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Oracle 11gR2 brings us new features related to parallelism.The new features are controlled by the
PARALLEL_DEGREE_POLICY initialization parameter. Learn how to use these new features to leverage
your needs.
Automatic Parallel Degree
When PARALLEL_DEGREE_POLICY is set to AUTO, automatic parallel degree is enabled. Oracle will
evaluate the execution time of the statement, and if it exceeds the value of
PARALLEL_MIN_TIME_THRESHOLD parameter (10 seconds by default) Oracle will calculate an
automatic degree of parallelism (DOP) for this statement.
Oracle calculates the DOP based on the statement requirements and the load on the server. The DOP can
be limited by the parameter PARALLEL_DEGREE_LIMIT:
CPU (default) will set the maximum DOP to the value of PARALLEL_THREADS_PER_CPU * CPU_COUNT * # of
IO - will limit the DOP according to the I/O of the system (available only after running
Integer value will limit the DOP to this integer.
When PARALLEL_DEGREE_POLICY is set to LIMITED, Oracle will automatically determine the DOP
for the statements. However, statements that are not specified to run in parallel, will run in serial.
Statement Queuing
When a statement is executed, Oracle determines the DOP for this statement. If creating the calculated
number of parallel processes will cause the total number of active parallel processes in the system to
exceed the PARALLEL_SERVERS_TARGET, this statement will be queued.
The queue of statements is based on the simple first in first out mechanism. Once there are enough
parallel processes available, the statement will start executing.
Using resource manager, we can set priority in the statement queue, timeout for statements and manage the
amount of parallel processes for statements.
In Memory Parallel Execution
When running a parallel operation, the server process is reading the data from the file using direct
operation into its PGA. The data blocks are not cached in the SGA and are not read from it. The in memory
parallel execution feature enables the server processes to load the blocks to the SGA and read them from
the SGA.
If the object is too large to fit in the buffer cache, Oracle will still use direct read.
Disable Automatic Parallel Features
Enabling and disabling the automatic parallel features is made using the PARALLEL_DEGREE_POLICY
AUTO all of the above features are enabled.
LIMITED in memory parallel execution and statement queuing will be disabled, the automatic DOP will be enabled only
for queries that were set to run in parallel.
MANUAL disable all the automatic parallel features and revert parallel behavior to pre-11gR2

SQL> show parameter parallel

------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
fast_start_parallel_rollback string LOW
parallel_adaptive_multi_user boolean TRUE
parallel_automatic_tuning boolean FALSE
parallel_degree_limit string CPU
parallel_degree_policy string MANUAL
parallel_execution_message_size integer 16384
parallel_force_local boolean FALSE
parallel_instance_group string
parallel_io_cap_enabled boolean FALSE
parallel_max_servers integer 20 (CPU*threads*10= 12*2*10=240)
parallel_min_percent integer 0
parallel_min_servers integer 0
parallel_min_time_threshold string AUTO (=10 secs)
parallel_server boolean FALSE
parallel_server_instances integer 1
parallel_servers_target integer 8 (cannot exceed 75% of parallel_max_servers)
parallel_threads_per_cpu integer 2
recovery_parallelism integer 0

Using Parallel Execution (Doc ID 203238.1) says
Maximum slaves possible per instance. A value of 0 means no parallel query.

To check the last query run in the session used DOP run:
select * from v$pq_sesstat;

Relevant Parallel Execution INIT.ora Parameters (Doc ID 201799.1)

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