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The showed value are maximum and where is the case the are minimum!
"the diameter#thelen$th#the width and the hei$ht are in mm
"the wei$ht in %$
Our &ro'essional men o''er exact data and &ro&er technolo$ies on t&e
o' o&eration
We acce&t the variants with the material o' client orsu&&lier with com&lete
or &artial machinin$
The material o' wor% &ieceare!steel#alimentar and non alimentar stainless
steel#castiron#aluminium#(ron)e#(rass and wood*
/* ,odellin$ Sim&le and wood
com&lex 'oundr metal
&attern made o'!
0 * Castin$ a3 iron castin$ wei$ht4&iece /5..
(3(ron)e castin$ wei$ht4&iece 6.
c3aluminium wei$ht4&iece 1..
1 * +o$in$ a3 'ree 'or$in$ diameter . 15.
(3 die 'or$in$ wei$ht4&iece 0*5
2 * -ividin$ a3 steel &late
"mechanics thic%niss7len$th 0571/..
"auto$enous thic%ness /5.
(3 steel &ro'ile
"(/ diametre .0/.
"(0 max* cuttin$
wei$ht "0... 06.
"(1 cuttin$ len$th
(etween 0.**8.. I2..
5 * Cold a3 (endin$ thic%ness7len$th 97/1..
thic%ness7len$th 2*572...
(3 rollin$ thic%ness7len$th 970...
6 * Weldin$ a3 electric weldin$
c3 $as shilelded
weldin$ ,IG4,AG &late thic%niss 1.
d3 s&ot weld thic%niss o'
one &late 1
8* :eat
treatment a3 stress relaxion
(3 hardenin$
c3 tem&erin$
d3:+C hardenin$ o&eratin$
're;uec 22.
9* Galvanic a3chrome &latin$ diameter7len$th .9..7/5..
coatin$ wei$ht /1..
(3)inc &latin$ wor% &iece
overall dimension /...7/...70<..
wei$ht 2.
c3 (la% 'inish wor% &iece
overall dimension /...79..79..
wei$ht 0..
<* ,etal"Cuttin$ A*T=RNING
a3 lon$itudinal
turnin$ diametre7len$th . 9..71...
wei$ht /...

(3 on turnin$ and
(orin$ lather diameter7len$th .01..7/6..
wei$ht 5...
c3'acin$ diameter7len$th . 06..72...
wei$ht /....
d3 numeric
command diameter7len$th .1..7 85.
wei$ht /...
>*,I??ING $ri&&n$ sur'ace //0.7/05.
a3(ohrwer% diameter7dee& hole 61.7<5.
wei$ht 5...
(3tem&let millin$ net area o' ta(le 52.7<5.
c3$antr millin$ ta(le dimension 2...7/....7<..
d3cams &lane diameter <..
clindrical diameter 25.
millin$ hei$ht 5..
e3versatile millin$ net area o' ta(le /05.76..
a3 clindrical toothin$ module7diameter /07/095
wei$ht /6..
(3 (evel"$ear tooth
sstem module7diameter /.75..
slant hei$ht 05.
tooth width <.
c3 arc o' circle toothin$ module 0*5**9
diameter 5..
a3centreless $rindin$ diameter .*9**1.
$rindin$ len$th /8.
(3external $rindin$ diameter7len$th 61.705..
wei$ht 6..
c3iternal $rindin$ diameter7$rindin$
len$th 10.
wei$ht 6..
d3sur'ace $rindin$ width7len$th 6..71...
hei$ht 6..
wei$ht 02..
e3$ear $rindin$ module7diameter /.75..
E*S:APING @P?ANING3 width7hei$ht /05.7/...
len$th 1...
wei$ht 5...
+*:ONING diameter 65**0...
honin$ len$th /.5.
a3hori)ontal ta(le sur'ace /...7/...
wei$ht 85.
(3 vertical ta(le sur'ace /25.7<..
wei$ht 2...
/.* ?oc%smith s Sho& a3'ittin$

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