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Koreatown Northgate Community Benefit District

Board of Directors Meeting

Office, 2633 Telegraph Avenue # 107
March 11, 2014- 6!0 "#m#
$resent $hi% $orter, Char%ie &ahn, Keun Bae 'oo, (on)a Broo*s, +4, Not a -uorum
./sent 0im Martine1, Danie% Choe, Matt 2g%ehart, 3ose"h 3ung, (hei%a Kat1, .drienne 4i%%ey, $eter (chroe"fer +5,
6uest (arah Kidder +7a*%and 4irst 4riday,, 3amie $ar*s +City of 7a*%and,, Katherine Canton +$ro-.rts,, Nate Moon, &edi
.nderson, Mi*e and 8 other guests from the 24
9 0e%egra"h /ui%ding#
(taff :athan &odges of (afety 4irst, (hari 6odine1, ;<ec# Director
Subject Discussion Action
1. Introductions
!all to Order
"o #uoru$ %as esta&lished
2. 'u&lic
!o$$ents (
"o pu&lic co$$ents
3. Approval of
)inutes for*
4e/ruary 11,
The $inutes %ere not approved due to lac+ of ,uoru$ "o action
-. .evie%
/inancial .eports
0. 1lection for
ne% 2oard
"o #uoru$
6. Announce ne%
fa3ade and tenant
7. 'resentation on
2i+e 4anes on
Telegraph &5
6a$ie 'ar+s, !it5
of Oa+land.
6a$ie 'ar+s presented on the ne% Telegraph Ave &i+e lane proposal on &ehalf of the
cit5. 6a$ie announced that the Telegraph &i+e lane %ill go fro$ 20
to 07
along Telegraph Avenue. 6a$ie passed out a handout to all attendees. 1. 7ave
e8isting pro&le$ on safet5 operations and perception 2.Telegraph Ave is ver5
different 3. 9ifferent t5pes of &ic5cle facilities. Telegraph Ave is one of the &iggest
pro&le$ corridors for pedestrians and &ic5clists. There %ere - fatalities :none of
%ho$ %ere &i+es or pedestrians;. !rash data ca$e fro$ police reports. Telegraph
Avenue has one of the highest incidents of &i+e crashes. The nu$&er of &i+es on
Traffic volu$e indicates that the nu$&er of &i+e has tripled up to 1200 pedestrians
and &ic5cles a da5. This is $ediu$ volu$e. 1210,000 cars a da5 travel along
Telegraph Ave. An online surve5 %as conducted that go over 1,100 responses and
<3= agreed the5 %ould li+e the conditions to change. Threehundred respondents
reported their pri$ar5 $ode of transportation %as driving, and sevent5five percent of
those drivers %anted &ic5cles as a high priorit5. >event5 percent %anted pedestrians
to &e a higher priorit5. 6a$ie detailed traffic speeds in each section of the corridor*
north of 02
street has higher traffic speeds, -?
through 02
is ver5 constrained %ith
high traffic and par+ing de$ands, 20
through -?
street has lo%er traffic volu$e &ut
$ore instances of speeding. The proposal for the ne% &i+e lane for @O"O is to li$it
>hari %ill
infor$ation to
the pu&lic
car lanes to three :versus the current four;. 6a$ie reported that three lanes have -0=
fe%er traffic accidents than four lanes. The5 are also easier to cross and cal$s traffic
speeds. 2usses %ould have an additional lane to pull into at stops. There are t%o t5pes
of &i+e lanes &eing considered* !5cle trac+ :or protected &i+e lane; %hich has &een
successful in 1urope and "A! and places the &i+e lane &et%een par+ed cars and the
side%al+. 7o%ever, that does present a fe% design challenges %ith &us stops, &ut
nothing that canBt &e %or+ed out. The &uffered &i+e lane is a nor$al &i+e lane e8cept
%ider. The first pu&lic %or+shops are in April and )a5 to share the proposed
alternatives. 6a$ie is currentl5 2030 percent through the planning process. The goal
is to have draft alternatives read5 for the pu&lic in )a5. After receiving feed&ac+ fro$
the pu&lic the ne8t step %ill &e to create a concrete alternative to present in a series of
%or+shops for another round of feed&ac+ and then present to !it5!ouncil for
approval. After approval the ne8t phase %ould &e to secure grant funding. Then the
plan %ill &e i$ple$ented once a funding source is secure. 'hil responded that @O"O
is reall5 interested in supporting a &i+e lane and opened the discussion up for pu&lic
co$$ents. Ceneral concerns included* 7o% $uch ti$e %ill &e added to co$$utersD
Jamie: <0 seconds %ould &e added to the co$$ute in the @O"O section of Telegraph
Ave. Is there a plan to put a &i+e lane on 2road%a5D Jamie: There are no plans to put
&i+e lanes on 2road%a5 south of 20
>treet. 3?
>treet to 2road%a5 Terrace %ill &e
getting repaved %ith ne% &i+e lanes. Ehat happens if %e get stuc+ &ehind a &usD
Jamie: The 1 and the 1. %ill &e co$&ined %ith reorganiFed stops. The e8tension on
&usses Gut out at current stops, this %ould &e the &i+e lane forcing riders &ac+ into car
traffic, is this &eing addressedD Jamie* 2us stops %ould &e e8tended to 60 feet under
the ne% construction. Ehere is the traffic goingD And ho% %ill this affect long
distance driversD Jamie* ItBs possi&le traffic could &e diverted to )4@. A detailed
traffic anal5sis is occurring on Telegraph %ith traffic counters placed on 20
07th streets. 7o% %ill the t%o different &i+e lane st5les effect par+ingD Jamie: The
