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eWON Application User Guide

AUG 058 / Rev 1.3
M2Web - Browser-Based Mobile
Remote Access

Application User Guide
!is a""licatio# $%ide describes !ow to %se t!e M2Web i#ter&ace &or
mobile remote access.
!is a""licatio# $%ide describes !ow to %se t!e M2Web i#ter&ace &or
mobile remote access.
Subject to change without notice.
Check for the last document release.
Table of Contents
1. Scope................................................................................................................................................. 3
2. Reference documents...................................................................................................................... 3
3. Software & Configuration Requirements........................................................................................ 3
4. Configuring a e!ice for "2#e$ "o$ile Remote Access.............................................................4
4.1 Configuration nterface................................................................................................................ 4
4.! "aking #e$ice %isible in "!&eb................................................................................................ '
4.( Selecting the )*pe of +ccess...................................................................................................... '
4.(.1 f Port ,iltering is applied.................................................................................................. -
4.(.! f no Port filtering is applied.............................................................................................. .
%. Accessing a e!ice Remotel& wit' "2#e$....................................................................................(
'.1 Common to all Platforms /PC0 )ablets 1 Smartphones2..............................................................3
'.! Specific to )ablets 1 Smartphones...........................................................................................14
5e$ision histor*..................................................................................................................................... 1!


"!&eb 6 7rowser67ased "obile 5emote +ccess /+pplication 8ser 9uide2 Page !/1!
Chapter 1.
1. Scope
)his manual addresses how to use the "2#e$ browser6based mobile remote access interface.
"2#e$ is a de$ice independent /:2 web6based interface that uses the same )al*2" infrastructure as
eCatc'er does on a classical &indows PC. &hile with eCatcher *ou use a %P; tunnel to make a
remote connection between a PC and the e&<;0 with "!&eb *ou make a remote &eb connection
/https2 with no need for a dedicated application. <nl* a &eb browser is re=uired.
7oth methods allow transparent access to de$ices behind the e&<;. >owe$er0 "!&eb is suited for
&eb access onl*0 not for remote maintenance.
Protocols and access t*pes supported b* "!&eb:
>))P web pages
5#P /remote desktop2
/:2 )hough uni$ersal b* nature0 the "!&eb interface has been speciall* designed to be used with
mobile platforms including iPhone0 iPad and other smart6phones and tablets.
2. Reference documents
?51@ +8964(4616A;6/)alk!" B 9etting Started on the Ser$ice ,reeC2
3. Software & Configuration Requirements
eCatcher $ersion 4.1.4 or higher must be installed on *our PC. Dou can download eCatcher
from our support website
Dou need to ha$e created *our )alk!" account as eEplained in ?51@.
)he e&<;s *ou want to connect with need to ha$e firmware $ersion -.4 s4 or higher.
+t least one e&<; must be defined and read* to connect /<nline Status: 2 in *our
)alk!" account.
"!&eb 6 7rowser67ased "obile 5emote +ccess /+pplication 8ser 9uide2 Page (/1!
Configuring a #e$ice for "!&eb "obile 5emote +ccess
Chapter 4.
4. Configuring a e!ice for "2#e$ "o$ile Remote Access
4.1 Configuration +nterface
eCatcher is used to configure a de$ice connected to the e&<; F+; that will be accessed through
"!&eb remotel*. )he rele$ant parameters are located in the Properties of the rele$ant LAN Device.
)o access the list of the F+; de$ices of an e&<;0 select the e&<; from the e&<;s Fist and click
Properties /f *ou are currentl* connected to this e&<;0 disconnect before editing its properties2
)hen click the button GConfigure F+; #e$ices 1 ,irewallH located in the GF+; 1 ,irewallH section.
f *our F+; de$ices ha$e not been defined in this list *et0 the* can be added b* clicking the button Add
LAN Device. n the other case0 select the eEisting de$ice and click Properties.
"!&eb 6 7rowser67ased "obile 5emote +ccess /+pplication 8ser 9uide2 Page 4/1!
Configuring a #e$ice for "!&eb "obile 5emote +ccess
Chapter 4.
4.2 "a*ing e!ice ,isi$le in "2#e$
)o be Visible in M2Web0 a de$ice behind the e&<; has to ha$e this option enabled in its LAN
Device Properties.
&hen accessing a de$ice through "!&eb0 )alk!" needs to know which t*pe of remote access to
appl*. )herefore the neEt chapter eEplains how to specif* the remote access t*pe *ou want to use on
*our F+; de$ice.

