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This is to certify that the thesis titled I&'(r)&*+ ,& I&-,) .,/0 S1+*,)2
R+3+r+&*+ /4 ICICI Pr(-+&/,)2 is prepared and s!"itted !y "e to Indian
Institte of Plannin# $ Mana#e"ent, Ne% Delhi in partial flfill"ent for the a%ard of
the Master De#ree in &siness Ad"inistration, and this report has not !een s!"itted


This is to certify that this thesis titled I&'(r)&*+ ,& I&-,) .,/0 S1+*,)2
R+3+r+&*+ /4 ICICI Pr(-+&/,)2 is prepared and co"pleted sccessflly !y K)1,2
A55)r.)2 nder "y #idance' The thesis has !een co"pleted to "y satisfaction and I
%ish hi" all the !est in his ftre endea(or'

The present %or) is an effort to thro% so"e li#ht on *I&'(r)&*+ ,& I&-,) .,/0
S1+*,)2 R+3+r+&*+ /4 ICICI Pr(-+&/,)2 The %or) %old not ha(e !een possi!le to
co"e to the present shape %ithot the a!le #idance, sper(ision and help to "e !y
n"!er of people.
With deep sense of #ratitde I ac)no%led#ed the encora#e"ent and #idance
recei(ed !y Pr43. S(6)&/) S0)r6) Associate Dean + IIPM, Ne% Delhi' I also
con(ey "y heartfelt affection to Mr. J)5-++1 S,&50 %ho helped and spported "e
drin# the corse, for co"pletion of "y thesis'
K)1,2 A55)r.)2


Na"e + ,apil A##ar%al
Section + -N+.
/oll No + .0
Contact + 1234442567508
E+"ail id + )apil90770:yahoo'co"
Ar+): M)r7+/,&5
O89+*/,:+: As "y research is on the insrance sector in India %ith special reference
to ICICI prdential life insrance 'The o!<ecti(e is to "a)e the ICICI prdential is
)ey player in the insrance sector !y follo%in# %ays;+
=nderstandin# the needs of csto"ers
Le(era#in# technolo#y to offer >ic) ser(ice
De(elopin# and i"ple"entin# sperior ris) "ana#e"ent and in(est"ent
I&/r4-(*/,4&: In this era of #lo!ali?ation as a "ar)eter it is essential to )no% the
plse of the cons"er and the "ar)et trends' Ths it is essential not only to ha(e
theoretical )no%led#e !t also to ha(e the feel of the "ar)et as %ell' Insrance is not
necessarily an in(est"ent, Nor it is #a"!lin#' Insrance is a %ay to share ris) %ith

others' ICICI Prdential Life Insrance Co'Ltd', India@s No'6 pri(ate life insrer has
!een in the forefront in offerin# financial soltions to deal %ith real %orld pro!le"s'
Or partnership %ith leadin# !siness schools across India %ill !e the )ey factors in
creatin# a tea" of %ell ad<sted, indstry+ready professionals'
S*41+ 43 T0+',': The scope of the research at cons"er end %ill !e li"ited to the
areas in Delhi and for co"pany perspecti(e it@ll !e li"ited to %ithin the co"pany and
its people' ' Pri"ary data %ill !e collected thro#h floatin# >estionnaire a"on#
csto"ers and co"pany officials' In case of Secondary data, it@ll !e collected !y
co"pany@s official %e!sites, and !y co"parin# it %ith I/DA report, <ornals, articles,
internet sorces etc'
=nder this research the atte"pt %ill !e to find ot the (ale perception and cons"er
!eha(ior to%ards insrance indstry and %hat they actally feel a!ot the ICICI
prdential life insrance'
Methodolo#y; The research %old !e a for"al eAploratory stdy to %or) on "a<or
isses and to pro(e the hypothesis' It is a for"al stdy' =nder "y research I ha(e
atte"pted to se different >estionnaire for different #rops of respondents'
Bestionnaire %ill !e floated a"on# respondents to collect data' Atte"pts %ill !e
"ade to contact and condct in depth inter(ie% %ith concerned persons'

D+/),2' 43 M+&/4r:
Desi#nation; Sr /elationship EAecti(e+&siness Loan &siness &an)in# Drop'
Contact No'; 12344E88822.2

Dear ,apil,
This is to infor" that the thesis topic I&'(r)&*+ ,& I&-,) .,/0 S1+*,)2 R+3+r+&*+ /4
ICICI Pr(-+&/,)2% as proposed !y yo, has !een appro(ed 'This e"ail is an official
confir"ation that yo %old !e doin# yor thesis %or) nder the #idance of Mr'
Ca#deep Sin#h' Ma)e it a co"prehensi(e thesisF the o!<ecti(e of a thesis shold !e
(ale addition to the eAistin# )no%led#e !ase'
Please ensre that the o!<ecti(es as stated !y yo in yor synopsis are "et sin# the
appropriate research desi#n'
Go "st al%ays se the thesis title as appro(ed and re#istered %ith s'
Gor Al"ni ID N"!er is DS68-M338
Go are re>ired to correspond %ith s !y sendin# at least siA response sheets to
thesis'ssH7:iip"'ed 1for"at attached alon# %ith this "ail3 at re#lar inter(als,
!efore 86
May .227 1the last date for thesis s!"ission3'

Sumanta Sharma
Dean 1Pro<ects3
The Indian Institte of Plannin# and Mana#e"ent
Ne% Delhi
Phone; 26.0 + 0E2E02. I .4

In this era of #lo!ali?ation as a "ar)eter it is essential to )no% the plse of the
cons"er and the "ar)et trends' Ths it is essential not only to ha(e theoretical
)no%led#e !t also to ha(e the feel of the "ar)et as %ell'
As I "a)e "y thesis on ICICI Prdential Life Insrance' The or#ani?ation had
assi#ned "e the tas) of Insrance in India and recritin# financial consltants for the
said prpose, follo%in# conditions %ere to !e analy?ed'
Potential of the co"panies in the "ar)et'
Net%or) of the e"ployeeJs to #et "ore and "ore p!lic interaction'
/ecrit"ent of talented people <o! %ith fair co""ission and re%ards
Pro(ide and opportnity to standardi?ed their life'
I ha(e tried to present this report to the !est of "y capa!ility' In case of any errors
)indly pardon "e'

Table of Contents
C0)1/+r < I&/r4-(*/,4&""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""<"#
: What is insrance
: Ho% "ch insrance do I need
: The history of insrance in India
: Te"porary need I threats
C0)1/+r 2 L,/+r)/(r+ R+:,+."""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""=">2
: /e(ie% of insrance sector
: Pri(ati?ation of insrance
: Li!erali?ation of insrance sector
: A!ot + ICICI prdential
: Pro"oters
: The Co"pany
: Distri!tion
: Prodcts
: Protection Plans
: Sa(in#s Plans
: In(est Shield Dold
: In(est"ent Plans
: /etire"ent Plans
: I"pact of inflation

: Why to /ecrit
: The po%er rene%al co""issions
C0)1/+r $ O89+*/,:+ 43 /0+ S/(-?"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""">$
C0)1/+r"@ R+'+)r*0 M+/04-4245?""""""""""""""""""""""""""""">@">A
: Pri"ary Data
: Scope of thesis
C0)1/+r A D)/) A&)2?','""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""">!"<@
: Analysis
: SWOT analysis
: Stren#th
C0)1/+r ! C4&*2(',4&"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""<A
C0)1/+r > B,82,45r)10?""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""<!
C0)1/+r # A11+&-,B"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""<>"<<<
: Bestionnaire

W0)/ I' I&'(r)&*+C
Insrance is not necessarily an in(est"ent fro" %hich one eApects to #et oneJs "oney
!ac), Nor it is #a"!lin#' A #a"!ler ta)es ris)s, %hile insrance offers protection
a#ainst ris)s that already eAist' Insrance is a %ay to share ris) %ith others'
Since ancient ti"es, co""nities ha(e pooled so"e of their resorces to help
indi(idals %ho sffer loss' A!ot 8,E22 years a#o, Moses instrcted the nation of
Israel to contri!te a portion of their prodce periodically for Kthe alien resident and
the fatherless !oy and the %ido%'
T0+ Or,5,&' 43 I&'(r)&*+
Insrance has eAisted for thosands of years' A for" of credit insrance %as inclded
in the Code of Ha""ra!i, a collection of &a!ylonian la%s said to predate the La% of
Moses' To finance their tradin# eApeditions in ancient ti"es, ship+o%ners o!tained
loans fro" in(estors' If a ship %as lost, the o%ners %ere not responsi!le for payin#
!ac) the loans' Since "any ships retrned safely, the interest paid !y n"eros ship+
o%ners co(ered the ris) to the lenders'
It %as li)e%ise in a "ariti"e settin# that later one of the %orldJs "ost fa"os
insrance pro(iders, LloydJs of London, %as !orn' &y 6H77, Ed%ard Lloyd %as
rnnin# a coffeehose %here London "erchants and !an)ers "et infor"ally to do
!siness' There financiers %ho offered insrance contracts to seafarers %rote their
na"es nder the specific a"ont of ris) that they %old accept in eAchan#e for a
certain pay"ent, or pre"i"' These insrers ca"e to !e )no%n as nder%riters'

-inally, in 65H4, LloydJs !eca"e a for"al #rop of nder%riters that in ti"e #re% into
the fore"ost "ar)et for "arine ris)s'
W0)/ ,3 I )2r+)-? 0):+ L,3+ I&'(r)&*+C
As an indi(idal, for the eAtent of financial protection yo need is different fro" that
as a "arried "an %hich in trn is different fro" that as a parent' At each life sta#e, it
is necessary to re+e(alate the a"ont of protection and pro(ision yo re>ire and
ad<st for the sa"e' &elo% are so"e of the e(ents in yor life for %hich yo shold
re+e(alate and plan yor life insrance needs'
L,3+ '/)5+'
&irth of a child
Schoolin# of child
Colle#e edcation of child
Marria#e of child
H4. 6(*0 ,&'(r)&*+ -4 I &++-C
The "ain prpose of life insrance is to pro(ide a financial cshion to yor lo(ed
ones in the e(ent that so"ethin# nfortnate shold happen to yo' One "st pro(ide
eno#h, so as to #enerate a ftre inco"e strea" that %ill ta)e care of the financial
needs of their dependants'
Ho% "ch insrance yo need depends on yor annal inco"e, yor eApenses and
yor eAistin# assets'

C4&*+1/ 43 H(6)& L,3+ ;)2(+
Denerally spea)in#, one can esti"ate the eAtent of life insrance !y calclatin# oneJs
KH"an Life LaleK 1HLL3' This is the net present (ale of oneJs ftre earnin#s' Pt
si"ply, it is the a"ont that a personJs fa"ily %old per"anently lose, shold
anythin# nfortnate happen to that person' As a th"! rle, a 82+year old shold
insre oneself for a!ot 7 ti"es his or her annal inco"e' At 8E, this is a!ot H ti"es'
Of corse, the eAact a"ont "st !e ad<sted accordin# to the n"!er of dependents,
eAistin# in(est"ents and oneJs life sta#e' -or instance, if at 82, a person has t%o
children and parents to pro(ide for, the a"ont of insrance shold also !e hi#her'
Go can calclate yor H"an Life Lale !y "ltiplyin# yor crrent annal inco"e
%ith the n"!er of years re"ainin# for yor retire"ent'++
LetJs ass"e that yo are 82 years old and yo earn /s' 0, 22,222 per ann"' No%, if
yor retire"ent a#e is EE yo ha(e .E years to #o !efore retire"ent' So yor H"an
Life Lale is 1.E A 0,22, 2223 M /s' 622, 22, 222 1One Crore rpees3'
So, yor present H"an Life Lale is one crore rpees, pro(ided yo stay healthy'
If yo ta)e factors li)e inflation and increase in inco"e o(er a period of ti"e into
accont, yor H"an Life Lale is a lot "ore'

The Indian Insrance "ar)et has a #rand history' The de(elop"ent of insrance dates
!ac) of the 64th centry %hen the Eropeans started the Oriental Life Insrance
Co"pany, Calctta in 6777' The first Indian Insrance Co"pany &o"!ay Mtal Life
Insrance ca"e into eAistence in 6752 to co(er Indian li(es at nor"al rates' The year
6752 is also i"portant in the sense at &ritish Do(ern"ent for the first ti"e act that
year' -or years later -iro? Shah Mehta one of the doyen of Indian -inancial Sector,
Oriental Do(ern"ent esta!lished the Oriental Do(ern"ent Secrity Life Assrance
Co"pany and after that, "any Insrance co"panies in srfaced on Indian soil'
Ho%e(er, the first Indian Insrance act %as passed on 646., a#ain in 6487 and an
a"end"ent in 64E2, %hen it %as nationali?ed ho%e(er the sector %as once a#ain
thro%n open to the pri(ate sector in Dece"!er 6444 follo%ed !y the esta!lish"ent of
I'/'D'A' 1Insrance /e#latory and De(elop"ent Athority3 in April .222'
The Indian Insrance Indstry %as do"inated !y t%o states Insres i'e' The Life
Insrance Corporation in Life Insrance and The Deneral Insrance Corporation in
#eneral insrance !efore .222 %hich %ere created after the nationali?ation of the Life
and non Life sector in 64EH and 645. respecti(ely' In Dec@44, the I/DA Act %as
passed %hich li"ited forei#n in(estors to a .HN cap on e>ity participation, and
"ini"" capital re>ire"ent of O.2 Million' At present, "ore than 6. pri(ate players
are in the "ar)et and so"e are in the pipeline' The ad(ent of the ne% )ids poses to
LIC to so"e%hat eAtent, for %hich LIC %ill ha(e to chan#e its crrent policies
re#ardin# "ar)etin# and prodct "ana#e"ent'

