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Republic of the Philippines

G.R. No. L-!!!" #anua$% "&' &()(
NAT*ONAL MAR+ET*NG CORPORAT*ON' plaintiff-appellee'
GAB*NO MAR-UE.' ET AL.' /efen/ants'
PLAR*0EL SURET1 2 *NSURANCE COMPAN1' /efen/ant-appellant.
Ben3a4in M. Tan an/ #ose S. 5alencia fo$ plaintiff-appellee.
Ca$los' Ma/a$an6' Ca$ballo an/ 5al/e7 fo$ /efen/ant-appellant.
Gabino Ma$8ue7 fo$ an/ in his o9n behalf as /efen/ant.
RE1ES' #.B.L.' #.:
This Cou$t is p$a%e/ b% appellant' Pla$i/el Su$et% 2 *nsu$ance Co4pan%' to $e,e$se the
/ecision of the Cou$t of ;i$st *nstance of Manila con/e4nin6 it to pa% to the appellee'
National Ma$<etin6 Co$po$ation' the p$incipal su4 of P&='===.==' plus P('((=.(& in
acc$ue/ inte$est up to & No,e4be$ &()>' an/ inte$est the$eafte$ at ?@ pe$ annu4 on the
p$incipal an/ )@ on the acc$ue/ inte$est' to6ethe$ 9ith &=@ on the total a4ount /ue b%
9a% of atto$ne%As fees an/ costs.
The appeal bein6 4a/e /i$ectl% to this Sup$e4e Cou$t' the facts foun/ b% the cou$t
belo9 4ust be hel/ bin/in6 upon this appellant. Such facts a$e state/ in the appeale/
/ecision to be as follo9s BReco$/ on Appeal' pa6es &C-&D:
;$o4 the e,i/ence thus p$esente/' it appea$s that un/e$ the p$o,isions of EEecuti,e
O$/e$ No. "!=' Se$ies of &(!=' all the p$ope$ties' $i6hts' obli6ations' an/ cont$acts of the
Philippine Relief an/ T$a/e Rehabilitation A/4inist$ation BPRATRAD ha/ been
t$ansfe$$e/ to the P$ice Stabili7ation Co$po$ation BPR*SCOD. Also b% ,i$tue of Republic
Act No. &">!' as a4en/e/' all $i6hts an/ cont$acts of the PR*SCO in,ol,in6 $eal estate'
fiEe/ assets an/ stoc< in t$a/e ha/ been assu4e/ b% he$ein plaintiff' the NAMARCO.
*t also appea$s that on #une >' &(!=' /efen/ant Ma$8ue7 secu$e/ f$o4 the PRATRA
one B&D t$acto$ an/ one B&D $ice th$eshe$' 9ith a total ,alue of P='===.== fo$ 9hich the
sai/ /efen/ant pai/ the$eon the su4 of PC'===.== as /o9n pa%4ent' the$eb% lea,in6 a
balance of P&'===.==' as e,i/ence/ b% an in,oice 4a$<e/ as EEhibit A.
On the sa4e /ate' /efen/ant Ma$8ue7 eEecute/ a p$o4isso$% note in the a4ount of
P&'===.== pa%able in install4ents co44encin6 f$o4 #une >' &(!& to #une !' &(!'
9ith inte$est the$eon at the $ate of ?@ pe$ annu4 f$o4 #une >' &(!= until finall% pai/'
9hich p$o4isso$% note is 4a$<e/ in this case as EEhibit B.
*t is fu$the$ stipulate/ in the afo$esai/ p$o4isso$% note that in the e,ent of failu$e of the
sai/ /efen/ant to pa% the p$incipal obli6ation o$ inte$est the$eon 9hen /ue an/ pa%able'
an a//itional su4 e8ui,alent to &=@ of the total a4ount /ue shall be pai/ as atto$ne%As
To 6ua$antee full co4pliance 9ith the afo$e4entione/ obli6ation' /efen/ant Ma$8ue7'
as p$incipal' an/ /efen/ant Pla$i/el Su$et% 2 *nsu$ance Co4pan%' as su$et%' eEecute/
Gua$ant% Bon/ P. S. 2 *. No. >= in fa,o$ of the PRATRA' 9he$ein the% boun/
the4sel,es' 3ointl% an/ se,e$all%' to pa% the sai/ a4ount of P&'===.== BEEhibit CD.
