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Standard Chartered Bank is an international banking group that is incorporated in the
United Kingdom, with its headquarters in London. The group ocuses its acti!ities in "sia,
"rica and the #iddle $ast and its operation is segmented under si% regions& UK ' US,
#iddle $ast and South "sia (#$S"), South $ast "sia, *orth $ast "sia, +ndia and "rica.
,loball-, the ke- resources o SCB include&
" network o o!er .// oices in 01 countries
" sta o about 23,/// people managing assets o around 04 billion pounds
Standard Chartered Bank5s international businesses in 6ersonal Banking, Corporate
Banking and Standard Chartered #arkets are its special strengths
Standard Chartered Bank also maintains correspondent relationship with o!er .//
banks in 134 countries around the world
Standard Chartered bank has had a separate 78# department rom the late 1980s in
Bangladesh. There are now around 4// ull time emplo-ees and another 1// contractual
sta working here in dierent branches in Bangladesh.
The human resources department o Standard Chartered Bank consists o 3 ull time
emplo-ees. The head o human resources department is #r. # "minul 7uque, who is
also a member o the countr- management committee o SCB Bangladesh. The head o
the department reports to both the countr- C$9 and also the regional head o 78 who
seats in +ndia. The others in the department are three "ssistant 8elationship #anagers
and a Senior 8elationship #anager. The 78 department also takes interns on a regular
basis to ease some pressure through transerring clerical :obs towards the interns.
7owe!er being such a small team in man- cases the- cannot accommodate doing !alue
additi!e :obs, rather the- ha!e to work hard :ust to make sure the da- to da- works.
The primar- ob:ecti!e o this report is to use the theoretical concepts, gained in the
classroom situations, in anal-;ing real lie scenarios. This is also a partial requirement o
the #B" program. This ob:ecti!e is basicall- met b- remaining attached with an
organi;ation or a considerable length o period o twel!e weeks and b- working in the
host organi;ation, so that it adds !alue to the knowledge base o the #B" graduate. +n
case o this report, the ob:ecti!es are&
a) To obser!e and understand the acti!ities o the dierent departments o the host
organi;ation& Standard Chartered Bank.
b) To get an o!erall idea o unctions and acti!ities o human resource department.
c) To get an idea about the recruitment and selection process o Standard
Chartered Bank.
d) To identi- the scope o impro!ement in the recruitment and selection process.
e) To recommend how this process can be impro!ed.
The scope o this report is to co!er how the 78 department o Standard Chartered Bank
carries about the unctions o 7uman 8esource 6lanning, 8ecruitment, 6erormance
"ppraisal, Compensation and Beneits and Ser!ices and all other unctions that all under
7uman resource #anagement. 7owe!er, the issues relating to selection and recruitment
process is the ke- ocus area.

#a:or limitation in preparing this report is that, being a ull time emplo-ee the scope o
making e%tensi!e research on the pro:ect is !er- limited. *ot being able to work in the 78
department was also a ma:or hurdle.
Both primar- and secondar- sources o inormation will be used in writing this report.
Primary Source of Data
=or this report, data has been collected rom dierent primar- sources, primaril- inter!iew
o senior management o SCB, both in 78 and other unctional departments.
Secondary Sources of Data
To prepare this report, !arious secondar- data was also used. The sources are&
8eerence books on 78
>ierent websites on Current 78 6ractices
"nnual 8eports o Standard Chartered Bank
>ierent published documents o Standard Chartered Bank
The report is basicall- presented in two parts. The irst part contains introduction to the
organi;ation, the ser!ices oered and its inancial strengths. The second part contains
dierent aspects o human resource management and how standard chartered as one o
the leading multinationals in the countr- are ensuring best practices in their 78
department. This part also includes an in depth anal-sis o the current selection and
recruitment process o Standard Chartered Bank and tries to ind out the scope o
impro!ement in the current process.