Since 64EH, %ith the nationali?ation if Insrance Indstry, the states rn Life
Insrance Corporation of India 1LIC3 has held the "onopoly in contry@s life
insrance sector' Deneral Insrance Corporation of India 1DIC3, %ith its for
s!sidiaries, %as its conterpart in the casalty sector' O(er the ti"e, ta)in#
ad(anta#es of its "onopoly and (irtal prero#ati(e in esta!lishin# the pre"i"s, LIC
has e(ol(ed into a "onolith' With arond H2,222 a#ents in e(ery noo) and corner of
the (ast contry, it has created an en(ia!le !rand na"e, particlarly a"on# the rral
poplation of the contry' It has arond O02 !illion as its financial sector' Ho%e(er,
on the >alitati(e side, it has e(ery little pride in, and there lies the potential for
players to challen#e this !ehe"oth'
As typical %ith "onopolies, the pre"i"s rates char#ed LIC are a"on# the hi#hest in
the %orld, and its trac) record in csto"er ser(ice can at !est !e called sha!!y' With a
h#e nioni?ed, ri#id %or)force "ostly in clerical cate#ory' LIC rn the ris) of hi#h
fiAed cost, %hich %ill !e the decidin# factor prodcti(ity in the co"petiti(e scenario'
While !oastin# fll+scale ato"ations of its operation, the trth is that its technolo#y
otdated' The ne% pPlayers, %ith the state+ of+the+ art technolo#y nder the !elt, %ill
!e in ad(anta#eos position' 72N of LIC@s !siness is procred !y .2N of its ill+
trained a#ent force' The forei#n player, %ith the do"estic partner@s strin# !rand
(ale, can test the ncon(entional distri!tion channels li)e !ro)ers, the Internet, the
!an)in# distri!tion syste" etc', altho#h forei#n players "ay !e te"pted to )eep
their operations in !i# cities for the Qcrea" layer@ of the society, the real "ar)et lies in
rral India, %hich acconts for the lions share of LIC@s present !siness' The forei#n
players "st adapt to Indian realities, the %ell p!lished failres of the %orld fa"os

cons"er #oods co"panies li)e ElectrolA, Whirlpool, /ee!o), Ni)e etc' to #a#e the
Indian psyche and senti"ents de"onstrate the concept' They failed in the area of
realistic pricin#, prodct pro"otion and reachin# to the cons"er' The forei#n
co"panies )no% the *#rond realitiesR to the details'
Life Insrance has co"e a lon# %ay fro" the earlier days %hen it %as ori#inally
concei(ed "edi" for short periods of to"e' co(erin# te"porary ris) sitation, sch
as sea (oya#es' As Life Insrance !eca"e "ore esta!lished, it %as reali?ed %hat a
sefl tool it %as for a n"!er of incldin#
The ori#inal prpose of the Life Insrance re"ains an i"portant ele"ents, na"ely for
replace"ent of inco"e on death etc'
Pro(idin# for one@s fa"ily and oneself, as a "edi" to lon# ter" eAercise 1thro#h a
series of re#lar pay"ent or pre"i"s3' This has !eco"e "ore rele(ant in recent
ti"es as people sect financial independence for their fa"ily'
Pt si"ply, the !ildin# p of sa(in# %hile safe#ardin# it for" the ra(a#es of
inflation' =nli)e re#lar sa(in# prodcts, in(est"ent prodcts are traditionally l"p
s" in(est"ent, %here the indi(idal "a)es a one off pay"ent'

Pro(ision for later years !eco"e increasin#ly necessary, especially in a cltral and
social en(iron"ent' One can !y a sita!le insrance policy, %hich %ill pro(ide
periodical pay"ents in one@s old a#e'
L+/ (' /)7+ )& +B)612+ /4 (&-+r'/)&- /0+ &++- 34r I&'(r)&*+:
Mr' A"it is 0E and self+e"ployed' His %ife Nandini, %ho is a hose%ife, loo)s after
their t%o children a#ed 8 and 5 years' They stayed in a rented acco""odation, %here
the rent is /s'6E222I+ per "onth' Mr' A"it has ta)en a loan of /s' . La)h' His
"onthly earnin#s on a(era#e are /s'02, 222I+' Mr' A"it passes a%ay in an
nfortnate road accident' What are so"e of the financial i"plications of his death on
his fa"ilyS
T0+r+ 6)? 8+ '+:+r)2 3,&)&*,)2 ,612,*)/,4&' 4& 0,' 3)6,2?. S46+ 43 /0+'+
The "onthly inco"e, pre(iosly pro(ided %old stop'
His %ife and children "ay ha(e to see) financial assistance fro" other relati(es'
His %ife "ay not ha(e eno#h "oney to pay !ac) the loan of /s'. la)hs'
The fa"ilies ha(e to "o(e into a cheaper acco""odation'
The %ido% "ay ha(e to ta)e p %or) to earn "oney'
The edcation of their children "ay sffer'
This si"ple eAa"ple illstrates the i"pact pre"atre death can ha(e on a fa"ily,
%here the "ain earner has no life co(er'

Had Mr' A"it ta)en a life co(er, his fa"ily %old not ha(e faced sch hardships in
the e(ent of his nfortnate death' A si"ple life insrance policy cold ha(e pro(ided
Mr' A"it@s fa"ily %ith a l"p s" that cold ha(e !een in(ested to pro(ide an
inco"e e>al to all or part of his inco"e'
In si"ple %ords, insrance protects a#ainst nti"ely losses' Insrance has !een fond
sefl in the li(es of persons !oth in the short+ter" and lon#+ter"' Short ter" needs
li)e sdden "edical costs and lon#+ter" needs li)e "arria#e eApenses etc' can !e "et
%ith sin# life insrance'

Chapter 2
Literatre Re!ie"
India is ha(in# poplation of 6 &illion %ith a "iddle class poplation esti"ated p to
822 "illion' It !ein# the Eth lar#est econo"y in the %orld in ter"s of Prchasin#
Po%er Parity 1PPP3 has a DDP #ro%th rate of o(er HN per year on an a(era#e for the
last decade' The sa(in# rate is esti"ated to !e a!ot .HN of the DDP' In the total
poplation, the insred the poplation is esti"ated to !e a!ot 52 "illion'
The Indian Insrance Sector has finally opened p and it is %ith "ch anticipation
that ne% players are a%aitin# their share of "ar)et' License ha(e !een issed to !oth
Indian and -orei#n Players+ /eliance, HD-C Standard+Life, MaA India+Ne% Gor),
/oyal Sndara" Alliance, ICICI Prdential, I--CO+To)yo Marine, &a<a< Allian?,
&irla Snlife, Tata AID, ALILA Life Insrance, S&I Life, O" ,ota) Mahindra are
so"e of the entrants into the ne%ly li!erali?ed Indian Insrance "ar)et '
ICICI Prdential and HD-C+ Standard Life ha(e issed their life policies fro" the
pri(ate sector after 0E years'
The first "o(e for the li!erali?ation ca"e %ith the Malhotra Co""ittee /eport in
6448 %hich reco""ended the pri(ati?ation of Insrance, settin# of an insrance
re#latory athority and restrctrin# the #o(ern"ent "onopoly LIC and DIC and its
s!sidiaries I/DA Act passed in No(e"!er 6444 had set !all rollin# for the entry of
Pri(ate Players in do"estic sector'

Li!erali?ation co""it"ent of the contry to help in disciplinin# ftre econo"ic
policies %ill inclde the insrance refor"s' When %orld o(er insrance "ar)et has
!een opened p' India cannot re"ain in isolation' History has sho%n that it is (ery
difficlt to proper in isolation'
Dlo!ali?ation is the ne% econo"ic reality, %hich is here to stay, heraldin# a ne% era
of Insrance in India' With the openin# of the insrance indstry, Indian stands to #ain
%ith the follo%in# "a<or ad(anta#es'
Dlo!ali?ation %ill pro(ide opportnities to the cons"er for the !etter prodction'
With "ore reasona!le and afforda!le pricin#'
The csto"er %ill #et >ic)er ser(ice
It %ill enhance the sa(in# rate'
Lon#+ter" fnds for infrastrctre de(elop"ent %ill !e a(aila!le to the contry'
It %ill secre for India lar#er inflo% of forei#n capital need to sstain or DDP
The openin# p %ill ena!le the contry to sa(e "ore and in(est "ore for the
de(elop"ent in infrastrctre'
With ne% insrance inter"ediaries and "ore distri!tion channels the "ar)et is
!ond to de(elop !y leaps and !onds
In the neAt fe% years it is esta!lished that the Indian insrance sector %ill de(elop
a !etter nderstandin# of cons"er re>ire"ent leadin# to "ore satisfaction of

Lead to increase in e"ploy"ent'
Social and rral o!li#ations %ill also !e ser(ed as I/DA has co"e ot %ith clear
re#lation in this re#ard, %hich "a)es the de(elop"ent in this area "andatory'
Dlo!al co"petition %ill help in !ildin# eApertise %ith their #lo!al practice'
=nli)e %est, in India, insrance is sold as the instr"ent of sa(in#' A!ot 67N of the
policies are sold as death ris) consideration' I"pression a!ot LIC is that they are not
"eant for the "ar)et re>ire"ents' They are only intended to find csto"ers'
Insrance a%areness is therefore lo%' =nit lin)ed insrance prodcts are not
a(aila!le' Insrance co(ers are eApensi(e and retrns are lo%' Trn o(er the a#ent is
hi#h' The choice a(aila!le to the insrin# p!lic is inade>ate in ter"s of ser(ices,
prodcts and prices' These are the areas of %ea)ness, %hich "ay act as opportnities
for ne% players %ho "ay %or) to offer policies to the csto"er %ith the (ale
additions at a co"petiti(e pre"i" %ith "ch i"pro(ed ser(icin#'
The I/DA #o(erns the critical aspect of Insrance Sector Incldin#;
The n"!er and role of Pri(ate Sector operates incldin#+/o"an area
/e#late co(erin# in(est"ent, sol(ency nor"s
Prodct /an#e
Accontin# Practices
Cons"er Protection Nor"s
Ensrin# the /ral and Health Insrance are de(eloped
-iAin# of License fee

Perhaps all the "ost critical re#lation is the .HN e>ity Capital for -orei#n Insrers'
This re#lation !rin# in isses re#ardin# "ana#e"ent control and one of the reasons
for <oint (entre !rea)in# p C!!+,ota), Li!erty+Da!r, AllState+Da!r, Man Life+
=TI are so"e of the !ro)en p alliances'
The insrance sector has !een opened p in India, as there %as an r#ent need' The
international eAperience indicates those contry %ith a li!erali?ed insrance sector
ha(e %itnessed a rapid #ro%th in pre"i" (ol"es enhancin# the do"estic sa(in#
rate' This happened in China, Malaysia and Sin#apore %here a co"petiti(e "ar)et
has led to i"pro(e"ent in Ser(ices and >ic)er settle"ent of clai"s' It is also
i"portant to note that co"petition %ill !rin# a!ot ad(ance"ent in infor"ation,
co""nication and technolo#y' And ri#htly therefore a decision %as ta)en !y the
Do(ern"ent of India to open p Insrance sector' The esta!lish"ent of I/DA in the
"onth of April .222 has !een i"portant de(elop"ent in this direction, "a)in# the
end of "onopoly in the insrance sector'

Only ..N of the insrance poplation has !een eAtended co(er' Mar)et
penetration is lo% and the potential to eAploit is hi#h'
Insrance pre"i" per capita is (ery lo%'
Lac) of co"prehensi(e social syste" !enefit and %elfare "eans that de"and for
pension prodcts is hi#h'
H#e "iddle class of approAi"ately 822 Million'
EAistin# insrance co"pany score lo% on csto"er ser(ice front'
The insrance "ar)et re#istered #ro%th in the Asian re#ion e(en tho#h India@s share
in #lo!al insrance is less than 2'EN 164773 as co"pared to =SA 1.0'.N3 and Capan
1.6N3' Stdies ha(e re(eled that in an e"er#in# "ar)et, as disposa!le inco"e rises,
Insrance pre"i"s as a ratio of DDP shoots p' The confederation of Indian Indstry
pro<ected a #ro%th of Life Insrance pre"i"s fro" /s' 8E2 &illion at present to
/s'602 &illion' The #ro%th of non+life insrance pre"i" is eApected to increase
fro" 5E !illion to 85E !illion' Ot of %hich, only 62N is tapped !y the eAistin#
Insrance e(en "ore than !an)in# is a (ol"e #a"e' A (ery eAclsi(e approach in
(ie% is nli)ely to pro(ide "eanin#fl n"!ers' Crrently, insrance is !o#ht for
the prpose of taA+!enefits' A hi#her percenta#e of !siness is in the rral "ar)et' The
share of rral ne% !siness insrance total ne% !siness is EEN in ter"s of policies
and 05N in ter"s of s" assred' Ho%e(er, this needs to !e (ie%ed in the li#ht of
so"e recent isses that ha(e !een raised re#ardin# as to %hat constittes the rral

"ar)et' Therefore, pri(ate insrers %ill !e !est ser(ed !y "iddle "ar)et approach,
tar#etin# the csto"er se#"ents that are presently neAploited'
Ho% "any Indians are a%are that LIC has "ore than H2Prodcts and DIC has "ore
than 672ProdctsS Not only there is a redction in the pre"i"s of Life Insrance
prodcts ha(e lon# o(erde since Indian "orality rate has decreased three folds in the
last E2years' There is also scope to increase the yield on life insrance policies
1presently HN3 %ith proper ris) "ana#e"ent in place'
It is !een de!ated that insrance !siness does not prodce profit in the first fi(e years
cross s!sidi?ation is a featre of Indian "ar)et' E(en the first portfolio (ote that is
considered profita!le, cross s!sidi?es other depart"ents' Tariffs redction is li)ely to
redce profitsF frther insrers ha(e to institte proper clai"s "ana#e"ent pro#ress in
order to eAtract efficiencies' At present life insrance !siness in the contry is taAed
at 6.'EN of the profit in financial year' The #o(ern"ent is soon to present a ne%
"odel of taAin# life insrance co"panies at international rates'
Ne% entrants shold !e %ell ad(ised to loo) ahead to the sta#e %here !rand stren#th
%ill !e a co"petiti(e ad(anta#e and s)etch their alliances accordin#ly' In fact, %e
!elie(e that alliance related to distri!tion rather than to prodce or technolo#y %ill
pro(e "ost (ala!le in the lon# rn'
&an)s and financial co"panies %ill e"er#e, as attracti(e distri!tion channel for this
insrance trend %ill !e led !y t%o factors, %hich already apply in other %orld "ar)et'
-irst &an)in# food insrance, fnd "ana#e"ent and other financial ser(ices
co"panies are !ein# to increase their profita!ility and pro(ide "aAi"" (ale to
their csto"ers'

