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Cardiovascular Study Guide

Things we need to know:
Heart Worksheets 1, 2, and 3
X Diseases Table & pictures
Intrinsic Conduction System
X Case Studies
X New Heart Worksheets
Formatives (3)
X Pgs. 330 and 331 in book (COVERED IN DIAGRAMS BELOW)
Heart Worksheets
Vagus Nerve-->Parasympathetic innervation of the heart is mediated by the
vagus nerve. Specifically, the vagus nerve acts to lower the heart rate. The
right vagus innervates the sinoatrial node. The left vagus when
hyperstimulated predisposes the heart to atrioventricular (AV) blocks.
Venous return- returning through the veins
Biscuspid and tricuspid valves. Ventricles contract and av valves open. AV valves cannot remain
open duing the ventricular systole
Interstitial fluid- a solution that bathes and surrounds the cells of multicellular animals.
Fat soluble- can move through the membrane
Fenestrations- opening covered by delicate membrane
Capillary clefts- leaky capillaries; gaps in membrane
Isovolumetric contraction- when ventricles are contracting (ventricular systole)
Isovolumetric relaxation- when atria are filling (early diastole)
Hydrostatic pressure- forces fluids out of capillaries
Osmotic pressure- forces fluid to reenter blood
8. B or D
9. B or D
11. H
12. G
13. A
Heart Diseases
Dilated cardiomyopathy

Compared with a healthy heart, dilated cardiomyopathy causes the
chambers of the heart to enlarge, which can lead to heart failure if left
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

Illustrations of a normal heart (left) and a heart with hypertrophic
cardiomyopathy (HCM). Note that the heart walls (muscle) are much thicker
(hypertrophied) in the HCM heart. (cool animation!)
0dGV3WDU0eXJwV1BHWjVmZVpqSndDSWc&hl=en&authkey=CLChjJAH] (Heart Diseases
Table on google spreadsheet)
Intrinsic Conduction System
An electrocardiogram (e-lek-tro-KAR-de-o-gram), or EKG, is a simple, painless
test that records the heart's electrical activity.

Components of intrinsic conduction system
SA node- pacemaker (right atrium)
AV node- impulse (at junction of atria and ventricles) [impulse is delayed to give
atria time to contract]
Bundle of His (AV bundle), bundle branches and Purkinje fibers are involved in
creating the "wringing contraction of the ventricles, begins at apex and moves toward
Depolarization- electrical activity that triggers the contraction of heart muscle
Repolarization- begins just before the relaxation phase of cardiac muscle activity
P wave- atrial depolarization (relaxation)
QRS wave- ventricular depolarization (atrial repolarization is hidden in this complex)
T wave- ventricular repolarization

EKG tracing abnormalities- not completely accurate though (i.e. Fibrillation)
Ischemia lack of adequate oxygen supply (in blood) to heart muscle - causes fibrillation
AV node damage- partially or completely releases ventricles from control of SA node,
ventricles beat at their own rate (Heart block)
Damage to SA node- slower heart rate- artifical pacemaker

Tachycardia >100 beats/min
Bradycardia <60 beats/min
Systole- contraction of ventricles
Diastole- relaxation of ventricles

Cardiac Cycle- events of one complete heartbeat
Cardiac Output- amount of blood pumped out by each side of the heart per minute
stroke volume- volume of blood pumped out in a complete heartbeat (animation) (check out the animation on the left side!)
Case Studies
Make a list of what the question tells you on the left side
Make a list of what the question is asking you on the other side
1. Heart Attack
2. (Dont know)
3. Swollen ankles- blood is not circulating; degenerating organs- organs arent getting
enough blood; Peripheral congestion (Lungs lead to pulmonary congestion)
4. X
5. Polycythemic high density of cells high blood pressure because more cells more
pressure against cells
6. Inflammation of Endocardium; heart murmur (swoosh sound instead of lub dub)
7. Have less blood to push against blood vessels
8. Take the pulse. Use a stethescope/
9. Positive feedback control
10. Imbalance. Doesn't make the blood go back to where it is supposed to be
11. Shock or may be internal bleed or the blood could go into the lymph fluid or dehydration
12. **Something extra we talked about.
13. What happens if you dont have oxygen for a long time?
14. -Gangrene
Blood Flow through the heart's-effects-on-the-
The blood enters the right atrium through the vena cavae. As blood builds in the right atrium,
the pressure on the tricuspid valve causes it to open and the blood to flow into the right atrium.
The right atrium contracts, forcing more blood into the right ventricle. The tricuspid valve closes,
and the ventricles contract, forcing the pulmonary semilunar valves open and the blood enters
the pulmonary artery. The pulmonary artery takes the blood to the lungs to be oxygenized. The
O2-rich blood leaves the lungs through the pulmonary veins and reenters the heart. It goes into
the left atrium. The atrium contracts, forcing the blood through the bicuspid valve and into the
left ventricle. The bicuspid valve closes, and the left ventricle contract, forcing the aortic
semilunar valves open and the blood into the aorta. From the aorta, the blood circulates to the
rest of the body.

Anatomy of the Heart
Heart Exterior

Heart Interior

Additional Information
Left side heart-failure--> Pulmonary Congestion
Right side heart-failure-->Peripheral Congestion
only apply the paddles when the heart is not beating.

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