The Standard Chartered Bank 6LC is an international banking group that is incorporated
in the United Kingdom, with its headquarters in London. The group ocuses its acti!ities in
"sia, "rica and the #iddle $ast and its operation is segmented under si% regions& UK '
US, #iddle $ast and South "sia (#$S"), South $ast "sia, *orth $ast "sia, +ndia and
,loball-, the ke- resources o SCB include&
" network o o!er .// oices in 01 countries
" sta o about 23,/// people managing assets o around 04 billion pounds
Standard Chartered Bank5s international businesses in 6ersonal Banking, Corporate
Banking and Standard Chartered #arkets are its special strengths
Standard Chartered Bank also maintains correspondent relationship with o!er .//
banks in 134 countries around the world
The global strategies o Standard Chartered Bank are&
To build and grow strong businesses in $ast and South $ast "sia ? the "sia 6aciic
To enhance historical position in the #iddle $ast and South "sia region
To concentrate operations in the 9$C> in those acti!ities that support Standard
Chartered Bank5s remarkable ranchise in newl- industrialised and emerging markets
Standard Chartered Bank has a histor- o about 13/ -ears. The name @Standard stems
rom the two original banks rom which it was ounded ? the @Chartered Bank@ o +ndia,
"ustralia and China and the @Standard Bank@ o British South "rica.
The @Chartered Bank@ was established in 113< b- a 8o-al Charter granted b- Aueen
Bictoria o $ngland. The main person behind the Chartered Bank was a Scot, Cames
Dilson who had also started "The Economist", still one o the most eminent publications
toda-. 7e oresaw the ad!antages o inancing the growing trade links with the areas in
the east, which no other inancial institution was doing at that time.
The Chartered Bank started operating in Bangladesh in 1E01, opening a branch in
Chittagong. The branch was opened mainl- to acilitate the post?war reestablishment and
e%pansion o South and Southeast "sia. The Chartered Bank opened another branch in
>haka in 1E.., where it is still headquartered. "ter the merger o the Chartered Bank
with the Standard Bank in 1E.E, the Standard Chartered Bank took up a program o
e%pansion. +t increasingl- in!ested in peopleF technolog- and premises as its business
grew in relation to the countr-5s econom-. +n 1EE<, there was an organi;ational re?
structuring, which led to a substantial e%pansion o the Bank5s business. Toda- the bank
has in total our branches in >haka apart rom the Chittagong branch, including an
oshore branch at the Sa!ar $%port 6rocessing Gone.
Bangladesh is under the #iddle $ast and South "sia (#$S") region, with the controlling
oice in >ubai. 7owe!er, !er- recentl- it has been decided that Bangladesh will report to
South "sia region, head quartered in +ndia, or the go!ernance purpose. +ts
correspondent relationship with Sonali Bank, the largest bank in Bangladesh, gi!es its
customers access to all ma:or centers in the countr-. Standard Chartered Bank5s
worldwide network acilitates con!enient connections with oreign trade and remittance
business. Standard Chartered Bank5s branch banking license in Bangladesh allows it to
oer a ull range o banking ser!ices.
The Standard Chartered Bank in Bangladesh has its headquarter and eighteen branches
across the countr-. Dhile the ull range o ser!ices is a!ailable at the headquarter, other
branches oer speciic ser!ices appropriate or the location. "t the headquarter, the bank
mainl- consists o two di!isions&
The business di!ision has the ollowing departments&
Client 8elationship (C8)
,lobal #arkets H Treasur- (,#)
=inancial +nstitutions (=+)
Consumer Banking (CB)
Securit- Ser!ices ? Custodial Ser!ices (SS)
Standard Chartered Bank is primaril- corporate dri!en. The corporate banking generates
0/I o its re!enue group while Treasur- contributes more than 2/I to the o!erall
re!enue. Thus the wholesale bank (C8 and ,#) contributes more than ./I o the
re!enue. The rest is generated rom 6ersonal Banking, Custodial ser!ices and
+nstitutional Banking. 7owe!er the trend is shiting towards the consumer banking
business and now this is the main growth engine.
The Support di!ision pro!ides assistance to the abo!e business acti!ities and consists
ollowing departments&
- 9perations
- =inance, "dministration and 8isk #anagement
- +normation Technolog- Center
- 7uman 8esource >epartment
- Legal and Compliance
- $%ternal "airs
- Credit
The goal o Standard Chartered Bank is to be the @Banker o Choice.@ Towards that goal,
the o!erall planning in the 9rgani;ation is done at the headquarter le!el in >haka b- a
#anagement Committee (#"*C9), headed b- the C$9 and consisting o the business
heads o Corporate Banking, Consumer Banking, Treasur-, and rom the support
di!isions ? the heads o 7uman 8esource, 9perations and =inance >epartments. The-
meet once a month, or when a special situation arises, to plan the strategic decisions.
The decision making, although apparentl- based on a top?down approach, lea!es room
or participation down to the le!el o department heads, which are responsible or carr-ing
out the planning o their department within the broad guidelines set b- #"*C9.
