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Post-review Test in Small Animal Medicine

Prepared by: Maria Teresa B. Bisa, CVM, UPB

M#ltiple C$oice. %rite t$e letter correspondin& to t$e best answer be'ore eac$ n#mber.
(. %$ic$ o' t$e 'ollowin& clinical si&ns is a mani'estation o' ear mite in'estation in do&s
and cats)
a. $yper*eratosis o' pinnae c. dea'ness
b. yellowis$ ear disc$ar&e d. head tilting
+. %$ic$ is 'alse abo#t canine scabies)
a. The condition becomes pruritic only if with secondary bacterial
b. ,etection o' even -#st one mite in t$e s*in scrapin& is con'irmatory o' t$e
c. Pinnal-pedal re'le. is associated wit$ mec$anical irritation 'rom t$e mites
w$en t$e ears are r#bbed.
d. Steroids may be #sed to control pr#rit#s.
/. %$ic$ o' t$e 'ollowin& diseases may e.$ibit nervo#s si&ns)
a. e$rlic$iosis c. to.ocariosis
b. canine distemper d. all of the above
0. %$at ca#ses t$e bleedin& episodes in e$rlic$iosis)
a. vasc#litis c. vitamin 1 de'iciency
b. thrombocytopenia d. $eparin de'iciency
2. 3res$ blood in stool samples indicates bleedin& in
a. small intestine c. stomac$
b. large intestine d. esop$a&#s
4. 5otation o' a visceral or&an alon& its mesenteric attac$ment is termed
a. torsion c. int#ss#sception
b. volvulus d. incarceration
6. Vis#al '#nction is c$ec*ed t$ro#&$
a. menace reflex c. p#pillary re'le.
b. rose Ben&al dye test d. op$t$almoscopy
7. %$ic$ type o' #rinary calc#li is o'ten detected in ,almatians)
a. cystine c. ma&nesi#m ammoni#m p$osp$ate
b. o.alate d. urate
8. %$ic$ o' t$e 'ollowin& predisposes to #rinary calc#li 'ormation)
a. #rinary tract in'ection c. #rinary stasis
b. increased mineral e.cretion d. all of the above
(9. %$ic$ condition in male do&s predisposes to 'emini:in& syndrome)
a. seminoma c. cryptorchidism
b. orc$itis d. beni&n prostatic $yperplasia
((. Canine pyometra is associated wit$
a. retained corp#s l#te#m c. cystic endometrial $yperplasia
b. pro&esterone d. all of the above
(+. !onseptic mastitis is d#e to
a. mammary abscessation c. mammary engorgement
b. tra#matic in-#ries to mammary &land d. lactation
(/. %$ic$ o' t$e 'ollowin& dr#&s is a $eartworm ad#lticide)
a. t$iacetarsamide c. melarsomine
b. levamisole d. all of the above
(0. %$ic$ antibiotic is best 'or anaerobic bacterial in'ections)
a. ;#inolones c. co-trimo.a:ole
b. clindamycin d. do.ycycline
(2. %$ic$ test is #sed to dia&nose $ypot$yroidism in do&s)
a. T4 concentration c. T/ concentration
b. ACT< stim#lation test d. T/ s#ppression test
(4. 3acial de'ormity wit$ bilateral nasal disc$ar&e in an ad#lt cat may be d#e to
a. $erpesvir#s in'ection c. cryptococcosis
b. calicivir#s in'ection d. blastomycosis
(6. Ascites in an ad#lt cat may be d#e to
a. 'eline in'ectio#s peritonitis c. $ypoproteinemia
b. con&estive $eart 'ail#re d. all of the above
(7. %$ic$ statement is 'alse)
a. Polyp$a&ia in canine diabetis mellit#s is a res#lt o' 'ail#re o' &l#cose
#tili:ation by t$e cells.
b. 1etoacidosis is a diabetic patient res#lts 'rom &l#coneo&enesis.
c. =n 'eline $ypert$yroidism, $yperactivity and wei&$t loss res#lt 'rom increased
cell#lar metabolism.
d. High fiber diets are necessary for a diabetic patient as they help increase
the rate of glucose absorption from the gut.
(8. %$ic$ is tr#e abo#t canine parvovir#s in'ection)
a. ,iarr$ea is always bloody.
b. The virus is immunosuppressive.
c. T$e in'ection is sel'-limitin&.
d. Blood pict#re e.$ibits le#*openia and ne#trop$ilia.
+9. =n t$e stress le#*o&ram, w$ic$ indicates c$ronic in'ections)
a. ne#trop$ilia c. monocytosis
b. lymp$openia d. eosinop$ilia
+(. %$ic$ o' t$e 'ollowin& conditions does not e.$ibit bilaterally symmetric s*in
a. demodicosis c. dermatophytosis
b. $yperadrenocorticism d. $ypot$yroidism
++. =n t$e treatment o' &enerali:ed '#n&al s*in diseases,
a. p#re topical medication is s#''icient to control t$e in'ection.
b. antibiotics are not necessary in t$e treatment re&imen.
c. medication is extended for several weeks beyond apparent cure.
d. !one o' t$e above
+/. %$ic$ o' t$e 'ollowin& ca#ses $ypoproteinemia)
a. maln#trition c. liver cirr$osis
b. low &rade s#bac#te $emorr$a&e d. all of the above
+0. %$ic$ o' t$e 'ollowin& conditions does not mani'est icter#s)
a. babesiosis c. $emobartonellosis
b. $emolytic anemia d. ehrlichiosis
+2. %$ic$ res#lts 'rom compressive lesions in t$e t$oracol#mbar spinal cord alon& T/ to
a. $ip dysplasia c. =ntervertebral disc protr#sion
b. Schiff-Sherrington reflex d. e&&-Calve-Pert$es disease

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