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Gustavo Garay

Woodwind Methods
Joint Recital y Julissa !ere" and #ivian !e$a
%his recital was &or partial &ul&ill'ent o& Julissa and #ivian(s )achleor o& Music *ducation
de+rees, Julissa(s was at the -unior level. playin+ the ooe and acco'panied y Dr./ho0o 1insella.
while #ivian per&or'ed on assoon &or her senior level recital. acco'panied y Dr.2in+chin+ Jeter.
Julissa started o&& the recital with 3ar+o and 4lle+retto &or 5oe and !iano y )enedetto
Marcello6178191:3;<. 5verall the per&or'ance was very strai+ht&orward. with sutle use o& virato.
=er standin+ posture rarely wavered and her playin+ rarely &aulted.
#ivian ca'e up ne>t with a per&or'ance o& /onata in ? 'inor &or )assoon and !iano y Geor+
!hilip %ele'ann6178191:7:<. @ts &irst 'ove'ent. 4ndante Cantaile. was played re'ar0aly well. with
s'ooth voicin+ and dyna'ic control y #ivian considerin+ the use o& the assoon(s hi+h re+ister. %he
4lle+ro su&&ered a it in its &ast passa+es and an audience 'e'er could note #ivian(s head sha0in+
side to side while dolin+ out &ast passa+es. ut whether this aided or crippled her per&or'ance could not
e 0nown. %he 4ndante was played well. ut the #ivace once a+ain hi+hli+hted a prole' with &ast
passa+es in #ivian(s per&or'ance o& the sonata.
Julissa continued on. per&or'in+ %he Winter(s !assed &or 5oe and !iano y Wayne
)arlow6.1;A8<. 4 very 'odern piece. with clashin+ intervals a step apart and e>tended chords. +ivin+
rise to a wintery at'osphere. %he 4ndante *>pressivo section that was played contained a slow. &ast.
slow &or' which Julissa played with precision and utili"ed virato in the lon+ notes. &or articulation.
#ivian was -oined y cellist 4ran Garcia &or a duet. therea&ter. in an 4lle+ro &ro' /onata &or
)assoon and Cello in ) Ma-or. 1.2;2 y Wol&+an+ 4'adeus Mo"art61:A791:;1<. %he two
instru'ents co'ple'ented each other very well. with their dar0 shades o& tone e>chan+in+ 'elodies
and switchin+ o& roles.
Julissa(s &inal solo per&or'ance piece was the ?irst Concertino &or 5oe and !iano y Geor+e
Guillhaud618A191;BB<. %he Moderato was played well. with so'e 'ista0es. ut nothin+ too -arrin+.
%he 4ndante was e'ellished with so'e virato. %he 4lle+retto was per&or'ed very well. it held a
variety o& contrastin+ the'es which Ms. !ere" did well to contrast with virato and dyna'ics.
#ivian(s &inal solo per&or'ance was the )assoon /onata in ? Ma-or y Willia' =urlstone618:79
1;07<. %he #ivace was per&or'ed rather well. with +ood phrasin+ and a short solo section without
acco'pani'ent. %he )allade was very e'otion9driven.
%o end the concert. a Cuartet o& two ooes and two assoons per&or'ed. which included the two
pre'iere soloists. and two students Carlos Cantu on ooe. and Marisol Rivera on assoon. !ieces
per&or'ed were y 4n+e ?lD+ier. 4ndante sostenuto and @nter'e""o. 4lle+ro non troppo scher"ando.
%he ooes added a shrill. yet sweet contrast with the dar0. round sound o& the assoons. *ach
instru'ent had a 'elody and har'ony part. so the 'usic lended well. %he 4ndante sostenuto was and
i'itiative wor0. puttin+ to +ood use all &our instru'ents. %he @nter'e""o was a 'i> o& i'itative and
ho'ophonic passa+es.
4t the end o& this concert. havin+ per&or'ed a recital over an hour lon+. oth Julissa !ere" and
#ivian !e$a displayed 'astery o& their proper instru'ents.

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