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Wiktionary, the free

1 Political science
1.1 Legislatures
1.2 Jurisprudence
2 Science and technology
2.1 Biology and psychology
2.2 Chemistry
2.3 Computing
2.4 Linguistics
2.5 Mathematics
2.6 Physics
3 Entertainment and communication
3.1 Literature
3.2 Media
4 Religion
5 See also
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
State commonly refers to either the present condition of a system or entity, or to a governed entity (such as a country) or sub-
entity (such as an autonomous territory of a country).
Political science
State (polity), an organized political community, living under a
Sovereign state, a sovereign political entity in public international law; a
society having exclusive domain over a territory
"State", in some contexts virtually synonymous with "government", e.g.,
to distinguish state (government) from private schools
Nation state, a state which coincides with a nation
Federated state, a political entity forming part of a federal sovereign
state such as the United States, Australia, India and Brazil
Australian state
Brazilian state
German state
Indian state
Malaysian state
Mexican state
Nigerian state
Sudanese state
South Sudanese state
U.S. state
Venezuelan state
Member state, a member of an international organization such as the
The Estates or the States, a national assembly of the estates, a legislature
States-General (disambiguation)
Rechtsstaat, the legal state (constitutional state, state subordinated to law) in philosophy of law and as principle of many
national constitutions
Science and technology
Biology and psychology
Medical state, one's current state of health, usually within a hospital setting
Mental state (disambiguation)
State of matter, solid, liquid or vapour phases of matter. it describes the organization of matter in a phase
Chemical state, the electronic, chemical and physical nature of an element
State (website), a start-up company and opinion network based in London England.
State (computer science), a unique configuration of information in a program or machine
Program state, in computer science, a snapshot of the measure of various conditions in the system
State pattern, in computer science, a behavioral design pattern
State (printmaking), a unique form of a print, caused by a deliberate change to a matrix
State (software), animation software for YouTube and social media sites
Status constructus, a noun form occurring in Semitic languages
State (controls), a term related to control theory
State (functional analysis), a positive linear functional on an operator algebra
In classical mechanics, state is a complete description of a system in terms of parameters such as positions and
momentums at a particular moment in time
Quantum state, in physics, the state of a quantum mechanical system given by a vector in the underlying Hilbert space
Excited state
Dynamical systems, a concept in mathematics where a fixed rule describes the time dependence of a point in a
geometrical space
Stationary state, an eigenvector of a Hamiltonian
Thermodynamic state, a set of physical quantities (e.g. temperature, pressure, and composition) describing variable
properties of a given thermodynamic system
Entertainment and communication
The World State, from Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
The State (Larry Niven), from the works of Larry Niven
State (magazine), an Irish monthly music magazine
State Magazine, a monthly magazine published by the U.S. Department of State
The State (album), a music album by Nickelback
The State (book), a book by German sociologist Franz Oppenheimer
The State (TV series), a sketch comedy show on MTV
The States (TV series), a documentary series on the United States
The State (newspaper), a daily newspaper in Columbia, South Carolina
States Records, an American record label
Our State, a North Carolina monthly magazine once called The State
State Theatre (disambiguation), the name of several theatres
State (theology), a degree or stage of perfection in the Christian religion
See also
constituent state
All pages beginning with State
Status (disambiguation)
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