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A recent British study revealed that over a third of the female test subjects could not

recognize their own signs of fertility. Accurately identifying the signs of ovulation and
how they relate to a woman’s fertile phase is the key to successful family planning.
However, just like anything else, it takes time to learn.

OvumOptics, Inc., the makers of the Ovu-Trac® Ovulation Predictor Kit, saw a need for
a product that simplifies, identifies and explains the fertility process. The kit helps
women increase their chances of conception, naturally, without medical intervention. For
years, Colleen Biggs, President and Founder of Ovum Optics, Inc., struggled with
infertility. She realized she had to become more educated about her body and research
her questions about fertility. After years of compiling reliable resources and information,
she developed Ovu-Trac® in 1996. Her goal was to give women a valuable tool for
identifying fertility and educational information to help them understand their bodies.

Saliva testing was discovered in 1969 by Spanish gynecologist Biel Cassals. Cassals saw
that saliva crystallization during hormonal changes could indicate imminent ovulation in
women with a high degree of accuracy. The Ovu-Trac® kit uses saliva samples, which
are fast becoming more accurate diagnostic data collectors than blood or urine in a
variety of medical testing procedures.

Most ovulation predictor kits on the market work by measuring the luteinizing hormone
(LH) in a woman’s urine. However, even with diligent daily testing, a woman can miss
the surge of LH in roughly 20 percent of her cycles. And if a day of testing is missed, so
can the surge. A woman may also miss recording a surge if she has an irregular menstrual

Irregular cycles are overlooked in most ovulation predictor kits. These urine-based kits
assume that ovulation occurs on day 14 of a woman’s menstrual cycle. But this is not true
for all women, since many do not have a perfect 28-day cycle. By focusing on only day
14, most couples could end up missing the fertile phase completely because of this
mistaken belief.

The Ovu-Trac® kit provides women with an accurate and personalized ovulation chart
that can be used to record important physical changes throughout her fertility
cycles. This educational approach to fertility monitoring allows a woman to
correlate the changes in her saliva to physical changes that are occurring in her
body at specific times in her cycle.

The ovulation chart can help couples appropriately plan intercourse. However, it can also
detect potential problems with a woman’s cycle such as a short luteal phase or
anovulation. This charted information can help her health care practitioner provide
a proper diagnosis and/or treatment.

All of this may sound highly scientific and difficult to grasp. In reality, the signs of
fertility are easy to identify once they are properly understood. The Ovu-Trac® kit makes
this science accessible and understandable to women for successful family planning

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