Therefore, they are the"sel(es loo)in# for a ran#e of prodcts to distri!te'
In other "ar)et nota!ly EropeF this has reslted in !an) assrance' &an) enterin#
into the insrance !siness in India to !an) hope to "aAi"i?e eApensi(e eAistin#
net%or) !y sellin# a ran#e of prodcts "ore of a loss alliance !et%een insrance and
!an) than a for"al o%nership' So"e Indian entrants li)e ICICI, HD-C and /eliance
hope to ride their eAistin# net%or) and csto"er !ases'
&randin# is the ne% )ey challen#e in the financial ser(ices indstry' Life in the .6st
centry %ill !e lon#er %ith "ore choice in "ore field of acti(ity' The financial
conse>ence of the increased life span is particlarly li)ely to !e to#h' Ine(ita!ly,
this %ill lead to "ore co"pleAity, %hich in trn necessities #reater clarity and appeal
fro" the ser(ice pro(iders'
&randin# is "ore i"portant in the financial ser(ices "ar)et %hich not only faces the
pro!le" of secrin# and retainin# csto"ers in an increasin# co"petiti(e "ar)et
place !t also eAperience the need for hei#htened rele(ance of the !rand positionin#
in a %orld %here !rand has !een ter"ed as ne% reli#ion'
Life Insrance Co"pany Pre"i"s S" Assred
LIC 2'8. E'E.
ICICI Prdential 2'H5 82'6E
HD-C Standard+Life E'45 622
&irla Snlife 60244'HH .,28,27E'.7
-ocs and strate#ies are essential for de(elop"ent of !rand in any sector !t the less
tan#i!le %orld of financial prodcts historically has escaped the !randin# isses that
ha(e #o(erned de(elop"ent and cltre in other indstries'

If there %as an indstry, %hich is least, considered as an essentiality it %old !e the
insrance indstry' It %as al%ays felt as a!stract ser(ices or a fall !ac), "ore li)ely a
safety net' &t it is "ore of shiftin# thro#h co"petiti(e prodcts to select "ost
appropriate one, !t %ith li!erali?ation of the indstry, players ha(e to reali?e the
need for !randin# in a co"petiti(e en(iron"ent' Insrance co"panies need to stri(e
for a #reater csto"er focs re#ardless the csto"er is the end or the inter"ediary'
M)r7+/ S0)r+ )64&5 Pr,:)/+ C461)&,+':
M)r7+/ P4/+&/,)2 34r Pr,:)/+ L,3+ I&'(r)&*+ C461)&,+' ,& I&-,):
It has !een fond ot that;
7E percent of the Indians prefer LIC than any other insrance co"panies'

JPre(ention of LossJ, JAssred /etrnsJ and JLon# ter" In(est"entJ are the
i"portant factors inflencin# Indians in optin# for Life Insrance
Only fe% of the Indians are a%are of pri(ate life insrance co"panies'
Most of the Indians are of the opinion that pri(ate insrance co"panies %old !e
a!le to perfor" %ell in the lon# rn'
Most of the Indians are interested in JMoney !ac)J policies than others
Most of the" are interested in insrin# for an a"ont of /s' 6+ . la)hs
There is si#nificant relationship eAistin# !et%een "onthly hosehold inco"e and
a"ont insred
&ased on the "onthly hosehold inco"e, Indians prefer to their in(est"ent needs
li)e !an) deposit, post office sche"es, real estate, insrance, #old, chit fnds,
shares etc'
A#ents are "ostly responsi!le for sellin# insrance prodcts in India'

A84(/ " ICICI Pr(-+&/,)2:
ICICI Prdential Life Insrance Co"pany is a <oint (entre !et%een ICICI &an), a
pre"ier financial po%erhose and Prdential plc, a leadin# international financial
ser(ices #rop head>artered in the =nited ,in#do"' ICICI Prdential %as a"on#st
the first pri(ate sector insrance co"panies to !e#in operations in Dece"!er .222
after recei(in# appro(al fro" Insrance /e#latory De(elop"ent Athority 1I/DA3'
ICICI PrdentialJs e>ity !ase stands at /s' 4'.E !illion %ith ICICI &an) and
Prdential plc holdin# 50N and .HN sta)e respecti(ely' In the financial year ended
March 86, .22E, the co"pany #arnered /s 6E70 crore of ne% !siness pre"i" for a
total s" assred of /s 68,572 crore and %rote nearly H6E,222 policies' The co"pany
has a net%or) of a!ot EH,222 ad(isorsF as %ell as 5 !anc assrance and 6E2 corporate
a#ent tie+ps' -or the past for years, ICICI Prdential has retained its position as the
No' 6 pri(ate life insrer in the contry, %ith a %ide ran#e of fleAi!le prodcts that
"eet the needs of the Indian csto"er at e(ery step in life'

O(r :,',4&:
To "a)e ICICI Prdential the do"inant Life and Pensions player !ilt on trst !y
%orld+class people and ser(ice'
This %e hope to achie(e !y;
=nderstandin# the needs of csto"ers and offerin# the" sperior prodcts and
Le(era#in# technolo#y to ser(ice csto"ers >ic)ly, efficiently and con(eniently
De(elopin# and i"ple"entin# sperior ris) "ana#e"ent and in(est"ent
strate#ies to offer sstaina!le and sta!le retrns to or policyholders
Pro(idin# an ena!lin# en(iron"ent to foster #ro%th and learnin# for or
And a!o(e all, !ildin# transparency in all or dealin#s'
The sccess of the co"pany %ill !e fonded in its nflinchin# co""it"ent to E core
(ales ++ Inte#rity, Csto"er -irst, &ondary less, O%nership and Passion' Each of
the (ales descri!es %hat the co"pany stands for, the >alities of or people and the
%ay %e %or)' We do !elie(e that %e are on the threshold of an eAcitin# ne%
opportnity, %here %e can play a si#nificant role in redefinin# and reshapin# the
sector' Di(en the >ality of or parenta#e and the co""it"ent of or tea", there are
no li"its to or #ro%th'

ICICI &an) is India@s second+lar#est !an) %ith total assets of a!ot /s'66., 2.0 crore
and a net%or) of a!ot 0E2 !ranches and offices and a!ot 65E2 ATMs' It offers a
%ide ran#e of !an)in# prodcts and financial ser(ices to corporate and retail
csto"ers thro#h a (ariety of deli(ery channels and thro#h its specialised
s!sidiaries and affiliates in the areas of in(est"ent !an)in#, life and non+life
insrance, (entre capital, asset "ana#e"ent and infor"ation technolo#y' ICICI &an)
posted a net profit of /s'6, H85 crore for the year ended March 86, .220' ICICI
&an)JJse>ity shares are listed in India on stoc) eAchan#es at Chennai, Delhi, ,ol)ata
and Ladodara, the Stoc) EAchan#e, M"!ai and the National Stoc) EAchan#e of
India Li"ited and its A"erican Depositary /eceipts 1AD/s3 are listed on the Ne%
Gor) Stoc) EAchan#e 1NGSE3'
Pr(-+&/,)2 12*:
Esta!lished in London in 6707, Prdential plc, thro#h its !sinesses in the =, and
Erope, the =S and Asia, pro(ides retail financial ser(ices prodcts and ser(ices to
"ore than 6H "illion csto"ers, policyholder and nit holders %orld%ide' As of Cne
82, .220, the co"pany had o(er =SO822 !illion in fnds nder "ana#e"ent'
Prdential has !ro#ht to "ar)et an inte#rated ran#e of financial ser(ices prodcts
that no% incldes life assrance, pensions, "tal fnds, !an)in#, in(est"ent
"ana#e"ent and #eneral insrance' In Asia, Prdential is the leadin# Eropean life
insrance co"pany %ith a (ast net%or) of .0 life and "tal fnd operations in
t%el(e contries + China, Hon# ,on#, India, Indonesia, Capan, ,orea, Malaysia, the
Philippines, Sin#apore, Tai%an, Thailand and Lietna"'

B4)r- 43 D,r+*/4r':
The ICICI Prdential Life Insrance Co"pany Li"ited &oard co"prises repted
people fro" the finance indstry !oth fro" India and a!road'
Mr' ,'L' ,a"ath, Chair"an
Ms' ,alpana Morparia, Lice Chairperson
Ms' Chanda ,ochhar, Director
Mr' &arry Sto%e, Director
Mr' H'T' Phon#, Director
Prof' Marti D' S!rah"anya", Director
Mr' Mahesh Prasad Modi, Director
Ms' /a"a &i<apr)ar, Director
Mr' ,e)i Dadiseth, Director
Ms' Shi)ha Shar"a, Mana#in# Director
Mr' N'S' ,annan, EAecti(e Director
Mr' &har#a( Das#pta, EAecti(e Director
M)&)5+6+&/ T+)6:
Ms' Shi)ha Shar"a, Mana#in# Director $ CEO
Mr' N'S')annan, EAecti(e Director
Mr'&har#a( Das#pta, EAecti(e Director
Ms' Anita Pai, EAecti(e Lice President T Csto"er Ser(ice $ Technolo#y
Dr' A(i<it Chatter<ee, Appointed Actary
Mr' Pneet Nanda , EAecti(e Lice President $ Chief In(est"ent Officer

Ms' Anita Pai, Chief + Csto"er Ser(ice and Operations
Mr' Pneet Nanda, Chief T In(est"ents
Mr' Sh!hro C' Mitra, Chief + H"an /esorces
Mr' Dipan &hattacharya + Chief Infor"ation Technolo#y
-act Sheet

ICICI Prdential Life Insrance Co"pany is a <oint (entre !et%een ICICI &an), a
pre"ier financial po%erhose, and prdential plc, a leadin# international financial
ser(ices #rop head>artered in the =nited ,in#do"' ICICI Prdential %as a"on#st
the first pri(ate sector insrance co"panies to !e#in operations in Dece"!er .222
after recei(in# appro(al fro" Insrance /e#latory De(elop"ent Athority 1I/DA3'
ICICI Prdential@s e>ity !ase stands at /s' 4.E crore %ith ICICI &an) and Prdential
plc holdin# 50N and .HN sta)e respecti(ely' In the financial year ended March 86,
.22E, the co"pany #arnered /s 6E70 crore of ne% !siness pre"i" for a total s"
assred of /s 68,572 crore and %rote nearly H6E,222 policies' -or the past for years,
ICICI Prdential has retained its position as the No' 6 pri(ate life insrer in the
contry, %ith a %ide ran#e of fleAi!le prodcts that "eet the needs of the Indian
csto"er at e(ery step in life'
ICICI Prdential has one of the lar#est distri!tion net%or)s a"on#st pri(ate life
insrers in India, ha(in# co""enced operations in 50 cities and to%ns in India' These
are; A#ra, Ah"eda!ad, A<"er, Allaha!ad, A"ritsar, Anand, Aran#a!ad, &an#alore,
&areilly, &harch, &hatinda, &hopal, &h!hanesh%ar, Calict, Chandi#arh, Chennai,
Coi"!atore, Dehradn, Dr#apr, -arida!ad, Doa, Dntr, D%hati, Dr#aon,
D%alior, Hydera!ad, H!li, Indore, Caipr, Calandhar, Ca"na#ar, Ca"shedpr,
Codhpr, ,anpr, ,arnal, ,ochi, ,ol)ata, ,olhapr, ,ota, ,ottaya", ,o?hi)ode,
Lc)no%, Ldhiana, Madrai, Man#alore, Meert, Mehsana, M"!ai, Mysore,

Na#pr, Nasi), Noida, Ne% Delhi, Patiala, Pne, /aipr, /a<)ot, /anchi, /or)ela,
Sale", Shi"la, Sili#ri, Srat, Thane, Thrissr, Trichy, Tri(andr", =daipr,
Ladodara, Lapi, Lashi, Li<aya%ada and Li?a#'
The co"pany has se(en !ancassrance tie+ps, ha(in# a#ree"ents %ith ICICI &an),
-ederal &an), Soth Indian &an), &an) of India, Lord ,rishna &an) and so"e co+
operati(e !an)s, as %ell as o(er 6E2 corporate a#ents and !ro)ers' It has also tied p
%ith NDOs, M-Is and corporates for the distri!tion of rral policies and
or#ani?ations li)e Dhan for distri!tion of Salaa" Uinda#i, a policy for the socially
and econo"ically nderpri(ile#ed sections of society'
ICICI Prdential has recrited and trained a!ot EH,222 insrance ad(isors to
interface %ith and ad(ise csto"ers' -rther, it le(era#es its state+of+the+art IT
infrastrctre to pro(ide sperior >ality of ser(ice to csto"ers'

Life is npredicta!le' &t in face of ad(ersity, or responsi!ilities to%ards or
parents, children and lo(ed ones need not !e co"pro"ised' Insrance plannin# e>ips
yo to s"ooth ot the ncertainties and ad(ersities that life "i#ht send yor %ay, so
that the !est that life has to offer, secre in the )no%led#e that yor !elo(ed ones are
%ell pro(ided for'
ICICI Pr offers a co"plete ran#e of insrance prodcts
6' Protection Plans
.' Sa(in#s Plans
8' Child Plans
0' In(est"ent Plans
E' /etire"ent Plans
H' Drop Plans
5' /ral Plans
7' Plans for N/Is
4' ,ey"an Plans
62' /iders

