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Sent: Thursday, February 06, 2014 3:50 AM

Subject: Action-Items - XLVI [Mandatory Holocaust Education, Tobacco, Guns,
ObamaDon'tCare, Rubin, Four Chaplains]

Three topics are detailed herein [Mandatory Holocaust Education, Cigarette Addiction, and Gun Control]
carrying personal import, prior to return to an effort to conceptualize how BHO has destroyed America;
also divulged is an exchange related to ObamaDontCare. ,Just as occurs when news-stories are vetted,
this back-and-forth was bumped from being item-#1 by emergence of the triptych of key-issues.} Also,
the Guzzardi-Campaign effort will be updated after receipt of more feedback from an earlier blast,
although it appears the details in my compilation of the petitioning-effort have not been challenged.
,Even if the above topics do not grip the reader, it is advised that the coda be skimmed, at least.-

In the realm of levity, note punxsutawney-phil-has-been-correct only 39% of the time,
Billy Joel did a Q&A at Vanderbilt University, when a student stood up and asked if he
could play New York State of Mind with him, a Chinese lady [angry that her car was to
be towed] did something most probably wouldn't do, and Hollywood Icons [Bette Davis,
Bacall, Bergman, Swanson, Maclaine, Midler & Piggy] provided fascinating interviews.
Dancing erupted from a flashmob, Tron Dance was performed by Wrecking Orchestra,
the Iluminate Dancer Group entertained, and an 88-year old lady was unstoppable
[Watch this until the very last second; don't miss the ending!]. Life is good, dance on...

This blast e-mail was modified by review of a hot announcement from Federation that essentially
conceded that our/my lobbying efforts for MANDATORY Holocaust Education had prevailed; therefore,
the text of what had been an indented-insert is provided, followed by details regarding what happened:

In follow-up of the effort to ensure Mandatory Holocaust Education, it seems that the
Jewish Exponent may be weakening; after having shut-out our input for two months,
recent editorialization inserted a qualifier that unambiguously channeled our viewpoint.
[We have the responsibility to press for Holocaust education, whether that means
mandating a curriculum in Pennsylvania public schools or promoting historical exhibits
in Serbia.] And recalling the concept that one is often characterized by ones opponents, *c/o Joe the Plumber Wurzelbacher+ reported the PSEA teachers
union opposes our bill requiring kids to learn of the Holocaust. The games continue.
{Although an effort is being made to withhold references to anti-Zionism, relevant here
that financial times apologized for having implied scarlett johansson quit oxfam for $,
and that a belgian lawmaker was slammed for saying Zionists bankrolled the holocaust.}

Just announced in this weeks jewish exponent is the fact that the jewish-federation is now-behind-
holocaust-education-mandate. In multiple prior blast e-mails during the past 10 weeks, it may be
recalled that I had tackled this issue both empirically and operationally; I had diagnosed the mush
*including prevarications+ emanating by the Federations lobbyist *Hank Butler+ and had relentlessly
agitated [primarily via State Senator John Rafferty+ for the shall over the may lingo in the bill.
Graciously, he had communicated his consternation with a perceived-split in the Jewish Community but,

sadly, I had to report my theory that the palpable/stated desire for restoration of $60K-annually was
motivating this effort *particularly because this would then allow for a gateway for access to the
$100M-annually of EITC-funding]. I likened what could happen in the world of Jewish Philanthropy to
what did happen to the American Cancer Society after the advent of The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer
entity took-off in the 90s; Id been the President of the Lower-Northeast Branch of the ACS-Philly entity
prior to the double-decision to disband the branches [locally] and to refuse to collaborate with this
disease-specific entity *nationally+. As Id predicted, the ACS has lost its luster during the subsequent
two-decades and, similarly, Federation risked being eclipsed by the Holocaust Museum [in NE-Philly].
Thus, it is within this context that I disseminated to the major-players *including Hank+ this e-mail:

Victory for Varsity!
The following graph remains problematic, for the 1/2/2014 letter from the PDE
unambiguously expresses opposition to state-composed curricula ONLY, even as
[reflecting national attention to this battle] *c/o Joe the Plumber
Wurzelbacher+ reported the PSEA teachers union opposes our bill requiring kids to
learn of the Holocaust. This isnt an unfunded-mandate and it is c/w current-statute;
indeed, this effort apparently has spawned a bill that was just dropped into the hopper
that would mandate violence-ed [oral communication, pending acquisition of verified
The Republicans, who have a majority in the House, would not pass
such a mandate because historically, such requirements have been left
to the Department of Education and the legislators do not want to
impose an unfunded mandate on "school districts that are struggling to
recover" from recent budget crises, said party spokesman Steve Miskin.
The Department of Education and the Pennsylvania State Education
Association, the state's largest teachers' union, have also both said they
do not support including a mandate in the legislation.
THEREFORE, perhaps the PJC-lobbyists *THATS YOU, Hank+ may wish to assist in this
mop-up operation, both with Mr. Miskin [who continues to spew forth incorrect info
that you had promulgated] and with the PSEA [which has exposed itself as ethically-
In my view, Hank has sacrificed his credibility, although he can achieve a certain retribution by doing
what I have advised, namely, to retrace his steps via his contacts in Harrisburg. What must be noted is
how devious [and almost successful] his lobbying effort had been, thereby explaining my eruption of
expressed-angst. Despite the fact that there is a precedent for the PDE to mandate TOPICS be taught
[while curricula are composed locally], he argued otherwise [a precedent-setting effort, countering the
fact that he was claiming WE were attempting to break new ground inappropriately]. And despite the
fact that this would hardly constitute an unfunded mandate, he had convinced the GOP that mere
insertion of this topic within a mandate FILLED with mandated topics would somehow increase costs
locally; compounding this clever move was his concomitant effort to seek state-funding for creation of
an apparatus [conveniently run via Federation] to mandate teacher-certification, surely yielding local
reticence to choose to teach this topic in the first place. All this had to be undone, and it was necessary
that someone *unelected by others+ take the low road and, in the process, expose his mendacity.


I combined knowledge of the legislative process [experience gleaned inter alia from
being Prez of the PA Society of Internal Medicine in the 90s+ and the opportunity to
make-quick-friends with Senator Rafferty [who undoubtedly has concomitantly found
my fealty for Guzzardi to be dizzying, even as he has become convinced of my integrity]
to carry the message that, until November, had been road-blocked by Hank. I merely
applied by medical-model by taking a history *of prior efforts, over the decades+ and
then doing a physical exam *of the landscape of voices, immediately neutralizing the
most extreme arguments+; the diagnosis readily emerged *alas, Hanks self-interest]
and the treatment was force-fed *via blasts directly to all senators, replete with
irrefutable documentation]. My efforts were shared with those of others who worked
their magic most dramatically during a hastily-organized lobbying-day in Harrisburg;
now, as we reformulate, the ability to aspire to unanimity/bipartisanship is palpable.
While the GOP can appreciate passage of deeply-desired legislation that doesnt carry a
semblance of being an unfunded-mandate, Dems can revel in the prospect that their
allies *read Federation+ will be positioned to help 501 local School Boards implement
this effort [along with others, such as the Holocaust Museum]. We will then be working
in-concert against the true enemy, forgetfulness, a human frailty that recalls Santayana
[Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it]. {Reinforcing this
theme is a recent essay by Phil Gianficaro in the Bucks County Courier Times.}

Caveat: We mustnt get ahead of ourselves by prematurely dancing-in-the-end-zone, for the message
emanating from Federation MUST be communicated ASAP to the State Senate by Hank and his PJC
*which can then feel empowered to endorse Senator Raffertys unanimously-approved amendment in
the Appropriations Committee, particularly noting that 26/50 senators sit on that vital committee].
Presumably, following this lobbying sea-change has resulted in the proper outcome in one chamber,
the House will find it difficult to resist passage of the mandate-lingo composed by Rep. Brendon Boyle
[who emerges clearly as a champion of our do-gooder coterie, along with Senator Anthony Williams].
,Parenthetically, although it must be recalled that Ive been a GOP-Committeeman for two decades,
emergence of these two Dems must be coupled with awareness of their respective political aspirations.}
To summarize, Hank will redeem himself from this career-glitch if he IMMEDIATELY works with us and
vigorously lobbies in favor of shall [not may] in whatever emerges from the State Assembly.


My comment reinforced the buckscountycouriertimes editorial decried a new-ground-for-smoking-ban,
quoting from an observation composed earlier regarding what is happening in Philly regarding e-cigs:

Corrupting the scientific-purity and cherished-credibility of the anti-Tobacco movement
in which Ive been involved since the 1970s, Councilman Bill Green proposed banning
use of e-cigarettes indoors in public places, claiming this erodes decades of critical work
focused on decreasing tobacco consumption. This FOCUS ON E-CIGARETTES by the
philadelphia city council has been provoked by dramatic increase in usage of electronic
vaporizing devices among children and adults; he moved to regulate them under the
Citys Clear Indoor Air Worker Protection Law. No matter that they contain neither tar
nor carbon-monoxide [the major toxins causing cancer, Atherosclerosis, and COPD] and
allow for nicotine-addicts to satisfy yearnings; the nanny-state now infests Philly


These people are addicts and shouldnt be treated as societys lepers. On the other hand, applauded is
the decision by CVS Caremark [the nations second-largest drugstore chain] to stop selling cigarettes and
other tobacco products by October 1; its shares were down nearly 5% in premarket trading. Because of
the existence of a pay-wall, here is the text of the editorial [that says-it-all regarding the zealotry that
those in the anti-tobacco movement must resist, even as new anti-tobacco efforts are targeting specific
groups of youths [including multicultural, rural and LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender)]:

New ground for smoking ban

Posted: Wednesday, February 5, 2014 6:00 am | Updated: 1:52 pm, Wed Feb 5, 2014.
Smokers have evolved into societys new lepers. Banned, segregated and increasingly
criminalized, smokers have grown used to their lot as barely tolerable outcasts.
Yet society is not done with them. Even their remaining havens are falling prey to the
witch hunters.
Increasingly, the great outdoors is roped off and smokers chased outside the
boundaries. Employers and other privately owned enterprises are barring smoking at
their entrances and elsewhere around their buildings. Government advanced the cause
with banishment from public parks, playgrounds, ball fields and other public outdoor
Fine. Smokers still have their own backyards and cars though even those safe houses
are now under attack.
Witness the new rules at Village of Pennbrook, a Falls Township apartment complex.
Beginning this month, residents and their visitors no longer will be allowed to smoke in
common areas. This includes the parking lots. And heres the interesting part, perhaps
shocking: Residents and visitors will be banned from smoking in cars parked in the
Pennbrook lot.
Look, were as anti-smoking as you can get. The toll tobacco use takes on those who
engage in that addictive and deadly habit is near criminal. In our view, the tobacco
companies couldnt pay enough for all the lives theyve ruined and families theyve hurt.
But shouldnt there be a limit to how far we reach into the lives of people who, after all,
are exercising free choice in a free society? Tobacco is not an illegal substance; any adult
can buy it. No argument that nonsmokers should be protected from the harmful effects
of secondhand smoke. But its hard to argue that smokers are harming anybody but
themselves when smoking inside their own car. Yet they can be found in violation of
their lease if caught sneaking a smoke in their own car or another restricted area.
Its a little bit Big Brother-like, isnt it? Kinda creepy.
Not in the view of the apartment owners, who have a strictly practical perspective on
the issue. In addition to the health benefit of cleaner air and a reduction in secondhand
smoke, we also have seen the benefit of cleaner entryways, pathways and community
grounds, said a spokesman for the owners.

Theres no doubt about the benefits. And the courts have ruled people dont have a
fundamental right to smoke. They do have a right to move if they dont like the rules, or
refuse to sign a lease to begin with.
On the bright side for hunted, if not haunted, tobacco users: Residents can still smoke in
their own apartments and back patios. For now....
I have witnessed the maturation of the anti-tobacco movement, and I dont relish its entering a type
of dotage that tarnishes its otherwise unique victories *although success in my lawsuit would have
yielded tangibly enhanced oversight of implementation of the 1998-Master Settlement Agreement+.
Thus, to summarize, scientists/clinicians mustnt go overboard by ostracizing nicotine-addicts.


Regarding Gun Control, it is desirable to provide personal/professional insights of recent vintage,
along with a spate of accumulated hyperlinks; frankly, as a non-member of the NRA, this issue has not
been particularly prominent as a priority, even as appreciation for its importance has grown the more
BHO has attempted to push his lib-agenda. Then, last week, a tandem article/editorial emerged in the
Annals of Internal Medicine [The Accessibility of Firearms and Risk for Suicide and Homicide
Victimization Among Household Members - A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis and Guns, Suicide,
and Homicide: Individual-Level Versus Population-Level Studies]. I wrote a letter-to-the-editor that,
perhaps after others have accumulated during the next month, may graduate from being on-line to
being published in a subsequent issue of the Annals. The reader can access both articles and then vet
my critique of both pieces; perhaps it is not coincidental thatafter Id submitted my pedagogic
reaction, Gun Control Groups announced they Want BHO to start a 'Public Health' Campaign Against
Guns as the crazies emerged [HuffPo Writer Wonders: Why Not Charge Gun CEOs with Murder? and
Students Sign Petition To Have Gun Owners Executed In Concentration Camps].

Also reported by the Republican Study Committee is the fact that Rep. Chris Collins
introduced H.R. 3933, a Bill to Protect the Rights of Gun Owners Under Bankruptcy
[Protecting Gun Owners in Bankruptcy Act] which would amend the federal definition of
protected household goods to include firearms (valued up to $3,000) as items that
cannot be confiscated by creditors in a bankruptcy proceeding. The National Rifle
Association endorsed this legislation, an effort that should not be opposed. {Also noted
recently are the facts that New York's NRA Membership NEARLY DOUBLED IN 2013 and
that the NRA Called '14 Elections Do-or-Die, vowing War With Bloomberg and Obama.}

Super-Bowl ads continued to carry sociological significance noting, in particular, that one was banned
because it promoted use of guns to protect ones self; listen both to the ad and to the subsequent rant
[ ].
Controversial was the COCA-COLA ad [noting that it's FACEBOOK Page was Inundated With Criticism
Over Multilingual 'America, The Beautiful' Commercial]; some wrote of their problem-with-the-coke-ad
noting, in particular Coca Cola's Pro-Amnesty Agenda. I liked "The Truth" [for Kia K900, recalling
Morpheus in The Matrix+ and the RadioShack self-deprecatory reference to the 80s *prompting a
Stock Surge over this unitary Triumph]. Others compiled the most-popular and the best-worst.

{During the past -year, eight pages of raw hyperlinks have been accrued (related to the
interaction of gun-control with the 2
Amendment); although the topicality of this one

facet thereof provides an opportunity to conceptualize this information, this particular
blast is too lengthy already. Therefore, the promised-piece regarding the marketability
of ObamaDontCare will be provided, and the issue of NRA vs. Bloomberg will be
tackled in a separate blast themed towards rationalizing this controversy.}


The last item-of-business is to provide [and to critique] an erudite review of the medical market-place by
a man-in-the-know, who deals with the non-ideological practicalities professionally, affected by BHOs
ObamaDoesntCare [and, of course, know that pages of relevant hyperlinks await dissemination].
Reproduced intact [except for fixing typos, customary when an e-mail is quickly generated, and
switching from less to fewer because dollars is quantitative not qualitative], here it is:
I wanted to offer a response to the suggestion that, so long as there is competition in
healthcare, that its ok. The nearest geographic model of lower cost acute-care/primary-
care with quality outcomes is the Geisinger Health System. When they compete for cost
with metropolitan teaching hospitals in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, they have great
outcomes and lower costs.

This does not come from anything resembling competition. They are a monopoly
gobbling up vertically, community practices of physicians and hospitals that are taken
over and gutted out to fit the model of a spoke and wheel patient referral matrix.
Doctors who dont wish to join their system and accept their fee arrangements and
practice models are frozen out of the healthcare continuum in the service area of

Their control of the continuum of care is not competition, but it does create their
market strength and success.

I agree that cost-plus healthcare created by the Johnson Administration with the
enactment of Medicare is not a feasible model with its runaway nature of

A competitive model is medical tourism, where American patients travel to locales like
India for less costly operations. This shouldnt be an answer to rising costs.

While there are many causes of dysfunction in healthcare today, I see problems with
that arent addressed by any current proposals:

1. Medical decisions are not being made by physicians.
2. Too much cost is incurred as a defensive medicine expense to
prevent plaintiffs counsel from second-guessing care after the fact.
3. If people cant have easy access to primary care and continue to
use emergency medicine, it will continue to skew the cost of healthcare.

I recognize that only the Rs have tried to make something happen with tort reform and
there are signs that some locales have picked up on this.


The concept that the payer of healthcare is the catalyst for competition (insurance
companies) doesnt address competition and access to providers of healthcare directly.
With the payers running the show, its a race to the bottom. The trend now by
governors (Corbett and Christie, for example) to outsource their Medicaid programs to
private insurance companies might lead to control in the rate of rising costs in their
Medicaid budgets, but those same companies will need to cut services and payments if
they are to service a growing base of entitled people with last years budgeted dollars. If
they need to make an administrative fee on top of the claims management, there are
fewer dollars available to handle more people.

Aside from revenue from patents of new chemical compounds and inventions of new
medical technology, there is no medical research competition that results in profits like
the other areas of the economy, and yet without research continuing our quality of life
going forward would be threatened.

I concur with all of these sentiments, recognizing that the major argument is that competition cannot
always exist in more sparsely populated regions. Indeed, I acted upon this concept two decades ago
when legally challenging [as a monopsony/monopoly] the consolidation of Pennsylvania Blue Shield and
Blue Cross of Western Pennsylvania, for its desirable to maximize competition. *BTW, Acting-AG Corbett
killed-off an effort by one of his underlings to concur with our effortindeed, to advocate breaking-up
BCWPbut he said he had amnesia for the event when I inquired gently about his (faulty) rationale
during a picnic sponsored by then-Rep Curt Schroder, held a half-decade ago.] Thus, even if competition
doesnt abound, efforts should be made to promote interstate competition, for these same reasons.


Before closing, is it necessary to recognize two otherwise overlooked events [by those who skim
newscasts and/or depend upon The Daily Show for Jon Stewarts take on the headlinesand others+,
one individual and one collective. First is the untimely death of Barry Rubin [cousin of a close-friend and
recipient of Guzzardis largess+, whose literary efforts are overwhelming [e.g., Obamas Seven New
Pillars of Middle East Wisdom (Part One)]; the untimely death of this prolific, unique columnist/professor
(from tobacco-related lung cancer, per oral communication with a colleague in Pittsburgh, last month)
prompted issuance of Personal Reflections and lamentations from PJ-Media. I met him, c/o Guzzardi,
the Sunday-p.m. after we had served as high-security Marshals for Glenn Becks D.C. *2010] assembly;
although his Democratic-Party leanings were palpable [provoking delicate queries based upon gleanings
from books on his coffee-table], it was clear that his having institutionalized the annual Herzliya event
has served as a unique forum for candid exchange of efforts to preserve the Zionist experiment.


Finally, it may be recalled that Temple University used to house a Chapel of the Four Chaplains, about
whom I first learned while @ Camp Joseph & Betty Harlam, a half-century ago; both of my parents had
received honors from that entity prior to its demolition, years ago [part of the basement of a church,
which had been diagonally-across-the-street from the Liacouras Center]. What was unique about these
unheralded heroes is how they both livedand diedtheir *individual/communal+ faith*s+.


Sent: Sunday, February 09, 2014 8:44 PM
Subject: Action-Items - XLVII [Guzzardi and Mandatory Holocaust Education]

A tremendous amount of unique data floats-about; now that my son has placed a housecall to this
office-puter *due to the storm, still no power @ home+, many processes have been accelerated and,
thus, perhaps a series of blast e-mails will clear the backlog a bit, providing unique-info. Therefore,
after updating Guzzardi and the Holocaust-Education-Mandate issues, the academic underpinnings of
ObamaDontCare are explored, citing the latest *and immediately-prior] Annals of Internal Medicine.
Again, the goal here is to articulate action-items [which require focused cognitive-services to conjure]
rather than mere critique [which abounds elsewhere] without yielding excess sensory-overload; also,
juxtaposing multiple pieces on comparable issues again yields often-flabbergasting meta-analyses
{plus levity, such as why-women-outlive men and videos of amazing-climbers [CRANE and tower]}.

Before embarking, note that a local tv-reporter went on an epic rant warning of results
of the ice storm and that clips from jay-lenos last-episode as the tonight-show-host
[noting Leno went for broke in his final monologue: I Dont Like Good-Byes. NBC Does.]
are blockbusters [while only conan took a shot as other-hosts-said goodbye graciously],
yielding this TEARY-EYED GOODBYE before his BIGGEST AUDIENCE IN 15 YEARS, during
which he said, the worst-thing-about-losing-this-job is I must sign-up for-obamacare.
,Recalling the accolades for Barry Rubin in the prior blast, note Frank Gaffney's.}


During Thursdays meeting of the Tea Party Patriots of Lower Bucks County, I presented the rationale for
nominating Guzzardiand reviewed the aforementioned petitioning-process and petitioning-forms.
After I was queried about Rep. Mike Fitzpatrick [because Guzzardi had allegedly trashed both him and
LG-Cawley, four years ago @ a Tea Party Event+, I elucidated linkages among myriad figures in the GOP
AND how their having provided each other support has led to problematic outcomes such as the no-bid
$100 million bond-contract awarded to Pat Poprick for renewal of the Bensalem High School and the
stalled effort to sell the State Stores. I also reminded the assembly that Mike had unambiguously
expressed fealty for amnesty during his 8/3/2013appearance @ the Lower Bucks Community College
and noted thatabsent a modicum of pressure exerted by a primary-opponenthe will continue ONLY
to hear from his conservative constituentsprior to voting regularly with the GOP-establishment.
{Also, noting the claim that Pa. needs campaign contribution limits, note that Guzzardi isnt soliciting.}

During the discussion, I [innocently?] queried the two people present who plan efforts
to run for GOP-State Committee [Messrs. Jim Clendennen and Jay Russell] whether they
would support policy-generation by this political entity; I reminded everyone thatlast
weekendit had defeated resolutions opposing amnesty for Illegals and Common Core.

Thus, perhaps it is now recognized that the optimal approach to deciding who best to
endorse must include assessment of the political postures of each of the candidates;
this also applies on the county-level and, indeed, there is no reason why township-level
GOP-entities should not tackle strictly-local concerns. It is suspected that the rationale
of the powers-that-be in clearing these sticky agenda items was simply to avoid the
embarrassment of the party opposing Common Core [which Corbett has implemented].

Ancillary, perhaps, also, is the desire for the GOP not to have endorsed a position that
might be countered by Boehner, et al. in D.C. Yet, if they cannot sustain social-pressure,

then one wonders whether they can truly claim they represent their constituency. {Also,
lest it be forgotten, there is a streak of libertarianism in conservatism that Guzzardi
channels in his emphasis on individualism and, through it all, he campaigns against the
type of corruption that allowed a former-pa-lawmaker to use per-diem to buy-house.}

One of my quotes that seemed well-received was The unions own the Dems and rent the GOP.
Underpinning many of Guzzardis observations is that it is this $ that compromises otherwise OK-pols,
although I attempt to be more circumspect; for example, he attacks Vereb/Rafferty for accepting this $
while they note numerous ways they have voted independently. Nevertheless, noting forces functioning
in PA often have national correlates [with multiple hyperlinks yet to be provided illustrating this], it is
revelatory that moderate-republicans are teaming-up with labor-unions to defeat the-tea-party-in-2014;
for example, it is advised that people work for the city to get 8 weeks off annually. Pending is scrutiny of
corbetts budget *which includes more-education-spending] for its impact on debt and pension-liability.
{Also noted: sen-kasunic-to-retire-triggering-swing-district-battle; SD-32 is the single most conservative
district represented by a Dem and was already among the GOPs best pick-up opportunities.}

Following-up the Mandatory Holocaust Education issue, an essay conveys the essence
of this exhaustive-effort and an article lists 10-companies involved in the Shoah [h/t to

Jim Clendennen, who provided these data and went to Harrisburg on the lobbying-trip,
showing that the impetus for this legislation is not delimited to a single demographic].