"mong the broad strategic ob:ecti!es are&
Creating a congenial work en!ironment
#oderni;ation o the #anagement +normation S-stem to achie!e ull
automation b- drasticall- cutting down on the paper work in the long?run.
=ocusing on ser!ice qualit- and consumer needs.
8ecruiting and maintaining top?grade, eicient emplo-ees.
To in!est in those technological s-stems which will upgrade and enhance
inancial ser!ices, and
Creating an e%cellent brand image o the Bank.
Standard Chartered Bank oers its local customers a wide !ariet- o inancial ser!ices. "ll
the accounts o corporate clients, which mainl- comprise the top local and multinational
companies operating in Bangladesh, are assigned a 8elationship manager who maintains
regular and close contact to cater to their needs. The ob:ecti!e o this department is to
maintain a thorough knowledge o the client5s business and to de!elop positi!e
relationships with them. This is maintained through interactions to oer timel- ad!ice in
an increasingl- competiti!e business en!ironment.
The oreign e%change and mone- market operation o the Standard Chartered Bank in
the world is e%tensi!e. $%otic currencies happen to be one o its specials area o
strength. " 20 hour?ser!ice is pro!ided to customers in Bangladesh through the Bank5s
network o dealing centres placed in the principal locations o the world. The Bank5s
treasur- speciali;es in oering solutions to those who wish to manage interest rate and
currenc- e%posures that result rom trade, in!estment and inancing acti!ities o other
d-namic economies o the region.
The =+ >epartment o Standard Chartered Bank oers a wide !ariet- o products and
ser!ices to the banks and inancial institutions. +t has global links with leading banking
institutions and agenc- arrangements through its network o oices in 0/ countries. The
Bank oers a ull range o clearing, pa-ment collection and import?e%port handling
ser!ices. The bank oers oreign missions, !oluntar- organi;ations, consultants, airlines,
shipping lines, and their personnel the ollowing inancial ser!ices&
Current accounts in both Taka and other ma:or oreign currencies
Con!ertible Taka accounts (these unds are reel- con!ertible to ma:or international
Local and oreign currenc- remittances etc.
The detailed acti!ities o this department are co!ered in a separate chapter.
Superior retail banking ser!ices comprising a wide range o deposit and loan products are
oered b- the Standard Chartered Bank to its indi!idual customers. The Consumer
Banking di!ision constantl- aces challenges and meets them b- de!eloping new
products and ser!ices to ulill the speciic requirements o local customers. The bank
oers a 20?hour ser!ice in Bangladesh through its #one-link "T# network and 6hone?
link 6hone Banking ser!ices.
Finance, Administration and Risk Management
The support department perorms the ollowing acti!ities&
"dministration, audit and back oice operation
Taking care o ta%ation and inancial control o the Bank
Keeping track o o!erall credit operation
Information Technology Center
This department is instrumental in the running o all the computeri;ed operations o the
bank. The- help in the implementation and generation o computeri;ed reports. "nother
ma:or dut- o the department is to maintain communication with the rest o the world.
Human Resource Deartment
This department manages recruitment, training and career progression plan. Standard
Chartered Bank highlights the importance o de!eloping its people to create a culture o
customer ser!ice, inno!ation, teamwork and proessional e%cellence.
!"ternal A#airs
This department deals with ad!ertising, public relations, promotions, partial marketing
which in!ol!es disseminating new products and ser!ices to customers and abo!e all
ensuring ser!ice qualit-.
The credit department appro!es the loans o Corporate Banking di!ision. The appro!al is
mainl- based on the risk anal-sis o the corporate clients done b- the Corporate Banking
Standard Chartered Bank has highl- qualiied proessional sta members who ha!e the
capabilit- to manage and meet all the requirements o the bank. $!er- account is
assigned to an "ccount #anager who personall- takes care o it and is a!ailable or
discussion and inquiries, whether one writes, telephones or calls. The ser!ices o the
Bank are personali;ed and backed b- ad!anced computeri;ation.
The ollowing paragraphs illustrate the essential products and ser!ices o the Bank&
Cash management$
Standard Chartered is highl- recogni;ed as a leading cash management supplier across
the emerging markets. The Cash #anagement Ser!ices co!er local and cross border
pa-ments, collections, inormation management, account ser!ices and liquidit-
management or both corporate and institutional customers.
#anage the a!ailabilit- o clientJs unds eicientl-
#onitor and control the mo!ement o unds
Settle pa-ments to clientJs suppliers in a timel- and cost?eecti!e manner.