I&'(r)&*+ P2)&'
ICICI Prdential Life Insrance offers LifeDard + a set of pre protection plans'
Choose fro" a"on#st three different prodct strctres to insre yor life and pro(ide
total secrity to yor fa"ily, at a (ery afforda!le cost'
L+:+2 T+r6 A''(r)&*+ .,/0 r+/(r& 43 1r+6,(6
On death the entire s" assred %ill !e paid'
On "atrity, all the pre"i"s paid %ill !e retrned'
L+:+2 T+r6 A''(r)&*+ .,/04(/ r+/(r& 43 1r+6,(6
On death the entire s" assred %ill !e paid'
No sr(i(al or "atrity !enefits'
Go can also enhance the a!o(e t%o policies !y addin# Accident $ Disa!ility &enefit
/ider and Wai(er of Pre"i" /ider 1WOP3'
L+:+2 T+r6 A''(r)&*+ " S,&52+ 1r+6,(6:
On death the entire s" assred %ill !e paid'
No sr(i(al or "atrity !enefits

Pr4/+*/,4& P2)&'
ICICI Prdential offers a (ariety of policies that #i(e yo the !enefits of protection
and the opportnity to sa(e for i"portant assets or e(ents, li)e a ho"e, a car or a
I&:+'/ S0,+2- C)'0
A re#lar pre"i" nit+lin)ed insrance plan %ith an assrance of Capital
DaranteeV %ith the added ad(anta#e of fleAi!le li>idity option' An ideal plan for
lon# ter" plannin# %ith the !enefit of li>idity'
T0+ 7+? 3+)/(r+' 43 /0+ 12)& )r+:
-leAi!ility to choose a specific le(el of protection 1S" Assred3, !ased on a
"ltiple of the annal pre"i"' Go can also choose the ter" of the plan'
At the end of the ter", the hi#her of the (ale of nits or the #aranteed (aleW is
paid' On death, S" Assred alon# %ith the hi#her of (ale of nits or the
#aranteed (ale is paya!le'
-acility to "a)e %ithdra%als fro" the Hth policy year on%ards till the end of the
policy ter"' E(ery year %ithdra% p to 62N of the (ale of nits'
Additional credits paya!le as a percenta#e of the initial annal pre"i" are paid
alon# %ith the death or "atrity !enefit'

S):,&5' P2)&'
Additional insrance for 62 years after the "atrity, for an a"ont of E2N of the
S" Assred'
-leAi!ility to "a)e additional in(est"ent %ith the help of the top+p facility'
-leAi!ility to increase I decrease yor annal pre"i" a"ont
-acility of Ato"atic Pre"i" Pay"ent+ With this facility yo can ta)e a
te"porary !rea) fro" pre"i" pay"ent' WW
Total transparency %ith the pre"i" allocations, and other char#es declared
The #aranteed (ale of the nit fnd is the (ale of all in(ested pre"i"s
1pre"i"s net of all char#es3 alon# %ith the declared !ons interests'
With Ato"atic Pre"i" Pay"ent facility, yo can a(ail a te"porary !rea) fro"
pre"i" pay"ent for a "aAi"" of 6 year' This facility is a(aila!le once if the
pre"i" payin# ter" is less than 6E years and t%ice, if it is 6E years or "ore'
The capital #arantee is applica!le only on the in(ested pre"i" and the declared
!ons interests'
Go can also enhance yor policy !y addin# Accident $ Disa!ility &enefit /ider,
Wai(er of Pre"i" /ider and Critical Illness /ider'
I&:+'/ S0,+2- L,3+
A re#lar pre"i" nit+lin)ed insrance plan %ith an assrance of Capital Darantee
An ideal plan for yor lon#+ter" sa(in#s and protection re>ire"ent'

T0+ 7+? 3+)/(r+' 43 /0+ 12)& )r+:
-leAi!ility to choose a specific le(el of protection 1S" Assred3, !ased on a
"ltiple of the annal pre"i"' Go can also choose the ter" of the plan'
At the end of the ter", the hi#her of the (ale of nits or the #aranteed (aleW is
paid' On death, S" Assred alon# %ith the hi#her of (ale of nits or the
#aranteed (ale is paya!le
Additional credits paya!le as a percenta#e of the initial annal pre"i" are paid
alon# %ith the death or "atrity !enefit'
Additional insrance for 62 years after the "atrity, for an a"ont of E2N of the
S" Assred'
-leAi!ility to "a)e additional in(est"ent %ith the help of the top+p facility'
-leAi!ility to increase I decrease yor annal pre"i" a"ont
-acility of Ato"atic Pre"i" Pay"ent+ With this facility yo can ta)e a
te"porary !rea) fro" pre"i" pay"ent' WW
Total transparency %ith the pre"i" allocations, and other char#es declared
The #aranteed (ale of the nit fnd is the (ale of all in(ested pre"i"s 1pre"i"s
net of all char#es3 alon# %ith the declared !ons interests'
With Ato"atic Pre"i" Pay"ent facility, yo can a(ail a te"porary !rea) fro"
pre"i" pay"ent for a "aAi"" of 6 year' This facility is a(aila!le once if the
pre"i" payin# ter" is less than 6E years and t%ice, if it is 6E years or "ore'
The capital #arantee is applica!le only on the in(ested pre"i" and the declared
!ons interests'

Go can also enhance yor policy !y addin# Accident $ Disa!ility &enefit /ider,
Wai(er of Pre"i" /ider and Critical Illness /ider'
I&:+'/ S0,+2- 542-
A nit+lin)ed insrance plan %ith an assrance of Capital DaranteeV, %hich offers
yo the !enefit of a li"ited pre"i" pay"ent ter"' An ideal plan for protection %ith
%ealth creation that offers the fleAi!ility of a li"ited pre"i" payin# ter"'
-leAi!ility to choose a pre"i" pay"ent ter" of E, 5 or 62 years for a "atrity
ter" of 62, 6E or .2 years respecti(ely'
-leAi!ility to choose a specific le(el of protection 1S" Assred3, !ased on a
"ltiple of the annal pre"i"'
At the end of the ter" 1"atrity3, the hi#her of the (ale of nits or the #aranteed
(aleW is paid' On death, S" Assred alon# %ith the hi#her of (ale of nits or
the #aranteed (ale is paya!le'
Additional credits paya!le as a percenta#e of the initial annal pre"i" are paid
alon# %ith the death or "atrity !enefit'
-acility to "a)e %ithdra%als fro" the Hth policy year on%ards till the end of the
policy ter"' E(ery year %ithdra% pto 62N of the (ale of nits
-leAi!ility to "a)e additional in(est"ent %ith the help of the top+p facility'
-leAi!ility to increase I decrease yor annal pre"i" a"ont
Total transparency %ith the pre"i" allocations, and other char#es declared
The #aranteed (ale of the nit fnd is the (ale of all in(ested pre"i"s
1pre"i"s net of all char#es3 alon# %ith the declared !ons interests'

The capital #arantee is applica!le only on the in(ested pre"i" and the declared
!ons interests'
Go can also enhance yor policy !y addin# Accident $ Disa!ility &enefit /ider and
Critical Illness /ider'
Pr+6,+r L,3+
Presentin# Pre"ier Life T The Preferred plan for the Preferred Csto"er' The )ey
featres of the plan are;
Li"ited pre"i" pay"ent option; Choose fro" a"on# a 8, E, 5 or 62 year
pre"i" payin# ter"'
Choice of s" assred; Choose a s" assred, %hich is a "ini"" "ltiple of 6
and a "aAi"" "ltiple of .E ti"es the annal contri!tion'
Additional allocation of nits on a periodic !asis'
-acility to top+p yor in(est"ent any ti"e yo ha(e srpls fnds'
Choose fro" a"on# for fnds, !ased on yor in(est"ent o!<ecti(e and ris)
Choice to s%itch !et%een in(est"ents options 10 free s%itches e(ery policy year3'
F2+B,8,2,/? /4 -+*r+)'+ ?4(r '(6 )''(r+-.
Add+on riders to protect yo a#ainst any e(entality'
Loans a#ainst the policy'
Go can also enhance yor policy !y addin# Critical Illness /ider, Accident $
Disa!ility &enefit /ider'

L,3+ T,6+ L,3+ T,6+ II
Presentin# Life Ti"e $ Life Ti"e II T nit Tlin)ed plans that "eets yor chan#in#
needs o(er a lifeti"e' These soltions ha(e !een de(eloped to "eet yor sa(in#s,
protection and in(est"ent needs at e(ery sta#e in life'
Choose a specified le(el of protection 1a(aila!le only %ith Life Ti"e3'
T%o le(els of S" Assred to choose fro" 1a(aila!le only %ith Life Ti"e II3'
-leAi!ility to increase or decrease yor s" assred'
Add+on riders to protect yo a#ainst any e(entality'
-leAi!ility to increase or decrease yor contri!tion'
-acility of Pre"i" Holiday, %herein the policy contines e(en if there is a
te"porary !rea) in the pay"ent of annal contri!tion 1a(aila!le only %ith
-acility of Ato"atic Co(er Continance, %herein the policy contines e(en if
there is a te"porary !rea) in the pay"ent of annal contri!tion 1a(aila!le only
%ith Lifeti"e II3'
-acility to top+p yor in(est"ent any ti"e yo ha(e srpls fnds'
Additional allocation of nits on a periodic !asis'
Loans a#ainst the policy'

Choose fro" a"on# for fnds, !ased on yor in(est"ent o!<ecti(e and ris)
Choice to s%itch !et%een in(est"ents options 10 free s%itches e(ery policy year3'
Go can also enhance yor policy !y addin# Critical Illness /ider, Ma<or Sr#ical
Assistance /ider, Accident $ Disa!ility &enefit /ider, Accident &enefit
/ider 1a(aila!le only %ith Lifeti"e3 and Wai(er of Pre"i" /ider
S+*(r+ 12(' E):),2)82+ 4&2? .,/0 L,3+ T,6+ IIF.
An insrance plan that #i(es added protection, sa(in#s and "ltiple options, all in
The fleAi!ility to choose yor pre"i" contri!tion'
The fleAi!ility to choose a"on#st three le(els of co(er 1in the for" of s"
assred3 for the sa"e a"ont of total annal contri!tion'
The fleAi!ility of shiftin# !et%een the three le(els of co(er, as yo re>ire'
The fleAi!ility of recei(in# yor "atrity proceeds as a l"ps" or in e>al
annal install"ents o(er 8 or E years'
Go can also enhance yor policy !y addin# Lariety of /iders
C)'0 12('
An insrance plan that #i(es yo added protection, sa(in#s, "ltiple options, pls the
po%er of li>idity'
The fleAi!ility to choose yor pre"i" contri!tion'

The fleAi!ility to choose a"on#st three le(els of co(er 1in the for" of s"
assred3 for the sa"e a"ont of total annal contri!tion'
The fleAi!ility of shiftin# !et%een the three le(els of co(er, as yo re>ire'
The fleAi!ility of recei(in# yor "atrity proceeds as a l"p s" or in e>al
annal install"ents o(er 8 or E years'
The fleAi!ility of %ithdra%in# p to 62N of the acc"lated (ale of yor policy,
after the first E policy years'
Go can also enhance yor policy !y addin# Lariety of /iders
An ideal plan for those %ho %ant to acc"late fnds on a re#lar !asis %hile
en<oyin# insrance protection'
G()r)&/++- B+&+3,/': Daranteed additions : 8'EN of the S" Assred,
co"ponded annally for the first 0 years of the policy'
EB/+&-+- L,3+ C4:+r: An eAtended co(er for E years after the "atrity of the
policy, for E2N of the s" assred, at no eAtra cost'
M)/(r,/? B+&+3,/: At the end of the ter", the policyholder recei(es the fll s"
assred, the #aranteed additions and the (ested !onses'
D+)/0 B+&+3,/: The !eneficiary recei(es the s" assred, the #aranteed additions
and the (ested !onses incase the life assred %ere to "eet %ith an nfortnate e(ent'

In case the life assred is a#ed 5 years or less, the !asic pre"i" paid %ill !e
Go can also enhance yor policy !y addin# Critical Illness /ider, Ma<or Sr#ical
Assistance /ider, Accident $ Disa!ility &enefit /ider, Wai(er of Pre"i" /ider

S6)r/ K,- E-(*)/,4& P2)&'
As a responsi!le parent, yo %ill al%ays stri(e to ensre a hassle+free, sccessfl life
for yor child' Ho%e(er, life is fll of ncertainties and e(en the !est+laid plans can
#o %ron#' Here@s ho% yo can #i(e yor child a 622N safe and assred to"orro%,
%hate(er the ncertainties' S"art ,id is especially desi#ned to pro(ide fleAi!ility and
safe#ard yor child@s ftre edcation and lifestyle, ta)in# all possi!ilities into
accont' Choose fro" a"on#st a !as)et of 0 plans;
S"art ,id re#lar pre"i"
S"art ,id nit+lin)ed re#lar pre"i"
S"art ,id nit+lin)ed re#lar pre"i" II
S"art ,id nit+lin)ed sin#le pre"i" II

Child Plans
A22 /0+'+ 12)&' 433+r ?4(:
F,&)&*,)2 B+&+3,/': /e#lar pay"ents at critical sta#es in yor child@s life, li)e
&oard eAa"inations, Dradation and Post+#radation'
Total peace of "ind, e(en if yo are not arond
S(6 A''(r+- ,' 1),- ,66+-,)/+2?: Ensres that yor lo(ed ones stay
financially secre, e(en in yor a!sence'
A22 3(/(r+ 1r+6,(6' )r+ .),:+-: Ensrin# that yor fa"ily is not financially
!rdened in yor a!sence'
P42,*? 8+&+3,/' *4&/,&(+: The edcational !enefits of the policy contine,
ensrin# that yor child can reali?e his or her drea"s %ithot any hassles'
D+:+2416+&/ A224.)&*+: S"art ,id #arantees re#lar inco"e to secre yor
child@s edcational career and also ensres his or her all+rond de(elop"ent, for a
no"inal additional a"ont' The Inco"e &enefit /ider ta)es care of this thro#h an
annal pay"ent of 62N of the s" assred, to yor child, till the "atrity of the
policy, in the nfortnate e(ent of the death of the parent'
All S"art,id plans can !e enhanced %ith the Accident $ Disa!ility &enefit /ider and
Inco"e &enefit /ider' Go can also an Accident &enefit /ider to a S"art ,id /e#lar
Pre"i" policy, and a Wai(er of Pre"i" /ider 1WOP3 to S"art ,id nit+lin)ed
re#lar pre"i" policy'