Also, the daughter of a patient reports that there is no justification to the argument that
age-specific information can be provided to younguns; within 24-hours of having been
asked to provide a bibliography, she drew upon her school-teacher experience [plus that
of a colleague, if memory serves] to produce documentation {along with Anne Frank}:
Numbers To The Stars, by Lois Lowry [4
to 5
grade]; Terrible Things - An Allegory Of
The Holocaust, by Eve Bunting [ages 6 and up]; Night, by Elie Wiesel [4
and 5
and The Big Lie - A True Story, by Isabella Leither [5
and 6
grades]. Sadly, there will
always be a need to monitor this process, recognizing both the internal dynamic
[universalist vs. nationalist holocaust, as per a prior blast+ and the external dynamic
[LABOUR MP ACCUSES ISRAEL OF GAZA HOLOCAUST, followed by Labour-Party-claims
Gaza-Holocaust-comments-taken-out-of-context]; another slap from BHO just emerged,
as he is responsible for a National Disgrace: 9/11 Museum to Charge $24 Admission.

A spate of articles exposed French Anti-Semitism (as distinct from Islamic influence):
Anti-Semitism in 21st-century France - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia; Are the French
Anti-Semitic?; Anti-Semitism in France: Should I Really Be That Surprised?; Britain bars
entry to French comedian accused of anti-Semitism; Anti-Semitism row shines light on
fractured French society -; Anti-Semitic French comedian returns to stage
after ban ... - France 24; French appeal court upholds ban on 'antisemitic' comic
Dieudonn's ...; France Anti Semitism - Huffington Post; France divided over 'anti-
semitic' comedian Dieudonne M'bala M ...; Articles: France Combats Anti-Semitism -
American Thinker; 'Anti-Semitic' French comic who invented 'quenelle' banned from ...;
France: Anti-Semitism Now Mainstream; and anti-Semitism in France.


I closed the meeting by sharing an observation that built upon my having countered the pair of articles
related to gun-control, namely, by noting the thrust of most of the articles in the most-recent issue of
the Annals of Internal Medicine. Previously, I discussed how Id trashed both a review-article and an
accompanying-editorial in the immediate-past issue; it was noted that themes in the most-recent issue
were related to the expense of mammography [article and editorial]; overuse of upper-endoscopy and
the potential to depend more upon stool-guaiac rather than to depend upon lower-endoscopy;
Prescription Drug Abuse; and Alternatives to Hospitalization when Frail Elderly Adults Get Sick.


Sent: Monday, February 10, 2014 6:29 AM
Subject: Action-Items - XLVIII [ACP/Annals, Hillary, Biden, Davis]

To follow-up the prior iteration as to how the American College of Physicians is pro-ObamaDontCare
[along with editing of articles for the Annals of Internal Medicine+, it is noted that a blast e-mail that
just arrived *The Advocate succinct news about public policy issues affecting internal medicine and
patient care.+ contains pro-BHO titles [President Reminds Public of Health Law's Wide-Ranging Benefits,
Health Agencies Regain Some Financial Footing With New Spending Bill, Oregon Study Finds More ER
Visits by New Medicaid Recipients] and ACPs endorsement of the Surgeon General Candidate despite
the facts that Vivek Hallegere Murthy, M.D., M.B.A. is a part-time doctor who has focused his career on
what his website describes as his entrepreneurial passion [business], not on America's medical ills
[getting an MBA, starting a clinical trials firm, and boasting the pharmaceutical giant Merck as a client].
His apparent sole experience relevant to public health is having supported ObamaDontCare and
partisan politics, helping start Doctors for Obama which led to a White House health panel appointment.

Guzzardi notes Personnel is Policy and the above-appointment is part of a pattern,
noting that Obamas nominee for ambassador to Argentina has never been there [but
whose qualification for this position is having served as a Bundler] and Max Baucus is
China Ambassador [despite the fact that this lawmaker has little expertise about military
and other issues that have raised tensions with Beijing]. Everything he does is political.

It is desirable to provide a slew of hyperlinks on selected topics, the first being Hillary [which is topical]
and Biden [which never will be topical]; to be addressed more fully [someday] is her BenghaziGate role.
These are provided in thematic groups and note should be taken as to who supports/opposes a given
facet of Hillarys life, how Biden flails, and *bonus!+ how Wendy Davis evinces hypocrisy *plus more+.


Political Philosophy
hillary-clintons-1969-thesis-on-saul alinsky [note praise for his tactics (seeking power is more important
than achieving any particular policy achievement); they met] {NYC Mayor Bill de-blasio-socialist
[Communist, actually, endorsed by Hillary] Imposed Charter School 'Moratorium' and wants to Close
New York Schools for Ramadan's End and Chinese New Year.

CLINTONS SEX FILES included WHINEY WOMEN depicting a 'PATTERN OF SLEAZE' and she claimed
Single-payer Healthcare 'NECESSARY' and that nobody in White House was 'tough and mean enough.'

State Department reveals Hillary Clinton received $500K worth of jewelry from Saudi king
Hillary Clinton received $500K worth of jewelry from Saudi king

Hillary said it:

1) "We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good." [6/29/2004]
2) "It's time for a new beginning, for an end to government of the few, by the few, and for the few...And
to replace it with shared responsibility, for shared prosperity." [5/29/2007]
3) "(We) .....can't just let business as usual go on, and that means something has to be taken away from
some people." [6/4/2007]
4) "We have to build a political consensus and that requires people to give up a little bit of their own.
5) "I certainly think the free-market has failed." [6/4/2007]
6) "I think it's time to send a clear message to what has become the most profitable sector in (the) entire
economy that they are being watched." [9/2/2005]

BenghaziGate - Generic
December Brings New Low in Media Matters' Benghazi 'Coverage'
Krauthammer: Benghazi 'Won't Even Be an Issue' in Hillary's 2016 Run for Democratic Nomination
pickering: -im-proud-of-the-hillary-benghazi-whitewash-report-we-produced
FEINSTEIN (D-Calif.)DEFENDED HILLARY ON BENGHAZI - 'I condemn any effort to use this report for
political purposes,' said Feinstein, the chairwoman of the Senate Intelligence Committee. She was
referring to remarks from Sens. John McCain (R-Ariz.), Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) and Kelly Ayotte (R-N.H.)
on the Senate floor on Thursday that were critical of the role Clinton, a potential 2016 presidential
candidate, for not doing enough to prevent the attack."
Jonah Goldberg: Why Aren't 'Reporters on Hillary Clintons Lawn' Covering Benghazi?
Senator Angus King (I-ME): No One Held Accountable for Benghazi
Brit Hume Battles Juan Williams over Hillary's Role in Benghazi
judge-jeanine-pirro-utterly-destroys-hillary-clinton on benghazigate
Citizens United Hammers Hillary on the One-Year Anniversary of Her Benghazi Testimony
David Brooks: Hillary Clinton Not to Blame for Benghazi Attack Outcome
Newt Gingrich: Hillary's Benghazi Role 'Smaller Issue'
NY-Times joins cover-up for Barack Obama - Hit-piece investigation parrots discredited talking points
O'Reilly: NY Times' Benghazi Report Is 'Pure Bull,' Meant to Help Clinton
US seeks Al Qaeda terrorist linked to Benghazi attack


BenghaziGate NY-Times as Apologist
New York Times Claims No Al-Qaida Role in Benghazi Attack
New York Times Contradicts Own Reporting on Benghazi
'Completely false': Sources on ground in Benghazi challenge NYT report
new-york-times-contradicted-benghazi-witnesses and congress
A Deadly Mix in Benghazi
New York Times Contradicts Own Reporting on Benghazi
New York Times Claims No Al-Qaida Role in Benghazi Attack
David Gregory Blasts Issa for Believing U.S. Intelligence over NYT on Benghazi


2016 - Candidacy
The shadow campaign that has sprouted up around Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton claims she has So much to do,' but one wonders if that includes coercing conformity;
recall her claim that, in protecting the rights of all people to worship the way they choose, then
secretary of state Hillary Clinton vowed to use some old-fashioned techniques of peer pressure and
shaming, so that people dont feel that they have the support to do what we abhor.
The 2016 race is shaping-up NOT as Clinton vs. a Republican; rather, it may yield a combination that is
going to be difficult, if not IMPOSSIBLE, for the GOP to beat: Clinton and some third party useful
idiot versus that unnamed To Be Announced Republican.

Secret Hillary get-out-the-vote 2008 effort bankrolled by man at center of DC corruption scandal
Hillary's Racial Politics - She made a polarizing pitch that ignores trends in voter turnout.
NBC Hits Hillary Clinton Below the Pantsuit Belt: Appears She Will Say or Do Anything to Get Elected

2016 - $$$
McAuliffe Ally: 'Let's Find Some Money' for 2008 Hillary Clinton Campaign
AXELROD TO DEMS: Stop donating to Hill

2016 Victim
Hillary Clinton Takes Swipe at Fox News with Super Bowl Tweet
Hillary Tweets Cuba-to-Florida Swimmer: 'Feels Like I Swim With Sharks'

2016 Awards-Prodrome
Hillary Clinton Liberty Award Protest in Philadelphia

George Soros, per the Media Research Council, has made billions of dollars in investing and currency
trading and has used his fortune to fund a vast array of leftist organizations dedicated to undermining
liberty and capitalism. Soros has funded pro-abortion groups, pro-gay marriage organizations, anti-Israel
efforts, and radical environmental groups.
Since 2003, Soros has spent more than $52 million funding media properties, including the
infrastructure of newsjournalism schools, investigative journalism, and even industry
organizations. His foundation has been deeply involved in churning out hard-left reporters from
Columbia University's School of Journalism.
Soros has direct ties to more than 30 mainstream news outlets, including The New York Times,
The Washington Post, the Associated Press, CNN, and ABC.
Soros has also forced his way into the underpinnings of the journalism industry, through
associations like the National Federation of Community Broadcasters, the National Association
of Hispanic Journalists, and the Committee to Protect Journalists.
Soros is heavily involved in funding the lobbying for amnesty. His self-funded National
Immigration Forum is behind the effort to strong-arm wobbly Republicans to support Congress's
immigration bill that will give full citizenship to illegal immigrants.
And if all that weren't enough, George Soros has now accepted a position on the National Finance
Council of the Ready for Hillary Super PAC, a group paving the way for a 2016 presidential run for the
former first lady. George Soros is on a mission to turn the United States into a socialist utopia, and he's

using the liberal media to wage a war on this country. The Media Research Center is ramping up our
arsenal to battle against this media mogul.


Biden Flashback: Iraq Will Be One of Obama's Greatest Achievements
Hilarity Ensues When Americans Are Asked About Joe Biden
Biden says decision on political future coming in summer of 2015
Biden: No obvious reason not to run in 16
Joe Biden: LaGuardia Could Be Mistaken for '3rd World Country'
Trails Hillary by 61 points
Joe Biden speaks in Iowa about his failed presidential run
Joe Biden calls Jon Corzine for Advice Again
Biden Calls Republicans 'Neanderthals'
biden-called-for-bush-to-be-impeached-if-he-bombed-iran-without-congressional-approval [n.b., Libya]

Wendy Davis

Wendy Davis Supports Open Carry Gun Law
Wendy Davis Outrages Democrats with Open Carry Support
'Flummoxed' Democrats Distance Themselves from Newly Pro-Gun Wendy Davis

Wendy Davis Leaves Law Firm to 'Manage Obligations' of Campaign
Wendy Davis benefits from the Biden standard.


Sent: Friday, February 14, 2014 4:22 PM
Subject: Action-Items - IL [Holocaust Education, Guzzardi, News]

Legislation intended to Mandate Holocaust Education throughout Pennsylvania will be on the Senates
calendar upon its return in March; horrifying-new-holocaust-discoveries include: [1]The unspeakable
crime of the 20
centurymore than the triumph of evilwas the sin of the innocent bystander;
[2]There were more than 42,500 Nazi ghettos and camps throughout Europe (1933-1945); [3]There
were 30,000 slave labor camps; 1,150 Jewish ghettos; 980 concentration camps; 1000 prisoner of war
camps; 500 brothels filled with sex slaves; and thousands of other camps used for euthanizing the
elderly and infirm, performing forced abortions, Germanizing prisoners or transporting victims to
killing centers; and [4]15 to 20 million people died or were imprisoned in sites controlled by the
Germans throughout the European continent. {The above-hyperlink has an unbelievable photo.}

This concept is illustrated by a book just sent to me by its author, Bernice Fishman,
entitled A Lone Candle: Secrets Too Heavy to Bear; it detailed the 1946 Kielce pogrom
by Poles *who, unlike Germans, failed to follow cease/desist orders+. The candle
referred both to her brothers death and her having survived by hiding in plain sight
(despite being Jewish, having attended Catholic schools and having been hospitalized
twice under the care of nuns); overall, the plethora of ghettos was illustrated by her
*and her familys+ movements throughout WW-II [with episodic reunions and losses].
Her experience was chronicled both @ Gratz College and @ The Holocaust Museum;
this book is available @ [I.D. # 10472397], and it contains archival documents.

Tuesday-Overnight, I completed the blast mailing of Guzzardis petitions to 66+ activists, statewide;
receipt by Friday will include three authorized-petitions, two SASEs, and a cover-memo detailing the
key-goals that must be achieved [including prompt submission of whatever has been achieved within
ONE-WEEKrather than awaiting the last-minute]. This-a.m., I was greeted by an e-mail from a thinker
who challenged me thusly *after Id noted that he was among the very-few Republicans who had voted
yesterday to blow-out the Debt-Ceiling, provocatively claiming He is thumbing his nose @ yall!+:

Why arent you going after the real problems in Washington like Pelosi, Reid and Obama?

Why do you consider Mikes vote to raise the debt ceiling more of a problem than

How about all of the Liberals, the Lefties, the Progressives and the unions, for example who
are doing real damage to America?

Why not a word from you about them?

So what if Mike is part-Liberal? In the balance hes not the problem. Boehner isnt the
problem. The Left is.

Its a bad rap to write that Mike is thumbing his nose to us all without going over the long,
long list of big problems that are bringing America down.

If this didnt convince you to support him and to send him a contribution to keep the
opposition out of Bucks County, let me know. I have lots more reasons, facts and information
that shows the problems of Washington are not centered around Michael Fitzpatrick.

This is what I wrote *and, of course, the implied invitation is extended to anyone reading this memo+:

A quick scan of my memos reflects my concern with ObamaDontCare; I didnt send you
copies of my 1000-plus pages focused on BHO [composed during the prior year] that
themed Cruz *and Kurdistan+but know that I have attacked EVERY major policy he has

My focus is on the fact that BHO is so imperial, so dangerous, so supported by the
Demsthat we need a potent army to oppose him during the last of his term-of-
office; Mike aint it.

What you depict are two sides of the same coinand a rationalization for hiding under
ones desk in the process; I will forward todays Red-State and Free-Beacon to illustrate
how thoroughgoing is my antipathy towards BHO and his apologists [via Boehner, in this

You perhaps need to be reminded that the catch-phrase If you fund it, you own it
applies not just to Mikes support for ObamaDontCare; he now owns the penetration
of the Debt-Ceilingabsent any semblance of exertion of a modicum of fiscal

THEREFORE, I would like to read ONE citation/explanation as to how Mikes
acquiescence somehow can be construed as opposition to BHO; nothing in D.C. is
mutually-exclusive of awareness of BHOs unprecedented abuses-of-powerand
destruction of fundamental American values.

That Mike keeps voting with the Dems is nothing less than tragic [and, when attacked by Guzzardi
because You didnt listen to me, I explain my profound angst by likening myself to the ex-smoker who
is now more of an anti-tobacco activist than I have ever been]; this is illustrated simply by providing
annotation of two just-received blast e-mails that conveyed information accrued over the past day:

This *c/o the Washington Free Beacon+ illustrates the vacuity of ObamaDontCare, the
Iranian-Nuke sell-out, the latest facet of the Scandal Sheet called BenghaziGate, the
aggressiveness of the progressive-left, the inability of Dems to truth-tell [also noting
how Schumer/Pelosi claim the 2.5 million job-loss will enhance American culture], the
ability of the media to aid/abet the lefties, the strong link between liberal-media and
liberal-politics, and how closely aligned are the politics of BHO/Hillary.

COMPANIES - Software developed in the former Soviet state of Belarus is part of networks used
by U.S. medical and insurance companies that are now part of President Barack Obamas health
care reform program


said on Tuesday that the recent firing of two ballistic missiles was a shot across the bow to the
Obama administration, which continues to maintain that the military option against Tehran is still
on the table.

SITUATION IN BENGHAZI - The White House and State Department failed to recognize the
rapidly deteriorating security situation in Benghazi, Libya, and left the military inadequately
prepared to respond to the terrorist attacks there, according to a new report.

Masked protesters carrying torches and threatening organized violence protested outside the home
of an executive at a major oil pipeline company last week.

EXPERTS SLAM SCHUMERS JUNK SCIENCE - Experts criticized a top Senate Democrat
this week for pushing the federal government to ban a food additive that regulators say is safe at
the behest of a food blogger whose campaign against the chemical has spurred a public outcry.

his writeup of Shirley Temple Black following her death last night at the age of 85, Oscar
prognosticator and noted wifi connoisseur Jeffrey Wells begrudgingly acknowledged the
accomplishments of, arguably, one of the biggest stars in the history of Hollywood before closing
with this cutting jibe

Jimmy Kimmel has come a long way from giving away Ben Steins money and having girls jump on
trampolines. Hes transitioned from overweight basic cable shock jock to the best late night host
working today. Dating Sarah Silverman will do that to a fella.

SAY MY NAME - Washington Free Beacon reporter Alana Goodmans scoop featuring new
insights on former First Lady and presidential candidate Hillary Clinton Monday made waves
around the country Monday, becoming a discussion topic on every cable news channel and
broadcast network.

[Wednesdays articles corroborate the above & illustrate the profundity of these trenchant issues:]

The White House on Monday pushed back against Irans efforts to set a red line preventing
negotiations over its contested ballistic missile program, which has been permitted to continue
undeterred under the recently signed interim nuclear accord.

CHINA SHOWS NEW MOBILE ICBM ON INTERNET - Chinas military recently disclosed a
new photo of its longest-range mobile intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), a key element of
Beijings large-scale strategic nuclear buildup.

COVER OREGON SCANDAL DEEPENS - The story behind the massive failure of the
Oregon health exchange website continues to unravel as allegations of fraud and gross
mismanagement mount.

coal-producing states are among its most economically pessimistic according to a new Gallup poll,
suggesting widespread concern over new environmental restrictions on the industry that could
impact Senate elections in November.

OBAMACARE - The Obama administration has yet to finalize 28 additional regulations under
Obamacare that could lead to an avalanche of regulatory burden on the economy, according to
an analysis by the American Action Forum.

MULLAHS AHOY - The U.S. Defense Department said on Monday that Iranian warships are
allowed to sail into the Atlantic Ocean so long as they understand the responsibilities of cruising
so close to the U.S. border.

A QUICK LESSON IN MEDIA BIAS - I try not to go on about media bias too much because,
honestly, what good will it do? Theyre going to do their thing, were going to do ours.


Washington Free Beacon reporter Alana Goodman discussed her explosive report on a trove of
archived documents once belonging to Hillary Clinton confidante Diane Blair Monday on CNN.


This [c/o Red State] illustrates the ability of the media to aid/abet the lefties, the
complicity of the Establishment-GOP with BHO/Dems, the faulty political rationalization
for abject capitulation regarding the Debt-Ceiling, and the impending Amnesty-push.
Impeach the President
You guys in the press who are reading this right now can be such shameless whores. I
generally try to hold to the standard these days that if I wouldnt be outraged by George
Chimpy McBushitler Halliburton and Darth Cheney doing something, I shouldnt be
outraged by President Obama. And if Id be outraged by Bush, I should be outraged by

But you journalists have such erections for everything Barack Obama does, you cant
even summon outrage to report fairly on the latest b.s. from the administration over
Obamacare. Is it any wonder so many people have stopped trusting you?

Under the latest round of Obamacare delays for companies of 50 to 99 employees,
companies who embrace the delay can layoff, restructure, and hire part time workers, but
only if they swear to the IRS they are not doing so because of Obamacare. This comes
on the heels of a much touted CBO report that finds only anecdotal evidence of a shift to
part-time work now, but expects a shift in labor among small businesses in 2015.

If George W. Bush had done that, Dan Rather would be marching on the White House
with a pitch fork. Tom Browkaw would be calling for his head on a platter. Andrea Mitchell
of that anti-Bush site would be calling for his impeachment. CNN would be interviewing
Cindy Sheehan about the boundaries crossed by George and Dick. And spare me the
rebuttals you know damn well the story wouldnt be done in passing, but would be wall
to wall coverage with your legal analysts, economists, and sour faced anchors all tut-
tutting for several days.

Were Being Played Like Fools
If there is any agreement on fiscal issues in Washington it is that we must do something
about the growing debt and long-term unfunded liabilities. With the debt exploding by
over $6.6 trillion under Obamas watch, the only leverage conservatives had to force a
path to balance the budget was the debt ceiling a built-in check on runaway spending.
Yet, ever since they took over Congress in 2011, establishment Republicans have
worked to abolish the debt ceiling.

Who will save us from debt lock?
Todays word of Republican capitulation on the clean debt increase might be defensible
as dont-rock-the-boat political strategy for 2014, but its pretty sad from a philosophical
standpoint. All the Beltway solons agree that compelling even the tiniest bit of spending

restraint in exchange for another debt hike is impossible. It would be a costly political
conflict leading to shutdown brinksmanship, said to be a sure loser for the party of small
government, to the extent Republicans can still lay claim to that identity.

D.C. Oligarchy Performs Broadway Amnesty Show
Despite all the talk about partisan acrimony in Washington, the establishment in both
parties is doing a great job working together to pass amnesty. In fact, their carefully
choreographed kabuki theater in the media should win them awards for great team work
against the Country Class.

[Wednesdays articles corroborate the above & illustrate the profundity of these trenchant issues:]
Boehner and Cantor Declare No Debt Ceiling Increase Without Obamacare Delay and
Keystone Approval
With the President delaying, again, parts of Obamacare, House Republican Leader Eric
Cantor and Speaker John Boehner have declared they will not raise the debt ceiling
unless the President does two things: (1) delay Obamacare by a year and (2) approve
the Keystone XL Pipeline.

In fact, Congressman Paul Ryan is standing shoulder to shoulder with them, telling
Robert Costa, Shutting down the government puts us on the wrong side. The fight is on
the debt limit. Further, the GOP wont even bother fighting on a continuing resolution
because they feel so strongly the debt ceiling is the path forward for a fight on
Obamacare and the Keystone XL pipeline.

Senator John Cornyn has even gone so far as to say the GOP might need to shut down
the government to force Barack Obamas hand in debt ceiling negotiations. Theres just
one major caveat to their plan.

Heres Why Barack Obama is Delaying Obamacare Again
The Obama Administration is yet again delaying the employer mandate for businesses
with 50 to 99 full time workers. The reason is the congressional budget office report
[Page 124]: "Beginning in 2015, employers of 50 or more full-time equivalent workers
that do not offer health insurance (or that offer health insurance that does not meet
certain criteria) will generally pay a penalty.Businessesmay respond to the employer
penalty by seeking to reduce or limit their full-time staffing and to hire more part-time

Tom Coburn Supports Ben Sasse Too
Senator Tom Coburn is endorsing Ben Sasse for the Senate. Sen. Coburn joins an ever
growing list of conservatives doing so. National Review, the Club for Growth, RedState,
the Senate Conservatives Fund, Mark Levin, Paul Ryan, and more are all on board. In
fact, Sasses campaign may be the one this year that stands out as united several parts
of the conservative movement.