Capture e!er- in!estment opportunit- to increase customerJs income
Trade %nance$
Standard Chartered possesses 10/ -ears o e%perience in Trade =inance. The bank has
presence in o!er 0/ countries, in addition to e%tensi!e network o o!erseas banking
partners and correspondents. The bank obtained +S9E//2 accreditation or its qualit-
ser!ice. >edicated trade and pa-ment s-stems are in place to make sure that e!er-
transaction, e!en across dierent currencies, will be proessionall- e%ecuted.
Structured %nance$
Standard Chartered pro!ides Commodit-, Structured Trade and $%port =inance
(@Structured =inance@) ser!ice. #an- inancial institutions ha!e been retreating rom these
markets. Standard Chartered stands out as the onl- bank which is committed to inancing
Commodit- and $%port Credit "genc- supported trade lows while being ocussed entirel-
on emerging markets oriented business. #ore and more clients are taking ad!antage o
Standard Chartered5s unique combination o Structured =inance e%pertise and presence
on the ground in "sia, +ndia, #iddle $ast, "rica and Latin "merica through its network o
"ccess to long established e%pertise in Commodit- =inance and willingness to
accept the credit risks associated with appro!ed counterparties.
"ccess to structuring skills or emerging markets medium term inancing and to
countr- limit a!ailabilit- or man- countries in "sia, +ndia, #iddle $ast, "rica and
Latin "merica.
6resence on the ground in man- emerging markets which acilitates transactions
through local knowledge and the pro!ision o local commercial banking
Track record and capabilit- or global arranging, underwriting and s-ndication in
the whole area o Structured =inance.
Custody and clearing ser&ices$
Standard Chartered Custod- and Clearing Ser!ices5 combination o local market
e%pertise, with the securit- oered b- being an integral part o one o the world5s leading
international banks has garnered an impressi!e client base which includes leading *orth
"merican, $uropean and "sian institutions.
Standard Chartered keeps its custod- and clearing clients regularl- inormed o
de!elopments relating to securities market inrastructure and custod- in "sia through a
market inormation website.
#arket inormation includes dail- newslashes on news aecting the workings o "sia5s
stock markets, insight papers highlighting ma:or stock market inrastructure issues, and
up?to?date securities market reports pro!iding a complete o!er!iew or oreign in!estment
institutions o the securities markets in "sia
!lectronic 'anking$
Standard Chartered oers the client a comprehensi!e range o Cash #anagement
ser!ices. Dhether it is a inancial institution, a multi?national corporation or a domestic
compan-, $lectronic Banking application has the capabilit- to support ull range o Cash
#anagement reporting and transaction initiation needs. +t pro!ides the secure, reliable
and eecti!e link between the client and clientJs accounts an-where across the Standard
Chartered network.
Two t-pes o lending acilit- is pro!ided to client at present&
Loan Structure and Syndication & This acilit- helps borrowers to meet
substantial inancing needs b- enabling them to reach the bankJs lending acilit-.
Working Capital/Term Loan & To help the client meet their inancial obligations
and operate eecti!el-, the bank oers assistance in the orm o working capital
loans, o!erdrats, term loans (including real estate loans and other secured debt).
"ccording to the latest 5"cti!ities o Bank and =inancial +nstitutions5 published b- the
Banking >i!ision o the #inistr- o =inance o Bangladesh, Treasur- Bangladesh is, in
terms o oreign e%change transactions, irst amongst the multinational banks and 0
amongst all the banks in Bangladesh.
The department oers the ollowing Client Solutions and 8isk #anagement ser!ices&
7edging solutions against ad!erse market mo!ements
"d!ice on eicient hedging polic-
"ccess to onshore markets through global network
9shore banking unit& a unique s-stem in the local market
Structured products to match customers5 needs
The Treasur- di!ision o the Standard Chartered Bank has a centrali;ed dealing room in
>haka and consists o the ollowing two areas&
Foreign !"change
The 8euters monitors placed in the Treasur- >i!ision gi!e continuous updates on
e%change rate mo!ements as well as read- access to market inormation. $%perienced
dealers pro!ide ad!isor- ser!ices rom 1&// am to late e!ening . da-s a week (e%cept
Saturda-) on hedging techniques and risk management so that the customers can obtain
better !alue or their oreign e%change transactions. The =oreign $%change ser!ice
Ready Contracts& =oreign e%change contracts or the same da- !alue, ne%t da- !alue or
spot transactions
Forward Contracts& =oreign e%change contracts to hedge e%change risks.