LifeLin) II is a ni>e plan that co"!ines the secrity of a life insrance policy %ith
the opportnity of en<oyin# hi#h retrns on yor in(est"ents, %ithot the "ar)et ris)s
co"pro"isin# on the protection of yor fa"ilyX
D+)/0 B+&+3,/: The S" Assred nder the prodct has . options, either E22N of
the initial pre"i" or 62EN of the initial pre"i"' In the e(ent of an nfortnate
death, the !eneficiary %ill recei(e hi#her of the (ale of nits or the initial death
!enefit, less any %ithdra%als'
W,/0-r).)2 B+&+3,/: One can "a)e partial %ithdra%als fro" the acc"lated
(ale of the policy after co"pletion of one policy year'
F2+B,8,2,/?: Choose fro" for fnd options, !ased on yor in(est"ent o!<ecti(e and
ris) appetite' If at a later sta#e yor financial priorities chan#e, yo can s%itch
!et%een the (arios fnd options, a!soltely free, 0 ti"es a year'

In!est#ent Plans
Life EApectancy has !een risin# rapidly and today yo can
eApect to li(e lon#er than yor earlier #enerations' -or yo, this increase %ill "ean a
lon#er retire"ent life, stretchin# into a cople of decades' ICICI Prdential presents
/etire"ent Soltions that co"!ine the !est of insrance and in(est"ent' These
soltions are de(eloped to ensre yor peace of "ind for the years to co"e'
Why plan for retire"entS
Ho% "ch shold I set aside for retire"entS
The i"pact of inflation on yor retire"ent sa(in#s
Why plan earlyS
A!ot Annities
W0? 12)& 34r r+/,r+6+&/C
-or too "any people, the <oy of retire"ent after years of hard %or) is eclipsed !y the
financial ncertainties that it !rin#s' Despite all the plannin# and sa(in#, yo can
ne(er sre %hether yor "oney %ill last a lifeti"e' /etire"ent plannin# offers a %ay
to ensre a "ore en<oya!le, stress free to"orro%' A prdent plan %ill ensre that
increasin# life eApectancy, hi#her inflation and increasin# taAes do not eat a%ay into
yor hard earned sa(in#s'

Retire#ent Plans
H4. 6(*0 6('/ I '+/ )',-+ 34r r+/,r+6+&/C
To ensre a co"forta!le retired life, yo %old !e %ise to in(est "oney into
additional a(enes li)e pension plans' Ho% "ch yo need to in(est can !e ans%ered
!y ans%erin# so"e >estions sch as;
Ho% lon# do yo ha(e to sa(e that a"ont !efore retire"entS
Where can yo in(est yor retire"ent "oneyS
Ho% "ch ris) are yo %illin# to ta)e on yor in(est"entsS

I61)*/ 43 I&32)/,4&:
Inflation i"plies the chan#e in the %orth of "oney o(er a period' &y the ti"e yo
retire, yor "oney %ill !e %orth a lot less than %hat it is today' So, its i"portant to
factor this in %hen yo in(est for yor #olden years'
In order to deter"ine <st ho% "ch !yin# po%er yor retire"ent inco"e %ill ha(e,
yo shold apply the eApected rate of inflation to yor planned annity inco"e' The
procedre is as follo%s;
-irst, esti"ate ho% "ch annal inco"e yo %ill need to li(e the lifestyle yo %ant,
in todayJs crrency'
Second, "ltiply this a"ont !y one pls
the annal rate of inflation' -or eAa"ple, if
yo thin) yo %ill need /s' .22,222 a year
and the eApected annal rate of inflation is
EN; /s'.22,222 A 16 Y 2'2E3 M .62,222 Go
%ill actally need /s'.62,222 to co(er yor
eApenses after a year + inclsi(e of the cost
of risin# inflation'
/epeat the calclation, sin# yor ne% total, for e(ery year yo plan to %ait !efore
dra%in# on yor sa(in#s at retire"ent' The reslts "ay srprise yo' -or eAa"ple, the
effects of 62 years of inflation "eans yo %ill need /s' .EE,.EH 1approAi"ately3 to
"eet those sa"e eApensesX

The #raph de"onstrates the redcin# prchasin# po%er of /s' 62,222 after so"e
W0? P2)& E)r2?C
*/etire"ent, that@s .2 years fro" no%' Why shold I thin) a!ot it no%SR Isn@t that
the standard ans%er that %e all #i(e %hen as)ed a!ot retire"ent plannin#' Ho%e(er,
to !ild a healthy retire"ent )itty, it is necessary to start plannin# early, as e(ident in
the eAa"ple !elo%;
As can !e seen the cost of delayin# is hi#h' Sitation A is %hen yo are sa(in# /s
62222 annally fro" the a#e of .E to 80
years and Sitation & is %hen yo sa(e the
sa"e annal a"ont fro" the a#e of 8E to
E4 years' As can !e seen in the eAa"ple,
e(en after in(estin# yor "oney for a .'E
ti"es lon#er dration, the "atrity (ale in
the second case is "ch lesser 1the fi#res
are !ased on a hypothetical interest rate of 62N3' The lon#er yor "oney is allo%ed to
#ro% at a co"ponded rate, the "ore dra"atic %ill the difference !e e(entally'

I&:+'/ '0,+2- 1+&',4&
A re#lar pre"i" nit+lin)ed pension plan %ith an assrance of Capital DaranteeV'
A fleAi!le pension plan to secre yor retire"ent years'
-leAi!ility to choose a le(el of protection 1S" Assred3, !ased on a "ltiple of
the annal pre"i" and ter"' Uero S" Assred can also !e chosen' Go can
choose the ter" of the plan'
At the end of the ter", the hi#her of the (ale of nits or the #aranteed (aleW is
sed to prchase an annity 1pension3' On death, S" Assred 1if chosen3 alon#
%ith the hi#her of (ale of nits or the #aranteed (ale is sed to prchase an
annity or can !e ta)en as l"ps", !y the no"inee'
Additional credits paya!le as a percenta#e of the initial annal pre"i" are paid
alon# %ith the death !enefit or at (estin# 1/etire"ent date3'
-leAi!ility to choose fro" a"on#st E different annity options at (estin#
1/etire"ent date3'
-leAi!ility to "a)e additional in(est"ent %ith the help of the top+p facility'
-leAi!ility to increase I decrease yor annal pre"i" a"ont
-acility of Ato"atic Pre"i" Pay"ent+ With this facility yo can ta)e a
te"porary !rea) fro" pre"i" pay"ent'
Total transparency %ith the pre"i" allocations, and other char#es declared
The #aranteed (ale of the nit fnd is the (ale of all in(ested pre"i"s 1pre"i"s
net of all char#es3 alon# %ith the declared !ons interests'
With Ato"atic Pre"i" Pay"ent facility, yo can a(ail a te"porary !rea) fro"
pre"i" pay"ent for a "aAi"" of 6 year' This facility is a(aila!le once if the

pre"i" payin# ter" is less than 6E years and t%ice, if it is 6E years or "ore'
The capital #arantee is applica!le only on the in(ested pre"i" and the declared
!ons interests'
Go can also enhance yor policy !y addin# Accident $ Disa!ility &enefit /ider and
Wai(er of Pre"i" /ider'

In an era of co"petiti(e parity, the only asset that "a)es a decisi(e difference
!et%een corporate sccess and failre is the >ality of h"an capital' E"ployee
!enefits ha(e pro(en to !e an eAcellent tool to opti"i?e the retention of talent and
i"pro(e an or#ani?ation@s !otto"+line' The >ality of an or#ani?ation@s e"ployee
!enefits esta!lishes and "aintains a co"panyJs i"a#e as a carin# e"ployer' Opti""
care of e"ployees is a lon#+ter" in(est"ent that reslts in a sstained co"petiti(e
ad(anta#e for an or#ani?ation in the ti"es to co"e'
ICICI Pr( Gr4(1 S42(/,4&' A-:)&/)5+:
An inte#rated !as)et of e"ployee !enefits soltions that offer inco"para!le
fleAi!le !enefits'
Sond in(est"ent "ana#e"ent that focses on safety, sta!ility and profita!ility of
the portfolio'
Personali?ed financial plannin# for yor e"ployee that ta)es care of hisIher
chan#in# financial needs at e(ery sta#e of life'
Bality ser(ice initiati(es and transparency across all operations, pro"isin#
sperlati(e operational efficiency'

Gr4(1 S42(/,4&'
Gr4(1 T+r6 A''(r)&*+ ; Helps pro(ide afforda!le co(er to "e"!ers of a #rop'
Gr4(1 Gr)/(,/? P2)& ; Helps e"ployers fnd their stattory #ratity o!li#ation in a
fleAi!le and hassle+free "anner'
Gr4(1 S(1+r)&&()/,4& P2)& ; A fleAi!le sche"e 1defined !enefit and defined
contri!tion3 to pro(ide a retire"ent )itty for each "e"!er of the #rop'
Gr4(1 T+r6 A''(r)&*+:
ICICI PrJs fleAi!le #rop ter" soltion helps pro(ide afforda!le co(er to "e"!ers of
a #rop' The co(er cold !e nifor" or !ased on desi#nationIran) or a "ltiple of
salary, and can !e eAtended to all e"ployees !et%een the a#es of 67 and HE years' The
!enefit nder the policy is paid on the e(ent of the "e"!er@s death to the !eneficiary
no"inated !y the "e"!er' It is a one+year rene%a!le policy %here one "aster policy
co(ers all proposed e"ployees co"prisin# the #rop, %ith a "ini"" #rop si?e of
.E persons' Ne% "e"!ers can <oin the #rop and ot#oin# "e"!ers can lea(e the
#rop at any point drin# the policy ter"'

H,502,50/' ,&*2(-+:
Dreater con(enience for the e"ployees %ith relaAed nder%ritin# and "edical
K-ree Co(er Li"itsK %ith si"plified nder%ritin# dependin# pon the n"!er of
e"ployees in the #rop and the le(el of co(er chosen'
G()r)&/++- 8+&+3,/: On death drin# the ter" of the contract 1%hile in ser(ice3,
the s" assred %ill !e paid to the !eneficiary of the e"ployee'
Choice of additional co(era#e in for" an Accident and Disa!ility &enefit /ider and
Critical Illness Co(er
Pre"i" is (ie%ed as a !siness eApense in the year of pay"ent'
Gr4(1 Gr)/(,/? P2)&:
ICICI PrJs #rop #ratity plan helps e"ployers fnd their #ratity o!li#ation in a
scientific "anner' E"ployers can a(ail of the taA !enefits as applica!le to appro(ed
#ratity fnds' The plan can also !e csto"i?ed to strctre sche"es that can pro(ide
!enefits !eyond the stattory o!li#ations'
Hi#hli#hts inclde;
W,-+r *04,*+ 43 ,&:+'/6+&/' .,/0 M)r7+/ L,&7+- P2)&' " to "eet the di(erse
financial #oals' We offer 0 in(est"ent options 1short+ter" de!t, de!t and !alanced and
capital #arantee plan3 %here in(est"ents %ill !e "ade in accordance %ith the fnd

Transparency thro#h Daily disclosre of =nit Lale and re#lar disclosre of the
portfolio of each of the in(est"ent option fleAi!ility thro#h s%itchin# and
contri!tion redirection option to ena!le reshfflin# of portfolio &ndled Life Co(er
#reater (ale to the e"ployee !y pac)a#in# life insrance co(er %ith the #ratity,
%ith "ini"al a"ont of nder%ritin#'
Actarial ser(ices to pro(ide a scientific esti"ation of the #ratity lia!ility' Lo%
eAplicit char#e strctre %ith the conditions for eAit specified pfront' Enhanced
ser(ice le(els thro#h faster clai" settle"ent, easier access to infor"ation and re#lar
state"ents' Co"plete end to end soltion in the le#al and re#latory appro(al process
for sche"e set p or transfers
E6124?++ B+&+3,/':
The contri!tion "ade !y the e"ployer is not inclded in the (ale of taAa!le
per>isites in the hands of the e"ployee'
Dratity recei(ed p to /s 8E2222 is eAe"pt fro" Inco"e taA nder Sec 621623
E6124?+r B+&+3,/':
Annal contri!tion p to 7'88N of salary !ill in a financial year is allo%ed a
dedction for the prpose of co"ptation of profits and #ains of !siness'
Contri!tion to%ards past ser(ice lia!ility is allo%ed as dedction as per the
Inco"e TaA rles'

Gr4(1 S(1+r)&&()/,4& P2)&:
ICICI Pr@s Sperannation Sche"e 1for !oth Defined &enefit and Defined
Contri!tion fnds3 offers s!stantial !enefits to !oth e"ployers and e"ployees' The
e"ployer and e"ployee can a(ail of taA !enefits applica!le to an appro(ed
sperannation trst' The sche"e %ill pro(ide for a retire"ent fnd for each
participatin# e"ployee' An e"ployee %old !e a!le to choose fro" (arios annity
options or opt for partial co""tation of corps at retire"ent'
H,502,50/' ,&*2(-+:
W,-+r *04,*+ 43 ,&:+'/6+&/' .,/0 M)r7+/ L,&7+- P2)&' " to "eet the di(erse
financial #oals' We offer E in(est"ent options 1short+ter" de!t, de!t, !alanced,
#ro%th and capital #arantee plan3 %here in(est"ents %ill !e "ade in accordance
%ith the fnd o!<ecti(es'
C4&/r42 " Each "e"!erIe"ployer can eAercise #reater control o(er in(est"ents !y
choosin# one or "ore of the in(est"ent options'
M(2/,12+ A&&(,/? O1/,4&' " E annity options and open "ar)et option
Tr)&'1)r+&*? " Transparency thro#h Daily disclosre of =nit Lale and re#lar
disclosre of the portfolio of each of the in(est"ent option
F2+B,8,2,/? " -leAi!ility thro#h s%itchin# and contri!tion redirection option to
ena!le reshfflin# of portfolio
Lo% eAplicit char#e strctre %ith conditions for eAit specified pfront'
Enhanced ser(ice le(els thro#h faster clai" settle"ent, easier access to infor"ation
and re#lar state"ents'
Co"plete end to end soltion in the le#al and re#latory appro(al process for sche"e
set p or transfer

