time to do the -or. that needs to be done+ This is an e*am%le
of a bloc. "uote+ :o- is the time to do the -or. that needs to be done+
5Author, date, %+ J6
(f you ma.e a mista.e and something changes that you didn9t -ant to change, in
&ord 200?, either ty%e 2trl 52ontrol .ey6 0 or, on the Kuic. Access toolbar, ne*t to Save,
clic. on the arro- icon for 'ndo+ (n &ord 200<, go to 8dit, 'ndo Ty%ing+
As you continue to develo% your thesis in this tem%late, use the instructions in
2omments ;0 to;< to add ne- headings and ne- te*t+
or guidance on the content of the thesis, go to the !esearch 2enter -ebsite
5htt%/11researchcenter+-aldenu+edu1Cffice,of,Student,!esearch,Su%%ort+htm6 and loo.
under the thesis %rocess documents for the a%%ro%riate rubric for your ty%e of study+
or guidance on APA style rules, go to the &riting 2enter -ebsite
5htt%/11-ritingcenter+-aldenu+edu1APA+htm6, or consult the orm and Style sections of
the Thesis Guidebook on the !esearch 2enter -ebsite or at htt%/11catalog+-aldenu+edu1+
The 20;0 version reflecting the APA I
edition changes -ill be %osted in ebruary 20;0+
2ha%ter 2/ 2ha%ter Title
First Heading
(nsert te*t here+ !efer to the a%%ro%riate rubric for the contents of this cha%ter+
!e%ort the literature in %ast tense, as in Lones 5200<6 argued, not Lones 5200<6
argues+ !efer to the rubric for guidance on the content of sections in this cha%ter+
4ere are some additional ti%s for %resenting data in vertical list form+
;+ (n the body of your %a%er, use this format -hen %resenting information as a
vertical list+
2+ &hen the order of the items in the list is im%ortant, use a numbered list+ 'se a
bulleted vertical list -hen you do not need to indicate a certain order or
This is an e*am%le of a bulleted list+
(t follo-s the same format as for a numbered list, -ith the bullet %oint
indented the same as a %aragra%h indent+
2ha%ter </ 2ha%ter Title
First Heading
!efer to the a%%ro%riate rubric for guidance on the content of sections in this
2ha%ter =/ This 2ha%ter A%%ears in Public 4ealth and Some Psychology Theses
First Heading
!efer to the a%%ro%riate rubric for guidance on the content of sections in this
This is an e*am%le of a table in APA style 5see Table ;6+
Table ;
A Sample Table Showing Correct Formatting
2olumn A 2olumn B 2olumn 2 2olumn #
!o- ;
!o- 2
!o- <
!o- =
Note+ rom GAttitudes To-ard #issertation 8ditors,H by &+ Student, 200@, Journal of
Academic ptimism! "#, %+ ;;$ !e%rinted -ith %ermission+
This is an e*am%le of a figure labeled %er APA style+ :ote that the label is %laced
under the figure itself+ As -ith tables, refer to the figure by number in the narrative te*t
%receding the %lacement of the figure 5see igure ;6+
[%lace figure here]
Figure %$ This is a sam%le of a figure ca%tion+
2ha%ter >/ This 2ha%ter A%%ears in Public 4ealth and Some Psychology Theses
First Heading
!efer to the a%%ro%riate rubric for guidance on the content of sections in this
(nsert !eferences here+ 8*am%les of some common ty%es of references follo-) see APA
I+22 and 2ha%ter ? for more details+
These sam%le entries are tagged -ith the GAPA !eferenceH style tag, -hich means the
line s%acing and hanging indent are automatic+ A%%ly the GAPA !eferenceH style
tag to your entries+
Pay s%ecial attention to italics, ca%itali0ation, and %unctuation+ The style tag does not
govern those as%ects of the entry+
Periodical &'ournal(
Author, A+ A+, Author, B+ B+, M Author, 2+ 2+ 5;AA=6+ Title of article+ Title of Periodical,
))5*6, ***,***+
nline periodical &'ournal(
Author, A+ A+, Author, B+ B+, M Author, 2+ 2+ 5;AA=6+ Title of article+ Title of Periodical,
))5*6, ***,***+ doi/******
Nonperiodical &book(
Author, A+ A+ 5;AA=6+ Title of work+ 2ity of Publication, ST/ Publisher+
Chapter in a book
Author, A+ A+, M Author, B+ B+ 5;AA=6+ Title of cha%ter+ (n A+ 8ditor, B+ 8ditor, M 2+
8ditor 58ds+6, Title of book 5%%+ ***,***6+ 2ity, ST/ Publisher+
The Publication *anual of the American Psychological Association! Si)th
+dition, 2ha%ter ?, includes numerous e*am%les of reference list entries+ or more
information on references or APA style, consult the APA -ebsite or the &alden &riting
2enter -ebsite$
A%%endi* A/ Title of A%%endi*
(nsert a%%endi* here+ A%%endices are ordered -ith letters rather than numbers+ (f
there is only one a%%endi*, the heading has no letter, Nust A%%endi*/ Title of A%%endi*+
The a%%endices must adhere to the same margin s%ecifications as the body of the
dissertation+ Photoco%ied or %reviously %rinted material may have to be shifted on the
%age or reduced in si0e to fit -ithin the area bounded by the margins+
(f the only thing in an a%%endi* is one table, the table title serves as the title of the
a%%endi*) no label is needed for the table itself+ (f you have te*t in addition to a table or
tables in an a%%endi*, label the table -ith the letter of the a%%endi* 5e+g+, Table A;, Table
A2, Table B;, and so on6+ These tables -ould be listed in the 7ist of Tables at the end of
the Table of 2ontents+
(f you include in an a%%endi* any %re%ublished materials that are not in the %ublic
domain, you must also include %ermission to do so+
2urriculum Bitae
(nclude a co%y of your curriculum vitaeOyour academic resumeOhere+ The 2B
may be done in either basic outline form or full,sentence form+ The 2B must conform to
the margin s%ecifications of the rest of the document, be included in the %agination, and
be listed in the TC2+
Congratulations! This is the end of your thesis! Be sure to delete this text!

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