Cross Currency Contracts& The customers can trade a wide range o currencies.
Information analysis: The Treasur- di!ision publishes dail- and weekl- currenc-
newsletters, which pro!ide anal-ses o currenc- trends and related issues. Seminars and
workshops are conducted or customers rom time to time on oreign e%change related
topics. Customers can also ha!e access to the bank5s inormation database round the
clock through 6hone banking.
Money Markets and In&estment
Standard Chartered Bank5s Treasur- di!ision is the local market leader in debt
instruments including both short and long?term und mismatches through the mone-
market and takes ront line position in inter?bank and market de!elopments. The mone-
market is managed through tools like inter?bank call mone- rate, go!ernment T?bills o
!arious maturities and inter?bank SD"6S.
8etail Banking deals with the banking ser!ices to indi!iduals. +t includes the ollowing
products and ser!ices o the bank&
Currents account$
Tailored to meet the needs o indi!idual and commercial customers, the current account
oers beneits like ree cheque book, "T# ser!ice, 6hone banking, account access rom
an- branch, and instant und?transer (ree o charge) amongst the branches in the
Sa&ings account
@+t is an assortment o best beneits a!ailable in the market, oering a wide range o
special treats ree o cost to retail customers. The most attracti!e treat is the competiti!e
tiered interest rates, which ensures higher returns or larger deposits. "n-one looking or
an opportunit- to build a sound sa!ing base can a!ail Sa!ings account, which includes
the ollowing beneits&
=ree cheque?book, "T# card and phone?banking ser!ice
"ccount access rom all the branches in Bangladesh
9pportunit- to appl- or ? sae deposit locker acilit-, utilit- pa-ment ser!ice through
"T# and an- o the personal inance products
Fi"ed deosit
+deal product or nesting surplus deposit or uture long?term in!estment. SCBJs =i%ed
deposit, known or its high?-ield, helps the customer earn the ma%imum possible return in
addition to the ollowing eatures&
Can be opened or a term o < months, . months or 12 months
Tiered interest rates, oering higher rates or larger amounts
+nterest pa-able on maturit-
"utomaticall- renewable (with or without interest)
Can be used as securit- against personalH commercial loans
Call deosit
"n eas- wa- to turn short?term sa!ings into high?-ield assets, blending o the le%ibilit- o
a current account with the -ield o a =i%ed deposit. 9ther eatures include&
Competiti!e interest rate
*o withdrawal restriction irrespecti!e o requenc- or si;e sub:ect to se!en da-5s
Residents Foreign Currency Deosit )RFCD*+
Speciall- designed oreign currenc- account or resident Bangladeshis. 9ers wonderul
opportunit- to build a deposit base in oreign currenc-. 7elps make pa-ment or o!erseas
commitments and dues like credit card bills, tra!elling e%pense etc.
Main features:
9ered in US>, ,B6 and Ken
Competiti!e +nterest on deposit
Can onl- be opened within . months o arri!al rom abroad
>eposit can be made in oreign currenc- onl- (cash, TC or >rats)
Cash withdrawal in local currenc- onl-
=und 8emittance (in both Lc- and =c-) to an- place in and out o the countr-
(without restriction)
Standard Chartered bank has had a separate 78# department rom the late 1E1/Js in
Bangladesh. There are now around 4// ull time emplo-ees and another 1// contractual
sta working here in dierent branches in Bangladesh.
The human resources department o Standard Chartered Bank consists o 3 ull time
emplo-ees. The head o human resources department is #r. # "minul 7uque, who is
also a member o the countr- management committee o SCB Bangladesh. The head o
the department reports to both the countr- C$9 and also the regional head o 78 who
seats in +ndia. The others in the department are three "ssistant 8elationship #anagers
and a Senior 8elationship #anager. The 78 department also takes interns on a regular
basis to ease some pressure through transerring clerical :obs towards the interns.
7owe!er being such a small team in man- cases the- cannot accommodate doing !alue
additi!e :obs, rather the- ha!e to work hard :ust to make sure the da- to da- works.
The human resource department o Standard Chartered Bank is responsible or all 78
acti!ities like human resource planning, orecasting, recruitment, appraisals, market
stud-, maintaining proper work en!ironment etc. +n SCB, the 78 unction is also
responsible or the pa-roll, whereas in man- organi;ations the pa-roll is managed b- the
inance team.