Why We Fight
Our nation is worth fighting for. Our Republican Party is worth fighting for as well. The
American Idea of individual liberty, limited government and free-market values was a
radical departure from the long and widespread history of concentrated power. The
notion that sovereign citizens could govern themselves was once scoffed at by the same
nations of the world that have come to look upon America and our prosperity with envy.

Scarborough for President?
Over at the Daily Caller, Alex Pappas has a story about Joe Scarborough possibly
considering a 2016 run. I find this very interesting. Ive had several encounters lately with
Christians in politics and they really like Joe all of them.

Veterans Used as Pawns in Effort to Grow Government
Last December, Congress passed the ridiculous Ryan-Murray budget deal designed to
grow government and set a permanent precedent to do away with the sequester. The
only real spending offsets in the entire bill were cuts to military pensions of those already
in the service. This was not some unforeseen consequence of the bill. It was written in
plain language. We were one of the first to point it out before the bill came to the floor of
the House and Senate.

Conservative Debt Ceiling Plan? #FireBoehner
After offering their disgraceful plan to raise the debt ceiling for a full year at the GOP
conference meeting, House leaders challenged conservatives to come up with their own
plan. Its like a group of capricious leaders in a beleaguered village who break all of their
weapons and urge the residents to surrender because there is no alternative.

Arrests, Citations Lurk at Union Group Approved by Obama Admin to Promote
ObamaCare in Wisconsin
Among the 165 groups approved by the Obama Administration to promote or set-up
ObamaCare in Wisconsin is Wisconsin Jobs Now, a liberal get-out-the-vote group
affiliated with the SEIU. According to the federal Department of Health and Human
Services, the organization is working as a certified application counselor, or CAC.
Numerous individuals who have been employed by Wisconsin Jobs Now or who work
there now have been investigated, arrested or cited by law enforcement agencies for
legal violations.

These concerns are countered simply by noting headlines in Drudge and Breitbart [reassembled, a bit],
recalling that each corroborates concepts that have been articulated/explored in past-blast e-mails
[again allowing for challenges to previously-drawn conclusions regarding how dangerous BHO now is]:

Lawless: Obamacare and the Imperial Government
"That's the good thing; as a President, I can do whatever I want." [BHO at Monticello]
BHO illustrates the perils of government run by believers in magic words and numbers.
Another Obama fundraiser nominated
De Blasio called cops to spare pal from jail

SENATE CONSERVATIVES FUND and MARK LEVIN advocates replacing Boehner
CBO Director Warns of 'Fiscal Crisis'
Ryan-Murray Budget Deal in Shambles
Canadian Gov't Set to Balance Budget
House Reverses Veterans' Benefits Cuts in Ryan-Murray Deal
Politico: Dems Voted to Restore Vets' Pensions to Save 'Vulnerable' Senators [recalling
that the House-GOP initially linked raising the debt-ceiling to increasing vet-pensions]
The 'Boehner Rule' is Dead
Nancy Pelosi warned Dems not to Gloat over Debt Ceiling Increase without any spending
reductions or restorations of the military pension cuts; they should not act like Seattle
cornerback Richard Sherman and taunt the "mediocre" GOP leadership for caving.

Market tracks are eerily comparable with what was noted prior to the 1929-crash
Tsunami of Store Closings to Sweep U.S. Retailers [noting my son predicted decreased
use of bricks-and-mortar in the internet-era, notwithstanding the desire to see/feel]

SiriusXM's David Webb Takes on NAACP's Moral March, Leader that Attacked Tim Scott
Clarence Thomas said Society overly sensitive about race and that 'Northern Liberal
Elites' Treated Me Worse Than Southerners; a Dem state-Lawmaker [who is black]
Called him an 'Uncle Tom' due to his interracial marriage then, walking-back this claim,
said he had falsely Claimed Thomas was a failed surveyor before law school to make
sure the comments were considered on-topic during debate about land surveying bill.

AG-Holder: Felons Should Get to Vote Once Sentence Finished
[Philly NAACP dispute out in the open]

THOUGHT POLICE: Firms must swear Obamacare not factor in firings [Rush was WILD on
this point, essentially claiming this leads to criminalization of usual business actions]
FOURNIER: Nearing 'impossible' to defend
Mike Needham Destroyed Obamacare (Meet the Press)
trey-gowdy-smoked-obamacare-obama, delaying-signature-legislation until 2017
[Rep. Trey Gowdy: IRS Has Moral, Character Problems]
FUTURE: British 6-year-old denied surgery because of gov't 'budget cuts'
Feds' Climate Change Website Hacked By Online Drug Seller
Bill introduced empowering States to Opt Out of Obamacare with 'Health Care Compact'
Belgium Set to Extend Right-to-Die Law to Children
Obamacare Tax on Gym Memberships
Individual Mandate Delayed Next?
democratic-ad-bashes-obamacare-website *but not ObamaDontCare+
NPR Tosses Obama Softball Question on Obamacare Delay
CNN's Toobin Mounted Pathetic Defense of Obamacare Delays
CONFUSION: Pelosi PAC Runs Ad Slamming Obamacare?
BERTRAND RUSSELL, the English philosopher, was not a fan of work. In his 1932 essay,
In Praise of Idleness, he reckoned that if society were better managed the average
person would only need to work four hours a day.
In 1930, John Maynard Keynes predicted that, by century's end, technology would have
advanced sufficiently that countries like Britain or the United States would have
achieved a 15-hour working week, even if they comprised nonsense jobs.
Economy Really Lost 2.87 Million Jobs in January
[Highmark laid off 132 workers]

Judicial Watch Seeks End to IRS Anti-Tea Party Reg
Tea Party Leader on Fed-Harassment: 'A Parade of the Alphabet Soup has visited'

Bloomberg Writer Calls IRS Targeting of Tea Party 'Faux Scandal' this is a pattern
ted-cruz-hit-obama on irs and lack of accountability
cruz said energy-renaissance is key to economic-growth-without-government regs
irs-targeted-scandal-victims-will not be silenced

Immigration groups turn to anger
University Offers Course On How To Become US Citizen
NY to issue identity papers to illegals
Sessions: WH Ease of Rules for Asylum Seekers exemplifies not enforcing the Law
Universal Pre-K Tax, IDs for Illegals Center of De Blasio's State of the City

National Guard trains to fight 2
Amendment supporters
Trial set for DC man facing jailtime over inoperable shotgun shell found in home
Student with 'No Ill Intent' Faces Expulsion after Forgetting Gun Was in Car
Wendy Davis Claims Gun Rights Should Be Subject to 'Local Control'
New Hampshire House Voting on Universal Background Checks
NSSF Cites Conflict of Interest in Implementation of CA Lead Ammo Ban
Gabrielle Giffords, Mark Kelly Writing Book to Encourage Gun Control

Washington Governor Jay Inslee Suspended Death Penalty

Cuomo: Proposal to Delay Common Core 'Another Roadblock' to Teacher Evaluations

Press Freedom Suffers Under Obama

Americans find swift stonewall on whether NSA vacuumed data
Rand Paul to Officially Join Suit Against Obama
'Do we no longer have fourth amendment?'
Obama: 'No Country Where We Have a No-Spy Agreement'

Telegraph Multiplied # of Palestinian Refugees [typical of media to include descendants;
this is unprecedented elsewhere, and carries overt political (demographic) overtones]

Iran 'ready for decisive battle' with USA and Israel
Iran's Phony Nuclear Concessions
Hashem Shaabani Nejad, Iranian Poet, Executed For 'Waging War On God'

Teacher in Iraq Accidentally Blows Up Suicide Bomb Training Class

'I Didn't Join to Be Sacrificed': U.S. Troops Fed Up with Risky Afghanistan Strategy

Syrian Islamists Defecate in Church, Light Christian Man on Fire

Pakistan Asked to Send 30,000 Troops to Saudi Arabia

Frank Gaffneys Secure Freedom Minute: Trust Obama to Betray Us

Bolton Calls Hillary's Deputy Assistant 'Borderline Psychotic,' 'Munchkin'

Cruz on Putin: 'There Is Very Little that Should Be Intimidating About a Thug'

Anti-Israel, Anti-UKIP, Anti-Thatcher Activist to Receive Taxpayer Funding
Brits Too Ignorant to Choose Their European Fate, Says EU Bureaucrat
New Figures Reveal Extremist Preachers Widespread on UK Campuses
Report: 1 in every 6 of UK govt spending is 'wasted'

The Failed Carter Boycott of the 1980 Moscow Summer Olympics [at the time, I recall
that the NY-Times editorialized that this initiative was cinema rather than substantive+

CAIR Again Shows It Can't Stand Other Muslim Viewpoints
presbyterian-church-usa-declared-war-on-the-jews and israel

U.S. 'Aggressively' Trying to Convince Foreign Countries to Take in Gitmo Prisoners

UK MPs Give Health Secretary Power to Ban Smoking in Cars [this illustrates the extreme
to which some of my colleagues have gone, in addition to attempting to restrict use of
the e-cigarette [which, BTW, was supported in the cover-story of the latest issue of
Bloomberg Week, claiming a pure-nicotine fix would enhance return to the real-thing]

2016: Cruz, Rand Lead Tea Party Presidential Poll; Christie, Jeb Bush Last
Christie breaks fundraising records for GOP...
More BridgeGate Subpoenas, Probe If Christie Flew over Fort Lee During Closures

Sarah Palin Talks Presidential Run, Chris Christie with Inside Edition
Sarah Palin Confirmed to Speak at CPAC

Book: Hillary to Run for President in 2016
Darrell Issa Renounces Hillary Clinton Praise
nbcs-mitchell said hillary-wooed-big-donors-at-state-dept-events

McConnell Challenger Matt Bevin Signed Docs Praising 2008 Bailout
Ex-Mayor of New Orleans Guilty of Corruption culminates Nagin's spectacular fall

San Diego Elected Republican to Replace Bob Filner as Mayor [reflecting crash of
Obamas turnout machine]
NBC Rejects Simon Cowell's Desperate Pitch to Save 'X-FACTOR'

scars of battle against cancer
charles-krauthammer explodes health-care-myths

Guzzardi has been blogging on Facebook, excerpted herein:

politically-uncorrected: pennsylvanias-evolving-governor corbett

Henry: Corbett's 'Yogi Berra' election

Lowman Henrys portrayal of Corbett's re-election chances ['Yogi Berra' election] is
disappointing; he appears to be f

I am disappointed by Lowman Henry. A Yogi Berra election? What does that mean?

Lowman Henry is flacking and spinning for the Establishments endorsed choice as he
presents himself as conservative. Many seem to conflate not being a Democrat with
being a conservative. A conservative wants to conserve the limited government of
the Pennsylvania Constitution not expand the size and cost of government which the
Forgotten Taxpayer is forced to finance. Lowman Henry disappoints and saddens me as
does PLC sponsor, Fred Anton.

Dave Reed Republican (?) leadership (?) Dave Reed is Sam Smith/Mike Turzai guy and a
Pennsylvania Leaderhip Conference presenter.

Lowman Henry produces the Pennsylvania Leadership Conference which is a mixed bag.
This year Rep. Dave Reed (Indiana County part), a member of the Sam Smith/Mike
Turzai leadership team which has disappointed us so often, will be spinning to
grassroots and may well fool them as Corbett did in 2010.

Rep. Dave Reed voted YEA for Tom Corbetts $2.4 billion dollar gas/fuel tax, bigger than
anything Ed Rendell ever dreamed of, which directly raises costs of goods and services
we buy and use every day.

Dave Reed, like Tom Corbett, also, targeted Marcellus Shale with an Impact Fee/Tax.
The power to tax is the power to destroy and targeting one industry violates
uniformity clause of the Pennsylvania Constitution. Rep. Daryl Metcalfe voted against
both. Dave Reed gives away a lot of The Forgotten Taxpayers money.

Tom Corbett has a 23% re-elect number! There is not one poll showing Tom Corbett
beating any likely Democrat in November! The polls have been consistent for more than
a year! Tom Corbett is a loser.

Franklin & Marshall poll 30 January 2014 tells us that Corbett is well below 50% re-elect
among Republicans! The Franklin & Marshall poll confirms the Human Events/Gravis poll
of 22 January 2014.

But Corbett performs much better amongst registered Republicans: 38% think he is
doing an excellent or good job. A mere 10% of Democrats think that he deserves
reelection, compared to 42% of Republicans who want to give him a second term.
Independents support his reelection more than Democrats, at 19%.
According to Franklin & Marshall, these numbers are far lower than Governor Rendell or
Ridge at similar points in their time in the Governors mansion.
These results are even harsher than a A poll conducted by Gravis Polling earlier this
week that showed 41% of registered Republicans would prefer a different candidate
than Governor Tom Corbett.

In the Gravis poll, I get 23% of the Republican vote, Corbett 43% and 35% of Republicans
undecided about Corbett after three years in office"

Slip sliddin' away...

2 farm-show-heads + 1-special-election in york county = political-intrigue

As long as Ive been providing themed bulk-hyperlinks [accumulated over prior months] and recalling
that these blogs started six months ago by invoking a unifying theme *BHOs Scandal-Sheet+, its apt
now to provide a compilation of what has accrued regarding his signature-achievements in this realm;
perhaps due to the ongoing power-failure *note graphic @ bottom+ and improved puter performance
[c/o my son, who remains holed-up in my office], there is a desire to engage in a bit of overkill. Sadly,
neglected are foreign-policy concerns, but pending approval of another op-ed themed on Kurdistan will
prompt provision of aggregated articles that illustrate why America is increasingly ignored, abroad;
aggressive abandonment of commitment to Israels survival has led to pressure exerted on AIPAC/Dems
[who predictably capitulated regarding the Iranian-Nuke crisis, despite Tehrans increasing bellicosity+.
Recall that these articles are acquired from websites across-the-political-spectrum; just for example,
guns raw-data comprise 13 pages of hyperlinks and the ObamaDontCare hyperlink-page burgeons
(more than 23 pages, because the results of additional data-mining have not yet been transferred).

First, a few follow-up points are in-order regarding Hillary [Team Obama 'Really
Worried' Clinton Will Repeat 2008 Mistakes in 2016, JON KARL PANNED HILLARY BIO,
Clinton Buzz Hurts Other Dem Contenders, and Early Clinton Drive Unsettles Dems],
wendy-davis-failed-to-disclose-income-lobbyist-ties] and culture [Her, Gravity, Great
Gatsby Win Art Directors Guild Awards]; I saw each of these films and [respectively]
was impressed by novelty and potential development of AI, reveled in Bullocks
masterpiece in IMAX/3D, and felt De Caprio bettered Redford.

Finally, HERITAGE ACTION [which provides a weekly-update @ 5:30 p.m. on Mondays for anyone calling
1-800-757-3718] is viewed by POLITICO as having adapted to Speaker John Boehners declaration in

December that conservative groups like Heritage Action for America had lost all credibility. Allegedly,
Heritage Action is now less confrontational by, for example, holding its first-ever Conservative Policy
Summit [which is available on-line] today, to celebrate ideas [from conservative stars like Sens. Mike Lee
of Utah and Ted Cruz of Texas, and Rep. Raul Labrador of Idaho] ranging from health care to education.


Sent: Monday, February 17, 2014 8:18 AM
Subject: Action-Items - L [Education & Common-Core]

,I recognize this is a very busy type of blast e-mail; it may suit the purposes of those who are
intrigued by the educational systemand the challenge presented by Common Coreor it may not suit
the purposes who do not wish to note the impact of overwhelming documentation as to what this effort
truly entails. Each article is telling, and the aggregate is overwhelming. It may be safe to co-adopt
these policies/curricula but, as noted in the 1/2/2014 letter by the PA Dept. of Education regarding
Mandatory Holocaust Education, the ideal goal of state/federal entities should be limited to ensuring
topics are covered while allowing for the locals to compose the type of curricula that befits input from
parents/studentsrather than prescribing details. Thus, education should be dynamic, with the states
functioning as laboratories in this context just as they do within other activities; the danger,
otherwise, is imposition of dangerous automatism.

{In Med School, when we were provided the opportunity to study prior exams, we noted
pragmatically that, although questions may vary, answers were standard; thereafter, it
has been noted whimsically that questions may remain standard as answers vary. Such
is the way knowledge accumulates, by mounting challenges to customary thoughtsand
by stimulating student cognition.}

Theres not much new to report regarding either Guzzardis gubernatorial campaign *as my mass-mailing
of Petitions has been received, with up-to-100 petitioners poised to acquire signatures starting Tuesday]
or the effort to mandate Holocaust Education [although discovery of new-allies continues apace]. Thus,
recalling the fact that the focus herein is on action-items [and it appears my having detailed problems
with failing to primary Mike Fitzpatrick continues to fall on deaf-ears/blind-eyes/dead-brains+, a data-
dump of hyperlinks is now provided to consolidate the rationale for indicting BHO for destroying
Americas Educational system by promoting Common Coreand Corbett for failing to oppose it. This
amalgamation of data illustrates how allegedly-good intentions go awry when, actually, it has now
been exposed as the method by which he would want to teach future generations his radical brand of

I can claim some cred in this arena for three reasons: [1]In high school, functioning
as a tutor *the teacher learns more than the student+ yielded my receiving the
Math/Science Awards [despite the fact that the more deserving brains, respectively,
were Alan Paymer and Paul Rodaboth now deceased*; [2]Last year, I served as
President of a Cyber-Charter School *and Im told an opportunity may again arise to
reprise this role; [3]If I ever learn the requisite Hebrew, Gratz College will award me a
Masters in Jewish Education [for all other credits were completed, years ago]. {*--Alan
died the summer after 1969 graduation while riding his motorcycle in Europe; Paul died
suddenly a few months ago after having been Hazeltons dominant

Within that context, this is intended to enlighten those who have yet to experience trenchant
worriment; it would be enhanced by hearing *former Gubernatorial candidate+ Peg Luksiks presentation
*as I did when she spoke to a SRO-crowd in Newtown, over the summer+. Included herein is a
distillation of [1]The presentation of this concept *noting the predictable politics of

adherents/critics], [2]The problems with this concept [profound and festering], [3]The recognition
of the problems with this concept [primarily on the state-level particularly, believe-it-or-not, in New
York], [4]The subject-level manifestations of ideology over academe [including infesting Mathematics,
the beauty of which should be kept immune from bias], and [5]The satirization of the evolution of this
effort [carrying Islamist political implications].

Guzzardis critique of Corbett underlies his Lower Merion Patch posting [1/16/2014]:

The results from standard assessments demonstrate that Philadelphia non-union
charter schools perform as well and sometimes better than government-run schools.
Parents of 60,774 children across a demographic spectrum freely chose one of 86
charter schools. There must be a reason. The PSEA, the government school teachers
union, spends millions in lobbying against charter schools and against expanding school
choice for parents who want and exercise that choice. Even were the government/union
schools and charter schools to have equal performance, charter schools incur about 80
% of the cost.

Two high schools in South Philadelphia are separated by a mile, but the distance
between them seems much wider. South Philadelphia High School scored 36.5 on a 100-
point scale on the new statewide school assessments. Just west on Point Breeze
Avenue, the Preparatory Charter School of Mathematics, Science, Technology and
Careers got a score of 70.6.
The state has about 160 brick-and-mortar charter schools, and more than half of them
are in Philadelphia. In that city, charter schools outperform their district counterparts
the average score for charter schools is 66.9; 57.5 for district schools.
But in Philadelphia, its clearcharter schools are having a positive impact.

Not probed herein are details regarding the desirability of private schools, cyber-school quality [cyber-
school-students are not second class citizens & cyber-schools may be the best option] or Homeschooling
[which is Not for Everyone, but Neither Is Public School [secrets-from-the-hidden-world-of-
homeschoolers, Home-Schooling [National Household Education Surveys Program of 2012], DOE Report:
School Environment and Poor Instruction are Top Reasons for Homeschooling, Nine Stars Who
Homeschool Their Children & Europe: Treating Homeschoolers Like Terrorists]. Moreover, these data do
not include presentation of think-tank output [such as proposals for state-based accreditation of
alternative higher-education and School Improvement ideas drawn from abroad], feel-good vignettes
[Children Full of Life: Moving documentary about kids and their homeroom teacher], policies tethered to
patriotism [Oklahoma Bill Would Require Pledge of Allegiance in Schools, its-called-patriotism], school-
choice and vouchers [common core may eclipse school choice, milwaukees-best, a-lesson-in-school-
choice, north-carolina-democrat-warns-private-school-vouchers-will-lead-to-terrorist-kids, Its
personal: Stacey Dash calls Eric Holders war on school vouchers immoral, Jindal: DOJs latest school-
choice lawsuit maneuver nothing more than a PR stunt], and crime [California school hires firm to
monitor students social media accounts for drugs and bullying, my-goal-in-life-is-to-give-you-pleasure;
catholic-teacher-caught-massaging-students-in-class, school-violence, married-school-cafeteria-worker-
got-student-drunk-then-had-sex-with-him, woman-argues-in-WaPo that school teachers shouldnt be
charged with statutory-rape, sex-ed-teacher-has-sex-with-14-year-old-student, Preschool Teacher
Removed From Classroom After Allegedly Playing 'Tongue Touching Game' With Student, School PTA

President Films Porno In Elementary School, Featuring An 8-Year-Old, JUDGE: NY SCHOOL CAN'T FIRE
TEACHER FOR HEROIN POSSESSION, lawsuit-proceeds-against-school-admin-who-strip-searched-a-10-
year-old, public-school-is-one-of-the-most-dangerous-places-you-could-possibly-put-your-children,

The focus herein is also not on college/university education, while recognizing issues:
California College Forbids Passing Out Constitutions...On Constitution Day

Higher education's bloated ivory tower must be right-sized
The President and His Higher Ed Plan
Lame-Duck Obama to Pivot to College Costs
cost of college has gone up by 500% since 1985

ESA (Educational Savings Account) is a savings account with preferential tax status when the
funds are used for education, so basically an IRA for education.

Fight for Free Speech on Campus
University [of North Carolina] bans-conservative-speakers-from-campus and, thus, it is
necessary to fight-censorship-intolerance-on-campus
Michigan State University Prof Tells Students 'Dying White' Republicans 'Raped' Country

Massive Harvard Grade Inflation Revealed
Ivy League University Holds Week-Long Nudity & Sex Event

cash-strapped-university-california-may-spend-millions on presidents proposals

Obscene College Students Try To Intimidate General David Petraeus
Anti-Capitalist Bill Ayers Got $1200 for 75 Min Talk on Illinois College Campus

Marquette University will no longer host a 12-week workshop on female sexuality, following
media scrutiny of the discrepancy between the workshops content and the universitys Catholic



Somewhat related sociological trends are captured within the educational system but, again, they are
merely cited as self-explanatory headlines [and subject to more cogent challenge]:

Hannity Explodes On Islam Taught In Public Schools, When No Others Are
School principal apologises after Muslim pupils were accidentally fed 'halal' chicken sandwiches
containing BACON
Released for jummah prayers on Fridays
Sept. 11, 2013: A Muslim poem but no Pledge of Allegiance at Boston-area high school

Family income not a factor as students eat free
Students Could Be Forced to Go Hungry Because of New NJ School Policy

schools -sending-fat-letters to-parents-about-overweight-children
Schools Sending 'Fat Letters' To Parents About Overweight Children

France: A "Secularism Charter" in Every School

Online courses fail as teaching tool

Chicago Public Schools Mandate Sex Ed for Kindergarteners
Obama: Sex Ed for Kindergartners Is the Right Thing to Do


Pirates and Emperors - A political schoolhouse rock cartoon about terrorist/robbers/killers and US


federalist six-lies-most-people-believe-about-u-s-schools


Little Rock school district will now make teachers wear underwear



obamas war on black education
Schools Criticized for Bans on Dreadlocks, Afros


Pot is the answer to our school funding problems

The presentation of this concept

U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan promised to improve education quality vastly by pushing for the
implementation of the Common Core State Standards Initiative. Duncan doesnt much care for the
people who criticize Common Core, characterizing critics as white suburban moms who suddenly
discover their children arent as brilliant as they thought they were and their schools arent quite as
good as they thought they were, and thats pretty scary. [This was retracted, but education-chief also
suggested starting school-later in the day.]

