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HDFS 447: Families and Poverty

Community Service Project

Spring 2011
For this assignment you will participate in a service-learning project in an agency or
organization that targets or primarily serves low-income individuals or families. The
hours and the assignments that accompany it are worth 155 points (about !" of your
grade#. $ list of possible volunteer sites% primarily in &enton 'ounty% will be provided.
Two options e(ist for this project)an individual or a group endeavor. 'ommunity
*ervice e(periences are to be completed by Thursday of finals wee+ (,une -#. Each
student must volunteer at least 20 hours during the term. Partial credit will be
given for those who complete at least 15 hours at a rate of 4 points per hour. .ou
may also receive etra credit for completing up to 5 additional hours of service at a rate
of / points per hour (up to 10 points#.
!ndividual Projects1 .ou may choose% as an individual% to devote /0 hours (an average
of two hours2wee+# to an agency or educational program that serves low-income
children or adults.
"roup Projects: .ou may choose% as a small group of -5% to devote /0 hours (an
average of 5 hours a wee+2person# to an agency or organization that serves low-income
children or adults. For instance% your group could wor+ at a homeless shelter to plan
special activities for children% a Title-1 school to plan and carry out a family activity night%
or a 3abitat for 3umanity house. The focus and location of your project will depend on
the community partner you select% goals established in meetings with your community
partner% and what your group would li+e to accomplish.
4veryone will be responsible for the following1
4stablish contact with the agency.
'omplete the Community Service Agreement with a representative of your
agency 5 D#$ 4%12 (10 points#. Points will be deducted for 'ommunity *ervice
$greements turned in after the original due date.
6rovide a record of your community service hours% with verification from an
agency representative 5 D#$ &%' (70 points#. This record must include the
following1 your name% current term% the name of the organization% your
supervisor8s signature and title% total number of hours completed% and the contact
information of either your supervisor or another individual that oversees
9rite a final paper that provides bac+ground information about the organization
in which you volunteered and synthesizes your e(periences with course content.
( more in)dept* assignment outline +ill ,e distri,uted later in t*e term 5
D#$ &%& (50 points#.
'lass presentation 5 D#$ -%.1 or &%2 (0 points#. :ndividuals should participate
in a poster session outlining their activities; groups will present a power point to
the class. ( more in)dept* assignment outline +ill ,e distri,uted later in t*e

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