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BSc Computing and Information Systems

Object Oriented Programming

Assessment 2 (Resit)
Module Code : CP50039E
Pathways: BSc Computing and Infomation Systems
Module !eade: "ay #umme
Set $y: "ay #umme
Modeated $y: %asse Matooian
Important Dates
ou must ensure you meet t!e dead"ine for t!is assessment#
Element &ype 'eighting (ue (ate
) Compute Pogam 50* ))
+anuay ,0)-
, Pogam (ocumentation 30*
3 .se #uide ,0*
$!is is a sing"e assignment% &!ic! !as t!ree e"ements# 'ac! e"ement !as a specific &eig!ting% and its
o&n criteria# $!e assessment is described be"o&# $!e "earning outcomes of t!e modu"e are assessed
by a successfu" comp"etion of a"" t!e e"ements#
ou s!ou"d submit a sing"e (IPped fo"der to t!e Assessments area of t!e OOP )odu"e on B"ac*board#
$!e +ipped fo"der s!ou"d contain,
-o ot!er submission &i"" be mar*ed#
)-/00/,0)- )
.earning Outcomes
.earning Outcome .earning Outcome
/!ere Assessed
1 (e1elop softwae that efficiently
utilises e2isting classes
3nowledge and
4ssignment ) and ,
2 Design and produce
independently compiled classes
3nowledge and
Intellectual 5thin6ing7 s6ills
4ssignment ) and ,
3 (e1elop softwae using the concepts
of encapsulation8 inheitance and
3nowledge and
Intellectual 5thin6ing7 s6ills
4ssignment ) and ,
- Design and implement programs
that test classes
3nowledge and
4ssignment )
5 4nalyse and de1elop algoithms to
sol1e 1aious classes of po$lems
3nowledge and
Intellectual 5&hin6ing7 S6ills
4ssignment )
9 Produce Software Documentation
of an application according to
prescribed standards
3nowledge and
3ey / &ansfea$le S6ills
4ssignment )
Assignment Instructions
&he tas6s listed on the attached sheet po1ide an infomal specification of a softwae application that you ae
as6ed to de1elop: &he tas6s listed ae po1ided as a guide; $y implementing and testing each class in tun you
will de1elop a possi$le solution to the po$lem: <ou may cae to add featues of you own8 $ut discuss them
with you tuto $efoe you attempt to implement them:
ou are strong"y ad0ised to &rite a s!ort program t!at tests eac! c"ass &!ene0er you imp"ement an
additiona" feature# our fina" documentation s!ou"d inc"ude program(s) t!at test your c"asses#
our assignment &i"" consist of a sing"e (IPped fo"der &!ic! &i"" be submitted 0ia t!e Assessments
area of t!e Object Oriented Programming modu"e on B"ac*board#
our fo"der s!ou"d contain,
yourDocumentation.doc (.docx or .pdf)
our documentation s!ou"d contain,
A header page with appropriate identification
A contents list
A brief user guide that explains how to use your software application
A program documentation that gives a technical explanation of how each of your classes works
!" #lass diagrams
A neat listing of each class
Details of how you have tested your software
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)ar*ing Sc!eme
Your work will be assessed based on the following guide. The marks indicated
assume that your work is presented in a professional manner using clear and precise
1eature Issues )ar* )ar*ing brea*do&n &!ere
Program design
=a1e you implemented each of the
e>uied featues? 5<7
Is you application easy to use with
an intuiti1e use inteface?
4e you class listings easy to ead?
(o you classes confom to naming
and layout con1entions?
=a1e you tested you classes to
ensue that all the methods wo6
(oes you application chec6 all the
use input?
50 StaffCa class: )0 ma6s
Main class: )0 ma6s
.se of e2ceptions
)0 ma6s
.se of files
)0 ma6s
.M! class diagams
5 ma6s
"eada$ility8 ease of use and o1eall
5 ma6s
2ser 3uide =a1e you po1ided clea instuctions
on how to use you softwae?