*n this 6ua$ant% bon/' the su$et% eEp$essl% 9ai,es its $i6ht to /e4an/ pa%4ent an/
notice of non-pa%4ent an/ a6$ees that the liabilities of this 6ua$ant% shall be /i$ect an/
i44e/iate an/ not contin6ent upon the eEhaustion b% the PRATRA of 9hate,e$ $e4e/ies
it 4a% ha,e a6ainst the p$incipal' an/ that the sa4e shall be ,ali/ an/ continuous until the
obli6ation so 6ua$antee/ is pai/ in full BEEhibit C-&D.
Afte$ 4a<in6 pa$tial pa%4ents in the su4s of P'C?=.&( an/ P").?? on #ul% ?' &(!&
an/ ;eb$ua$% "' &(!' $especti,el%' /efen/ant Ma$8ue7 /efaulte/ in the pa%4ent of the
othe$ install4ents' so that the total a4ount /ue NAMARCO as of Octobe$ "&' &()> is
P&('((=.(&' $ep$esentin6 p$incipal an/ acc$ue/ inte$est' as sho9n in a state4ent of
account 4a$<e/ as EEhibit 0.&a9phil.FGt
On Ma$ch ' &(!)' ;eb$ua$% &)' &()"' #une &=' &()>' Septe4be$ &C' &()> an/ Octobe$
&"' &()>' plaintiff /e4an/e/ f$o4 /efen/ants Ma$8ue7 an/ Pla$i/el Su$et% 2 *nsu$ance
Co4pan%' pa%4ent of thei$ outstan/in6 obli6ation' as sho9n in EEhibits E' E- ' E-"' E-
>' E-)' E-C' E-&=' an/ E-&. The clai4' the$efo$e' of /efen/ant Pla$i/el Su$et% 2
*nsu$ance Co4pan% that the% ne,e$ $ecei,e/ a /e4an/ fo$ pa%4ent f$o4 plaintiff 4ust
necessa$il% fail' consi/e$in6 that it is clea$l% sho9n in $e6ist$% $etu$n $eceipts 4a$<e/ as
EEhibits E-!' E-(' E-&&' an/ E-&" that the sa4e ha/ been $ecei,e/ b% the a//$essee.
As the sai/ a4ount 9as not pai/ /espite the afo$e4entione/ /e4an/s the$efo$ upon the
sai/ /efen/ants' the p$esent action 9as institute/ on 0ece4be$ &)' &()>' to enfo$ce
The appellant su$et% co4pan% poses th$ee 8uestions fo$ ou$ $esolution:
B&D Hhethe$ the Cou$t of ;i$st *nstance ha/ o$i6inal 3u$is/iction to ta<e co6ni7ance of the
BD Hhethe$ the plaintiff-appelleeAs action is ba$$e/ b% p$esc$iptionI
B"D Hhethe$ the su$et%As liabilit% can eEcee/ the su4 of P&'===.==.
On the fi$st 8uestion ten/e$e/' appellant su$et% co4pan% a$6ues that since the balance
/ue on the p$incipal of the p$o4isso$% note 6ua$antee/ b% it is onl% P&='===.==' in ,ie9
of the /ebto$As pa%4ent of P'===.== on account of the p$incipal of the loan' 3u$is/iction
la% 9ith the Municipal Cou$t' an/ not on the Cou$t of ;i$st *nstance' pu$suant to section
>> BcD of the #u/icia$% Act' as a4en/e/ b% Republic Act No. "CC.