Implementing a Standards Based Education is a transformational effort *employing Stimulus-$],
prompting 45 states [and the District of Columbia, four territories, and the Department of Defense
Education Activity] to adopt new standards for what students in K-12 should learn in English and
mathematics [and curricula based on those standards]. Also, due to a profound appreciation of how
critical high academic standards are to the strength of the nations workforce, the Change the
Equation coalition of business leaders created an easy-to-read, common-sense resource that details the
basics of the Common Core standards [What are the Common Core State Standards? Why are standards
important? What are misconceptions about standards? What happens next?].

There was a Common Core Month with Teaching Channel.

Also, the Nation's Largest Evangelical Christian Organization Endorsed Common Core.

The Common Core Curriculum: Educations Final Frontier

First ObamaDontCare, Now ObamaEducation

Exxon Mobil CEO Pressures PA Governor to Implement Common Core



A teacher's perspective: Don't fear Common Core


The problems with this concept

In PA, when a hearing was held on Common Core a few months ago, Ms. Anastasia Przybylski [who is
statewide coordinator of FreedomWorks and co-founder of Kitchen Table Patriots+ was aghast when
the State Board of Education approved Common Core-related standards and graduation testing
requirements; also noted is the fact that teacher-union-employees-average-$106,000-salary in
pennsylvania and that there is a School daze, as Lawmakers ignore strikes. Some argue ending school
property tax makes sense, but it seems a Rival school-tax plan gained little traction. Finally, Pa. SAT
scores below national average, N.J. above [verbal-sat-scores-plunged], and a pennsylvania for-profit
school-of-business in Allentown closed due to budget cuts that eliminated grants; due to crime-
concerns, silent-alarms-installed-in-public-private-delaware-county-schools.

Educators are realizing that its difficult to find common-ground-on-core-standards. Critical analyses
Hillsdale Professor Dr. Terrence Moore: Common Core 'Superficial, Biased, Embarrassingly Dumb'], as
support for this program by bill-gates was rebutted, the Common Core Architect Brought-in OFA
Workers to Target 'Low Hanging Fruit', 'Nonprofits' Reaped Millions, a pro-common-core-panelist
claimed children-belong-to-all-of-us [Paul Reville], InBloom started Collecting Data on School Children,
it seems to be a slew of worksheets & tests involving various, incomprehensible arrays of squares and

Us vs. Them - The United States Chamber of Commerce, already in the tank for amnesty, is now in the
tank for Common Core. The Chamber of Commerce will be funding Republican candidates to beat
conservatives.the battle lines are stark and clear. Conservatives will beat the GOP or the GOP will go
left. It will go left toward amnesty, left toward common core, left toward Obamacare, left toward
abortion rights, left toward gun control, and left toward tax increases and even bigger spending. You
may think you can sit it out. You may not want to get dirty. But you do not have a choice. You will either
stand with the labor unions and crony capitalists funding the establishment, or with the conservative
fighters funding freedom loving candidates.
For right, Common Core fight just the start - The battle is meant to be the opening salvo in a larger effort
to influence education policy.

Distrust of government keeps school district consolidations at bay





wisconsin-school-district-voted to replace-common-core-standards
Walker says Wisconsin can do better than Common Core {Also, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker signed an
Indian mascot bill on Thursday that will make it harder for politically correct meddlers to force public
schools around the state to change their mascots, logos and team names.}

Common Core: The Latest Flaw in One-Size-Fits-All Public Schools - When the federal government
imposes a single teaching plan on 15,000 school districts across the country, that's central planning,
which brings stagnation.

common-core-again-threatens-to-make-little-kids-pee-their-pants - School officials at a public
elementary school in Chicago are ordering teachers to sign students up for designated restroom times
when entire, overcrowded classes of little kids must use the bathroom each day; the rationale for the
draconian pee policy is to improve the schools dreadful results on Common Core-related standardized

common-core-testing-problems-seem-inevitable: The education world is scrambling to avoid its own
version of a full-scale meltdown when millions of students pilot new digital Common
Core tests this spring.

Laughable Common Core Assignments Presidents job is difficult.


Common Core Standards Flunk Logic 101

Common Core Roots Lie in Ties Between Barack Obama, Bill Ayers


Hoosiers Against Common Core


Critics blast new Common Core education standards

New Education Testing Standards May Undercut 'Critical Thinking' Skills




"Rotten to the Core"michelle-malkin-discusses-common-core


Pearson Foundation, the non-profit arm of one of the countrys largest educational publishers, has
agreed to a settlement of $7.7 million after accusations by the attorney general of New York that it
helped develop Common Core-aligned courses for Pearson, Inc., its corporate parent.

the breeding ground for liberalism is public education.

Understanding Common Core - David Barton - Tulsa, OK - August 10, 2013



kids-cant-read due to union-clout
teachers-unions face moment-of-truth]
Teachers Complain Common Core Makes Them 'Robots,' 'Machines'

Common Core is the nationwide education initiative being jammed down the throats of students and
parents around the United States whether we want it or not. It is funded with money from the likes of
Microsoft's Bill Gates. While the 'rigorous' standards claim to adequately prepare our youth for higher
education, it's actually dumbing down schools across the country. The standards fail to teach students
how to write in cursive and teach mathematics in such a way that allows for 4x3 to equal 11. Michelle
Malkin, David Barton, Glenn, and concerned parents around the country have lead the charge against
the nationalized education system by highlighting countless offenses and bizarre learning materials. But
perhaps the greatest anti-Common Core argument ever made came courtesy of a high school student
who is concerned Common Core will create a one size fits all system that disregards the individual for
the sake of the collective. Watch what Glenn called "the best argument against Common Core" HERE.

The recognition of the problems with this concept

Problems with Common Core have prompted an anti-common-core-resolution to be introduced in the
US-senate and numerous states to opt-out of the program:

board of the New York state teachers union unanimously withdrew its support for the Common Core
standards as they have been implemented
Common Core Sparks Infighting in New York Unions
NY Lawmakers Want Education Board to Delay Common Core
New York Common Core Website Sent Students to Sex Quiz Page
Communists Infiltrated the NY Anti-Common Core Movement and are promoting Progressivism

Connecticut Teacher's Op-Ed Against Common Core Goes Viral
CT State Senator to Introduce Bill to Stop Common Core Advertising
Common Core Causing Problems in Connecticut

Christie: Only Three Graduates of Camden, NJ School System 'College Ready'
Christie Proposes Longer School Day Amid Scandal

Will Indiana or South Carolina Be First to Ditch Common Core?
Oklahoma GOP Pass Resolution to Oppose Common Core
Kentucky Files Bill to Repeal Common Core
Alabama Education Board Changes Common Core Standards
Alabama Tea Party Group Pressures State to Repeal Common Core
north carolina legislature-ignoring-public-outcry-on-common-core
Idaho Parents, Educators Speak Out Against Common Core
SD State Ed to Defend Common Core in Upcoming Legislative Session
Florida GOP Vote to Oppose Common Core
Arkansas Mother Demolishes Common Core in Minutes
Removing Common Core Georgia Performance Standards (CCGPS) [adopted as part of the state's efforts
to comply with the Federal Race to the Top (RTTT) grant] was advocated.

The Subject-level Manifestations of Ideology over Academe


Some are solvable and some are not solvable, traditional word problems are problematic; some have
been corrupted yielding Inconvenient Truths. For example, common-core-math-lesson-quietly-changed-
lincolns-religion-from-liberal-to-nothing and Common Core is Rooted in Math Class Social Justice
Indoctrination. Proof is pending that Common Core yields STEM Success, for high-school math standards
are too weak to yield more engineers or scientists.


Problems are both overtly-ideological [Common Core Reading Comprehension Assignment Pushes
Global Warming] and covertly-sociological [We Teach Our Children Not to Sleep Around: Dad Outraged
Over Biology Homework That Stepped Way, Way Over the Line].

The Kentucky Governor Stood Up To Climate Deniers and defended Teaching Science In Schools

English [Pornographic Readings]

AZ School District Pulled Sexually Explicit Book Recommended by Common Core Standards




common-core-assignment: think-like-nazi
School Asks Children To Explain Why Jews Are Evil.

A South Carolina high school, and possibly many others, are reportedly using a different history textbook
that also contains a highly questionable interpretation of the Second Amendment. Additionally, the
publisher of a separate controversial advanced placement history textbook, which acts as a study guide
for the advanced placement U.S. history exam and seems to diminish the Second Amendment, is directly
linked to Common Core standards.

school-official-tells-students-trayvon-martin-proved-it-is-legal-to-hunt children

Progressive intrusion in American education has quietly jammed through CSCOPE which, among other
things, places emphasis on the greatness of Communism & Islam while referring to the Boston Tea Party
as a terrorist act.


Kentucky High School Art Teacher Has Students Stand on American Flag

Third-grade play presents Goldilocks as deranged criminal, parent objects

The Satirization of the Evolution of this Effort

Teaching the Math in Britain!

1. Teaching Maths 1970
A logger sells a truckload of timber for 100.
His cost of production is 4/5 of the price.
What is his profit?

2. Teaching Maths 1980
A logger sells a truckload of timber for 100.

His cost of production is 80% of the price.
What is his profit?

3. Teaching Maths 1990
A logger sells a truckload of timber for 100.
His cost of production is 80. How much was his profit?

4. Teaching Maths 2000
A logger sells a truckload of timber for 100.
His cost of production is 80 and his profit is 20.
Your assignment: Underline the number 20.

5. Teaching Maths 2005
A logger cuts down a beautiful forest because he is selfish and inconsiderate and cares
nothing for the habitat of animals or the preservation of our woodlands.

Your assignment: Discuss how the birds and squirrels might feel as the logger cut down
their homes just for a measly profit of 20.

6. Teaching Maths 2009
A logger is arrested for trying to cut down a tree in case it may be offensive to Muslims
or other religious groups not consulted in the application for the felling license. He is
also fined a 100 as his chainsaw is in breach of Health and Safety legislation as it
deemed too dangerous and could cut something. He has used the chainsaw for over 20
years without incident however he does not have the correct certificate of competence
and is therefore considered to be a recidivist and habitual criminal. His DNA is sampled
and his details circulated throughout all government agencies. He protests and is taken
to court and fined another 100 because he is such an easy target.

When he is released he returns to find Gypsies have cut down half his wood to build a
camp on his land. He tries to throw them off but is arrested, prosecuted for harassing an
ethnic minority, imprisoned and fined a further 100. While he is in jail again the
Gypsies cut down the rest of his wood and sell it on the black market for 100 cash.
They also have a departure BBQ of squirrel and pheasant and leave behind several
tonnes of rubbish and asbestos sheeting.

The forester on release is warned that failure to clear the fly tipped rubbish immediately
at his own cost is an offence. He complains and is arrested for environmental pollution,
breach of the peace and invoiced 12,000 plus VAT for safe disposal costs by a regulated
government contractor.

Your assignment: How many times is the logger going to have to be arrested and fined
before he realizes that he is never going to make 20 profit by hard work, give up, sign
onto the dole and live off the state for the rest of his life?

7. Teaching Maths 2010
A logger doesnt sell a lorry load of timber because he cant get a loan to buy a new lorry
because his bank has spent all his and their money on a derivative of securitized debt
related to sub-prime mortgages in Surrey and lost the lot, with only some government
money left to pay a few million-pound bonuses to their senior directors and the traders
who made the biggest losses.

The logger struggles to pay the 1,200 road tax on his old lorry. However, as it was built
in the 1970s it no longer meets the emissions regulations and he is forced to scrap it.

Some Bulgarian loggers buy the lorry from the scrap merchant and put it back on the
road. They undercut everyone on price for haulage! send their cash back home, while
claiming unemployment for themselves and their relatives. If questioned they speak no
English and it is easier to deport them at the governments expense. Following their
holiday back home they return to the UK with different names and fresh girls and start
again. The logger protests, is accused of being a bigoted racist and as his name is on the
side of his old lorry he is forced to pay 1,500 registration fees as a gang master.

The Government borrows more money to pay more to the bankers as bonuses are not
cheap. The parliamentarians feel they are missing out and claim the difference on
expenses and allowances.

8. Teaching Maths 2017
100 .
> 80 > . = 20


{When I took a summer-course in
Computer Science in 68
@ the Moore School of Electrical Engineering
@ Penn [33
& Walnut, SW corner],
we were introduced to the swift evolution
of what had occurred during only two decades.}


Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2014 7:06 PM
Subject: Action-Items - LI [Guzardi and The Media]

A few of you were appreciative of the multitude of hyperlinks in the last blast, so this debulking
process will continue by addressing 2
Amendment concerns; although, frankly, I fear even touching
any type of firearm, the underlying conceptualization of individuals being empowered to maintain their
constitutional-right to maximize self-preservationupon this, most true-conservatives totally concur.
Overall, David Horowitz Exposes Why Progressives Must Lie, providing a thread that runs-through the
bulk of these blast e-mails; the ENTIRE article should be placed into long-term memory [inclusive of
the hyperlinks therefrom], because an appreciation of how people rationalize-away their biases will
assist those who simply cannot figure-out [for the life of them] how BHO-acolytes live with themselves.

First, levity: This Compilation is unbelievable; Local News Anchor Hilariously CRUSHED
ObamaCare; Captain Kirk and Hitler reacted to Miley Cyrus; and food preservation.
Additionally, an austrian_artist_klemens_torggler_radically_reinvented_the_door.

Meanwhile, Guzzardi, reports his west coast *of PA+ campaign-swing has attracted grass-roots support
[and a multitude of signatures+; this suggests Ill be able to vet petitions during the upcoming weekend,
in preparation for their submission [2000+ signatures with 100+ from each of 10 counties] to the DoS.
Anyone wishing to help can receive a crash-course on the petitioning-process and download the forms;
of-interest is the overt-chill emanating from the GOP-Establishment [in myriad venues] and from those
who are one-issue oriented [such as property-tax reform, SB-76], as Guzzardi stumps incessantly for
The Forgotten Taxpayer and how other issues *particularly social+ are crassly employed to shroud
how Dems collaborate with some Republicans when justifying excess-spending [with Santorum standing
as the prime example of a politician who whips-up support from the Pro-Lifers as he blows-budgets].

Dwight D. Weidman, the chairman of the Franklin County Republican Party, gave voice
to the frustration that old-line GOPers are feeling when it comes to their noisy cousins in
the Tea Party: Once again, the extreme, right-wing fringe of the GOP is out to convince
the world, and maybe themselves, that they actually speak for the party, and once
again, no doubt, they will all be mercilessly beaten at the polls during the primary.
Although John L. Micek feels the Tea Party feud is all in the family, he had to address
both the above and an extraordinary, three-page letter disassembling the head of a
conservative activist group by departing state House Speaker Sam Smith [R-Jefferson]
which fired a farewell-shot-at-cap; noting the back-and-forth between Smith and CAP,
the conflict here is between the Establishment-GOP and Constitutional-Conservatives.

The key-'graph is telling [and unrefuted], quoting Knepper: *Smith
says] we should be going after Democrats rather than Republicans, and
thats an absurd argument....When you look at the expansions of
government that have taken place, theyve been with Republicans
leading the charge or aiding and abetting someone like Ed Rendell.

This event is also telling with regard to Guzzardi's chronic-complaint about the GOP's
Assembly-leadership, illustrating why frustrated Republicans flock to his candidacy.

This is Guzzardis reaction: I live and have businesses in Pennsylvania,
and I was a founding contributor to John Kennedy and CAP and have
continued to contribute. As far as I know, major contributions, if not
most, come from Pennsylvania, from people who are interested in ideas
that solve problems in education as well as encourage economic growth
and a higher standard of living.Speaker Smith failed to mention his
close-call in the 2012 primary [see election returns]. The two
underfinanced challengers [combined] received about 120 votes more
than did Smith. This year there was only one challenger. It is obvious
that the poll that counts told Speaker Smith he would lose and, rather
than end the 50 year Smith Dynasty with a humiliating defeat by a
principled limited-government low-tax challenger, he blustered.

Having documented extensively how Common Core Is a Power Grab that Corbett
supports and Guzzardi opposes, its easy to explain why the Republican-Establishment
would Love Common-Core-Standards along with libs [La Raza Associated Group Feels
Majority of Americans Would Love Common Core]; yet, despite its quite-subtle
manifestations, Common Core by Any Other Name Is Still Common Core and merits
condemnation, even as Obama promulgated reverse-racist School Discipline Guidelines.

Corbett wrote an essay [Protecting-our-environment-Growing-our-economy+ that meshes with his
new radio-ads; he has deftly engaged in historical revisionism, for he claims he has honored his promise
not to raise income-tax when, actually, corbett had expanded his no-tax pledge *it also ruled-out
increases in feessuch as motor-vehicle leviesor employee contributions to the state unemployment
trust fund+. In addition to having signed legislation allowing for borrowing $6.2-Billion *delayed-tax+,
he has supported Shale fee, violating this claim [pa-shale-fee-bill-may-violate-corbetts-no-tax-pledge]
but, certainly, Corbetts hike of the gas/fuel/fee tax raises everyones cost of transportation. Indeed,
analyzing the initial projects recalls how ObamaCare initially enacted goodies *such as the ability to
stay on parental plans until age-26which Michelle claims youth are knuckleheads to ignore+; here,
infrastructure-repair *of crumbling bridges, per talking-points of adherents of this proposal] appears
delayed until after completion of repaving projects [which voters may predictably be more apt to
appreciate prior to election-day+, as per my review of plans in Senator Stewart Greenleafs district+.
{Meanwhile, gov-announced support from a new group, african-americans-for-corbett-cawley.}

Another attack on Corbett just arrived via e-mail from Americans for Prosperity:

Governor Corbett's Healthy PA Plan has now been submitted to the U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services for a waiver to the Medicaid Expansion piece of the
Affordable Care Act, also known as ObamaCare.

This means only one thing - more ObamaCare in Pennsylvania!

Read more about it here - 'The Federal Gov't is out of their League on Health Care.'

We can all agree that the rollout of ObamaCare has been an utter disaster littered with
delays and disappointments which clearly demonstrate this law should not have been

forced upon the American people. Now, Governor Corbett is seeking to bring more of
those disasters and disappointments here through his Healthy PA plan.

Expanding ObamaCare into Pennsylvania using the unsustainable Medicaid scheme as
part of his 'Healthy PA' plan will only hurt the working families and businesses of our
Commonwealth who need Governor Corbett to protect them from ObamaCare, not to
expand this harmful law into our state.

Tell Governor Corbett [717-787-2500] to stop bringing ObamaCare to Pennsylvania.

It has been noted that "Guzzardi is running on ideas, not cynicism"; he wants to slash state-spending.
,Lets start with cutting Welfare to the Welfare; millions to multi-billionaire private tax-exempt
corporations like Penn State, TempleU, UPitt, UPenn, Lincoln U. and $44.5 millionaire to mega-
international multi-multi-billionaire Comcast/NBC/MSNBC, in addition to $42.5 million about 7 years
ago. Billionaires should be paying taxes, not taking taxes.- Republicans hungry for an alternative
emerge reflexly [and they like the straight-talk that they hear] explaining why, within the first two days
of the petition-drive, he had acquired ~150 from only MontCo, DelCo, Berks and Lewistown. He is now
confronting the welcome-problem of speaking-invites creating scheduling-conflicts; after he has been
placed onto the ballot, an effort will be made to schedule a series of debates with the incumbent. Thus,
Guzzardi will show he is poised to tackle fundamental issues on "Day #1" [budgetary and philosophical];
he plans to emulate Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker [and highly-recommends his new book].

Guzzardi views as union-influence as problematic in PA, explaining the absence of any
pension-reform [and the inability to sell the State Stores], plus the new gasoline-tax.
Contrariwise, he notes Pennsylvania shale production continued to grow in 2013 [with
Susquehanna still being home to PA's most productive Marcellus Shale wells] and a new
DEP proposal means more gas inspectors will be in PA than in Texas [which predictably
is being attacked by Environmental groups]; as a Bradford County farmer got gas royalty
checks for $1.10 and 10 cents, Chevron offered residents pizza coupons after a fracking
well exploded [and as the State police recovered the remains of the worker from the
Greene County gas-well fire. Guzzardi feels the DEP should function as the "traffic cop,"
additionally, he considers it unseemly to politicize a tragedy prior to an investigation.
{Also, illustrating growth of shale, a company wants a $2.1B natural gas pipeline for PA
and illustrating the potency of unions, the SEIU is behind claim Corbett is 'murderer.'}

Indeed, a contemporary manifestation of this *Wall St. and K St. vs. Main St.+ mindset arose in Texas,
where a GOP-State-Rep has Threatened Lawsuits-Against-Individuals who promulgate his voting-record;
this article explicitly cites his union-contacts. Similarly, Guzzardi has condemned PA-lawmakers who try
to invoke social-conservatism as a cover-up for porculus-spending. {BTW, this last citation is from a
newly-expanded website, which focuses on both Texas and London; its editor received
this years Islamophobia-Award, perhaps due to the dissemination of stories related to Islamism (Jail-for-
racist-who-threatened-to-cut-off-police-penis and Muslim-groups-seek-to-censor-satire-at-Daily-Mail).}

Although libertarian-ken-krawchuk *who lives in Abington and with whom Ive tangled
over the years] announced his pa-gov-bid, it is hoped that he will endorse Guzzardi if he
fails to acquire the requisite signatures; both advocate limited-government views. Also,
D-candidates Jack Wagner and Jay Paterno flipped the Dems' 2014 campaign script;
also, endorsed by Al Gore, McGinty wants to raise the hourly minimum wage to $10.10

for all workers, including tipped employees and McCord ripped Wolf for turning gov
race into 'auction.' {Regarding simmering politics related to Corbetts SanduskyGate,
Brad Bumsted has explored the curious [highly-political] case of Corbett's deleted e-
mails and Corbett welcomes election of a Penn State trustee with Second Mile ties.}

It may be noted that I pushed litigation against the creation of Highmark for more than a decade due to
potential to create a monopoly/monopsony; consistent with forces we predicted were occurring [in the
mid-90s, two decades ago], Highmark and Blue Cross NEPA announced intent to merge. In the former,
Corbett reversed a decision by his anti-trust experts and approved the consolidation of PA Blue Shield
and Blue Cross of Western PA; when I confronted him regarding his rationale for this decision almost
four years ago [@ a picnic hosted by then-Rep. Curt Schroder], he claimed amnesia for the event. Thus,
one would have to consider it to be unlikely that it will be opposed, putting PA that-much-closer to
becoming all Blue *advocated by Dick Vermeil, but perhaps not desirable in a competitive market+.

USA-Today and CNBC note Philly is the 3
most-taxed US city; meanwhile, Sam Katz quit
PICA because he may run [again] for mayor. Also, Philly Public Schools want $320M and
after a Nutter veto was overridden, bills he opposes passed [related to his effort to
block a referendum on whether elected city officials must resign to run for another
office and related to his plan to hire a private law firm to represent the poor].

Also, the U.S. Justice Department is probing the Pa. Education Department regarding its
program for disruptive students, an event that recalls the [fantastic!] documentary
Cash for Children *about the Wilkes-Barre scandal, which everyone had ignored].

In other PA-based news [c/o Keystone Reports, which sports a Guzzardi-ad], MontCo is to borrow to pay
its bills, it has been advocated that efforts be made to Stop-the-Pennsylvania-Turnpike-Commission-and-
their-cousins-before-they-kill and there will be an investigation by the Turnpike Commission of the
massive pile-up; the FINANCIAL OUTLOOK is BLEAK FOR 3 STATE SYSTEM SCHOOLS; Barletta challenger
has suspended law license; PA warns same-sex married couples to file taxes separately; PA lawyers
defend gay marriage ban; Allegheny College claimed opinions of pro-lifers are dangerous and harmful;
Rendell claimed he left a budget-surplus;and Aument-won-gop-backing-for-state-senate.


