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... through Bertha Dudde

God Himself substantiates the revelations
ith the near end ....
!ou re"eived the #noledge about the reasons for "reating the
s$irit orld% &ou ere taught about all events .... as far as &ou
ere able to understand them .... hi"h gave &ou a "lear idea
about the a$ostas& of the s$irits ....
' have e($lained )ine and &our fundamental nature hi"h% in
itself% is the same .... *ll #noledge as given to &ou so
"om$rehensibl& that% ith good ill% &ou "an trul& re"ognise )&
infinite love. ' gave &ou a bright light so that &ou ma& no live in
its radian"e% so that &ou brightl& and "learl& re"ognise &our
a"tual e(isten"e% &our beginning and &our goal.
Anyone who adopts this knowledge, who accepts it with a
will which strives towards Me, can also be certain that he
will reach the last goal on earth ....
' ant to instru"t &ou in all "larit&% knowledge which is
unknown to millions of people shall be easil& "om$rehensible
to &ou% be"ause the& don+t ish to #no hat is revealed to you%
ho desire truth.
' as able to transmit it to earth in su"h detail because I made
use of a vessel which did not allow its intellect to
interfere, which did not offer Me the slightest resistance,
to hi"h ' as therefore able to im$art the truth in the most
understandable a&% so that all "orrelations "ould be e($lained
b& )e and &our most im$ortant ,uestions ere ansered ....
-his is ne"essar& during the last da&s before the end% be"ause
$eo$le shall be informed on"e more of all $ro"esses relating to
)& reign and a"tivit& in the hole of the universe .... be"ause
the& shall form a right "on"e$t of )& .ature and also let go of all
errors hi"h% due to intelle"tual thoughts% ere time and again
also able to "ree$ into )& revelations% if thereb& )& s$irit as
$revented from or#ing.
Hoever% ' #no that error is dangerous% ' also #no ho ants
to release himself from it and therefore "onve& to him )& $ure
Word again and give to him a""ording to his desire.
For this reason ' ill also send the #noledge of it to herever it
is illingl& and gratefull& a""e$ted ....
' #no ho to $revent that s$iritual #noledge% hi"h originated
from )e in all $urit&% gets into the rong hands% for there is onl&
a short time left until the end and ' )&self determine hi"h route
the s$iritual #noledge ta#es% and ' ill also ala&s "hoose the
right or#ers ho ill leave it un"hanged and hose sa"red ae
$revents them from im$lementing "hanges hi"h are not )& ill.
-his is h& )& "onstant $rote"tion is assured &ou% )& servants
on earth% so that &ou "an unim$ededl& a""om$lish &our tas# of
s$reading )& Word in all its $urit&% of $assing it on to those ho
desire it ....
Nevertheless, you should not distribute it arbitrarily but
always take care that they willingly listen to it or dont
reject it if you offer it to them. For the orld is not interested
in the $ure truth% and to offer it to orldl& $eo$le ill &ield little
su""ess% even though &ou should also mention it to them% but the
determination to re/e"t it ill ala&s be stronger than the resolve
to a""e$t it ....
ach person must make his own decision, yet the
conse!uences of this choice will differ considerably ....
it can grant people a glorious life in eternity
but also lead to renewed banishment.
-he fa"t that ' re$eatedl& send the $ure truth to earth is an a"t
of gra"e of momentous signifi"an"e0 it shall be the eviden"e of
)& $resen"e for )& On% so that the& ill not doubt its truth but
advocate it wholeheartedly even if they are confronted by
the harshest objections ....
' trul& #no h& ' must reveal )&self on"e more before the end%
' #no that )& adversar&+s influen"e ill "ontinue until the end
and ' ant to $rote"t those $eo$le from him who want to be
My "wn .... but this is onl& $ossible if the full truth is "onve&ed
to them.
-herefore% don+t be afraid if $eo$le ant to hold &ou to
a""ount .... What &ou re"eive from above "an be rightfull&
endorsed b& &ou% for then you will only ever state what I
put into your mouth. !et even then &ou ill still in% for
people wont know how to respond to you.
*s &et &ou "an still $ass on the s$iritual #noledge &ou $ossess
ithout being $revented from doing so and &ou should use this
time ell% for one da& &ou ill have to bo to the $oer and be
unable to s$ea# $ubli"l& hen )& adversar& .... the *nti"hrist ....
"omes to $oer and fights against ever&thing of a s$iritual
nature .... B& that time &ou shall have s"attered man& seeds
hi"h "an ta#e root in silen"e and ill trul& give &ou the strength
to $ersevere until the end ....
1ublished b& friends of ne revelations of God 2 'nformation%
donload of all translated revelations% theme3boo#lets at4

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