The contention is 9ithout 4e$it' fo$ it i6no$es the fact that upon the te$4s of the
p$o4isso$% note' EEhibit JBJ' cop% of 9hich 9as attache/ to the 6ua$ant% bon/' as its
anneE JAJ' /efault upon the p$incipal o$ inte$est entitle/ the c$e/ito$ to an a//itional ten
pe$ centu4 of the total a4ount /ue fo$ atto$ne%sA fees an/ costs of collection. E,en
/is$e6a$/in6 inte$est o,e$/ue an/ pa%able' 9hen the co4plaint 9as file/ the c$e/ito$-
appellee 9as entitle/ to collect no less than P&='===.== on the loan plus P&'===.==
atto$ne%sA fees' o$ a total of P&&'===.==. The initial li4it of the o$i6inal 3u$is/iction of the
Cou$t of ;i$st *nstance un/e$ Republic Act No. "CC bein6 K
all cases in 9hich the /e4an/' eEclusi,e of inte$est' o$ the ,alue of the p$ope$t% in
cont$o,e$s%' a4ounts to 4o$e than ten thousan/ pesos.
the cou$t belo9 /i/ not incu$ in this e$$o$.
The contention that plaintiff-appelleeAs cause of action a6ainst the su$et% 9as ba$$e/ b%
the statute of li4itations in &()>' because the face ,alue of the p$o4isso$% note fell /ue
on ! #une &()' is li<e9ise untenable. The cou$se of eEtincti,e p$esc$iption 9as
inte$$upte/ b% the 9$itten /e4an/s fo$ pa%4ent 4a/e upon the p$incipal /ebto$ on
Ma$ch &(!)' &) ;eb$ua$% &()"' an/ #une' Septe4be$ an/ Octobe$ of &()>' copies of
9hich 9e$e fu$nishe/ the su$et%. A$ticle &&&! of the Ci,il Co/e of the Philippines
p$esc$ibes that Jthe p$esc$iption of actions is inte$$upte/ K 9hen the$e is a 9$itten
eEt$a3u/icial /e4an/ b% the c$e/ito$J.
The su$et% a,e$s that a /e4an/ upon the /ebto$ is no /e4an/ upon the su$et%' an/ that
the copies of the lette$s of /e4an/ upon the fo$4e$ /o not constitute a /e4an/ upon the
6ua$anto$. This thesis is 9o$thless because BaD the liabilit% of the appellant 9as eEp$essl%
4a/e 3oint an/ se,e$al b% the te$4s of the 6ua$ant% bon/' an/ BbD fo$ the $eason that' in
the latte$ /ocu4ent' Jthe su$et% also 9ai,es its $i6ht to /e4an/ pa%4ent an/ notice of
non-pa%4entJ BBon/' pa$a6$aph "D. The 9o$/s J/e4an/ pa%4entJ ,is-a-,is the c$e/ito$
can onl% $efe$ to J/e4an/ fo$ pa%4entJ.
Laches not ha,in6 been in,o<e/ as a /efense in the cou$t belo9' the sa4e can not be
6one into at this sta6e of the p$ocee/in6s. At an% $ate' the establishe/ 3u$isp$u/ence is that
4e$e /ela% of the c$e/ito$ in p$ocee/in6 a6ainst the p$incipal /ebto$ /oes not $elease the
6ua$anto$ BLa,i/es ,s. Elea7a$' &=) Phil. !?)' !?(' an/ cases the$ein cite/D' an/ 4uch
less 9ill it $elie,e a su$et%' 9ho is soli/a$il% liable 9ith the 4ain /ebto$.
On the thi$/ an/ last issue' it is enou6h to $e4a$< that 9hile the 6ua$antee 9as fo$ the
o$i6inal a4ount of the /ebt of Gabino Ma$8ue7' the a4ount of the 3u/64ent b% the t$ial
cou$t in no 9a% ,iolates the $i6hts of the su$et%. The 3u/64ent on the p$incipal 9as onl%
fo$ P&='===.==' 9hile the $e4ainin6 P('((=.(& $ep$esent the 4o$ato$% inte$est /ue on
account of the failu$e to pa% the p$incipal obli6ation f$o4 an/ afte$ the sa4e ha/ fallen
/ue' an/ /efault ha/ ta<en place. Appellant su$et% 9as full% a9a$e that the obli6ation
ea$ne/ inte$est' since the note 9as anneEe/ to its cont$act' EEhibit JCJ. The cont$act of
6ua$ant% eEecute/ b% the appellant Co4pan% no9he$e eEclu/es this inte$est' an/ A$ticle
=!!' pa$a6$aph ' of the Ci,il Co/e of the Philippines is clea$l% applicable.