It is always entertaining to catch-up providing hyperlinks regarding the media, if for no other reason
than to corroborate the content-laden and usually-correct input from Drudge/Breitbart/Fox, compared
with MSNBC/CNN/drive-by-media. For example, although the NYT Defended Wendy Davis Flip-Flops,
yesterdays cover-story in the Magazine section contained New-Details within an otherwise Laudatory
piece regarding her Politically-Exquisite Fake Life-Story; she apparently [without refutation] was paid
to hold a no-show job. It was argued that defining her as an instant-legend could be both good/bad,
rationalizing her abandonment of her famous Abortion Stance as 'Offering Nuance' to Beliefs was cute.
Also, apparently, the liberal-leaning reporters at The New York Times resent the liberal-leaning editorial
page of The New York Times, as this Revolt yielded discussion of How Kurson Buried the New York Times
Editorial Page; meanwhile, New York Times Profit Fell 12%, as both Print and Digital Revenues Still Fell.
{In other print-media news, the Vatican Took Rolling Stone to Task for Errors in Pope Francis Profile.}

Illustrating my preference for Colbert over Stewart are items that reflect the flexibility of
the former when compared with the predictability of the latter. Stewart Tore into
Obama Scandal Obsession at Spite-Driven Anger Machine Fox News; Stewart Blasted
Media for Measured Response to Christie: Wheres Your Rush to Judgement?; and
The Daily Show Spent 10x More January Coverage Mocking Conservatives Than Liberals.
In contrast, Colbert Blasted Maddow for Shaming Rand Paul: Who the Hell Do You Think
You Are?; pussy-riot-gave-the-funniest-best-colbert-report-interview-ever; COLBERT
MOCKED CRITICS of its ad [but Coca-Cola bowed to conservative criticism over its
"America the Beautiful" Super Bowl commercial, adding a 10-second patriotic disclaimer
at the opening of the 90-second version of the ad that ran during the opening ceremony
of the Olympics]; and Colbert and Paul Krugman Settled the ObamaCare CBO Report.

CNN may be trying to be outrageous to stimulate ratings, but note the first hyperlink:
Larry King: CNN's 'Got Problems,' Should Run Cartoons
CNN Poll: Bush Still Blamed for Economy But Obama Might Assume Blame by 2016
CNN's Jake Tapper Admits Media Double Standard on 'BridgeGate' and Benghazi Coverage
CNN's Tapper to Obama: What Happened to Lowering the Oceans? Were You Naive?
CNN Pulls Anderson Cooper 'AC360 LATER' From Primetime
S.E. Cupp: Conservatives Embracing Christie Because Medias Getting Ahead of the Facts
S.E. Cupp Hammers Bill Maher for Referring to College Employment as 'Sh*tty Jobs'

Headline News Surrendered: Greenlighted Reality, Game Shows

MSNBC keeps digging, despite the first hyperlink:
NBC/MSNBC Sank to Bottom of Public Trust
NBC: 'Communism One of Modern History's Pivotal Experiments'


Fallon Says Obamacare Websites Working [sadly, this may explain why Leno was dumped]
johnny-carsons-head-writer said late-night-comics-protect-obama

David Gregory Wants Obama to Get More Credit for Saving the Economy



MSNBC President Phil Griffin Claims Station Has No Ideology
MSNBC President Apologized to RNC

nbc views being married with a child to be an alternative-lifestyle

Frank Rich Compares NBC to Leni Reifenstahl: Technically Brilliant, Morally Obtuse

Kristol Loses It over Chuck Todds Suggestion Palin Might Run for President for the
NBC's Chuck Todd: Obama Has Given Up on Trying to Change Washington

MSNBCs Despicable Record of Smearing Conservatives as Racists

MSNBCs Rachel Maddow claimed the new report of the non-partisan Congressional
Budget Office has top-line results on long-term economic projections that are pro-BHO.
Maher, Cooke Team Up Against Maddow over MSNBC Bias

MSNBC panel panned OReillys hard-hitting Obama interview

smear-tactics: msnbc-tried-to-link-ed-gillespie-to-war-criminal-milosevic

MSNBC Host Melissa Harris-Perry All Your Kids Belong To Us
MSNBC deleted a tweet accusing the rightwing of disliking biracial families after
conservatives accused the left-leaning news organization of making wildly unfair
Matthews Goes Off on Dem Guest: You Have No Value to This Show! Youre Wasting
My Time!
Within the span of 40 seconds, NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams reported on
two politicians caught in scandals, one a Republican the other a Democrat, but he gave
the party affiliation of only the Republican.
OReilly Wonders How MSNBC Will Cover Dylan Ratigans Obamacare Revelation
Why Did Cenk Uygur Tell Foxs Dana Perino to Get the F*ck Out of the Country?
MSNBCs Andrea Mitchell Defends Cokes Beautiful Super Bowl Ad; Wont Touch
Chris Matthews: Why Is the GOP's Answer to the Demographic Shift Is to 'Screw the

chris_matthews: how_do_you_fight_the_anti-hillary_psychosis_on_the_right?
MSNBC Contributor Thinks Jesus Would Approve of Obamacare.

FNC, as anticipated, continues to trounce the competition, as per the first hyperlink:

Ratings: Fox News #1 in All of Cable TV

Obama: Not Even a Smidgen of Corruption in IRS Targeting of Conservatives
OReilly Grills Obama on ObamaCare, Benghazi and IRS Scandals; Obama Blames Fox News
O'Reilly Responds After Obama Calls Him and Fox 'Absolutely Unfair'
O'Reilly's Interview With President Obama and Preview of Part Two
Obama Lashes Out at O'Reilly Over Tough Benghazi and IRS Questions

In other media news, as the FCC PULLED-PLUG ON NEWSROOM SURVEY [FOR NOW], the forces behind
this effort emerged [Echoing the IRS scandal]; Fairness Doctrine Proponent's Daughter [Clymer] was
perpetrator of Invasive Newsroom Questionnaire, Universities in Probe Got $1.8 million from Soros, and
the DOJ revised its 'media rules.' Overall, again, only Sarah Palin Blasted Press because it Only deigns to
'Cry Foul' When 'Obama's Boot is on Your Neck,' saying what everyone else perhaps only was thinking.
{Also, in reaction, Bill Maher Called Matt Drudge, Glenn Beck, and Fox News the 'Cracker Trifecta.'}


Sent: Monday, February 24, 2014 9:52 AM
Subject: Action-Items - LII [Kurdistan, Media and Guzzardi]

As soon as the ink dried on the prior blast, many corroborative items emerged on multiple planes.
The burgeoning backlog included notice that the Jewish Policy Center will publish my essay on Kurdistan
*America Must Recognize Kurdistan: Welcoming the Worlds 197
Nation Could Yield a Strong
Democratic Ally and Spur Resolution of the Syrian Civil War+; an earlier draft has references and note
that approval has been granted by a very well-respected thinker *Dear Sherkoh - This is great! It will be
a terrific addition to our Spring issue. Thank you again, Regards, Shoshana Bryen, Senior Director+. Also,
it includes the literary work of a cable-debate opponent from a few years ago [Marc Lombardi], who
has authored a comic-book focused on bullying; hes a Dem and we tangled on a new-defunct hour-long
video on a half-dozen occasions, along with a moderator and one-ally-each [for surcease]. Finally, it is
replete with so much stranger-than-fiction info that the data-dump of gun-control has been deferred.

In reaction to the attack on SodaStream, I bought one; it works fine, although there is a
big pop as the newly-carbonated bottle is being removed from the appliance-base.
SodaStream, Akido or How to Outsmart BDS is an essay that suggests that one may
employ aikidothe Japanese martial art-cum-philosophywhen dealing with BDS;
here, the aikido approach (providing defense by utilizing the attackers energy and
impetus rather than opposing the attack head-on) skillfully channels an attackers force,
turning it to the defenders advantage. It is suggested the technique was perhaps used
by SodaStreams CEO *Daniel Birnbaum] along with his sharp businessman's instinct,
illustrated by his deft handling of the Scarlett Johansson/Oxfam incident.

To offset the intensity of these blast e-mails, become immersed in the levity of animal-videos
[Calisthenics with a Walrus, Cows Jump For Joy After Being Freed From A Dairy Farm Into An Open Field,
Horse plays with ball, meerkat tries to stay awake, Ninja bear, Boomeroo the baby kangaroo, PianoCat],
the slapstick of the Marx Brothers [Tootsi Frootsi Ice Cream - The Marx Brothers In "A Day At The Races"
and a piano duet is played by chico and harpo], the wonderment of computer-graphics [Women in art],
the applicability to African culture of Disneys "Let It Go" *from Frozen+, the performance of the
worlds-youngest-figure-skating-legend, and how a CEO slams a pretty-girl a seeking-rich-husband. Then,
recall the New Coke controversy *which irked Classic-Coke addicts such as myself, who recoiled @
efforts to make the original sweeter to mirror Pepsi] when noting that due to poor sales of the soda,
PepsiCo could Break-up the Beverage and Snacks Units [or even sell-off or discontinue the former].
Finally, note the dichotomy between efforts of Colorado and Utah to Hike the Smoking Age to 21 and
the fact that Colorado has reaped higher-than-expected pot-tax revenue; as an anti-tobacco activist
during the past 1/3-century, I nevertheless cannot claim 18-year-old children could serve in the
military and vote at age-18, but would not be mature enough to decide whether to smoke cigarettes.
{Also note that the USS Somerset is in Philly for commissioning and is open for public tours this week;
also compare contemporary humor with how Johnny Carson satirized Ronald Reagan in 1982.}


The raising of the flag at Iwo Jima, 69 years ago,
is perhaps the most iconic image of World War II.

In follow-up of media-bias, note the sour reception of the announcement that PIERS MORGAN IS TO
'QUIT' CNN [piers-morgan-and-cnn ended his-prime-time-show, CNN President Jeff Zucker has decided
to end Piers Morgan's primetime show as early as next month, network sources confirmed to POLITICO
on Sunday, CNN CUT PIERS MORGAN'S SHOW, Unwatchable Piers Morgan (finally) dropped by CNN,
AMERICA TURNED ON ME]. Then note that Alec Baldwin disclaimed PUBLIC LIFE while labeling Rachel
Maddow a 'phony,' complaining he hadnt been paid by MSNBC, deciding 'I loathe and despise the
media', and blaming his entire predicament on usual-suspects ["Roger Ailes, Fox, and Breitbart"].

Regarding PA-issues, it has been claimed that a Lawmaker Budgeted for Tin Foil Hats to
Mock Critics of Common Core and that State Legislatures may Purposefully Suppress
Debate on Common Core; the latter recalls the fact that the PA-GOP defeated a
resolution intended to condemn itperhaps because Corbett has implemented it
explaining why some feel the pennsylvania-gop-is-a-party-without-principles].
illustrating the actual power-grab it entails [just like ObamaCare], it has been noted that

Also note that Lawmakers are grappling with high costs of pension proposals and that
pa-lawmakers-have-appetite-for-pension-reform-but-menu-options-vary; then note that
the pension-crisis has prompted neshaminy to request mercy from Harrisburg.

And note that, although the acu-rated-pa-state-legislators, Guzzardi agrees with the
view of KingofSpades, namely, that selective-choice of rated-votes is purposeful.

And note that a politically-connected auto-towing and car-repair magnate in Bucks
County made a haul from last weeks massive pileup on the Pennsylvania Turnpike.

And note PennDOTs efforts over the weekend to repair potholes [e.g., City Ave.], as it
closed 2 stretches of I-80 due to ice and 22 miles of icy I-81 due to numerous crashes.


And note why bill lawrence segues from claiming it's time to retire Pennsylvania's
communistic liquor sale system *after initiation of a bipartisan effort to stop insiders
from getting rich off taxpayers+ to advocating new gubernatorial leadership *If you are
a Republican, pick Bob Guzzardi over Tom Corbett during the May 20 primary+.

And note testimony by Ross Schriftman to the Advisory Committee on Long Term Care
Services and Support that reflects the need for state-level solutions to these problems.

And note that those involved in an ongoing grass-roots initiative to replace school
property taxes with funding from a single state source [Property Tax Independence Act]
lambaste Guzzardi [and Corbett] for not being gung-ho advocates; they feel, however,
that they have been making headway to provide struggling homeowners some relief.

And note that Scott Wagner's state senate special election write-in campaign has raised
the ire of GOP foes, mirroring the reception sometimes received while petitioning.

And note that MontCo Chief-Commissioner Josh Shapiro has $860k-on-hand, that the
montgomery-county-redevelopment-authority-hired-new-solicitor, Sean Kilkenny
[whom I met and who is highly-competent, per Guzardi], and that Mike Morsch is no
longer MontCos director of voter services, a post he had held since last summer.

And note that, although U.S. Rep. Allyson Schwartzs gubernatorial campaign has gotten
plenty of endorsements, she's running from support from Ironworkers Local 401, which
authorities raided on Tuesday; 10 members were indicted on charges of allegedly
participating in a conspiracy to commit extortion, arson, destruction of property, and
assault, to force construction contractors to hire union ironworkers. The Philadelphia
Daily News reported Schwartz donated the $10,000 gift it received from the union.

Schwartz spokesman Mark Bergman said the campaign donated to the
International Association of Fire Fighters Charitable Foundation a
$10,000 political contribution from Local 401. "We take the charges very
seriously," Bergman said. "If laws were broken, people need to be

Back in December, the Northeast Times ran the following quote
from Joseph Dougherty, the unions financial secretary, treasurer and
business manager.

The Ironworkers Local 401 is proud to endorse Congresswoman Allyson
Schwartz for governor because she has consistently set out innovative
solutions in her One Pennsylvania plan that show she understands the
needs of working families across the state new jobs that pay good
wages, high-performing schools for our children, 21st-century transport-
ation infrastructure, and a commitment to making sure that Harrisburg
starts working for Pennsylvanias middle class again.

Schwartz responded positively: I have always been proud to stand with
the Ironworkers to protect the rights of workers to organize, earn fair

wages and achieve a secure retirement. As governor, I look forward to
continuing to stand with them as we work to bring real leadership that
fights for working families to Harrisburg.

{The national-media picked-up this story: Union Members Indicted for
Burning Down Quaker Church - The federal government indicted
multiple union members for burning down a Quaker church in 2012.}

Finally, note that Tom-corbetts tv-ad exhibited historical-revisionism [documented
previously] as to his no new taxes pledge; meanwhile, Guzzardi has been updating his
Liberty Index andwhile returning from PAs west-coast today, during which he has
been motivating Pennsylvanias Forgotten Taxpayersrecalls Rocky became a winner.

These issues have national import, noting that Dems Mastered the Art of Stealing Elections as shown in
another secret VIDEO by James O'Keefe [whom I met @ an event in Doylestown sponsored by the
Kitchen Table Patriots] who Busted a Voter Scheme to 'Turn Texas Blue'; lest anyone think these issues
are only national, note that voting-fraud-numbers-are shocking [particularly regarding Philly].

I have argued that Guzzardis effort meshes with national forces within the GOP,
because The tea party has grown-up; RICK SANTELLI claims that, UNLIKE OCCUPY, the
TEA PARTY Movement is GOING STRONG FIVE YEARS LATER. Indeed, it is so potent that
rush-limbaugh and pat-caddell feel the-gop-establishment-wants-the-irs-to-go-after-
the-tea-party; this has been evidenced by the fact that the IRS Targeted Tea Party
Leader Becky Gerritson (the Federal Gov't Has become 'a Gov't Against the People').
Even Globalization occurred [European Tea Party Movements on the March].

This has occurred due to self-discipline, as one tea-party-group will
host-event-to-primary-boehner; another group of Tea Party Activists
Cheered Coca-Cola Surrender; a Tea Party Leader Filed an Ethics
Complaint Against a Dem Rep; when a congressman-tried-to-shut-
down-a-tea-party-leader during a recent hearing, a-gop-rep-showed-he-
wasnt-having-any-of-it; Grimm is losing Tea Party support over Threats;
and two Dems are blaming the Tea Party Movement for their problems
[leftist-congressman henry-waxman (retiring) blamed the tea-party and
charlie-crist claimed the tea-party-upsets-the-natural-flow].

"Four Republican-leaning groups with close ties to the party's leadership in Congress -
[American] Crossroads and its super PAC affiliate; the Congressional Leadership Fund;
and Young Guns Action Fund - raised a combined $7.7 million in 2013. By contrast, four

conservative organizations that have battled Republican candidates deemed too
moderate or too yielding on spending issues - FreedomWorks, the Club for Growth
Action Fund, the Senate Conservatives Fund, and the Tea Party Patriots - raised a total
of $20 million in 2013, according to the Federal Election Commission." {They claim the
2014 Tea Party Surge Has Begun, inasmuch as Senate Conservatives spent $3 million
for five endorsed candidates (in Nebraska, Kentucky, Mississippi, Kansas, and Louisiana).

Lamentations regarding Philly/PA interactions emerge when it is noted that $40-million-of-public-funds
will be given to comcast when it builds a second-taller-phila-skyscraper; lamentations regarding crime
emerge when a Philadelphia Councilwoman admitted tapping campaign funds for personal use.

Also Linda Powell wrote this on Facebook:

I woke up this morning and the first thing I hear on the radio is Mayor Michael Nutter
trying to defend yesterdays disclosure that Philadelphia politicians impose the 2

highest tax burden on its citizens out of the thousands of cities in the US.

I felt a little sorry for Nutter as he tried to defend this shocking news. Nutter stated,
"Really, no one likes paying taxes - everyone wants service." Poor guy he knows that's
not why we have the 2
highest tax burden. Try incompetence and mismanagement of
tax dollars!

The only honest answer to that question is what Nutter should have said which is: City
Council and I have mismanaged your tax dollars to the point where we are now. We as
city leaders are incompetent in money matters. We have tried but were in over our
heads. It is time for all of us to resign from our respective offices and let our great city
move forward.

Of course Nutter didn't say that, he chose once again to make excuses and play the
services game. By the way, under Nutter and this city council, services in Philadelphia
have been cut by more than 30% in all areas of city service. So where did the money
from the cut services go?

The bottom line is - when and until we elect new leaders Philadelphia taxpayer's will
continue to get ripped off with things like the D.R.O.P. program and the many other
unnecessary things these current politicians have instituted in the past eight years.

Philadelphia will continue to suffer "black eye's" in the world around us. The people of
Philadelphia will continue to be the laughing stock of the nation for sitting still and
allowing these politicians in Philadelphia to remain in positions where they can
continually take our incomes from us in the name of service and education while in
truth the money suppose to be going to service and education is going everywhere else.

It's so sad that so few, a Mayor, City Council, City Controller, District Attorney and Police
commissioner can all be so incompetent to have taken our city to this point. It's even
sadder that the voters won't come out and put a stop to them at a time when all the
lives of the citizens of Philadelphia are being impacted negatively.!


Finally, regarding loco-regional news, it was decided that an assisted-suicide-case wont be pursued.

[modern] liberals arent [classical] liberals


Sent: Monday, February 24, 2014 5:46 PM
Subject: Action-Items - LIII [Guzzardi, Kurdistan, Cruz, Ukraine, Unions, Education]

News-Flash: Days prior to receiving ANY of the petitions being filed by dozens of statewide activists,
individual appearances by Guzzardi havewithin only a weekyielded both a total of 383 signatures on
19 petitions *with three counties exceeding 100+; we mustnt become smug, but trend are healthy.
These data illustrate both the resonance of Guzzardis message *focusing on The Forgotten Taxpayer+
and the festering problems with Corbetts tenure *recall, also, that he compared gay marriage to incest];
and noting the federal indictment of the Ironworkers Union, it is unclear whetheras AGhe ever
prosecuted Union violence in the Philly area, which rarely occurred on any level. Of course, AG Kane's
Sandusky/Corbett investigation is ongoing, and he must balance a budget with a deficit of $1 billion-plus
while many other states have surpluses. Editorialists have claimed Corbett squandered a rare chance for
reform and have continued to condemn Abuse in Harrisburg The per-diem party]. In any case, as noted
earlier, once Guzzardi is on the ballot, it is anticipated he will receive considerable media-focus (both
statewide and nationally) for, if nothing else, *quoting a seasoned politico, who fears Guzzardis effort
will yield an enhanced risk of electing a Dem as Governor+ everyone loves to read about a horse-race.

Dom-Giordano-had a heated-discussion-with-pa-governor-tom-corbett *If vouchers
work for dental care, why wouldn't they work for school choice? Who pays for free
preventive dental care? Those who don't get free dental cards will be paying more.
How much dental care does $25 buy? Won't it have to be increased as dentists raise
their prices?+ Thereby, he challenged essentially Corbetts re-election campaign claim
of strong fiscal stewardship [while properly ignoring such absurdities as a Liberal group's
appalling 'Tom Corbett killed 4 people' claim on Medicaid]. Corbett is vulnerable.

Guzzardi strongly supports efforts that mirror what Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker
has accomplished [getting the government out of the business of collecting union dues],
while Corbett has been [acutely & chronically] strangely passive in this regard; indeed,
iit does not appear that he has ever used the bully-pulpit to counter the absurd claim of
AFSCME bosses that making us collect our own dues is 'Anti-Worker. He will be
speaking at the annual pa-leadership conference [per its agenda], and he should
remember what I told him at a subsequent $-raiser [when Sam Rohrer wowed-the-
crowd while he only talked of a living Constitution+, namely, that he should not READ
a speech to this energized group of conservatives. They will be able to see through
rhetoric and, assuredly, will not be tricked by such data as was accrued by the ACU
when it Rated PA State Legislators; as quoted in a prior blast, Guzzardi subscribes to
the point made on February 14, 2014 at 3:57 pm by KingOfSpades: The ACU has
unfortunately become nothing more than a tool for reelecting establishment
Republicans. They cherry-pick certain votes and use them to fluff up good old boys as
conservatives who really arent. The Heritage Foundation and Commonwealth
Foundation give much more accurate ratings. Similarly, he lambastes people who claim
their pro-life bona-fides can obscure their propensity to spend [e.g., Santorum].

In follow-up of the importance of our Kurdistan-themed essay, it should be noted that others recognize
the fact that there will be No-solution to the Syrian Civil War without-the-Kurds; we simply asked that an
open-door policy be adopted-to-the-kurds but, instead, the Syria Talks Collapsed, Putting U.S. Military

Action Back on Table and even Britain characterized the Syria Talks [predictable Failure to have been a
'Serious Setback.' Illustrating the internal strife is the fact that the Iraqi Kurdish government snubbed a
Syrian Kurdish group; illustrating how BHO-supporters continue to give BHO a pass is the column by the
washingtonposts david-ignatius, who advised taking-a-long-view-on-syria-and-the-sunni-shiite-divide:
The international alliance that won the Cold War has been bootless in the case of Syria. Thats partly
the fault of an indecisive Obama administration, but its really a much larger problem. The United
Nations system for resolving disputes is failing in Syria, as it did in Rwanda, Bosnia and Kosovo. The
United States, this time, hasnt been willing to organize a coalition of the willing to do the dirty work.

Because Kerry admitted (per senators) that the Administration has fumbled the Syrian
disaster, while the White-House-National-Security-Advisor-Called the same Syria-Policy-
A-Tremendous-Success, ABC's Karl Grilled Carney *Isn't it time to acknowledge Obama's
Syria Policy is an Absolute Failure?+. He noted Assads atrocitiespast (Photos show
entire Syrian towns razed to the ground by Assad regime and syria-armenian-christians-
forced-to-convert-to-islam-or-die) and present (Syrian Forces Hit Mosque with Barrel
Bomb and Kill 5 and Syria Still Has 96% of Its Chemical Weapons and here-is-a-picture)
remain undeniable; he also noted rebel-atrocities against Syrian girls (stoned-to-death-
for-using-facebook-account and strangled with metal wire for refusing to abide by the
belief of militant group). He refused to acknowledge reports (again, per senators) that
{BHO should know by now that leading-from-behind eventually-leads-nowhere.}

Note is made that Islamists are recruiting Westerners (At Least 50 Americans Fighting Alongside Islamist
Groups in Syria and London Muslim is first Briton to carry out Syria suicide bombing); note is also made
that political-flux exists (Al-Qaida breaks ties with group in Syria). When a Hezbollah Supporter (within a
delegation of Syrian Christian leaders) Lobbied for Syria on Hill lobbied against aiding the Syrian
opposition, critics claimed the groups efforts were actually aiding the Assad regime. America has to help
those who are not future antagonists to Americas peaceful interests, and all roads point to Kurds.