The ,rganogram of HR Deartment
The organogram or organi;ation chart is a graphic illustration o how the roles or positions
o an organi;ation is structured and arranged. +t shows the span o management, the line
o authorit- and the designation o the positions. The span o #anagement is the number
o persons a manager can super!ise eecti!el-, although this limit !aries depending on
situations. Line "uthorit- is that relationship in which a superior e%ercises direct
super!ision o!er a subordinate? an authorit- relationship in direct line or steps.
7uman resource planning is the process (including orecasting, de!eloping, implementing
and controlling) b- which a irm ensures that it has the right number o people at the right
places, at the right time doing things which are commerciall- more useul. +t is a
s-stematic process or setting policies go!erning the acquisition, use and disposition o
7uman 8esources in order to achie!e organi;ational ob:ecti!es. +t emphasi;es on
emplo-ees as assets instead o as costs. 7uman 8esource planning usuall- in!ol!es&
>emand work
Suppl- work
>esigning the interaction between demand and suppl-.
Some o the actors that aect 7uman 8esource 6lanning are&
6roduct and 7uman skill mi%.
8ole o go!ernment.
#anagement 6hilosoph-.
Business =orecasts.
>esign and Structural change.
8ole o Union.
+nternational Competition.
7uman 8esource 6lanning is directed towards the utili;ation and de!elopment o human
To keep up with the human resource planning requirements, Standard Chartered Bank
maintains a 78+S (7uman 8esource +normation S-stem) called the L6eople SotM which
is maintained in Singapore. 6eople Sot keeps all the inormation about all the emplo-ees
currentl- working and also who ha!e pre!iousl- worked in this bank. +t is an online
database maintained b- the principal oices o the bank in dierent countries. +t stores
basic inormation about all its emplo-ees. These inormation include each emplo-eeJs
recruitment date, personal inormation, academic and emplo-ment record, training
undertaken, perormance appraisal, career track record, uture potential, career
aspirations etc.
-o' Analysis$
+t is !er- ob!ious that ater human resource planning phase has been completed new
posts ma- be created and :obs ma- ha!e to be redeined. +n such instances the :ob
anal-sis used in Standard Chartered Bank is the 7a- #ethod. The 7a- #ethod o :ob
anal-sis is based on weights gi!en to a :ob on the basis o the :ob dimensions present or
that :ob.
Standard Chartered Bank maintains a :ob description or each :ob and a :ob speciication
or e!er- emplo-ee and based on these it conducts :ob e!aluation. The :ob e!aluation
process is quite spontaneousF it is not done on a timel- basis, but rather whene!er a new
post is created or the incumbentJs :ob !olume is increased :ob e!aluation is carried out.
The latter pa!es a wa- or the incumbentJs career mo!ement.
The need or recruitment is elt speciall- whene!er a new post is created due to
e%pansion o the bank. Succession planning also calls or recruitment sometimes i the
!acant post cannot be illed rom within.
There is quite a number o recruiting sources used b- this bank. Standard Chartered
Bank ad!ertises in the newspaper and uses emplo-ment agencies mostl-. The bank also
checks the educational institutions or resh graduates. The selection process in Standard
Chartered is no dierent rom what is practised in most organisations. The process starts
with initial screening and a person is inall- selected through a inal inter!iew.
The current selection and recruitment process and its shortcomings are elaborated in the
ne%t chapter as this the ke- area o the report.
"s a brie re!iew o terms, training in!ol!es an e%pert working with learners to transer to
them certain areas o knowledge or skills to impro!e in their current :obs. >e!elopment is
a broad, ongoing multi?aceted set o acti!ities (training acti!ities among them) to bring
someone or an organi;ation up to another threshold o perormance, oten to perorm
some :ob or new role in the uture.
This term is oten interpreted as the acti!it- when an e%pert and learner work together to
eecti!el- transer inormation rom the e%pert to the learner (to enhance a learner5s
knowledge, attitudes or skills) so the learner can better perorm a current task or :ob.
