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Suburb (noun) A town or other area where people live in houses

near a larger city, an outlying part of a city or
Approximately (adverb) Almost correct or exact, close in value or amount
but not precise
Population (noun) The people living in an area, or the number of
people living in an area
To migrate (verb) 1. To move from one country or place to
live or work in another
2. Of a bird or animal : to move from one
area to another at different times of the
Considerate (adjective) Thinking about the rights and feelings of other
people, showing kindness toward other people
Responsible (adjective) 1. Having the job or duty of dealing with or
taking care of something or someone
2. Able to be trusted to do what is right or
to do the things that are expected or
3. Involving important duties, decisions,
etc., that you are trusted to do
Courteous (adjective) Very polite in a way that shows respect
Mature (adjective) Having or showing the mental and emotional
qualities of an adult person
To litter (verb) To throw trash in places that are not for throwing
trash, for example throwing trash on the street
To ban (verb) To forbid people from using (something), to say
that something cannot be used or done, to forbid
(someone) from doing or being part of something
Disgusting (adjective) 1. So unpleasant to see, smell, taste,
consider, etc., that you feel slightly sick
2. So bad, unfair, inappropriate, etc., that
you feel annoyed and angry
Pet peeve (noun) Something that annoys or bothers a person very
Willing (adjective) Not refusing to do something, quick to act or
respond, doing something or ready to do
something without being persuaded
Inadequate (adjective) Not enough or not good enough
Boundary (noun) 1. Something (such as a river, a fence, or an
imaginary line) that shows where one
area ends and another area begins
2. A point or limit that indicates where two
things become different
3. Boundaries : unofficial rules about what
should not be done, limits that define
acceptable behavior

PLUS p. 66. exercise B, p. 68, exercise A, you have definitions in your books.
Truthful (adjective) Telling the truth, containing or expressing the
Boar (noun) A male pig
Rooster (noun) A male chicken
Ox (noun) A male cow
Magnificent (adjective) Very beautiful or impressive, very great
To justify (verb) 1. To provide or be a good reason for
(something), to prove or show
(something) to be just, right, or
2. To provide a good reason for the actions
of (someone)

Inhumane (adjective) Not kind or gentle to people or animals
Hide (noun) The skin of an animal
Fur (noun) 1. The hair of an animal especially when it
is soft and thick
2. An article of clothing made of or with fur
Slaughter (verb) 1. The act of killing animals for their meat
2. The violent killing of a large number of

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