Maria Von Trapp, Last Surviving Member of the Von Trapp Family, Died at 99; below is the movie-cast of
The Sound of Music, both The Von Trapp Family in 1965 and when reunited 45 years later.

The impact of the filibuster by Senator Ted Cruz lives on, as he issues *with the assistance of Amanda
Carpenter] myriad observations [ted-cruz-lays-out-indictment-of-obama-encroachment-on-texas-rights;
Cruz: Obama-worse-than-nixon; Sen. Cruz: President Obama's claims on U.S. foreign policy belong in
the realm of fantasy; Cruz: On Farm Bill, DC Politics Won, Real Reform Lost; sen-ted-cruz-locked-horns-
with-attorney-general-over-irs-targeting-at-senate-hearing; ObamaCare News of the Day c/o Cruz;
Ted-Cruz-Welcomed-Breitbart to Texas; sen-ted-cruz-with-sam-malone; Cruz: 'Global warming' not
Can and Should be Prosperous; and Sens. Ted Cruz and Mike Lee Introduce State Marriage Defense Act.]
{The Senate Conservatives Fund just sent an e-mail *Ted Cruz Is Under Attack+ that concluded:
nobody has done more to give Americans a reason to support Republicans during 2013 than Ted Cruz.-

A recent puff-piece [Ted Cruz makes nice] may have been intended to nudge him not to
oppose Senate Leadership, but he didnt bite; libs *dana-milbank wrote that ted-cruzs-
ego-trip-carried-a-high-cost] and RINOs [David Brooks Denounced 'National Aphrodisiac'
Ted Cruz for Forcing Recorded Debt Ceiling Vote in Senate+ were dismayed to be told
again that ted-cruz-doesnt-work-for the party-bosses in washington. Indeed, this is how
SEN. TED CRUZ reacted to raising the debt ceiling: "I think last week, actually, is a
perfect illustration of everything that's wrong with Washington.... [W]hat Republican
leadership said is we want this to pass, but if every senator affirmatively consents to
doing it on 51 votes, then we can all cast a vote no and we can go home to our
constituents and say we opposed it. And listen, that sort of show vote, that sort of
trickery to the constituents is why Congress has a 13% approval rating."

This explained why, alhough Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell
(R-KY) said that he had to vote to break Sen. Ted Cruz's filibuster against
raising the debt ceiling without spending reductions because he had "to
protect the country," McConnell then voted against the bill when it
came to floor.


This also explains why the identical comment *ted-cruz-so-hated-among-gop-senators-
hes-going-to-need-a-food-taster+ was made on last weeks Sunday-Talk shows [Face
the Nation AND This Week talked about how Cruz doesn't have bench-buddies at GOP
lunches. Total coincidence, I'm sure], although only Michelle Malkin published this
observation. When the Head of GOP Anti-Tea Party Group wants him to Leave the GOP,
he has threatened the powers-that-be. Some exhibit Cruz Envy *Liberals dont like Ted
Cruz, but theyre rooting for him, because they feel hes going to destroy the Republican
Party. What they ought to be feeling is this: profound embarrassment+ and others
[Thomas Sowell] actually make the Case for Ted Cruz [albeit inadvertently].

Still Clueless: Politico Can't Figure Out Why Ted Cruz Fights GOP
Establishment - In previewing its newest magazine article about Cruz,
Politico tweeted, "Ted Cruz is a smart political operatorso why does
he pick so many fights with his party?" Erica Grieder, the article's author
and senior editor at the left-of-center Texas Monthly, displays, like most
of the mainstream press, that she has no clue why he does. She reveals
a presupposed belief that the "way to win" is still through the D.C.
political establishment.

Noting that everyone knows hes running in 2016, Cruz is expected to Get a 'Hero's Welcome' in
Iowa and New Hampshire; he is going to New Hampshire for 'Freedom Summit'. Note how he is
characterized by Politico in this SNAPHOT 2016 as to Where 16 Republicans stand:

STRONGEST: Sen. Rand Paul Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker
LOUDEST: Sen. Ted Cruz
RECOVERING: Sen. Marco Rubio
WOUNDED: Gov. Chris Christie
RISING: Ohio Gov. John Kasich Indiana Gov. Mike Pence S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley
RUNNING FOR VEEP: Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal
ONE LAST GASP: Mike Huckabee Rick Santorum
NOT RUNNING, BUT WILL GET COVERED: Chairman Paul Ryan Sarah Palin
--On Morning Joe, anchor Thomas Roberts adds to our list: Sen. Rob Portman of the
great state of Ohio!

He promoted Bold, Conservative Principles during Heritage Action's Conservative Policy Summit
[held on Monday, 2/10/2014], which showcased 10 bills that outline a policy agenda for 2014.
He was joined by 10 Members of Congress, including Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT), who presented
courageous ideas in policy areas ranging from health care to welfare reform to education.
Indeed, The Daily Caller dubbed the full summit agenda as "the future of the Republican party."
Heritage gave the American people clear choices among competing philosophies for our future,
and it looks forward to keeping the pedal to the metal on these big, daring ideas. This event was
praised by The Hill and by Politico [which unabashedly and unambiguously portrayed it as having
created a new model in D.C. that is aggressively attempting to change the status quo].


There is obviously a massive amount of information regarding the Ukraine; the hyperlinks tell-a-tale of
BHO having again publicly chosen to follow from behind in lieu of promoting freedom/democracy;
because the risk of Putin invading remains palpable, it is hoped the EU will fill-the-vacuum effectively
despite the fact that Top Diplomat Victoria Nuland had to Apologize for Cursing the European Union
(noting that this Leaked call on Ukraine had been inexplicably made over unencrypted cell-phones).
{When a bunch of hyperlinks is provided after a topic has been introduced, the reader is invited to be
comfortable with the conclusions drawn therefrom, recognizing that the articles are comprehensive.}

Heritage Actions CEO Michael A. Needham explained the situation in Ukraine thusly:
The majority of Ukrainian people who want to move towards Europe, the crooks and
spooks in Russia who don't want to let that happen, and the vacuum of American
leadership in the world that has been created by BHOs failure to enforce red lines.
Statues of Lenin Topple Across Ukraine
Protesters Seize Presidential Palace
Yanukovych cries 'coup,' will not resign
Flight Blocked
Murky Future
Fear of break-up
Chief rabbi warns Jews: Avoid protests
Eastern Ukraine synagogue hit by firebombs
Kremlin's worst nightmare
Rice Warns on Russian Troops in Ukraine
Obama Draws Another Line, Tells Ukraine Not to Cross It
Oleksandr Turchynov Voted Ukraine Interim President
McCain: Obama Most Naive President in My Lifetime
Has the State Department 'Gone Rogue' in Ukraine?
Chess Legend Garry Kasparov: How Many Will Be Lost on Obama's Watch in Ukraine?
Mikhail Gorbachev Claims Ukraine Did Not Act Democratically
Yanukovych Calls New Laws Passed by Ukraine Parliament 'Illegitimate'
Ukraine Army Rules Out Any Involvement in Crisis
Chaos in Kiev: Yanukovych Flees, Tymoshenko Free
Ukraine Defense Minister Won't Take Phone Call from Defense Sec Hagel
Ukraine president takes sick leave amid escalating turmoil
Torture of Ukraine Dissident Polarizes U.S.-Russia Relations
Ukraine President Heads to Sochi for Talks with Putin

Kiev-warns-of-terrorism-threat-amid-protests ukraine
Opposing Sides in Ukraine Exchange Threats of Terror, Bankruptcy
Are the Pro-Govt Mobs in Ukraine the Same 'Mobs' I Met in December?
Ukraine Activist Sees Pro-Russia Link in Abduction
Protesters End Occupation of City Hall
Ukraine president agrees to truce
EU calls for sanctions

Because the impact of union-lobbying is experienced both in D.C. and in Harrisburg, it is desirable to vet
the available literature for insights as to how best to honor workers; the media have not studied why
labor-unions-benefited more from citizens-united than big-conservative donors, so trying to discern why
unions-wage-war-on-workers is made more difficult. This is why Volkswagen's union defeat (due to the
auto workers in chattanooga chosing freedom over unionization) was historic; the United Auto Workers
[uaw] may-have-spent-nearly-$8000-per-vote-at-vw. Yet, because the UAW PRESIDENT claimed that
National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) charging that Republican public officials and union opponents
unfairly influenced workers. {This explains why Nikki Haley Told Unions to Stay Out of South Carolina.}

Already exhaustively documented are problems with Common Core, which some liken to The Nazi
Model for Outcome-Based Education; that metaphor notwithstanding, the business of education
continues to be in-flux [newark-700-teachers-may-be-laid-off, many of whom will be replaced-by-tfa and
maryland-dems-resistant-to-helping-students-get-tax-break-on-textbooks+, and the criminality thereof
continues unabated [School Administrator keeps job after Dragging Kindergartners Through Hallways
and female-teacher-has-sex-with-16-year-old-receives-slap-on-wrist]. Meanwhile, the racism therein
continues to be stomached [School cut gifted program over lack of diversity] and the sexism thereof
continues to challenge settled-norms [COURT: Tranny teen can use bathroom of choice at school].
{Charters will cost the Philly School District $25M more than anticipated and, thus, Philly schools are
considering implementation of a universal enrollment model.}

After a Panelist at a Podesta Think Tank suggested 'The Children Belong to All of Us,' it
was not surprising that a ny-state-senator-proposed a bill-requiring-partents-take-
government-parenting-classes; these are manifestations of Hillarys It Takes a Village.
{Also, an Illinois Bill Would Force Schools to Teach the Greatness of Unions.}


Indeed, enhanced Islamist influence has been noted both in high schools [Non-Muslim Michigan High
School students wear hijabs in school for class lesson to explore religion and identity and muslim-
public-school-holidays will be respected in new-york city] and in college [An Exercise in Indoctrination:
[U of Cal Berkeley] Professor Required 100 Students to Tweet about 'Islamophobia']. A professor at the
University of South Carolina prompted understandable outrage among young campus conservatives
when he used a textbook [Introduction to Social Work & Social Welfare: Critical Thinking Perspectives,
by Karen K. Kirst-Ashman] that painted Ronald Reagan and conservatives as sexist and corrupt.
Amazingly, college professors and students *those who are empowered or privileged+ have been
accused of being racist (or sexist, or homophobic, or transphobic, or ) without even knowing it.


Sent: Tuesday, February 25, 2014 8:06 PM
Subject: Action-Items - LIV [Guzzardi, Guns, BHO, ObamaCare, Media, Amnesty, Military]

[Part I] Because it was necessary to split this blast into two roughly-equal lengths.

Before launching, a few truisms [including #16] and nostalgic-levity [I can't believe we made it.]:

1. Apples, not caffeine, are more efficient at waking you up in the morning.
2. Alfred Hitchcock didn't have a belly button.
3. A pack-a-day smoker will lose approximately 2 teeth every 10 years.
4. People do not get sick from cold weather; it's from being indoors a lot more.
5. When you sneeze, all bodily functions stop, even your heart!
6. Only 7 per cent of the population are lefties.
7. Forty people are sent to the hospital for dog bites every minute.
8. Babies are born without kneecaps. They don't appear until they are 2-6 years old.
9. The average person over 50 will have spent 5 years waiting in lines.
10. The toothbrush was invented in 1498.
11. The average housefly lives for one month.
12. 40,000 Americans are injured by toilets each year.
13. A coat hanger is 44 inches long when straightened.
14. The average computer user blinks 7 times a minute.
15. Your feet are bigger in the afternoon than any other time of day.
16. Most of us have eaten a spider in our sleep.
17. The REAL reason ostriches stick their head in the sand is to search for water.
18. The only two animals that can see behind themselves without turning their heads
are the rabbit and the parrot.
19. John Travolta turned down the starring roles in "An Officer and a Gentleman" and
20. Michael Jackson owns the rights to the South Carolina State Anthem.
21. In most television commercials advertising milk, a mixture of white paint and a little
thinner is used in place of the milk.
22. Prince Charles and Prince William NEVER travel on the same airplane, just in case
there is a crash.
23. The first Harley Davidson motorcycle built in 1903 used a tomato can for a
24. Most hospitals make money by selling the umbilical cords cut from women who give
birth. They are used in vein transplant surgery.
25. Humphrey Bogart was related to Princess Diana . They were 7th cousins.
26. If coloring weren't added to Coca-Cola, it would be green.

Also, although Carville is often excessively partisan, he praised Cruz last night on Hannity and, thus,
merits being quoted [in a fashion that carries pervasive import politicallylamentably+:


It took a few hours, but below is a comprehensive compilation of key-headlines that arrived overnight;
unless otherwise noted, they either corroborate previously-discussed conclusions or break new ground
regarding established-issues. I hope that Ill be able to resist the temptation to recapitulate the former
[saving time], and it is hoped that gradual-insertion of prior-hyperlinks [when related to a given topic]
will yield a disinterested database that can be fact-checked [in case something had been overlooked];
this is particularly true regarding many foreign-affairs concerns, which seem to have been routinely
supplanted by seemingly-more-urgent domestic-affairs challenges [although the recent publication of
the Kurdistan article provided impetus to add overwhelming information regarding its applicability].
Similar to how Jeopardy responses are provided in the form of a question, these issues are again
disseminated in the form of an action-item *except for levity-related topics+; due to Guzzardis effort,
prioritized are state-related controversies [and suggested campaign-postures that he may support].

Throughout, it should be acknowledged that the hyperlinks are usually self-explanatory;
modifying the catch-phrase when testifying on SSA-disability cases, Individually and in
the aggregate, the conclusion is inescapable; articles can be appreciated either as stand-
alone observations or via meta-analysis of the gestalt of what has been aggregated.



Last night, a two-hour strategy-session was held over-dinner regarding Mandatory Holocaust Education,
and we feel our message has been received by the Senators; it is also noted that the oldest-Known
Holocaust Survivor Died at 110 [and it appear problematic that Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra Officials
are meeting in Iran to Discuss a Concert]; in other education-related news, an Arizona Senate Panel
Voted to Stop Implementing Common Core Standards, a Group Called for 'Catholic Core,' Not Common
Core, common-core-unfair-for-special-needs-students, stossel of FNC characterized common-core as a
one-size-fits-all govt-monopoly and Police are investigating an SAT/ACT testing scam [which is to be
differentiated from the instruction to the test scandals associated with CC, particularly in Atlanta and
Philly+. ,It is hoped that the teachers union will not interrupt the fact that a Teacher faces firing over
naked kindergarten students 'having sex' in school bathroom, noting that the michigan-teachers-union-
seeks-$10,000-severance-package-for-convicted-child-molester. And regarding Academic Bias, it seems
Scientific Studies of Conservatives Can't Be Replicated [Concerned by the unreliability of scientific
research in the field of psychology, an international group (the Many Labs Replication Project) fact-
checked major research; of the thirteen studies it reviewed, only two were proven completely
unreliable, and both had to do with conservative political behavior.] Anyone who knows of any
organization that would want to endorse the Mandatory Holocaust Education Bill [amended] is invited
to call ASAP, inasmuch as the state-legislature reconvenes in early-March, for votes are imminent.


State financing authority operations shrouded in secrecy - Lawyers for the Department of Community
and Economic Development blacked out the vast majority of communications between Commonwealth
Financing Authority board members and lawmakers or Corbett administration officials obtained through
a Right-to-Know request, contained in 167 pages of documents. It seems this is a potential-scandal.

3-D printing could re-industrialize PA When JINDAL confronted OBAMA with the need to USE HIS PEN
AND PHONE TO LASER FOCUS ON CREATING JOBS, he may have been thinking of this type of effort.
Thus, anyone who knows more about this type of venture should please supply relevant information,
and it will be forwarded to Guzzardi so that he can then research how free-markets can help PA.

PA's gas among most expensive in US - A tax increase for road and bridge repairs helped to make
Pennsylvania the sixth most expensive place to buy gas in the United States, according to AAA; only
motorists in New York, Connecticut, California, Alaska and Hawaii pay more. Whereas regular gas here
costs $3.52 per gallon, the average price of gas in the Commonwealth is about 20 cents higher than the
national average. A year ago, it was 13 cents higher; as per what analysts predicted should the state
remove a cap on the wholesale tax on gas [as it did Jan. 1], this 7 cents per gallon swing is due to the
Transportation bill which, if rescinded, would decrease the cost of a gallon of gasoline [and the hidden
price-hikes associated therewith, due to increased energy-costs inflating the cost of other goods].

After noting a spate of national-articles [Crews capped leaking well at Greene County site that exploded;
Drillers, business leaders count on gas boom to revive PA manufacturing; Fee hike will add gas well
inspectors in field; Sen. Yaw noted benefits of gas industry; Oil and Gas Boom Boosts North Dakota to
Happiest State; Jim Messina Paid $50K for Speeches to Big Oil While OFA Battles 'Climate Change'; and
Film Fest Canceled Pro-Fracking Documentary that debunked environmental & economic concerns],
there does not seem to be any need to implement new taxation or monitoring of Marcellus Shale.

Unions Are Using $300 Million to Eliminate Five GOP Governors, including Tom Corbett; though not as
high-profile as Wisconsins Walker, Corbett has been nibbling at union power by trying to privatize the
state-controlled (and unionized) liquor stores [even as many predict there will be no change in Pa.'s
liquor system]. In addition, with an effort underway to curb unions ability to deduct union dues for
politics from public-sector employees, both public and private-sector unions are in an uproar; other
union-related news [New leader was chosen for embattled Ironworkers Local; Ironworkers Local 401 is
comprised of Proud thugs; and Labor unions are upset with Obama's plan for 1 percent federal worker
pay hike] does not affect the desire to enact laws that prevent government from collecting union-dues.

PA unemployment system upgrade left hanging - State leaders are trying to decide the next step in a
project to modernize Pennsylvania's unemployment computer system more than six months since they
canceled a contract that was $60 million over budget and 42 months behind schedule; although
CORBETT claims PA SAVED $300M by PREVENTING WELFARE FRAUD, it would seem that investigating
the interaction of these related entities could maximize efficiency and enhance cost-savings.

Primarily, the race for governor has just changed, noting that Paternos L.G. bid is sure to revive
Sandusky scandal *as Ive been blogging primarily on PoliticsPA for a year-plus] and that the Dems are
waging a spirited primary *e.g., McGinty airing bio-style TV spots]; Libertarian Krawchuk, to get onto
the ballot as a third-party candidate, must gather 16,639 valid signatures of Pennsylvania residents and
he should be prepared for a challenge if his troops attempt to cut-corners in any meaningful way.


The state has been spending more than it collects in revenue for six straight years, and Corbett's
proposed budget would make that a seventh year; Nathan Benefield @ the Commonwealth Foundation
noted that Rendell Left Pennsylvania a Big Deficit and that this deficit-spending was made possible
through temporary federal stimulus funds, one-time transfers from other funds (like the Rainy Day Fund
and the MCare Fund), and spending-down the remaining fund balance. Note these converging lines
[although the need to resolve the Pension-Bomb precludes experiencing meaningful surcease]:

Former Gov. Ed Rendell challenged Corbett on the issue of the deficit he left the current
administration; Corbetts campaign ads state he closed a $4.2 billion budget deficit, but
Rendell claims he left Corbett a $1 billion surplus. Rendells claim is inaccurate, because
he used the word "surplus" incorrectly when he noted there was a fund balance just
over $1 billion in June 2011 (there was money remaining in the state's bank accounts).
But spending exceeded General Fund revenue in each of Rendell's last 3 budgets; this is
a "deficit" (by any accounting standard or just the dictionary), for no household or
business could claim to be running a surplus simply because money was in its checking
account at a certain point in time.

Corbetts claim that the deficit was "$4.2 billion deficit" when Corbett took office comes
from Corbetts first budget proposal; it is based on the fact that the 2010-11 budget
included $2.65 billion in federal stimulus funding, $750 million in one-time revenue,
and $665 million in one-time revenue reductions (see page 4 of the slide
presentation). This overstates the amount of cuts Corbett had to make to balance the
budget, for the state wasn't spending every last dime in 2010-11 (though some
lawmakers wanted to), giving some leeway. Revenue also increased in 2011-12, and
both Rendell and Corbett made some freezes to 2010-11 spending. By the end of fiscal
year 2010-11, the state had spent about $1.8 billion more than it collected in revenue.

The next Governor must show how he/she will implement a truly-balanced budget, absent gimmicks.


Guns 2

Someday, the lengthy compilation of hyperlinks will be provided; in the interim, note that the crime that
prompts people to want to arm themselves extends to Philly [Shooting leaves Temple students shaken
and Man attacked with hammer outside West Philadelphia deli], that some feel the knockout-game is
fueled-by-holder-effect *'Knock That White Boy Out!': Arrests Made After Mob Of Teens Attack
Disabled Vet+ noting, for example, that George Zimmerman feels hes a Scapegoat for Obama/Holder

RIGHTS CASES confirm that, by not taking up these cases, SCOTUS decisions to date
suggest that the Second Amendment applies to the home setting for self-defense.

Gun threat at State Rep's office results in arrest. Delbert F. Hoy told the Republican
legislator's 25-year-old female assistant that "if someone didn't correct his public
welfare, he was going to shoot someone," police said.

You dont bring a squirt gun to a fight where the other guys have AK-47s."
Freedom 101: NRA, GOA, and C2AA Support Push for Ukrainian 2nd Amendment

Georgia House Passes Bill to Allow Guns in Schools, Churches, Certain Gov. Buildings

Detroit Homeowners Use Guns to Show 'They Aren't Going to Take It Anymore'

Single Mom, Fired for Carrying Gun for Safety, Sues Employer Wells Fargo

San Diego County Sheriff Still Requiring 'Good Cause' for Concealed Carry Applicants -
Although the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled against the "good cause"
requirement for concealed carry applicants on February 13, San Diego County Sheriff Bill
Gore continues to require it for those applying through his departmental offices.

Texas Voter Turned Away Over Pro-2
Amendment Shirt

Harry Reid: Those Trying To Stop Gun Control Should Be 'Embarrassed' And 'Ashamed Of

CT Gov: Reportedly Low Number Of State's Gun Registrations Are 'Made Up'
Connecticut sends out the first confiscation letters - NY Firearms

A friend cites this EXERPT FROM GUNS AND AMMO and critiques it thereafter:

The storage of firearms within the home has always been a bit of a conundrum. If you
keep the gun loaded and easily accessible, you may be prepared for a break-in, but you

may also be setting yourself up for a tragedy. The last thing any responsible gun owner
wants is for a child or irresponsible adult to find a loaded firearm.

At the other end of the spectrum, you have the homeowner who purchases a gun for
home defense, yet leaves the gun unloaded and secured in a safe. While storing a
firearm in this manner is almost certain to keep it out of the wrong hands, it makes it
pretty tough to have in your own hand when you need it.
One of the best ways Ive found to store a home defense handgun is to use a biometric
safe. A biometric safe is programmed to open nearly instantaneously when it detects an
authorized users fingerprint.


Even this pro-gun publication acknowledges the dilemma of the having guns in the
home, in an almost identical fashion to how I have articulated one of my concerns. So,
at a very minimum, let the gun lobby and your fellow constitutional conservatives
proactively come out in favor of a requirement for the purchase of a biometric safe to
coincide with the purchase of a gun. Subsequent purchases should require
demonstration of ownership of such a safe. Folks who read Guns and Ammo shouldnt
oppose something they think leads to safe use (I would say potentially more
responsible use). One Must start somewhere. And it does not violate or infringe the
right to own a firearm. But, maybe, such a requirement will make people think about
the inherent dangers of owning a gun.

Unless the US and PA Constitutions are amended, the right to bear arms should be honored.