ICICI PrLife /ral Prodcts are desi#ned to "eet the needs of the rral cons"ers'
These prodcts offer the follo%in# featres;
<. Lo% and Afforda!le Pre"i"s
2. Life Co(er
$. Sa(in#s Option
@. Hassle free procedre
ICICI Prdential offers . specially desi#ned rral plans'
ICICI Pr Mitr T Endo%"ent Plan
ICICI Pr Sra)sha + /e#lar Pre"i"
ICICI Pr( M,/r H E&-4.6+&/ P2)&:
ICICI Pr Mitr offers the follo%in# featres;
Life Co(er and Sa(in#s
/e#lar Pre"i"s
A#e at entry 67 + 0E Grs
Pre"i" Mode Half Gearly I Gearly
Ter" E,62,6E Grs
S" Assred /s'E,222 +.2,222
Pre"i" I Gear /s' E25 + EE8 1 SA; /s'62,2223
MatrityIDeath !enefit S" Assred

R(r)2 P2)&'
ICICI Pr( S(r)7'0) " R+5(2)r Pr+6,(6:
ICICI Pr Sra)sha is a re#lar pre"i" policy %ith the follo%in# featres;
Indi(idal policy
Only Life co(er
Ter" + 8 $ E Grs
A#e independent pre"i"
A#e at entry 67 + 0E Grs
S" Assred Sin#le
Pre"i" I Gear /s E2 T .22
MatrityIDeath !enefit /s'E,222 + .2,222
Death &enefit S" Assred

NRI P2)&':
&ein# a%ay fro" India doesnJt "ean yo ha(e to co"pro"ise the safety and secrity
of yor lo(ed ones' In fact, yor sa(in#s fro" yor ti"e o(erseas can !e easily
channelised to "eet yor fa"ilyJs needs + no% and in the ftre' So, %hether its yor
drea" to retire in yor ho"eto%nF to secre fnds for yor childrenJs edcationF or to
!ild assets, ICICI Prdential has a ran#e of soltions that can !e csto"i?ed to "eet
yor needs'
In(est"ent Plans
Sa(in#s Plans
/etire"ent Plans
Child Plans
I&:+'/6+&/ P2)&':
Go can hed#e yor in(est"ents %ith in(est"ent li)e LifeLin) II (ehicles that
pro(ide yo %ith a di(ersified portfolio'
S):,&5' P2)&':
Endo%"ent policies are a #ood %ay of pttin# aside yor sa(in#s today for a ftre
#oal + %hether itJs to !y a hose in India or fnd yor entreprenerial (ision' Or
sa(in#s+oriented policies are desi#ned to "a)e yor sa(in#s #ro% and ha(e the"
a(aila!le to yo at the end of a fiAed n"!er of years or thro#h the ter" of the plan'

P2)&' 34r NRI'
S+*(r+ P2(' " an insrance plan that #i(es added protection sa(in#s and "ltiple
options, all in oneX
C)'0 P2(' " an insrance plan that #i(es added protection sa(in#s, "ltiple
options, pls the po%er of li>idity'
L,3+T,6+ II + a co"plete "ar)et+lin)ed insrance plan that adapts itself to yor
chan#in# protection and in(est"ent needs, thro#hot a lifeti"e'
S):+I&IPr4/+*/ " a traditional endo%"ent sa(in#s plan that offers !oth hi#h
retrns and protection'
C)'0B)7 " an endo%"ent sa(in#s plan that allo%s yo to #et !ac) s!stantial
sr(i(al !enefits %ithot ha(in# to %ait till the "atrity date'
Pr+6,+r L,3+ " A "ar)et lin)ed insrance plans that "eets yor In(est"ent and
Protection needs'
R+/,r+6+&/ P2)&':
Many of s pictre orsel(es en<oyin# the frits of or la!or after retire"ent + #oin#
on a drea" (acation, or helpin# or childJs career ta)e %in#' -inancin# all this %ill
depend on or personal sa(in#s and in(est"ents, so its i"portant to sa(e for the
ftre fro" today' Or retire"ent plans are desi#ned to help yo syste"atically sa(e,
so that yo can en<oy all the thin#s yo ha(e drea"ed of %hen yo retire'
L,3+T,6+ P+&',4& II : A re#lar pre"i" lin)ed deferred pension plan that #i(es yo
the freedo" to choose the a"ont of pre"i", and in(est in "ar)et+lin)ed fnds, to
#enerate potentially hi#her retrns'

S+*(r+ P2(' P+&',4& : A re#lar pre"i" deferred pension plan that #i(es yo the
fleAi!ility to choose !et%een 8 le(els of s" assred for the sa"e le(el of total annal
L,3+L,&7 P+&',4& II : A sin#le pre"i" lin)ed deferred pension plan that #i(es yo
the freedo" to choose the a"ont of pre"i", and in(est in "ar)et+lin)ed fnds, to
#enerate potentially hi#her retrns'
F4r+:+r L,3+ ; A re#lar pre"i" deferred pension plan that helps yo sa(e for yor
retire"ent %hile pro(idin# yo %ith life insrance protection'
C0,2- P2)&':
As a responsi!le parent, yo %ant to ensre a hassle+free, sccessfl life for yor
child' Ho%e(er, life is fll of ncertainties and e(en the !est+laid plans can #o %ron#'
S"art,id Edcation Plans are desi#ned to pro(ide fleAi!ility and to safe#ard yor
childJs ftre edcation and lifestyle, ta)in# all possi!ilities into accont' S"art,id
Child Plans has a !o>et of three prodcts %hich can help yo secre yor child@s
=nit+lin)ed /e#lar Pre"i"
=nit+lin)ed Sin#le Pre"i"
/e#lar Pre"i" S"art,id

K+?6)& I&'(r)&*+ P2)&':
A )ey"an is an indi(idal %ho directly affects the profita!ility and the continity of a
!siness and %hose a!sence "ay ha(e an ad(erse effect on the health and continity
of the !siness' ,ey"an insrance is a life insrance policy ta)en !y the co"pany on
the life of sch a )ey person'
The o!<ecti(e of the )ey"an insrance is to pro(ide the co"pany %ith "oney so that
the financial losses to the co"pany can !e protected, in a!sence of the )ey"an' The
ai" is to inde"nify the co"pany of these losses and to allo% !siness continity'
All pre"i"s paid for secrin# a )ey"an life insrance policy are treated as !siness
eApenditre Is 85 163' Or Life#ard plan is ideally sited for the prpose of )ey"an
ICICI Prdential #i(es yo the freedo" to for" yor (ery o%n co"prehensi(e
insrance policy !y addin# the rider !enefits to the !asic life insrance policy' Add
fro" the follo%in# list of !enefits to increase the scope of yor policy, at a no"inal
Critical Illness /ider
Ma<or Sr#ical Assistance /ider
Accident $ Disa!ility &enefit /ider
Accident &enefit /ider
Inco"e &enefit /ider
Wai(er of Pre"i" /ider 1WOP3

K+?6)& P2)&'
Cr,/,*)2 I22&+'' B+&+3,/ R,-+r:
This rider pro(ides protection a#ainst 4 critical illnesses, na"ely; Ma<or or#an
transplants, Co"plete renal failre, Stro)e, Paralysis, Heart attac), Lal(e replace"ent
sr#ery, Ma<or sr#ery of the aorta, CADS 1&ypass3 and Cancer'
B+&+3,/' 1),- 4& *4&/r)*/,&5 /0+ ,22&+'':
A**+2+r)/+- 8+&+3,/' E):),2)82+ .,/0 S):+ &G Pr4/+*/ )&- C)'0B)7F: If the
policyholder is dia#nosed %ith any of the specified illnesses, then the policyholder is
paid the entire s" assred nder the rider' The policy alon# %ith all the riders 1to the
eAtent of the /ider S" Assred3 is then ter"inated' Ho%e(er, the re"ainder of the
!ase policy contines till the end of the ter"' The policyholder %ill ha(e to contine
payin# his pre"i"s for the re"ainder of the policy'
A**+2+r)/+- 8+&+3,/' E):),2)82+ .,/0 S+*(r+ P2('% C)'0 P2(' )&- S+*(r+ P2('
P+&',4&F: If the policyholder is dia#nosed %ith any of the specified illnesses, then the
policyholder is paid the entire s" assred nder the rider' The life co(er alon# %ith
all the riders is then ter"inated'
Ho%e(er, the policy (ale acc"lation contines till the end of the ter" or death,
%hiche(er is earlier'
S/)&-)24&+ 8+&+3,/' E):),2)82+ .,/0 Pr+6,+r L,3+% L,3+T,6+% L,3+T,6+ II% F4r+:+r
L,3+% Gr4(1 T+r6 P2)&% I&:+'/ S0,+2- L,3+% I&:+'/ S0,+2- C)'0 )&- I&:+'/ S0,+2-
G42-F ; If the policyholder is dia#nosed %ith any of the specified illnesses, heIshe is
paid the rider S" Assred and the rider ter"inates' Ho%e(er, the !ase policy

contines till "atrity' Pre"i"s paid nder this rider are eli#i!le for taA !enefits
nder Section 72D'
M)94r S(r5,*)2 A'','/)&*+ R,-+r:
This rider pro(ides assistance to the policyholder a#ainst 08 sr#ical procedres'
These sr#ical procedres are di(ided into 8 cate#ories and the eAtent of assistance
pro(ided depends on the type of procedre'
Ma<or procedres T E2N of the rider s" assred is paid'
Inter"ediate procedres T 82N of the rider s" assred is paid
Minor procedres T .2N of the rider s" assred is paid
This !enefit is paya!le on "ore than one occasion %hen the life assred nder#oes
sr#ery' Ho%e(er the total !enefit paya!le in case of all the procedres is restricted to
a "aAi"" of E2N of the s" assred'
Ma<or Sr#ical Assistance rider is a(aila!le %ith sa(e n@ Protect,
Cash !ac), Life Ti"e, Lifeti"e II, -ore(er Life, Secre Pls, Cash Pls and Secre
Pls Pension'
Pre"i"s paid nder this rider are eli#i!le for taA !enefits nder Section 72D'

A**,-+&/ J D,')8,2,/? B+&+3,/ R,-+r:
B+&+3,/' 1)?)82+ 4& -+)/0 -(+ /4 )& )**,-+&/
If the policyholder dies de to an accident, 622N of the rider s" assred is paid
in addition to the !asic s" assred'
In case the policyholder dies in a land srface, "ass p!lic transport syste"
%herein the policyholder %as tra(elin# as a fare+payin# passen#er, then .22N of
the rider s" assred is paid'
&enefits paya!le in case of per"anent disa!ility de to an accident
If the policyholder sr(i(es an accident !t !eco"es per"anently disa!led then
the pre"i" for the !asic plan is co"pletely %ai(ed off to the eAtent of the rider
s" assred'
Pls, 62N of the rider s" assred is paid for the neAt 62 years, %hich helps in
pro(idin# that eAtra "oney and ta)es care of sdden financial set !ac) that occrs
after a tra#ic disa!ility'
Accident $ Disa!ility &enefit rider is a(aila!le %ith Sa(e n@ Protect, Cash !ac),
S"art ,id, Child Plans, Pre"ier Life, Life Ti"e, Life Ti"e II, Life Ti"e Pension II,
-ore(er Life, Secre Pls, Cash Pls, Secre Pls Pension, Life Dard /OP, Life
Dard W/OP, Drop Ter" Plan, In(est Shield Life, In(est Shield Cash, In(est Shield
Dold and In(est Shield Pension ' In case of Lifeti"e II, Lifeti"e Pension II, Secre
Pls, Cash Pls, Life Dard /OP and
Life Dard W/OP, the %ai(er of pre"i" !enefit is not a(aila!le'
Pre"i"s paid nder this rider are eli#i!le for taA !enefits nder Section 77'

A**,-+&/ B+&+3,/ R,-+r:
If the policyholder dies de to an accident, 622N of the rider s" assred is paid in
addition to the !asic s" assred'
Accident &enefit rider is a(aila!le %ith Sa(e n@Protect, Cash&a), S"art ,id re#lar
pre"i", -ore(er Life, Secre Pls, Cash Pls and Secre Pls Pension'
Pre"i"s paid nder this rider are eli#i!le for taA !enefits nder Section 77'
I&*46+ B+&+3,/ R,-+r:
In case of death of the life assred drin# the ter" of the policy, 62N of the rider s"
assred is paid annally to the !eneficiary, on each policy anni(ersary till "atrity of
the rider'
Inco"e &enefit rider is a(aila!le %ith S"art ,id Child Plans, Secre Pls and Cash
Pre"i"s paid nder this rider are eli#i!le for taA !enefits nder Section 77'
W),:+r 43 Pr+6,(6 R,-+r EWOPF:
On total and per"anent disa!ility de to an accident, all ftre pre"i"s for !oth the
!ase policy and rider1s3 %ill !e %ai(ed till the end of the ter" of the rider or death of
the life assred, if earlier' Wai(er of Pre"i" rider is a(aila!le %ith Secre Pls,
Cash Pls, Life#ard /OP, Life Dard W/OP, S"art ,id =nit+lin)ed re#lar
pre"i" II, Lifeti"e II, Life Ti"e Pension II, Secre pls Pension, In(est Shield
Life, In(est Shield Cash and In(est Shield Pension'
Pre"i"s paid nder this rider are eli#i!le for taA !enefits nder Section 77'

