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CommunlLy Manager CreaLlve Lxerclses

Please keep in mind that these exercises are only intended for Uber and/or Uber employees.
They are confidential and not to be circulated elsewhere.

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WrlLe 3 blog posLs (and where lndlcaLed - provlde supplemenLary lnformaLlon) LhaL you would posL as uber's
communlLy manager. LxLra polnLs for creaLlvlLy noL [usL on Lhe posLs buL also on how Lhey are presenLed!

osL 1 - Local LvenL arLnershlp
(a) 1hls blog posL should hlghllghL an evenL speclflc Lo your clLy LhaL uber should deflnlLely be lnvolved ln. We
suggesL you check ouL some blog posLs from each clLy aL for reference and Lone.
1he goal of uber's lnvolvemenL ln Lhe evenL ls Lo:
creaLe brand awareness
drlve new slgnups Lhrough a 'new uber user' promo code
hook a cllenLele LhaL's llkely Lo become repeaL rlders
(b) PypoLheLlcal SlLuaLlon - LeL's see how you would respond Lo Lhls emall from Lhe evenL organlzer:

ney tbete - tbooks fot yoot offet. wete ttyloq to offet o qteot expetleoce to oll oot otteoJees, oot jost tbe
ooes tbot boveot beotJ oboot ubet yet. coo yoo book op people tbot olteoJy bove ubet os well? Otbetwlse, l Joot
tblok wete qoloq to be oble to pottoet wltb yoo.

osL 2 - Cn uemand SLunL
(a) uber has become known for lL's on-demand sLunLs, whlch have lncluded lce Cream 1rucks, and klLLens. Come up
wlLh a one-day-only on-demand sLunL LhaL can be lmplemenLed ln elLher your speclflc clLy !" mulLlple uber clLles
(your cholce), wlLh Lhe goal of:
creaLlng a Lon of soclal buzz on 1wlLLer/lacebook/lnsLagram
drlvlng a Lon of new slgnups
poslLlve 8
(b) now walk Lhrough some of Lhe loglsLlcs LhaL wlll be lnvolved ln maklng your ldea come Lo llfe.
lor example: lor Cn uemand lce Cream 1rucks, each clLy sourced local Lrucks and drlvers, esLlmaLed how many
Lrucks Lhey mlghL need glven Lhe slze of Lhe clLy and Lhe expecLed demand, and chose Lo launch Lhe ldea ln Lhe
mlddle of Lhe summer, when weaLher was hoL hoL hoL. 1rucks were also only avallable vla uber for 1 day Lo drlve

8emember, no sLunL ldea ls Loo crazy for us. 1bls ls tbe compooy tbot btooqbt yoo lce cteom 1tocks ooJ kltteos ot
tbe top of o bottoo!!!

osL 3 - lreesLyle ldea
1hls blog posL ls purely up Lo you. 1hlnk of a cool uber" ldea and wrlLe lL up. Maybe lL's maklng a seaL on Lhe
subway uber (l.e. decklng lL ouL wlLh a leaLher seaL, boLLled waLer, and a back massager), puLLlng roses ln every
uber car for valenLlne's uay, or maklng an awesome vldeo abouL why our drlver parLners are Lhe besL ln Lhe world.

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keeplng dlsgrunLled cusLomers happy ls a huge parL of Lhe [ob. LeL7s see how you'd handle some of Lhe worsL
cusLomer emalls we've seen, Lhose llsLed below. ?ou can Lake some llberLles wlLh refunds or whaLever you see
flL. AL uber we use a casual/fun buL professlonal Lone ... leL7s see whaL you goL!

1) looq-tlme ubet oset. noJ tbe wotst expetleoce l've evet boJ wltb tbe setvlce. My Jtlvet 1ollo wos vlJeo
coofeteocloq oo o loptop wblle Jtlvloq. lt wos obsolotely tlJlcoloos ooJ o Jooqet to myself ooJ to tbe
Jtlvets oo tbe tooJ. 5opet JlsoppoloteJ - tbls ls wbot l woolJ expect of o ootmol toxl. l love tbe setvlce
bot tbls ls jost ooocceptoble.