This term is oten !iewed as a broad, ongoing multi?aceted set o acti!ities (training
acti!ities among them) to bring someone or an organi;ation up to another threshold o
perormance. This de!elopment oten includes a wide !ariet- o methods, e.g., orienting
about a role, training in a wide !ariet- o areas, ongoing training on the :ob, coaching,
mentoring and orms o sel?de!elopment. Some !iew de!elopment as a lie?long goal and
7uman resource planning is the process b- which an organi;ation ensures that it has the
right number and kinds o people, at the right places, at the right time, capable o
eecti!el- and eicientl- completing those tasks that will help the organi;ation achie!e its
o!erall ob:ecti!es. 7uman resource planning, then, translates the organi;ationJs
ob:ecti!es and plans into the number o workers needed to meet those ob:ecti!es. The
purpose o human resource planning is to assess where the organi;ation is, where it is
going, and what implications these assessments ha!e on uture supplies o and demand
or human resources. "ttempts must then be made to match supplies and demands,
making them compatible with the achie!ement o the organi;ationJs uture needs.
Standard Chartered Bank is the biggest multinational bank in the countr- and it is rapidl-
growing. To reach the bankJs !ision (o being the best international bank), it needs
superior perormance in all the departments. *o doubt, the best and well?qualiied human
resources will deri!e the best perormance. So Standard Chartered BankJs recruitment
goal primaril- is to attract and recruit highl- qualiied human resources who will perorm
best in their respecti!e areas. 7ere the bank not onl- tries to attract well?qualiied
candidates but also tries to identi- and recruit persons seriousl- interested in working in
the compan- or a relati!el- acceptable time period.
The need or recruitment is elt speciall- whene!er a new post is created due to
e%pansion o the bank. Succession planning also calls or recruitment sometimes i the
!acant post cannot be illed rom within.
Standard Chartered Bank neither promotes largel- rom within the organi;ation nor
hire rom the outside or !acancies at all le!els. Dhen there is a sudden !acanc- in
an- position and someone within the organi;ation is ound suitable to ill the position,
internal recruitment takes place. $%ternal recruitment is practiced when suitable
candidates or a position are not ound.
Standard Chartered Bank alwa-s emphasi;es on hiring or long?term career. +t tries to
attract and select those people who will mo!e through the organi;ational hierarch- to
the top positions in the uture. To ind the right person the compan- can tolerate
dela-s i needed.
Standard Chartered Bank alwa-s recruits people with some creati!e ideas. 7ere
recruitment is a part o constant de!elopment o business. Standard Chartered Bank
wants its emplo-ees de!elop inno!ati!e ideas, which, i implemented, will bring about
a great ad!ancement to the organi;ation.
The Bank has de!eloped a corporate culture where emplo-ees are not treated as
mere emplo-ees. The- are treated as associates o the organi;ation. Together the-
orm a amil- and all associates are the members o the amil-.
Human Resource Planning$
"s there is no centralised human resource planning and the 78 is not in!ol!ed in
identi-ing the need o people in bank, the process becomes ineicient. +n man- cases
where the selection process can be together, as dierent departments let 78 know about
their requirements at their time, 78 has to do it separatel-. This misuses !aluable
Comletion of alication 'lank$
+n some cases past beha!ior pattern is best predictor o uture beha!ior. So application
blanks do not perectl- predict uture :ob perormance. >ata should be gathered on a
personJs demographic, e%periential and attitudinal characteristic that lends itsel to
ps-chometric e!aluation and interpretation.
Initial Screening$
There is no speciic guideline about the screening process. The person in!ol!ed in the
initial screening applies hisHher own :udgement in the process. Sometimes the bank has a
rough guideline to screen out some candidates who do not meet the requirements based
on the :ob description and :ob speciications. This is done to reduce the time and cost
associated with the selection process. + ha!e also ound out that the guideline that sets
the initial screening do not include human aspects or pro!ision or outstanding past
perormance. Thus the initial selection might be biased with indi!idual speculation.
.ritten !mloyment Tests$
The emplo-ment test normall- is a generalised aptitude test. +n most cases no questions
are there to test whether the person is knowledgeable or the post. Thus sometimes the
person who would ha!e been a better it is not called or the +nter!iew.
Initial Inter&ie/$
The initial inter!iew that Standard Chartered Bank conducts is a !er- structured one.
*ormall- this is done b- the :unior management people, thus there is alwa-s chance that
the- might not be able to pick the best o the candidates due to lack o e%perience. "lso
structured inter!iew approach is restricti!e and the inormation elicited is narrow, thus
there is little opportunit- to adapt to indi!idual applicant.
Final Inter&ie/$
$!er- applicant, beore the inal selection decision has to appear beore the unit head or
a inal inter!iew session, which takes lot o time and preparation rom the part o the Unit
head5s part.