*f it Bthe 6ua$ant%D be si4ple o$ in/efinite' it shall co4p$ise not onl% the p$incipal
obli6ation but also all its accesso$ies' inclu/in6 3u/icial costs' p$o,i/e/ 9ith $espect to
the latte$' that the 6ua$anto$ shall onl% be liable fo$ those costs incu$$e/ afte$ he has been
3u/iciall% $e8ui$e/ to pa%. BE4phasis supplie/D
EEplainin6 the p$o,isions of A$ticle &C? of the Ci,il Co/e of &CC(' couche/ in te$4s
si4ila$ to the one 8uote/' Man$esa' in his Co44enta$ies B5olu4e &. ;ifth E/ition' pa6e
>&D' sa%s:
Pa$a /icho caso /ispone el Co/i6o 8ue la eEtension /e esa clase especial /e fian7as
co4p$en/e$a' no solo la obli6acion p$incipal' sino ta4bien to/os sus acceso$ios' incluso'
los 6astos /el 3uicio' con la li4itacion estableci/a en el 4is4o. Cie$to es 8ue con ello se
a4plian los te$4inos /e la fian7a a 4as /e los li4ites /e la obli6acion p$incipal' ob3eto %
4oti,o /e a8uella' pe$o esto /epen/e /e los actos /el fia/o$' pues pu/ien/o este p$ecisa$
% /ete$4ina$ al constitui$ la fian7a los li4ites /e la 4is4a' $est$in6ien/o su
$esponsabili/a/ unica % eEclusi,a4ente a los te$4inos est$ictos /e la obli6acion
p$incipal' si no lo hi7o asi /e3an/o /e utili7a$ esa $est$iccion' potestati,a en el' /ebe
p$esu4i$se 8ue 8uiso 8ue/a$ obli6a/o en la fo$4a a4plia 8ue en el a$ticulo se establece.
La $esponsabili/a/ /el fia/o$' confo$4e a este p$ecepto' se eEtien/e incluso a los
inte$eses po$ $a7on /e 4o$a /el /eu/o$. Asi lo ha $econoci/o la 3u$isp$u/encia'
/ecla$an/o 8ue sub$o6a/o el fia/o$ en el lu6a$ /el /eu/o$ pa$a hace$ efecti,a la
obli6acion p$incipal cont$ai/a' cuan/o este no la cu4ple' $espon/e no solo /e a8uella'
sino ta4bien /e sus consecuencias le6ales' una /e ellas' en concepto /e in/e4ni7acion /e
pe$3uicios' al abono /e inte$eses po$ $a7on /e 4o$a /el cita/o /eu/o$ en el pa6o /e
canti/a/ li8ui/a' se6un /ete$4inan los a$ticulos &.&=& % &.&=C /el Co/i6o ci,il' sin 8ue
pue/a sostene$se 8ue no nacien/o la obli6acion /el fia/o$ hasta 8ue se hace la eEclusion
/e bienes /el /eu/o$' no pue/e a8uel incu$$i$ en 4o$a Bsentencia /e /e no,ie4b$e /e
An/ 9e ha,e p$e,iousl% $ule/ that co4pensate/ su$eties a$e not entitle/ to ha,e thei$
cont$acts inte$$upte/ st$ictissi4i 3u$is in thei$ fa,o$ BLe%son ,s. Ri7al Su$et% L&())M &)
SCRA !!!I Pacific Tobacco Co$p. ,s. Lo$en7ana' &= Phil. ">' >&->D.
HNERE;ORE' fin/in6 no e$$o$ in the 3u/64ent appeale/ f$o4' the sa4e is affi$4e/'
9ith costs a6ainst appellant Pla$i/el Su$et% an/ *nsu$ance Co4pan%.
Concepcion' C.#.' 0i7on' Ma<alintal' .al/i,a$' Sanche7' Cast$o' ;e$nan/o' Capist$ano'
Teehan<ee an/ Ba$$e/o' ##.' concu$.

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