2) Iost o polck feeJbock loop - my tlJe lost olqbt wos ptetty tettlble. l felt boJ fot tbe Jtlvet becoose be
wos opoloqetlc oftet o wblle, bot o few tbloqs boppeoeJ.
1. ne wos oboot Jooble tbe estlmote lo tlme lo comloq ovet, ooJ tbe pbooe oombet tbot l boJ ftom my
text messoqe wos JlscoooecteJ (l ttleJ to otJet oootbet ooe bot tbeo coocelleJ wbeo be come).
2. ne woso't sote bow to qet to tbe locotloo (800 Nottb lolot lo llsbetmoo's wbotf ftom 7J9 cloytoo lo
cole volley) ooJ we lookeJ lt op ootselves ooJ tolJ blm tbe ctoss stteets - be took o meooJetloq woy
to stlll qet to tbe wtooq locotloo (be Jtove to tbe fot west eoJ of tbe motloo, tbeo solJ, Ob, l tbooqbt be
ctoss stteets wete Jlffeteot). lltetolly zlqqeJ ooJ zoqqeJ tbe eotlte woy, Jtlvloq slowly, ooJ qettloq to
tbe wtooq ploce, tbeo opoloqlzeJ, ooJ stlll zlqqeJ ooJ zoqqeJ slowly, cboosloq stteets wltb toos of
ttofflc (l.e. totoloq oo to cbestoot ot 8 lM oo o ltlJoy olqbt fot oo teosoo). veotoolly be sbot off tbe
tob os be solJ be felt boJly (bot we wete olmost tbete ot tbot polot).
J. we olmost qot loto two occlJeots tbot wete bls foolt. lt wos sotptlsloq. 1be cot wos obsolotely
omozloq, ooJ be olmost too loto ooe sov, ooJ slJeswlpeJ ooe voo. All wblle Jtlvloq slowly. 1wo olmost
setloos occlJeots wblle Jtlvloq slowly ls oot sometbloq l osoolly eocoootet. l felt boJ fot tbe qoy. ne
seemeJ teol sttesseJ.

l loveJ tbe eose of setvlce, bot tbe expetleoce wos ptetty off pottloq ooJ we woooJ op tokloq o cob
bome ovet optloq fot ubetcob oqolo. ltetty JlsoppoloteJ tbot tbe expetleoce cost me 5J0 - ooJ we
wete ovet 20 mlootes lote to top lt off. As o compotlsoo, tbe tlJe bome lo tbe cob cost 512 (515 wltb
tlp). 1be 4.2 mlles betweeo tbe two locotloos sboolJo't bove beeo 5J0.

J) nl ubet 5oppott, l woolJ llke to toke tbe tlme to let yoo koow tbot l wlll oo looqet be osloq tbls setvlce
ooless l coo bove oo exploootloo tbot jostlfles tbls 515.00 cob fote (see below). l tblok tbe totol Jlstooce
ttoveleJ wos oboot .5 mlles occotJloq to Cooqle Mops, l jost Jooble-cbeckeJ. l woolJ llke to koow tbe
blllloq bteok Jowo ooJ bow .5 mlles qets to 515.00 u5u. lf tbete ls oo exploootloo, l wlll stop osloq tbe
setvlce, ooJ stop tecommeoJloq lt to otbets, os l bove beeo o blq soppottet of yoot compooy op ootll tbls
1book yoo. 8est, Iobo 5weozey

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Pow would you respond Lo Lhe followlng LweeLs?

[uber no cars avallable ln SeaLLle #Ma[orlAlL

!usL used [uber and am offlclally addlcLed

My flrsL [uber rlde was 3x a Laxl. Ma[or rlp off.

Cur [uber drlver ls absoluLely adorable! 1hanks 8oberLo

Pey [uber! l was [usL charged for a rlde l never Look. WhaL glves? #ClveMeMyMoney8ack

[uber ls amazlng. 8ellable, qulck and baller.

My Laxl drlver drlver ls drlvlng llke a manlac. #SeaLLleCabsSuck

Pey [uber...would be cool lf you could requesL by car Lype #Lscaladelease

[uber saved my llfe LonlghL! CoL me home ln 10 mlnuLes.
CreaLe a laundry llsL of markeLlng ldeas, wheLher an evenL/promo/eLc. lnclude a 1-2 senLence descrlpLlon for
each, Lopped off wlLh a creaLlve & caLchy blog posL LlLle for LhaL ldea.

1he followlng ls for us Lo see how you Lhlnk abouL promos and meLrlcs. Answer as besL you can. We wanL Lo
[usL see your LhoughL process here (even lf youAre noL sure).

A charlLy evenL has come Lo you and sald Lhey have a 1,000 person evenL and are wllllng Lo do a dedlcaLed
emall Lo Lhelr aLLendees. ?ouAve done evenLs llke Lhls ln Lhe pasL and have Lhe followlng hlsLorlcal daLa:

[noLe: ?ou do noL need all of Lhe lnfo for each of Lhe quesLlons]

ltomo (oew oset) - ltomo voloe, "Jollots off o ttlp"
coovetsloo - "letceot of osets teJeemloq ptomo"
Avq 1tlp - "Avetoqe ubet ttlp fote (5)"
leople - veot AtteoJees
# tlJes/yeot - "Nombet of ossomeJ ubet tlJes pet yeot pet clleot"
Motqlo - "ubet's pottloo of tbe fote"

1. Whlch promo should we use and why?
2. lf we wanL Lo reLurn a proflL on each rlder wlLhln 6 monLhs, whaL ls Lhe max amounL LhaL we
would glve on a promo?
3. Pow would you Lhlnk abouL lncreaslng converslon? ["promo converslon"?]

unrelaLed Lo Lhe above Lable and quesLlons:
4. ?ouAve noLlced LhaL average Lrlps/slgnup has gone down:
a.) WhaL could be causlng Lhls?
b.) Pow mlghL you lncrease lL?

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