Why to recrit
Who to recrit
Ho% to recrit
/ecrit"ent acti(ities
What to chec) %hile %e are recritin#
/ole of ad(isor
Wor)in# en(iron"ent
Do yo possess
Spport pac)a#e for scccessfl ad(isor
EAtensi(e trainin# for sccessfl ad(isor
EAtensi(e in(est"ent in ad(isor trainin#
Pay"ent $ !enefit T co""ission strctre
/eco#nition pro#ra"s
Icici pr star cl! !enefit
Career pro#ression $ ftre opportnities

W0? T4 R+*r(,/
There are t%o aspects of e"ploy"ent in the insrance sector today' One is Per"anent
E"ploy"ent, for sales, operation, IT spport, !ac) office ser(ices and So on' We are also
offerin# the other )ind of e"ploy"ent Tfor people to sell Life Insrance T they are called
QLife Ad(isors@' Or Q-inancial Ad(isors@' This is a !i# area of e"ploy"ent'
&ecase %e are spposed toXX
That the %ay to do this !siness'
More recrits, "ore acti(e ad(isors, "ore &DA
W04 /4 R+*r(,/
Bality Deptt' has #i(en so"e indicators in ter"s of %hat are the co""on traits 1B+
SCO/E3 of or sccessfl ad(isors+
T0+ *4664&)2,/,+' .+r+
A5+ : !et%een 82 +0E
E-(*)/,4& : #radate
F)6,2? I&*46+ : a!o(e /s' . lacs p' a'
The i"portant fact to re"e"!er is that H6N of or /ED cate#ory ad(isors do not fall
into any of this cate#ory'
This is a !road pointer for s to re"e"!er %hat are the hisIher profile
So"e other pointer fro" Bality
Most of the /ED cate#ory ad(isors -AILED in the DISC profile T %hich
"eans that DISC is #ood indicator of chanced of sccess or failre

Sccessfl ad(isors sally ha(e . years of %or) eAp' In their crrent
S"all ti"e !siness"en I entrepreners T(' sccessfl profile
Wo"enIHose%i(es are (ery sccessfl+ ho%e(er they ha(e not !een
sstaina!le o(er lon# periods' They sally ha(e !eco"e inacti(e after H T 5
"onths of <oinin#' &t till the ti"e they are %or)in#, their a(era#e WAPI $
Prodcti(ity is (ery hi#h co"pared to others'
People %ho are ne% to the city are least pro!a!le to do %ell'
W04 /4 r+*r(,/C
Hi#h pro!a!ility of Sccess
TaAI -inancial Consltants, CAS
&ond I Mtal -nd A#ents
LIC A#ents T Srro#ates
S"all !siness o%ners

A:+r)5+ Pr43,2+
L/S I retired Personnel
A:4,-)82+ Pr43,2+'
Ne% to the City
Inco"e Profile T ApproA /s'6 Lac P'A'
People %ho do not o%n their transport
THE MOST SUCCESSFUL PROFILE H The Person Who Has &een Mana#ed Well
&y Go'
H4. /4 R+*r(,/C
Thin#s %hich yo shold ha(e %hile "eetin# the prospect'
&OP Presenter'
/e%ard points !oo)let O/ ta)e a copy of the catalo# fro" the %e!site T sho% the
#ifts, a prospect %oldn@t nderstand points, !t %ill (ale the #ifts'
Ad(isor Manal + can sho% ho% the "anal can ans%er "any procedral isses'
Tal) a!ot e"ail id $ tech spport T the prospect %old li)e to )no% %hat all ill
the co"pany #i(e
My Mar)et sho% 622 T sho% the !oo)let and stress its i"portance'
Copy of any certificate T MD/T certificates, Sales Cha"pion certificate etc to
sho% reco#nition'
Insist on doin# the &OP presentation T it #i(es a co"plete pictre of %hat yo
ha(e to present $ ans%ers a lot of >estions'

Stress on different thin#s to different profiles T chan#e yor proposition as per the
Wo"en T /e%ards, + #ift ite"s, hosehold #oods, #old'
Gon# "ar)etin# !ac)#rond T career Pinnacle'
TaAI M-I LIC A#ents T /e%ards $ /eco#nition, Star Cl!s'
CAs T forei#n trips, preferential treat"ent in all aspects, don@t tal) a!ot
co""issions, stress on the eAtras'
S"all !siness"an I Entrepreners T sho% /OE T /etrn on Ener#y, to the earn
the sa"e a"ont of "oney fro" yor !siness, yo %old !e spendin# "ch
"ore ti"e $ ener#y a lot of capital fro" yor poc)et'
Al%ays, al%ays, al%ays stress on the fact that rene%al co""issions A/E THE
differentiator fro" e(ery other sort of !siness
Spend lot of ti"e on the Co""issions strctre #i(en in the &OP
Try to do an eAa"ple in front of the" tryin# to portray the co""issions paya!le
for the sa"e a"ont of !siness done e(ery year

R+*r(,/6+&/ A*/,:,/,+'
E)*0 43 (' '04(2- 0):+ ) 6,B 43
Mass Media Acti(ities + Spray $ Pray Lead Deneration acti(ities
Ads, Classified, paper Inserts, Pa"phlets,
Data!ase callin#, cold callin#, tele+callin#,
"ailers, "ass &OPs, fish !o%l acti(ity,
Gello% Pa#es, Trade Directories etc'
O(er the last one year, the response fro"
this !as)et of acti(ities has #one do%n
drastically, ths forcin# s to !e creati(e to
create other a(enes
We need to de(elop lead #eneration
acti(ities "ore so as to ha(e "ore people to
toch pon and tell a!ot this career
A*/,:,/,+' .0,*0 0):+ -4&+ .+22 .,/0 (' ,& /0+ r+*+&/ 1)'/:
Co##ers Par)
Mass &OPs
Data!ase Callin#
Lead Deneration Acti(ities
Tele Callin# set ps

S46+ 64r+ .)?' 4& 04. /4 r+*r(,/:
Data!ase Attac) T can !e done thro#h a trainee'
Cold Callin# T helps a lot as the respondent does not %aste yor ti"e !y dilly
/WA Acti(ities T Ta"!ola or children paintin# co"petition+ #i(es real ti"e
leads, cost effecti(e per lead'
Loo) at le(el M&A colle#es for Pinnacle pro!a!le'
Sorce local data!ases T Ca!le TL Ser(ice pro(iders, ho"e deli(ery caterers'
-ish &o%l Acti(ity+ in hi#h foot!all places'
T0,&5' /4 *0+*7 .0,2+ r+*r(,/,&5:
ENE/DG, ENE/DG al%ays chec) the person@s ener#y le(els, as this career is all
a!ot "eetin# ne% people, findin# ne% prospects and "ore so handlin# re<ections
His pastI present occpation #i(es tre"endos insi#ht into his ener#y le(els
Sho% hi" the path in his crrent en(iron"ent ho% insrance sellin# can fit in T
lo%ers the resistance of ti"e a(aila!ility
Chec) his en(iron"ent T his fa"ily locality
Chec) %hether he can %or) on his o%n
-ind ot if he is loo)in# for "oney or career T as he can ha(e !oth here

T0,&5' /4 *0+*7 .0,2+ r+*r(,/,&5:
Al%ays try to "eet the person at his residence+ chec) for the locality, his
hosehold, standard of li(in#, try to in(ol(e the spose in the presentation so that
they )no% %hat they are #ettin# into
Al%ays chec) on need for "oney $ a dri(e to do %ell in life T if he has !een
doin# %ell in life, he %ill "a)e efforts to do %ell %ith s
As) >estions a!ot his past, find instances of acco"plish"ents
,eep chec)in# on the pointers $ do a "ental chec) list of the accepta!le points
&e con(inced a!ot the profile and then only #o ahead
A-:,'4r R42+
To pro(ide on#oin# financial ad(ice for hisIher client;
Identify ftre client
Ma)in# appoint"ents
Condct financial re(ie% "eetin#s %ith prospects I clients
Close sale
Det referrals
Pro(ide ser(ice to clients
-ollo%s internal sales $ reportin# syste"s;

W4r7,&5 +&:,r4&6+&/:
To !e part of a %orld class sales tea"'
Wor) fro" yor o%n office or residence'
Wor) fll ti"e or part ti"e'
Earn co""ission, !ons O incenti(es'
No pper li"its in earnin#s'
-leAi!le career'
Y4(r 4114r/(&,/?:
No startp capital re>ired'
-leAi!le %or)in# en(iron"ent'
&e yor o%n !oss'
=nli"ited earnin# potential'
To !e part of %orld + class tea"'

EB/+&',:+ /r),&,&5 /4 6)7+ ?4( ) 1r43+'',4&)2 )-:,'4r:
S/)/+"43"/0+")r/ /r),&,&5 4&:
Sellin# s)ills'
Prodct )no%led#e'
/elationship s)ills'
Tr),&,&5 -+2,:+r? /0r4(50 '+:+r)2 *4&:+&,+&/ 41/,4&':
-ace Tto+ face'
Self learnin#'

S46+ 43 4(r 0,50 1+r34r6+r' 5+/K.
GEA/ 6 GEA/ . GEA/ 8
N"!er of policies sold E2 5E 622
A(era#e Pre"i" /s' 6H222 6H222 6H222
Total pri"i" earned /s'
6.22222 6H22222
A(era#e co""ission incldin#
!onses esti"ates : ..'ENW 672222
.52222 8H2222
Earnin#s fro" ne% !siness /s 672222 .52222 8H2222
Co""ission on rene%al pre"i"
: HN
07222 5.222
-or year .,8 $ 8N after that 07222
Earnin#s fro" rene%al !siness
07222 6.2222
Total earnin#s /s' 672222 867222 072222
Dependin# on the prodct "iA co""ission can #o pto 8EN in of first year,
5'EN in the .nd year $ 8rd year $ EN 0th year on%ardsS

R+*45&,/,4& 1r45r)6':
-orei#n trips $ se"inars'
Select cl! "e"!erships;
President@s cl!'
ICICI Pr star cl!'
MD/T Me"!ership'
C)r++r 1r45r+'',4& J 3(/(r+ 4114r/(&,/,+':
EAclsi(e pro#ra" for hi#h potential achie(ers'
Hand pic)ed ad(isors'
A fast trac) career path'
/eco#nition as *Ti#er *
Contine doin# yor !siness'
+A#e T.E T02 years
+At least 6 year in syste"
+Case cont . per "onth
Part ti"e career as a Trainer'
Condct fondation pro#ra"s'
Share !est flied practices'
/eplicate yor !siness'
Contine doin# yor !siness'
+A#e .E+0E years

+At least H "onths s in syste"
+ . case cont per "onth
F)'/ /r)*7 1,&&)*2+ 1r45r)66+':
A fll ti"e career as adit "ana#er
Dro%th %ithin ICICI Prdential
Dreater earnin# potential
Personal De(elop"ent
Perfor"ance criteria
+A#e .E+0E years
+At least H"onth in syste"
+82 issance %ithin H "onths
P,&&)*2+ 1r45r)66+':
A fll ti"e career as a nit "ana#er
Dro%th %ithin ICICI prdential
Dreater earnin# potential
Personal De(elop"ent
Perfor"ance criteria
+A#e .E+0E years
+At least 6 year in syste"
+A(era#e . case cont per "onth

Chapter $
Ob%e&ti!e of the st'(
As "y research is on the insrance sector in India %ith special reference to ICICI
prdential life insrance 'The o!<ecti(e is to "a)e the ICICI prdential is )ey player
in the insrance sector !y follo%in# %ays;+
=nderstandin# the needs of csto"ers
Le(era#in# technolo#y to offer >ic) ser(ice
De(elopin# and i"ple"entin# sperior ris) "ana#e"ent and in(est"ent

Resear&h +etho'olo,(
M+/04-4245?: The research is a for"al eAploratory stdy to %or) on "a<or isses
and to pro(e the hypothesis' It is a for"al stdy' =nder "y research I ha(e atte"pted
to se different >estionnaire for different #rops of respondents' Bestionnaire has
!een floated a"on# respondents to collect data' Atte"pts ha(e !een "ade to contact
and condct in depth inter(ie% %ith concerned persons'
Pr,6)r? -)/): Pri"ary data has !een collected thro#h inter(ie% sessions and
>estionnaire sr(eys in NC/ Delhi
S)612+ ',L+: 622
S)612+ )r+): NC/ Delhi
S)612+ U&,/: Csto"ers of insrance prodcts $ officials of ICICI Prdential in the
tar#et area
S)612,&5 6+/04-: /ando" sa"plin# "ethod has !een e"ployed to collect the
sa"ple for the research
S/)/,'/,*)2 /442': Si"ple statistical tools li)e ta!lation, !ar dia#ra"s, pie charts
ha(e !een sed to analy?e the collected data

S*41+ 43 T0+',': The scope of the research at cons"er end is li"ited to the areas
in Delhi and for co"pany perspecti(e it is li"ited to %ithin the co"pany and its
people' Pri"ary data is collected thro#h floatin# >estionnaire a"on# csto"ers and
co"pany officials' In case of Secondary data, it has !een collected !y co"pany@s
official %e!sites, and !y co"parin# it %ith I/DA report, <ornals, articles, internet
sorces etc'

Chapter -
Data Anal(sis


F,&-,&5 M <
EAtra inco"e+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 60N
Career pro#ression++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 6EN
/eco#nition+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 0N
-leAi!ility++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 8N
All the a!o(e++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ H0N

Since the a!o(e findin# sho%s that "ost of the financial ad(isors %ith ICICI
Prdential ha(e a "iA reason for !ein# a financial ad(isor so, the do"inatin# featre
%ill !e that one %hich for"s the "a<or portion of the "iA reaction i'e' eAtra inco"e $
career pro#ression' Ths, ICICI Prdential is a!le to satisfy the t%o "a<or desires of
its financial ad(isors those are "oney and #ro%th'

F,&-,&5 M 2
A "a<ority of financial ad(isors are a!le to deli(er a #ood reslts and #i(in# #ood
fi#res' A!ot 76N are #i(in# !siness "ore than /s' 52,222 a year !t it is not last it
needs so"e proper attention to de(elop it "ore'