This most transparent Administration in History has been its most secretive, noting recent examples
[White House Opposes 'Costly' Obamacare Transparency Bill; nyt-criticized-obama-on-transparency; and
Obama Wants Washington to Be as 'Ruthlessly Efficient' as Kevin Spacey in 'House of Cards,' an effort
being countered as the House Holds Stop Government Abuse Week.

Indeed, recalling his deceit regarding BenghaziGate note that Susan Rice said she had
'No Regrets' About Appearing on NBC [and lying]; note how the question she was asked,
itself, was softened, to wit:

What kind of a question is "do you have any regrets?" A cop-out--that's
what. And it's the question put by NBC's David Gregory to National
Security Advisor Susan Rice on Meet the Press on Sunday, rather than
"you weren't telling us the truth, were you?" Rice told Gregory she was
acting on the "the best information that we had at the time." But we
know that is a lie, because the military knew immediately that Benghazi
was a terrorist attack.

And note how BHO sets-the-tone for other Dems [manifest, for example, when a House
Democrat Dodged a Benghazi Question at Forum 'About the Middle East'].

Meanwhile, Krauthammer Rejects Obama Claim That Cabinet Members Have Been Held Accountable
and Brit Hume feels Obama's Chickens Are Coming Home to Roost. Just to illustrate how out-of-touch
those @ NBC/MSNBC are, NBC's David Gregory claims Obama is benign ['He Doesn't Have That
Toughness About Him'].

BHO remains dangerous and one hopes he wont cause too much permanent damage by 1/21/2017.



Any time someone mutters exhaustively could it get worse? it does [recognizing, again, that these
are only the hyperlinks that have arrived during the past 24-hoursand that a backlog exists+:

Krauthammer: ObamaCare Pitfalls Revealing 'a Vast Deception' by President
Krauthammer on ObamaCare Spin: Zeke Emanuel Looks Like 'an Ass,' Jay Carney 'Not
Paid Enough'
Cheney: Obama's 'You Can Keep Your Doctor' Promise Was A Deliberate Lie
Dana Milbank: Obama Has Reached Low Point with 'Lie of the Year'
Obama's Claim About Medicaid Enrollments Under Obamacare Gets 'Four Pinocchios' -
President Obamas remark that Weve got close to seven million Americans who have
access to health care for the first time because of Medicaid expansion achieved the
dubious assessment of Four Pinocchios from "The Fact Checker" (a.k.a. "The Truth
Behind the Rhetoric" by Glenn Kessler of The Washington Post).
ObamaCare Architect Zeke Emanuel: If You Like Your Doctor, You Can Pay More
Brit Hume: Ezekiel Emanuel a Victim of Being a 'True Believer' in ObamaCare
Obamacare Skyrockets Cancer Patient's Meds to $14,000 for 8-Week Supply

Democrats Declare War Against Obamacare Cancer Patients
Cancer patient turned away

Obama Asks Bartenders To Sell Obamacare
ABC's Jon Karl Questions Jay Carney: 'Is Anybody Going to Buy Health Care Because B-
Rock O'Breezy Tells Them To?'
Obama Discusses Basketball, Promotes ObamaCare in Interview with Former NBA Great
Charles Barkley
Michelle Obama: Young People 'Owe It to Their Mothers' to Sign Up for ObamaCare

Whole Foods CEO: ObamaCare 'Escape Clause' Going to Create Permanent American
Part-Time Workforce

#DemWarOnWomen : Vulnerable Dem In MI Using Lawfare To Silence Cancer Stricken
ObamaCare Critic

WaPo's Marc Thiessen Details GAI Report On Lack of Meetings Between Obama and
Rep. Gowdy on Charges Sebelius Attempted to Obstruct a Congressional Subpoena
Obama Emphasizes Importance Of Competent Computer Programmers in Midst of Woes
Cloud Computing Costs for More than Quintuple Original Estimates

Debbie Wasserman Schultz: Americans Will Vote For Dems Because We Are Giving Them
Health Insurance
Dems Cannibalize Each Other over Obamacare
Carney Attacks GOP For 'Sabotaging' ObamaCare

John Dingell, Longest-Serving Congressman, to Retire - Says serving in House
John Dingell has played a central role in more issues than most lawmakers ever get to

Dr. Ben Carson: The American People Are Not 'Simplistic' Enough to Fall For Obamacare
PR Push
Chris Wallace Challenges Dem Rep on the President's ObamaCare Changes
Carville: ObamaCare is 'Starting to Work Better'
'It Serves Them Right': George Will Slams Insurance Companies for Cozying Up With Big
Steyn: Obamacare Has Just Increased Fearfulness and Uncertainty in the System
Toomey Attacks ObamaCare in GOP Weekly Address
What's Going On Inside Britain's National Health Service?

Report: Obama Administration Intentionally Delayed Regulations Until After 2012
Hume: Administration's Intentional Delay of ObamaCare Regulations 'Corruption'

Man says personal info stolen after using website

REPORT: 4 in 10 Gov't Security Breaches Go Undetected...Nearly every agency hacked
Documents Raise New Questions About Obama, Sebelius

ObamaCare Transparency Bill Set for Friday Vote

Sen. Mark Udall (D, Colorado) tried to strong-arm CO Division of Insurance into revising
#obamacare cancellation numbers.

Walmart Health Plan More Affordable, Superior to Obamacare



Oregons Obamacare Online Enrollment System Still Doesnt Work, More Than 3 Months
After It Was Supposed To have Launched



Obamacare Official: No Idea How Many Have Paid for Health Plans

Volunteer fire departments are off the hook when it comes to providing health
insurance via Obamacare to firefighters.

Nope. - " is not secure today," David Kennedy, head of computer security
consulting firm TrustedSec LLC, said at a Thursday hearing of the House Science, Space
and Technology Committee.

the glitches are almost funny -- as long as they're not happening to you.

Judge rejects ObamaCare subsidies challenge


65-85% Of ObamaCare Enrollees Already Had Insurance

WaPo Fact Checker Gives Obamacare Enrollment Numbers Three Pinocchios

Regarding that chief contractor, CGI:
North Carolina has stopped development of a multimillion-dollar tax
collection computer system, and Department of Revenue officials say
they will start over and re-bid the entire project.
The information technology system, which had been in the works for
five years, is the latest to come up short of the state's expectations,
although it's unclear exactly what caused the department to pull the

plug. The system was being built by the same company responsible for
the defect-riddled rollout of the federal website associated with the
Affordable Care Act.
"After considerable review of the project status and direction, (the
Department of Revenue) decided that a new direction for replacing our
tax processing system was needed," said Trevor Johnson, a spokesman
for the department.
The state and its vendor, CGI, agreed to part ways on Friday, but a formal
termination agreement had not been signed as of Wednesday afternoon,
Johnson said.
And now we know that the federal government finally lost all faith in CGI's abilities:
The new document indicates that officials at CMS the agency
overseeing the rollout lost faith that CGI could
complete critical behind-the-scenes construction of the Obamacare
website by mid-March, a critical deadline to ensure the stability of the
health law and the insurance market.
Without a working "Financial Management Platform the entire health
care reform program is jeopardized," CMS officials explained in the
document. Coverage, payment and record-keeping were all affected.
"If this functionality is not complete by mid-March 2014, the
government could make erroneous payments to providers and
insurers," according to the document. It went on to note, "Inaccurate
issuance of payments could seriously put them at financial risk;
potentially leading to their default and disrupting continued services
and coverage to consumers."
The new system's raw deal is increasingly clear:
Greeted by higher premiums, less generous coverage and more
paperwork, small businesses that offer health coverage to employees
are choosing to renew existing plans rather than buy them through
President Barack Obama's program. Complicating matters is the
government's failure to complete the online exchange for small
businesses; in 36 states, there will be no website offering ready
information on the plans until November.

Every day, Congress should be tweaking repeal-legislation for earliest-possible passage.



Lamentably, whats clear is that MSNBC/CNN are intransigent, not even gesturing towards balance.

Coulter Ripped MSNBCs Conservatives and Praised Foxs Not Stupid Liberals: Its a
Real Fight on Fox
cable-wars-became a massacre, as fox-dominated while cnn-suffered a huge-decline
FOXNEWS Drew More Viewers Than CNN/MSNBC [Combined]
CNN's Entire Lineup Fell Below CNBC 'SHARK TANK' Repeats
Roger Ailes: 'Fox Has Won the Cable News Wars'

NYT recognized that an Anti-Ailes book 'may set record for blind items...
War on Ailes: Random House Prints Slanderous Attack After Two Major CEOs Deny
Condemnation of Gabriel Shermans Roger Ailes Biography Mounts - The latest Roger
Ailes biography, The Loudest Voice in the Room: How the Brilliant, Bombastic Roger
Ailes Built Fox Newsand Divided a Country, has been savaged by critics in numerous
prestigious outlets.

krauthammer-responds-obamas-comment-about-fox-news and limbaugh
obama said fox-news-is-responsible-for-his-failures

Fox News anchor Greta Van Susteren charges that the Obama administration tried to
press her to shut down a colleagues reporting on the jihadist attack in Benghazi, Libya,
that cost the lives of a U.S. ambassador and three other Americans. Van Susteren
asserted recently on her blog that the administration made an extensive effort to
conceal what happened in Benghazi. She cited U.S. officials refusal to include the Fox
News Channel in several Benghazi briefings along with a warning that her colleagues
career would be ruined if she persisted in her reporting on the attack.



Judge Napolitano: How to get fired from Fox in under 5 mins he claimed [2/20/2012 ]
there is minimal difference between the two parties, perpetuating their respective
[reciprocal] victories and power.
Ripping Fox News: 5 Global Warming Facts Jon Stewart Covered Up

Defiant MSNBC: 'No Changes to Our Editorial Process'
History of Hate: Five Years of Falsehoods at NBC News
MSNBC Hosts Ignore Over 10,000 Petitions Delivered By Disgruntled NBC Employees

MSNBC: Separate Actor and Actress Categories Sexist

Matthews on his Obama Interview: 'He Came Amongst Us'
Howard Kurtz Hits Chris Matthews Over 'Wiffle Ball' 'Lovefest' Obama Interview
Chris Matthews Argues Republicans, Mitch McConnell are Worse than Apartheid
Chris Matthews Compares Tea Party to Palestinians Refusing To Negotiate with Israel

Ronan Farrow Debuts New Show in True MSNBC Fashion - Ronan Farrow, best known as the
estranged son of Woody Allen, debuted his new show Ronan Farrow Daily on MSNBC Monday
by praising news heroes he watched growing up, including Edward R. Murrow and Walter
Cronkite. Walter Cronkite left the CBS Evening News in 1981. Edward R. Morrow hosted See It
Now from 1951 to 1958 and Person to Person from 1953 to 1959. He died in 1965. Farrow was
not born until 1987.

Al Sharpton: Pushing ObamaCare on Your Relatives at Christmas Is a 'Reason for the Season'
MSNBC Supports Mandatory Drug Testing for Welfare Recipients, according to MSNBC's Rachel
Maddow's journalistic *ahem* standards.
msnbcs rachel-maddow says ron-johnsons daughters doctor supports ObamaCare
Maddow Controls MSNBC
Maddow is the queen of MSNBC, who wields more control than anyone else over the
networks often-crazed content.
Christie Controls $100M in Org's Campaign Cash
Christie and MSNBC Host Mika Spoke on Phone After Presser
Pew Poll: Christie's Unfavorability Doubled in Past Year
Judge Napolitano: 'Inconceivable' Christie Did Not Know About Bridge Closures
We Told You So: McDonnell, Christie Dumped Tea Party Long Ago

MSNBC's Harris-Perry Follows Media Tradition of Targeting Civilians
Melissa Harris-Perry Show Panel Explodes Over 2010 Tea Party Racism Charge
MSNBC Host Cries During On-Air Apology to Romney Family...

msnbc-host-proves-mind-is-terrible thing to waste Melissa Harris-Perry equated ObamaCare
with N-word.
romney-responds-to-msnbc-attack: people-make-mistakes
MSNBC's Harris-Perry 'Born Into Large White Mormon Family'
harris-perry-apology claimed intent-to-celebrate-romney-grandson
After Harris-Perry Apology, MSNBC Back to Calling Tea Party Racist

MSNBC's Hayes: I Wasn't Arrested for Pot 'Because I'm White'
MSNBC's Chris Hayes Accuses Drudge of 'Snow Trolling' over Global Warming

MSNBC Associates Duck Dynasty Gun Line with Mass Shootings
MSNBC: How Do We Combat 'Duck Dynasty' Clan From Doing What's Legal?... like releasing their
own line of firearms.

Katrina vanden Heuvel: Racism is the Core of Tea Party Right-wing Populism

The Nuclear Option: The Racist Media Gangs Up on Romney's Grandson

MSNBC's Sharpton mentions 'race,' 'racist' 215 times on TV in '13
In Front of Sharpton, MSNBC's Wolffe Says 'There Are People Who Enjoy the Politics of Race,'
'Helps Their Ratings'

MSNBCs Lawrence ODonnell Airs His Own Anti-Christie Ad [Video]

MSNBCs Andrea Mitchell interrupts Congresswoman for report on Justin Bieber
MSNBC Chief Defends Anchor Apologies

Soon-to-Be-Canceled Piers Morgan Warns NRA: 'I'm Not Done With You Yet'

CNN Media Critic: No Equal Time for Global Warming Skeptics

1. Turning CNN Hard to the Left
On this very day, if you watched CNN you witnessed a network in stunning ethical decline. Any
remaining brand-leverage CNN enjoyed as a serious and unbiased news network has been
intentionally chucked out the window by Jeff Zucker. The new CNN chief has inexplicably asked
his on-air personalities to offer "attitude" and the result has been nothing more than a dumber
version of left-wing MSNBC.
Just this morning, those who doubt the ever-faltering theory of Global Warming were mocked
by CNN anchor Carol Costello as "climate deniers." Costello then joined CNN's morning show
"New Day" in branding as de facto anti-gay proposed laws designed to protect religious liberty.
If that is not troubling enough, on Sunday, CNN's media reporter suggested the media silence
Climate Change doubters completely.

Using these tactics along with racially-charged local crimes and double standards that celebrate
Bill Maher while using Ted Nugent as a club against the GOP, over the last year CNN has
devolved into an ethically corrupt enterprise dedicated to racial division, anti-Christian bigotry,
left-wing identity politics, and the promotion of Democrat candidates and their causes.
2. Dumbing Down CNN
3. Not 'Fixing' Piers Morgan
4. Firing Soledad O'Brien
5. Zucker Doesnt Appear to Care About Ratings

CNN is Flailing Network because its Smug and Leftist
Beltway Media, Sneering at Trump, Are a Parody of Themselves
Nothing says "bubble" quite like Coppins telling fellow journalists about how the media give
Trump too much attention, after spending 36 hours with Trump on the "fake campaign trail," in
the course of a panel discussion that is entirely about Trump. "I'm part of the problem," Coppins
confesses. He doesn't mean it, of course: he's on a TV show, still talking about Trump. He just
wants to applaud his own exquisite moral self-awareness.
The Worst of Piers Morgan

CNN: Phil Robertson Said 'Controversial' Things about Blacks, Too
CNN New Year's Eve with Kathy Griffin Bombs
CNN Fabricated New Phil Robertson Controversy
ZUCKED: CNN Slides to 20-Year-Low in Primetime
New Year's Eve Viewership Down 40%
2013 Ratings: CNN Hits 20-Year Low, Fox News Dominates
CNN's [and NY-Times Reporter] Brian Stelter claims Media "overreacted" to Boston Marathon
jihad bombings
CNN Shakes Up Daytime Schedule
Ratings: CNN's Morning Show Hits New Low
CNN lays off more than 40 journalists
Demo Spiral

CNN Pundit: 'A Speech By Barack Obama Is a Lot Like Sex'

There is no need to watch the other cable-networks other than to be entertained [and saddened].



Although this issue is quiescent, it can suddenly emerge, now that Boehner has behaviorally supplanted
the Hastert Rule with overt antagonism towards his conservative colleagues *chucking unity+.
Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers: Amnesty Legislation 'Still a Possibility'
Obama Immigration Rules Favor Muslims over Christians
After DHS Denial, Local Reporter Finds Evidence Muslim Terrorists Crossed the Border
Nancy Pelosi: Unless They Commit Crime, Deportation of Illegals 'Totally Unjustified'
Perpetual Amnesty: Minors Illegally Crossing TX Border on Rise
Obama: Immigration Reform Will Pass Before I Leave Office
GOP Reps Grill Boehner On Amnesty
Amnesty Is Only Wounded
With Anger Building, Boehner Puts the Brakes on Amnesty
Boehner Delays Immigration Push
Jeff Sessions: GOP Must Stop Amnesty Because It Harms U.S. Workers, Not Because
Obama 'Lawless'
Kelly Ayotte: We Can't Trust Obama, But Let's Do Amnesty Anyway
Obama Will Use Executive Action to Push Immigration, Wage Hike
Backlash floods website
GOP Rep Won't Rule-Out New Legislation
'Homeland' Secretary says already preparing to implement reform
Colin Powell: 'Elements' in GOP 'Demonize' Minorities
Speakership coup brewing
Fate of amnesty may rest with handful of members
ICE Officers Plead With GOP to Stand Up to Administration
16 House Republicans to Obama: Amnesty 'Final Economic Blow' for American Workers
Jim Cramer: Amnesty Advocates Don't Care About American Workers
Goodlatte pushes immigration plan
Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY), once part of the "Gang of Eight" in the Senate that wrote
the immigration bill that the Congressional Budget Office determined would lower the
wages of American workers, believes that conservatives are opposed to amnesty
because they don't want America to become "less white."

Im not convinced The-Tea-Party-Cornered-Boehner-On-Immigration, noting a buried-
sentence ,it would be deeply nave to believe the push for amnesty is dead-.
Chamber of Commerce: Conservatives the 'Problem' in Amnesty Battle
Backdoor Amnesty: Deportation Cases Closed by 'Prosecutorial Discretion' Up Almost
Homeland Security Chief Jeh Johnson: Illegals Have Earned the Right to be Citizens
Republicans ready to roll dice on amnesty
Sessions: 'Extraordinary act of self-sabotage'
GOP Open Borders Train Revs Up its Engine - For those of you who thought that our
previous warnings about an amnesty push in the near-term were overblown, todays
developments should serve as a wakeup call. In what was clearly a coordinated effort
by the establishment, Speaker Boehner and Majority Leader Cantor issued a call for
passing immigration legislation this year during their weekly conference meeting at the
same time Chamber of Commerce President Tom Donohue made an emphatic pitch for
IMMIGRATION BACK ON GOP AGENDA - Jake Sherman and Anna Palmer report for the
hometown paper: "The same House Republicans who punted on immigration last year
are now privately crafting an intricate plan to try to pass it in 2014. Most people close to
the planning expect votes on four bills by the end of the summer, including one that
would give undocumented workers legal status. And though none of the bills is likely to
offer a path to full citizenship, the fact Republicans are preparing to take on immigration
at all is a sign the party is coming to grips with a political reality: if they want to win
elections in the long run, they'll have to face the issue.
-- "Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), speaking to local chambers of commerce in San Antonio,
peeled back the curtain on the plans, saying Republicans must help illegal immigrants
'come out of the shadows and reintegrate into society.' That would include requiring
immigrants learn English, civics, pay taxes and pay a fine - a process that is sure to be
decried by opponents as amnesty. The other three Republican bills would cover
legalizing children brought to the country illegally, the tracking of foreign nationals and
visas for low-skilled workers. The House has already passed high-skilled worker and
border security bills."

It is necessary to vet thoselike Mike Fitzpatrickwho are squishyduring the primary-process.



Mike Fitzpatrick may recall that I argued vigorously against enactment of the Sequester in August, 2011;
arguments favoring it were predicated on the predictable desire by Republicans to maintain funding for
the Armed Forces, but I knew thatultimatelythe GOP wouldnt be able to affect BHOs pacifism.
Thus, noting that Hagel [in 2005] wanted Defense Cuts, it was only a matter of time until HAGEL WOULD
observing that BHO would 'Rather Spend the Money on Food Stamps,' Cheney Slammed Obama's 'Over
but Obama is even telling GOP Governors that they should cut their National Guards *You Asked For
Cuts - Now You're Getting Them+. Thus ends worldwide American Military Dominance, as Irans rises.

United States Army to its smallest force since before the World War II buildup and
eliminate an entire class of Air Force attack jets in a new spending proposal described as
the first Pentagon budget to aggressively push the military off the war footing adopted
after the terror attacks of 2001. The proposal takes into account the fiscal reality of
government austerity and the political reality of a president who pledged to end two
costly and exhausting land wars. A result, the officials argue, will be a military capable of
defeating any adversary, but too small for protracted foreign occupations.



Sent: Wednesday, February 26, 2014 4:35 AM
Subject: Action-Items - LV [Politics]
[Part II] Because it was necessary to split this blast into two roughly-equal lengths.

To re-cap Part I, state-level issues have been distilled, the importance of the 2
Amendment has been
reaffirmed, BHOs threat to America has been reinforced, ObamaCares faults have been shown to have
grown exponentially, the dependence upon Fox News has been re-explained, the angst that Boehner
will push for amnesty has been recalled, and the degradation of the American military has been grieved.
Extensive-hyperlinking confirmed assertions, but hope that this too will pass was difficult to maintain
in the face of a daily onslaught on multiple levels; that every decision appeared wrong-headed
[including, now, even charging admission to the Holocaust Museum] provoked yearning for 1/20/2017.
Thus, thoughts are completed, first, by lionizing Cruz, and then by mopping-up additional policy-areas;
indeed, it remains increasingly difficult to conjure any other emerging leader who could counter BHO.
{Regarding the PA-Dems competing in the gubernatorial primary, it is noted that the Harper Poll shows
Wolf at 40% and Schwartz at 14% [Support Dr. Milton Wolf and Milton Wolf Explains: 'We Use Humor To
Try To Deal With Difficult Things'] and it is noted that they eye closing the 'Delaware taxation Loophole';
except to the degree to which such a focus portends enhanced spending by them all, neither of these
observations impacts the prior recitation of profound concerns with Corbetts debt-laden record.}

Famous Presidential Lies

We were attacked (in the Gulf of Tonkin)
I am not a crook
GHW Bush:
Read my lips - No New Taxes
I did not have sex with that woman... Miss Lewinski
GW Bush:
Iraq has weapons of mass destruction

I will have the most transparent administration in history.
The stimulus will fund shovel-ready jobs.
I am focused like a laser on creating jobs.
The IRS is not targeting anyone.
It was a spontaneous riot about a movie.
If I had a son.
I will put an end to the type of politics that "breeds division, conflict and cynicism".
You didn't build that!
I will restore trust in Government.
The Cambridge cops acted stupidly.
The public will have 5 days to look at every bill that lands on my desk
It's not my red line - it is the world's red line.
Whistle blowers will be protected in my administration.
We got back every dime we used to rescue the banks and auto companies, with interest.
I am not spying on American citizens.
Obama Care will be good for America.
You can keep your family doctor.
Premiums will be lowered by $2500.
If you like it, you can keep your current healthcare plan.
It's just like shopping at Amazon.
I knew nothing about "Fast and Furious" gunrunning to Mexican drug cartels.
I knew nothing about IRS targeting conservative groups.
I knew nothing about what happened in Benghazi.
I have never known my uncle from Kenya who is in the country illegally and that was arrested
and told to leave the country over 20 years ago.
{On 5/12/2013, he admitted having lived with that uncle [whom he DID know].}


Increasingly, Rush is isolating him as his favorite although, usually, he invokes him to make a point;
nevertheless, as the abundance of hyperlinks accrued here will illustrate, he has filled a vacuum. Thus,
as was noted yesterday, he remains the individual most-feared by the Demsas illustrated by the
frequency his name is trashed; Carville recognized this yesterday-p.m. on Hannity. Therefore, after
providing a few more hyperlinks, the kill with kindness essay by Sowell is provided in its entirety;
parsing it will yield the conclusion that the only critique that can be mustered is that he didnt keep his
powder dry. Yet, knowing whats known now about ObamaCare and the Massive-Debt, he has been a
true-leader in attempting to forestall this twin-disaster; that he hasin the processexposed hypocrisy
in the GOP-leadership, so much the betteras a prelude for the run-up to the 16 POTUS-cycle!
Frontpage's 2013 Man of the Year: Ted Cruz
Dem Rep: I Talked To Cruz And Have 'No Doubt' He is Running in 2016
Cruz Opens Up On Senate GOP Strong-Arming During Debt Ceiling Debate
Wasserman Schultz Welcomes Ted Cruz To Florida With A Big "Extremist" Hug
Ted Cruz Questions Senate Democrats Lack of Willingness to Go Against Harry Reid
Senator Ted Cruz said the President should not be able to make any treaty and
Congress should not be able to implement any treaty in a way that displaces the
sovereignty reserved to the states or to the people.
Cruz closes high-profile year by standing tall for efforts to gut ObamaCare
Ted Cruz Unapologetic About His 'Whirlwind' First Year
ted-cruz-tweeted slam of obamacare
Cruz Hopes to 'Soon' Renounce Canadian Citizenship
Cruz: All of America Needs to be a Real "Promise Zone"
Sen. Cruz: U.S. Must Cease Negotiations with Iran Until Concessions are Made
Sen. Ted Cruz Questions Eric Holder on the Investigation into IRS Targeting of
Cruz: unchecked power in the presidency because it is fundamentally a threat to liberty.
Ted Cruz Hires Conservative Hill Staffer House GOP Leadership Pushed Out


Senator Nancy Detert (R-FL): Ted Cruz does not reflect true Republican leanings
Ted Cruz Calls for Special Prosecutor in Obama Admin Scandals
A highly subversive trend seems to be developing from posts on the Drudge Report.
Yesterdays CBS interview on Face the Nation was edited by CBS to OMIT Sen. Cruz's
comments critical towards Obama, and on the same source, MSNBC edited out the
Woman-Praising comments from Huckabee's "Uncle Sugar" remarks a few days ago.
This pattern of omission and distortion seems to be a dangerous and previously
"unheard of" coordinated effort to propagandize the mainstream news against the
conservatives in our country, not at all unlike the effort made by Nazi Germany in the
1930's to demonize Jews and others by supplying mis- and disinformation to the public.
Cruz comments on D'Souza edited out of 'FACE THE NATION' Broadcast

Sen. Ted Cruz Q&A in Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing on Government Surveillance
Programs - I'm concerned that the focus of government surveillance programs has been
far too much on law-abiding citizens and far too little on people for whom we have
significant reason to believe there may be a real danger of terrorism.

