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What is fayolism?Why fayol is called the father of management?

Describe fayols element &

principles of management.
Around 1900, french management theorist henri fayol developed a theory commonly known as fayolism
which was a theory of management that analyzed and synthesized the role of management in
Fayol is called the father of management because:
Henry fayol (1!1"19#$% was a french engineer who contri&uted in the development of management and
adminstrative principles. His ideas have &ecome a universal part of the modern management concepts.
'ayol played a main role in the turn"of"the"century classical school of management theory.He &elieved
that techni(ues of effective management could &e defined and taught .
He was the first to identify functions of management.'ayol)s work included a definition of a &ody of
principles, which ena&led a manager to construct a formal structure of the organization and to supervise it
in a rational way.*o, it has a tremendous impact upon the practice of management in increasing the
efficiency of the organization.
'ayol has divided the activities of an industrial organisation into si+ groups,
Technical: -elated to production.
Commercial: -elated to &uying, selling and e+change.
Financial, .t is search for capital and its optimum use.
Security: /rotection of property and person.
ccounting (.ncluding statistics%.
!anagerial: .t includes planning, organisation, command, coordination, and control.
'ayol also has identified the (ualities re(uired in a manager. According to him the (ualities a manager has
to possess are as under,
"hysical (health, vigour, and address%
!ental (a&ility to understand and learn, 0udgement, mental vigour, and capa&ility%
!oral (energy, firmness, initiative, loyalty, tact, and dignity%
#ducation (general ac(uaintance%
Technical (peculiar to the function &eing performed%
#$perience (arising form the work%.
*o we can see that, fayol focused his research and work on a more managerial level.1n the whole,his
o&servations are valid even today. *o he has &een descri&ed as the father of management.
Fayol%s #lements of !anagement ,

'ayol regarded the elements of management as the functions of management. 2his elements of
management that focused on the key relationships &etween personnel and its management are,
1. Forecasting & "lanning: /lanning is the act of anticipating the future and acting on
it,determining the stages and the technology necessary to implement it which re(uires a forecast of
#. &rgani'ing: 1nce a plan of action is designed, managers need to organize which is the
development of the institution)s resources, including raw materials,tools,capital and human.
3. Command: 4ommanding is keeping the institution)s actions and processes running and to
maintain activity among the personnel as managers need to implement the plan.
!. Coordination: 4o"ordination is the alignment and harmonization of the groups) efforts to
facilitate organizational success and communication is the prime coordinating mechanism.
$. Control: 'inally, control means to see that everything is done according to the appropriate rules
and procedures &y checking the performance of the personnel and making corrections if necessary.
Fayols principles of management:
'rom his own long e+perience in .ndustry, 'ayol offered fourteen principles of management for the
first time in 1915.2hese are,
1. Di(ision of )or*: 2he o&0ective of division of work is to produce more and &etter work &y
dividing the works among individuals and groups.'ayol presented work specialization as the &est way to
use the human resources of the organization.
'or e+ample, .n a small one"man li&rary,one person will carry all the functions.6ut in a large li&rary if all
the professional assistants carry out all these functions,then in &oth case there will &e no division of work
and so this would lead to inefficiency and confusion.

#. uthority:Authority was defined &y 'ayol as the right to give orders and the power to e+act
'or e+ample, Actual work in the li&rary may &e done &y diffreent persons &ut the ultimate responsi&ilities
lie with chief li&rarian for all that goes on.
3. Discipline:7ood discipline is the result of effective leadership, a clear understanding &etween
management and workers regarding the organization)s rules, and the 0udicious use of penalties for
infractions of the rules.
!. +nity of command:8very employee should receive orders from only one superior.
'or e+ample, Any orders &y the chief li&rarian to a professional assistant should &e transmitted through an
assistant li&rarian,who is the incharge of the section.
$. +nity of direction: 2he entire organization should move towards a common o&0ective in a
common direction. .t is the condition essential to unity of action, coordination of strength, and
focusing of effort.
5. Subordination of indi(idual interests to the general interest:2he interests of any one
employee or group of employees should not take priority over the interests of the organization as a whole.
9. Remuneration: 8mployees must &e paid a fair wage for their services and incentives for
successful efforts.
. Centralisation: 2his principle refers to how close employees are to the decision"making process.
.t is important to aim for an appropriate &alance.
9. Scalar chain: 2he organization)s hierarchy or chain of command from top management to the
lowest ranks represents the scalar chain.
10. &rder: /eople and materials should &e in the right place at the right time to achieve the most
efficient operation of the organization.
11. #,uity: :anagers should &e kind and fair to their su&ordinates.
1#. Stability of tenure of personnel: 8mployees work &etter if 0o& security and career progress are
assured to them.An insecure tenure and high rate of employee turnover will affect the organization
13. -nitiati(e: 8mployees should &e given the necessary level of freedom to create and carry out
1!. #sprit de corps.Team spirit/: /romoting team spirit among the employees will &uild harmony
and unity within the organization.

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