&uffered &i+e lanes %ouldnBt effect par+ing at all. The c5cle trac+ %ould re,uire 1 or 2
fe%er par+ing spaces per &loc+. !ould the &i+e lane &e dou&led for t%o %a5 &i+e
trafficD Jamie: It doesnBt $a+e sense here. 7o% %ould left turns occurD Jamie: ItBs
called a t%o step turn and through pu&lic education it can &e an effective $aneuver.
?. Announce 2i+e
1ast 2a5Bs
de$onstration of
'rotected &i+e lane
on )a5 ?
, 2i+e
to %or+ da5.
>hari announced this de$onstration. 6a$ie $entioned this is not an official cit5
de$onstration. 2ut %ill provide the opportunit5 to see %hat this %ould loo+ li+e.
<. 9iscuss
>trategic 'lanning
for the @O"O
10. 9iscuss a
co$$unit5 event
in )a5.
11. (taff 9
a,# >ecurit5 H
Operations report
for$ !hair
>afet51st .eport
a,# (97 4athan gave a cri$e report for a one $ile radius fro$ 27
street* 21?
cri$es over a si8 %ee+ period fro$ /e& 1 ( )arch 11, 201-. 3 ro&&eries, 0 thefts, 2
car thefts, and 3 pett5 vandalis$ and curfe% violations. There %as a sta&&ing &ac+ in
9ece$&er at 2-
street that did not appear in the report that $onth, per >heliaBs
re,uest 4athan investigated and discovered a reported %as filed for that incident %ith
O'9. Additionall5, there %as one Oa+land /irst /rida5s arrest on 6an 3
!o$parativel5 to 2road%a5, Telegraph cri$e is lo%. 7o%ever, there still is a lot of
cri$e &rea+ins on the side streets. At 30
street there is a lot of illegal du$ping. The
street ho$eless enca$p$ent has &een cleared. 4athan reported the cit5 doing a
/,# .eport fro$
)ar+eting H
c,# 1cono$ic
d,# @O"O /irst
/rida5 !o$$ittee
e,# .eport fro$
18ecutive 9irector
$uch &etter Go& +eeping the enca$p$ent e$pt5. A$&assadors are helping ho$eless
individuals %ho are resource resistant &5 passing out resource cards. >igns %ill &e
posted restricting panhandling to discourage ho$eless panhandling on the $edian
strips of 27
and E. Crand. ?0 issues of graffiti have &een resolved and 2 &uilding
o%ners %ere contacted a&out re$oving longstanding graffiti. 1- &ro+en par+ing
$eters have &een reported to the cit5. 4athan %ould li+e to order $ore Gac+ets for
a$&assadors %ith @O"O &randing. 4athan reiterated for guest the $ost effective
approach to cri$e and loitering is a co$$unit5 colla&oration %ith $ultiple people
calling O'9 to report nuisances
/#, Mar*eting Ea5finding &anners %ere hung on 23
, 20
, and 26
intersections to direct visitors to art galleries. On 2-
there is a &anner for the cine$a.
There is a district pro$otional video &eing co$pleted. Another storefront art proGect
%ill &e placed in @uen 2easB %indo%.
c,# ;conomic De>e%o"ment An intern is %or+ing on a vacant data&ase progra$ for
the cit5 and suggest that @O"O &e a pilot for the progra$. The state no% has a ne%
ta8 credit for &usinesses that %ant to e8pand or $ove to !alifornia and the !it5 is
offering %or+shops on the ne% ta8 credit. The state no% has a ne% ta8 credit for
&usinesses that %ant to e8pand or $ove to !alifornia and the !it5 is offering
%or+shops on the ne% ta8 credit.
d,# K7N7 4irst 4riday >arah reported the last /irst /rida5s event %ent reall5 %ell.
Iendors are having positive e8periences %ith the a&ilit5 to register ahead of ti$e
online and receive place$ent infor$ation and other general event infor$ation. T%o
sponsors are alread5 lined up for April and )a5. !ivic!orp and 2uild %ere each out
pro$oting their progra$s. The relationship %ith Art )ur$ur is positive as %ell. >arah
is feeling that things are $oving in a reall5 good direction. O'9 and securit5 is also
feeling good a&out the current event standing. 200 vendors are t5pical for this event
and %ith the ne% online option a&out 100 applied on line. /ood vendors have a
%aiting list and %ill &e rotated each $onth. 'hil as+ed ho% $an5 of the 200 vendors
sho% up the da5 of the event. >arah reported that 70 nonfood vendors .>I' online
leaving a&out -0 sho%ing up the da5 of. >arah predicts that $oving for%ard ?0= of
participating vendors %ill .>I' and 20= %ill sho%up the da5 of. There are t%o
$ain challenges to current vending* getting vendors placed and getting the$ chec+ed
in. As the online process strea$lines >arah predicts those challenges %ill &e
e,# ;<ecuti>e Director The cit5 has a ne% pot of $one5 for facadetenant
i$prove$ents. If propert5 o%ners are read5 to lease their space to a &usiness, or
i$prove their tenant spaces the5 %ill &e $atched on spending &5 the cit5. >hari has
also &een tr5ing to recruit ne% &oard $e$&ers.
12. Other It %as suggested that @O"O coordinate %ith other co$$unit5 groups to host a foru$
for the candidatesB of the )a5orBs .ace.
>afet51st re,uested funds to purchase $ore Gac+ets for the a$&assadors.
>hari %ill
13. "e8t 2oard
April ?, 201- J 6*30p$

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