F,&-,&5 M $
Hi#hly Satisfied+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 64N
Satisfied++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 0.N
Dissatisfied++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ..N
Hi#hly Dissatisfied+++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 7N
CanJt Say+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 4N

The findin# is a!le to tell that satisfaction is hi#her than dissatisfaction !t the real
achie(e"ent %ill !e to con(ert that dissatisfaction into satisfaction too' In this
direction the first step shold !e to thin) and "a)e a proper action plan to increase the
le(el of satisfaction'

F,&-,&5' M @
Inte#rity++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .5N
Dood Wor)in# En(iron"ent++++++++++ 66N
Csto"er+friendly policies+++++++++++++ 8.N
Can %or) all o(er the contry+++++++++ 82N

The findin# is a!le to tell that the Ad(isor Li)in# ICICI Pr !ecase in ICICI Pr
Costo"er friendly policy and can %or) all o(er the contry' Its !enefit of the
Ad(isors and for the co"pany'
F,&-,&5' M A
Lery Dood+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 8.N
Dood++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 84N
A(era#e+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .0N
Poor+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2EN

The findin# sho%s the "ost Ad(isor Perceptions for the ICICI Pr Dood %or)in#
en(ior"ent and so"e!ody are says (ery #ood en(iron"ent' it is !enefits for the
co"pany then they can pro(ide the !etter facility for the Ad(isors'
F,&-,&5' M !
Part Ti"e++++++++++++++++++++++++ 08N
-ll Ti"e++++++++++++++++++++++++ E5N
The findin#s sho%s the "any people <oin the Ad(isors ships for the part ti"e %or)

F,&-,&5' M >
In the ICICI Pr "aAi"" Ad(isors are %or)in# !et%een one to t%o years' The
findin#s sho% the ad(isors #ro%th in the co"pany'

F,&-,&5' M #
The findin#s sho%s that "aAi"" Ad(isors %or)in# and %or)ed in other co"panies
then they ha(e "aAi"" eAperience in sales fields'

F,&-,&5' M =
&y &irth+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ H5N
Less than E yrs+++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 60N
More than E yrs+++++++++++++++++++++++++ 64N
It is the sho% the "aAi""s ad(isors li(in# in Lc) no% !y !irth' Then can ha(e a
#ood relations in Lc) no%, They can do the %or) in co"pany'

M),& Pr43+'',4& 43 A-:,'4r'
3% 0%
Engineer Doctor CA/ICWA/CFA/CS Lawer
!eacher "#A #u$ine$$man %ther$
F,&-,&5' M <
F,&-,&5' M <<

F,&-,&5' M <2
F,&-,&5' M <$
=n"arried++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ E4N
Marrie+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 06


F,&-,&5' M <@
Findings # 15

M)2+ :'. F+6)2+ 43 A-:,'4r'
Age of Advisors
&eloe .E .E+02 02+EE A!o(e EE
F,&-,&5' M <

F,&-,&5' M 2

M)2+ :'. F+6)2+ R+'14&-+&*+
"a)e Fema)e
Marital Status of Respondent
"arrie* +nmarrie*
F,&-,&5' M $
F,&-,&5' M @

Age of Respondent
Le$$ 25 25-35 35-'5 A.o/e 55
N()2,3,*)/,4& 43 R+'14&-+&/
.5N Dradction Post Dradction
F,&-,&5' M A
F,&-,&5' M !

O**(1)/,4& 43 R+'14&-+&/
Stdent Do(t' Ser(ice P(t' Ser(ice
&siness Hose Wife Others
F,&-,&5' M >
-indin#s V 7

F,&-,&5' M =
F,&-,&5' M <

A''4*,)/+- W,/0 A&? C2(8 4r S4*,)2
0e$ 1o
F,&-,&5' M <<
F,&-,&5' M <2

F,&-,&5' M <$
F,&-,&5' M <@

Happy Wit !resent "evel of #n$o%e
0e$ 1o
F,&-,&5' M <A

F,&-,&5"< sho%s the difference !et%een the "ale $ fe"ale respondent %ho are
selected as a ne% ad(isor the "ale do"inant o(er fe"ale' There is a !i# difference
!et%een the "ale $ fe"ale ad(isor'
F,&-,&5' H2 sho%s the "artial stats of ne% ad(isors' Ot of 622 ad(isors selected
H6 are one "arried %hich is a #ood si#n !ecase they are "ch "ore a%are insrance
and 84 n"arried'
F,&-,&5'"$ sho%s the a#e #rop of selected ad(isors are >iet encora#in#' E8 N
are o(er a#e of EE years %hich is >ite #ood for co"pany !ecase they "ch "ore
trsted !y the prospect than the other a#e #rop'
F,&-,&5'"@ sho%s "ost of the selected ad(isors ha(e a #ood >alification' Most of
the" are #radate and post #radate'
F,&-,&5'"A sho%s, !ecase H6N ad(isors are "arried so the dependent person on
the" are sa"e'
F,&-,&5'"! sho%s "ost of the ne% ad(isors are en#a#ed in different fields' So"e are
#o(t' e"ployee, so"e are en#a#ed in pri(ate ser(ice and so"e ha(e their o%n
F,&-,&5'"> All "ost E2N of the ne% ad(isors #i(e fll ti"e to their profession' This
sho%s ho% ne% ad(isors are dedicated to%ards their ne% profession'

F,&-,&5'"# Most of the ne% ad(isors ha(e a (ery #ood fa"ily spport' The annal
fa"ily inco"e of "ost of the ne% ad(isors are o(er 62,222 %hich is (ery
F,&-,&5'"= Most of the ne% ad(isors !elon#s to a "iddle inco"e #rop so they are
not in a position to <oin any cl! or social or#ani?ation' The percent of <oinin# sch
cl! or or#ani?ation is <st ..N'
F,&-,&5'"< sho%s selection are ad(isors in !ase on co""ission !asis so there is
al%ays a !i# possi!ility of eAtra inco"e' Hard %or)in# ad(isors can earn "ore then
eApectation, !ecase their is no li"it of earnin#' If a ad(isors sell "ore policy he can
#et "ore co""ission so there )no% li"itation on earnin#s' '

Mlti+channel distri!tion and one of the lar#est distri!tion net%or)s in India'
I"ple"entin# SiA+Si#"a process'
Csto"er centric prodcts and ser(ices'
Sperior in(est"ent and ris) "ana#e"ent fra"e%or)
6 Million Policies sold %ithin 8 and half years'
Co"pany has "aAi"" n"!er of MD/T as %ell as #ood n"!er of HNI
Trainin# process of the co"pany is (ery stron#'
Different plan for different peoples
Accordin# to the chan#e in srrondin# en(iron"ent li)e chan#es in csto"er

COMPANG does not penetrate on the rral "ar)et at a ti"e'
There is no plan for the lo% inco"e #rop'
-ees for the ad(isor is hi#h than the other co"pany'
Insrance "ar)et is (ery !i#, %here co"pany can eApand its hori?on in
insrance indstry'
Tho#h #ood in(est"ent and insrance it is easy to top Indian csto"ers'
The h#e insrance "ar)et 155N3 is left so co"pany has opportnity to
eApand or prodcts'
To associate %ith the "ore n"!er of HNI'
QOLD HA&ITS DIE HA/D@; Its still difficlt tas) to %in the confidence of
p!lic to%ards pri(ate co"pany'
The co"pany is facin# "a<or threats fro" LIC +%hich is an only #o(ern"ent
Plans for all inco"e #rops is not a(aila!le %hich can create ad(erse effect
later on the "ar)et share of the co"pany'

Chapter 0
The "ar)et potential for pri(ate insrance co"panies is fond to !e #reater in the
lon# rn as "ost of the Indians are of the opinion that, pri(ate insrance co"panies
%old !e a!le to perfor" %ell in the ftre' The pri(ate and forei#n insrance
co"panies ha(e to ta)e i""ediate steps in appointin# "ore n"!er of a#ents andIor
ad(isors in addition to the e"ployees as it has !een fond ot that a#ents are the !est
channel to reach the #eneral p!lic re#ardin# sellin# of insrance prodcts' The
pri(ate and forei#n insrance co"panies ha(e to concentrate on the factors li)e
JPre(ention of LossJ, JAssred /etrnsJ and JLon# ter" In(est"entJ' They can also
focs on an insrance a"ont of /s' 6 T . la)hs %ith J"oney !ac) policiesJ' Hence,
the "ar)et has potential' The pri(ate and forei#n insrance co"panies that are ta)in#
i""ediate steps can tap it easily $ rapidly'

Chapter 1

O89+*/,:+: + To ,no% the perception of indi(idal re#ardin# ICICI prdential and
a%areness re#ardin#
P)r/ H I
N.< O**(1)/,4&:
1a3 Stdent 999 1!3 Do(t' Ser(ice 9999
1c3 &siness 999 1d3 P(t' Ser(ice 9999
1e3 Hose Wife 999 1f3 Other 1Specify3ZZ'
N.2 A&&()2 I&*46+:"
1a3 [ 6, 22,222 999 1!3 6, 22,222 T ., 22,222 999
1c3 ., 22,222+0, 22,222 999 1d3 A!o(e 999

N.$ Ar+ ?4( )''4*,)/+- .,/0 )&? C2(8 4r S4*,)2 Or5)&,L)/,4& EY/NF...
N.@ Ar+ ?4( I&/+r+'/+- ,& +)r&,&5 +B/r) .,/04(/ I&:+'/6+&/ EY/NFK
N.A D4 ?4( 0):+ )&? ,&'(r)&*+ 142,*? EY/NF
N.! Ar+ ?4( ')/,'3? .,/0 ?4(r 1r+'+&/ 2+:+2 43 r+/(r& EY/NF
N.> D4 ?4( 2,7+ /4 0):+ 8+//+r ,&:+'/6+&/ )&- 8+//+r '+r:,*+ EY/NF
N.# H):+ ?4( 0+)r- )84(/ /0+ -,33+r+&/ ,&:+'/6+&/ 12)&' 433+r+- 8?
N.= Ar+ ?4( ).)r+ )84(/ ULIP 43 ICICI Pr(-+&/,)2C
1a3 Ges 999 1!3 No 999
B'62 If Ges specify the sorce %hich "ade yo a%are a!ot it S
1a3 Tele(ision 999 1!3 Ne%s PaperI Ma#a?ine 999
1c3 Lip Ser(ice 999 1d3 Internet 999
1e3 &annerI Po"p letsI Hoardin#s 999
B'66 If yo #ot an opportnity to ta)e an insrance policy %ith any of these
Co"panies %ho %old yo prefer;+
1a3 ICICI 999 1!3 &a<a< Allian? 999
1c3 HD-C 999 1e3 LIC 999
1f3 Other 1Specify3 ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ'
B'6. Why + if other than ICICI reason for that S

P)r/ HII
O89+*/,:+: " T4 ,no% the perception of indi(idal re#ardin# %or)in# as an ad(isor
for ICICI 1r(-+&/,)2 and a%areness re#ardin#
N.< O**(1)/,4&:
1a3 Stdent 999 1!3 Do(t' Ser(ice 9999
1c3 &siness 999 1d3 P(t' Ser(ice 9999
1e3 Hose Wife 999 1f3 Other 1Specify3ZZ'
N.2 A&&()2 I&*46+:"
1a3 [ 6, 22,222 999 1!3 6,22,222 T .,22,222 999
1c3 ., 22,222+0,22,222 999 1d3 A!o(e 999
N.$ Ar+ ?4( )''4*,)/+- .,/0 )&? C2(8 4r S4*,)2 Or5)&,L)/,4& EY/NFK
N.@ Ar+ ?4( I&/+r+'/+- ,& +)r&,&5 +B/r) .,/04(/ I&:+'/6+&/ EY/NF:
N.A D4 ?4( 0):+ )&? ,-+) )84(/ +)r&,&5 43 ) F,&)&*,)2 A-:,'4rC
1a3 Ges' 999 1!3 No 999

N.! D4 ?4( 7&4. )&? 4&+ .04 ,' ,&/+r+'/+- ,& +)r&,&5 +B/r) /0r4(50 1)r/ /,6+
1a3 Ges' 999 1!3 No 999
B'5 Are yo Interested in any of this field ;+
1a3 Insrance 999 1!3 IT 999
1c3 &an)in# 999 1d3 Teleco" 999
N.# I3 ?4( 54/ )& 4114r/(&,/? /4 .4r7 .,/0 )&? 43 /0+'+ C461)&,+' .04 .4(2-
?4( 1r+3+r;+
1a3 ICICI 999 1!3 &a<a< Allian? 999
1c3 HD-C 999 1e3 LIC 999
1f3 Other 1Specify3 ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ''
N.= Ar+ ?4( H)11? .,/0 ?4(r 1r+'+&/ 2+:+2 43 I&*46+C
1a3 Ges 999 1!3 No 999
N.< I' )&? 6+68+r 43 ?4(r 3)6,2? 4r ?4(r'+23 ,' ,& )&? 7,&- 43 1)r/ H/,6+
1a3 Ges 999 1!3 No 999
N.<< Ar+ ?4( ).)r+ )84(/ ULIP 43 ICICI Pr(-+&/,)2C
1a3 Ges 999 1!3 No 999

N.<2 I3 Y+' '1+*,3? /0+ '4(r*+ .0,*0 6)-+ ?4( ).)r+ )84(/ ,/C
1a3 Tele(ision 999 1!3 Ne%s PaperI Ma#a?ine 999
1c3 Lip Ser(ice 999 1d3 Internet 999
1e3 &annerI Po"p letsI Hoardin#s 999
N.<$ A**4r-,&5 /4 ?4( .0)/ ,' /0+ 3(/(r+ 43 ULIP ,& I&-,)C
1a3 &ri#ht 999 1!3 Dll 999
1c3 A(era#e 999 1d3 Can@t Say 999
N.<@ A&? ,-+) 34r 8+//+r )-:+r/,',&5 43 ICICI Pr(-+&/,)2C
1a3 /oad Sho% 999 1!3 Stall I Canopy 999
1c3 Sponsorin# local e(ents I Pro#ra"s 999
1d3 Attracti(e ad(ertisin# in local ne%spapers 999


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