Is you use guide concise and to the
Is you use guide pesented to a
pofessional standad?
=a1e you po1ided a clea
e2planation of all the classes of you
(o any of the data stuctues you
ha1e used e>uie e2planation?
'ould anothe pogamme $e a$le
to amend o update you pogam
afte eading you documentation?
=a1e you indicated any 6nown $ugs
in you softwae? 4e thee any
ma@o shotcomings?
4e you e2planations clea8 concise
and to the point?
Is you wo6 pesented to a
pofessional standad?
)-/00/,0)- 3
3rade descriptors
$n addition to the assessment criteria above% the following table may assist you in understanding
how we arrive at your final mark. $ndeed your final mark should agree with the following grade
descriptors% but note that the assessment criteria are the main means of assessment.
)ar* Descriptor
0A39* &he pogam and/o documentation is fa fom complete: 4 significant aspect o element has $een
omitted o is incoect:
-0A-9* Some undestanding of BB pogamming concepts is demonstated: 4ll the leaning outcomes
ha1e $een addessed to a easona$le standad:
50A59* (emonstates a limited $ut accuate le1el of undestanding: Most of the featues ha1e $een
implemented coectly: 4 use guide and softwae documentation ha1e $een po1ided:
90A99* (emonstates accuate 6nowledge and undestanding of BB pogamming techni>ues and the
wo6 is pesented in a coheent manne: &he assignment contains e1idence of application and
intepetation: 4t the uppe end thee is e1idence of thoughtfulness and initiati1e:
C0AC9* (emonstates a clea8 compehensi1e undestanding of BB pogamming with some degee of
oiginality: Shows initiati1e in the design and implementation of the softwae: &he use inteface is
intuiti1e8 simple to use and toleant of any eos $y the use: &he use guide and documentation
ae clealy witten in a fom that is concise and to the point:
00* o
&he answe is distincti1e: &he assignment as a whole demonstates a depth of insight and
undestanding of the mateial8 which is logically stuctued8 accuate and well pesented:
Biginality of thought and application is e1ident:
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Object Oriented Programming
Assessment 2 (Resit)
4 small company maintains a fleet of cas fo use $y its staff: 4 staff mem$e may $oow a ca fo $usiness
use and then etun it at some late date: <ou ae e>uied to de1elop an application which will ena$le the
company to 6eep tac6 of thei fleet:
&he application that you ae e>uied to de1elop is consideed to $e the DBeta 1esionD of the softwae: &his
$eta 1esion is $eing de1eloped to po1ide a pototype fo the final 1esion which will $e un in a 'indows
en1ionment with a gaphical use inteface: <ou final documentation should eflect on the design and
implementation of you application so that softwae de1elopes poducing the final 1esion will ha1e the $enefit
of you e2peience:
) (esign a class Car with the following popeties:
registration number8 sting8 default: ??????
model8 sting8 default: .n6nown
mileage8 intege8 default: 0
<ou class should ha1e a constucto and appopiate methods that ena$le the popeties to $e
, Illustate the pinciple of inheitance $y designing and implementing a class StaffCa: 4 StaffCa has
an additional popety gi1ing the name of the peson $oowing the ca: If the ca is not cuently on
loan then this popety will $e set to $lan6: &he class should ha1e methods which ena$le a StaffCa to
$e issued and etuned to/fom a named staff mem$e: 'hen the ca is etuned the mileage is to $e
3 (e1elop a menu di1en application that will ena$le the company to 6eep tac6 of its cas: <ou
application should 5at least7 po1ide featues which ena$le a use to:
display details of all cas
$oow a ca
etun a ca
- &he application should o$1iously not malfunction if the use should ente incoect data o pefom
inappopiate actions such as $oowing a ca that is aleady on loan: Illustate the use of E2ceptions
$y incopoating igoous eo chec6ing in you application:
5 &he Eleet data should o$1iously $e pesistent: &hat is8 when the application is closed the data should
$e sa1ed in a file and when the application is estated8 the sa1ed data should $e eloaded:
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