Five Questions: The President should hold his Administration accountable to the

On Mondays broadcast of Hannity, conservative columnist and Hoover Institute fellow Thomas Sowell
reiterated his criticism of Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) from a column earlier this month suggesting the junior
Texas senator should do a better job of picking his battles; this attempt to kill with faint praise seemed
so transparently irrelevantin the face of BHOs anticsthat Cruz emerged stronger than ever before
[Sowell: If George Washington Followed Ted Cruz's Polices 'There Would Not Be a United States']. Thus,
the reader is invited to try to interpret these data differently and, if this can be done, to convey the
paradigm that was used to supplant simply concluding Cruz incessantly articulates conservative values.
Again, it should be recalled that BHO prompted the partial governmental shut-down, ended only after
Boehner capitulated; no one seems to recall the capacity for unspent ObamaCare-$$$ to have been the
source of short-term funds to cover the illusion that America was threatening to default on its loans.
Sowell, Cruz, and the happy minority
Thomas Sowell wrote a two-part column last week taking Senator Ted Cruz to task for
advancing his own interests at the cost of the conservative movement and Republican
Party. (Part I here, Part II here.) It's mostly about the political damage suffered by
Republicans during Shutdown Theater, a sequence of events for which Cruz is often
criticized (as Dr. Sowell does here) because he had no plausible winning end-game.
There was no chance ObamaCare would be defunded, not while Barack Obama held the
veto pen, plus a limitless ability to make the American people suffer without being held
accountable by anyone in the media.
In Part II of his column, Sowell criticizes Cruz for obliging Republicans to come out in the
open and vote for raising the debt ceiling. He has words of praise for Cruz and criticism
of the Republican establishment as well - if Cruz is a problem for the Establishment, he's
a problem they have created by leaving a leadership vacuum for him to fill. Here's an
excerpt that serves well to express Sowell's thesis:

Senator Cruzs filibuster last year got the Republicans blamed for shutting down the
government and his threatened filibuster this year forced several Republican
Senators to jeopardize their own reelection prospects by voting to impose cloture, to
prevent Cruz from repeating his self-serving grandstand play of last year. The
Republicans need every vote they can get in the Senate plus additional votes by
defeating some Democrats who are running for the Senate this fall. It can be a very
close call. Jeopardizing the reelection of current Republican Senators is an act of utter
irresponsibility, a high risk with zero benefits to anyone except Ted Cruz and the
However unjustified Senator Cruzs actions, the very fact that a freshman Senator can so
quickly gain so many supporters, with somuch enthusiasm, ought to be a loud warning
to the Republican establishment that they have long been a huge disappointment to a
wide range of Republican voters and supporters.
After this passage in the second half of the essay, Sowell transitions to beating up the
GOP leadership for their lousy messaging skills - something Cruz could help them with, if
they'd follow his lead.
As a longtime fan of Thomas Sowell's work - it would not be too strong to speak of
reverence - and also a supporter of Senator Cruz, this is a bit of a painful conflict for me.
Sowell is making a strong form of the "win elections if you want the power to do
anything else" argument, which is a logical case, mixed in with a few jabs at what he
perceives as Cruz' self-interested grandstanding. Personally, I think the Establishment is
at least as self-interested in getting rid of him. There are plenty of Republicans in the
power structure who are rather happy being a well-tended permanent minority, just
important enough for the dominant Big Government culture to make deals with, to say
nothing of the GOP power brokers who are enthusiasts for that Big Government culture
and want their shot at running it. The whole point of the Tea Party movement is to call
rubbish on that cozy arrangement.
My problem with the reasonable case that boats should not be rocked until the
elections have been won is that I don't see any compelling evidence the current GOP
leadership is going to rock them after the election, no matter how big they win. Andy
McCarthy at National Review makes a devastating point about how Senate Republicans,
other than Cruz and his compadres, handle their minority role. Writing about that debt-
ceiling vote, McCarthy says:
When they were in the minority, cloture was how Democrats stopped conservative bills
and conservative nominees cold. For the Republican establishment, it became the
cudgel for beating down right-wing upstarts: Nothing can happen and no one can get
confirmed without 60 votes, you see, so we pragmatic grown-ups simply must bite the
bullet and accept moderately progressive policies and nominees these centrist
Democrats just wont budge.
Now in the majority with 55 seats (53 Dems plus two nominal independents who vote
with them), Democrats remain as disciplined as ever. Unlike Republicans, they stick
together to fight for the things (statism, power . . .) they believe in. Does anyone tell

them, Look, nothing can happen without 60 votes, so youve got to moderate? Are
you kidding?
Still the stubborn fact remains: Cloture is the only vehicle for stopping Democrats. They
cannot get to 60 without Republican help. They cannot enact Obamas agenda without
Republican support. So the truth is exactly the opposite of what GOP leaders and their
amen-corner would have you believe. The ballgame is the cloture vote: the only one in
which Republicans, by sticking together, have the power to shelve any bill including
any debt-ceiling hike that they truly oppose. Cloture is the substantive vote because
it determines whether the bill will pass. Once the 60-vote hurdle is cleared, it is the final
vote that becomes the mere procedural formality.
It might be said of Ted Cruz that he plays by Democrat rules, and runs into trouble
mostly because he's playing for the Republican team. Likewise, the case Sowell makes
for securing electoral victory first, in order to effect significant change, is good advice for
Democrats, but not so much for the GOP leadership as currently construed.
I've said often, since the rise of Ted Cruz, that Republicans often allow Democrats to win
congressional dust-ups without making them spend any political capital at all. Worse,
the Republicans like to force themselves to pay a higher price than needed, whenever
they come anywhere near making a stand. As McCarthy's description of cloture
illustrates, the two parties will play the same hand of political cards in entirely different
ways. Cruz and his allies seem determined to change those rules.
To be brutally frank, I don't see the point of electing Republicans to be the center-left
counterpart to hard-left Democrats. If there was ever a time to play such games, it has
long passed. I can't work up much enthusiasm for preserving Republicans as minor
speed bumps on the road to ruin, either. And I'm not convinced they're going to rack up
big victories by keeping mum and letting Democrats destroy themselves, even in the
very bad Democrat election that approaches. They've got to get out there and energize
both their base and the general public, style themselves as something more than The
Guys Who Only Reluctantly Go Along With ObamaCare, or worse, the tax collectors for
the welfare state. If they don't act like their signature issues are worth fighting for, why
should the public get behind them? And why is the base going to believe that next time
will truly be Next Time, after the leadership abandoned Cruz during the shutdown
drama and said the debt ceiling would be Next Time?
This is not an argument in favor of bad strategy or sloppy tactics, but every time I hear
Cruz, Mike Lee, et al. described as "kamikazes," I think of the entire country on a nose
dive into obliteration with white-knuckled Democrat hands on the stick and throttle.
How much time do we have left to pull up?
The Rs should nominate Cruz in 16.


POTUS 16 The Rest
While Christie appears more vulnerable due to his faulty stewardship of Jersey [rather than for the
BridgeGate scandal+, Walker continues to attract positives and to repel negativesand the others
continue to be tainted by fundamental deviation from conservatism [particularly on illegals/amnesty].

The economic condition of New Jersey has declined significantly during the tenure of
Governor Chris Christie, with the state reaching record levels of debt in 2013. Governor
Christie is set to propose an annual budget to the state tomorrow, one the Star-
Ledger suggests could sink the state deeper into fiscal trouble.
Chris Christie's Office Blasts MSNBC's 'Gleeful' Coverage of His Scandals
Paul Ripped Christie for Ad Campaign Featuring Himself
CNN: Christie Under Investigation for Misuse of Hurricane Sandy Funds
WSJ: Christie Inconsistent on When He Knew of Bridge Closing
Giuliani Trades Benghazi, IRS Scandal to Save Christie
Tea Party Adversary Karl Rove: Christie Gained 'Street Cred' with Movement After Traffic
National Republican Leaders React to Chris Christie Bridge Scandal
Tea Party Patriots claimed, Unlike Christie, Obama Hasn't Held Staff Accountable

"The unanswered 'Bridgegate' questions": "Did Christie talk to Andrew Cuomo? The Wall Street
Journal, ahead on the Bridgegate story throughout the scandal, reported in December that Christie
reached out to New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who co-controls the Port Authority, to ask him to turn
down the heat on the internal review of what happened. It was Cuomo's appointee, Port Authority
Executive Director Patrick Foye, who called out the Christie appointees about the lane closures in Fort
Lee in real time, the subpeonaed documents reveal. And according to the Journal piece at the time,
Christie asked Cuomo to have Foye back off, at a point when interest in the scandal was intensifying. A
Cuomo spokesman denied the call took place when the story came out, although the Journal stood
by its story. ...
"What will Bridget Kelly say? It seems only a matter of when, not if, Kelly is called to testify before the
New Jersey legislative committee probing the bridge mess. ... Will Kevin O'Dowd's nomination for
Attorney General proceed? ... Why didn't Christie order an internal review? ... Will Christie be
Texas Trip Highlights Rick Perry's Feud with Chris Christie
Greg Abbott Steers Clear of Scandal-Plagued Christie's Texas RGA Trip
chuck-todd-dismissed-obamas-culture-of-intimidation but promotes-christies
A Machine for Crushing Christie's Enemies
Media Dismiss Chris Christie Aide Wildstein's Evidence Claim at Own Risk
Christie Knew of Bridge Lane Closures, Former Officials Attorney Says
Dem Support of Amnesty 'Principles' May Hurt Boehner's Credibility with House GOP
Christie Aide Under Subpoena Resigns Amid New Evidence Claims
top-dem-investigator said they had no-evidence-implicating-christie
Christie Texas trip highlights damage of bridge scandal
Christie vs. Rick Perry: 'They just don't like each other'
Christie's Texas Trip Proves BridgeGate Damages Effectiveness as RGA Chair
Fort Lee Mayor Now Claims He Received Favors for Christie Endorsement
Christie Did Not Approve Email Blasting Former Aide
Good News for Christie: BridgeGate Corruption Resulted in No Deaths
Mitt Romney to Join Chris Christie at RGA Fundraiser in Boston
Chris Christie Backed by New Jersey Senate Republican Leader He Tried to Destroy
New Jersey Reaches Record Debt in 2013 - As Thursday's first town hall after the incident proved,
Bridgegate is the least of New Jersey's worries. The biggest might be the economy. After promising to
reduce spending and return New Jersey to some semblance of fiscal responsibility, Christie has
instead delivered a record level of debt for the least economically solvent state in the Union.

Rand Paul

Ron Paul: Rand Will Likely Run in 2016
Rand Paul Touches the Stove - activists working to elect Matt Bevin and watching Paul's
strong support of Sen. Mitch McConnell in the primary campaign raging in Kentucky are
sending a message that they're done standing by quietly while Paul works to elect their

Rand Paul Hammers Obama On School Choice Opposition Despite Sending His Kids To
Private Schools
Rand Paul: 'I Can't Believe Any Conservative Would Consider This Budget Deal'
Krauthammer: Rand Paul's Attack of Clintons for Lewinsky Scandal 'a Dumb Tactic,' 'Kind
of Desperate'
Paul: Unemployment Benefits 'Disservice' to Workers'
Joe Scarborough slams Rand Paul; Likens Senator to Marie Antoinette for
Unemployment Remarks


Politico Calls Walker Email Controversy a 'Snoozer'

Ryan Breaks Down His Budget Deal
Paul Ryan: Budget Criticism Is 'A Little Frustrating'
Paul Ryan: Boehner 'Got His Irish Up'
rep-paul-ryan-wants-amnesty-first, border-security-second

Rubio: 'Not A Single' Republican Senator is Voting For The Budget Deal

JEB: Being a Bush or Clinton will hurt in 2016...

George Will: HillaryCare, not Bill Clinton's Indiscretions Are Hillary's 2016 Challenge

ahead-of-possible-2016-run, mike-huckabee-endorses-lindsey-graham
South Carolina Tea Party Slammed Huckabee for Supporting Lindsey Graham

Only Scott Walker has the ability to challenge Cruz effectively, and many true-Conservatives would
accept a ticket including them bothwith either @ the top; Christies problems are burgeoning, and
Rand Pauls foreign-policy paradigm is inimical with mainstream GOP-philosophycertainly after
todays emasculation of the militaryeven though he has not evinced his fathers anti-Semitism.


Politics r/d

Rick Santelli correctly noted that the TEA *Taxed Enough Already+ Party Movement is alive/well and
thriving [comprised of Those Who 'Carry the Water+, and the GOPs Tea-Party Wing will therefore Face
a Test in the Primariespitted against the GOPs Establishment *n.b., US Chamber CEO Tom Donahue
Said Organization Will Be Involved in GOP Primaries]; in addition, although Boehner feels the Far Right
Has Lost Credibility, Joe Scarborough Slammed Chuck Schumer for having Blamed Tea Party Republicans
For DC Gridlock. As a result, a Tea Party Professor is in an 'Epic' Fight to Unseat Majority Leader Eric
Cantor, part of a national struggle for the soul of the party that, many feel, Guzzardi pursues in PA.

Mike Fitzpatrick thumbed his nose @ the members of the TEA [Taxed Enough Already]
Party Movement by voting to puncture the debt ceiling, while most Rs were anti.

Although lefties such as Bob Woodward claim that the Budget Deal Only Worked Because Obama
Wasn't Part of It and RINOs such as McCain assert Republicans Who Vote Against Budget Deal Lacked
Intellectual Integrity, Mark Levin Attacked Senate Republicans who Supported Budget Deal, exclaiming
Do They Not Understand that the Whole Damn Thing Is Going to Collapse? Similarly, Sen. Coburn felt
the Budget Deal was Making Country Go Down The Tubes and Judge Napolitano (on the Budget Deal)
saw 'No Distinction Between Boehner and Pelosi.' [Paul Ryan also favored it, vide supra.] Regardless,
establishment-politicos [of both parties] were terrified the tea-party-wont-back-unnecessary-wars.
{Also, a government-ethics-conference OKed federal-employees wearing anti-tea-party-t-shirts.}


Regarding the Texas Gubernatorial race, the NYT-Public-Editor-Defended-Wendy-Davis-From last weeks
NYT-Profile-Implying-She-Is-Spinning-A-Big-Lie, noting that the dallas-morning-news-shined a bright-
light-on-wendy-daviss-storytelling; the badly-timed New York Times Magazine profile may have called
her biographical falsehoods "politically exquisite" but, to the public editor of the newspaper, it was not
enough to prevent the piece from being sexist. Ignored was a video showed wendy-davis supporters-
mocking-her disabled-political-opponent-greg-abbott, as POLITICO viewed WENDY DAVIS as the VICTIM;
nevertheless, a recent Poll showed GOP's Greg Abbott Soaring over Wendy Davis in TX Governor Race.
I considered the essay simply to have been a puff-piece, whereas a friend wrote:
I did not walk away from the article with strong negatives or positives about Wendy
Davis. In some ways, I simply found the direct quotes from her uninteresting. Clearly,
the author does not take a hard line against the discrepancies in her life's story; but,
they are mentioned. He also questions why she has chosen her personal story as a
narrative rather than accomplishments related to re-development in her district, which
he suggested could be attributed to her efforts.
Is she portrayed as a "legend" in the traditional sense? I don't think so. His final phrase -
"a portrait of herself as a modern-day Supermom, a woman who existed only in our
imagination." To me, that comment and others in the story suggest that the reporter
sees her portrayal as a stretch. Yet, not completely wrong if you overlook the deviations
in details (I am simply projecting my view of the author's take on her).
In some ways, I think the more interesting point of the very lengthy article is the
discussion about barriers women in politics face with respect to scrutiny into the impact
of their life choices on their parenting - issues which the author suggest (and I likely
would agree) do not get raised about ambitious men.
I do not believe the reporter is sexist - what came across to me was a pointing out of
sexism that persists in the political arena. Something I think is real.
Bottom line, not clear the article hurts her; but, I am equally not certain it helps her.
Regarding the political-import of ObamaCare, it appears to be a gift that keeps on giving to the Rs:

Doctor's Office Spent 2 Hours On Hold With Insurer For Surgery Authorization, Before
Giving Up
Frustrated patients walked-out of hospitals without treatment

As Obamacare Grows, Hospice Industry Launches Million-Dollar End of Life Ad Campaign
Skimpy Health Law Plans Leave Some 'Underinsured'
Obamacare Website Failure Forces 18,000 West Virginians To Re-Enroll
Thousands Forced to Re-enroll in Obamacare
Cover Oregon Director Resigns Amid Massive ObamaCare Failure
20-Year Old Man Overcharged $45,000 for Appendectomy
Peter Schweizer on 'Hannity': More Obamacare 'Horror Stories' on Horizon
$60 Billion in Medicare, Medicaid Overpayments
Hospitals Unable to Verify Healthcare Plans
Data Goldmine: Walgreens, WalMart Offer Free Prescriptions to ObamaCare Customers
Next week comes spike
'Cheerleader' Learns She Can't Afford Coverage
Obamacare site can't handle it when you have a baby
Adding a New Baby to Obamacare Plan not Easy
U.S. Uninsured Rate Obamacare Exchange Experience Negatively
As Obamacare Grows, Hospice Industry Launches Million-Dollar End of Life Ad Campaign
Experts Blame Obamacare Rollout Debacle on Obama's Lack of Executive Experience
John Roberts, $6 Million Man, Lamented Judiciary's Lack of Funding due to the
HHS Boasts Prematurely of Two Million Obamacare Enrollees
OFA Obamacare 'Success' Stories Include Former Dem Candidate, Activist
NBC News Ignores Happy Obamacare Customer a Dem Candidate, Operative - A
Wednesday NBC News report highlighting happy Obamacare customers failed to
mention that one of the average citizens it profiled is a Democratic political candidate
and Obama campaign worker.
Washington Post Calls Obama's Organizing for Action 'Non-Partisan'
SCOTUS Temporarily Halts ObamaCare Contraception Mandate
Ron Paul: Americans Must Be Allowed to Opt Out of ObamaCare
Lieberman Stands by his Obamacare Vote
Less than 13K Sign Up for Nevada Health Exchange
Howard Dean: More ObamaCare Problems Coming
IRS could face blame for Obamacare's unexpected tax bite
A very nervous New Year's for Obamacare
Lieberman Stands by his ObamaCare Vote
Shillington CPA explains federal tax breaks we lose in 2014
University Bans the Word 'Obamacare' - Michigan's Lake Superior State University
announced its 39
annual list of words "banished" from the language includes "selfie,"
"twerking" and "hashtag."]


Regarding the effort of the Rs to attain majority control over Congress, it should first be noted that
Retirements hurt Democrats House prospects; while Nancy Pelosi Told Dem Members to 'Embrace the
Suck' on Budget Deal, Pelosi also claimed [as usual] that Republicans Have 'Disrespect' For Women.
Therefore, because its unlikely the Rs will lose control *which is also why it was felt to be desirable to
upgrade from Fitzpatrick+, the focus has been trained upon the Senate; discussion is deferred as to the
fate of Dem govs, who ominously claim Obama needs to sell ObamaCare. It is no accident that the
SOROS LOBBY SPENDING TRIPLED [Agenda includes national security and immigration], as rhetoric has
been heated on both sides [Ann Coulter: 'Liberalism Is an Aspect of Mental Illness']; again, articles are
grouped intuitively, with the message thereof portending a *welcome+ take-over by the Rs:

Expanded 2014 Senate map boosts Republican confidence

BHOs sagging ratings in five states could help Republicans take back the Senate
Carney: Passing & Implementing Obama-Care Worth Losing the Senate in 2014
white-house-boosts-2014-campaign-with-senate-vote to begin debate on a bill that
would spend $6.5 billion on new benefits for unemployed people, without any budget
offsets or regulatory reforms.
Reporters Laugh Aloud at Carney Claims BHOs Polling Will Improve Over Volcker Rule

Joe Scarborough broke with the elite media and GOP Establishment to speak a truth:
That Republicans joining Democrats to pass immigration reform this year could be the
one thing that derails the GOP's chances of retaking the U.S. Senate in 2014.

Lou Dobbs feels the GOP Will Win Senate If Infighting Stops, averring party leaders must
"step aside and acknowledge the breath of fresh air that awaits from the tea party, from
the other groups that make up the conservative foundation of the Republican Party,"
and "come together around basic, fundamental national values andunderstand this is
a battle for survival with the Democratic Party."

Key 2014 Senate races for defense
Senate Dems Block Fix That Would Reverse Cuts To Military Pensions, Disabled Vets

KY Dem, Alison Lundergan Grimes, accused of trying to bribe opponent out of race by a
third-party candidate in the Kentucky Senate race
Kentucky Democrat Has History of Comparing McConnell to Nazis - Kentucky Speaker of
the House Greg Stumbo (D.) compared Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R.,
Ky.) to the Nazis at the launch of Alison Lundergan Grimes campaign.

Senator Landrieu: I Would Vote For ObamaCare Again
Krauthammer To Manchin: 'Why Don't You Fess Up and Become a Republican?'

With Senate at Stake, Two Ex-GOP Senators Endorsed Democrats
John McCain on Senate Floor "War Powers Act of 2014". Give President Power to
Declare War at Will

Liz Cheney ended her campaign in Wyoming, a GOP primary challenge to Sen. Mike Enzi
(R-Wyo.); she cited health concerns in her family.

Five Dem Senate Chairmen Retiring
Michigan Senate: Land (R) 37%, Peters (D) 35% - Republican Terri Lynn Land and
Democrat Gary Peters are running neck-and-neck in Rasmussen Reports' first look at the
prospective 2014 U.S. Senate race in Michigan.


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