0ackground In&estigation$
Background in!estigation is done onl- with the selected candidates thus in most cases it
is :ust another ormalit- and the outcome is ignored in the process.
-o' Pre&ie/$
Standard Chartered Bank does not pro!ide a clearl- written :ob description to the
candidates beore recruitment thus with the brie description in man- cases the
candidates do not get an- clue what?so?e!er about the :ob.
7uman 8esource 6lanning is not onl- a matter o satis-ing a compan-Js present needs,
but also an acti!it- that inluences the shape o compan-Js uture. "ter the anal-sis o
acts the ollowing are the rele!ant interpretations&
1. Standard Chartered Bank does not put an- eort or ensuring beneicial spill o!er
eect. Candidates, who participate in the preliminar- written test, onl- are notiied
about the outcome when the- are called or the ne%t le!el. +n the ne%t steps also,
persons who are not selected do not recei!e an- eedback.
2. Standard Chartered Bank does not do s-stematic :ob anal-sis, which is the ke- to
content !alidit-.
<. Statistical measures such as correlation anal-sis and regression anal-sis are not
applied to predict and anal-;e the recruitment and selection requirements more
0. Auantitati!e method is not practised in determining utilit- in recruitment and selection
along with the :udgmental method currentl- used b- them.
3. The Bank does not use assessment centre technique, which is !er- eecti!e in
recruiting the management le!el emplo-ees.
.. Standard Chartered Bank does not use Biographical +normation Blank (B+B). +t
usuall- includes more items than traditional application orms used b- Standard
Chartered Bank and includes dierent items relating to attitudes, health and earl- lie
e%periences. +t uses multiple choice answer s-stem.
Human Resource Planning$
The human resource planning should be centrali;ed to make the process eicient. This
will also ensure the le!el o qualit- among the newl- recruits. + proper man power
planning is done human resources department can plan ahead and act accordingl- thus
the- can be prepared it. The- can also then identi- rom beorehand a pool o interested
candidates reducing selection time quite e%tensi!el-.
The bank should also use the statistical measures such as correlation anal-sis and
regression anal-sis to predict and anal-;e the recruitment and selection requirements
more precisel-. Auantitati!e methods should be practised in determining utilit- in
recruitment and selection along with the :udgmental method currentl- used b- the 78
.ritten !mloyment Tests$
The written test should also include questions related to the ield or which the test is
taken along with the generalised aptitude test. Thus i the candidate is sitting or a written
test or the post o =inance 9ice, the questionnaire should include questions related to
inance and accounting.

The two tier inter!iew process sometimes lingers the whole course o action thus it should
introduce a single comprehensi!e inter!iew which will be more eicient and less time
0ackground In&estigation$
Background in!estigation should be done beore the inal oer so that the recruitment
process can be impartial and this can be used or inal recruitment.
-o' Pre&ie/$
Standard Chartered Bank should pro!ide a clearl- written :ob description to the
candidates beore recruitment so that the candidate can ha!e a clear picture about the
:ob he is going take.
The 7uman 8esource >epartment o this bank carries out almost all the unctions starting
rom human resource planning, recruitment, training, rewarding, compensating, to
researches undertaken to be prepared or the uture. "ll the unctions perormed are
similar to what we ha!e learnt in our te%t. This was quite surprising or me or it was
contrar- to a common belie that real world is !er- dierent rom our classroom learning.
The proo that the bank has a well?perorming 78# department is that the emplo-ees are
moti!ated and their turno!er is quite low. SCB is also the one o the most sought ater
emplo-ers in the countr-.
7uman resource planning and the recruitment process is one o the ke- ocal point o an-
organi;ation. "s a multinational bank, Standard Chartered Bank has to be more alert to
implement the best practises rom all o!er the world to perorm their unctions e!en more
eicientl-, Thus here in Bangladesh, where we see a lot o room or impro!ement is !er-
much alarming.
7uman 8esource 6lanning (786) in!ol!es translating corporate?wide strategic initiati!es
into a workable plan or identi-ing the people needed to achie!e these ob:ecti!esF
simultaneousl-, planning ser!es as a blueprint or all speciic 78 programs and policies. +t
is critical or success o rapidl- growing companies to ensure that their growth is properl-
managed and ocused.
#anaging 7uman 8esources, =ourth $dition b- Luis ,ome;?#e:ia
7uman 8esource #anagement (Eth $dition) b- ,ar- >essler
"nnual 8e!iew 2//E
"nnual 8e!iew 2/1/

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