4.3 Selecting t'e )&pe of Access
nside eCatcher *ou can define the t*pe of connection that "!&eb will use for the declared F+;
)he different t*pes of connection are:
-)). 6 >*perteEt )ransfer Protocol B Can be used if the F+; de$ice features a &eb Ser$er
and hosts webpages /AE : P camera2.
,/C 6 %irtual ;etwork Computing B <pen source client/ser$er desktop sharing s*stem using
the 5emote ,rame 7uffer /5,72 protocol. Can be used if the F+; de$ice features a %;C ser$er
/AE : >"0 PC2
R. 6 5emote #esktop Protocol 6 "icrosoft
client/ser$er desktop sharing protocol. Can be
used if the F+; de$ice is 5#P ser$er. /AE : PC running "icrosoft
&indows JP0.0..2
)here eEists a slight difference for the ,isi$le in "2#e$ option depending if *ou applied Port filtering
or not.
"!&eb 6 7rowser67ased "obile 5emote +ccess /+pplication 8ser 9uide2 Page '/1!
Configuring a #e$ice for "!&eb "obile 5emote +ccess
Chapter 4.
4.(.1 f Port ,iltering is applied
Simpl* select the re=uired protocol HTTP, VNC or Reote Des!top inside the Specific Protocol field.
Check the ,isi$le in "2#e$ option to make the de$ice accessible through the "!&eb connection.
7* selecting the specific protocol >))P0 %;C or 5emote #esktop we appl* the standard Port for the
Using non standard ports:
f *ou need to specif* a specific /non standard2 Port for the >))P0 %;C or 5#P connection0 then *ou
need to select )CP for the Specific Protocol.
Check the ,isi$le in "2#e$ option to make the de$ice accessible through the "!&eb connection. 7ut
*ouKll then also need to specif* the remote access t*pe which should be used for the "!&eb
connection />))P0 %;C or 5#P2
"!&eb 6 7rowser67ased "obile 5emote +ccess /+pplication 8ser 9uide2 Page -/1!
Configuring a #e$ice for "!&eb "obile 5emote +ccess
Chapter 4.
4.(.! f no Port filtering is applied
Check the ,isi$le in "2#e$ option to make the de$ice accessible through the "!&eb connection.
+lso specif* the access t*pe that "!web will appl* for the remote connection: using >))P0 %;C or
;ote: )he on port field will be automaticall* filled in with the standard used port for the access t*pe. f
*our F+; de$ice uses a non standard port0 then simpl* change the port here.
"!&eb 6 7rowser67ased "obile 5emote +ccess /+pplication 8ser 9uide2 Page ./1!
+ccessing a #e$ice 5emotel* with "!&eb
Chapter '.
%. Accessing a e!ice Remotel& wit' "2#e$
%.1 Common to all .latforms 0.C1 )a$lets & Smartp'ones2
<pen *our browser and t*pe https://m!! in the 85F6field to access to the "!&eb login
Anter *our Acco"nt0 #sernae and Pass$ord. )he M% eW&Ns page lists all the e&<;s eEisting in
the account /)alk!" ,reeC2 &R all e&<;s the logged user has access to /)alk!" Pro2. #e$ices
highlighted in blue are those currentl* &nline /h*perlink acti$e20
/ote3 )he list displa*s the list of e&<;s irrespecti$e of whether de$ices behind the e&<;s ha$e been
configured to be $isible in "!&eb or not.
"!&eb 6 7rowser67ased "obile 5emote +ccess /+pplication 8ser 9uide2 Page 3/1!
+ccessing a #e$ice 5emotel* with "!&eb
Chapter '.
)o connect to a particular de$ice behind the e&<;0 eEpand its dependencies and tap or click on the
de$ice *ou want to access :
#epending on the t*pe of access used0 *ou ma* ha$e to enter a password like in the %;C eEample
/ote3 the 2'( colors )lo$ band$idt*+ checkboE is checked b* default to speed up the %;C displa* of
the remote contents. n most cases this =ualit* of rendering will be <L. f *ou want to enhance the
rendering and the bandwidth is ade=uate0 uncheck this checkboE.
,or 5#P connections through "!&eb0 b* default also low color resolution is applied.
f *ou re=uire more colors0 inside the e&<; list click on the /full color2 link
neEt to the listed de$ice:
"!&eb 6 7rowser67ased "obile 5emote +ccess /+pplication 8ser 9uide2 Page M/1!
+ccessing a #e$ice 5emotel* with "!&eb
Chapter '.
+fter a while0 the currentl* acti$e page of the de$ice appears:
Clicking/tapping on the de$ice buttons acti$ates the rele$ant de$ice functions.
/ote3 )he tool displa*ed at the left corner of the screen0 allows to send special commands
to the remote PC0 as for eEample the C)5FC+F)C#el command.

%.2 Specific to )a$lets & Smartp'ones
<n tablets and smart6phones0 there is no hardware ke*board and no mouse. &ithout this0 it is then
impossible to write teEt or make a right click. ,or this reason0 "!&eb pro$ides a set of commands that
allows *ou to make all needed actions using the touch screen.
)o open the menu of commands just tap and hold in the area displa*ing the screen of the remote
"!&eb 6 7rowser67ased "obile 5emote +ccess /+pplication 8ser 9uide2 Page 14/1!
+ccessing a #e$ice 5emotel* with "!&eb
Chapter '.
+ menu with se$eral options appears on the left side including:
#ispla* ke*board
Send C)5FC+F)C#AF
"!&eb 6 7rowser67ased "obile 5emote +ccess /+pplication 8ser 9uide2 Page 11/1!
5e$ision histor*
Revision Level Date Description
1.( 4M/4./!414 5eleased %ersion
#ocument build number: 19
Note concerning the warranty and the rights of ownership:
The information contained in this document is subject to modification without notice. The vendor
and the authors of this manual are not liable for the errors it may contain, nor for their eventual
No liability or warranty, explicit or implicit, is made concerning quality, the accuracy and the
correctness of the information contained in this document. In no case the manufacturers responsibility could
be called for direct, indirect, accidental or other damage occurring from any defect of the product or errors
coming from this document.
The product names are mentioned in this manual for information purposes only. The trade mar!s
and the product names or mar!s contained in this document are the property of their respective owners.
This document contains materials protected by the International "opyright #aws. $ll reproduction
rights are reserved. No part of this handboo! can be reproduced, transmitted or copied in any way without
written consent from the manufacturer and%or the authors of this handboo!
e&'N sa, (ember of $"T# )roup.
"!&eb 6 7rowser67ased "obile 5emote +ccess /+pplication 8ser 9uide2 Page 1!/1!

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