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Tierney Furlong

Eng 111
Matt Weinkam


My rhetoric paper was a difficult one for me to get started with because I had a

hard time figuring out how to utilize the rhetoric correctly. After I got the hang of it I

really was able to find good quotes and explain them well while using the proper rhetoric.

In the end I was able to nicely wrap up my paper by summarizing the rhetoric used. I

argued that Sullivan, the writer of “Bicyclists vs. Pedestrians: An Armistice”, used logos,

kairos, and pathos to make a good argument.

For logos I like the part of my paper where I explain a quote by saying, " This

shows a good argument about how things do not stay the same as time goes on and as

people change we must change the things around us as well." I feel this says I know what

I am talking about and can explain his quote and describe what he means. I really think

my quote explanations throughout the paper are really effective and I did a nice job

presenting Sullivan's points in a way to make the reader understand where he is coming

from. I like another part of my paper where I say, " He is bringing up another suggestion

people have given to the Brooklyn Bridge bicyclists, and he is countering the suggestion

with valid reasons using logos." I feel I present the point the writer is trying to make by

explaining his quote. Another time where I use a good explanation of the quote is when I

say, " He is trying to appeal to the emotional aspect of the subject by showing the

bicyclists that he is not just another pedestrian who is annoyed with bikes on the

Brooklyn Bridge." This is where I am explaining how he is using pathos because I don't

think it is too obvious where he uses it so I want the reader to know he really is trying to
appeal emotionally. I think overall I have a good use of explanations of quotes; that is

really my strong point throughout this paper because I can really back up his quotes and

explain them to the reader.

The use of logos, kairos, and pathos throughout the article I really understood and

brought out through my paper. I start out with an opening line for my logos paragraph by

saying, " Sullivan uses logos to back up his argument with facts about how the ways of

the bridge have been changing." This is simple and straight to the point about what my

paragraph is going to be about. I wrap up my paragraph by saying, " I feel like he uses his

logos very well because he presents so many different areas that are true facts from the

past and the present that help his argument." I think this is a very solid closing sentence

for the paragraph. It really ends the paragraph with a good point about what Sullivan is

doing in his article. A good way I present my knowledge of kairos is by saying, " Having

said this, Sullivan hits home with the point that this is the perfect timing to get this done.

This is a good point because timing is of essence in kairos and I show that I know he is

using it well. A good way that I present Sullivan's usage of pathos is by saying, " He is a

bicyclist so he is appealing to their side because he is one of them." This is how I am

showing that I understand that pathos is appealing to an emotional side and that I can see

the writer is using it.

My good use of explanation of quotes and knowledge of rhetoric make this paper

a good one. I think I did a good job presenting everything Sullivan used throughout his

article and explaining the point he was trying to get across. Although there were some

sentences here and there I feel could have been better, overall the paper was done well

and thoroughly.

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